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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1939, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday. July 12, 1939 CENTRE LINE . . 1 . « t k: Lota of rain now, accompanied by thunder storms. Everything is grow- ing vary faat, especially the weeds. Mr. Gilbert, Mrs. Lyons, Garfield -and Jean, visited with friends in Dray- ton recently. Miss Jean remained for a two weeks' visit. Mrs, McBroom of Toronto is visit- ing with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Little. Mr. and Mrs. Morton have returned from a week's visic with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Sullivan, Iroquois Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Little of Mea- ford and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoggard and Lloyd of Heathcote spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little and family. First of July visitors at the home -of Robt Osborne were: Mr. Cecil Os- Itome and Gordon Jackson of Owen Sound, Mr. Rhesa McClean and John Osborne ot Flesherton, Victor Osborne and Gordon Hargrave. Mount Zion Sunday School picnic -was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps on Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt and fam- ily spent Saturday at Wasagra Beach. EIGHTH LINE, OSPREY Mrs. Walter Lawlor has been crit- ically ill, but we are glad to know that she is improving nicely now. Mr. Wm. Moffatt purchased a fine work horse a few days ago. Haying has commenced In some places and will be general this week. The heavy dew at night is hard on the fall wheat. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt were: Mr. and Mrs. John Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Will Park and son, (John, of Banks; lir. and Mrs. Blaschke and son. Ronald of Preston and Mrs. J. Crawford and two child- ren of Whitby. Mrs. Crawford re- turned home, but Mrs. Blaschke re- mained for a longer visit. Miss Adeliae Murphy has returued home, after spending the past two months in Toronto. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. R. J. Colquette and family in the loss of their husband and father. Our congratulations to Miss Phyllis Roberts who did so well on her Ent- rance examination, taking secoad highest marks in South Grey. CEYLON VICTORIA CORNERS Miss Doris Bannon is spending a few weeks in Toronto taking a sum- mer course. Jack Regan of Toronto is spending the summer at Milton Bannon's. The Hawton family of Feversham visited their daughter, Mrs. Elwyn Ferris. Mrs. Taylor and son and Miss Helen Townsend of Toronto are visit- ing the former's nephew, Ed. Stinson. Mrs. Jas. Sinclair and two sons of Ceylon visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Copeland. Congratulation to Hazel Copeland for passing her Entrance exams. Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot are spending the summer vacation at Hock Mills. Our garden party on Friday even- ing was quite a success. The meat supper with ke cream desert was much appreciated. Following supper the Bethel young people gave their new play "Just Old Home Folk." It was acted in their characteristic way. The play has a good story with a moral running through it. Music was rendered by the Hamilton orchestra of Honeywood, while solos were given by Don Mcintosh of Dundalk and Anna Maude Aoheson and Russell Acheson of Inistioge. Florence Batchelor is attending the summer school at Presqu'isle for the y. P. S. Little Miss Boland, daughter of the late Roy Boland of Toronto, is visit- ing her cousin, Mrs. Ernie Stinson. Miss Lulu Cook of Tomto is visit- tog her sister, Mrs. Walter Acheson. Mr. BBob Bowering of Toronto is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson. WATCH REPAIRING PRICES SEASONABLE E. I. HoOey Located above Bank of Commerce TORONTO St. FLESHERTON PROTON STATION Misses Velma Pringle and Muriel ' Wilson of Toronto were visitors re- cently writh their graiidparents, Mr. and Mrs. Consley. Excitement ran high one day last week when the bam belonging to Mrs. Corbett caught fire and burned to the ground. Being situated about the centre of the village, several buildings were endangered. Only the favorable wind and tireless efforts of the men of the community, saved the buildings of Mr. WyviUe. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McPherson and daughter, Eleanor, of Pekin, 111., have been holidaying with Mrs. Mc- Pherson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCanneL Mr. and Mrs. McCannel accompanied them on the return trip. Mrs. R. G. Acheson spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Mac- Lean, at Toronto. This week she is visiting another daughter, Mrs. Nich- olls, at Port Stanley. Great sympathy is felt for Dever brothers in the death of their brother. Abraham, at Saskatoon, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burton and fam- ily were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wyville. Zella Lyons accom- panied them to their home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Acheson and baby, Gwendolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Russal .A.eheson and Miss Maude Acheson spent Sunday last in Toronto. The McCannel families of this com- munity enjoyed a picnic in the form of a McCannel reunion at Blaek's Beach on Saturday. Congratulations to Marjorie Bat»s and Norine Parsons on being success- ful in obtaining their GradeVI and Gradel piano examinations. Norinne took honors. These girls are pupils ^"^y bright underwent of Miss Ruth Sherson, A.T.C.M. Mrs. Elwood Moore and three child- ren of Flesherton ar« visiting rela- tives and friends in Proton. Politician â€" "And aow, gentleman, I wish to tax your memory." Man in the audience: "Good heavens, has it come to that." it Can you com« right ov€r. Doc . . . she's getting worse!" H Htm foBiner did not have a telephone it would probably have token him all day to get "doc" organiied â€" or to summon quick oid for other emer- genciesâ€" '*Sure we need a telephone." this farmer Mays. 'Ve'd never be without it I" So why Ink* ehcmcas? A taUphoo* means ao much to th« whol* famUy: it's always handy, and it costs so UttI*. Mr. and Mrs. Noble of Winnipeg are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKe«, who also had as week end visitora Mrs. Laurie and daughter, Betty, of NotUwa, and Mrs. Park and four children of Detroit. Miss Agnes Macphail, MP., was in Ottawa over the week end. Miss Marion Muir has returned home after visiting Toronto friends. Mr. Thos. Wikock has returned to Regina, Sask., after visiting with his mother and sister, Mrs. Wilcock and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Friends in this community extend their sympathy to the relatives of the late Sirs. Andrew Gilchrist. The late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist and family were former residents of this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair of Dondalk were callers on Friday at the home of J. F. Collinson.. Billy Pattison of Toronto is holi- daying with his grandmother, Mrs. M. Pattison. Miss Frances Collinson was home from Hamilton for the week end. Miss Mable Parslow of Toronto is spending the holiday with her broth- ers, Messrs. R. and Dick Parslow. Mrs. Archie Stewart arrived home Friday from the Owen Sound hospital where she has been a patient for some time. Her many friends are pleased with the progress she is^ making. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Mitchell visited on Sunday with the latter's sister a* Brampton. Miss Myi-tle Wright of Feversham spent Sunday at her home. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. F. Collinson on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Lunch com. â€" Miss Mary Mather and Mrs. J. R. Sinclair. Mr. Harvey Griffin and Mr. Dobson of Toronto were callers on Mrs. Wil- cock last week. Mrs. Hugh Bailjey of Dundalk and Mrs. M. Reany of Palmerston were in the village Saturday. At the Ladies' Aid meeting at the home of Mrs. J. McKee Mrs. Richard Whittaker and Mrs. T. Brady of Flesherton gave readings, which were greatly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. A. McFayden visited the latter's sister, Mrs. W. Burnett, near Flesherton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDermid spent Sunday with the former'3 brother, Mr. Roy McDermid, South Line. The new pastor. Rev. McMillan, will conduct church services each Sunday at 2.30 p.m., instead of 3.30. Messrs. Grant Muir and .A.Ilan Cameron will lead the Flesherton Orangemen in their march at Owen Sound on Wednesdsay. Miss Maud Hemphill, accompanied Mr. Emerson Wright of Feversham on Wednesday to CoUingwood, where tonsil operation. Mrs. .â- ^. C. Muir was in Berkeley On Monday. Miss Bessie Cairns of Weston is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Week end visitors on the Stone's Line included: Mrs. Thos. Tew and Mr. Bill Tew of Wingham, at I. B. Whittaker 's: Mr. and Mrs. Randall and Miss Eveline Eckhardt of Top- cliff e at J. K. McLeod's; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wharin and Miss Jeanette Mc- Leod of Toronto at J. D. McLeod's; Irene and Elsie Fisher and friend of Toronto at Geo. Fisher's; David and Douglas Stanton of Durham at the home of Mrs. Neil Cameron. Mrs. Jos. Oliver suffered a dislo- cated shoulder on Friday when she slipped on some gravel in the yard at her home and fell heavily. She is doing as well as could be expected. KIMBERLEY Rev. (^aham took the church ser- vices on Sonday. On Tuesday even- ing the induction service was held in Kimberley church. Rev. Jenner of Temple Hill, Rev. Roach of Ravenna were present and assisted in the ser- vice. Rev. McAuslan was also in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham of Vandeleur visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham. We are glad to report Mrs. Dobson able to return, after being in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Eibach and daughter of Detroit were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. E. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ellis and family are spending some holidays with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Weber and other friends. Little Miss Janet Betts entertained a number of her little friends at a birthday party at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. D. L. Weber. It was also the birthday of her co«sin, Betty Ellis. Mrs. Wm. Hammond, Paul and Lucille, of Toronto are camping on their "flats." The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Jos. Cornfield Thursday afternoon, with a good attendance. $25 was vsted to the minister's salary and |10 to the Trail Rangers for the "Thurs- ton Park" for tables and other supplied. Miss Edna Burritt of Toronto is home for holidays for a couple of months' A sad accident occurred at Hall- burton summer place, when Henry Tate lost his life from presumably a heart attack. With two chums he had been swimming and diving into the water and then failed to come up. His body was recovered after over two hours, when it became wedged be- tween some logs. Mr. Tate was a brother of ;Mrs. Ijaurve Lawrence. Others who survive are a sister and brother in Nova Scotia, his mother in Toronto, with whom he lived, and his sister here, Mrs. Lawrence. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. Henry was well known here and well liked. He had a sunny and kindly dissposition and was a clean living chap. Interment took place in Thornbury. Mr. and Mrs. Royden McDonald of Rat Rapids are holidaying with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens. Mrs. Carl .-Atkinson and .-^nne are visiting her parents in New Bruns- wick for two months. Miss Bessie Stafford is home for holidays, also Mr. and Mrs. .Millward of Toronto with H. R. Stafford. Mr. Jack Perkins furnished excell- ent music for a dance during the week, but as there was extreme heat the attendance was small. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Good of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. F. Davis visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham on Sunday. Mr. Les. Lawrence of Barrie visited friends here over Sunday. The Sunday School decided to go to CoUingwood park for a picnic next week. , Superior Stores Specials This Week TOMATO JUICE, talb 3 for 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. 31 oz. cant 22c BEEFEX CORN BEEF 2 can. 25c QUICK QUAKER OATS pkg. 22c MACARONIâ€" REAL FRESH 4 lbs. 15c PORK & BEANS 3 taU tin* 23c ME.\TS â€" A larg-e variety Cooked. VEGETABLES â€" Our specialty, .\lways Fresh ' A TREAT FOR POTATO BUGS Two in One Bug Killer 25 lb. bag 75c C. J. KENNEDY PHONE 37 WE DELIVER Osprey Township S. S. Cooveotioo DobI !•< o^othor dor go hy widiottt maldiig otmigmnvatt lor a tvUphoa* at your fam. Every fonn should hor* oa*. LOW RATES for FARM HOMES (Intended for Last Week) Miss Catharine Stewart ot the U. & M. hospital, Owen Sound, is spend- ing her vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Evans, Miss Peggy and Miss Mary Muir, Toronto, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Muir. Mr. Will Stewart, Toronto, and Mr. George Cooper, Feversham, spent last week at Mr. John Stewart" s. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston and familv of Oshawa visited over the week "end at Mr. Peter Muir's. Mr Fred Arnott of Durham. Mr. Fred Genoe. Brampton. Misses Mablo and Edith Genoe, Toronto, vi^ted with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe ovw the holiday. Miss Nellie Genoe was in Toronto for the holiday. Cengratulations to Miss Mclnnls and her Entrance class, which was successful at the recent examinations. IS follows : Ena Adams. Jack Mc- Mullen. Margaret Smellie and George Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDermid and Messrs. Alex, and Dan Stewart visited Caledon friends on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Munroe and family of Pundalk and Miss Millie Whittaker ,^f Toronto spent the holidny at the o'lio of Mr. and Mrs. R. Whittaker. Mrs. H. M. Coleman anrt Miss M«r- -'?'•(•{ Collinson of Owon Sound wrro wfok onS visitors at the home of 3. r ro'l-'nsoT'. Mr. Stanley Hunt of Toronto was was home for the holiday. Miss Dorothy Snell of Richmond Hill visited with her parents the lat- ter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson McKee of Englehart arrived the latter part of the week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Josepn McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whittaker, Mrs. FredSproat and Mrs. Newbaur ot .•Vkron, Ohio, are visiting at the par- ental home. The following teachers are taking summer courses: Miss Florence Mc- Innis at Toronto, Mr. Jackson Stew- art at Toronto, Miss Ellen Parker at Guelph, Miss Frances Collinson at | Saviour The annual convention of the Sun- day Schools of Osprey Township was held at Feversham, in the Salvation -Army Barracks, on Thursday, June 22nd. The afternon session opened at 2.25 with Rev. Stanley Elliott of Maxwell leading the worship service. "Jesus Lover of My Soul" was the first hymn sung. Mr. Ed. Pedlar of the Salvation .\rmy, gave a warm welcome to the visitors including the guest speakei Rev. W. H. Vaughan of Brantford. The President, Mr. Harvey Pedlar, spoke on the great work that the convention is doing in linking all de nominations in one great cause. The Secretary's report was then given, and a report on the Leadership Training School held last fall at Mclntyre church. Roll call of Sunday Schools showed a representation from nine different schools, namely: Wareham, United; Mt. Pleasant, Feversham; Salvation .A.rmy; Badjeros, United: Mc.IntjTe. United. There were four Sunday Schools in the township who did not send delegates. The Superin- tents of the Sunday Schools were ap- pointed to act on the nominating and resolutions committees. .\ musical selection was rendered by Mrs. Wilfred Inkster and Mrs. John Thompson of Wareham the selection being "The Stranger of Galilee." Mr. Muckin of the Presbyterian Church delivered an inspiring address the theme being "Suffer Little Child- ren to Come Unto Me." The children's hymn, " When He Cometh," was sung, after which Rev. W. H. Vaughan ted in the round table conference. He told of the work being done by the Ontario Religious Education Council. Rev. Mr. Yates of Shrigley, Rev. E. 0. Lancaster of Chindalk, Rev. Mr. McNichol of Fever- sham and Mr. Wilkins of Maple Grove also spoke at the convention. The evening session opened with a song service led by Mr. Muckin of Feversham. In the absence of Rev. R. E. Gosse' who was unable to attend on account of illness. Miss Isobell Mc- lntyre took charge of the worship, as- siste<l by Mrs. D. .•\. McInt>Te and ! Miss Mary McKinnon. The Fever- ' shani quartette rendered a selection , entitled "Don't Turn the dear Saviour i .-Vway," which was much enjoyed by all. The pupils of the Salvation .\rmy Sunday Schol sang. "Hosanna to our King," conducted by Mrs. Feversham Continuation School Promotiona The names of thse pupils who pass- ed in all subjects are arranged in order of merit, the names ef the others alphabetically. The number of asterisks after a pupil's name indi- cates the number of papers in which the pupil failed. Promoted to Grade X â€" Eleanor McKenzie, Hazel Magee. .^nnie Rad- ley. Norma Ma.xwell, Phyllis Hud- son**, James McKee**l. Reta Rad- Radley*, Vehna Smith'*. Promoted to Grade XI â€" Edna Smith, tVincent Somers, Mina Doug- las*, LaVerna Smith*. Promoted to Form TV Latin and French â€" Noreen Grummett, Bernice Wright, Mable Fenwick. Norma Heit- man, Margaret Courvoisier. The pupils whose names appear be- low passed in the subjects indicated: Mable Fenwick, British History IX; Kathleen Hawton. French Comp. HI; Murray Lepard, Latin III; Edythe Morrison, Latin X: Earl Neil. Math. IX, French IX. Bus. Practice and Writing IX: Wilf. Springgay. French IX, Math. IX. Geography X, English Composition X. t must complete supplementary reading before obtaining an Intermed- iate Diploma. BORN \ i McKEE â€" In Toronto on Friday, July 7th, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth McKee, the gift of a daughter, June Marilyn. S. S. No. 6, Osprey Grade 8 â€" Margaret Douglas, Hart- ley Tuplin, Winslow Hutchinson. Grade 7 â€" Leona Short ( H), Shirley Maxwell, Jean Cox, Ruby Dobson. Grade 6 â€" Eunice Dobson, Donald Wilson. Grade 5 â€" Douglas Davidson (H), Loreen Milne (H). lone Mackenzie, Beverley Mackenzie. Kenneth Long, Mildred Poole. Grade 4 â€" Royden Maxwell, Jimmi* Cox. Betty Spears. Grade 2 â€" Jessie Milne, Ruth Gra- ham, Yvonne Davidson, Herb Hockley. Grade 1â€" Vera Poole, L. Short. L. Dobson, Wayne Ma.xwell. â€" .\lda Hawton, Teacher. Hamilton, Misses Susie and Christina .VIcKinnon and Miss Emma Oliver. Miss Hazel Oliver and Mr. Eric Oliver of Toronto are visiting their »;iandparonts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thibaudeau, Mrs. Bella Thibaudeau. Ireuo Stewart of Toronto and Mr. Stewart Thibaudeau of St. Thomas were weeK end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Or. and Mrs. Beatty and Shirley of Madoc visited Mr. Donald McLeod :ind Mr. and Mrs. Snowdeti McLeod the latter part of the wook. Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., gave the highlights of the Royal visit, at the Ladies' .-Vid meeting held at the home of Mrs. Jos. McKee last w^eek. There was a good attendance and all appreciated and enjoyed Mrs. MoKee's talk, .\bout ten dollars was realize*! from the copper contest. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Guentzler of Cleveland, Ohio, spent Monday with her cousins. Mrs. .\nna McMillan and Fred Chislett. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pattison and f.TPiily spent the week end with his mother. Mrs. Pnttison. Mrs. .-Archie McMullen, who has boon •â- tder the doctor's care. Is mnch â- mproved. Harold Fenwick. Rev. Mr. Vaughan then installed tho new officers for 1;>39. Thoy are: Mr. Oougald Stevens. President: Mr. John drens Work; Mrs. Jos. Wright. Boys. Stephen. Vicc-Ptes.: W. L. Molnnes Work: Mrs. John Thompson, Girls' Work: Mr. Russell Cameron. Young Peoples Work: Rev. Riohar.l Gosse. Teacher Training: Mr. Wm. Fisher. Temperance; Mrs. Gideon Eby, Adult and Home Dept: Mrs James McKon- zie Missionan* Dept. Rev. Mr. Vaughan gave another ex- cellent address in the evening. This was followotl by the h.vmn. "When I Survey the wondrous Cross" and the honediction led by Rev. McNichol. PRAISE CANADI.VN POT VTOBS .\rising out of a trial shimpent of Canadian certified seed potatoes from Nova Scotia to South Africa, the fol- lowing is an excerpt of the report received from the consignee: "Particu- lar praise must be given to the pack- me which was perfect, the eases hav- ing arrived in wonderful condition, and the grading was hotter than any n^ceivpd from other countries. On opening up the cases, not one rotten potato W!\s found." Priceville Public School Form Vâ€" Bobbie Sutherland (12 subjects), Dorothy Watson (12 sub- jects) Kenneth Nichol (10 subjects). Earl McKinnon (7 subjects), George Kocritn {H subjects), John McKinnon (4 subjects). Passed Entrance â€" Isabel Karstcdt, Kathleen McArthur, Jack McConkey, Beatrice McDermid, John McMillan, .-^ngus McVicar, Betty Watson. To Grade 8 â€" Virginia McDermid, Donald McMillan. To Grade 7â€" .lane Karstedt. Sarah McMillan, Gladys Stewart, Mac Wat- son. Isabell Weir. To Grade 6 â€" Laurie McKochnte, Sheila Weir. To Grade 5 â€" Betty Hincks, Reta McDougall, .\llan McLachlan, Angvs McLachlnn. To Grade 4 â€" Shirley Hincks, Ceeil McDermid, Kenneth McKechnie. Jack McMeekin (Rec.) To Grade 2 â€" Marybelle McLachla». â€" .-Vnna Comie, â€".Arthur H Bell. Teachers. M VNTTOILIN CRUISE $2M All day. non-stop of IS.S miles on the Georgian Bay as far as Maniton- lin Island, via C. P. R. flagship ".-Xs-siniboia." on Fnday. July 21st. Fare $2: ohiMrpTi 9^^. "^ickf^ts may he socuyed from Daily Sun-Tim«i, Owen Sound.

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