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Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1939, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, Augfust 23, 1939 , . ' ; I NOTICE The Advance. ''"'"" ''' ^^^^- i'lesherton, Gr«y County, Onterio, Canada. Gentlemen; In February, 1924, Herbert M. Utley died at Eugenia. He left a widow, Mary Utley, residing in Eugenia. If Mr. Utley left a child, the lat- ter 18 entitled to ghare in a valuable ^5000 ^* •counts to more than Anyone having information con- â- cenuMf tho widow or any child of Mr. Utley, is requested to communi- vate with the undersigned. Yours truly, --JOHN J. DWYER, 40 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. Rapture Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture ? If so, your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr. Reavely, the noted n»pture expert, will be at the PARK HOTEL. FLESHEBTON for one day only FRroAY, AUGUST 25, i939 a«id will be pleased to give free e»- amination to any sufferer and to de- monstrate his famous appliance. This jsppliaace will contract the opening in 10 to 16 days. This appliance is positively demonstrated to yoM right •on yoiw own person wi<hout any charge. You do not spend a pe«ny iMless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance fer you. A consultation will cost you nothing. Don't let this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date. Summer Time Table EFFECTIVE Saturday, June 24th Leave Flesherton TO TORONTO c: 11.50 a.m. b: 7.26 p.m. TO OWEN SOUND c: 6.50 p.m. d: 7.46 p.m. b: Sun and Hoi. c: Sat. only d; Fri. only. Standard Time KIMBLRLEY Holiday visitors in this district were; Miss Fannie Abercrombie spent part of a week with her niece, Mrs. £>. S. Burritt; Mrs. J. Mcintosh, Miss Lillian and Alister Mcintosh of St. Marys, Miss Sheena Rose of Inver- ness, Scotland, were visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Carruth- ers; Miss Annie Burritt, R.N., and Mr. Ross MacDermid of Toronto with Mrs. S. S. Burritt and Mrs. D. A. Graham; Janet Betta with Mrs. D. L. Weber; Jimmy Stoddart with Mr. and Mrs Earl Alexander; Mrs. Newton Smith spent a day with friends here; Mrs. Carruthars and children of Ohio with Mrs. R. D. Carruthers Mr. Carl Carruthers. of the H.E.P. C, is holidaying with Mrs. Carruth- ers at her parental home in New Brunswick. Mrs. Carruthers and Anne will return mome with him the end of this week. The bride ani groom, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Weber, returned home during the week. They were treated to a wel- come Saturday night freal noise). Miss Lucv Walton is hone from the hosfiital in improved health. Mrs. R. D. and Mrs. B. A. Carruth-' ers and Bruce visited Miss Frances Soul in Collingwood hospital, finding her regaining health and hopes of being home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wvlde and two sons ot CKicago spent a few days last week camping on the Thurston lot in the village. Duri»er the week Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham and familv moved in with Mrs. S. S. Burritt. Mr. Arnold Law- rence, who has purchased the "black- smith" property, is moving in soon. The LaHies' Aid <i«ilted another quilt during fhe week. Mrs. Otto Baker, Betty and Gay were guests of Mrs. Fergusen during the week. EUGENIA MAXWELL Mrs. Stewart of Regina, Sask., is visiting her brothers, J. L. and Alex. Morrison and their families. Mrs. Byrnes is visiting her son. Dr. Byrnes, and Mrs. Byrnes. Miss Kathleen Morrison is visiting in Toronto. Rev. Pogson of Essex, former rec- tor of St. Marys Anglican church, will preach in Maxwell next Sunday, August 27th. The Guild of St. Marys church will meet at the home of Mrs. Londry on Thursday, Aug. 24th. On Friday, Aug. 18th, Mrs. Jas. Leggatt. Mrs. E. Hawton and Mrs. Geo Ross attended the Countv rally of the Women's Institute at Dromore. Miss Millie McMullen, accompanied by Mrs. H. Hammond, Mrs. B. Gra- ham and Ruth and Mrs. G. C. Graham, visit*! a few days the past week in -North Bay and other points. They visited Callander and saw the famous Dionne quintuplets and their mother. Mr. John Large spent a fe,w days the past week with friends at Nia- gara and Fort Erie. Mr and Mrs Will Campbell and Billy of Toronto visited over the week end at their summer home here. Mr. Fred Cornfield of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. Jake Williams. His wife and daughters, Lois, Shirley and Jacqueline, who have been holidaying here, accompan- ied him home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Annette of To- ronto visited over the week end with the latter's father, Mr. Jake Williams. Mrs. Thos Crowe and daughter, Hilda, of Toronto visited over the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. Ken Clinton and Mrs. Turner of Toronto visited over the week end at the home of Mr. Garnet Mas'ee. Beryl Turner, who has been hol- idaying here for a few weeks, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLachlan of Barrie visited with the Park family on SiCiday. "Blieir three aunts, Mrs. Park, Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. Beaton, returned to Barrie with them for u few days. Mrs. Stoddard and son, Ernie, of Paisley visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Garnet Magee. Mrs. Stoddard remained for a week's visit. Mr. and iMi-s. Hillier land 'Jittle daughter, Dorothy, of Georgetown were guests at the Eugenia House over the week end. Miss Kay Bemrose of Maxwell vis- ited over the week end with her fri^d. Miss Irva Magee. Messr.s John and Victor Davis of 'Colborne visited a few days at the MacDonald home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam MacDonald of Toronto spent a fortnight with Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonald and other relatives and friends. Little Dolores Betts of Rock Mills is holidaying with her eousm, Dennis Campbell. Mr. Arthur Lawlor was home from Toronto over the week end. Mrs. Will Irwin and daughter. Miss Ruth, have returned to Windsor after a visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Lawlor, and family. Ruth assisted in the morning service at Flesherton United church by rend- ering two solos in her usual sweet and pleasant manner. ROCK MILLS FEVERSHAM CREDIT AUCTION SALE Wm. Findlay, lot 33, Con. 3, N.D.R^ Osprey, will hold an auction sale of stock, implements, etc on Friday, Sept. 1. Terms up to 12 months at 5%^. Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. See posters. Cmmm, r^.^L I :»^» Sept. 1. Terms up to 12 moHLiia ^L ^- -^^^f g " ligjj-^^g takgn g^^^ Miss Elcornhn of Toronto is visiting brey Loach Lines 5%. - Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer, ,^'fii ^'^ff.'j^f „'|^'J,'t^^ast week The with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hutchinson. â- '" -^ â€" J h _ . â-  - Mr. R. W. E. McFadden of Brant- ford occupied the pulpit on Sunday . . ^ ^^...Aj-.-fcA.w-j~v. I day morning, where an operation was iftornoon at the church here and <^>^>-^^^>.X~><-:~>^K~X«***<~>«>*«<-K>*<~>'XK«*<^><>^ •"» J"; I pei.formed for appendicitis. Her aunt, I m-P^chpd n vprv able sermon Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newell and family visited over Sunday with rel- atives at Durham. Little Helen Ward of Toronto, who has been holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. Alex. English, was taken sudden- ly ill Tuesday night of last week. The dostor was called and she was rushed to Collingwood hospital early Wednes- Mr. Harold Spofford of Uxbridge spent Sunday here. His mother re- turned with him for a week's visit. Miss D. Madden of the 8th line is visiting Miss T. Spofford. Mr. Billy Burke spent the week end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke. Mrs. Conron visited her dausrhter, Mrs. Wm. Davidson, ni Collinerwood over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. H. Montgomery of Dundalk spent Sun3ay with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lone. Mrs. H. Horton and Grace of To- ronto spent a few days with Mrs. Col- quette the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison of Maxwell, Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart, Regina, Sask., and Mrs. Marshall Morrison of Shelburne were callers in the village on Saturday. Mr. Francis, manager of the Bank of Toronto here, has returned after an extended holiday. Mr. J. Elliott of the 10th line is quite ill at present. Miss M. Smith, Reg.N., is in attendance. Mr. Jas. Davidson is progressing favorably in the Collingwood hospital. Miss A. Robinson, Reg.N., is in at- tendance. The Robinson store and dwelling is being rushed to completion. VANDELEUR On Friday afternoon the ladies of the congregation north of Vandeleur church held a very successful tea at the home »f Mrs. Howard Graham, .^fter a social hour on the lawn, a contest was conducted by Mrs. Frank Davis. Mrs. Graham then invited them to tea, which was served in the living room and dining imll. The rooms were artistically arranged with a pro- fusion of flowers. The Girls' Club, in uniform, served the luncheon with Mrs. W. J. F. Hutchinson pouring tea, assisted by Mrs. Geo. Kelso. Miss Pauline Hutchinson, assisted by Miss- es Mary and Eileen Summers and Velma Kelso, were in charge of the nursery dviring the tea hour. Miss Dorothy Kelso rendered a solo, ac- companied by Mrs. H. J. Thompson. Over sixty were in attendance. The ladies of Ebenezer Association were well represented. Mrs. S. L. Hare and Miss Dorothy Hare of Markdale are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. "Will Johnston. Miss Dorothy Dunn of Toronto is holidaying at the home of Mrs. Sam Fitzsimmons. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelso and Misses Dorothy and Velma visited over the week end with friends in Collingwood. Miss Lee of Listowel \s visiting with Miss Minnie Graham. Mrs. Angus Bowles is spending her vacation with friends in Toronto SPECIAL SUMMER SALE 10 Daysâ€" Aug. 23 to Sept. 2 FLOOR COVERINGS LINOLEUM, 4 yards wid« ner yard $3.29 CONGOLEUM, 3 yards wide, per yard $1.75 i FELTOL & VELFELT, 3 yards wide, per yard $1.39 10% Reduction on all other Floor Coverings WALLPAPER To make room for our new papers we are offering our pre- sent stock at 25 per cent discount from regular prices. "SEE OUR ROOM LOTS" STUDIO COUCHES STUDIO â€" Spring-filled mat- tress, good quality, repp covering, 3 cushions, only $23-95 2-PIECE SUITEâ€" Studio with back, wardrobe, walnut arms, heavy velour covering and chair to match, spring filled throughout. Complete $54.95 STUDIO â€" Walnut arms, ward- robe back, durable home-spun co- vering, spring filled mattress and cushions $34.95 DAVENPORT BED â€" All-steel construction, 2 well filled cush- ions and mattress, back drops to make double bed. Sale price $13.95 All Chesterfield Suites at Special Prices. BEDROOM SUITE BEDROOM SUITEâ€" Waterfall design, two-tone walnut finish, < > 3 pieces : bed, chiffonier and choice ' ' of vanity or dresser $53.95 FREE ! FREE ! Mattress Cover given free with each Spring-Filled Mattress pur- chased during the sale. CottoM Filled Mattress, reg. $6.50 Sale Price $5.89 High Riper Cable Spring, reg. $7.50, Sale Price $6.45 Couch Mattress, regular $6.95, Sale Price $6.25 BED OUTFIT BED OUTFITâ€" Steel bed, cable spring and 50 lb. mattress, regu- lar $19.95, Sale Price $14.95 ^ TRl-LAMP SPECIAL 3 Candle, triple light and re- « fleeter lamp, with spun cloth Y Mrs. Kerton, accompanied her to the hospital and remained for a day or two. At time of writing we are glad to report that Hele« is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Sam Croft spent a few days with Mri. J. H. Holley of Markdale. Mr. Harvey Croft spent the week end in Toroato. Miss Ruby Monaghas of George- town spent the weeS end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Monaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent a day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore of Durham. Miss Amanda Fisher has gone to Oakville, where she has secured em- ployment. PROTON STATION The Proton Station United Church anniversary is planned for next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkwood and daugh- ter, Joan, of Toronto are holidaying at the home of Chas. Lvons. Mr. and Mrs. John Hemphill and (laughter of Georgetown are visiting the former's father, Mr. James Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Surton and their son and daughter of Meaford Sunday- ed with Mrs. Burton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wyville. Miss Maude Acheson is attending a camp for leaders of young people's work at Sparrow Lake, Muskoka. I Other Lamps at special prices, RANGE SPECIAL Polished top, thermometer, iv- J ory enamel door panels, nickle a trim, specially designed for the ^ small kitchen or apartment, with >. reservoir $32.95 PROGRESS RANGEâ€" Polished top, spiral grates, ivory panels, nickle trim, bakelite handles, 21 inch fire box, wood or coal $59.95 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS OCCASIONAL CHAIR â€" Wal- nut finish, repp covering, rocker to match, only per pair $9.95 General Electric Refrij^erators, Washers. Radios and Ranges. Hot Point Irons, Toasters, etc. We carry a full line of electrical appliances. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W^wille and ^ifiTi!i and Miss Ada Eagles spent Sunday at Was.nsra. The ladies of the congreeration. -"iith of the ''hurch. are Drenarinjr for a tea on Friday afternoon. Aucr. 25th, at the home o1 Mrs. George Buchanan. WE WILL GIVE A SPECIAL PRIZE IN THE ADVANCE SUB- SCRIPTION CAMPAGN AS FOLLOWS:- To the Candidate turning in the greatest number of new Bubscriptions any one day. BATTERY RADIOâ€" 4 tube com- ELECTRIC RADIOâ€" Only $14.95 plete with batt«ri«B $29.95 Radio Batteries. Tubes, etc. BENNETT & RICHARDS Home Furnishers FLESHERTON Phone 78 We Deliver Lots of people who like to do their playing for themselves are quite satis- fied to have their work done by proxy. AUCTION SALE LIVE STOCK, FURNITURE, Etc. commencing at 2.30 p.m. E. D. LeGARD Close to the Hydro Dam EUGENIA THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 when the following will be offered: Red Poll Cow, 6 years old, due in January; Shoat, about 100 lbs.; 16 Minorca Hens, About 30 Chickens, Half ton of Hay, Buggy, Cutter, Set Single Harness, Horse Collar, Chopp- ing Axe, Splitting Axe, Turnip Hoe, Garden Hoe and Rake, Grindstone, about 6 cords Split Wood, 20 rods of Chicken Fence, Crosscut Saw, Five gallon Coal Oil Can, Cream Can, Bar- rel Chum, Cream Separator, Washing Machine, Two Cook Stoves, Heater, Cupboard, Extension Table, Flour Bin, Square Table, large Square Rough TaW\ Leather Upholstered Chair Rocker, Plain Rocker, two Bed- steads and Mattresses, Bedroom Set, Other Household Furniture. Dishes, Crocks, Pans and Paits. Gramophone and about 100 Records. Corn, Mangolds. Potatoes and Garden Vogotables to bo sold in the garden. TERMS â€" Cash. GEO. DUNCAN, Auctioneer (Intanded for Last Week) The Woman's Association held their August meeting at the home of Miss Minnie Graham in the Valley with a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Clare of Meaford visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Hutchinson. Miss Catharine Ready of St. Marys is holidaying with her cousin. Miss Frances Buchanan, and relatives. Misses Dorothy and Marie Johnston spent a few days with their grand-, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley, at Wodehouse. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Hutchinson visited with the former's sister, Mrs. Devons, at Emory the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Ruth spent last week end with friends at Shrigley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis a very pleasant motor trip through northern Ontario and visited the Quin- tuplets at Callandar. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Devitt and Miss Ruth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.s. Will Johnston and family. Mr. Richard Sewell has had a new well .h-il1ed recently by Mr. Bellerby of Owen Sound. Mr and Mrs. Harold Thompson and A C have returned home, the former having completed his summer course of study in Toronto, and Mrs. Thomp- son and A. C. from a holiday vis.t at Orangeville. , ^ . * „,, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham ami Ruth were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. Clive Dolan and Mary at Flesherton. . „„j Mr and Mi-s. Hugh Boland and family of Rocklyn were recent visit- ors with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C "B. Boland. LOWRAIL FARES to TORONTO EXHIBITION $2 55 Good s:ohv;: AuiT- --•• to ?t.n">t. 9 Rettirn T.iinit Sept. 1.^ CANADIAN PACIFIC Production of Cream Exceptionally Good THE CREAM SEASON IS WELL ADVANCED AND SO FAR OL'R PRODUCTION HAS BEEN EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD. PROSPECTS FOR THE BALANCE OF THE YEAR LOOK RATHER FAVOURABLE FOR BEST RESULTS SELL YOUR CREAM TO FLESHERTON CREAMERY Mrs. Chas. Hanley received a bonus of $3.48 at the draw last Wednesday, followed by Ms* Jos. Shier with a bonus of $3.2L Thdse ladies brought cream to this dreamery the day of the draw. Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Phone 66 Chas. Goddard, Manager ^<h5m5k5kJhJm5mJ>*J»*J**Jh$m.***Jm5^^ j Salmon Sale I GOLD SEAL I's 32c RED SEAL Ts 25c PINK SEAL I's ISc THIS IS REAL VALUE I 0. £ A. Go-operatWe Company, Ltd. | I FLESHERTON. Ontario | ^^< '-^ f^^' She has solved the daily problem . . because FISH offers a welcome md wholesome change at mealtimes, something the whole family wiH Uke. There are over 60 different kinds of Canadian Food Fish and Shellfish from which you can choose, either fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, canned or pickled. All of them can be served in an infinite variety of recipes. And ... one of the good things about FISH is that it is nourishing, and so Misy to prepare! Serve Fish to ^^^^ yo\XT family often. .^^tt^^^^^ OiPARTMENT OF CISHERIES, W^^BBL ^ OTTAWA. ^gW nvM /^ ^fOr ^^^^^^â- ^^^^ ^^P^V Ploasf wnd mr vmir !i2.rwRe Booklet. | W^r^ ^m ^^B^B ^V I "100 TrmfTtmE Filh Rrctpet". â-  ^^M^^WW I IVam. ^^^^ ^m ^^^r I ( PLKMB nOKT bBTTKm PLAIRLT) |

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