THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \\'ednesday, August 16, 1939 a, ' A â- .\\ • » • PROTON STATION There were numero«8 visitor* in our village over the Civic Holiday, •ome of whom were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds and daughter, Muriel, of Thombury called on friends; Mrs. Wilson of Toronto visited her mother and sister, Mrs. Consley and Miss Edith; Mr. and Mrg. Geo. Williams of Toronto visited at the Watson homes and at Mr. Jos. Parks'; Miss Mildred Sharp of Toronto with her sister, Mrs. Dever, also Miss Winni- fred Dever of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. McNicol, Mr. and Mrs. Kirkwood and little daughter at Mr. Chas. Lyons'; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Neilson, daugh- ter, Marjorie, and son, Murray, of Weston at the homes of Jack Neilson and Russell Irvnn; Mr. and Mrs. C. Irish and sons, Bruce and Norman, Mr. Douglas Wylie and Mr. Jack Irish «t the home of Firman Irish. Mr. and Mrs. W. J Hemphill and Bons, Lome, Elmer and Hugh and their friends, Miss Bernlce Mather and Bin Haliburton of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. DeSavigny of Winni- peg, Mr. and Mrs. AUx. McLean of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Culvers of Pundalk were guests at the home of S G. Acheson. Misses Evelyn and Emily Acheson of Cheltenham holidayed with Mr. and ' Mrs. Gordon Acheson. Miss Gertrude Lyons is spending holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stone and Dianna were guests at the home of Rev. H. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Wyville and grand- daughter, Marion Lyons, were visiting at Meaford. Mr. DensTOore Watson received a nasty cut on the head when the hay fork, which he was manipulating, dropped. Four stitches were required to draw up the wound. We are glad the damage was no worse. Mr. Chas. Lyons has greatly im- proved the exterior of his home with a new metallic siding. Fidd Competition in Oats Osprey Agricultural Society The 'Osprey Agricultural Society held a field crop competition in oats this year, the first time for some years, and the following were the winners of the prizes, with the score following each name: 1â€" Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell, 95. 2 â€" Alf. Hawton, Feversham, 93. 3 â€" Emerson Wright, Feversham 92. 5 â€" ^Dougald Stephens, Eugenia, 83. 6 â€" Kendall Hawkins, Eugenia 80. 7â€" Morton Sayers, Feversham, 79. 8â€" Ernest Hawton, Feversham, 78. Judge: H. A. Dolson, Georgetown. FEV ERS HAM The harvest will soon be finished in this vicinity if the weather continues as it is at present. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexander spent Sunday with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart of Ceylon -and Miss Marion McKeen of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mrs. R. J. Colquette. Mr. and Mrs. F. Somers of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Burk last week. Mrs. M. Nichol, Reg and Ken, were callers in the village on Saturday. Mr. J. J. Edgar has returned from his home in Eganville, after a six weeks' leave of absence. Miss M. E. Heron has returned to her home in Toronto after spending a couple of months with lier sister, Mrs. Colquette. Rev. and Mrs. Muchin were called to Hamilton on Sunday, owing to the serious illness of his motKer and the death of his grandmother. Rev. C. McNichol t«ok Mr. Muchin's services on Sunday. This was appreciated. We are glad to report Miss M. Speers and Mrs. Middleton recovering from recent illnesses. j Mr. Thompson Daviflson of the 12th i line is improving from his serious accident. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of Proton Station visited Mr. and Mrs. George Short on Sunday. PRICEVILLE MAXWELL The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Priestley Thursday with a good attendance. The presi- dent, Mrs. J. D. Leggatt presided. Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owen Sound" gave a very interesting talk on edu- cation, which was much enjoyed. The hostess served a dainty lunch at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Bicknell of Toronto visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright, the past week. Miss Viola Bryant of Toronto is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright. Mrs. Alice Nichollj! of Toronto fe visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Beatty to Maxwell, who are occupy- ing Mr. Geo. Long's cottage. RESTRICTED AREA TESTING IN GREY COUNTY The first week of testing in Grey County has been completed. The statistics are as follows: No. of herds tested 19 No. of herds affected 6 No. of cattle tested 334 No. of reactors 28 The work is being done in the most southerly section of Osprey township. Dr. Allan Robertson, V.S., is the only t>ne working in Grey County, but it is anticipated that other members of the Health of Animals Branch will soon be added. Rupture Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture ? If so, your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert, will be at the PARK HOTEL. FLESHKBTON for one day only FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1939 and will be pleased to give free ex- amination to any sufferer and to de- monstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will contract the opening in 10 to 15 days. This appliance is positively demonstrated to you right on your own person without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance for you. A consultation will cost you nothing. Don't let this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date. Summer Time Table EFFECTIVE Saturday, June 24th Leave Flesherton TO TORONTO c: 11.50 a.m. b: 7.25 p.m. TO OWEN SOUND C: 6.60 p.m. d: 7.45 p.m. b: Sun and Hoi. c: Sat only d: Pri. only. Standard Time Grey Coach Lines HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. The August meeting of Holdfast Club was held on the beautiful lawn of Miss Agnes Macphail, with an attendance of over forty members and visitors. Mrs. A. Stewart had charge of the meeting. A discussion on "How can farm prices be raised?" was led by Mrs. N. Cameron, Mrs. Wm. Hincks, Mrs. MacKenzia and Mrs. Sturrock. Miss Macphail also spoke for a few min- utes. The topic was ably handled by Miss E. Oliver and Miss Marion Muir, who gave some very interesting in- formation on the new course of study in public schools. Music throughout the program was given by Mr. Grant Muir and Mr. Allan Cameron with their bagpipes and Mrs. A. Henderson with her harp. The National Anthem closed the meeting. The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. N. Cameron. ROCK MILLS Misses Iva and Loreen English of Toronto spent a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. English. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent Thursday with relatives in Durham. Master Dennis Campbell of Eugenia holidayed last week with his cousin, Dolores Betts. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell and Garth of Toronto visited over the week end with Mr. J. A. Foster and family. Garth remained for a holiday. Mrs. John McEachnie and Mrs. Wm. Kerton of Markdale are visiting with their sister, Mrs. Alex. English. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Aldcom and Yyonne of Toronto are holidaying this week with Mr. J. A. Foster and family. High School PupUs Win Prize* In Art Exhibit Three pupils of Grade IX of Flesh erton high school were very successful i„ receiving priw awards at the Can- adian National Exhibition, which will open shortly. The subjects were sel- ected from their school work and compri.sed posters fcnd imagSnative drawings, the work of Misses Florence Newell. Janet Campbell and Marian CoUinson. Three prizes received from MX pieces sent in wa.. an excellent average. Miss Alice Heard was the teacher of art in the class. A miscellaneous shower was held on Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLeod, South Line, in honor of Uieir daughter, Donalda, and her husband. A large platform was placed on the lawn and a very large crowd was present to trip the light fantastic for several hours. Splendid Riusic was supplied by the Whyte orchestra, Mr. Chas. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc- i Oouugall, Fred Runciraan, Bill Mc- Kechnie and others. The bride and groom r««ceived many lovely gifts. j Miss Mildred Risk, Kimberley, spent i Thursday with Mrs. AUie Muir and . attended the Club meeting at the \ home of Miss A. C. Macphail. j On Friday night friends and I neighbors assembled at the home of â- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hincks when a miscellaneous shower was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Jos Petrie (nee Beth Hincks. The large crowd present , enjoyed dancing on the large platform outside. Splendid music was supplied by the Whyte orchestra, Messrs. Gor- don lAcLeod, Angus McMillan and Archie MacCuaig with violins. Bill McEachnie and Mrs. A. MacCuaig at the piano. The bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. At midnight lunch was served to all. Mr. Petrie, thanked all, on behalf of his wife, for the numer- oss gifts presented to them. Misses Lizzie and Kate Campbell returned to Montreal on Wednesday, after holidaying here. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Black and fam- ily and Mrs. M. MacDonald of To- ronto were visitors on Wednesday at the home of A. L. Hincks. Gordon and Harold Nichol spent last week visiting their tmcle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. D. L. McArthur, and cousin, Eleanor, at the Glen. Miss Mary Runciman of Toronto Is holidaying with her parents. Mrs. Bill Wilson and two sons of Cornwall are holidaying with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill, Fergus, spent the week end with her mother. Miss Annie McKinnon returned to Toronto on Suaday, after holidaying with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Parslow of New York are holidaying with their brothers. Bob and Dick Parslow. The reunion of the old folk and pupils of S. S. No. 10, Egremont, known at times as Dromore school (a fine old section, having produced no less than 27 teachers, two preachers and many worthy singerss reeves, councillors and treasurer) passed off very acceptably on Civic Holiday. Dr. Sneath of Durham, a long-time resident of Dromore, acted as chair- man and called off a large and varied program by young and old. A novel feature was the calling together of old and present members of the choir, some 25 or 30 joining in praising Anne Laurie and her matchless beautv. and how her lover would lay down 'and dee. Our Priceville Pat- riotic Pipers were in evidenca and Mr. Fred Runciman with his piccolo. Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P.. and F.. R. Oliver. MJP.P., gave fine short ad- dresess. A sumptuous supper was served to all with plenty left. Mr. Nerval Browley, reeve of Te- cumseh, came up on a short visit to his wife's mother, Mrs. Watson, m her sickness. A Miss Fenton, a >*arm friend of Mrs. Brawley, accompanied him, both ladies returning to Beeton. Miss Alice Drimmie, a niece, has ar- rived to take her place nursing. The closing exercises of the vaca- tion church school was held Friday afternoon, when songs and recitations were given by the pupils and certifi- cates presented, also a review of samples of their handiwork. They were led by Miss J. Cargoe of Flesherton and by Miss Monica Lambert at the piano. Miss Hincks gave an address of good quality. Miss Eleanor Mather was also a teacher. Sundav the seats of the choir of St. Andrew's was occupied by the major- itv of the 32 pupils that comprised the school, and sang selections. Rev A R Muir conducted the service and announced a male quartette from Dur- ham for St. Columba church next Sunday. , ,^ _ Mrs. (Rev.) Johnson of Owen Sound and three daughters are at present on a visit with friends here. Mrs. John McFarlane (nee Anna Mary) and her baby, after a short visit with her parents, returned to Toronto on Thursday with her brother. Alex. McLean. Mr. Chapman and daughter of lo- ronto were met at church on Sunday, thev being on a visit to the Muir familv at the "Six Comers." EUGENIA ••♦♦♦♦♦♦i*%«-*J*"*I â- ♦^^♦♦♦•♦♦i' *»*\r*'m' The W. A. will meet for the Aug. meeting at the home of Mrs.H. Tudor on Thursday afternoon. Visitors are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Joe LeGard and Mrs. McCowell of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson and Royden of Flesherton were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Porteous. Miss Ruth Fenwick of Newcastle is spending a fortnight with her cou- sin, Mrs. Joe Williams and Mrs. Ed. LeGard and other relatives. Mr. Ken Kaitting of the H.E.P.C. at Bracebridge spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting and sister, Delsa. Mr. Roy MacMillan spent the week end at his home here. His wife and son, Billie, accompanied him back to Spanish to spend a couple of weeks. Mr. John Park also accompanied them to Spanish to seek employment. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Kaitting and the latter's mother, Mrs. Olga Schmidt, have returned to their home in Detroit, after a visit with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. and Delsa. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young and their winsome little daughter, Carol, of Samia are holidaying with Mrs. Y's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Duckett. r Miss Queenie Kaitting pf Owen Sound and brother, Guy, of Duncan spent a couple of days recently with their brother. Will, and family at the Club House. Mr. Jack Large spent a few days at Niagara Falls. Master Douglas Large of Niagara Falls is holidaying with his great- grandfather, Mr. Peter Munshaw. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas and family of Feversham visited on Sun- day with the Kaitting family. Guests the past week at the Eu- genia House were: Mr. Blackwell and Miss Ferrier of Toronto and Mrs. N. Misener of Niagara Falls. Mr. John Cairns spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. .Ab. Long of Toronto were recent callers on Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson of St. Catharines were recent visitors with Mrs. W. Hanley and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hanley. Mrs. Ed. Legge and two childi-en, Billie and Jim, have returned home to St. Catharines after a month's visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Ottawa were recent visitors with the Warford family. . Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Brotherton and son, Ian, of Toronto were recent visitors with the Hanley family. Miss Evelyn Warford of Toronto visited a week with her brother. Mr. Cecil Warford, and wife. Mr. W. J. Wadsworth and M'-s. Kernahan of Flesherton and Mr. a-d Mrs. David Thomas and two sons of Ottawa visited at the Hanley home on Monday. Mr. HoUinger and Blr. and Mrs. C. .\. Law and Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie of Toronto were week end visitors at the Jamieson home. Word has been received fr»m Mr. Bennie Hanley that he, along with the other boys who motored west, arrived at their destination. Bennie has received employment with a fam- ily at Boharm, where the crops ar» very good. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnston and daughter, Agnes, and Margaret Mac- millan, have returned home from Cache Lake, where they spent two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston visited a couple of days with friends here, before returning to Toronto. Miss Dorothy Genoe has- Kr)ne west to visit her uncle and aunt, Mr. anu Mrs. Jim Jamieson, at Laura, Sask. Miss Dorothy Jamieson lias vofurn- ed home after spending a fev/ holi- days at Samia. Mr. and Mrs. F. Jamieson and son, John, and friend. Miss Phyllis Cheeney. spent a day in Toronto la'»t week. Miss Cheeney has returned tt her home in .Alexandria. Miss Lillian Magee of Toronto is holidaying at her parental homo. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Park and Production of Cream I Exceptionally Good THE CREAM SEASON IS WELL ADVANCED AXD SO FAR OL'R PRODUCTION' TTAS BEE.\' EXCEPTIONALLY 0(V1D. PROSPECTS FOR THE BALANCE OF THE YEAR LOOK R-ATHER FAVOUR-\BLE FOR BEST RESULTS SELL YOUR CREAM TO FLESHERTON CREAiMERY Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Phone 66 Chas. Goddard, Manager Margie were: Mr. and Mrs. Lome Goodfellow and son, also Mrs Beaton, of Nobleton, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Mc Lachlan and son of Barrie and Mrs. Bruce of Los Angeles, Calif. Mis. Beaton and Mrs. Goodfellow remain'jd for a visit with their sister, Mrs. Park. CEYLON Mrs. M. Snider and two sons, Mr. Glen Ellison, all of Detroit, and Mr. Arthur Bess of Moorefield visited on Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. J. L. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wilcock and daughtw, Shirley, of Buffalo ind Mr. and Mrs. M. Newton of Silver Creek, N.Y., visited the first of the week with the former's mother, Mrs. C. Wilcock. and his sister, Mrs. G. Cairns. Miss Florence McGregor, teacher at Stratford Collegiate, spent the week end with Mrs. Pattison. Miss Mc- Gregor taught schol here 25 years ago. Mr. Claud Chistlett of Kitchener has returned home after spending the past week with his father, Mr. F. Chislett. Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Holmes of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. Fred Chislett and Mrs. X. McMillan. Miss Mabel Parslow left on Sunday for Toronto and on Monday for B.C., where she will be a teacher on ex- change for the next year. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair and fam- ily attended the celebration of the Black Knights at Dundalk Saturday. Mr. Stanley Hunt of Toronto spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. WUarin of To- ronto visited at the home of the lat- ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLeod. Miss Irene Fisher of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher. The Women's Instiute meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Knox on Thursday. August 17th. PUN MY WORD.. A burglar broke into a house and had the cool nerve to take a bath. He wa."* not caught, as he made a clean get away. \\'hich reminds us of a lady driving with her husband through a Grey county hamlet. Friend Husband re- marked that it is a long-drawn-out village, whereupon the Better Half (observing a cemetery at the north end of the hamlet) came back with "Yes, but it comes to a dead end. " Barber â€" "Wet or dry?" Customer â€" "I never divulge my pol- itical leanings â€" just comb my hair. WATCH REPAIRING PRICES RBASONABLf E. 1. Holley Located above Bank of Commerce TORONTO St. F1,F.SHERT0N CHRISTIAN ISLAND - M1DL.\ND CRUISE Tue.'.day. Aug. 22nd. the last one- day cruise of the season will be made from Owen Sound on the C.P.R. liner Koc.watin to Chri.-Jtian Island and Midland. Loaves 8.:?0 a.m., back at 10 p.m. Return faro $2. Children «1. Secure tickets o.-^rly from Daily Sim- Times, Owen Sound. j A Few Specials I WALNUTS 40c lb.; 4 ox. 10c I CERTO 27c I 6 JELLO POWDERS and GLASS DISH 25c A FULL LINE OF SPICES FOR PICKIJXC^ ASK FOR OUR PRICES ON FRUIT THE LOWEST IN TOWN 0. & A. Co-ouerative Company, Ltd. | FLESHERTON. Ontario | 1 wonder if Jim will call tonight? Do you day-dream in the •veninga? When lomebody like Jim i« in â- distant town and â- e«ms ten timea â- â- far away as he really is? And then die telephone bell ringsâ€" and there's Jiml »» ^^ Hello Jim, I was hoping you'd call ! " I« there ever a time when a cheery voice from far away is not welcome? When the telephone bell announcea it yen fad grateful that there ate still people who think about y*v â€" and prove it by Long Diatancai. «(i ♦» And Jim says: 'Only 65/? # People who nae Long Diatane* •erriee are alwaya anipriaed howUttle it really co«t«. Hoiking with nnaller budget itema like movie*, cigarettes, laundry and ahoe repair*. Long DiBlane* telephone calls don't toudi yosw pocketbook seriously â€" bat d* always toudi yonr heart LONG DISTANCE costs so little I -Jim's coQ cost otdy 6Sc and H traveled mart tJum 200 mil«». By using low ISight Rat»» applying, at weil, all day Sii» doy â€" and placing "Anyona" caiU â€" you can talk a long^ Umg wtyâ€"far juu a vary IMa. ^f^j}-:ti^....