Wedcsday. August 2, 1939 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Sweep to the Front While the 'Big Votes' Schedule Is In Effect Every New Subscription counts FIVE TIMES as many votes now as it will in the Third Vote Period, RUSH to turn in every subscription possible during the First Period. 2nd Grand Prize $200 Cash That is the vray to obtain the Maximum Number of Votes Be the Leader, or make the fellow ahead break a record How the Votes Are Counted THIRD PRIZE SO Per Cent Cash Bonus Consists of SO per cent of all com- missions earned by Contestant FIFTH PRIZE 25 Per Cent Cash Bonus Consists of 25 per cent of all com- missions earned by Contestant FIRST PERIOD Terminating Auorust 19th Term Amount Votes 1 year â€" 11.50 10,000 2 years â€" 3.00 28,000 3 yearsâ€" 4.60 40.000 4 years â€" 6.00 60,000 5 years â€" 7.60 100,000 SECOND PERIOD Terminating September 2nd Term Amount Votes 1 year â€" 11.50 6,000 2 yearsâ€" 3.00 20,000 3 yearsâ€" 4.50 30,000 4 yearsâ€" 6.00 60,000 5 yearsâ€" 7.50 80,000 THIRD PERIOD Terminatingr September 9th Term Amount Votes 1 year â€" 11.50 4,000 2 yearsâ€" 3.00 16,000 3 yearsâ€" 4.50 „ 24,000 4 yearsâ€" 6.00 86,000 5 yearsâ€" 7.50 60,000 FOURTH PRIZE 33 1-3 P«r Cent Cash JSonus Consists of 33 1-3 per cent of com- missions earned by Contestant SIXTH PRIZE 1 5 Per Cent Cash Bonus Consists of 15 per cent of all com- missions earned by Contestant DOUBLE VOTES WILL BE GIVEN ON NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS DURING Ist AND 2nd PERIODS. H The above schedule of votes which Is on a declining scale positively will not be changed during the campaign. A special ballot, however, good for 50,000 EXTRA VOTES will be issued on each "club" of 120.00 worth of subscriptions turned In. This arrangement will Ic in effect throughout the cam- paign and he conald. red a part of the regular vole schedule. WEEKLY BONUS AWARDS COUNT BIG On Saturday nights a big MONEY BONUS BALLOT will be given each participant based on the work done by that candidiate for the week, accor<llng to the following schedule: THE I'lRST PERIOD $ 30.00 reportfl for the week ( 50.00 reported for the wot!k I 80.00 reported for the week 1100.00 reported for the week 150,000 votes 300,000 votes 600.000 votes 1.000,000 votes THE SECOND AND THIRD PERIOD % 30.00 reporte/l for the week 100,000 votes I .WOO reportc<J for the week 200,000 votes I 80.00 reported for the week 300,000 votes $100.00 reported for the week 600,000 votes $150.00 reported for the weuk 1,000,000 votes TURN IN SUBSCRIPTIONS DAILY Do not hold buck subscriptions to complete "clubs". An accurate record will be kept of each candidate's business and each day that a candi- date reports THREE or more subscrlptiona a bonus of 5,000 "daily" report votes will be given. You gain by reporting each day in the week. IT IS THE VOTES THAT WIN! Don't hesitate to ask questions If there Is anything you don't understand. SEE THE CAMPAIGN MANAGER AT ONCE 15% Cash Commissions Payable Weekly FREE COUPON GOOD FOR 10 VOTES (Must be cast within week from date of this issue) M Address Collect all these Coupons you can get. Get your friends to save them for you (CLIP NEATLY. DO NOT ROLL OR FOLD.) 12,500 Bonus Votes will be given for every S-year sub- scription (or its equivalent) turned in before Saturday midnight August 5th 1939 This Bonus will positively not be repeated during the Campaign. Campaign Conducted byâ€" I vkik George Durham : ' V V -J H-