Sunday School Lesson lb:sson xii Peter Exhorts To Christian Living 1 Peter 3:8-18 Qoldcn Text: Like as he who cal- led you is holy, be ye youfselves also holy in all mannei' of living. 1 Pet. lAZ. Tlie Lesson In Its Setting Time â€" We cannot doteriuiue with absolute accui-acy the year in which the apostle Peter wrote his two epiatles, but it is generally be- lieved that the First Epistle was written somewhere near A.D. 60. Place â€" lu the thirteenth verse of the last cliapter of this epistle the apostle uses the phrase, "she that is in Babylon," and from this some have argued that Peter wrote this epistle frorn the great city on the Euphrates River; others have advanced the theory that because the ancient city of Cairo. Egypt, wai called Babylon, the epistle was written there. It is more generally believed that here Peter i:sed the word "Babylon" to designate the city of Rome. 8. Finally, be ye all lilieminded. Christians ought to be of the same mind because they are menibors of the same body, the Lord Jesus Christ. Comiiassionate. Xvoving as brethren. lu secular Greelc the word liei'e means the love of broth- ers for brothers, but in the New Testament it is used in what is really a new sense, of love for those who are brethren by virtue of the fact that they are "begotten again" (1 Pet. l:3i. Tenderhearted. Humbleminded. Having a modest opinion of one's self. Return Good For Evil 9. Not rendering evil for evil, or reviling for reviling; but contrari- wi»3 bl>;33ii:g. We can hardly show ourselves Christians more vividly than in obedience to just such au admonition as this. Not an easy thing to do, yet certainly possible, as the Holy Spirit dwells within us. For hereunto were ye called, that ye should inherit a blessing. God blesses, therefore we should bless; he forgives us, and therefore we should forgive others. We were cal- led into such a high life as this when we acspted Christ and re- ceived from him a new life. Men may give good word.s with the lips, while the heart is full of bitterness. 10. For, He that would love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue °om evil, and his lips that they speak no guile. The ob- ject wished for is not mere life, as such, but a life that a man can love instead of hating with the hatred that is engendered, on the one hand by the satiety of the pleasure-seek- er, and on the other, by bitterness and wratli. Turning Away From Evil 11. And let him turn away from evil, and do good. The objectives which are here e.xpressed will ne- ver be attained unless there is de- finite- determination on the part of the man to achieve these vir- tues. Let us remember that we can- not 'lo good until we turn from evil. These things we do because the life of Christ in us impels us to these efforts. Let him seek his peace, and pursue it. To live toge- ther in families, in nations, as a race, to seek peace, to seek the smooth working of this coiuplicat- cd fellowship, we are to rid human fellowship of its envy and jealousy and thoughtlessness and ill will. 12. For ih^ eyes cf the Lord are upon the righteous, and bis ears ur^o their supplication; but Iho face of the Lord is upol^ them that do evil. The springs for all holy en- deavor are in our knowledge of God and his Son. Jesus Christ. In other words, the future rules the pres- ent; heaven controls our notions on earth. 13. And who is he that will harm you, if ye be zealous of that which Is good? , Above Fear of Man 14. But even it ye should suffer for righteousuess" sake, blessed are ye: and fear not their fear, neither be troubled. Compare the words of our Lord iu the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:10; Rom. 8:;«-35i. The righteousness here spoken of is, of course, not the righteousness of Christ, which is imputed to us, but the righteousness which we ourselves practice, after our con- version, in doing the things that are risth;. Fear not their fear â€" the things which they would dread, and wi:h which they will Ihrcaleu you. For what are they? 15. But sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord. Peter says that the lioly fear of God will lift us above tlie fear of mail. Being ready al- ways r(i give answer. The word traualatf'd. ''answer" means to de- tend on&'s self. To every man that agketh you a reason concerning the hope Is in you. Yet with raeek- ne8« and fear. 16. Slaving a good consiience: that, wherein ye are spoken ag- ainst, they may be put to .shame who revile your good manner of life in fhi i-tt, \ good conscience is the best reason for the hope that is within us. An apology may l)e well loarned, well fxpresseil. elo- quent: huf il will not be convincing unless it comes from the heart, and is backed up by life. LATEST AUXILIARY OF CANADIAN NAVY COMPLETE TRAINING Skippers of the Fishermen's Reserve, the latest auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Navy, were review- ed Ijy Hon. E. W. Hamber, lieutenant-governor of British Columbia, CENTRE, as they neared the close of their training period at Esqtiimalt naval base. The auxiliary comprises forty boats and 200 men and the braiiiinfl cnnrsa innliirlad navlaatlmv aionallina mina sweeping and machine-gtm practice. The Reserve will be available in case of need along the Britisll Colunbia coast. Pictured at the extreme RIGHT ij Jarvis H. McLeod, collector of customs at Prince Rupert, who recruited many of the skippers for the Reserve. Making of Cheese An Ancient Art Origin of Its Manufacture Lost In Mists Of Antiquity The manufacture of cheese is so old that its origin may be said to be lost in the mists of antiqu- ity. There does not appear to be any country or tribe in the world's history, stated P. W. McLagan of Montreal in an address on the de- velopment of cheesemaking in Canada to the meeting of die Ca- nadian Produce Association, re- cently held at Montreal, which has not made milk fat its susten- ance into some form of cheese. There seem to be hundred of va- rieties. Cheese is mentioned in the Bi- ble in the Book of Chronicles, where it is written that at a time when the Israelites were at war with the Philistines, a farmer nam- ed Jesse sent his young sen, David, to visit his three brothers who were in the arm, and to carry to them a quantity of parched corn, but, to the captain of the com- pany, he was enjoined to present ten small cheeses. In the recent excavations of Ur of the Chaldees, the birth place of Abraham, a mosaic frieze was dis- covered representing dairying scenes on a farm attached to a temple, more than 5,000 years ago (3,100 B.C.). There is a proces- sion of cows, two calves are seen issuing from the barn door, and men sitting on low stools are milk- ing cows. Calves duly muzzled are roped to the cows' head-stalls so as tb encourage her to give milk. Another part of the frieze shows two clean shaven men wear- ing fleece petticoats, the official dress of priests, pouring milk through a strainer into a vessel set on the ground, while two others are collecting the strained liquid into great stone jars, perhaps pre- paratory to making cheese. 17. l^or it is better, it th^ wi'.l of God sliould so will, that ys suffer for well-doing than for evil-doing. If, we know ourselves to have com- mitted no evil worthy of suffering, and are being punished only for the sake of our Lord, then is there no sorrow, and no sense of defeat, and we can praise God every hour of the <lay and night, no matter what the punishment may be. To be right, with God is everything. 18. Because Christ also suffered for sins once, the righteous for the unrighteous, that ho might bring us to God; being put to death iu the flesh, but made alive in the spirit. The suffering we endure is never something that we plan for; the suffering that Christ endured he purposed, even in the long ages be- fore he came down on earth, for by his suffering, even unto death, ha was able to make atonement for all unrighteousness and thus bring lis to God. The BOOK SHELF By ELIZABETH EEDY !i "THREE MARRIAGES" By E. M. DelaReld This clever author who writes so entertainingly has long been noted for her satirical portraits of women who get married for the sake of being. married; or of wo- men who just fall short of doing that. Come to tliink of it, Mrs. Delafield can be cruel as well as amusing. In "Throe Marriages" Mrs. De- lafield treats three women of dif- ferent types, different periods â€" ];ose who lived in the 1850's; Vio- let the little prude who belonged to the Mauve Decade; Cathleen, a lovely-souled creature "who meantto be happy" in 1937, but was defeated by oircumstances. Three stories, illuminating com- mentaries on women and marriage and what the former think about the latter. "Three Marr!age»" ... by E. M. Delafield . . . Toronto: Macmil- lan Company ol Canada . . . $2.25. Definite Weather Forecasts Coming Reports To Be More Accurate Shortly As Soon As Extensive Studies In Northern Canada Are Completed Weather reports will be mora definite shortly as a result of me- teorological studies under way in Northern Canada and a study by United States weather men in 1937 on Ellesmere Island off the Northwest coast of Greenland, Capt. Clifford J. MacGregor, Unit- ed States weather expert said last week. He said that most weather con- ditions in the Lower Ltikes region result from movements of polar air masses and of air masses from the Gulf of Mexico. "The polar air masses eiiaher come down by way of the Pacific Ocean, or over a snow covered or dry Canada," said MacGregor. "The warm-air mass from the south comes either laden with moisture from the gulf or from the desert. "At present we chart'the Soutii- ern movements pretty completely. We are now beginning to check more closely on the polar masse*. "We can tell where they'll meet, when they'll meet and whether the result will be snow or rain and 30 forth. When weather is chart- ed like that, it no longer becomes a question of 'probably rain or snow tomorrow or the next day.' "Instead, we can answer all the questions definitely." Steel Wigwams The first 1,500 of ten million "steel wigwams" were distributed in Islington. Greater London work- ing class district last week, to the puzzlement of residents who asked "What are we going to do with them?" Government regulations require the bases of the air raid shelters be buried three feet underground In the backyards of homes. Inaugurate Toronto-Montreal Air Mail Service Inaugurating the first air mail flight between Toronto and Montreal, via North Bay and Ottawa, under the new Trans-Canada .\irways air mail service, Cfapt. M. W. B'owler, LEFT, and First Offlcer Humphries look over their mail cargo shortly before taking off from Toronto. They Fixed Skulls 40 Centuries Ago Evidence that trepanning opera- tions were performed by prtmltlTo man lu Britain nearly 4,000 years ago has been discovered by arcbe- ologists. A skeleton whose skull had been operated upon with filut "surgical Instruments" was dug up by tr- cheologlst Stuart Plggot aud hiB wife while investigatinK aucient burial mounds near Lone Crlchtf in Dorset. This la not the Srst evldeuca of a prehistoric trepauuing o^ratloU found In England, Plggot decIaraA. But It was the first with erldaiMi that gave the date of the slndL This was determined by a pottai|r vessel found alongside the skelotoC This Curious World "C- THe WORDS â- yoos/r/v^e"' AMD E(.jECTR{CITy BELONG- TO THE DAVS WHEN IT WAS REJ3ARDEO AS A ^l.UlO / A BODV OVER.- CHARi3ED WITH THE RJLIID WAS CAU_ED t=>OS/T/\/'£; AM Un'dEPJCHARGiED BODV WAS CAi-uED mDOfJlARii PROBABLy \AODlJD SBOOME THE A/l^£'/^<ZAA/ /VA7-/CDA/AL. B//ZO SH0L1I_0 THE EAGi_E*EVER. BE FORCED TO ABDICATE ITS THRDnE. NOMC, ACASf<A, IS FARTHER. THAN HONOLULU/ COPIL 1937 3v KEA SERVICE. INK NO khig has the full support of all his people, and so there are those who oppose the bald eagle as the national bird of America. Because of the love and respect held for the cheerful meadowlark. bis name often Is mentioned as a true All- America successor to the present ruler. Feminine Athlete HORIZONTAL I Pictured American tennis ace. 10 Soon. 11 Golf device. 12 Bundle of oflficial papers 14 Musical note. 15 Before. 16 Conducted. 19 Small trans- port boat. 21 Wing. 22 Otherwise, 23 Instigates. 25 Hair tool. 28 Like. 29 Writing tools. 31 Starch. , 33 Morindin dye. 34 Nick. 35 Male children 37 Rectified. 40 To punish. 42 Ladies. 43 English coin. 45 Ghastly. 46 Grazed. 47 To exchange. "P Answer to Previous Puzzle IMIARCOINIII PaIit MCTDl 1 mI^ TTTA UriATNl I L I I U m wmn giHii a AWEMSITAT I O RAT PR I VEPID I D RAM ELE AINBM uis UDifig] msism aei N o M AIDH L A PMSTT T AR E D 1 tUr iIoUnomai \£i LlI R eIlie SnSlllGlNIA y 49 Cover. 50 Inlet. 51 Toward. 52 Father. 54 Tiny vege- - table. 56 She was chosen woman tennis player in 1937. 57 She was of the na- tional tennis title in 1936 (Pl.). VERTICAL 2 Honors. 3 Deduces. 4 Folding bed. 5 Foe. 6 Preposition. 7 To feast, 8 To exist. 9 To ignore. 12 She was in the finals in 1937 13 Sun god. 14 Myself. 17 Lock parts. 18 Guns. 20 Complained. 23 To put up an ante. 24 Girdle. 25 Goverrunent official. 26 Mother. 27 She is a tall girl. 30 Finishes. 32 Race end. 34 To behave. 36 Line of color. 38 Hostility to law. 39 Drone bee. 40 Vulgar Xellow 41 Sea duck. 44 Tatter. 47 2000 pounds, 48 Roof point covering. 50 Railroad. 51 Note in scale. 53 Form of "a." 55 Like. REG'LAR FELLERS-A Heart Attack <0 ^ <^ -^ i ^C i3\ 3,,.j . ^-_ â€" " vou havent been actinic; V/ELL,PINHEAD.' I THINK WELL TAKE ATRIP TO THE ooctor;^/ 9 By GENE BYRNES