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Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1939, p. 5

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♦ , THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 10, 1939 â- â€¢i '' â-º '* ::»: : A; â- :i:- •' < > ,•1 • • .>! < • -1 . • •i N. • » « i •f • > t 4 > • i' EUGENIA Next Sunday is Mother's Day and -special selections will be rendered at the church service for the occasion. The Misses Betts, Evelyn Campbell, Mrs. Martin, Argyle, Winneta and Carmelle Martin attended the Max- well Y.P.U. on Friday evening. The Wareham Society was also present And a very enjoyable time was spent â- and a dainty lunch served. Mr. Joe Hawkins, Clarence Will- iams and lady friend, also Mr. and Mrs. Ted Campbell attended the Fev- ersham old boys' and girls' reunion dance Friday evening and report a grood time. Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams of To- ronto visited a couple of days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. D. Young and little daughter, Carol, of Sarnia visited a few days recently with Mrs. Y.'s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Duckett. Mr. Geo. Williams and Mr. Cattle of Toronto spent a few days the past week with the former's parents. We were very sorry to hear of the untimely death of Prank Graham, be- loved son of Mrs. Bert Graham and ihe late Mr. Graham, formerly of this 3)lace, but now of Fleshertbn. We extend to the heart-broken mother and sister and other relatives our deep sorrow and sincere sympathy. Mr. Roy McMillan has left for North Bay, where he has secured em- ployment. We are pleased to report Mrs. Adam Smith continuing to improve Jrom her illness. Mr. and Mrs. V. Chambers and the Conner's brother, Mr. G. Chambers, of Toronto spent the week end at the Seaver Valley Fishing Club house. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Will Kaitting and his sister, Miss Delsa, before leaving for Wau- baushene, where Ken will be employed with the H.E.P.C. Mr. John Fenwick of Toronto is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Ed. Le- Gard and husband and other friends. We are pleased to report that Mrs. LeGard's health somewhat improved. I Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owen ' Sound spent the week end with her brother, Will, and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Magee on the arrival of a little son at their home near Maxwell. Mrs. Joe Porteous is spending a few days with Mrs. L. Latimer, who is still quite seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Long, Mrs. Matt. Conron and son, Earl, of To- ronto, Mrs. Ed. McKean and son, Ivan, of Ravenna, Mr. and Mrs. Dan •Cameron and Mrs. Wm. Smith of the 10th line, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith. Miss Ii-va Magee of Toronto visited over the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Mr. and Mrs. WiU Campbell of To- ronto spent the week end with friends in this vicintiy. MAXWELL Sunday evening the members of the Canadian Legion and their wives from the Flesherton vicinity attended the United church which was filled for the occasion. Rev. Stanley Elilott, a member of the Legion, delivered an appropriate sermon to the large con- gregation. Mrs. Ed. Binnington is still very ill, and we hope that she will soon improve in health. Mrs. Fred Field of Toronto is visit- ing her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Binnington. Visitors at the home of Ed. Bin- nington on Sunday wex-e: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts of Flesherton, Mrs. John Robertson and Miss Ruby Rob- erton and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestley and Mrs. Louis Kerton, all of Maxwell, and Mrs. Chester Cam- eron of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Ross visited at Cheltenham and Georgetown last week. - â€" f. - - Saturday afternoon fire broke out in Mr. Ed. Seeley's driving shed and destroyed the building. Help soon ar- rived and prevented the spread of the fire to the other buildings. Cause of the fire is unknown. Mr. Fred Ross took a business trip to Toronto this week. PRICEVILLE The W.M.S. and W.H. Societies will hold their meetings Tuesday, May 16, at the home of Mrs. D. L. McArthur. Topic for W.M. by Mrs. A. MacCuaig; for W.M.S. by Mrs. J. A. Nichol. Lunch com.-â€" cake Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Hooper; sandwiches, Donalda McLeod and Mrs. Watson. The Holdfast U.F.W.O. club meet- ing will be held Wednesday, May 10, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Beaton. Mr. Murray McMillan of Toronto is spending some time at his home here. Mr. Gilvray McLean returned to Kitchener after holidaying at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill of Fergus visited Sunday at H. R. McLean's. Misses Margaret and Minnie Simp- son, who have spent the winter in Toronto, have returned home. Visitors over the week end at the home of Alex. Carson were: Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Knox and Garnet, Mr. and Mrs. Holly Miller and son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. John AJdersleigh and daughter, Dorothea, Mr. Geo. Merrick and Miss Sadie Carson (reg.N.), all of Toronto. VANDELEUR The May meeting of the Woman's Association was held at the home of Mrs. Lundy Johnson. Due to the ill- ness of the president, Mrs. F. R. Bol- and, the 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Fitzsimmons, took the chair. The roll was answered by about fifteen mem- bers with a reason "What I like best about the spring." Topic: "Thoughts of Spring," was given by Mrs. How- ard Graham. Mrs. Will Johnson sang a solo and prayer was griven by Mrs. S. E. Annis. Mrs. Angus Bowles con- ducted the contest, the award being won by Mrs. Annis. A social hour followed with luncheon served by the hostess, Mrs. Lundy Johnson, assisted by Mrs. Geo. Buchanan and Mrs. W. B. Johnson. Mr. and Mr. Geo. Kelso attended the funeral of a relative in Colling*- wood on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wyville and Donna visited with Mr. and Mrs. Faw- cett at Wodehouse on Sunday. CENTRE LINE ROCK MILLS The mill commenced work on Wed- nesday of last week. Mr. Cameron Smellie of Ceylon is back again as sawyer. Mr. Thos. Gilliland of Eugenia vis- ited on Friday with relatives here. Mr. Frank Betts was the first to finish seeding here, having completed the job Ust week. Friday was Arbor Day at the school, when the usual cleaning was done. In the afternoon Flesherton public school children came out and played a friendly game of Softball with the local children, with Flesher- ton winning. Rock Mflls Is now anx- ious to go back and play a return game. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Sam Fisher on Wed-, May 17. Lunch com. â€" cake, Mrs. B. Field; sandwich, Mrs. Ned Croft. "Jimmy has found a cure for tire trouble." "Eh! What's that?" He's bought a motorboat." MAKE YOUR LIVESTOCK PAY ship to Dunn & Levack Limited Canada's Leading LivestocR Salesmen Union Stock Yards, TORONTO YOU"LL BE AHEAD IF YOU SHIP TO US FAITHFUL SERVICE SINCE 1893 Spring Wear for Men SUITS TO MEASURE "Clothes of Quality" suits are made and tailored to your individual measure. Fit and satisfaction guar- anteed Come and see the new spring samples. PRICES $22.50 $25.00 $30.0a READY TO WEAR SUITS New styles and patterns, single and double breasted. Well madeâ€" well lined â€" smartly cut and tailored. SPECIALLY PRICED $12.95 and $14.95 BOYS' NEW SPRING SUITS A new purchaseâ€" smart styles andj:olors. Sizes 30 to 33 only. SPECIALLY PRICED $995 Fine Shirts New colors and patterns $1.00, $1.50, $1.95 Biltmore Felt Hats Fur felts, new colors and new spring shapes. $2.95 and $3.50 Spring Caps New patterns for men and boys 75c and $1.00 Smart Pullovers and Sweaters An entirely new ranjje for sprinff of the latest designs and colors. Priced $1.50 to $395 New Spring Neckwear Snappy springf patterns 50c, 75c and $1.00 Work Boots Specially selected for comfort and good service Priced $2.15 to $4.95 Smart Spring Hosiery Cashmere, lisle and silk and wool 25c, 50c, 75c Men's Smart Shoes New styles in black and brown Priced $2.25 to $4.95 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. IUcDougall and son, Lyle, of Holstein were week end visitors with Mr. W. W. Ramage. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bowes of Mark- dale and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lucas and little son of Toronto were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. McLean. A banquet is being held on Friday evening, May I2th, under the auspices of the Y.P.S. of St. Columba church. A good time is promised. We are pleased to hear of the sat- isfactory improvement in the health of ~Mi£(a Edna Harrison of N. E. Egremont, We were pleased to meet with one of our old choristers at chiurch Sunday and who favored us with a solo in her fine voice, as of yore. This was Mrs. Nerval Brawley (nee Louise Watson) who had spent a week with her mother, sister Martha, and brother, W. G. Watsson. Rev. A. R. Muir exchanged pulpits on Sunday with Rev. Galbraith of Woodford. Rev. Galbraith preached in Gaelic at the evening serice, which was hailed as "Shanacathie" by those who heard. Our early education being sadly neglected we would be hope- lessly at sea, so we snoozed at home between times, which, perhaps, would do us more good physically! "Hangiel Gaelic." Mr. F. Muir of Barrie spent the week end at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Sutherland. Master Jim Thurston of Flesherton spent the week end with his friend, Ross MeConkey. Everyone is busy now: the men are working on the land and the hum of I tractors is heard all around. If it I keeps dry there will be considerable grain sown this week, although a nice warm shower would do good now. Mrs. Fred Plantt returned home from Markdale hospital last week, but she is not improving very fast. Mount Zion young people are giving their play in the hall Friday night. Mrs. Mac. Cudmore spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hockley, Mar- guerite and Bill, of Markdale and Miss Kate Bellamy of Flesherton vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Little and family. Mr. Lloyd Young of Collingwood and Miss Florence Tuohy and Miss Elsie Smith of Meaford spent Sunday with Mrs. Lyons and family. Mr. Stanley Little has purchased a nice car. Mount Zion Sunday School com- menced Sunday with a very good at- tendance. Next Sunday is Mother's Hardware and Spring NEEDS Lawn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Flower Pots and Hanging Baskets, Plant Food and Royal Purple Garden Seeds EASY ELECTRIC WASHERS Take the work out of washday â€" Fast Triple-Cup Action â€" Heavy Porce- lain Tub â€" Oilless Motor â€" DeLuxe Automatic Wringer Beatty Copper Tub Hand Washers, Tubs, Washboards, Etc. A complete stock of S W.P. quality Paints and Varn- ishes, Wax Polishes, Paint Brushes, and Mops, all to help with the spring cleaning' MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS & REPAIRS Cement Plaster, Lime, Roofing and Building Supplies FREE COMMUx\ITY CHEST COUPONS Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE 'PHONE 54 Day and everyone is requested to be out for Sunday School, as a good attendance is encouraging to the Superintendent, teachers and officers. Mr. and Mrs. Russell White and Mr. and Mrs.__ Cephus Hindle of Saugeen Jet. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Little. Robert Osborne is busy clipping sheep these hot days. Mr. A. Hendeson and little son and John Osborne of Flesherton called on John's parents on Sunday. Mount Zion W.A. will meet at. the home of Mrs. Jas. Hopps on Tuesday afternoon of next week. The days of the splashing motor car are here. Careful driving will keep everyone in better humor. Proclamation Civic Holiday Village of FleshertOD Take notice that the Council of the Villag-e of Flesherton has declared Monday, May 22 as a Civic Holiday in place of May 24th. -A. DOWN, Reeve PRICEVILLE' S STORE NEWS Weekly Specials FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Bassett of Toronto motored up and spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. R. McGirr. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murphy and Miss Helen Dand of Long Branch vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colquette. Mrs. G. Dand returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tyler attended the wedding of the latter's brother, Mr. Will Izard to Miss Iva Sayers, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Sayers, on Saturday last. Ml', and Mrs. G. Eby visited with friends in Barrie over the week end. Rev. and Mrs. Muckin of Toronto have moved here and are stationed on this Presbyterian charge at present. Mr. Harold Spofford of Uxbridge spent Sunday with his mother and sister here. Mr. Ivan Alexander and Mrs. Albert Stewart of Flesherton were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander on Sunday last. Mrs. E. Croft of Rock Mills spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Harold Osborne. in order to make it worth your while to concentrate on buying your requirements in Priceville, we are offering the following Specials (good for one week from date of publication) for Cash or Produce only. The prices we will pay for Eggs will be the ungraded prices listed in Toronto Globe & Mail for eggs delivered in Toronto. DRY GOODS we can supply you with Flannelette Sheets, Cotton Sheets and Sheetings at prices you'll be surprised at. CONGOLEUM, FLOOR OIL CLOTH We carry Floor Oil in 3 and 6 foot widths; Congoleum in 6 foot and 9 foot widths. 6 foot Congoleum priced at, yard .... SI. 10 9 foot Congoleum priced at, yard .... $1.95 WALL PAPERS We have several new patterns to choose from at prices at or under 10 cents per single roll. Sunworthy papers from 15c per single roll. MURESCO, ALABASTIN, PAINTS iJap-o-lac in the better grades of Spar Varn- ish, Enamels and Paints; Monarch Paints, Enam- els, and Varnishes at special low price, quart 59c Muresco and Alabastine, 5 lb. pkg 65c GROCERIES Robin Hood or Purity Flour, 98's $2.15 Queen of Roses Flour, 98's $1.89 Pastry Flour. 24's 45c Canned Goods 3 for 25c Choice of Tomatoes, Peas, Corn, Pork & Beans, Tomato Juice. Peanut Butter lb 10c (Bring your own container) Jelly Powders 7 for 25c Blue Rose Rice 4 lbs. for 25c Shortening lb. 10c Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. S4c All kinds of X}reen Vegetables and Fruits in season Â¥ I I I r I I t t t Fred G. Karstedt, Priceville VICTORIA CORNER.S F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Onl. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Linton, ac- companied by Mrs. Albert Reid. were in Toronto a few days last week. The Y.P.S., which was discontinued for a time on account of bad roads, held their meeting last week at the home of the president, Mr. and Mrs. •John Talbot. Charles and Ted Moore, assisted by Jim Gallagher and Earl Talbot, are preparing their crusher for operation in a pit .just out of Markdale. Miss Lucas of Markdale, music teacher for schools, held a musical festival on Friday ^evening in the town hall at Flesherton, when the pu- pils of each school took part in cost- ume, .showing the parents what pro- gress thejr are making. Last Friday was Arbor Day at the school. We wonder if there are any of us too old just to know what a thrill that gives to those attending school. After the usual routine work our teacher. Mr. Talbot, Oook the pupils to Springhill for a ball game. Our school bronht home the laurels, the score being ,12-8. Retread Tires Send the Advance to a friend. Goodyear Tires Open 7 a.m. to 1 1 p.m. Flesherton B.-A. Service Station Opening Monday - Under management of HAROLD BEST FREE To the first customers on Monday morning purchasing 5 gal. of gas wiH be given 3rd â€" Free Grease 4thâ€" Free Wash ••SERVCE WITH ASMILE** Ice Cream ^ r Tobaccos Auto Accessories 1st â€" Free Polish and Wash Job 2nd â€" Free Wash and Grease

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