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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1939, p. 6

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Picturesque Display Will Advertise Can»da At World's Poultry Congrew When the seventh world's poultry congicss gets under way at Clevc- JaiMi on July 28, Canada will be represented by the exhibit shown iJELOW, a display prepared by the department of oRriiulture of the Dominion government. Also shown is F. C. Elford, who has been representinR Canada in connection with the arrangements for the eon^ress, F. C. Nunnick will b« in charge of the exhibit and Hon. J. G. Gardiner, minister of agriculture for the Dominion will be one of the prini-ipnl speaktis on Canada Day, July 31. The congress runs until August T. iS.!^' ^, ^ '^ CANADA ^/^> pf^ Sh jfei -,l^. m L^ P, I Says Office Calls Should Be Brief lENSES FOR NEAR-BLIND A new type of spectacle lens vjih a magnification of 300 per lent., brings new hope to the part- ly blind. Dr. William Feinbloom, i'l New York, said that seven chil- dred in institutions for the blind had already been returned to pub- lic schools through use of the Irn."^. ACID CHECKS MOLD The problem of bread mold, en- hanced in the last two decades by development of the sliced, wrap- ped loaf and the demand for a vtoist loaf, has been solved through discovery that propionic Jirid in salt form delays mold for- Hiation from two days to two week.s. The acid does not advers- riy affect the flavor or texture of the bread. JELLY, SECRET OF STRENGTH Vibration of a protoplasmic jelly inside the "sinews" of mus- rle"! is the secret of strength. This discovery was described to the .American Association for the Advancement of Science by Dr. Ebcn J. Carey, a recognized au- thority on muscles, nerves and 't>ones. The protoplasmic jelly fills the thread-shaped cells that link to- gether to form the "sinews" or bundles of muscles. This jelly vi- brates to cause the well-known contraction and expansion of raus- ckfl in action. Dr. Carey has map- I>«d on 25,000 slices of muscles, •bout 1/ 1,000th of an inch thick. How Can I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. â€" How can I make an indel- ible stencil ink? A. â€" Mix two parts sulphate of manganese, one part lampblack, four parts sugar (all in powder form). Then make a paste by ad- ding a little water. Q. â€" How can I keep the flavor Kiid vitamins in vegetables? A. â€" Don't cook them in too ninch water. Cauliflower, cab- bage, spinach, and string beans u«ed no more than a fourth to a half cup of water to start steam- ing and releasing their juices. Q. â€" What are some of the iitarch substitutes? A. â€" Borax water in place of iitarch for stiffening voiles, dimity, •nd sheer, fine collars and jabots. (Jae three tablcspoonfuls of sugar kD a gallon of water for organdie, weak gum arable solution for silk Mod crepe, and bran water or rice water for cretonne and figured Rfittons or linens. Q. â€" How can 1 prolong the wear •f shoes? A. â€" Apply several coats of co- mI varnish to the soles and vamps. Hboes treated in this way will sel- dom have to be half-soled. This bi particularly good for children's •hoes that receive such hard wear. Q. â€" How can I clean a whitc- l>aintcd article effectively? A. â€" Try using water in which two or three onions have been boiled, and see how readily the 4irt is removed. Q._.How can I fatten thin hands? A.â€" Wash the hands in hot water, dry, and rub a little olive •i) into them. Make the applica- tion before retiring so that the oil ran remain on n* lonf as powible. Huge New Liner Sails Next April R. M. S. Queen Elizabeth, Larg- est Ship Ever Constructed, Will Set Out On Her Maiden Voyage Largest ship e>er constructed, the R.M.S. Queen Elizabeth, will sail from Soutbampion April 24, of 1940, on her maiden voyage to New York, It l3 announced from the Lon- don ofriceg of Cunard White Star Lice, Tonnage 85,000 The 1,031-foot liner, ol an esliin- mated 85,000 gross tonnage, will be put into regular service between New York, Cherbourg and South- ampton along with ttie liner Queen Mary. At present, the Queen Mary holds all records for speedy transatlantic crossings but expected to be even greater Is the speed of the Queen Ellraboth, named after and christ- ened by Queen Elizabeth at Clyde- bank, Scotland, last Septembe-. The line plans to use only the two liners on the weekly run In- stead of the present three ships necessary to maintain the schedule. HaveYouHeaid The teacher wrote on the black- board: "The horse and the cow is in the stable." "Now," she said to a little boy, "what is WTong with that sen- tence?" Little Boy â€" "I think you should say, 'The cow and the horse ie in the stable'." Teacherâ€" "Why ?" IJttlc Boyâ€" "Ladies first." "That fellow," laid a col- lege profetsor of â-  certain •tudcnt, "put* up • soo<l bluff but there is nothing to hini. Open the front door and you â-  re in hi> back-yard." The amateur gardener was showing the beauties of his green- house. "This," he said, pointing to a flower, "belongs to the petunia family." "Docs it?" said the sweet young thing. "I suppose you're minding it while they're aw'ay." â€" o â€" "Waiter, never bring me â-  steak like this again." "Why not, lir?" "V. rll, it (imply iin't done." â€" â€" A patient, escaped from an in- sane asylum, was at last discov- ered in earnest conversation with a coloured guard at a military en- campment. By means of signs be- hind the maniac's back, the attend- ants were at last able to capture him. Then one of them happened to glance toward the guard and de- manded in astonishment : "Why, man, what's the matter with you? You're trembling and the sweat is pouring off your face." "Yassir," gulped the negro. "Ross, after dat feller been talk- in' to me five minutes 1 knowcd one of us was crazy, and now I've found out it's him. I'se so reliev ed â€" so relieved !" Old Hen: "I'll give you a piece of good adTice." Young Hen: "What ia il?" CM Hen: "Aa tgg a day keep* the batcher awayf* •••t>>p«»>««<i»i Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Is the hoet as much respons- ible for the entertainment of guests as the hostess? 2. When one enters a restaur- ant, carrying several packages, where should these bundles be placed? 3. Should a woman ever wear a beautiful gown when it is not ap- propriate for the occasion? 4. Should the best man and the ushers stand in the receiving line at a wedding reception? 5. What is the correct pronun- ciation of "negligee"? 6. Where should the napkin be laid if the first course of a dinner 18 placed on the table before the guests are seated? Answers 1. Yes. Of course his duties are entirely different, but it is just as important that he do his part in being hospitable. 2. If there is no check room, place them on a va- cant chair. If the restaurant is crowded, place the packages under your chair. 3. Never; it always makes her very conspicuous, and colls forth unkind comments among her friends. 4. No; the bride and f^room, maid of honor, and bridesmaids are the only ones to stand in the receiving line. 5. Pronounce neg-li-zha, e aa in egg, i as in it unstrpssed, a as in day, principal accent on last syl- lable. 0". At the left of the forks. Five Top Bands Coming To Ex. Five of America's foremost dance bands, "swing" and "sweet", have been announced for the Canadian National Exhibition by General Manager Elwood A. Hughes. If the dance 'ans wan*, to "go Jittery" or If they prefer the more stately and measure<l tread they may make their selection between Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, Glen Gray, Tom- my Uorsey and Guy Lombardo's stage - screen radio ensembles. Horace lleldt had been engaged, too, but Mr. Hughes released him trom his contract when he later arranged a long-term lucrative en- gagemei.t In Hollywood. The Ex- hibition promises somo Innovations in the (lance r-vlllon this year. Music Increases Milk Production Domri, Japanese news agency, seasoned its report of events in China last week with an account of how a Japanese dairywoman in- creased her herd's milk output. "Mrs. Shiina", the Domci despatch said, "has succeeded in increasing by from 10 to 20 percent, lbs milk given by her cows by playing to them music while milking. Jap- anese experts, delihted by Mrs. .Shiina's discovery, advise the 185 stock farmers in Tokyo to instal radio sot^." Fiery, Itching Toes and Feel Her« Il a cl«an. â- UlntcH anllaeptlc oH now dispensed by chembit ftl trifllnR cntt, that will do morr to help you f^t rid of youi trnub1« llian anythinn yoti've ever uKd. Its action ia »o powtrfiilly pcnrtratlna that the itchins la inttantly iloppcd; and in a ahort lime rou are rid of that bother aome. 6cry eccrma. The tame is true of narber'i Itch, Salt Rheum, Ilrhina; Tora anr' Ftet â€" other irritating iintightly ikin troubles Yo« can obtain Moone'i Emerald Git tr tlw erifinal bottica at any modern dru» •tore. It it tafa to uae â€" and failure in ant •f tka ailmenta noted abova it rare indted iMiie No. 28 â€" '39 That'* One of the First Rules to Learn in Business Office calls, whether they're for business or pleasure, should be brief, is a first rule fir bu.siness ofliccs. If you find the person, on whom you are calling, is busy, let him finish what he's doing. When you converse, make your remarks brief and to the point. Do not rush through the interview as if you had to make a train, but state your case quickly and plain- ly- Other don't.s for the office call- er: Don't hesitate to shake hands. That's an old office custom. Don't try to bluff your way past the reception desk. If you have a legitimate reason to get into an office you'll be admitted. Once you've tried to bluff, however, you have closed the door against fu- ture call.". For receptionists, like elephants, never forget. Hint to the man who has a wc man caller: Itise when she enters the room, just as you would at home. Eye Defects Blamed On Scenic Changes An export in visuril dis/;ases told his colleagues last week that "modern man is living at the end of his nose â€" and his eyes object." Dr. Charles Sheard, director and professor of biophysical research at the Rochester, Minn., Mayo Foundation, told the .American -Academy of Optometry many eye faults were due to the movement of persons from farms into cities. "The duties of man's eyes thus have been increased from merely seeing a large piece of farm equip- ment or an animal at the end of the pasture, to seeing minute ob- jects within arm's length." ''WORTH COMING DOWN FOR.'" T«lt' about « 3f«nd, coot tmoksl You c<n't beat fr«si4nt Dixie Plus â€" «nd you cut c«cl) pipeful Imh when you want it. DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO running through the province and only 10 per cent of the highways wt-re receiving this treatment. It was because of this constantly Increasing cost that the govern- ment has been looking toward cheaper methods of weed eradica- tion and eiperimen: nas no" iam- onstrated that chem:cal weei kill- er applied by a sprayer ins:iiine not only exterminates the g.-owth but does It at a cost representing a saving over the lees eftineat practice of weed ciittiiig. COM PARS Ti rc$tone CHAMPION TIRES Weed Killer Costs Little Ontario Government Official Claims Use of Chemicals Means Big Saving Dr. W. J. Stephen of the crop weeds and seeds branch of the On- tario Government, stated at Kit- chener recently that the purchase of $700 chemical weed killer would definitely establish weed control in Waterloo County. It was costing Ontario about 1300,000 annually for cutting weeds along the sides of the highways ITCH STOPPED t'fiai/iY/if 'or Money Back For _quiek relief from itching of eeiema, pimplci, atb- liita'a foot, mint snbio, ruhea aad other eitamallT ouurd ikin Iroublra, use woild-famona, ooolinc ut>- •eptio, liquid O. D. D. rrocription. OrcHelea, â- tunlrcB. Boolhre irritation tod quickly itopi inlOHn itehinx. 85e trial bottle provee It. or money t)Mk. AA roar dnuie* today for 0. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. PROTECT your life and the live* of your family by equipping your car with a set of new Firestone Champion Tire*. Only in the new Firedone Cham- pion Tire* do you get all tbese exclusive construction features. ^ SAFETY-LOCK CORD BODY is U59o stroDcer â€" extrm strength means extra safety. An exclusive Firestone safety feature. ^ NEW CUM-DIPPINC PRO- CESS counteracts internal fric- tion and beat and cuards asaiost blovftiuts. Another exclusive Firestone safety feature. ^ : EXTRA CORD PLIES under the tread irive greater protec- tion against punctures and mabes the tire safe at any speed. Another Firestone exclusive safety feature. "^ ^ GEAR-CRIP TREAD has thousands of sharp-edfa angles fee f)U<<:k. sal* stops. Another exclusive Firestone safety feature. p, PROVED ON THE SPEEDWAY-for 20 consecutive years rirpton.. Tires have been on the winning cars in the annual GOO- mile XndhinuiNilis Race. Another exclusive Firestone safety feature. These smart, new, streamlined Champion Tire* will f!»< your ear an entirely new appearance. Have the nearest I'irewioae Dealer put on a set today. THE ONLY TIRES MADE THAT ARE SAFETY-PROVED ON THE SPEEDWAY FOR YOUR PROTECTION ON THE .HIC-iHvVAV "Firefttoaes ate ihr hest 1 h c V e «' V e r drivMi," aays Wilbur Shaw. I wiiuier f}T the 1939 ra>:o at the ItKliaoap. oils S|»'«<lway. Sar ll.illV t'llICIv!< \>KX OLD AND STARTED CHICK barsaln.s Stniulard Quality LeK- horn rullets 10 day old »t5.90; two wet<k old tlli.90; thri'o weeks 120.90. Unrrcd Hock MLxnl ten day old 19.45: two week old J10.45: thrco week old (14.45. 15arred Itock I'uUfts 10 day old $12.45; two week uld J13.45: three week old J17.4S. liarrcd Hock Cockerels ten day old J8.75; two week old »9.75: thrco week old J13.75. Dny Old LeKhorns J6.96; Harrcd Rocks »7.45. N'esv Hampshire Reds |8.2S Big Kkjt tiiiiillty add one cent. Ex- tra Select iidd two cents. Prompt delivery. HaUoii Klectrlc Chick H.Ttchery, I^lmited, llitden. Onf. .sn.MMKU S.M.L' OF TWEDDIJE C'hickH. (iriide A l.egrhoins |7.6tl: llarred Uucks $7.90: Keda, White Hocks, Hybrids »(l.45. 90 per cent. Pullci.i liiiired ItockB »10.95: Heds, Whilu l!/M-ks. HybrUI.M $11.75: Leg- horiis $14.95: Cockerols. L«|?horii.s $3.00. Heavy breeds $11.75. Extra I'roflt (iriiclc add ono <-ent. Prompt delivery. Will ship C.O.I). Txveddle Chick Hiiti-hirie.i Limited. Fergus. Uiitarlo. K.M1 OF THK .SF.VSON SALK OK IIlKh Quality Clilek.s from blood- tested breeders. KtanUard Qunllty White LeKhoriiH 6Ho: Sfl'b Pulletn !>.-: Unrred Itocks $ii.V5: PulletH $9,95; Cockerels CHc. .New Iliimp- shlra Iteds $7.95: Pullets $10.45; • "uckcrclfi t>'<sc. UirK" I-KK (Juallty hatched from biB oKKs. add one .eiit. ItlKHor Profit, iiild two renta. Prompt delivery. Will ship C.O.I). Top .Notch Clilckerlrfi, Cunlph, Ontario. r.CY IIHAY CIlIi'lv.Sâ€" TIIK KINK with the vltnllly to live well, Krow fnnt, lay early mid make fine, ment.v br«illern n nd ruantera. Ilettrr order rlKhl uwny, Dray llntrbery, 130 .lohii .Sintl North, iliimllton, iiiiinrln. •rilKltVr.H .MONKV IN »>KF-SKA.SON Itrollers. Itniy Lewhorn- Wyaii- doltr en. as will do the trick for you. White feathered. <i"lek itrow- Inir. premium finish. f)rder well In advance. Write for rrlcrs. Broy Hatchery. 130 John Street North. Hamilton, Ontario. Classified....... Advertising.. PKHSOXftL KILMS UL:vti:i.opicu ONE MONTH ONLY. INTKODUC- tory offer, 8x10 enlargement, with every order. Roll developed and •Ight prints. Reprints 10 prints. Send order, advertisement and thirty cents. Mali order depart- ment. Graphic Film Servllce, 247?4 Dtindas St.. London. Ont. Estab- lished 1920. KUn SALE nKVRI.«il'IN« IIK.ST llK.»<»'I.Ti<â€" noi.T.S nKVEL- oprd with hiKlnss d^vklrd edited prints â€" !5c. Itsprlnts 3e. llcnutlful enlarccment free. Prompt service. Kxeel Photos, i;Ct; liiinsdown* .Vve., T oronto. • K.\fll* X4JR~«F~t)l.l» lUloksr" I .'<KI> «-«.mHi:.'<IH>M>K.NC13 OH Home St\idy Courses houitht and sold; Cnnndas l.arKest dealer: biK prices paid for uld Itooks, Send â- en centn •intT\ps or <-o(n foof llat. Oonoiny IMstrlbutInK t.'ompsny. I.'amlndtoii, Oniarlo. CHEPE-TEX BATHING SUIT.S $2, Caps S6c, postpaid. Red, White, and Canary. Send for catalogue, capes, rubber sundries Hay Bald- win. Merlin. Ontario. IIUIMU.S KUH SALM CHOSSURKD, FOXHOUND, BLOOD- hound, make best Fox, Coon, Ljnx and Hear dotts. Females, three months. $5.00: Males, $7.00. Train- ed Fox and Doer Hounds. Kuaran- teed No. 1, Jack Heasbeck, Vnn- kleek Hill. Ontario. mai;iii<m:iiv a siiuf suitlik.o Ni:W AN1> HEnUll.T MACHINERI of every description â€" boilers and r nit Incsâ€" electric motors â€" meeh. nnlo'a tools â€" belting. Canada's larKrst machinery house. Write or call The A. It. Williams A^-hlnery Company, Limited, 61 Front St., West. Toronto. MKIIICAL, HAV FKVElt â€" Perthshire Medicat- ed Snuff. Plrnsnnt. Convenient. Itrlleven nil eases. SOc and $1.00 sixes. Sole Agcnta O. I). Products. linpitrters. Itox 616. Toronto. MliilllllUUMJI $40 UONTHLY UPWAHUS. tiHOW - InK mushrooms tor ua from pedl- Krca spawn, free spawn and nl- troiten. Information free. Service and Inatructlons guaranteed to produce. (leurKlnn Hay Produce Co., Uox H> , Toronto. KKtV KIH.MTI ItK KOH HAI.R SAVE lO-^ OU MURK ON NEW Furniture. Our lnrK« five-floor warehouse la stocked with com- plete home furnlshlRKs. Hy selllnir illre.t from our WAHKHOISB nr save an averaita of tO'.'^ and this big sarInK on to you. Terms nrrnngrd. Freight prepaid. Write us to-day. Valuable prem- iums Riven for sending customers 'o us. M<-Kenna Furniture Co., Limited. »2( Hay Street. Tiironto. MARRIâ€" HUNDHEUS TO CH1.0SE from. Many with means, .arm- ers" daughters. Widows with Property. Partlouluia 10c. Con- adeiitial. Box 128 Calgarr. Al- berta. (JUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF. E.\yiLT, Inexpeuaively. Homo retnedy. Tea- tlmoulata. tjuaranlecd. Advic* tree. Bartlelfe. Box 1. Wliicipeg. IF YOU WANT AN affk:;:on- ate romantic sweetheart, with money, write: Mary Lee, 4*l>-0, Holla, Mi ssouri. PLlMllIMi MI'I' 600 SLIGHTLY ISED I.^THS, Sinks, Closet.s, ripot. l<asi! â- , J'U* Extinguishers, aUo new. '. -rioral Plumbing, 62 Crnig West. Iiont- real. ^^^ PIANOS CHITA P IP YOU ARE l.NTEKESTEI ..N A Eocd renewed piai:o at a t.'ntaln price write for descriptive ilsli with prices. forwiviUoU frc? ->:- re- quest, lieintimai- nnd C;. "-$1 Yonge Street, Tororto. SALE or m>K MINK OF HIC.H OHAI^E gC .-.TY. Special sale ditrlnt; July av : .iiug- ust at prices far below r^jilar. Every animal will be pe: • .sally selected. Orders filled as r-; ::'ed. Write to-day, U A. Jc<i*«, 1; T'lt- iH't Street, St. Tlioni;ib. '>'iiil':«> A.M) Mitxiiii:? I' oit -t.:.!! $2.00 IP, UlAKANTEED v.oiii: Tires; Iticycles. $l«.Oti up. rite for bargain prlcw Ust. "i-,,>nto Tire. 19 J l'unda.< V\ e.s;. To- -li^'. _ I SiKII Kl IIMVI hi: I'-OR «\. a i;OOI> USED FIKNITLHK: 8 : CB L>lnlng Suite $15. ve; Che- • '"Id Suites $20,00: Chesterfiel Jed Suite $39.50: Studio Couche- ; ' JO 9-plece Dining Suites, Ilk? ; *w. $49.50; Hreakfast Suites J.iOO. Hundreds of other nrticlej. ."'ta us for your redu'.rements. Tirma nrranged If necessary. M U-rin» Furniture Co.. Llmlttd. i'. -5»r Street, Toronto. tSKU rillKS « UL'VHI-AP- ', .'M SALE LSED TIRBS AND HLT HKAL • /v>K any car or truck, 95c »â- . i .'P- Every tire guarRiueed. i. ;'9* gallon and up. Batteriea. etc _ esl- ers wanted. Write for frj-' "xrv gain price lists. Order* . .led. Huy with confidence, frcr '.'n- ada's largest retrraders. Msrilclj Tire Company. Pox WU lit-lil King West,'Urx. On;.''. J-

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