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Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1939, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, April 5, 1939 For the . . Coming Spring SUNWORTHY WALL PAPERS BRANDRAM-HNDERSON PAINTS ENAMELS, VARNISHES, FLOOR FINISHES PAINT & KALSOMINE BRUSHES LACE CURTAINS CURTAIN NETS CRETONNES DRAPERIES CURTAIN RODS LINOLEUMS CONGOLEUMS REXOLEUMS FLOOR OILCLOTH BY THE YARD AND IN SQUARES CENTRE LINE For Wet Weatherâ€" Rubber Boots for MEN, BOYS, WOMEN & CHILDREN Rubber Goloshes in all sizes F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont k[ MurphyPaints «^ HARVO will maks your horn* riT rO R A KINO ! O. & A. Co-operative Co. Ltd. 'Phone 70 Flesherton MAXWELL The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held in the church hall on Fri- day evening with an attendance of sixty. A very enjoyable program of songs, trios, duets, etc. was given. The topic was given by Mr. Elliott. Mrs. J. L. Morrison visited her sister, Mrs. Leslie Poole, last week. Mr. J. 'Winters has purchased a lot in Maxwell and intends to build on it this summer. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Colquette of Peversham who celebrated the fifty-ninth anniversary of their wedding on Friday, March 31. Some fellows get stop taking the paper, stop reading it. so angry they But they don't For a few days it seem^ that spring was here but last week the ;iuow still lingered on and now it is quite wintry again. Some of the farmers have tapped but not much sap has been gathered as yet. Spring is moving time and a few changes are being made in tlus vi- cinity. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Helmkay and family are moving from the Sandiland farm to Lome Atkinson's farm on the CoUingwood g^ravel near Rock Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tay- lor are moving to the Portlaw store, and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. 'Walker are moving to the Taylor farm. We wish them all success in their new homes. Mr. John Osborne, who is working in Flesherton at present, spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan (Lillian Mor- ton) visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'W. A. Morton last week before leaving for their new home at Iroquois Falls. There will be no service at Mount Zion next Sunday but on the follow- ing Sunday an Easter service will be held at three o'clock. Mr. Cecil Ford spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Gertrude Little and Mr Victor Osborne spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Cudmore. While working on the snow plow one day recently a good young horse belonging to Jack Axnott dropped dead, supposedly from heart trouble. EUGENIA PRICEVILLE The Holdfast U.F.W.O. club meet- ing will be held Wednesday, April 12th, at the home of Mrs. Archie Stewart. All members are cordially invited. A cow belonging to Mr. Alex. Car- son gave birth to twin calves last week and all are doing well. Mr. Brady Irwin is busy with his buzzing outfit on the South Line. Mrs. McMeekin is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. B. Irwin, 4th line. Born â€" On Saturday, April 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. A. O'Dell South Line, a daughter. Mr. Stuart Carson and Miss Ber- nice Carson visited with their sister, Mrs. Art. Richardson, Swinton Park. Mr. Jas. Sturrock spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. WATCH REPAIRING PRICES REASONABLE E. I. HoUey Located at old Methodist Parsonage Toronto St. FLESHERTON .V SPECIAL SAU ^^^rX^' «ft^r (TMZ/T^- fy^ for 10 Days Only -- ending April 22 Here is your opportunity this year to buy your requirements of two of the world's finest enamels at a fifth off the regular price. Thousands of people are creating new and lovelier homes over- night with these famous Sherwia-Williams Enamels. See your Sherwin-Williams dealer today for these great bargains in: â€" ENAMELOID . Products^ jENAMaOH World-. fine»t high-glow enamel for outside °^ j^«= use. Flows on easily, dries quickly; coven, m one coat. In 24 brilliant colours and black and white. ^ Oft Pint bAO Regular .35 Pint b"*^ Regular .55 Pint bTO tiegular .95 Quart Xb J^ Regular 1.65 M Cai. ZbS^ Regular 3.15 Gal 4.80 Regular 6.00 SEMI-LUSTRE Oyaranteed Satin Kn«nel tK.... «,.>,T_. " "^ * ENDS AHUL 22 «^- °«ODORIzSS'ir»'^f^^o,-Pg|;. quick »^t .40 Regular .SO "-» -64 Qu«t 1 .20 ^o-^j2.20 G..4.20 Regular 2.75 H,,^ sTs lj«t^ <M your SfNlne Supply of Hmm two oMi*r flM SiMfwIn-WitliMiM pro«lwctt •! ihmdaid pricM SWP PREPARED HOUSE PAINT Qhnw jpour horn* new bcMitjr aod pratMtioa. Staadwd Price* (32 itegtOu Ookwra) H-Ftat Pfait Quwt JfOaL CM. .40 .6S 1.20 £Z0 3.9S IfN-X 8cHidsftl Prion H-n>t Pint QiMut CLEAR MOSS .60 .9S 1.78 iMla loacer, ttMn maf rtnlA. FRANK W. DUNCAN 'PHONE 54 FLESHERTON, ONT. .'W« extend our sympathy to our pastor, fi«v. S. £Uioti, in his sad bereavement. His sister, Mrs. Cra- ver of Winnipeg passed away on Tuesday of last weeli. On Sunday evening the Y.P.U. had charge of the service in the church. The measage was given by Mr. Argyle Martin, president, who tool( &a his text "Fear not, they tiiat are with you are more than they that are against you" which brought out the great Christian faith of Elijah and Elisha. There was only a fair at- tendance as the weather was stormy and the roads in poor cuadition. We are sorry to report Mrs. Len Latimer not very well at present. Miss Lillian Magee has accepted a position in Toronto. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Richard Park in the loss of her brother-in-law, the late Mr. Beaton. The Y.P.U. held a social evening Wednesday of last week when about twenty-five were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lyons of the 4th line visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Porteous recently. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams have moved to the Betts farm and on Fri- day evening the families of the 8th line assembled at their home giving them a hearty welcome to their new home. Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Will Magee who celebrated her 78th birthday anniversary on April 1. We hope her health will soon be im- proved and that she will be able to be around again. ROCK MILLS It has been very cold, backward weather these past few days. The sap has not been running very well and very little syrup has been made. Mr. Lome Sharp was engaged this past week buzzing wood for a number of the farmers in this neighborhood. Mr. Jack English has returned home from the north where he has been employed the past few months. Messrs. Glen Croft, Harvey Croft and Chas. Stafford motored to To- ronto on Monday, returning home the same night. Mr. Jas. Stafford spent a few days with his brother, Charles, wife and family. Miss Lucas of Markdale has been engaged to teach music in the school here. She commenced her duties on Thursday last. KIMBERLEY The snow is almost gone in the Valley. Cars are running as far as the 14th concession. The 'flu has been making its rounds here. Mr. Jenkins was unable to teach for almost two weeks. Mrs. D. A. Graham supplied for him. The "W.I. met at the home of Mrs. B. A. Carruthers when plans were made for the making of a quilt. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Morwood this month. Pordaw School Grade 7 â€" Jim NichoUs*. Fred Shier. Grade 6 â€" Victor 'White*, Donald Sheardown*, Chester Plantt*, Donald Meldrum. Grade 5 â€" Gordon Nicholls*, Ev- elyn Shier. Grade 4 â€" Doris Shier. D. A. Fish- er, Earl Helmkay, Alvin Sheard. Grade 3 â€" Mary Nicholls, Evelyn Fisher, Gwendolyn White. Winnifred Shier, Herbert Shier. Grade 2 â€" Helen Sheard, Lloyd Shier. Primer â€" Gordon 'White, Mildred Shier. • denotes perfect attendance. F. E. HODGKINSON, Teacher. There's one thing these new electric shavers have done â€" they have dispos- ed of the problem of what to do with the old razor blades. Get Ready! FOR SPRING AND MAPLE SYRUP MAKING SAP PAILS, SAP PANS SYRUP CANS, SPILES, AUGER BITS. PAILS, AXES, ETC. CHICK SUPPLIES, BUCKEYE BROODERS, BROODER THERMOMETERS, BROODER COAL, CHICK FEEDERS, JAR FOUNTS. . . ADVANCE SPRING CLEANING NEEDS . . Brooms, Paint Brushes, Mops, Paint and Varnish, PoHshes, Wall Cleaner Scrub Brushes EASY ELECTRIC WASHERS with triple cup-fast wtashing action, porcelain tub, cadmium i^ted up to date wringer, life time guarantee. Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE 'PHONE 54 I ^^..^^. ^ ^^ ^^^ J^^ .^Ka. J^fc ^^^ j^fc. j^L. J^^ .*^^ ^y*. .*^fc. J0A. .a^fc J^^ J^^ J^^ ^W^ ^9j^ j^ ^ jX^ J^^.^^^-,*ft SEEDS WE HAVE OUR SEEDS FOR SPRING SEEDING ; INQUIRE FOR OUR PRICES YOUR LUCKY CHANCE . . . One lucky chance on an Electric Lamp with every half- pound purchase of Weston's Biscuits. Try it tolay. ENQUIRE FOR OUR MAPLE LEAF CONTEST FERTILIZER For those who wish to purchase Fertilizer we would be willing to quote our prices 0. & A. Co-aperatfve Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ontario VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Milton Bannon is suffering from erysipelas. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Linton and Peggy are visiting at Owen Sound over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Halliday and son, who have been living on the Stevens farm, are moving to the Rutherford farm recently vacated by Chas. Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Otter and family of To- ronto are moving to the Stevens farm. Messrs. Will and Chas. Moore re- ceived word that their brother. Bob, of London, who has been in poor health for some time lately had the misfortune to fall and break some of his ribs. This is more unfortunate since his only daughter, Betty, is at present bedfast with rheumatic fever. Betty is an exceptionally clever girl, passing all her school subjects with very high honors. She had completed a business course and iust recently secured a position in a broker's office. (Carried over from last week) Miss Helen Moore is visiting with her aunt at Smithville who had the misfortune to scald herself when a pot of boiling coffee spilled on her. The people of Inistioge congrega- tion joined with the neighbors of Mr. Robt. Cornett last week in a fare- well party and presentation, 'We are indeed sorry to lose Mr. Cornett from Inistioge church but feel sure that ha is making a wise change for himself in leaving the farm and moving to Dundalk and wish him many yean of health and rest. Some of the country doctoi-s are having a hard time. The roads are so bad that before they can reacM their patients they've gone and i**. covered on their own hook. Relieve Winter Aches If your car wa(i built like a man you would simply administer a tablet to relieTe it of the aches developed during the 'Winter. But, what you can't expect the tablet to do to your car, our factory -trained mechanics do â€" efficiently, economically, promptly. Their skilled attention to yottr car. now, may reduce present operating costjs and will certainly save you « lot of needless trouble and expense later on. You kn»w that the constant motion, Btress and strain of drirring is bound to loooen up any car. particularly when extremely diCicult con- ditions prevail â€" Uke those of winter. Thia part gets out of adjustment; that one develops too much play. Individually, these mattens may seem small, but taken all together, they can result in a lot of avoidable trouble. They should be attended to before they reach the point where they be- come coetly to service. By having all of them serviced at one tioia, you get the benefit of a saving in time and labor which keeps the costs surprisingly low. Come in and let us report your car's condi- tion. If it is satisfactory, we'll tell you so and it will cctst 7on nothing â€" if it is not, we'll report the trouble and give you an estimate on the cost of repairs. In any case, yon will benefit by coming in now. D. McTAVISH & SONS Telephone No. 9w INVESTIGATE OUR GENEROUS TRADS-IN ALLOWANCES. CHEVROLET FLESHERTON, Ont SEE AND RIDE IN THE NEW

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