il The Leashed Guns of Circle L by Perry Westbrook SynoptU: Slim Loyale it paroled from priion after serving 18 month* for â- crime he did not commit. He rctnrni lo hi* Circle L ranch to fmA hi* father dead and (initter force* at work, trying to make him violate hi* parole *o that he can again be railroaded lo priton. The Brockwcll* and their gang &re plotting to gain pos*etsion of Circle L ranch and the property of Mona Hall, a neighbor and life- long friend of Slim Loyale. Slim di*covers that Sheriff Star- bnck ha* joined the plot againtt kirn. With the help of Dakota Blue and hii cowboy*, Slim Loyale defie* the land-grabber* to do their wor*t. CHAPT?:U XIX "I say yes," exploded Tisdalc. "1 got money in my poke an' the boys down in Jericho Valley have authorized me to act for the whole (Towd. Let's go an' sec the younj; lady ripht away." That night, behind locl;cd door and shuttered windows, three men met in heated argument in Georjfc Arfhur'.s offije. Arthur himself was attain nervously pacing back and forth, while Sarg Brockwcll and JijcKer .Starbuck occupied chairs. "I tell you," snapped Arthur. "we've ROt to a:t (luick, without a minute of delay. If wc don't, we lose everything. Those herds are nearly to the north end of Jeri- eho Valley right now. Ti.sdalc, the Big llend representative, raved like a wild man v.lion I told him it would cost him and the others n dollar a head to cross the range, but they'll pay in the end. They'll have to, and they know it. "Hut now Loyale is Koing to loan Miss Hall money enough to pay me. We've got to stop that move somehow, and there is only one way to do it. I've told you how. We'd be better off if wc had the Circle L too, but we simply Kotta get the Dot H to get any money outa this deal." People Are On Edge "It's a pretty stiff deal yo're liandin' me an' my gang', Arthur," prowled Brockwcll, his big- teeth showing in a snarl of anger. "Kob- bin' a bank i.s apt to start some- thin' we cain't stop. Folks in this neck of the woods are bcginnin' .to get kinda on edge." "Why sliouldn't they?'' broke in Starbu;k. "Yuh've mes'^ed things up from the fii'st, .Sarc. Yuh won't leave that Vasco stage alone. Yo're so danged gi'cedy yuh cain't see the end of yore own nose, if j> dollar is in the way. "I'm about ready to chuck the whole thing an' pull my freight. Time was when I was a square- shooter. Yuh jaspers dangled a lot of promises an' false bait in front of me, an' I turned coyote. I'm sick of the whole deal." "This is no time to (|uarrol among ourselves or (juit, ' snapped Arthur. "We can still win out â€" big. Brockwcll, that bank has got lo be robbed, and Loyale and Blue have got to he rubbed out. Fur- thermore, we've got to act to- night." Silence fell. Kvcry one of these three realized that they were gambling madly beyond all reason. Yet so deeply were they in the fire already, they could not stop. A wild, reckless light flatned in Starbuck's eyes. "(limme enough men for a posse, an' I'll go out to the Cir- cle L an' arrest both Loyale an' Blue. If they resist an' I hope they will, we'll rock 'em off. If they don't well, I can alius swear they made a getaway attempt along the trail to town an' rock 'cm off anyway, (iimme live men an' I'll make my play. Like Ar- thur says, it's whole hawg or none." Whole Hog Or None Brockwcll licked his thick lips. "Kcno! I'll split my crew. Jigger, yuh can lake half; I'll take the ^esL While yore outa town, I'll npear that bank. It'll be a good alibi for yuh anyhow." "But we don't take all the risk. Arthur, nt daybreak tomorrow mornin' yo'ie due at the Dot H Dot. Clamp that foreclosure on, an' make it .sli k. I don't care how much time of notice yuh've give that Hall woman. Take it back. Rlap that foreclosure on without another day of grace. Savvy?" "Oh, I'll do it," {ii'omi.scd Ar- thur. "V.'c've got to pyramid now ' --push our luck for all we've (fot. That'.^ decidc.l. Let's drink on it." From the lover diawer of his ilrsk, the renegade lawyer produc- ed n wh?skey bottle and three irlanses. And with him drank a renegade sheriff and u renegade cattltmnn. Without further words, rtarljtic.': r.nJ Brockwcll went out into the n'ght. Arth'jr remained and drank and drank un'. il he was dend-.'runk. At Icart, the other two weic fight- ing men, who, in the final show- down, were g.ime to sniff .smoke. But he was the rat, drinking to stifle his innate cowardice, to try and whip his shaking nerves to face the big showdown. Watch the Money Out at the Dot H Dot, Mona Hall was radiant. Sam Tisdale had just laid a pile of bills on the table before her. "There's five thousand dollars, Miss Hall," he said. "There'll probably be a thousand or fifteen hundred more due yuh. We'll make a good count as the herds go through the pass at the north end of Jericho. Yuli can rest happy that we'll rhoot t<iuare with yuh." "Oh, I know you will, Mr. Tis- dalc," she cried. "You don't know what this means. Y'ou can't guess." Ti.sdalc grinned. "Mebbe I can better than yuh think,," ho 7.roke in. "Give all the credit to Loyale here. He figgered it out for the both of us." As the three men were leaving, Mona caught Slim by th' arm. Her eyes were starry. "You're the best, deare.-t friend ever, .Slim," .ihe told him. Slim smiled and chucked her un- der the chin. "Me, I'm beginnin' to get tired of that word 'friend'. It's okay for some cases, but in others it's pretty darned empty soundin'. When things are r-c/jared away on this range again, v.e'l! argue that out. Adios! It's plumb good to see yuh smilin' again an' with roses in yore eyes, .Mona." Outside, Slim paused for a mo- ment beside the Dot H Dot bunk- house and called Abe Foriiachon. "Abe," he said, "Mona's got cjiiite a lump of moi'.oy there in the house â€" enough to scjuelch that mortgage. Kinda keep yore eye on things, will yuh? An' if Arthur shows up tomorrow to try an' fore- close, yuh be present an' see that he takes the money an' receipts Bolero-Charm for Juniors! rATTI'KX -in;.;! By ANNE ADAMS Wear a bolero, if you'd be known as the best-dressed in your class! That's what this fashion- wise Junior recommends, and all smart "six-to-sixteencrs" will agree. The older of the girls will especially adore Anne Adams' de- sign â€" because they can easily make it themselves, by following through on every simple direction in the Sewing Instructor of Pat- tern 48.')3! Look, there's choice of two flattering necklines in the pretty frock. And how pleasing the "girdle" section and dared skirl arc! .As foi' the bolet^, whether matching or contrasting, long or short-sleeve .^ it'.s the crowning touch. Useful with other frocks, too! I'attern -isn,"! is available in girls' and junior sizes C, S, 10, 12, 14 apd 1.6. Size 10, civile en- semble, fakes 2 yards ."50 inch fabric for dress and f>/8 yard ri4 inch fabric for bidero; short sleeve bolero, .'i/H yard 3'.t inch fabric. Send Twenty Cents (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly Size, Name, Addre.<is and Style Number. Send your order to Anne Ad- ams, Room 425, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. the note an' turns it over to Mona." "I'll ring his damned nc:!: if he don't," promised Abe. . At the Circle L, a heavy argu- ment was in progress. Steve Owens and Charley Quinn were sprawled flat on tiic ground be- hind a substantial pile of spare corral rails, their check.s pressed to the .stocks of a pair of WincUes- ters, the muzzles of which bore steadily upon a dark clump of rid- ers. "Yuh jaspers stay put!" yelped Steve. "Yuh start anythin' an we'll shore finish it." "But I've got warrants, I tell 5'uh," came back Jigger Star- buck's voice. "This is the Jaw. Put down them guns en' get some sense." "Yore kind of law has got a busted back around this ranch, Starbuck," retorted Steve. "Best thing yuh can do is pull yore freight. Won't be no warrants served around here." There came a mutter of argu- ment from the posse, then Leo Brockwcll's venomous tones sound- ed. "Aw, hell! This blab makes mo sick. Let's rush 'em. We cain't stand here all night arguin'. Let's spread out an' circle that pile of rails on' show them jaspers they're draggin' a short rope." During the renewed argument over this plan, Steve and Charley got busy immediately. KoL unlike a pair of awkward land crabs, they spraddled backwards, located the corral fence with their feet and slid under it. Then, rising to a crouch, they stole along it. "Yuh git behind the feed shed, Charley," whispered Steve. "I'll hole up around the bunk shack. If they start murderin' that pile of rails, give it to 'em." (To be Continued next week) The Secrets of Good Looks h l^onlr^thft. Ajmiitv- OFFSETTING WINTER'S RAVAGES! Winter can play havoc with our looks, and an ounce of prreaiition is better than suffering a red nose, blue lips and course, chapped hands! Many winter worries are due to a poor circulation. If you suffer from this complaint, get down (o a daily routine of exercise. After your bath, sprinkle eau-deCologne on your hands and rub yourself down vigorously. llpro is a special morning "bath" which will give you a good sciid-oft for the day. Stand In a toot or so of hot water and give yourself a (lUick sponge-down with water as hot as you can stand It. Xcxl, still slandiiiK in the hot water, rub yourself down with a cold sponge. It takes some courage, but is well worth it! Scrub yourself with a tiirkisli towel, then finish oft with a roiigli linen towel. Hands are a soro point in cold weather. Wash them in lukewarm water; never hot nor cold. It your hand.s roughen easily, add a few drops of glycerine to the water. To avoid chapping, rub vaseline over them before going out, and if they are already cliapiied. Instead of washing the hands with soap, use a paste of fine oatmeal and vase- line. Now for your nose! When you have a spare moment, pinch your nose from tip to bridge, then start over again. If you nose still gets pinkish, hatho it now and then with a llvc-|>er-cent. solution of alum and water. To keep the lips frcmi chapiiing, use a lypsyl salve under your lip- stick, and, nt night, smooth in some tissue cream. Write to me if you want confi- dential advice. And you can get any of the following interesting leaflets by sending a He stamp for each one roiniired: Facial Care; Superfliioua Hair; Fascinating Kycs; Foet Care; Bust Develop- ment; Hand Beauty; Olamorous Hair; Slimming; Uiulerweiglit; Re- ducing in Spots. Please address your letters to: Bar'oara I<ynn, Boom 421, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont. Fiery, Itching Skin Gets Speedy Relief Here is a r1can Alainless penetraliiiR nnti- •eittic nnw Hispcnsfd hy chfmi*t» it trifliiin cosl, that will hriiiR you »i>«'Iy rrlief from the itchinff and tlistrcss of Kctenia, Itclung Toe« and i>fl, Ka^liei and nkin tionMci. Not only dors ttiis great heaUnx antiseptic oil pinmote rnpid and healthy^ healing ih open sores and wntmds. tmt hoils and aim* pie ulcers are quickly relieveil and claanly liMlrd. In akin disr.iseaâ€" the itching of Eczema U inntantly stopped; the eruption* dry tip and Kale of! in a very few days. The same it true rf narbcr'a Itcb, Salt Rhenm and other skin eruptions, Yoti can obtain Mnonc's KmeraU Oil (full itieii|fth> at any modern drug itorc. Of Interest to Women . Readers . WINTER DESSERTS By Katharine Baker There is no dessert problem in the summertime with fresh fruit.s available but it sometimes does jhrurt; the proportions of a prob- lem during the winter. Because the main courses of winter meals are usually heavier and take more time to prepare, let the desserts be light, simple and easy to digest. For this purpose, winter fruits and a tin of coconut, tender, fresh and meaty â€" preferably "southern style" can be kept on hand. The following recipes will show how easy and delicious coconut des- serts can be. Coconut Tumble 3 bananas, diced Juice of 1 orange Juice of 1 lemon % can coconut, southern style 4 tablespoons sugar Combine bananas, fruit juice, co- conut, and sugar. Pile in sherbet glasses. Chill. Serves 4. Hot Pineapple Ambrosia 5 slices canned pineapple, diced 9 halves canned apricots, diced 1 can coonut, southern style â- ^ cup maple flavoured syrup 2 tablespoons lemon juice Arrange layer of pineapple and apricot in baking dish, sprinkle with coconut, repeat until all fruit is used. Pour on syrup and lemon juice and top with last of coconut. Bake in moderate oven (350 deg. F.) 20 minutes, or until mi.\ture is heated and delicately browned Serve hot. Serves C. Coconut Apricot Fluff Add ',3 cup powdered sugar to 2 cups stewed apricots, cut into quarters; fold in V> cup cream, whipped, and '.i can coconut, sou- thern style. Chill. Serve in sher- bet glasses and sprinkle with an- other li can coconut. This may also be used as filling for tart shells. Serves C. Coconut Banana Snow Combine 3 bananas, cut in small pieces, lii cup powdered sugar, and 2 teaspoons lemon juice. Force through sieve and chill. Fold the chilled fruit mixture into stiffly beaten egg white; then fold in Ij cup cream, whipped and Vi can coconut, southern stylo. Serves 6. Snowy Fruit Mounds Allow two slices plain or sponge cake, or two flat cookies for each serving. Put slices together, cov- ering toils with sweetened crushed berries, or pineapple; sliced apri- cot.s, peaches or bananas; or sec- tions of oranges, free from mem- brane. Pour fruit juice over fruit as needed. Sprinkle southern style coconut generously over each lay- er. Garnish with whipped cream around base, if desired. Modern Mother Termed Tyrant Democracy Should Begin At Home, Noted Psychologist Warns Those famous last words of the householdâ€" "mother knows best"â€" mako mother an autocrat and also threaten democracy in the homo. In the opinion of David Seabury, psy- chologist. And lack of democracy in the home, added Seabury, "is a main cause of insanity," in the United States. "We live in lOHO, mechanically, but socially, morally and ethically, we live in the year 93'J, What can keep a man sane? ''We must realize the true spirit of deniocracy nud teach it in the homo if we are to escape complete insanity." Oldest Living Thing A giant palm, believed to be 16,000 years old, has just been replanted at Tomborine Mountain, near Hrisbane, Queensland. Do You Lack Pep? YOU'IT. find that 1 you have more "pep' if you keep your digestion in shape, so that the food yo-: .'->t may be >4Kf changed into Mm- â- ^^ biiildiiiK rncrp>' aa ^ W nnture intended. Dr. jjl^ Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery â€" lakcB rriuUrty â€" li n,l* \n )Ripro%-ft your cli|f«- lioa. Pert l.thrrinslon. 117 Rr|cnt St., Stratfoitl. Oat., >*>â- : "ttlirn 1 lA.-k ppp or tntrtf or do not ••I wrU. Dr. rirtrr'ti <;«tilrn Mrdical Oikfovrly toon hrl|t« U) luil nir on my frrt «|«in. h hrlps â- p«rBon lo ilccp ttrlirr at nishl. rrtievra acij lti(llt«*ti<^n itnd ii|i«rl *lomarh alttl really dAta htXp to l.->Ba you lip.'* Aak |Oui ilfiiRgut today for It in liquid ot labtrta. a luue No. 5 â€" '39 Quality You^ll Enjoy "SALAM TEA Canadian Diplomat Promoted Appointed as new secrstary to the Canadian High Commissioner's of- fice in London to succeed Lt.-(!"o!. George P. Vanicr, now Cana<lian minister to France, L. 15. Pearson is seen at his desk after taking over his new duties. Mr. Pearson will have the rank of counsellor. Fourteen Tips For Shoppers Ask Yourself These Questions When You Are Considering The Purchase of Anything From Handkerchief to Fur Coat 1. Can I live without it? 2. Had I planned to buy some- thing like this? 3. Am I buying il at the right time? 4. Will it serve for more than one season? 5. Have I enough things of this kind? * C. Can I give it a dual or multiple personality? 7. Docs it fit into my season's col- or scheme? S. Is it an obvious imitation? 9. It an accessory, will it raise the tone ot my costume? 10. Does it go well with other things in my wardrobe by actual test? 11. Is the price within niv bud- get? 12. Is it a "high" stylo riding for a fall? 13. Is It too colorful to be worn often? 14. Is it a fashion "Ford" â€" or likely to become one? South Africa is making a play- ground and bird sanctuary of Deneys Lake, 55 miles from Jo- hannesburg, the largest artificial body of water in the world with the exception of the lake created by Boulder Dam. Lady Bessborough Fashion Leader In Old London the Former Ciut- telaine of Rideau Hall, Ot- tawa. Is Winning Acclaim for Her Taste in Clothes The Countess of Besborough is the smartest woman in London â€" royalty excepted â€" according lo Norman Hartnell, the Queen'j dressmaker. Recently awarded the Goldon Palms by the PresWent of Franca for ''his artistic achievement." in other words the rauch-photograpli- ed gowns the Queen wore during her Paris visit. .Vornian Harluetl is tho most quoted authority on style in Kngland. Famous For Her Hats lonely Bessborough, who load? th; list is already known ia Canada f'lr lier lovely clothes. In London s!i.? is more famous for her hats. Tl-.ey are never extreme enough to I'a startling but always ahead of the cnirent mode and have a dash that makes other women who see tiieiu immediately want to own thetti. Lady Bessborough was in t'an.Til i as wife of the gover;ior-genpr;i* from IBHl to 10;i3. Lady Beatly, second on the rol.'. has a marvellous complexion ai;.l ,i "just out of the bandbo.';" look. SU^» is at her t)cst in riding clothes. The Duchess of Leeds â€" third â€" is in her 50s and spends much <•( her lime in Italy. She is particiiLii- ly fond of black. The I)i;chess of Rucclouch â€" si-i- ter-in-law of the Duchess of G.'vi't- coster â€" comes fourth and is versr much photographed in tweeds. Ueitrude Lawrence ^ fifth nil the list â€" is renowued for lovclf evening dresses. Mrs. Lambeth Â¥/•- Claiming that his wife walke I out of their home two years cg.t, and that ho has not ?.eon or heard from her since, Mr. E. K. Lambetii of!aril!o, Texas, is suing ior divorce. MEN LOVE > GIRLS WITH i^ I//, If you are peppy and full of fun» men wR! in- vito you to dances and parties. BUT, if you are cross, lifeless end tipe«^!, inen_ -won't he intcrcb^od. Men don't Ukii *'quiet" girls. When they go to parties the/ want girls alonR who are full of pep. For three generations one woman has tOil<t another how to go "smiling through'' wIlU Lydia E. I'inkham'a Vegetabio Compound. 15 helps Nature tone up the system, thus teeseti- ing the discomforts from the functional dio- orders which women must endure. Why not try LYDIA E. PINKHAM'J VEGET.\BLE COMPOUND? TO RELIEVE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT OF A COLO Follow Simple Method Below Takes only a Few Minutes Whca "Aspirin" is Used 1. To ease pain and discomfort and reduce lever take 2 "Aspirin" Tablets-tfrink a X tiess of water ''^ Repeat in 2 hwrs. 2. It throat Is raw from cold, crush and dis- V >^ solve 3 "Aspirin" Tab- /.V^\ lets In Va glass ot ^ water . . . gargle. |~- / -^^ Eases Pain and Discomfort and Sore Throat Accompanyins Ccid* Almost Instantly The simple way pictured above often tirinRs amazintjlv last rt-liot" from discomfort and sore thrv>jit actximpanying colds. Try it. Then -see nmr doctor, lie pi;obably will tell vuu to contiiuie with "Aspirin ' because it acts «» fast to relieve discomforts of a coW. And to reduce fever. This simple way. backed by sciwi- tine authority, has lanrelv supplanted the use of strong medicines in ea.-utig cold symptoms. Perhaps tli« easiest, meet tflective way yet discovered. ^> lemtfld and Get "ASPIRIN n*BI-MAtK M*.