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Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1939, p. 5

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THE FU£.i»HERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, October 11, 1939 1-. Uf^- \ . J.- PROTON STATION Tke United Church service was withdrawn last Sunday night and a large number of the regular congre- gation attended the anniversary ser- vice at Inistioge. Some of the week end and Thankg- triving visitors in the village were: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson of Owen Sound at the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs Lome Hodgin of Owen Sound visited many old friends here over the weelc end. Mr. and Mrs. Wylls and son of To- ronto visited Mrs. Wylie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irish. Mr. and Mrs. McNichol and daugh- ter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Kirkwood and daughter, Joan, and Miss Gert- rude Lyons of Toronto were at the home of Chas. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims and babe of Snelgrove were at Mr. and Mrs. Sims' here. Mrs. Wauchope of Badjeros spent the holiday with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Neilson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broughton at Salem visited with their daughter, Mrs. Stanley Lyoni. Mrs. Eddy of Toronto was with her mother and sister hare. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wyville were at the home of Clarke's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean of To- ronto were at the parental home. Nurse Leila Jackson of Markdale hospital spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Jackson. Mr. Ken Sims of Palmerston spent Thanksgiving Day at his home. Miss Aimie Lockhart of Dundalk visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lockhart. Mr. Art Watson of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with his father at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Den. Watson. FEVERSHAM One of the differences between ad- vertising by bills and in a newspaper In this â€" a housekeeper seldom keeps a bill after looking at it once, but a newspaper is generally kept for days, and often referred to for information on dates and prices. This is something that our advertisers should keep in mind. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims agrainst the estate of WILLIAM HARMAN HALES, late of the Township of Art- emesia, Ceunty of Grey, Farmer, who •died on the 3rd day of June, 1939, are required to forward their claims, duly proved, to the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate, oh or before the 1st day of November, A.D. 1939. And further take notice that after such mentioned date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as they will then have notice. Dated at Markdale Ontario, this 5th day of October, A.D. 1939. â€" W. E. HARRIS, Solicitor foi* the said Estate. The annual Fall Fair was held on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, when a large crowd attended. The entry lists of horses and cattle were well filled and a great display of fruit, cooking, vegetables, etc., at- tracted considerable attention. A huge srowd attended the concert and dance in the hall to wind up a very suc- cessful fair. Messrs. Muir and Camer- on, Highland pipers, of Ceylon gave splendid music at the fair. Mr. Chas. Walter of Toronto spent the week end with his uncle, Mr. Chris. Thomson, Mr, and Mrs. H. Montgomery of Dundalk and Mr. and Mrs. Boss Long of Toronto visited at their parental home here over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Perigoe of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. George and Bert Dix- on and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Conn ana daughter of Windsor called on Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conn and family over the week end. Misses Roma and Helen Whiteoak of CoUingwood visited with friends in town over the week end. Miss Lillian Price, Miss Vema Hud- son and friend, Mr. Joe Tate, have returned to Toronto, after spending the week end with Mr. and M^s. John Hudson and family. Miss Bernice Hudson returned to Toronto after spending the summer months at home. Mrs. D. Brown is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Robinson. Mr Bert Hollingahead, an old resi- dent of the township of Osprey, passed away at the early hour of 4 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 10th, after a short sickness. Our sympathy is extended to his wife and family. EUGENIA ROCK MILLS Mrs. Herb Betts visited recently with relatives at Barric. Mr. Harvey Croft of Toronto spent Thanksgiving week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft. Mr. and Mrs. J. Murta of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Fmnk Betts and family. School was closed Thursday and Friday, owing to the teachers' conven- tion, which was held in Fleherton. Visitors over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts were: Mr. Albert Stoddart, Amelia and Bill, and Mr. Martin of Brampton and Mr. John Osborne of Fltsherton. We are sorry to report that Mr. Leslie Chard is not so well at time of writing, but trust there may be some improvement soon. Misses Edith and Mabel Betts at- tended the Owen Sound fair on Tues- day of last week. Mr. Thos. Betts had a sheap worried by dogs one day last week. Mrs. Wes Smith and son. Bill, were crossng the Betts farm and caught the dogs in the act. Mr. Betts was nDtified at once and he saved his flock from further loss. <H>^«.^^><~:»x~:~>4><"XK><••>♦>♦>♦♦x~x~:••><^~^•KK•♦<~:~x•♦♦•x~^♦><•♦•x~>* ;: ADVICE Don't Delay Buying i; Footwear Underwear I Suits and Overcoats Sweater Coats WHOLESALE PRICES ARE ADVANCING SHARPLY AND WE URGE OUR CUSTOM- ERS TO ANTICIPATE THEIR NEEDS FOR THE WINTER SEASON, WHILE OUR PRESENT STOCKS LAST. OUR PRICES ARE ALL BASED ON LOW- ER COSTS THAN THOSE OF TO-DAY. F. H. W HICKLING i General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont I Anniversary services will be held Sunday, Oct. 15th in the United Church here, at 11 a.m. There will also be an evening service at which Rev. McMillan of Flesherton will give the address. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and four children of Toronto, accompanied by the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis, were on a motor trip last week. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Blwood Purvis at Callaadar and saw the famous Quintuplets. They also visited at New Liskeard with Mrs. Robt. Purvis' sister, Mrs. Stafford (nee Sarah Linton) whom she had not seen for 19 years. It was certainly a pleasant meeting. We extend our heartiest congratu- lations to Miss Ella Purvis, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Purvis of Gallandar who was married in Barrie on Saturday, Oct. 7th, at 8 p.m. to Mr. Gordon Moss of Powasaan, son of Mrs. Moss and the late Mr. Moss of Powassan. After their honey- moon the happy couple will settle In Powassan. Mr. Bennie Hanley has returned from the West, where he has spent tihe past couple of months. He i.s m Thornbury district picking apples at present. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lewis and fam- ily of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanley and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Newham and Mr. and Mrs. George Stirling and Mr. Tizzard of Humber Bay visited a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith. Mr Ken Clinton and lady friend of Toronto visited at the homes of Mr, G. Magee and Mr. C. Hanley recently, Sergt. A. G. Lawlor of Markdale, accomiianied by his friend, Mr. Doug- las Waterford of Markdale bank, spent a day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Chas. Stewart and Bessie of Flesher- ton and relatives in their sad bereave- ment by the death of their husband and father. Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith and Jean visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Benson, Maxwell. Visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Herb LeGard and two children of Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar, Miss Lillian Magee and Mr., and Mrs. Allan Cam- eron, all of Toronto. Mr. Kenneth Kellar of Toronto is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. PRICEVILLE Rev. Mercer of Holsteim United Church preached in St. Columba church on Sunday to a fine congre- gation. He was attentively and ap- preciatively li8t«ned to in his dis- course, meriting the praise of all. He announced that Rev. F. Sullivan will preach on the 15th, it being the day of anniversary services at Sal«m, at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. On October 2nd Rev. Dr. Mercer of Maxwell, a cousin of the above minister, will preach here, it being the occasion of our anniversary. A gen- erous Thanksgiving effering will be taken in place of the usual supper, which is discarded for this year. Some of those home from their duties in Toronto for ttie holiday were: Miss Anna McLean, accompan- ied by her friend. Miss Jennie Park- ins, Miss Jean McArthur, Miss A. C. Macphail, M.P., of Ceylon. MAXWELL Anniversary services were held in the United Church on Sunday, when Rev. Gosse of Mclntyre was the guest speaker for the morning service. His fine sermon was enjoyed by a lai-ge congregation. Rev. Or. Mercer had the evening meeting, when the church was again well filled. T!ie choir gave some special music and the church was tastefully decorated with fruit, flowers and grain. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cameron of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. John Priestley of Dundalk and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestley and Julia of Flesherton visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Priestley Sr. aad other relatives over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Linley, May and Bernice of Owen Sound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lono: and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross visited on Monday at Grimsby Beach Miss Mabel returned home with them. The Young People's Society will re- sume their meetings for the winter months, commencing this Frida.v, October 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pallister of To- ronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Andrew Pallister. Misses Shirley and Merlie Bucking- ham spent the holiday at their par- ental home. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Runciman and family and sister, Mary, of Toronto were week end guests at the parental home. Mrs. Joe Harrison visited recently with Mrs. Geo. Black, Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Norman and family of Orillia are holidaying at the home of her father and other friends. Betty and Shirley Hincks spent a few days last week with friends at Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Knox and Gar- net of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with friends here. Mrs, Carson and Dickie Pedlar, who spent the past two weeks here, returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. p^im Sturrock at- tended the wedding reception Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haw, Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hincks and family spent a couple of days in To- ronto last week. Jackie Richardson of Swinton Park spent a few days with his grand- parents. Mr. Watt of Owen Sound occupied the pulpit Sunday in St. Andrews' church and delivered a splendid mess- age. Mr. Brown of Owen Sound gave two solos. Mr. Jamie Sutherland of Toronto was a Thanksgiving visitor at his home. Miss Monica Lambert has returned home aftter pending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Misses Florence, Mary and Anna McEachern of Toronto and Walters Falls spent the week end at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hincks and Mari- lyn of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Petrie of Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison and family of Dro- more, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay and Marie and Mr. Andy Black of Swinton Park were visitors the first of the week with the Hincks families Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Marshall sf To- ronto spent the holiday at the home of H. R. McLean. Misses Elizabeth and Marjorie Brown returned to Toronto Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. McArthur and Eleanor spent Thanksgiving with friends at Buffalo. Mr. Innis McLean assisted in the choir at Inistioge anniversary services on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean and Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane and .^on of Toronto were were end visitors lieve. An alluminum demonstration v^as held Monday evenng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean. MEAT STORAGE WE STILL HAVE AMPLE ROOM FOR STORING YOUR MEAT. We would suggest that this may be an oppor- tune tune to store your meat for Fall and Winter use. Those who have taken advant- age of this storage facility are well pleased with it. Premium on Delivered Cream DELIVER YOUR CREAM to us and make the extra 1 cent over truck prices. Highest Prioes Paid for Poultry, Cream and Eggs Flesherton Creamery & Prcduce Co. Phone 66 Cha*. Goddard, Manager CEYLON ROCK MILLS LADIES' AID Rock Mills Ladies' Aid will hold a quilting and 10 cent tea at the home of Mrs. Chas. Hanley on Wednesday, Oct. 18th. Each member will please bring lunch. AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell by auction on the farm of Geo. Foster LOT 18, CON. 8, OSPREY Half mile South of Feversham FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13th. 1939 The following .stock: 18 Head of Young Milk Cows, .lup- ptsed in calf; 26 Spring Calves, 20 Head of 1 and 2 year olds. These cattle are T. B. tested. .SALE TO COMMENCE AT 1.00 p.m. TERMS:â€" Four months' credit will be given on furnishing joint notes approved by the Bank of Toi-onto, Fpversham. bo.Tring interest at 6%. WM. HEHMAN. KO. SERLRY. Proprietors. GEO. E. DUNCAN. Anctioneer. Week end and Thanlcsgiving visitors in the community were: Mrs. Herb Fisher and Sherman Piper of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Piper of Mark- dale at Roy Piper's; Nelson Frewing, wife and daughter of Toronto at Geo. Udell's; R. T. Coleman, wife and fam- ily, London, Mrs, H. Coleman, Marg- aret Collinson and Heniy Sarseant and wife at J. F. Collinson's; Miss Marjory Stewart of Hamilton at T. Stewart's; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Grif- fin and Miss Catharine Cairns of To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Taylor and ^hvee children of Dunedin and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Taylor, Tryon, at Geo. Cairn.s'; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parker md family and Miss Susie McKinnon i)f Toronto at Jas. Oliver's; Don Port- er of Toronto at S. McDermid's; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Irish of Toronto at S. Hemphill's; Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wy- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMuUen of Toronto at A. McMuUen's; Mr. and Mrs. R. Colwell of Manitowaning. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Stewart and family, Miss Irene Stewart, and Mr. W. A. Stewart of Toronto, Mr. Jackson Stewart of Cheesevillo, Mr. and Mr."*. McClean of Linden, and Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie of Toronto at .lohn Stewart's; Miss Emma Oliver of Heathcoto at .1. Oliver's; Miss Elsie Fisher and Miss Dori.s David of Toronto at G. Fisher's; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wharin and Mis.« .loancttc McLood of Toronto at .1. D McLeod's: Mr. and M«s. E. .1. Swift of Toronto and Mr. and Mi*s. H. Quigsr of Han'iston at Mrs Archie Stewart's and Mel. Hocnrth's; Mr. and Mr<!. H;insford. Mrs. W, N. Bracken, Cnri nnd Floiine and Mrs. J. Baxter of Caledon at the Stewart, Hogarth and McDermid homes. Mrs. Thos. Wilcock of Regina i;- visiting with Mrs. Wilcock and Mr. and Mrs. G. Cairns. Mrs Kendall Stewart is visting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol and fam- ily spent Sunday in CoUingwood, Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., was the guest last week of Controller Nora Henderson at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart and family spent Sunday with Maxwell and Mclntyre friends and were ac- cpmpanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lewis, who spent the week end holi- day with them. Mr. Jas. Oliver received word on Sunday of the death at Cooksville of Mr. Jack Vause, a former resident of this c»mmunity. Mr. Donald McKin- non, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Va^e and Mr. and Mrs. T. Curry left Monday for Cooksville. Mrs, J. H. Middleton has retm'ned to Toronto, after spending the past week with her cousin, Mrs. F. R. Oliver, and Mr. Oliver. Miss .\gnes Macphail was a guesL on Sunday at the home of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Hugh Bailey at Dundalk, when they entertained in honor of Miss Jean Reany of Palmerston, who was celebrating her birthday. Mr. John Montgomery of 'i'oronto was a visitor Friday at the homa of Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith. Must Declare Money On Crossing Borler All persons crossing from Canada to the United States are being asked to declare the amount of money they are carrying. Special customs officers are on duty at all points of crossing. The limit which may be taken out of Canada is $500. If one nas more than this a permit must be obtained from their Canadian bank. There is a pen- alty of $2,000 fine for any attempt to elude inspection. The annouce- ment from Ottawa permittefl only $100 to be taken out of Canada. Later the original amount was changed to $500. "Dont ever confuse resting with rusting.'' Hitler, the painter, has a new job now â€" he has to whitewash Stalin. ANNUAL FROLIC AT DUNDALK Annual Frolic in Dundalk Arena on Thursday, Oct. 12th. Lucky door prizes, program and novelty contests. .Jitney dancing to music of Hank Hamilton's orchestra. Mount Forest. Admission only 10c. Don't miss it. 5c to $1.00 Store for Fall Ladies' Flannelette Pyjamas Ladies' Flannelette Gowns Girls' Navy Flecice Bloomers Girls' Wool Knee Socks Men's Flannelette Pyjamas Men's Doeskin Shirts "^ Men's Flannel Shirts Men's Fleece-lined Combinations Men's Brushed Cotton Combinations Men's Wool Work Socks Boys' Brushed Wool Pullovers Boys' Fleece Lin^d Combinations Boys' Doeskin Shirts Boys' Wool Knee Socks E. J. FISHER Flesherton, Ont. iK^smum ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ â-  H">'I"H"> ' > ' i '* <"I '* < "i "i '** * *' > *' H ' tt < I I I I I I I ' > >' WHY? DO SO MANY PEOPLE US THE "SMALL ADVT." COLUMN IN THE ADVANCE? WHY DOES EVERYBODY READ THE "SMALL ADVT." COLUMN? There Is A Reason BECAUSE THEY ARE ABLE TO SELL OR BUY ARTICLES ADVERTISED. THE "SMALL ADVTS." REACH THE GREATER NUMBER OF BUYERS THAN ANY DISTRICT PAPER AND QUICKER SALE IS THUS ASSURED. "SMALL ADVTS." FOR QUICK SALES 1 »i4i>ii I tt * ttÂ¥* t *t* f ' t # t'n t ytyt ***< n ** ** *^t * * * * t '* :* * i '*^

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