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Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1939, p. 6

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i // The Leashed Guns of Circle L by Perry Westbrook Synoptis Slim LoyaU ii paroled from priton after lerving 18 months for â-  crime he did not commit. He re- lume to hii Circle L ranch to find his father dead and tinitter forces at work, trying tu make him vio- late hit parolo so that he can •â- ain be railroaded to prison. The Brockwells and their gang are plotting to gain possession of Circle L ranch and the property •f Mona Hall, a neighbor and life- long friend of Slim Loyale. Slim discovers that Sheriff Star- buck has joined the plot against him. With the help of Dakota Blue and his comboys. Slim Loyale de- fies the land-grabbers to do their worst. CHAPTKU XVI That same morning, Mona Hall had just fini.shcd her l)roal<fast when Abe Foinachoii clanked in- to her room. "Morniii', Miss Uona," he drawled, hi.s deep eyes flitting over her wistfully. "I hear there was troubli! aloiiR the trail last night. " Mona stalled up, her I'a'C while, her hands froinR to her throat. "Slim!" she gasped. "Slim isn't â€" " "Slim's sill right," Inoke in Abe gently, "lirockwells crowd was layin' for him, but between him an' Hoy O'l'.iien they foxed 'em. There was one easualty. Itaiigo Deale got roekod off by IJoy. Shore. there'< bad trouble brew- in'." Mona no Ided, bei- I'Vc- tra^ie. "I've sensed it piling ii;) on Ihis range, Abe, for .-i long lime. Kver sineo they sent Slim to prifoii I've felt thai sinister (loud hanging above us all. I'm afraid. .Abe â€" afraid." Abe stared somberly oul of the window. "Don't go to losin' yore eourage, .Mi.^s Mona. I admit there's a lot of polerals on this range, but there's (|uile a eount of while men also. .Vo. I wouldn't wori-y too much, 1 yuh." •Still lalei- that morning, almost noon, in f.icl, a bucUboard rattled up to the Dol II Dot. (Jeorge .Ar- thur, dressed in a voluminous lin- en du.ster and a narrow-brimmed Stet.son got out of it. There was a sharp, nervous impatience in his eyes, his thin lips were set. Mona met him on the porch, murmuring a perfunctoiy greeting. .Arthur wasted no lime in gelling to the purpose of his visit. "Miss Hall," he raspeil, "are you prepared lo settle the note I hold against your ran.h?" Mona's heait sank. She shook her head. "No, I'm not, Mr. Ar- thur â€" at least, not immediately. But with a little more time â€" " No More Time Arthur halted her with u))lifted hand. "Impossible," he snajjped. "I regret this, of course, but con- ditions are such that I can extend you no further time, I shall have to foieclose immediately." "B-but you said â€" " Mona was fencing rather frantically, but .Ar- thur cut hei- short again, with al- most brutal directne.-.-;. "What I may have said in the past has absolutely no beaiing on Ihe present, Miss Hall. .Again I am sorry, but business exigencies force this step upon me. I am giv- ing you ten days' notice. On the twentieth of this month I will take possession. Good day." He was gone before Mona could collect her wits, leaving her feel- ing more desolately beaten than ever before in her life. It wasn't that the blow was entirely unex- pected. Mona had known that the «xc would fall sometime, just as â- he hail intimated to Slim Loyale. But she was human enough to have hung on to one last thread of hope that something might turn np to avert the foreclosme. COUGHS DUE 10 COLDS Distreasing cold in chest or throat, never safe to neglect, quickly eases up when Boothing, wanning Mus- (mle is applied. Better than a mustard plaster, Ifiiiiterole gets action because it's NOT just a salve. It's a "eMmtor- irrlteiiC"â€" stimulating, penetratiag, and helpful in overcomuig local con- gestion and pain. Used by millionfl for 30 years. Recommended by many doctors and BUTSM. Made in Canada, in three •tKtigths: Regular Strength, Chil- dren's (mild), and Extra Strong. Ap- lifoved by Good Housekeeping Bu- mu. All druggisU, 40^ each. luue No. 2 â€" '39 She turned wearily back to the house, her eyes dimming with tears, her throat convulsed with sobs. Two hours later she hunted up Abe Fornachon. "Abe," she choked, "we're all done. The old Dot H Dot Ranch is about to change proprietors. Arthur is foreclosing on the twentieth." "You'll have to tel! the boys; I haven't the heart. Of course, if they want lo gamble on Arthur retaining them after ho takes over the place, they can. But I can't afford to keep them another day. I've just got about enough to pay them all off, including you. Oh, .Abe, it hurts me so!" She began to sob again, little choked sobs that set lines of grim, while suffering about Abe For- nachon's lips. He laid a big hand on her bowed shoulder. "Don't yuh worry none about us, Miss Mona," he told hor gently. "We'll make oul. Ten Days to Make It ".Me, I've seen this comin', an' I ain't a mite surprised. For that matter, neither will the boys be. O' course, it ain't exactly my bubi- ncs:;, but why don't yuh make a deil v.'ith Slim Loyale? He's got plenty of ready cash. I know Slim would be tickled lo death lo help yuh out." Mona shook her head. "I could- n't .Abe. I've got a little pride left. I know Klim would liel)) nie; he already offci'ed to. Ilut ho has had so much trouble himself. I c;'.n't add mine to l!ie load. He- sides, there are other reasons that make it â€" v.ell, I just can't; that's all." "I see," nodded Fornachon, even though ho didn't. "Well, keep a s.iff upper lip. Ten (lays' time is ten (lays' time. Mebbe fiomethji' will turn up." "N'o, Abe; no'.hing v.ill. That's Ihe trouble. I've been waiting too long now for some good break to come along. They just ilou't; that's all. If I had .'lopped out with ruthless hands and forced my ov.n breaks, things Viould be different now." "Mebbe," nodded Fornachon. ".Mebbe yo're right. Well, I'll tell the boys. -An' some day I'm gonna cook up a reason to punch that lawyer jaspir to a tall, thin, peak." Mona went back to the house. As soon as she disappeared. .Abe saddled a bionco and lode off, apparently in search of the Dot H Dot pun:hers, lo give them Ihe bad news. Hut as .=oon as he was out of sight of the I'anch build- ings, he headed .â- straight for the C'lntie L. He rode lapidly, and about half-way between the two places overlook another ridei', a tall, keen-eyed man of middle age, dressed in dusty, worn range hab- iliments. The stranger's hair was bleached to a straw yellow, as was the long <lrooj)ing mustache that bracketed his thin, strong mouth. The Stranger -At sound of .Abe's approach, the sti-anger turned in his saddle and stojjped. WhcH -Abe came up he nodded. "-Amigo," he drawled, his voice deep and slow, "mebbe yuh can tell me where I can locate a feller named Arthur â€" George .Ar- thur." Abe looked the stranger over keenly before answering. "Yeah, I can. Yuh'll find him at his oflice in town." "Town called Pinnacle?" "Yeah. Over thataway, a good two houis' ride." "Shore, Fm off the trail. But I un<lerstood he owned a ranch hereabout â€" the Dot H Dot J{anch." Abe stiffened. "There must be a mistake somewhere. Arthur don't own the Dot H Dot, yet. How long since was it yuh got that word ?" "Nigh onto a month. Yuh see, my name's Tisdale. 1 own a purty good-sized spread down in the Big Bend country, but I'm pullin' out with a lot of other Big Bend ranchers. Too much sheep down there. We're haidin' up into this new Kicapoo country that's to be opened." (CONTINUED NEXT ISSUE) â- r- A Good Curry Few cooks grasp the essentials of a good curry. Too often Is curry powder mois- tened and stirred in much the same way as an indifferent cook thickens sauce or bash with flour, whereas thorough cooking is ab- solutely necessary to develop its full flavor. Onion, delicately browned, will (^ptribute a flavor which few things equal. Some fruit and lem- on juice supply the acidity with- out which no cuny is coittpi*'fe In a good curry aaTJce, fish, b)rd meat, or vegetable of any kiiid may be re-heated. Curry paste atid chutney may be added at discre- tion, but boiled rice is considered indispensable. :y$,^t-*-.J . The World's Only Woman Dictator She Rules on Sark, A Feudal Isle Close to the French Coast â€" No Unentployment There, Movies or Cars The world's only women dicta- tor, acknowledged chief of a tiny feudal state which is part of the British Empire and remains im- mersed in the atmosphere of the ICth century, is a visitor to this Continent this month. Gray-haired and very gentle- looking for an autocrat, the Dame de Serk, interviewed on h;r ar- rival here, said there never has been a murder or a divorce among hr people, who number COO. N'or is there any sign of poverty or unemployment. What is more, on the Island of Sark there are no movies, politics, paved roads, bill- boards, motor cars, local newspa- pers, or labor unions. Queen Elizabeth Gave It Av/ay The island is 22 miles from France and 75 mile? from ICng- lend. William the Cnnquorer filch- ed it from Normandy for the llrit- i&h. For a collection of pirate's heads in 1505 Queen Elizabeth gave it to Sir Hclier de Cartel et as an independent feudal sta^o with its lordship invested in Sir Helier and the first-born among his descendants for a.'l time. Dsoci'ted Houss This solitary house of wood and stone .Muft still remember brigliU'r days than these That pass the portal it sits alone Oblivious of all but memories. A liou.'e can live wi'.h loneliness too long While stubborn silence clin:4s to roof r.nd rafter â€" Come swiftly, m.orning, with the voice of song .And bid its halls resound v.ith joyous laughter! â€" Sydney King Ilussell in lbs .\ew York 2un, Chic As Onlv a Dirndl Can Be PATTERN 4982 By Anne Adams Here's the type of dirndl dress that every fashionable woman craves! Youth and grace in every line! Good practical comfort in every fold! And so few pattern pieces to assemble, that even those who know nothing about sewing can make a grand success of Pat- tern 4982! Moreover, the In- structor Sheet included with this very new Anne Adams design en- sures an easy time with the cut- ting and fitting! Don' you like the chic "bow tie" neck? And can't you picture yourself with those easy-to-do shirrings giving your waist the smart "doll" site look? Why not stitch up a silk frock with cute short sleeves for winter gaieties. Pattern 4082 is available in misses' and women's sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Size 16 takes 3 '4 yards 3!» iiich fabric. Send ^wenty cent.<i (20c), in coins (stam^ps ian'not be accepted) i^ this Anne Adams pattern. Write pjainly size, name, address and style number. .Send your or- 4er tu Anne Adams, Room 425, 78 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Of interest to Women . Readers . START THE MEAL RIGHT Soups Are Popular at Lunch or Dinner Time By Katharine Baker Heart-warming and body-warm- ing are soups, especially on cold winter days. They can get any meal off to a good start â€" be the substantial part of a slim meal; heat for a cold or salad meal, or just a flavoursome beginning for any meal. For invalids or conval- escents who haven't any appetite, try one of the following soups â€" an amazing new interest in food will be noted. OYSTER SOUP 4 tablespoons quick-cooking tap- ioca 1 teaspoon salt Dash of Cayenne Dash of paprika 4 cups milk 1 cup oysters, cut in pieces 4 tablespoons butter Combine quick-cooking tapioca, seaKoning."!, and milk in top of double boiler. Place over rapidly boiling watei'. bring to scalding point (allow 5 to 7 minutes) cook 5 minutes, stirring fic(iucntly. Add oystcis and butter; reheat. Serves 4 to (!. CLACK BEAN SOU? 2 cups black beans 1 small onion, sliced .3 tablespoons butter H (juarts cold water 2 stalks celery, diced 1 Vi tablespoons flour % teaspoon salt \k lea.spoon pepper '.i teaspoon musturd Dash of Cayenne 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 hard boiled e;;'.??, finelj diced 1 lemon, thinly sliced Wash beans and soak overnight. Saute onion in IVi tablespoons butter 5 minutes. Drain beans. Add lold water, oniot and celery. Simmer 15 to 4 hours, or until beans are tender, adding water as needed. Remove fiom fire and force through fine sieve. Melt re- maining 1 'i tablspoons butter, add flour, and stir until smooth. Add a small amount soup mixture, stirring well. Combine with re- maining soup mixljrc. Reheat to boiling, stirring frequently, and add seasonings. .Add lemon juice to c'ggs and let stand a fev.' min- utes to season. Serve soup, gar- nishing each portion with a small amount of egg and a slice of lem- on. Serves 8. DEEP BROTH WITH TAPIOCA 1 pound beef, diced 7 cups cold water 1 cup carrots, diced U cup celery, diced 1 slice small onion Small pice bay leaf 1 '.4 teaspoons salt 2 Vj tablespoons quick cooking tap- ioca Cover meat with cold water and bring slowly to boiling point. Simmer gently 3 hours. -Add veg- etabli's and seasonings and cook ao nunutes. Strain. Chill; remove fat. Bring lo a boil; add quick cooking tapioca gradually and boil briskly about 1 minute, stirring constantly. Serve hot. Serves l to G. A hearty soup for th.e whole family is this: Bathini? Suits Go Very Fancy NEW YORK. â€" Bathing suits (not, of course, swim suits) are very fancy this season, trimmed with smocking, ruffles, bows. They are all elaslicized ane', in mentioning materials this fact is taken for granted. Consequently, they are form-fitting above, but the newest are swing-skirtod, like a skating dress. Dirndl skirts are also numerous but not so novel. Satin, lustred silk, moire, shark- skin and rayon jersey are favor- ite materials. Colors never before used on the beach have supplant- ed the staples, and one sees lime, chartreuse, canary, light porcelain- blue, American Beauty red, shock- ing pink, fuchsia, coral, not only in dressmaker suits for beach par- ade, but also in swim suits. Are you Weak? Thin? WOMEN who »r« '' weak, thin, ner- vous, have no »ppe- t ilc, need Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription. This tonic stimulates the appetite, improves nutrition, calms the ner\cs, tones the fe- male orRans. Mrs. C. Parkins, 292 {^•*u St., Sir«tf(*i,l, Onl., »«>â- ; "1 «le tprr Utile, â- lw«,i „.!« *t>n rdcc' aa>l «•â-  co <,t-«k uni up««t. I Kat )u*t about iliio ntui bonra. Itr. Pl«r<*'t FAToritf Prfaf riptton hrlprj l,> bliilil mo up, •ecmrd to quiet my ncl%rt in,l maje ntf ftcl k«tler U eveiy way. My appttita it)crea%etl, I (tadiiaUf lainrd wcifht, my notmal atirngth ntnraril, an.l I frit like a sew womaa.'* Buy it III liquid w ubt«ls si }unr diug alotc todajf. j Orange Pekoe Blend "SALADA TEA 7 Simple Rules Of Good Health In Winter Time Bell Telephone Company Has Come Forward With These Following Studies That Were Made Among Employees During the last 21 years the Bell Telephone Company of Canada has paid out over $3,600.0(10 in the form of sickness benefits to its employ- ees. A study of the more ihaii 40,- 000 cases of Illness Involved has revealed that ailments of the rasp- iratoiT system â€" such as colds, laryngitis, influenza, bronchitis and tonsilitis â€" were responsible tor, by far, the greater part of this ex- penditure. It the experience of this comp- any is to be taken as a criterion, the 7 simple rules for good health during wintertime â€" about which Bell employees were reminded re- cently â€" should be of general inter- est. They follow: 1. Keep I'oom temperature around 72 degrees. 2. Keep air moist â€" fill radiator pans wilb water regularly. 3. Sleep with windows open, but keep ont of drafts. 4. Keep fresh fruits and vege- tables on your daily menu. 5. Wear enough clothing when outdoors â€" not too much when in- side. G. Avoid going out into the I'old when you are perspiring. 7. If you have a coal fiie, be sure gases ai-e burned off before closing dampers for the night. Women Voters' Apathy Scored Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt Says Women Waste Their Ener- gies on Other Things Than Politics Mis. Franklin D. Roosevelt blames general apathy of women for tho numerical decrease in wo- men legislatois and congress-wo- men, in the U. S. The same holds true of the Canadian political pic- ture. There are plenty of capal)le wo- men to hold legislative positions, .Mrs. Roosevelt told her press con- ference one day last week. The big trouble is, s!ie said, women as a whole do not back feminine candi- dates. .'\s soon as women generally de- mand representation of their point of view, Mrs, Roosevelt said, they will find plenty of women to run for office. Spider Spins Web Inside Light Bulb ICdmund Sollows, manajjrei' of the Western Nova Scotia Klcj- tric Company, at Yarmouth, X.S,, came out last week with an electric liKht bulb with a spider â€" now dead â€" and pai t of his web inside. The bull) is in perfect condi- tion and still lights. The fila- ment is unbroken. Sollows .said he would send it on lo the manufacturers with a view to solving tho mystery. "If our Christian heritage still moves us, we .shall restore the prestige of democracy and civili- zation by comini? to the aid of a bitterly oppicssed people." â€" Will Durant. NO FUSS RELIEVIN6 COLD PISCOliF ORT TH IS WAY! Just Follow Simple Directions Belowâ€" and Use Fast- Acting "Aspirin" Tablets 1. To ease pain mi discomfort and reduce fever take 2 "Asplrlo" Tabletsâ€" drink a glass of water. Repeat in 2 hours. 2. If throat Is raw from ccid, crush and dissolve - 3 "Aspirin" Tablets in ^'^' Vs glass of wafer ^ It's the Way Thousands Kt;ow ii Esse Pain and Discomfort of Calcs and Sore Throat Accompany;;: 3 Colds â€" Easy to Do The simple way pictured above often brings amazinrly fast relief from discomfort and sore throat accompanying colds. Try it. Then â€" see your doctor. He probably will tell vou to continue with "Asipirin" because it acts so fast to relieve discomforts ot a cold. And to reduce fever. This simple way, backed by scien- tific authority, has larRely supplanted the use of strong medicines in easi;;? cold symptoms. Perhaps the easiest, most effective way yet discovered. Demand and Get "ASPIRIN TCADE-MASK RES. BEE HIVE Syrup V. is the ideal sweetener on your morning cereal because! it Es easier to digest. ^TOMORReTW RELIEVE COLDS AND NASAL CATARRH Clear those blocked Nasal Passages b«fore they become the breeding place for miSiions of dangerous germs. catarrh is ateaUn^ your enjoy- ment of life. Mucus keeps drop- ping into your throat. You can't taste, smell or breathe properly. Your clogged nasal passages pro- vido a breading place where mil- lions of germs thrive and multiply Pon't wait a day longer. Act NOW . . . before your condition develojis into a more serious ailment. Sl.iit using Mentholatum . . . the bcaliuK balm used by millions of people the world over Ihe :ini.iseplif vnpimrs o* Mt'Olholatuiii i|uicki'y pi>iietnile mr p:i.<iS.aees . . . ti|;ht the luikmg i;etTii« . . . rtlnrd the gritbeiinK of mucus cN'.'xr the oloMcti ii<>stiil:< and pni- luolo hciilthy bi-pnthiMR «){imii. (lot 1 'â- H) font tiilic or >«r of Mi'iuhoKliii.i toilay. Insert a little up the nfwtrili every nifcht ami looriiinK- t sinipie routrne h:i» relieved even rlironio r^> larrh in t hou-wnilsof grateful iiiou n'ni w»n)en // uillUnng ijnn relief or ij. â-  r inmicit 'i:>ll Ite 'iruyin-ltliniioUif refuti^ir-t. â-  Al

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