Wednesday, October 11, 1939 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Osprey Fair Winners (Continued From Page 1) ewe, Wm. Henry, Wes Quinton; Ewe lamb, Wm. Henry 1st and IJnd; Best Pen, Wm. Henry. OXFORD DOWNâ€" Aged Ram, Geo. Ross; Ram Lamb, Ist and 2nd W. W. Aldcorn; Aged Ewe, Em Hawton Ist and 2nd; Shearlin(/r ewe, W. Aldcorn and 2nd; Ewe Lamb, W. Aldcorn. SPECIALSâ€" Market Lamb, W. E. Crawford; 3 grade ewe Iambs, Em. Hawton; Pair ewes, Wes Quinton. •"WINK YdUKSllIKfc: - Boar pijj 3 nio.s., W. Stewart, Geo. Ross; Boar 1 year, Geo. Ross, D. Stephen; Aged sow Wilbert Stewart, Em. Hawton; Sow 1 year, Albert Moore; Sow pig 3 mos., W. Stewart, Ern. Hawton; Herd, Wilbert Stewart, Geo. Ross. TAMWORTHâ€" AH prizes to George Ross. SPECIALSâ€" Be'sl pig bacon type, Wilbert Stewart; pair Bacon hoj?s, Geo. Ross; pen ,3 Bacon hogs, Em. Hawton. POULTRY Plymouth Rock â€" male, Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. J. J. Ottewell; female, Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. J. J. Ottewell; White Rock â€" male, Mrs. A. Moore; Rhode Island Red â€" female, Mrs. J. J. Ottew«ll; Brown Leghorn â€" male, Mrs. J. J, Ottewell; White Leghorn â€" male, Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. J. J. Ottewell; female, Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. J. J. Ottewell; Turkeyâ€" A.V., female, Mrs. A. Moore; Toulouse Geese â€" male, Mrs. ll Ferris, female, Mrs. Fenis; Emb- den Geese â€" male, F. Jamieson, female, F. Jamieson; Geese A.V., male, Mrs. F. H'lllinpr.shead; female, Mrs. Holl- iiigihead; Pekin Duck â€" male, Mrs. F. HoliinKhead, Mrs. J. J. Ottewell; fe- male, Mrs. Hollingshead; Rouen Duck, male, Mrs. Hollingshead; female, Mrs. Hollingshead; pair Pigeons, Mrs. G. Magce. SPECIALSâ€" Pen White Learhorns, Mrs. A. Moore; WTiite Leghorn cock, Mrs. A. Moore; Best bird in .show, Mrs. A. Moore. (Continued Next Week) Have you something to selHTry an add in the Advance for the beat re- sults. The cost is small. British ship has held up over two tans of coffee, consigned to Herr Hit- ler himself. He will probably think that is grounds for ruthless warfare. Local and Personal READ THE "SMALL ADVTS' Stand By THE OPEN COMPETITIVE MARK- KET WHERE YOUR INTERESTS ARE FULLY PROTECTED Ship Your Cattle, Calves. Sheep and Hogs to Dunn & Levack Limited Canada's Leading Livestoc* Salesmen Union Stock Yards. TORONTO F-stablished 1«93 â€" Write to us for Dependable Information. Miss Allison Grant of Toronto spent the week end wtih the Wood family. Mrs. F. J. Thurston and sons, Jim and Bruce spent Friday in Toronto. Mr. W, A. Stewart of Toronto is visiting relatives here at present. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson spent the holiday in the north, around Huntsville and Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill and Mr. Bentham were at Owen Sound Sunday. t TR TCH Out Your $'s at Hill's Outstanding Underwear Values Stanfield's Heavy Wool Rib at Economy Prices Stanficld's famou.s Red Label Shirts and Drawers, knit from all-wool yarns in a heavy elastic rib stitch ; shirts are finished with double breasts, drawers have inside facing, brace straps and snugily fitting' cuffs and ankles, sizes 36 to 44. Special, per garment $1.95 Also Stanficld's Gold Label Shirts & Drawers, size 36-40, garment .... $1.50 Men's Combinations or Shirts and Drawers in Blue Mottled Fleieced Random fleece-lined combinations in a g"o()d winter weight, long sleeves and ankle length with closely knitted cuffs at wrists and ankles. Shirts and draw- ers in same weight, all sizes in both lines. Combinations, per suit .... $1.25 Shirts and Drawers,, garment .... 75c We also have in stock many other well-known brands of underwear in different weig-hts. So stock up now before the advance in price. Special Prices on Men's and Boys' WINDBREAKERS Boi^s' Windbreakers of checked win- ter-weight mackinaw that tests about 90 per cent wool. Full zipper front style cut on full sizes, adjustable waist straps and neat 2-button cuffs. Just the windbreaker for those cold winter days ahead, sizes 26-34. Special $3.25 .\lso other lines of Boys' Windbreak- ers at $1.95, $2.69 and 3.95 and up Men's Raglan Style Windbreakers Zipper front models with Rag^lan shoulders, all-wool mackinaw in fancy check and plaid designs, shaped backs and waist is adjustable by strap and rinf buckles at sdies, specially priced. Medium weig-ht $3.95 Heavy weight $4.95 New Dresses That Have Just the Added Touch See them this week end ! All the sig- nificant trends are portrayed in our new fall collections. Here are plain crepes, regal velvets and woollens â€" with shorter, fuller skirts, interesting- ly detailed sleeves, clever draper>', ac- cented with jewelled ornaments and gold and silk embroidery. Imported groups at $2.95 to $9.85 The New Winter CoaU Not in years have we presented such an array of totally different Misses' and Women's Winter Coats beautifully fur trimmed; all the newest styles and shades, with a complete range of sizes and prices. Tiny Tot's Winter Outfit . Three-piece wool-face chinchilla out- fit, coat and helmet or bonnet are flan- nelette lined, leggings button at waist and ankles, sizes 2-4 yrs., colors: pink or blue. Three-piece Set $3.98 The Rage of the Season Children's Fancy Plaid Dresses, sizes 3 years and up. Specially priced from 89c to $2.95 Ladies' and Misses' Millinery Ladies' and Misses' fascinating fash- ion-high millinery, all the newest styles and shade.s. A hat to suit every head and purse. "Everyone's Mad About Plaids" So be sure to see these Misses' Wool Plaid Dresses. Priced at $'5.75 Women's Cotton-Flannel Dresses Women's long-sleeved Cotton-Flan- nel Dresses, just the right weight for present wearing, smart selection of styles to choose from. Sizes 38-44 $1.39 Sizes 46-50 $1.49 Complete Assortment of Ladies' and ChUdren's FaU and Winter Wear We now have on display a complete assortment of Ladies' and Children's Fall & Winter Weight Wear including all-wool and reinforced rayon-striped wool bloomers and vests, also flannel- ette gowns in choice of long or short sleeves, flannelette pyjamas and other winter wear of dependable quality and low priced. So, for your winter needs, it will paj' you to shop now. GROCERY SPECIALS Crosse & niackweir.^i 1 omato Soup 4 for 25c Clarke's & Libby's Pork and Beans 21 oz. tins 2 for 19c Corn Syrup.s â€" 5 lb. tins 39c 10 lb. tins 75c Supreme Shortening 2 lbs. 23c Matches 3 boxes 21c Toilet Soaps (large as.sort.) bar 5c Classic Cleanser 4 tins 19c Horseshoe Salmon Creg. 39c) 35c 3 tins for $1.00 Buy-a-Sac Flour, 98's $2.49 Purity Flour Special Get your entry in at Markdale Fall Fair for the best loaf of bread baked from Purity Flour. Win pair of pure wool blankets, donated by F. T. Hill & Co., valued at $7.95. (All prices subject to change without notice, t t T T T T T T t I t t t t t Mr. Earl Johnson returned Friday after spending several weeks in the West. Mrs. J. G. Coleridge of Kingsville is spending a week with Ker father, Mr. D. McTavish. Mrs. W. H. Thurston is visiting for a few weeks with her daughter Mrs. N. H. Durrant, at Mitchell. Messrs. Angus Tumey and Douglas Morgan of Gait spent the holiday at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. S. Mix and Diane of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs. E. Fisher. Mr. A. Senn of the staff of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce spent the holiday week end at his home at Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perigoe of Toronto and Mary K. Perigoe of Mal- ton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Herb LeGard and two children of Pickering spent the past few days with the former's father and other relatives in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McArthur visited with Mrs. McArthur's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald on their return from London and Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Honer returned to South Porcupine last week after spending a month vnth the latter's mother, Mrs. M. Jamieson. Mr. Bill Honer, who is attending Radio College in Toronto spent the week end with his grandmo;ther, Mrs. M. Jamieson. Misses Myrtle Kennedy of Toronto and Reta Kennedy of Thedford spent Thanksgiving with their mother Mrs. Alex. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Darius Ulch and Alex, and Nelda of Harrow spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens and Lavina were on a motor trip to Fer- gus, Camp Borden and Barrie for Thanksgiving. Mrs. W. Anderson of Maple, Mrs. M. Mess of Toronto and Mr. J. C. Watson of Woodbridge were visitors on Sunday with Mrs. R. G. Holland. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carnage of Mt. Forest and Velma Fryer of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Albert Blackburn and family, 4th line. The Flesherton High Schol Board was in Toronto on Thursday inter- viewing the Deputy Minister of Edu- cation in regard to problems of the local school. Miss Annie Neilson and Mrs. F. J. Fisher of Agincourt and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher of Hillcrest spent part of last week with the former's sister, Mrs. John McDonald. "" Dr. E. F. Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong, David and Peter, of Cobalt and Rev. A. E. Armstrong and John of Meaford were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Menzie and daughter and Mr. Bob Mensie of Badjeros, also Miss Marie McEachnie and friend, Miss Kathleen Kelke of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEachnie. Among the visitors in town over the holiday were: Evelyn Brown, Aleda Mitchell, Alex. Hopkins, Kate McMillan, Delbert Smith, all of To- ronto, Inez and Audrey Brown, Helen Heard of Varney. Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. Piold and Bruce, Mr. Jas. Field and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Field of Toronto enjoyed the week end and .holiday here. Bui-t brought his Beagles along and had a couple of days hunting. < I Keep Out Those Pesky Flies I X ? WITH SCREEN DOORS, WINDOW SCREENS, SCREEN WIRE or COMBINATION DOORS j FOR REPAIRING AND BUILDING we have RoU I Roofing, Shingles, Roof Coating, Felt Papers, Nails, Cement, Lime and Plaster Now is a good time to DO THAT PAINTING Our stock of Paints, Varnishes, Enamels and Brushes is complete. I i ELECTRIC WASHERS and REFRIGERATORS, I MODERN STOVES and RANGES See us for all your Hardware requirements Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE -:- 'PHONE 54 Small Ad. Column FOR SALE â€" Reg. Aberdeen Angus bull. â€" Geo. Boyd, Flesherton. 4c2 FOR SALEâ€" 100 cords of dry cedar. â€" C, J. McKechnie, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" General Purpose Mare. â€" C. G. Robson, R.R. 1, Markdale. p FOR SALE â€" Oxford Down ram and ewe lambs, may be registered. â€" C. Akins, R. R. 3, Proton Station. FOR SALE â€" Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, good milker. â€" Albert Stewart, Flesherton. ilp2 FOR SALE^IO Oxford Down breed- ing ewes, or will exchange for cows or young cattle. â€" P. Muir, Ceylon. NOTICE â€" Good prices paid for hor- ses or cows suitable for mink meat. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE or RENT â€"In Flesherton 7 room house, double lot, garage. Apply to John Stewart. FOR SALE â€" 3 Stoves â€" electri* range, coal oil and wood stove, also 2 tables. â€" Mrs. Patterson, Ceylon. FARM FOR SALE Lotsl64 and 165, Con. 2, S.W.T.S.R., Artemesia, lOQ acres, 10 timber, bal- ance cultivated; good bam, driving shed, hen house, and garage; drilled well; solid brick house, orchard. Con- venient to high school. â€" ^Mrs. Susan Doupe, R. R. 3, Proton Station aOp FARM FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of good cook- ing onions, IJ cents per lb. â€" Mrs. Robt. Thompson, R.R. 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 10 young pigs ready to wean, also Durham calf 4 months old and cheap work horse. â€" Bert Magee,, phone Feversham 6 r 11. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families. Sales way up this year. Write today. Rawleigh's No. ML-205-SA-J, Montreal, Que. FOUND â€" In Flesherton, a watch. Owner prove property and pay ex- penses. â€" Mrs. R. J. Brackenbury, Flesherton. -. 20c3 South half Lots 26 and 27, Con. 14, Artemesia, about 2 J miles north of Eugenia, 103 acres more or less, 75 acres under cultivation, balance buafe and pasture with running water; barn^- 44x64, stone foundation, root cellar, implement shed, well in stable, gar- age, sheep house, good well in yard; good 7-room frame house, cement basement, telephone and water in house, woodshed attached. â€"MRS. ALEX. CARRUTHEKS. R. R. 4, Flesherton FARM FOR SALE LOSt â€" Between Walkerton Priceville, young pig, and Part Lot 10, Con. 6, Osprey, at tha Village of Maxwell, ccnsistiasr o* about 98 acres, first class soil and fair buildings. Must be sold to closa Finder will , *?? <«*»*«• please notify George Morrison, R. -' *^- N. LONG, Administrator. R. 1, Flesherton. 20c2 FARM FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of choice Spy apples at $2.26 bbl.; Mip other varieties at $2.00 bbl.; sprayed orchard. â€" ^W. H. Stinaon, Red Wing P.O., Ontario. Hp2 FOR SALE â€" Norge circulating-type Oil Heater, 1989 model; list price $80, for quick sale $46 cash; used only a few hours, apply to Mrs. Robt. HoH, Feversham. Ilc2 STRAYED â€" About Aug. 10th, from the farm of Mrs. S. McMullen, grey year-old steer with part of left ear missing. Any person knowing the whereabouts of this animal please notify Jas. Pedlar, R. R, 1. 20c3 SHINGLES FOR SALEJâ€" Extra $3.76 square; Clear Bctts $3.16 spcare; Seconds $2.40 square. Council Standard Roofing advanced to $6.76 square. Next shipment cedar shing- les will be 60c square higher. Ten square or more delivered free. Terms: cash. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. 4 Lots 9 and 10, Con. 1, SJ)Jt., Os- prey, 100 acres, 20 timbered, balance cultivated; ;good roomy bama with stone walls, cement stabling; brick veneered house with furnace, drilled well; orchard; good locality, ehureh and .ichool conveni^it. Will sell at a bargain. â€" W. S. INKSTBR, Flesherton. BUSINESS CAR US DR. F. E. CONNER FLESHERTON, Ontario Physidan. Sorgeoa and Aeeoachenr Graduate of Queen's University Office in Mrs. McDonald's residence F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wauchope and family and the former's mother, Mrs. Thos. Wauchope, of Badjeros and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McKechnie spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Elwoed Moore at Hamilton. Week end awl holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton, Mr and Mrs. Albert Homiblow and son, Ronnie, Misses Irene, Betty and Olive McDonald and Mr. A. Doyle, all of Toronto. FARM FOR SALE DR. J. E. MILNE Offkc â€" OuliaBi St. Office Houra _ Aftamoona, IM t* 4k Ercninga. 7 to »M. Sundays and Thursday aftemoona br appointment only. Lot 3, Con. 6, Artemesia, 160 acres of good farm land. Apply to Mrs. J. J. Lyness, Flesherton, for foD particulars. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 8SS, A.F. A A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Friday in caA month. W.M., Alb. Blackbom; retary, C. J. Beltamy. FARM FOR SALE Lots 24 and 26, Con. 2. ND.R,, Artemesia, 100 acres, about 76 culti- vated, balance bush and pasture. Good buildings: bam, hip roof, sise 46x46; house, 7-room, solid brick, good spring well. Terms: reasonable, bargain. â€"Geo. E. Banks, Flesherton. SE ROY LANGFORD District Acmt for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT and SICKNESS, FlBl, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLART Manidml LlabiUty Gaaraataa BaiMb Any Insnimaea ProUm Talcphme lU. MARKOALl^ Out I' V