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Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1939, p. 6

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»i !>' i " »f They Are Accompanying King George and Queen Elizabeth to Canada e f i Here Scotland States ai-o MX of tlip letinue of 30 persons who will accompany the King and Queen to Caiuulr.. Ofiicials of ind lard, press representatives and other minor dignitaries have already reached Caiuula and the United 5 to arrange the thousand-and-one details in connection with the i-oyal visit. TOP, LEFT to RIGHT: Lady Nunburnholmo, who will serve as lady-in-waiting to the Queen; the Earl of Airlie, who will act as Lord Chamberlain; Lady Katherine Seymour, who will also be a lady-in-waiting to her majesty. BOTTOM, LEFT to KK.H1": Lord Eldon, who will serve as lord-in-waiting to the King; the Hon. Piers Legh. equerry to the King and George F. Steward, press officer at No. 10 Downing St. LEFT T H E ARMY WITH RHEUMATISM Now Fit To Join Again Twenty years a^o, he left the army, constipated and rheumatic. To-day, he is fit and nimbleâ€" a merry, romping granddad, 61 years young. "I came out of the army with rheumatism," he writes. "It was especially bad in my feet. I start- ed taking Krusi.hen Salts, and in a few months I found relief from my rheumatism. I became nimble on my feet. Xow% at (31 â€" weigh- ing 168 â€" I am cheerful, energetic, and always ready to play with my grandchildren."â€" F.K.B. Many people grow old long be- fore their time because they neg- lect one vital ned of healthâ€" the need for internal cleanliness. Ev- entually, they adopt the healthy Kruschen habit. Then, probably for the first time in their lives, they start getting rid every day of waste material from the .sy.stcm. The result is renewed health and vigour. Ailments due to a clogged system vanish, youth returns, and life becomes voally worth living. What Science is ^ Doing )|f VITAMIN B-1 ENDS PAIN A new vitamin lixatment to eli- minate the pain of severe neural- gia of the face has been announ- ced to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. The vitamin used is "B-Onc", the anti-neuritis factor in food. It« lack results in the development of beri-beri and other nerve de- generation diseascv. MEASURE STAR SPEED An adaptation of the ioned stcreopticon is giving sci- ence a new instrument for meas- uring the speed of stars billions of miles away. By twisting two prisms, or wedges of glass used to break, up light into its component colors, it i.» possible to tlo'.ermine stellar velocities more accurately than heretofore. CURE FOR PELLAGRA Nicotine acid, ncwe.^t of vita- mins, a chemical relative cf nico- tine, can be had from your meat marhet, it was announced to the American Institute of Nutrition. T ack of this vitamin causes |icl- Ingra, with an estimated 1,000,- 000 victims in the United .States alone, a disease so dreadful in final stages that it rtin.s into in- snniljC The richest sources are liver, kidncv, Icnn r.iusclo, brains, yeas'. and heart meats. Probably an ounce or two r{ liver n d.ny would give n nan nil he reod.s. Kidney is almist equally rich. An exploration party in the hinterland of Brazil reached a point some hundred miles from Iquitos after a fortnight's hard going, and were unfortunate enough to strike an area of jungle and steaming swamp-s. During the usual afternoon rest near one of these, one member of the party noticed another pacing up and down, a worried look on his face. He stopped him and asked what was wrong. "You know," he replied, seri- ously, "I keep thinking to-day's Thursday I" A smart man ia one who hain't let a woman pin nny- thing on him (ince he wa« > baby. â€" Winnipeg Free Preii. An inmate of the asylum who was pu.^hiiig a wheelbarrow upside down was stopped by a visitor who asked: "What's the idea?" "I'm not crazy," was the retort. "Yesterday they filled it with bricks." He mumbled a few words In church And he was married. He mumbled n fed words in his sleep And he was divorced. An Englishman and a french- man were arguing over whose country owned the finer navy. They asked the old Irishman in the corner to settle the argument. "The Irish have the best navy," he said. "In Heaven's name, where is the Irish navy?" .'aid the other two. "An i what a fool I'd bo telling you when you might be a couple of spies," said the Irishman. Weather Tips By Telephone New Yorkeis anxious to know what the weather is likely to be like and too impatient to wait and see, may dial Weather G-1212 and hear a phonograph record an- notinci "rain and colder, north- easterly winds, rain and colder, northeasterly winds, rain and cold -" click! Government forecasts are sup- plied four or more times daily to the company and an operator records them, tho phonogri'aph playing records continuously. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE "Fifteen minutes after put- liac on a pair of socks I made i hole in one," wrote an enthusiastic golfer to the sock Manufacturer. TIRED FEET 1. â€" Is it absolutely required that a person give the reason for declinintf an invitation? 2. â€" Is it proper for a man to smoke a pipe at some formal af- fair? 3. â€" Who u.-;ually acts as hostess when a woman's club gives a lun- cheo'' party? '1. â€" When a woman is either standing or seated, talking with a man, and drops her handkerchief, glove, or some such article, and the mar. docs not notice it, should she pick it up? 5. â€" When the guests at a dinner are few in number, and they are all intimate friends, would it be all right for the place cards to bear only their first names, Mary, Elizabeth, Helen, etc.? 0. â€" May wedding announce- ments Lo mailed a week before the wedding? Answers 1. â€" It is not obligatory that one do so, but unless it is a very in- timate reason, one should explain why, and with regret. Otherwise the hostes.-i might resent a curt "Sorry I cai.not accept." 2. â€" Thi.s is sometimes done, but it cannot be called good form. 3. â€" The prci;idcnt of the club. 4. â€" No; merely say, "I believe I dropped my handkerchief." 5. â€" Yes, when all tho guests are close friends. 0. â€" No; they should be mailed im- n:ediately after the wedding. "INSIDE INFORMATION" For Indlgettlen ar CONSTirATICN ClIANSE INTIRNALLY the Ha-aip way. OarllaM Tea acts promiitly, plMMsintlir. MILDLY. Net a cura-all. but certainly aMmv Hv* In rallavlna - canttlpatloit. At ^ druf ttoratâ€" 2Sc and lOc. FREE SAMPLE WrIUt tot fiaiflcM Tea Gc <»<•> 11(1 1. r I GARFIELD TEA ! '*!i^'» .•%rn«o Toroalo ", <'itiiaUn Issue No. 19 â€" '39 Farm Forum 1 (Conducted by Profesior Henry G. Bell of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, witii the co-oper- ation of the various departments of the 0. A. C.) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. I have a lawn tliiit does not look healthy. It has sum<; bare places, and does not get green as early as some others In tliis locality. Can you suggest early care that I should give It? What special treat- ment should 1 give my flowering shrubs to get the best show of color?â€" J. K. ('. .Middlesex Co. L.'WV.N IMPIIOVE.MKNT. In tho Spring as soon as pos- Bliile lawns should be raked and rubbish removed. Rolling should follow If at all possible, but not with an extremely heavy roller ex- cept on sandy soils. To help the grasH, fertilizer such as Ammonium Sulphate, 1 to 2 ounces to the square yard, mixed with fine earth, sand, or better still leaf mould from the woods, should be spread over the surface somewhat lightly. Or Instead of Ammonium Sulphate a complete fertilizer of almost any form can be used cither with or without soil. Should bare patches exist new seed should be sown Buch as Kentucky Blue and Red- top In about equal quautitles at the rate of ^^ lb. to the square rod. In about one month or six weeks' time the Ammonium Sulphate and soil treatment can be repeated. When dry, hot weather is ap- porachlng and during such, if at all possible, the lawn should have a thorough soaking with water to prevent drying out of the eoll. During warm, hot days it is not wise to have the grass cut too lowâ€" 1»4 inches is quite low. 2. Will you kindly tell me should lime bo applied to the soil immed- iately previous to planting grain, hay or vegetables, or should it be applied subsequently? Is it advis- able to use Lime in conjunction with fertilizers applied at the same time?â€" "H. -N'., Peterborough County." HARNESS AND COLLARS Farmers Attention â€" Spring is nearly here. Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staeo Harness Supjilies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather (joods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our factories â€" Harness, Horse Collars, Sweat Pad.s, Ilorsc Blankets, and Leath- er 1'ravelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked CJoods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: Samuel Trees Company Limited G63 King St. West, Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Lime should never be mixed with fertilizers when applying fertilizer to grain, hay or vegetable crops. Mixing Lime with fertilizers tends to revert the Available Phosphoric Acid, or to undo the fertilizer manu- facturer's efforts to supply you with soluble fonis of Phosphoric Acid. Lime can be supplied at any time during the growth of the crop. It should not be applied without first testing the *oll to see if Lime la necesary. If the soil is already Neutral or Alkaline, the ad- dition of Lime trill do absolutely no good. An indication that Mussolini., is slipping is that more than 1,000 Fascists have been expelled from the party protesting II Duce's anti-Jewish decrees. Sherlock Holmes methods by police in tracing disappearance of explosives from a brickworks, Fal- kirk, Eng., convicted two men, plaster casts being taken of foot- prints in the snow. In the crop year of 1937-38 the Canadian Pacific Railway shipped 24,051 carloads of Manitoba grain â€" the Canadian National railways 19,590. CUMARDWHUESWR ei, Ifiomdesa Choke ofRmtes ^ TO EUROPE/ The Short Route fRO» Weekly sailings from Montreal and Quebec on the scenic St. Lawrence route to England, Ireland, Scotland and France. Rates from '118 tourist • • • • • m third class The Route FROM Weekly to England and France by the famous "Queen Mary" and ".\quitania" . . regularly to Cobh, Southampton, Havre and London by tho "Georgic", "Britannic" and new "iMauretania" . frequent sailings to Liverpool and other British P<"^^s- Rate-, from »159 cabin *122i? tourist »931? third class tor/utl information jtr your local travel aient, or Cor. Bay and Wclllnftton Streetsâ€" (EL. 3471) Toronto A<;i;.\'i> WA.viiou LIOHT.MNG ItUl) AUK.NT VVA.NTKIJ to sell Phillips l.iKlmiinK I'rotec- tivo System, tt. I'lilllipa Company Limiieil. Osborne Avuiiue. Toronto. AGKNTS! .STOUKKEEl'EU.S! Miike blK profits selling our ovir 250 line."! of Dr.vKoods and Small- wares. Write tod.ty for free Price List, rjenoriil Oiittitter.s ReK'il. Iio\ 9C5, Place IVArmcs, Montreal. Classified Advertising., 33B flAllt (iOOIIS AHTICI.ES I'On SAI>l: KU\(;S. PUNTINO, PLAIN AND Wuleiproof Truck Covers and Tent.H. l*rices htuI samples on re- quest. John Lcckie Ltd.. Toronto. SHKHLtlCK-MAN.MNi;, OAK CASi;. 2fi stop« 2U Imiul .-ieLs, or 11) full set.s leed-s. incUidiiii^ two set.s pf-tl- al, $0.10. 00. Pur further in- formation, write to lU-intznian & ("o.. 111!) Yonge St.. Toronto. JEWELRY SPE(MAI.Sâ€" WALTHAM I'ocket Watches. $4 up. watche."", llinp.-*. etc.. Violiiii'. .Saxn- phone.H. Unredeemed J'awnbrokers pledffes. Catalogue. McTamney's, Toronto. <,'III':STKItl''ll':i.l> HAHfiAI.NS Three-pleco u a c d c; h e s t c r- field .Suite, repp cover- CI Q Cft InK. fiist class <(.ndltk>n •P^J'-OW Three-piece ITsed EnglLsh V.-lour Chesterfield Suile. com- ^O^ CA plctcly reconditioned .. «P^'»«OW liffiney-biirk (;iiar»ntrp 1-^relffht potfl to your Hliillitii Royul CheNterflelil ManiifarturerN eu Hlehnmnil Mrert i :., Tu ronlu AVIATKIS OIM'<mTi;XITV LEAIl.M TO FLY NOW AT UJW coat. Efficient tr.ilninK â€" modern equipment IncIudInK liadlo. Liv- ing quarters provided for out-of- town students. Filers liinited. Ttarker Airport . Toronto. IIAIIV rllH.'KS UyVT. APPltOVKI" riUCK.S FItOM bU>odteHted breeder.s at rock bot- tom prIceH. Standard Uuallt.v Hea- vy P.reeds JSRii 110 per cent. Pul- lets »I6.;t5. i:ockerels $7.00. LeK- horns IS.OO. I'lillits Sl'.l.OU, Cock- erels $3,011. lli^- Quality hatched from 25 to 30 ounce ei;gis. Heavy Ilreeds $10.95. I'ulleta $l7.afi. Cockerels $S.OO. Lcuhorns $10.4r>, Pullets $21, !U). Free Catol- I'Kue, Raden Klectric Chick Hatch- ery, Limited, Raden. Oiitiirio. TWKIini.K CIIII'KN l.'On MAI.K TWKI>I>LK CHICKS THE IIIUH wnality chicks In the low pricu field. Mass production at onu plant, low operallnB costs, no ag- ents or salesmen enables us to sell for less. Grade A Heavy Rrccds lie; 90',^ Pullets. 18c: Cock- erels. ,nCc; LeKhorns, iUL.'ill: Pul- lets, 122,00; Kxtra Profit tirade. the kind that wei)f;h two pound.s per hundred more Heavies $12.4.'>; Pullets, $19.90: Cockerels $7,0o; Leghorns $11.95; I'ullcts $24.90. Lower prices after May 17th, Krco calendar and poultry K»ide, â€" Twertdle Chick Halcherics Linilt- t d, Ktrjiii.^, t>nlario. IIHAV < HICKS KlIK NAI.K YEAR AFTER YEAR It K A Y Chicks do Ihe trick for Mi>. John FlfinlnB-, Chatham. Ontario. Her 300 llray Itarred Rock piillet.s hit •"â- ."j'o production during Ihe Kail hiKh price in<inths last jiar. Or- der your Pray chicks todav. Pray H.itrhery. 130 .Inhn Street .North. Hamilton. Ontario. BRAY CHICKS PUOPtlllT .SUCCESS to M. Turku.i, Weston, Ont.. last year. His 200 Bray Htirred Rock,s were laylnK at 4'/i inonth.s. Bray chirks will brinjj you success too. Order now.' Pray Hatchery, 130 John .Street North, Hamilton On- lario. C'KHTIFIKn SEED I'OTATOES ••WARUA". WOULD'S EAItLlEST Potato, large, white, delicious, hardiest, heaviest ylelder. Gov- ernment Ceitided. 100 .«trong eves $1,00 postpaid. S. V. Cowan, Wal- dcfk, Sask. llt'II.UIMi MATKniAL roil SAI.R PRICIOD EXCEPTIONALLY LOW to clear. We have 150 clay tile pipe 30" diameter, 2" wall, suit- able for springs or wells; ISli.tlun stiuaro feet heavy wire screen 2" mesh; street car sash, 8,000 feet 10" heavy galvanized culveil. also lumber, doora. fence po.sts, pipe columns, rails, pipe, titllngs. valves, cable, brick, stone. Vlvery- thiiiR for your liuilding. Frankcl Ilrothers Ltd. Established 188C. Eastern Avenue at Rro.'idvicw, Tu- ronto. CLadalone 4U31. D.Aill.lA TI'ltKIlS 12 CIANT DECdltATIVE OAHLIA Tubers labeled $1.00. 25 different $2,00 postpaid, M. Shedel. Mimico. Ont. lUSIXESS IIIANCK.'* OUR PKl.NCIPAUS OFFER PHOS- perliy. Independence. Security, within reach of all. Write "Home With Income" Agency, North Hat- ley, Que. iiE* la.opix; ROLLS l)KVKI.01'ED. KTCHi-RAFT enlargetnciit â€" 8 prints 25c. Re- prints 3o. Photoart .'Service, Tren- ton, Ontario, Iiraw(?r 809, 15c PFR ItOl.L DEVKLOl'EP A.NO printed on Vclox, Itcprlnts 2c each. Our modern rtiuipment as- sures you beautiful Hi-gloss prints that will never fade; or dl.«- coUoir, Harrow Photo Service. 23 Everett- <^resccnt. Toronto 13, Foil SAI.K PPltE .MAPLE SVI'.L't'. Ilr.^1 ipiality. Write for prices. i^i-der early. John M. finic-'pic. .\bbotsford. Que. P.ASl'MKltRIKS, I.ATU.V.VI. CHIEI'. VikiiiM'. Fifteen for dollar, bund- led Hour Pollars. Strawberries. Hollar per hundrciL prepaid. K. Tyi. liriKdfO, Olllario, IIATIIiltKtM ULTFITH FOIl >ALK IP VOi; INTENM IN'.STALLINC. A Palhroom oulflt or water .-ystem wrlic for tree illHstrate<l cata- Inline with prices. Free estlm.ile.s nn Instnllation*. The J, F. <:row. ley Company, Dunda.'". Ont.irio. •iTAI.MO^ F«»H MALE A i;o<U> P.I.ACK r, VKAR (>L1> Percboron Stallion retfL^tered and nr-<11pr1. Henry Hulse, Qucens- viile f>ntuiio. WIGS, TOtlPES. TRANSFORMA- tidns. Switches, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods Write for Illustrated cntaloKue. Confiden- tial terms arrnimed. Toronto Hum« an Hair Supply Co. 528 Rathuret. Toronto J<)llllMI<S-AGKNTS-«;ANVASSl':nS THE MOST CO.MPLETE LINE OF Smallwares, Novelties, Razor Plades, Dry Goods. Co.smetlcs, as- sembled in a new mammoth Illus- trated catalogue. The lowe.'-t wholesale prices obtainable â€" blsf profits. Free catalogue. Dept. 3, Phillips Sales Ilejj'd, 72 Craig W.. Montreal, Que. i'iio'r«M;i< APiiv I'MLMM l>^:VKI.IIIâ- KM ItOLL FH.A1S I>RVKUIPEI) WITH two prints of each and FRKB ENLARC.E.MKNT coupon 25c. OFFSET COM.MRUCIAL PHOTO- GRAPHY 2 RLSSRLL ST.. TOR- ONTO. PKEE B.NLARGEMENT WITH Ev- ery roll film developed and 8 hi8h gloss prints 25c. 8 enlarged prints 25c. Reprints same price. Bright- liniJT Studio. 2:iA Hichinond Street East. Toronto. l>F:l(S<tNAI. MARRY â€" HUNDREOS TO CHOtlSB from. Many with means. Farm- ers' daughters. Widows with Property. Particulars 10c. Con- lldeniial. Box 128 Calgary Al- lien a. Ql IT TORAi;c() SNUFF EASILY, 1 tie\ pensively. Home remedy Tes- 1 >rn> oIhIs. c Dsranteed Advic* f ree Marl left 8. Hox 1, Wlfit.lpe«. HIGH r.LOOD I'RESSUltEâ€" WltlTJa for free booklet and full particu- lars legarding our umuzliitj;ly sus- cessful hyblood treatment, l^edi- grccd Products. .Saskutuoii. Su^sk. IF YOU WANT A.N AFFECTION- ate romantic sweetheart, with money, write: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla. Missouri. SEWixn maciiinf:*! « sii'I'i.ibs FOR SEWING MACHINES. RE- palrs. supplies â€" all mak.'s. new or trade-in, reoumliMonod mach- ines in stock â€" Wriie A. Cllbert ^E Su n. 3 50 V <iiiKe >'^'.. TorOMlo.^ rUAITOIl >tA«;\l-:TO AND <il':.M-:HA'|-<>l< UK.PAIlis SEND IS YOUR TRACTOR .M.VtiNE- to and Generator Repairs. We save .\ ou money. Allanson Armntt>ra .Maiifr., 855 Bay St., Toronto. ST \MI'X RARE OLD NEW HRC.NSWICK fralH «lamp. 15c with approvals. I,.etterhead, refercn'-e appreciated. .\>wberr.\'.«, 946 Fort, Victoiis, I SKII I'lKK^ F(H« SAI.R 2'IOO I'SED TirSRSâ€" »5i< l"P FOR any O'Uck or far, Itel reads guar- ::nl#ed Iwelvo months: de.iler* wnnt'd, Afk for fre<» pi !ce ll«t. M'rii.k Tire Cu . US King St. W.. Haiii'ltu!].

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