*»i THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, June H 1939 i. â- â- *. â- * â- t ^ I 1 i CENTRE LINE Much sympaUur u felt for Mr. Bill f1sh«r. who received a badly injured kne« while playing bail a weelc airo At the young people's picnic at Midhunt Mrs. Mac Cudmore has been at the home of her parents the past week anfferins from ear trouble. Miss Mable Fawcett of Duncan is visiting with her irrandmother and uncle here at preeant. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt and Del- bert and Mr. Vance Jerret visited Clarksburg friends on Sunday. Mr. Rhesa McClean and John Os- borne of Flesherton visited friends here on Sunday. Rev. S. Elliott g&ve a splendid farewell address on Sunday, for which there was a pood attendance. We will all miss Mr. Elliott's friendly smile and pleasant words of srreeting. We wish him every good wish as he sees to his new field of labor at Heathcote We welcome Dr. Mercer, who will be inducted into the charge Saturday evening at Maxwell. Mount Zion S. S. picnic will be held at the home of Mr. Jas. Hopps, Port- law, on Thursday afternoon of this week. Mount Zion W. A. held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Lyons on Tuesday the 13th. This was a splendid meeting with a larp-e attend- ance of I5 members and 12 visitors. The devotional roll call was answered by a verse using the word "Beauty." -The word text roll call for the next meeting will be "Truth." .A.11 plans were made for the ice cream social. The next meet^ne' will be held at the home of Mrs. McKenrie. The ice cream social was held last â- Wednesday everine and therp was a very good attenda'"''' Thf ba'i "anie was won bv Mt Zion tpam p« the Wsireham boys v^ve not bail !»nv nraetice th's srmr^T. T^e "lav oriven bv Pricevillf talent was snlendid. VICTORU CORNERS Mr. John Robinson of Hamilton vis- ited his mother, Mrs. J. Robinson. Jas. liaimofl and friend, Fred Rob- inson, of Toronto visit«d over the week end at hia home. The Proton W. I., having lately been organized, met for their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Miitoa Bannon. Mr. Wm. Ludlow of Woodstock vis- ited at the home of Albert Stinson. Mrs. Stinson returned with him to visit her daughter. Mrs. Hawes, at Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton and Peggy and Helen Moore spent the w^eek end in Owen Sound. Rev. Gordon of Dundalk took the services on Sunday at Inistioea and dispensed the Sacrament. Mackie McTaggart and Cliifor--l Mc- Lean of Caledon East visited at th«? home of Wm. Sackett. Jas. Batchelor received v.-ord earlv rhis Monday morning ^f the sudden nassing of 'his brother-in-la\^. Mr. '^terne, of Brampton. KIMBERLEY PRICEVILLE TORONTO LINE NORTh Mrs. Mmnie Lever, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peacock and son, Stuart, and Miss Evelyn Brown of Toronto were visitors with the Otter's parents last â- week. Mrs. Harold Richardson and child- ren were- recent- visitors with her â- mother, Mrs. Wilson, at Barrhead. Mr. Fred Mathewson is working at Wasaga Beach at present. Master Richard Nolan of Toronto is spending a while with his grand- mother, Mrs. T. Lever. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill spent a couple of days at her parental home here. We are sorry to report thai «''*â- â- p. Mathewson is not making a very rapid improvement. Strawberry Festival will be held at MAXWELL, FRID.\Y. JUNE 30. 1939 A S-Act play "Old Home Place" will he presented by the Bethel young people. Admission: 35c and 20c Used Implements at 3 irg ain Prices Deering Binder 6 foot cut. Massey-Harris Binder 6 ft. cut M.-H. Mower 5 foot cut McCormick Mower 3 foot cut Frost & Wood Mower 5 f«»«t cut F. & W. 14 DiBC Harrow Set of 4 section Harrows Adams Wagon, like new McCormick 13 disc Drill Massey-Harris Cream Separator Standard Cream Separator Edgar Betts PHONE 46J FLESHERTON A goodly number from Kimberley and surroundings attended the decora- tion services at Mavkdale and Clarks- burg, j Mrs. S. S. Burritt and friends had a very pleasant visit from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harsti-um. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bodger and Mrs. Die Pearson of I Kenora. The former couples attended » t.O.O.F. Grand Lodge at Hamilton and visited Kimberley frieods over the week end. They motored down via Calandar and Toronto and left early Monday morning for home, via Detroit •Jind Chicago. 'They had a real pleas- ant time as it was the first time for them to visit where fruit and tlowers were plentiful. Mr. Bodger is a mem- ber of the Kenora police force. Rev. S. McAuslan preached his fare- well sermon on Sunday evening. We are sorry to lose him, as his stav with us has be<en pleasant and profitable. We extend our welcome to Rev. Gra- ham, who is expected to take up the work next Sunday. On Tuesday night the community gathered in the hall^ and presented Mr. and Mrs. Bob Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Soul, recent brides and grooms, with gifts and good wishes Mr. and Mrs. Phillips were given a couple of lovely tables and Mr. and Mrs. Soul with 21 silver dollars. Both grooms made suitable replies. Mrs. Laurie Lawrence and Ronald are visiting at Red Wing. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wardman and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts and Janet vi^j'ted on Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. D. Weber. Week end visitors at the home of A. B. McArthur were: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dobson and family of Turoat ana Mr Jack McArthur, Chauwortii. On accoant of the f uia and the dust the main highway has been making, it had got its face blackened good and proper. The gardtin party aad strawberry festival materialized real well, in spite of the weeping of the earlier part of the day. There was a large surplus of eata left over, which found a ready sale. The program, provided by Mr. McDtiff, Copeland & Son. was highly pleasing in comedy and musi- cally; Rev. A. R. Mutr interlauded on occasion. The 22nd of June on which it was held, marked the 72nd anniver- sary of my first entry into Grey County. This is mentioned just inci- dentally; many ciianges since then and much water has flown under the bridge. In kind response, to a re<iuest by a former resident of the locality in the days of Rev. McCormack, now a- Mrs. Harrison of Shallow Lake, asking for a picture of St. Columba Session. Managers. Choirmaster, choir, etc.. This was kindly done after service on Sunday, the success of which is not yet known. We were pleased to meet Mrs. Parker, sister of Mrs. Jas. Oliver, at church on Sunday, also Mr. Martin McLeod of Tilbury, who was on a visit to his sister. Elsie. The W.M.S. and Woman's .Associa- tion of St. Columba church met last week at the beautiful home of Mrs. F. G. Karstedt. Mrs. .\. R. Muir led in the devotional period and Mrs. J. C. Harrison, supply secretary, gave a report of the bale which was packed this month.. There was a short dis- cussion on ''Should Canada admii: re- fugees." Mrs. E. G- Ritchie gave a splendid review of the chapter from the study book "The World in Can- ada." Mrs. G. WTiyte presided for the W.A. meeting when final arrange- ments were made for the strawberrv *"p<5tival. -A social half Tiour followed, when the hostess and assistants serv- ed a dainty lunch. Mrs. R. H. Henderson and two sons, Ivan and Eric, and Mrs. Dyre of To- ronto visited on Sunday with Mrs. Jos. Blackburn. Provincial Constable Cooke has re- ceived notice of his transfer to Kit- chener, to take effect .\ugust 1st. Provincial Constable H. C. Black of Kitchener â- will be stationed here. N'OTiCE TO CREDITORS .\ll persons having claims against the estate of WILLI-A.M THOMAS ELLIS, late of the Township of Euph- rasia. County of Grey, who died on or about the 2Sth day of April, 1939. ar« required to forward their claims, duly proved to the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate, on or before the 21st day of July. AD. 1939. And further take notice that after such mentioned date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as they will then have notice. Date at Collingwood. Ontario, this 16th day of June. AD. 1939. â€"MALCOLM McLE-AN. Esq. Collingwood, Ont, Solicitor for the said Estate Keep in mind the anniversary ser- vices in St. -Andrews church at 11 ajn. and T.30 p.m. Rev. C. Graham Jones of Grand Valley will be the special speaker ou Sunday and a quartette from Owen Sound will assist the choir. The garden party will be held the following evening, when supper will be served from 6 to S p.m.. followed by a concert given by a Listowel troup. Softball between Glenelg Centre and Priceville. Miss Marjory Brown of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. Murray McMillan leaves Friday to spend the summer mont'ns in Muskoka. Mrs. Harry Pedlar and family and Mrs. .Alex. Knox and daughter of Toronto spent last week with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. .Allie McLean and son. Mr. C. Burnett. Mrs. D. Campbell, Mrs. J Sturrock. Mrs. Wm. Beaton. Mrs. H. R. McLearf Miss Nellie Mc- Lean and others from here attended the peony show at Guelph Friday. Mr. and Mrs. -Alex. Carscn and Mrs. -Alex. Knox \-isited friends in Meaford one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin McLeod of Tilbury spent a few days with h>- S'ster. Mrs. Neil Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. J. -A. Nichol and fam- ilv with Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Mc.Arth'iT- ind Eleanor sP'^nt Thursdav in the -' I'-t-h and saw the quintuplets. Mrs O Potter .<ind "r. and Mr<:. ^ Strowcrer and Shirlev of Erin v;<- :*,.(} pT> «:nndav at tho home of Mr. Edgar Patterson. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brett of To- ronto were Sunday visitors with the latter'a brother, Mr. Sam McOermid, and Mrs. McDermid. Miss Patricia Patusou of Meaford 14 hohdaying with her grandmother, Mrs. M. A. Pattison. Miss Janet Campbell has returned CO her home at Hopeville. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart were Sunday visitors with the latter's father, Mr. Geo. .Blackboni. at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hogarth visit- ed the latter's mother. Mrs. .Archie Stewart, who is a patient in the Owen Sound hospital. Mrs. Stewart's con- dition IS as satisfactory as can be expected at present. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe spent Saturday at the Turner reunion in Harrison Park. Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns left on Monday for a visit with the latter's brother, Mr. Bob Wilcock. at Bulfalo and other relatives at Dunkirk. N.T. Mr. Thos. Wilcock of Regina joined them in Toronto. Mrs. L. .A. Bean ( Ed.na McLeod) ana two children. Jack and Vema, also -Mrs. P. J. Sharp (Minnie McArthur 1 and children. Marion and BiH. of Red Creek. N.Y.. are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and other relatives and friends here and at Hopeville. Miss Mildred Risk. Kimberley. call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. .A. S. Muir on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol and sons. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc- Arthur of The Glen on a motr trip to North Bay and Calandar last week. Mr. Geo. .Arrowsmith Mrs. Percy Hunt and son. Melville, attended the wedding of the former's niece. Miss Cora Collmas, at Niagara Falls on Sararday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Snowden McLeod the latter part of the week were the latter's father, Mr. J. W. Berney. and two nephews Mr. Bert -Appleby, and Master Harry Berney of Caledon. Mrs. Clarence Stafford of Hamilton was a caller last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stafford. The Ladies' -Aid planned a farewell and social evening last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Roy Pioer in honor of Mrs. (Rev,> Service. Mrs. Geo. Snell, on behalf of the friends, made a very informal and pleasitig little speech, mentioning the kindly interest taken by Mrs. Service in the work here, and t'ne appreciation of all f'i>r her efforts and help and presented Mrs. Service with twin boudoir lamps. .A social hour was enjoyed by â- ill oresent. Marion and Marlene Goddard of Eusen-a spent th*^ -n-eek end with their "•randparents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe. ROCK MILLS U.F.O. PICNIC -AT DURHAM The U.F.O. picnic will be held at Durham. Thursday. July 6th. starting at 2 31X Sn the aftiernoon .Agnes Macphail. M.P.. and F. R. Oliver. M. P.P.. will give addresses on the pre- sent economic and political situa- tion. Tom Hamilton and his corn- pan v of five wiU entertain. U^^m^, .<\iid" laugh vour cares away.) Girls and Men's Softball games begin at 3 o'clock, followed by races. Evening concert at 7.30. tollowed bv dancing to 5-piece orchestra eon- :lucted by FUirence Sauer, Mildniay. Rooth. Water on grounds. -Adm. -.oc. Mrs. J. Holley of Markdale visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard of To- ronto spent the w^eek end with rela- tives here. Mr. -Jack Beard of Owen Sound has been engaged as ss^wyer for the Dur- ham Furniture Co. here and com- menced work last -week, replacing Mr. C. Smellie. who was sawyer the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. -Aklcom and daughter Yvonne, of Toronto holidav- fd â- with Mr. J. -A. Foster and family. Mrs. Chas. Newvll accomoanied rel- â- itives to Owen Sound on Monday and attended the circus. Mr. Wm. Hawkins and son, Joe. Mr. Cecil Betts and Bobbie, visited friends at Barrie and Orillia Fridav. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts were: Mr. and Mrs. Bur- ton Carruthers and two children of Go'd Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W.ilton. Mr. Basil Carruthers and son. Clive, of Sault Ste. Marie and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carruthers and Muriel of Eugenia. Superior Stores Specials This Week BROOMS, S-string, thu week only 19c DeLuxe COHOE SALMON !'» , 23c SUPREME SHORTENING 1 lb. at 10c PIE CHERRIES 2 tin* 25c Superior BAKING POWDER "The Better Kind" 21c LIQUID HONEY _ lib. size 15c 2 lb- size 25c BERRIES are through this week. See us at once. FRESH EVERY DAY Complete line of Broken Nuts for warm weather. This store will be OPEN SATURDAY and closed on Monday, July 3rd. C. J. KENNEDY PHONE 37 WE DEUVER PAVEMENT BLEW LP During the intense heat last Wed- nesday afternoon, sections of the con- crete pavement on the provincial highway between Mildmay and Clif- ford blew up. The burning rays of the sun caused so much expansior. that the surface blew up with a report so loud and terrifying that -Aiiam Seip's team nearly ran away when the break occurred nearly half 3 Jiile north of Clifford. Other expansions took place at the foot of Schwe!t:ier's hill, and at the Balaklava Hill. Over- seer Henry Hossfield took prorip: action to make the highwav safe for traffic, and repairs have now 'oeen made. â€" Mildmay Gazette. D. CAMPBELL OPTOMETRIST wiU be at the MUNSHAW HOTEL, FLESHERTON FRIDAY. JI*>E 30th. 1939. from 1.30 to S.30 p.m., for the purpose of testing eyes and supplying glasses if necessary. MODERATE PRICES 5c to 1$ Store Flesherton PICNIC SUPPLIES Paper Plates, Dixie Cups, Ser- viettes, Doilies, Wi^ed Paper Luncheon Cloths, etc Introductory %ffer New Noxzema Cold Cream regular 2oc per jar ISc jar A S. A Headache TeJ^ts 100 in bottle SpecizJ 39c BOYS' POLO SHIRTS Colors â€" white, blue Each 29c Terry Bath Towels white. ooIore^i 'oorders Extra Special 25c pair Garden Party and Concert FLESHERTON Thursday, July 6 SrPPER served on the United Church lawn fiom 5 to S p.m. SOFTBALL -AND CONCERT in Memorial Park at 8.30 p.m. -ADULTS 35: CHILDREN 20c. .Admission: .Adults '^-x-; Children FANCY ENAMELED SERVING TRAYS Each 29c Oc Silk Lamp Shades Extra Value, eac'a ' I9c See our line of BOYS- W^ASH SUrrs. PLAY SITTS, OVERALLS. Sl'"^ SUTTS, Si~N H.ATS and GIRLS' PAVTTES DRESSES Coupons with every 25c purrfjas« E. J. FISHER The brink of Niagara Falls is re- ceding at the rate of 21 feet a year. FIRST ONE-DAY CRUSE First one-day Georgian Bav Cruise iif the season on Tuesday. July 11th. on CJ>.R liner Keewatin to Midland Hud Port McNicholl. Leaves Owen Sound at 8.30 a.m.. back at .10 p.m. < Standard Time). Return tare 52. Secure tickets early from Daily bun- Times. Owen Sound. PRICED TO SAVE YOl MONEY • Come in and tM this aensationally low- pricwl, l»i« milw«« Coodymr . . . w« have yoar tiie in stock. Look where jrou will» you'll find no othwr tire •qualin val»ietoth« "R-l". The reaMO l» timple . . . "R-l" co»t» you 1ms to buy , . . less to own . . . fives you more for your mon«y. D. McTAVISH Telet^one 9W A SONS FLESHERTON, ONT. 'â- <?^ N^f "Council Standanf* RIB-ROLL m TRt-Lap RooAri is b«ing widely iwad for hooaee. It 10 pertoanent, fix«pn>o£ weather- proofâ€" re<iuires minimum npkeepw Writ* for oot b»w ft»« booii. "Hcxwe Vo9»". Eastern Steel Product!* 'RtSTDM owl '»r'n.v« *i.?4r M»Mirw«i 6-t«n>^''o ROCTt MILLS LADIES' AID The monthly meeting of the Ladies' .Aid was held on Wednesday. . J tme 21. ; at the home of Mrs. .Alex. English. | with an attendance of nine members | and two visitors. The meeting opened : with singing "Take My Life."' Rev. j .Ashton then read the first chapter of j first Timothy and led in prayer. The i collection amounted to $3.25. • .A ten cent tea will be held at the | home of Mrs. Walter .Akitt on Monday ; evening. July 3rd; everybody welcome. The meeting closed by singing "Tell me the old. old story." The next meeting will be held on July 19th at the home of Mrs. .Albert Blackburn. Lunch committee: cake, Mrs. Wes Plantt, Mrs. Sam Fisher; sandwich, Mi-s .Ashton, Mrs. W Plantt. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. W. H Little of Sar- nia and Mr. and Mrs. B. Little and two children of Detroit were callers at Colquette's on Sunday and had been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. .A. Brown- ridge at Rob Roy over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette and children. Betty and .Allan, of Owen Sound were callers in the village on Sunday. Miss Ella -Alister of Collingwood was visiting friends in this neighbor- hood last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Buckingham of Collingwood visiteti friends in this neighborhood recently. Mrs. -A. Rutledge and daughter of Vancouver. B.C.. are visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. J. J. Edgar miller i'l Osprey Fanners" mill here, has g\>ne on a month's holida.vs at his home in Egansville, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. W H Oavidson and Mr. and Mis. Hugh Davidson and son of Collinvrwood .«spent Sundav with Mrs .A. J. Conron. WATCH REPAIRING PRICES REASONABLE E. L Holley Located .<»bovo Bank of Com»nprce TORONTO St. FLESHERTON MERCHANDISE MIDSUMMER LADIES* VOILE DRESSESâ€" navy, wine and Ucht blue in a varictv ot pattoru>; just^in $1.25 GIRLS' VOILE DRESSESâ€" lig^ht tcolors all new 98c LADIES' WASH SHIRTSâ€" a res ^' ~5 qualitv $1.59 NEW VOILES and WASH SUITINGS â€" .Ml new patterns and colors, per yarl 35c RAYON BLOUSESâ€" now .styles, white ^S: colors $1.00 CREPE NIGHT GOWNSâ€" white and pastel shades: plain and t'lorai patterns 75c to $1.00 CELASUEDE PANTIESâ€" mist and noveltv fabrics: On'ini;- at a special price of 25c to 49c WHITE SHOESâ€" New -reasons styles $1.98 to $3.50 LADIES' SWIM SUITS â€" The latest stvles and colors, priced ri^ht $1.95 to $3.25 Rubber BATHING CAPSâ€" All colors 25c and 29c Men's SWIM TRUNKS 98c to $1.75 Boys' SWIM TRUNKS 89c and $1.00 SPORT TROUSERS $1.95 to $4.50 Sununer Suspenders Jerseys and Shirts White Shoes Sport Belts Sununer Hosiery Bowing and Tennis Shoes Sumfer Weight Felt Hats Sununer Neckwea Sport Shirts F .H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON. Ontario