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Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1939, p. 5

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â- ' V THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE Wednesday, May 3, 1939 \^ N . EUGENIA The drama "Into Thy Kingdom" and other items of program were given on Monday evening in the church here under the auspices of the Y.P.U. Af- ter the program contests were con- ducted and lunch served in the base- ment. Those taking part in the drama were: Argyle Martin (Caiapbus, the high priest); Mrs. G. C. Graham (Adena, his wife); Cecil Magee (Nic- odemus); Mrs. Ray Genoe (Tamab, Adena 's maid servant); Everett Gra- ham (Malchus, servant to Caiaphua); Charlie Goddard (Jabal, a member of the robber band); and Reba (the robber's daughter); The proceeds amounted to a little over $4.00. The attendance was affected by an epi- demic of measles in the homes. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto visited a few days with the former's sister^ Mrs. H. Foerster. Miss Arlene Benson of Maxwell vis- ited a. few days with friends in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Campbell visited over the week end with friends in Dundalk. We are pleased to report Mrs. A. Smith recovering from her illness. Miss Penner of Owen Sound was in attendance this past week. Mrs. L. Latimer is still very ill but we trust she will soon recover. Mrs. Wilson spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Jamieson. Mrs. W. Davies and friend, Mrs. McEwen, of Winnipeg visited recently with the former's father, Mr. Jake Williams. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Magee on Thursday afternoon of last week with ten members in attendance. Several matters of busi- ness were discussed. Mrs. F. Genoe gave a reading. Lunch was served by the lunch committee. CEYLON (Intended for Last Week) All those recently afflicted with measles are again out. We hope the contagion doesn't spread. Those on the sick list at the pres- ent time are: Mrs. Will. Magee, Mrs. L. Latimer Mrs. A. Smith, Miss Mar- gie Park, Mr. Ross Smith and Mrs E. LeGard. We wish all a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaitting and daughter, Delsa, accompanied Mr. S. Menzies to Detroit over the week end where they visited their son, Mr. Gay- lord Kaitting and family. Deputy-Reeve Mr. Robt. Purvis at- tended County Council in Owen Sound last week. We extend our sympathy to Reeve Davis and family in the death of his father. Miss Muriel Carruthers has return- ed home from Toronto. The Turner families attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Wilkin- son of Porlaw on Thursday. Mrs. Morgan and Douglas have been spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. A Smith. Master Murray Williams of the 8th line spent the week end with his friends, Dorland and Burton Campbell. The Ladies' Aid held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy Piper with a good attendance. Mrs. Geo. Snell presided. During the af- ternoon Mrs. (Rev.) Service and Mrs. A. C. Muir gave readings. For the next two months a copper contest will be held with Mrs. J. McMullen and Mrs. Geo. Jaynes as captains. Mrs. Geo. Snell will be the hostess for the May meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Torrie and Mrs. Luther Torrie of Lauriston spent Sunday with Mrs. Harry Piper. Mrs. Jas. Pattison^ Mrs. A. Mc- Millan, Mrs. Knox, and Mr. Gordon Stuart attended the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. Jas. McLean. Miss Lucy McDonald of Flesherton spent the week end with Miss Fran- ces Collinson. Congratulations are in order for Miss Elsie Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher, who has re- ceived the appointment of private sec- retary to Dr. Kirby, Minister of Health, at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Elsie has been at Business College in Toronto for some time and this appointment is indeed ^ very responsible one. Mrs. Fred Marshall and Mrs. Hax- ton spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair of Dundalk were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ;Jas. Sinclair. Mr .Wm. Dempster, who has spent the winter visiting relatives in Ire- land, has returned to the home of Mr. John Dow. Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Hyslop of Eugenia were recent visitors with Mr. Geo. McKenzie. Miss Bessie Cairns was home from Weston for the week end. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs Pattinson (Blanche Genoe) left Saturday for Brockville after spending the past couple of weeks with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Genoe. Miss Mildred Risk of Kimberley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Muir Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart of Bala and Jackson Stewart of Cheese- viUe spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Irwin, Mr and Mrs. Brady Irwin and Mrs. Thos. Ir- win attended the funeral of the late Mr. Chris. Irwin at Markdale last week. Mrs. T Irwin is remaining at Markdale for a short time. Mrs. A. C. Muir and Mrs. A. S. Muir spent Monday in Durham The Ladies" Aid held a successful bake sale and afternoon tea in Down and Boyd's garage, Flesherton, on Saturday afternoon. About fourteen dollars was realised. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham of Walk- erton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell. Our sympathy goes out to the Otte- well family in their recent bereave- ment in the death of Mrs. J Ottewell. MEN You are Invited Special Showing of New Styles and Fabrics Tuesday, May 9th Afternoon only when M R. M. R. P A R K "Qolhes of Quality" (brand) representative, wUl be in our store We urge every man to visit our store on the above date to meet our special representative; to see the beautiful new fabrics, the smart new styles he will show. You may have yourself measured by him, loo, for your new suit or coat and get his advice and style-ideas from London and New York. Make sure you're amongst those present on the date above! Suits made to your individual measure $22.50 and up. 6x9 Congoleum Gold Seal Rug Absolutely Free Enter the annual Congoleum Guessing Contest- no entrance fee â€" Get your entry Wank today â€" Contest opens April 29lh and closes at noon on Saturday, May Bth- F. H. W, HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. CENTRE LINE We had a few warm days of weath- er the first of last week. Cars are lunning and the roads are dry, but still a bit rough. The land is drying fast and if this continues the farmers will be seeding in a few days. Mrs. Fred Plantt was taken sud- denly ill the first of last week and was taken to Markdale hospital where she is not improving very fast. We wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Mary Sheardown is spe^iding the week end in Toronto, also Mrs. Harry Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn and Mrs. John McKee. Mr. John Osborne of Flesherton spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. Fred Taylor has purchased a half-ton truck in connection with his business at Portlaw store. Wareham Young People's Union is holding a banquet on Thursday night of this week as this is- the close of the regrular meetings for the summer months. However, they intend hold- ing fireside meetings monthly. The following young men of this community started their summer's work on May 1st: Lloyd Little, who has been with Luther Love for the winter, goes to Mr. Henry .A.rnott; PRICEVILLE Mr. Donald Carson of Toronto spent a few days at his parental home. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hincks and family spent Saturday in Owen Sound. Mias Jean Hincks of Lisle spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Art. Richardson of Swinton Park and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carson and son of Vandeleur visited Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. .\. Carson ai'd family. Mr. Oavt Hincks is spending a few days in Toronto. The back roads have dried up well this pa;st week and are now open to motor traffic. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hincks and family and Miss J. Hincks visited Sunday with their sisters, Mrs. Han- ison and Mrs. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs, John McFarlane and little son, Colvin, ^visited their par- ents here Sunday. Mr. Allie Mclnnis took his mother back to Toronto with him on Satur- day. |We are sorry to part with this long-time neighbor. Sympathy is ex- tended to the bereaved. .A. meeting of the session and trus- tees of St. Columba Church will be Joe Little goes to Mr. Wilfred Gal- i held to consider the future of the old lagher; Clifford Taylor is employed with Luther Love for the second sum- mer; Stanley Taylor with V. Wright near Maxwell; Victor Osborne with Wm. Davison and Bill Fisher with H. Fisher for the second summer. Mr. Robt. Osborne accompanied Mr. Wes. Young to Toronto one day last week. VICTORIA CORNERS A few of the ladies of the W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Joseph Copeland to do quilting and spend a pleasant afternoon with the hostess. Buzztng bees are the order of the day. Russel Linton has his new outfit in operation now. It was im- possible to get this early spring oc- cupation done before as the wood piles were all buried in snow, but the warm days of last week cleared the cotmtry of snow in one clean sweep. Mr. Walter Acheson visited at Wiar- ton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Em. Acheson were in Toronto last week consulting a specialist as to the health of their baby. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coon and boys 01 Acton visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stinson. Bill We are sorry to report Mrs. Ed. returned to work at Christmas after 1 Binnington very ill at present, losing three fingers off his right hand last fall. He say^ he has got used to work with the remaining two digits and hardly misses the others. Mr. Elliott, student of Emmanuel College, preached his farewell sermon on Sunday at Inistioge. Mr. Elliott spent a very faithful year with us, and we feel he will do good work in other fields as well. ROCK MILLS Ebenezer appointment. The funeral of the late Lachlan MacArthur, who passed away on Sat- urday at the age of seventy-six years, was held on Tuesday with interment being made in McN'eill's Cemetery. He leaves to moum his passing his son, Leonard, on the farm and one daughter. Jewel. (Mrs. (Rev.) H. E. Wright) of Brucefield. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved. The funeral of the late Sarah Mc- Lean was held last week with Rev. Taylor in charge of the service who preached very acceptably on the sac- rifice of death. Two hymns "The Shepherd's Psalm" and "Abide With Me'* were sung. Mrs. J. C. Harrison played the organ softly while the remains were being viewed. Mr. G. Muir read a chapter in Gaelic. Many tloral tributes surrounded the casket showing the esteem in which this fine old lady of ninety-one years was held. The pallbearers were Messrs. C. A. McLean. C. H. McLean, Neil McLeod, A. McVicar, Hector McKechnie, H. R. McLean, C. McLean and F. P. Reiley. MAXWELL The farmers are busy this week with seeding operations. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard of To- ronto visited over the week end with relatives here. Mr. Lome Sharp was engaged buz- sing wood for a number of the farmers here last week. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell were Mr. and Mrs John Newell, Olive, Irene and .\rthur and Miss Glenna Strong of Durham and Mr. Clem Patterson of Varney. Miss Ruby Monaghan spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Porteous at Maxwell. Messrs. Glen Croft, Ned Croft and Bob Bums made a business trip to CoUingwood Saturday. Mr. Melbourne Phillips moved his family to their new home at Eugeni.. | last week and Mr. Bob Burns moved to the house vacated by Mr. Phillips. A presentation was held Saturday night for Miss Dorothy Foster when a large crowd of friends and neigh- bors gathered at her home and spent a social evening and prescnte<l Dor- othy with a purse of money. A nicely wordeti address was read by Miss Mary Clark to which Miss Foster made a suitable reply after which lunch was serveil. Miss Foster left Monday for Corbetton where she is starting a grocery store. Her many friends here wish her every success. Hardware and Spring NEEDS Lawn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Flower Pots and Hanging Baskets, Plant Food and Roysd Purple Garden Seeds EASY ELECTRIC WASHERS Take the work out I of washday â€" Fast Triple-Cup ActioQ â€" Heavy Porce- lain Tubâ€" Oilless Motor â€" DeLuxe Automatic Wringer Beatty Copper Tub Hand Washers, Tubs, Washboards, Etc. A complete stock of S W.P. quality Paints and Varn- ishes, Wax Polishes, Paint Brushes, and Mops, all to help with the spring cleaning MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS & REPAIRS Cement Piaster, Lime, Roofing and Building Supplies FREE COM-M UNITY CHEST COUPONS Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE 'PHONE 54 VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs.. Riciiard Sewell and Carman attended the funeral of Mrs. SeweU's aunt in Owen Sound recently. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bowles and family of Hanover are visiting friends in this community. Mrs. Gordon Wyville spent a day with friends in Owen Sound. Miss Dorothy Kelso has returned home after spending several weeks with friends in Stayner and CoUing- wood. Mrs. R. J. Stewart and Misses Susie and Sylvia Stewart of Shrigley spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Graham. The April meeting of the WJ[. was held in Ebenezer Church on Thursday afternoon of last week when a good program was provided. Mr. Jim Cargoe has cut a lot of wood for farmers in this vicinity dur- ing the past month, including several hundred cords for Mr, Gus Bowles. The weather is fine and cool and the farmers are working on the land. New Roller Skating Rink Being Built at Wasaga Beach Mr. J. I. McLean, proprietor of the famous Dardanella dance pavilion at Wasaga Beach, is planning to erect a fine new roller skating rink just to the rear of the pavilion this spring. The new rink will be sixty feet by one hundred and fifty feet and will incorporate all the latest and newest features used in this now very pop- ular pastime. This new rink will be one of the largest additions to the amusement list at Wasaga in recent years and is only indicative of the new spirit of optimism and confidence that is generally felt at Wasaga. Doing all the giving is good neither for the giver or the receiver. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison. Mild- may, visited with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison, the past week. Mr. Ross Guy from the West is \;isiting his sister, Miss Jennie Guy, and other relatives here. Miss Small, Normal student teach- er, spent a week with Miss Morrison. Miss Mabel Ross left last week for Grimsby Beach to spend the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morrison of Shelbume visited Sunday with the former's brother^ J. L. Morrison, and family. Mr. Eugene Colquette and Mr. Me- lanie of Toronto spent the week end at their cottage at Heron's Hollow and enjoyed the fishing. Hatherton Y.P.U. visited the local society Friday evening. .A.pril 2Sth, when there was a very large attend- ance. The visitors provided an inter- esting program of instrumental mu- sic and readings. Maxwell young . . people served lunch at the close. This Friday. May 5th. the Eugenia and Wareham Young People's Union will visit the Max\vell Y.P.U. when a good time is anticipated. WOOL WE ARE PAYING He PER POUND CASH AND 13c PER POUND TRADE FOR UNWASHED FLEECE WOOL Prices Subject to Change without Notice WE HAVE A COMPLETE NEW STOCK OF BLANKETS, AU i O RUGS AND YARNS ON HAND" BLUE SUNOCO GASOLINE. MOTOR OIL .\ND GREASES Flesherton Woollen Mills TELEPHONE 25 Ottawa is expecting 250,000 visitors duing the stay of the Royal visitors in May. and that would seem the right time for Ottawa to take a census. There is one class that is not wor- rying about employment these days. It is made up of folk who draw the maps of Europe. .\ straw vote shows that Roosevelt has a »\\m chance of being prcsiilent of the United States for a third term. Perhaps â€" but who have they in sight \vho can defeat him. The main difftrence between fish and fishermen is that the fish lie in schools and the fishermen lie 'm Complete Builders' Supplies Building Hardware LUMBER - SHINGLES - LATH FLOORING GYPROC LIME BRICK Truck Racks Built to Order We Build and C<Mxiplete COTTAGES At Saubie and Wasaga Beaches SPECIALS IN PAINTS UNTIL MAY 6th Canada Paint .... $1.00 qt. Luxor Enamel $1.35 qt. Buifak) Paint .. 59c qt Varnish Stain . $1.15 qt. Sun Wax 2Sc per pound FLESHERTON PLANING MILLS H. A. McCauley, Prop. Phone 24 Flesherton

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