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Flesherton Advance, 30 Aug 1939, p. 3

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Canadian-Built Fighter Is Undergoing Initial Tests - 1 \ ' : â€" ^ The K.C.A.F. will soon be augmented by 28 Westland Lysander planes, the first of which was recently tested at Malton Airport, Toronto. The planes are being built by the National Steel Car Company and are designed to assist ground troops in the time of war as well as to carry a load of bombs. The first of the 28 planes to roll off the finish line is shown ABOVE, just before undergoing ita initial tests. NEWS PARADE ... PATROLLERS PATROLLED: Re- minds OS of the old rhyme about the dog that had fleas and the fleas had other fleas to bite 'em ("so on ad infinitum") â€" this newest wrinkle in Ontario's highway traf- fic regulations. The Attorney- General's department has divided the Province into three zones â€" Eastern, Central, Western â€" with a specially qualified Provincial pa- trol oflicer, rank of sergeant, as supervisor over all the motorcycle officers in each zone. So while the cop watches you to see that you don't go over 50, a super-cop is watching him to see that he does his duty. â€" â€" A NATIVE RETURNS: Canada has few authors of note who have made any stir beyond our shores, and of these a great many are dis- posed to live in the United States or abroad ... A double "welcome hoime" is therefore extended to writer Mazo de la Roche, creator of the famed "Jalna" books who, after a long sojourn in England and the U.S., has come back to live in Toronto. Her return boosts tremendously our literary self-re- spect. While we think of it, did you know that the little church high on a hill at Erindale, Ontario, is the church attended by the Whiteoak family in the "Jalna" novels? â€" o â€" BEYOND DANZIG: Dr. Hans Si- mon, former German diplomat, and now a member of the New York School for Social Research, declared last week that Danzig is simply the stepping-stone for a Nazi policy which looks Much fur- ther than the banks of the Vistu- la or the Polish Con-idor â€" to- wards world domination. Reduc- tion of Poland to a state of vas- salage is doubtless next on the program; a big clean-up in the Balkans (Juosglavia, Rumania, etc.); mayb^ another clean-up in the Baltic, then the incapacitation of France. â€" o â€" PROPAGANDA JITTERS: Italy and Germany are proving that it's pretty well possible to control the press of a country, to have noth- ing printed in the newspapers which isn't to the advantage of the existing government. Radio is a great deal harder to handle but the propaganda bosses through the medium of the Gestapo, in Ger- many for instance, clamp down in- exorably on owners of j-eceiving sets who tune in broadcasts from beyond the country's borders. Art, the movies, magazines, the- atre, are similarly muzzled. But one channel that cannot be con- trolled, so far, at any rate, by Fas- cist machinery, is the postal ser- vice. Through the medium of the letter-box. Hitler and Mussolini may yet meet defeat. Now Stephen King-Hall, British publicist, has launched a highly organized correspondence service which sends letters to as many as 50,000 private individuals in Ger- many, giving them true news of the intemationar situation and a picture of Hitler as the rest of the world sees him. The letters are passed by the recipients into many other hands . . . and has Dr. Goebbels a head- ache! The new hair s'.ylc decrees beat the drum loudly for curls and more curls and to make easy the problem of keeping her myriad roUs intact milady may now have the aid of a new hair-grooming device which serves every hair set- tine purpose. It's a new comb designed to comb, curl and dress the hair in several easy nvotions. It haa a stationary comb at one and for combing the hair prior to carling it and a movable comb at the other to curl the hair. Heat Dries Your Hair Milady's Locks Require Care In Summer Your hair is suffering from too much sun. It needs attention. Do give it a proper brushing. Remember that every head ot hair that ever was needs five minutes' brushing morn- ing and evening. Don't sigh about It. Don't think ttiat this means the end pf your wave and set â€" be- cause it doesn't. Brushing distrib- utes the natural grease through the hair, and that means you will keep your wave and set a great deal longer. It you deny this nat- ural grease to the hair, it goes like straw, and you know what happens then. It doesn't keep its wave for two seconds. It sticks out here and It goes like hay there, and secret- ly you are rather thankful that you can't see the back ot it, because Heaven only knows what that is looking like! Use a good lotion. Buy yourself a hair tonic. For the time being wash your hair with yolks of eggs. Use plenty of water for the rinsing, because it is this meanue-ss on the water that makes such an enormous differ- ence to a bead of hair. o NTARIO UTDOORS By VIC BAKER REEL INFORMATION One of the questions that event- ually pops up ut all discussions surrounding the art of angling is "who invented the fishing reel"'? As a matter of fact crude reels were used over 300 years ago. At that time within two feet of the (end of the rod, there was a hole made to put in a wind, turned with a barrel to slather up and loose line. The earliest type of reel with which we are familiar, consisted of a spool with handle riveted directly to the spool. These reels were made of bras.^ and were without click or drag. Reels of this type are still on the market and retail at about one dollar. The mulitplying reel was an .\merican invention, introduced by a Kentucky watchmaker about 1S34. Black bass fishermen everywhere still favour the orig- inal style reel, with few refine- ments. Innovations such as free spool, level winding and anti- back-lash devices now are built in- to these reels, but the general construction remains the same. .\lso extensively developed have been the big game fish reels. These reels are now built in sizes large enough to hold 1,000 yards of 39-thread line. They are equip- ped with handles that turn one way only, and adjustable drags that can be controlled by the ang- ler. We have come quite a way since the first primitive reel was lashed to a rod. A FINE BODY OF MEN While of course, they are not possessed of what would undoubt- edly be the invaluable gift of ubi- quitousness, Ontario's highway traffic police are, on the whole, as fine a body of men as one can find engaged in similar work any- where. Their work is not of a sensa- tional nature. Unless the circum- stances are exceptional, the most serious criminals with whom they deal are motorists who transgress the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. When they are call- ed upon to display courage they show that they can tackle any- thing, from a bank bandit to a murderer. And it is to their credit that the highways of Ontario are clean and well kept, in the traffic sense. There is much reckless and negligent driving. There is much foolishness and stupidity, but it always occurs â€" or nearly always â€" when there is no officer in sight. â€" Guelph Mercury. >•..... I AN OLD TUNE So many men grab the stool when there is a piano to be mov- ed. â€" Brandon Sun. CR.'VZE FOR LIMELIGHT It is related that Mussolini loves to be photographed for pic- tures to be published in the Italian papers and that accredited camera men are at liberty to take snax)s at any time they see him. Thus another angle is afforded of his craze to be in the limelight. â€" Brantford Expositor. One railway in England is building 90 new engines, including 20 of the Coronation Scot type. WHY? When England was of the same population that Canada now has, she had a great literature. We have very little, and not of the highest class. â€" Catholic Record. ^^^ BEE HIVE Books And You BY ELIZABETH EEDY . . . < THE OWNLEY INN By Joseph C. Lincoln and Freeman Lincoln Shades o( salt-spray and Cape Cod folks saunter across the pages of a new and satisfactory puzzle story by the father-and-son team al- ready celebrated as the authors of "Blair's Attic" a mystery of a sea- ton or two ago. Once you have read a "Lincoln" story you will look for more . . . and more. Who stole the valuable copy of "The New England Primer" (1749 edition) from the strongroom of the Knowlton Library of American Literature? Who killed the Man of Mystery on Sepatonk Island, and was he the crook? Which one ot the islanders is an unscrupulous collector? Sleuthing away to solve these mysteries we find Dick Clarke, a Bainbridge youth engaged to Anne Francis, and Seth Ownley, proprietor of the Island Inn. The plot unfolds with plenty of Intrigue, love, native types ot peo- ple â€" In fact everything you expect to find In a "Lincoln" book. Hands will not suffer from household work if tl^y are liber- ally smeared beforehand with a good cream or lotion? In this way the hands will be soft and white after the subsequent wash- ing with soap and water. Fingers and nails stained with vegetable ptu'ings or gardening should be rubbed with a lemon cut in half. Dig the nails well inside th^ centre of the lemon. A Stamp Story A Woman Lost Her Temper And Found An Idea Even losing one's temper may be put to a practical use. We owe the facility with which we stamp our letters today to such an event. A woman, being angry wltb h«r husband once stopped her sewins !n order to "rub it In" more effec- tively, and kept pricking a etralght line with her needle on a pattera book lying on the table, tht-u ang- rily she tore It along the ilne of The husband seized upon iba pin pricks. LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher "After all .... we can't have everything." ^'^OH!?. «f»» XAgnm^iSf 75 suy^s TO VISIT THE STAR AT THE IX REGULAR FELLERSâ€" Advertising Pays By GENE BYRNES

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