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Flesherton Advance, 15 Feb 1939, p. 6

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- lU I pin Ml J IJI71 The BOOK SHELF By ELIZABETH EEDV UNSOLVED MYSTERIES OF THE ARCTIC Br Vilhjalmur StefanMOn "The g-rtat romance of the Mid- 4U Ages was the first crossing of the Atlantic by Europeans, the un- veiling of the New World. The treat tragedy of the westward movement was the disappearance of 9,000 Europeans from their first American colony. The great mys- tery is how and why they disap- peared." On such a fascinating note does Stefansson's newest book open. You are interested at once and â- t«y interested till the last page oU "Unsolved Mysteries of the Arc- tic" has been turned. How was tiM Franklin Arctic expedition lost, and why? What happened to the Russian filers? (Mr. Stcf- anaaon believes they may still be alive). The author, world-famous Ice- landic explorer, (born in Manito- ba), seeks to solve these hitherto unanswered questions. More than any other person living today he is qualified for the task. He Ylxs »pent long years in the Arctic, gupping, exploring, living with the Eskimos. "Uoiolved Myiteriet of the Arc- tic" ... by Vilhjalmur Stef- anuon . . . Toronto, the Mac- â- lillan Company of Canada, Limit- •a . . . $4. Latest Aerial Weapon Sir Kingsky Wood, Biitish min- ister for air, tries the latest in machine guns destined for use in Britain's new bombing planes. This new gun has an automatic movable turret which will aid the gunner in coping with the new high speed combit planes by shift- ing his position for him. France is developing an artificial teeth industry, but finds it difficult to compete with the high grade American product. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. What are the important things for a man to consider when selecting a business suit? 2. Please suggest what would be the most simple and sufficient main course for a guest luncheon. 3. How should one issue invita- tions for a motor drive or trip? 4. When the coffee or tea is very hot, isn't one permitted to use the spoon to sip it? 5. Is it rude to insist upon hav- ing the la.'it word when conversing with others? C. Who should select and engage the clergyman for a church wed- ding? Antwers 1. The cut of the suit is prob- ably the most important feature. Loud or striking patterns should be avoided, as well as very light colors and extremes in fashion. 2. A meat, fowl, or fish, and one or two vegetables. 3. The invitation is usually given verbally, in per- son or by telephone. 4. No. Mere- ly wait until the coffee or tea has cooled sufficiently. After stirring, the spoon should be placed in the saucer and remain there. 5. Yes, it is rude, and always profitless. The success is never worth the ef- fort. 6. Usually the wedding: ceremony takes place in the church which the bride and her family attend. Off to England â€" First of a Bumper Crop of Bombers Ita wings and tail assembly removed to facilitate handling, the first of an order of 260 Lockheed bombiiiK air- e lanes built in United States for Great Britain waits on a barge in New York harbor for the crane which will lad it aboard the steamship, Andania. The shipment is particularly interesting m view of the furore raised in Washington, and in Germany and Italy, over the United States' policy of buikiins; auciaft for Britain and FVance. Douglas viewed it in siknce. "Now, son," said his father, "this furniture is of the best. It will last you a lifetime." Still Douglas kept silent. "Don't you like it, Douglas?" "Oh, yes, I like it. But how do Mother â€" "Willie, why did you kick your little brother in the atomach?" Willie â€" "It was his own fault. He turned round." A man wa* once caught by hit Mrs. To the maidtervant giving ftome Kri. On perceiving hit plight. He tuggeitcd in fright; "What a mott inconvenient mett thri." "Well, how have you been treated?" Hcrr Bloom asked his friend, who had just been released from a concentration camp. "Oh, I can't complain. We had very good food, four meals a day, music on Sunday played by the 8.S. Guard, dean lodgings, good treatment ..." "But, Fritz," said Heir Bloom, "F spoke to Ernst, who was in the â- amc concentration camp, and he nid he had a terrible time." "Yes, but he is in again." A very careful driver ap- proached a railroad crotting. He tlopped, looUed and litten- mi very carefully. All he haard wat the car behind him hitting hit gat lank. Young Douglas had reached the age of seven, when he was pro- moted to (he dignity of having a room to himself. His parents had furnished it with great care and (howcd it to him with no little pride and satisfaction. I know my wife will like it?" "What animal am I imitating 99-klonk 99-klonk 99-klonk?" "1 give up." "A centipede with one wood- en leg." How Can I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I easily remove fruit stains from table linen? A. Just before laundering, pour some spirits of camphor over the stains, and they will disappear with ordinary washing. Q. How can I mend the finger tip of a glove more easily? A. Try slipping a thimble into the finger of the glove, and a neat- er job of mending will be the re- sult. How can I prevent the raw of an egg from becoming Q. yolk dry? A. milk Q. By covering the yolk with or water. How can I prevent tarnish- ing on the neck or arms from gold or silver costume jewelry? A. This can be prevented by first coating the jewelry with col- orless liquid nail polish. Q. How can I clean the waffle iron? A. The waffle iron should be given a good cleansing at least every sixty days. Make a thick paste of three tablespoons of bak- ing soda and two teaspoons of watei-. Apply with a thick brush. Q. How can I make the leaves of my rubber plant' green and glossy? A. Sprinkle a little sweet oil around the roots of the plant ev- ery few weeks. Speech to the Dumb Lightning in the streets of Ce- lendin, Peru, ripped the clothes off a woman, and left her speech- less. The surprise of seeing the victim suddenly nude restored speech to a passer-by who had long been mute. National Aid For Students Is Advocated Paul Martin, M.P., For Essex East, Urges a System of Scholarships For Brilliant But Needy Canadians. The government should Investi- gate the desirability of a system of national scholarships for out- standing students who are fiDanciaN ly uuablo to continue their educa- tion, according to a resolution, spon- sored by Paul JIartin, Liberal, Es- sex East, appearing In the House of Commons votes and proceedings. The scholarships would enaible the Btudcnta to obtain undergrdau- ate or post graduate training in universities, agricultural colleges and technical schools. "Help Brightest Young People" "The Important Industrial nations of the world are spending large sums annually In scholarship sys- tems to ensure that the most bril- liant of their boys and girls may not be prevented, because of a lack of financial resources, from secur- ing adequate academic training to enable them to take their proper place as thoroughly trained leaders In Industrial, professional and pub- lic life of their respective coun- tries," the resolution said. "In this age of scientific advance In all walks of life, Canada can- not afford to ignore longer and loso the tremendous asset which it possesses in the latent ability for trained leadership of the bright- est of her young people." Brief rent holidays will be giv- en 24,000 tenants at Sheffield, England, because housing loans have been renewed at lower rates. USES BOTH HANDS TO WRITE Letter From a Man of 90 He asks us to excuse his writ- ing. We do more than that â€" we congratulate him on being able to write at all at his age, especially as he has been suffering from rheumatism. This is what he says in his letter: â€" "Three years ago I was in bed for fix weeks with inflammatory rheumatism. Since that time I have been taking Kruschcn Salts, and have not had another attack. But the complaint left nie with in- flamed feet, and it hurt, me to wall;. My hands were also some- what stiff. I took Kruschen every morninjr before breakfast, and shall continue to do so, because I am sure they have kept me in good shape for three years. Excuse this writing as I am ninety years old, and use both hajids to write." â€" J.R.G. The pain and stiffness of rheu- matism are often caused by uric acid in the muscles and joints. Kruschen helps to dissolve and re- move excess uric acid in a gentle way through the natural channels. Renewed health and vigour is the result. rff *•••• " 9UlttMi IV* M< 'IIS 0.0.W' GUARANTEED RELIEF! Try the Hctivo oxyticii tr< lUmcnt for the relief of bleeding. Itch- ing piles. In use nearly half a contury. Use half the tube and If npt aatisficd return tube direct to the Company and receive the full purchnfe price. If your drug- Rlst does not have EUCHZO.N'E ECTAL OINTMKNT send eev- enly-flve cents by money order and tube (with npplicnlor) will be mailed to you in plain wrap- per, postpnid. Eucozone Laboratories (Canada) Limited WINDSOR, ONTARIO iMue No. 7â€" '39 100.000 ^ f HOUSEWIVESi ..,;. ENJOY-% 'blue coal' HEATING COMFORT Prove for yourself ... as over 1 00,000 Canadian fiousewives have already proved ... that 'blue coal' gives the highest available standard of heating value and satisfaction. Order from your nearest 'blue coal' dealer today. Ask him also about the 'blue coal' Heat Regulator which provides automatic heat with your present equipment. ue coa THE MODERN FUEL F O R S O Lj D. CO M FO-RT^J Tana io "Ths Shadow" avery Sat.. 7 p.m., CBL, Toronto, or CM p.a>., CBO, Ottawa. '% "WORTH ReACHING IN fORf" Your first pipeful of Dixie Plus will convince you that it soct further and lists longer too. DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO Hypnotic Influence Albert Clark, of Russelville, Ky., observed that one of his chic- kens seemed hypnotized and would not take her eyes from an over- head light. When Clark turned oflf the light, the hen ran around cackling furiously. Several days later she laid a bulb-shaped egg, which Clark sent to Washington as proof. "All the cattle were slaughtered for food, as there had been no feed for them anyway. Hay was ship- ped from Ireland for the starving cattle about Quebec, and It sold there for |45 i>er ton. Even next spring, flour was selling for $17 per barrel at Quebec and potatoes were a penny per pound." A HAPPY REMINDER! Whila In town get y«ur copy of t k I â-  week'a Toronto Star Weekly. Turkish women live longer' than men, according to an official re- port issued at Angora, but'eman« cipation has shortened their lives. COUGHS DUE TO COLDS Distressing cold in chest or throat, ' never safe to neglect, quickly eases up when soothing, warming Mils- terole is applied. • Better than a mtistard plaster, Musterole gets action because it's NOT just a salve. It's a "countar- Irrif ant"â€" stimulating, penetrating, and helpful in overcoming local con- gestion and pain. Used by millions for 30 years. Recommended by many doctors and nurses. Made in Canada, in three strengths: Regular Strength, Chil- dren's (mild), and Extra Strong. Ap- proved by Good Housekeeping Bu- reau. All druggists, iOi each. Classified Advertising DABV CHICKS DON'T CONTUSE T W E D D I> E Chicks with cheap chicks with lit- tle or no breeding back of them. Twertdle Chick"! iirc all Govern- mont Arpt'ovod frf>m blood tested bree<i»'i;; and sctld only 'at low priceH because >ve have reduced orr nprralinj:: costc and our meth- <id of marUt'iing-. Mixed Male and Kem.ilo chick.s from $10.50 up, Pullet.s $18.00. Write for catalogue and full detail.s, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergu.'?, Ont. QUALITY GOVERNME.VT APPUOV- ed Chicks from blood tested breed- ers that satisfy our eustomer.s and sold at a low price. Standard Quality Barred Rocks. White Itocks. New Hampshire Keds $9.50, Pullets $lC.9.n. Leghorn.s $!l.CO, Pul- lets $19.00. Bif? eee Quality from 25 ounce esBs and larger slightl.v higher. Send for complete price Baden Electric Chick Hatch- ery. Limited. Baden. Ontario. aOO BRAY BARRED ROCK PUL- lets. laying at i'A months, hit 75','- production at 7 months old for Boh and Itoy Manuel, Armdalc. Nova Scotia. Order .vour Bray chicks to- day. Bray Hatchery. 130 John St. North. Hamilton. Ontario. LESLIE SKIPPER. MERRITTO.V. Ontario, lost only 4 out of 450 Bray White Rock Chicks. Cocker- els over (! lbs. at 5 months. I'ul- lets laying seventy per cent, at 7 months. The Bray chick does the trick. Write for catalogue today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North. Hamilton. Ontario. COI.DS AKE D.\XGEROi;s WRITE FOR A TRIAL BOX OF "Old English" Composition Cap- sules. Brings quick relief. Mail ten cents for box of 15 cap- sules. Old English Herb Co., To- ronto. KI.K.t THIC .MOroItS KLECTRIl' MOTORS AND MACHIN- ery bought, sold, exrh-mged. Ford Machinery, KiS King East, To- ronto. I'-AIIMS yon SAl.K GOOD ONTARIO FARMS FOR SALE. Terms at 4'i. .No farm sold with- out reasonable ca.=h payment. I'lease state your requirements fully, also count}- or district pre- ferred. Commissioner of Agricul- tural Loans, Parliament Eldgs., Toronto. Ont. COOP 150-ACRE F.VRM. GOOD brick house, big bank barn, silo. Apply Gideon Schneider, Moorc- fleld. Ont. FAUM OK STOIIK W.IXTKO I'OILTUV FARM, TOWN Oil Vil- lage store or stock and grain f.irni wanted In exchange for modern Toronto house rented tiftv dollars mi'iithly and cash. Write Taplln * Co, :;:t:;:! v. n;;e St.. Toronto. KI:F.»S AM> KI ORTII.IZCns POTASH fi:rtilizi;r (Canadian Hardwood .â- \shes). Write for Free Circular explaining use. George Stevcn.s, Pe terborough. Ontario. FPU sAi.F. »u ni:v r TOWN HO.Mi:, POULTRY. 2000 LAY- ing c.'ipaclty. Orchard 10 acres $-',300, or rent. Rare opportunity. H. A. P.-ircjuhar, Ilia lonville, .Nova Hct.tia, Ftns SHIP VOUR FURS TO THE OLD established house. Over forty years In business. Lewis A. Jones, 189 Talbot St., St. Thomas. n.«iR nooDs WIG.S. TOIU'ES. TRANSKORMA- llons. Switches. Curls, and Rll types of finest <iualily Hair (;oods. Write for llluslrnted eatnlogue. Confiden- tial terms Hrrnntced. Toronto Hum- an Mair Supply Co, (28 Balhuret. Toronto. HIGH III.OOU I'KKSSI ItF. HIGH BLOOD PRESSUREâ€" WHITE for free booklet and full p.arlicu- lars regardini? our am:izingly sm- eessful hyblood treatment. IVdi- greed P.oducts, Saskatoon, S.n:<k. noxEv Fon RU'-.'HIE'S NO. 1 ci^OVER BAS.'i- ,vo,id Honey. Twelve fours or six I â- â€¢-hts $4.00. .\mber $.1.00. Siv tens i'l,,yer $4.73. Robert Ritchie. A\'emy.= s. Ontario. IKIXRY FOn SALE CHOICE HONEVâ€" SIX 8 LB. PAILS .\mber Buckwheat $;i.nn; «.'> lbs. Amber $:Mtn. Buckwheat $:).5«. Hutchinson Bros.. Mount Forest. Ontario I.FARX HAIRURRSSIXG LEARN HAIRDRESSING rTNORR the personal supervision of Mr. V. ("rompton, prize winning hiilr- dress_er. Booklet on request. .School of Modern Hairdressing, 35B Vonge St.. Toronto. OA.T.S FOR SAI,F, ERBA.N OATS â€" EARLY, HIGH yielding, rust resistant. 75o. Dua- can McDonald, Ethel. Ontario. OI'PORTIMTY FORTUNES HAVE BEEN REAPED from small investments. Particu- larsâ€" D. A. Mitchell. 112,1-07 Yonga St.. Toronto. I'ATKIVTS A.N OFFEI! TO EVERY INVR.NTOR. List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Com- pany. Registered Patent Attorneys. 273 Bunk St.. Ottawa. Can. PHOTOGRAPHY FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH Ev- ery roll film developed and 8 high gloss prints 26c. Reprints same price. S enlarged prints . 25c. Brightling Studio, Toronto. PERSONAL MARRYâ€" WOULD YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers' daughters and widows with prop- erty. Particulars lOe. confidential. Canadian Correspondence Club. Box 128,. Calgary, Alta. QUir TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy. Tes- timonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. Bartlett's, Box 1. Winnipeg. POI'I.TRV AXn KOGS WANTED â€" LIVE AND DRK.SSED poultry, also feathers. Good priced. Write Stork, St. Patrick's Market, Toronto. WANTED â€" LIVE AND DRESSED poultry. Pay above market quot.i- tions. Write Export Packers, G04 t^olJege. Torotlto. Rosi:^ i-OK \«M 15 <;\it»l-:\ .NEW ROSES for vnur taribn from l-'ngland. s<-tnl ft»r frf e (â- ,ital'»'-ue. five hundred varietie.--. Meriy- weather's Famotl.** lios*"*. comple!-* cultur:il direction". Write today. »';tnafli;'n jitu'ii', Urush's Nwr^.-:-- i'^. UoN nil, Liilu.vil!, . O nt. TirxCTOH M*(;^FTO \M> i;i:\Fn.\T »n iiFi-tiiis SEND us VOUR TR.M'TOH MA<!NE- to and Generator Repairs. We sava you money. Allan»on Aimatura Nfnnfr . S'»5 Ray â- '^t.. Toro nt o. STOP THAT ITCH PRURITUS. ITCHING OF A.NUS, rectum, etc. My treatment has proved successful. Inevnen.'ive. Particulars. W. Lucas. 32:, Bane- Ugb A\e. Vancouver r. c Tl RKI':\<< FOR SAI.F. BUP.UON REDS FROM A1 STOCK. Hens $4 00. Toms $C,.00. Mrs. Robt. Mcintosh, St.. Marys, Ont. R. R. No. t.

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