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Flesherton Advance, 23 Nov 1938, p. 8

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Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1^38. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE The Liquor Control Board prom- ises an investigation into the source of the supply of the beer runners. Well, they don*t get their stock from dairy companies. Send ridge ' and raft«r meaaure- menta or ttr«a to be roofed, patched or re- paired. Council Stand- ard "Tite-Lap"' metal roofing ie a sound, per- manent inv4!Htment. Ab»ulut4)ly weuther- tight. Greatly reduces fire hazard. SOLD ON A 25 YEAR GUARANTEE Pric«a this Full arc lower because of Sales Tax exemption. Save monf y by wrltinjc today. Manufacturers aUo of fumouB Pre»iun Steel Truaa Barns and Jamesway Poultry equip- ment. Addread : 308Guelph fit,, Preston. Ont Eastern SteetFrP^v^ts PRE5T0N ONT.74cv//>i,if7f;-*r MOMTiifAtfcToioHto The Highway Traffic Act A little known change in the High- way Traffic Act which became effect- ive last spring is the fact that a driver loses his operator's license if he fails to satisfy a judgment of twenty-five dollars or more which comes as the aftermath of an auto accident. Formerly the amount was fixed at one hundred dollars and many a driver continued to operate his ear when the judgment was out- NOTICE TO CREDIIORS In the matter of the Estate of ELIJAH PAUL, late of the Village of Eugenia, deceased. All those hav- ing claims or accounts against the estate are required to send full par- ticulars thereof to the undersigned on or before the First day of Decem- ber, li»38, after which date the Es- tate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto having regard only to the claims and accounts of which notice shall at that time have been received. 2c3 C. C. MIDDLEBRO' City Hall, Owen Sound, Solicitor for the Executrix. standing against him for a lesser amount. The Act says that the dain- Hges in excess ol twenty-fivs; dollars must be paid witriin fifteen days from the date upon which the final judg- ment becomes final, otherwise the op- erator's license shall be revoked until such time as the judgment is satisfied and his financial responsibilities to operate a car, in case of accident, is established. Graham Cases Settled The uctions against the Cope Trans- port Company arising from the fatal Graham car accident last Febi-uary near Shelburne were settle<l out of court last week for approximately S2 1,000. The accident, which occurred when the (>>i)c Transport truck met headon with the Graham car, resulted in the deaths of T. E. Graham and Miss Jean Graham and serious injuries to the other passengers in the car. As a result of the accident Edwin Gra- ham received $8,500, Mary Graham S2.500, Lily Graham ?3.350 and Mrs. Graham $0,300 for her two children and herself. If money passed around as fast as it might be easier to grab some. T t t T 3 Great Bargains t X Our Ladies' Ready-to-wear Department is 1 |I offering Three Great Bargains this week. A Ladies' Rabbit Hair Dresses in all I T J t i t T ♦> t ? ? ? T T t t t t T T T t ? T t the leading: shades. Values up to $3.50 Special $2.19 Ladies' Satin Faced Crepe Dresses lonja: sleave, fj^uod assortment of shades from which to choose. All sizes, these dresses are seHinjj^ much below the reg-- ular price. On sale at $3.95 Ladies' Fine All-wool Jersey Dresses rej?ular $2.50 and $2.75 lines at .... $L69 Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Our stock is complete in every line, sellinf^: at prices you can't afford to miss. Come in and look them ©ver. We can save you from fifteen to twenty per cent on every g-arment you bgay. Big Reductions in General Dry Goods Fancy Flowered Pyjama Cloth, spec- ial this week, per yard 25c Chifljon Hose, full fashioned, all the new shades. vSi)ecial 59c SWEATER COATS Ladies' fine wool Sweater Coats in all the leading- colons â€" a real bargain, On sale at 2.45 BATH TOWELS Extra heavy (juality, plain and fancy stripes. On sale per pair 50c BATH TOWELS Fancy Bath Towels, large size, won- derful value, each 35c Crepe Hose, genuine silk semi- fash- ioned, .... 55c pair, two pairs for $1.00 HOSE Children's fine wool Cashmere Hose, in sand, brown and black, regular 35c line for 25c UNDERWEAR Ladies' heavy cotton Bloomers and \''ests, rayon stripe. Extra value per garment 49c UNDERWEAR Ladies' fine wool Vests with short sleeves and straps. Bloomers, regular $1.00 value, reduced to per g-arment 69c t J T T T f t I CLOTHING SPECIALS Men*8 Fleece Shirts and Drawers, heavy weight, i)lain colors, on sale per garment 69c Men's ribbed wool Shirts and Draw- ers, special at $1.29 Men's Windbreakers, in i)laids and I)lain. made of lu'avy wuol malerial, all sizes, extra value $3.95 Boys' Windbreakers, in plain atu faiicv pattnns, sizes 2X to 32. Made strotig and sturdy, suilahli- for school wear. Prices $1.95 and up Flannel Shirts, in grey and fawn with zipper, made of good qiialitv flan- nel selling at '. $1.29 HOSE Men's fine wool Hotany Hose in fancv |)atterns â€" real bargain, pair 50c SOCKS Men's L'nion Socks, suitable for ev- 1 crv (lav wear, 2 i)airs for 25c WORK SOCKS Men's lleavy Ribbed all wool work socks. 35c per pair, 3 pairs for $1.00 Boots and Shoes Specials Ladies' new Suede Ties and Pumps, Ladies' Fine Shoes, in patent straps, in all the latest styles in bl.ick and satin straps and ties. Values up to brown, selling at the low ])rice of $2.95 $3.50.. V'our choice $1.88 Men's Fine Calf Oxfords, regular %}^.l':^ and .$3.50 lines, all sizes. Clear- at per pair $2.88 OUR BIG RUBBER SALE CONTINUES. SIX GREAT VALUES ? i T f f t ? T T t t t t ? T t t T T T Ladies' Rubber Boots, sizes 3 to 8, good (|uality, neat fitting l)oots. iCx- tra special $L19 VELVET GOLOSHES Ladies' Velvet Goloshes, good quaL ity. Reduced to $1.79 and $1.95 RUBBERS Ladies' Plain Overs in high and cub- and heels, best (jualitv, per pair .. 55c Men's Red Sole Rubber Boots, at a special i)rice $1.59 RUBBERS Men's six-evelet laces, a strong dur- able rolled edge rubber reduced $1.29 RUBBERS lioys' 6-eyeIet laced rubbers, heavy weight. On .sale $L10 OUR GROCERY SPECIALS Black rci)por, per lb 19c Peanut Butter, 4-!b. pail, 50c 1 Corn, 1 Peas, 1 Tomatoes, 3 for 25c Shirriff's Marmalade and Apple Butter 4 lbs 39c Kolona Coffee, extra special, lb. 29c Chipso, large size, 21c 3 Corn Flakes and Bowl, all for .... 25c One Bran Flakes. One All-Wheat with pitcher, the three for 25c Local and Personal Mi-s. Robt. Clark spent the past week in Toronto. Mr. W.. J. Caswell spent a couple of weeks deer hunting near Thoniloe. Miss Laura Boyd of Toronto was at her home here over the week end. Mrs. Geo. McKee and son, ^ill, were week end visitors with relatives in this district. Mrs. George McTavish spent a week with her sister^ Mrs. J. B. O'- Brien of Oakville. A number of the local residents have been attending the Royal Win- ter Fair at Toronto. Mr. Burton E. Field of Toronto spent last week enjoying rabbit hunt- ing in this district. Mrs. John Richardson and daugh- ter, Ada, (Mrs. H. Lee) of Toronto were visitors in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher and babe of New Liskeard are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. E. Fisher. Miss Melrose Campbell underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils in the Owen Sound Hospital on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mellafont (Ger- tie Bellamy) returned last week to their home at Coutts, Alberta, after visiting relatives here. Mr. Bob Bellamy left last week to take a four-month course in land- scape gardening at the Ontario Agri- cultural College at Guelph. Mr. Thos. Brady, his mother, Mrs. \V. Brady and Mrs. R. Shaw of Lion's Head spent a couple of days the first of the week in town. Mr. and Mrs. C. White were week end visitors with the letter's sisters, Miss Henderson of town and Mrs. G. Blackburn of Springhill. The fire brigade was caHed out Monday noon for a chimney fire in Mrs. M. McDonald's residence on Sydenham Street. A small hand ex- tinguisher was used to subdue the blaze. The deer hunters usturned home over the week end with their full complement of deer. We understand that a couple of deer secured spoilad before they could be properly dressed, due to warm weather. Mr. J. A. Richards of the firm of P'jnnett and Richards, funeral direc- tors, was successful in passing his examinations as a licensed embalmer held recently in Toronto. Congratu- lations are extended to Dick on his success. The Advance is always pleased to publish the names of officers elected in any local organizations. Sending the names for publicaton is the duty of the recording secretary and we will be pleased to hour from them following the election of otficei-s. The first snow storm of the season hit this district on Monday, Novem- ber 14th, and continued into Tuesday. Fully eight inches of snow fell dur- ing the two days but it had practically all disappeared by Thursday. Since then the nights have been cold and the days comparatively mild. The present weather is certainly easy on the wood box. Congrutuliitions are extended to Mr and Mrs, John McDonald of town who celebrated their thirty-fifth wed- ding anniversary on Friday of last week, November 18th. Mr. McDon- ald Is busy at present framing a barn for Mr. .los. Lamb near Meaford. Mr. McDonald will have another an- niversary on November twent.v-fifth when he will have reached the allotted span of life, seventy years. We hope that both Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will be able to enjoy many more years together. Carter Scholarship Won By Sherman Piper Congratulations are being extended to Mr. Sherman Piper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper of Ceylon, a stud- ent of Flesherton High School, who has been awarded the second Carter Scholarship for the student with sec- ond highest standing for Grey in the Upper School examinations held last June. Sherman also won the Agnes Macphail Scholai-ship awarded for highest standing in Upper School ex- aminations at Flesherton High School. He is at present attending Toronto University where he has enrolled in the medical course. CROFTâ€" STEWART A quiet wedding was solemnized at three o'clock Wednesday, Novem- ber 16, at St. James Rectory, Dun- dalk, by the Rev. E. O. Lancaster when Myrtle Alvera, daughter of llr. and Mrs. Sameul J. Stewart of Jor- betton, was' united in marriage to Mr. Thomas Wesley Russel Croft, second youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Croft, Osprey. The attendants* were Miss Hazel Brown of Dundalk and Mr. Lloyd Little of Wareham. After the ceremony a wedding din- ner was sei-ved at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Croft will reside in Dundalk. FULL CAPACITV Husband: "I'm going to make » resolution not to drink any more." Wife: "What's the use of that^ You couldn't possibly drink any more."" SHOOTING MATCH Jas. W. McMullen will hold a shoot- ing match for geese and ducks at his farm on the west backline on Sat- urday, November 26th, at 1.30 p.m. Shotguns and rifles. NOTICE Trespassers on Lots 23 and 24, Con. 14, Artemesia, will be prosecuted if seen carrying guns or accompanied by dogs. W. A. WEBER Mwwr^""^- JuveDile Hockey An effort is being made to form a juvenile hockey group to comprise Orangeville, Shelburne, Flesherton, Dundalk, and Markdale in an effort to bring along talent for more ad- vanced competition. In talking the matter over with the boys they seem to be jubilant over the idea, and what boy doesn't want to play hockey? We believe that a team of boys who are still seventeen years of age or under on January first next could be gathered together to form a fairly good team for competition. Juniors of today are the seniors of to-morrow and every effort should be made to encourage them in their play. Talking Pictures Flesherton Town Hall Thurs.,Nov. 24 under the auspices of L.O.L. 2855 National Film Serbice presents DICK TALMADGE in "Fighting Pilot" An exciting story packed with action and hair-raising stunts that will keep you thrilled throughout entire picture. Added Attractions - - - Cowboys and Indians Songs of the Prairie Village Specialist Come with your frends and spend an enjoyable evening. Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15e Show to start ot 8.30 p.m. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE â€" 6-tube radio battery set.â€"' Wilfred Magee, Eugenia. FOR RENT â€" A frame dwelling in Flesherton; also a few choice Jer- ey Black Giant cockerels for sale. â€"Mrs. C. Hindle R.R. 3, Proton People buy now where they are invited to buy. The merchant who does not ask them to buy at his store by advertising in his local newspaper should have no criticism to make of those who shop elsewhere. Old Coins Unearthe^l F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. Two old American coins have come to light, which have been buried six inches or more under the sod, on the farm of Harry Stewart, Maple Val- ley. His son, Elvin. when plowing some days ago in a field which had never before been broken up, found a large U.S.A. coin of the year 1818 lying in the furrow. Another son, Harold, conducted a further search and found another coin, a small "I«dian Head" cent of the year 1867. He also came upon the stem of a clay pipe with the word "Hcndopson" and "Montreal" on the other. K\. the same spiM were found several pieces of slate rock and some charcoal, in- FOR SALE â€" Pair of hockey boots and skates, size 9, in good con- dition. Apply at The Advance Office, Flesherton. FOR S.\LE â€" Coleman iron and hanging lamp, also Heintzman vic- trola with 100 records, all in good condition, will. sell cheap. â€" Mrs. F. J. Seeley, R.R. 1 Flesherton. 23p2 FOR SALE â€" Philoo cabinet model radio, 6 tube, in good condition.-â€" F. J. Thurston, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" A number of year-old Barred Plymouth Rjck hens, rea- sonably priced.â€" Tai'red McNally,- R.R. 3 Flesherto-.. 23p2 FOR SALE â€" Brick veneer 7-room house in Flesherton, electric lights, two lots, double garage. â€" F. Math- ewson, Flesherton. 23p2 CAME ASTRAY â€" Four young cat- tle came to my premises about five weeks ago. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" John Parsons, Eugenia. FOR RENT â€"In Priceville 6 room house; also for sale Raymond sew- ing machine, extension table ' and sideboard. â€" Mrs. J. S. McDcrmid, Ceylon. 9pl FOR SALE _ Good pair of bob sleighs, good and sound, at a rea- sonable price. â€" David McDonald R.- R. 3, Priceville. 23p2 BOAR FC ; SKitVICE Pure bred Yoi:.oiu.o Hog, Orchai^ Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire O.A. C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, will b* kept for service. Terms $1.00.â€" We*. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAk FOR SERVICE Registered Yornshire Hog for vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186261, sire and dam qualified in advanc«4 registry.â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Ste. tion. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months.â€" Laurie Pedlar, Fleshertoa. Ont R.R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE â€" Purebred barred rock puQota. â€" Mrs. Archie McKechnie, Priceville, phone 49rl3. WANTED â€" Horses or cows suit- able for mink feed.â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon phone 40rS. HUNTERS - All parties will take notice that shooting is prohibited on my property adjacent to Mc- Cauley's pond. Steps will be tak- en to have guilty parties prosecuted according to law. â€" W. I. Henry, Flesherton. 3c3 DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons, l.SO I* K. Evenings, 7 to 8.S«. Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. DR. L. E. ELKERTON PHYSICIAN Toronto St FLESHERTON. Ont. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 883, AJT. & A.M., meets in the Fmtemal HalV Flesherton, the second Friday in eaek month. W.M., W. G. McBride; Sw. reUry, C. J. Bellamy. FARM FOR SALE Good farm for sale lot 16S, 2 N.G. Artemesia, containing forty-five ac- res, known as Thos. Henry farm. Frame house and bam, nmning wat- er; two and a half miles from Flesh- dicatinir that there might hnv«» been erton. Will sell at big reduction for human habitation there ycar^ajro. leash. Apply to Mrs. A. E. Hopkins, Dpndalk Herald. Meaford. Oct. 19tf Telephone, INSURANCE AUTOMOBILK Special low rate fw farae* A. D. MmINTTRB. Agent DORNOCH. Ontorfe ROY LANCFORD District Agent fnr MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT and SICKNESS, FIRH AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bondi Any Insurance Problem MARKDALE. Ont. 1 â- >?

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