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Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1939, p. 8

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Wednesday, Aujrust 23. 1939 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Prospective Bridesrroora: "What is troubling you, dear?" Bride-to-be "Why John I am won- dering where we arc going to live after the honeymoon?" First sod was turned last week in construction of the ^2,000,000 dam to be built on the Grand River, three miles from Fergus. The purpose of the dam is to control the waters of this river which in the summor almost dries up. The dam will ensure a supply of water in dry weather, and a control of the tide in the spring freshets. /(jcuw'siMjd: USED CAB BUYS/ lowPriced/DependaUe/ ^ EW CARS are going fast. That means our Used Cars arti also on the move. Our 4-Star Us^d Cars are in special demand. They're the best in the lot . . . all carrying our writ- ten guarantee. Pick yours now! 1938 Chevrolet MASTER COACH in real good mechanical condi- tion; a good buy for someone. $675.00 1936 PLYMOUTH COACH Better sec this one before you buy. $535.00 1929 PONTIAC SEDAN A good family car. $215.00 1935 CHEVROLET COUPE A real good buy for someone. $435.00 1931 CHRYSLER SEDAN A good roomy car. $285.00 1929 CHEVROI^ET SEDAN Just been overhauled and there are many miles of cheap transpor- tation waiting for you. $185.00 WE WILL GIVE A SPECIAL PRIZE IN THE ADVANCE SUB- SCRIPTION CAMPAGN AS FOLLOWS:- To the Candidate turning in the largest amount of business during the week. D. McTavish & Sons, Fiesherton Live Report Stock (By Dunn & Levacli) Almost 5,000 c«ttle arrived for Monday'8 market, and although the market opened slow, prices held up well on cattle of choice quality. Some demand for weighty steers for export overseas was helpful in holding pri- ces about steady on that class, while choice butcher cattle and cow.^ .sold well for this time of the year. Lambs were steady, while calves were high- er. Hogs showed considerable strength on Monday and were from 10 to 25 cts. higher t+ian a week ago. Choice heavy steers brought 6.50, t'uir to good 0.00 to C.40, common to nieiliuni 5.00 to 5.75. Choice butchers .stceis and heifers sold at from 6.00 to 6.50, fair to good 5.50 to 6.00, com- mon to niMlium 4.50 to 5.25. Choice baby beeves were steady lat from .-,.00 to S.50, but those of medium quality casiui- at from Ci.SO to 7.50, .Selected slocker.s were in .strong de- ni'ind at from 5.00 to 5.50. medium 4..'i0 to 5.00, common 4.00 to 4.40. The c(iw market wa.s active and steady, choice fat cows from 4.50 to 5.00, with fhoice heifery kind at 5.25. fair to good butcher cows from 4.00 to 4.50, common to medium .'{.00 to 3.75, can- niTs and cutters 2.75 to 3.00. Good weighty bulls were steady at from 4.75 to 5.00, these weighing around 1200 pounds 3.75 to 4.00, common light bulls 3.25 to 3.50. The lamb market was active and steady at 8.85 for choice kind. Sheep were steady, choice 3.50 to 4.00. ralves were stronger, under a good demand, choice 9.00 to 9.75, fair to good, 8.00 to 9.00, common to med- ium 6.00 to 7.50. A good demand from outsiders was helpful in forcing hog prices higher, and on Monday truck hog.s sold at 8.15 on the hoof, and 10.85 dressed weight. Present indications - the close of Monday's market looked favorable for a steadv trade during the balance of the week. T\vo Toronto lads of two and three have been taken, to hospital because they swallowed pennies. Probably heard their parents saying how hard it heir parents saying liow hard it was was to keep any money these days. Local and Persona] Stand By THE OPEN COMPETITIVE MARK- KET WHERE YOUR INTERESTS ARE FULLY PROTECTED Ship Your Cattle. Caives, Sheep and Hogs to Dunn & Levack Limited Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Union Stoclc Yards. TORONTO Established 1M93 â€" Write to us for Dependable Information. 1' ♦!♦ ^' MONEY-SAVING [♦♦^♦♦^♦♦> FOR THIS WEEK Women's Pin Money Shoes Reduced to clear from regular .stock. The rijifht time to .save; a wide selec- tion of Women's and Street Shoe.s, marked for quick clearance be- cause of broken lines; black and var- ious colored leathers and shoe fabrics â€" ties, straps, pump and sandals in the ^roup, with low and hi^jh Cuban and si)ike heels. I'opular styles. TTill's Special Price pair $1.59 FIX.M. ClJv\K.\XCE Ladies' White Shoes Need a new pair of White Shoes to tide y<»u <»ver until the new .season Then thi^ is a sale of s))ecial interest ti) you, because there's a tine selection of styles; many are re^jidar lines re- duced from stock as well as a lumiber of manufacturers* sami)les. Popular styles with open and closed heels arul toes. Rcfjular to $2.95. Hill's Siiecial Price pair $1.48 GROCERY SuR-ar Crisp Corn Flakes 3 for 21c Shredded Wheat 2 ft)r 23c Ruv-a-Sack Flour 98 Ib.s. $1.75 AnprU-r Salmon 1 lb. tails 10c Special Odd Lines of Ladies' Suede Shoes A quantity of broken lines of Suede Shoes from our hig-her priced stock. The colors are just rijj^ht for now and late*- season wearing- in black, rust, brov.Mi and blue. KcRular $2.95. Your Choice ,,air $1.95 VALUES IN Smart Suits for Smart Dressers Well tailored, richly lined, moderat- ely priced is the story behind these Fall Suits for Men and Younji" Men. Choice of sinj^iie breasted i)eak lapel stvles (U' the smart looking- doifble- breasted Hollywood molels Choose from a ^'ood assortment of colors and patterns in the latest fall desi^-ns. Specially Priced â€" Suit complete with oec pair trousers $14.75 SPECIALS Tififer Red Salmon 1 lb. tails 25c Pearl Soap 5 for 19c P.nlk Cocoa 2 lbs. 19c IVanut Butter 4 lb. pail 49c Misseb Winona Paton and Dorothy Ottewell are .spending a couple of weeks holidaying: in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brownlee ol CollinKWood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stoddart. Master Jimmie Stoddart spent last week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Alexander, at Kimberley. Masters Stanley McClean and Earle Thur.ston are spending a few days in Owen Sound. Mrs. Wm. Taylor of New Toronto is vi.sitin(^ the Taylor families in thi.s district. Mr. W. J. Andrew of Goderich is visitintr with Mr. and Mrs.. A. E. Bellamy this week. Miss Lois Wood left today to spend three weeks at a girls' camp near Collingwood. Ml. and Mrs. Ralph McLean and family of Harrow spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Walter LeGard anil son, Harold, of Toronto spent the week end with his brothers, Harry aad Ed. Messrs. Ted McTavish and Emerv Fi.shcr enjoyed a motor trip to Sau'' Ste. Marie last week. Misses Gertrude Lever and Grace Austin of r.iohmor.l Hill spent the week end at the'former's home here. Mr. George Irwin of Dungannon was a vi^it.or for a few days this week with Mi and ..Ir.s W I. Henry. The busineso men of town are plamiig a picnic at Wasaga Beach this Thursday afternoon. Master Ronald Horniblow returned home on Sunday after spending the past two weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Briggs and two sons and Mrs. F. G. EJbach of Detroit visited Mrs. Alexander and other friends last week. Misses Marie McEachnie, Kay Kelk and Anna McNeill of Toronto spent Sunday witk the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEachnie. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Penny and daugh- ter, Susie, of Toronto are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan. Miss Allison Grant accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill to her home in Toronto after spending the past month with Miss Lois Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bolton of To- ronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Armstrong. Master John Milligan underwent an operation in the Alliston hospital on Saturday for the removal of his tonsils. Mr. Edward Elson of Crystal City Manitoba, and neice, Arvella Elson, vi-ore week end visitors at Jos. Blakeley's. Mr. Jack Duncan of Toronto vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best over the week end and enjoyed the splendid fishing in this locality. Mr. George Blackburn underwent another operation in the Owen Sound hovspital last week and the latest re- port is that he is steadilv gaining. Mr. and Mrs. S. Stauffer and two children have returned home after .â- ^pending tne past month at Balmy Beach. Mr. E. Hutton, former teacher on the high school staff, will have charge of the services in St John's United church on Sunday. The Community Chest draw will continue weekly throughout the month of September. There is still a chance for you to receive the big $5.00 weekly prize. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ge<ldes, Mr. Frank Geedes and Mrs. W. Johns- ton of Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Fralick and Donny of Barrie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessei on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton, Miss Oly McDonald. Miss Irene McDonald and Mr. Alex. Doyle, all of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horniblow "f Miniico spent the week end at the home of Mr. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Porteous of Maple Bluff Farm, Derby, will be ;\t home to their friends on Saturday, .\ugust 26th, from 3 to 5 in the afternoon and from 7 to 10 In tne evening, on ithe occasion cf their .silver wedding anniversary. PIPERâ€" McM ASTER The Presbyterian parsonage, Or- angeville, was the scene of a pretty wedding when Miss "Frances Verdun McMaster, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMaster, On- ondaga, Ont., became the bride of Mr. Harrv La Verne Piper, Markdale, Ont. fon of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper, Ceylon Ont.. Rev. T. O. Miller, Orangeville, officiated. The bride wore a pretty navy sheer dress with navy and pink iccessories and was attended by her ister. Miss Perle McMaster, Reg.N., Markdale, who wore white flowered sheer with aoeessories. Mr. Shennaa Piper, Cevlon was groomsman. Mr. and Mrs Piper will reaide ia Markdale. WATCH REPAIRING PRICES REAdONABLI ELLHoDey Located abore Bank of CommerM TORONTO St FLESHERTOIf ♦♦«<><W-W<>*<5><HXM>.X.^*^4M».XM>.>.MHeHW^* SUPERIOR STORES Specials This Week Pure LARD 3 lbs. 29c BROOMSâ€" Real Good each 23c 5 DeLuxe JELLY POWDERS & Fruit Nappy, aU 25c TOMATO JUICE, famUy size 3 for 25c I -SIDE BACON, by the piece per lb. 25c i OXYDOL, Urge size 23o I FOR PRESERVING & PICKLING â€" Certo, Spices, X Memba Seal, Jar Rubbers, Rings, Jau-s, Glass Tops, 't and Vinegars. All reasonably priced. I FOR FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES SEE US ? Our turnover assures you of always fresh. I C. J. KENNEDY I PHONE 37 WE DELIVER % * > « > »»»»»»»»»»»»*»»»»»»»fr<>»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»e'<>»»»»»»»»»»»» ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES From FLESHERTON to OTTAWA MONTREAL $8.30 $9.65 STe ANNE DE BEAUPRE $14.25 QUEBEC $13.65 First train from Toronto 11.15 p.m. Aagust 25 Return Limit: AUG. 28 Tickets not good on 3.00 p.m. trains from Ottawa and Montrc^ TO THE MARmMES AUG. 25 All Canadian Pacific stations in New Brunswick AH Dominion Atlantic stations in Nova Scotia â-  RETURN LIMIT Leave Nova Scotia points not leater than August 30 Leave New Brunswick points not later than August 29 Not good on train leaving Montreal at 3.00 p.m. Full particulars and handbill from any Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC Small Ad. Column FOR SALE â€" New electric washer. â€" Geo. Ross, Maxwell. 9p2 LOST â€" Ladies' white hat was put in wrong car at pond Monday. Please return to The Advance Office. FOR SALEâ€" 11 Young pigs. â€" Clar- eVitj AIcjx, R. R. 5, Markdale p ROOMS â€" Rooms or board for high school students. â€" Mrs. Ed. FisTier, opposite high school. 23c2 NOTICEâ€" Good prices paid for hor- ses or cows suitable for mink meat. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" C.C.M. "Special" bicycle almost new. Apply at The Advance office. 23c2 HAY WANTEDâ€" Good alfalfa first and second cuts. â€" Alex. C. Stewart, Markdale; phone 146. FOR SALE or RENT â€"In Fiesherton 7 room house, double lot, garage. Apply to John Stewart. HOUSE WANTEDâ€" To rent in Flesh- erton, house with conveniences. â€" Write to Box 269 or phone 108J, Markdale. 9e8 BOAR FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orehui Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire OJL " Conqueror 316â€"167820, will to (ep* for service. Terms |1.00. â€" ^Ww> Smitb. Rock Mills. FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of seed Fall wheat. â€" Harold Richardson, Fiesh- erton. p2 F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. SCHOOL FAIR DATES Hanover at Hanover Sept. 8 North Keppel at Wolseley .... Sept. 9 S. Keppel at Shallow Lake Sept. 11 Sullivan at Desboro Sept. 12 Rentiiick at Lamlash Sept. 13 Collingwood at Ravenna .... Sept. 14 St. Vincent at Meaford Sept. 15 Glenelg at Glenelg Centre .. Sept. 16 Osprey at Maxwell Sept. 18 .Aitemcsia at Fiesherton .... Sept. 19 Sydenham at Annan Sept. 20 Holalnd at Holland Centre. Sept. 21 N. Proton at Ventry Sept. 2S S. Proton at Cedarville .... Sept. 25 Egremont at Holstein Sent. 28 Derby at Kilsyth Sept. 28 Neustadt at Neustadt Sept. 30 Kuphrasia at Rocklyn Oct. 4 Normanby at Ayton Oct. 7 Markdale at Markdale Oct. 11 FOR SALE â€" Tarn worth sow, bred; animals wanted for mink feed.â€" F. C. Eagles, R. R. Proton, phone 41 r 3. FOR S.\LE â€" 4-tube Rogers Radio, table model, in good shape, will ssell cheap â€" N. Stoddart, Fiesherton. FOR SALE â€" 7 room frame house in Fiesherton, good stable, 1 1-2 acres of ground; cash or terms. â€" Albert Colgan, Strathroy, Ont. 9p3 BOAU FOR SKKVICE Purebred fo.-kshir* Boar for vice; terms: $1.00 ^i paid withit f< months. â€" Laurie ''edlar F1h-t<"' Ont R.R. 8. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons, 1.30 to 4^ Grenings, 7 to SJH Sundays and Thursday aftemoona kf appointment only. Grey Coimty minister reports that in a recent marriage ceremony which he conducted the bride chewed gum throughout; her replies to the usual questions indicated that .she was chew- ing a pretty big wad. There is, we have been told, a time and place for everything, but a marriage ceremony would hardly appear to be the correct time to iadulge in this habit. FOR SALEâ€" Grade year-old Hereford bull, Yorkshire pigs 6 weeks old, Tamworth pigs 6 weeks old, young calves every week end. â€" Gordon Stuart, phone 61w, Fiesherton. MEN! HERE IS GOOD PAYING WORK with a large manufacturing concern of 200 daily necessities used in every home. Sure and quick re- peaters. No experience needed. Good pay every day if active, and perm- impnt business certain if prsevering. Investifiate our Plan at once without obligation. CATALOGUH FREE. FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement St.. Mantraal, Que. Prince Arthur Lodge No. SSS, AJ. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal l*«H Fiesherton, the second Friday in MMk month. W.M., Alb. Blackburn; See- reUry, C. J. Bellamy. ROY LANCFORD District Agwit for MUTUAL UPE OF CANADA ACCIDENT and SIOKNBSS, FIU( AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY Mnddyal UiMUty OmmtM Bm* Aajr luvaaM P ro M â€" Tdq>lMiic Itt, MARKDALE. Ot*. r* i m HM

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