Wednesday, July 13, 1938 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE T«liiden Wanted TIm undersigned will receive tend- •n up to 2 o'clock p.m., July 24, itut for the delivery of around fifty tons good polcAhontuB oo«l at Flesherton High School. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, SecreUry. TENDERS WANTED Osprey Municipal Telephone Sys- tem want tenders for the position of lineman. Duties to commence the date of acceptance of tender. Tend- ers to be in the hands of the sec- retary by July 13. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. Fenwick, Feversham (sec.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Control Destructive Cabbage Ineectt Velvety green caterpillarB, known as imported cabbage worms, ar« com- monly found feeding on cabbages and cauliflowers. They eat large circu- lar holes in the leaves and frequently bore into the centre of the cabbage heads. Control measures should be applied as soon as injury to the plants becomes evident. Dusting with arsenate of lead and hydrated lime is the moat widely rec- comniended remedy. One part of the poison should be mixed with eight parts of the hydrated lime and the resulting powder dusted on the plants in the early morning or late evening when the leaves are wet with dew. Particular attention should be paid to the central portion of the cabbages and cauliflowers, since this is a fav- orite spot for feeding. Two or three applications should be made as need- ed, care being taken to apply the dust immediately after feeding be- comes evident. Due to the waxy con- dition of the leaves, spraying has not IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF THOMAS PORTER HEN- RY, late «£ the Town of Meaford, (formerly of the Township of Art- emesia) deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all given satisfactory results. persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Porter Henry, de- ceased, are required before the IBlh day of August, 1938, to deliver to the undersigned full particulars of their claims, and after said date the ex- ecutrix of deceased will proceed to distribute the assets, having regard Orange Valley Scbool To Grade 8 â€" Pauline Stephenson 70, Annie Stephenson 66, Levi Staf< ford absent rec. To Grade 7 â€" Muriel Gilchrist 74. To Grade 6 â€" Muriel Smith 76, Burton Russell 63, Ernie Russell 69, Eileen Stafford 68. To Grade 5 â€" Oscar Irving 88, Gerald Stafford 82, Margaret Smith 78, Oscar Brown 71, Jack Gilchrist 63, Fred Gilchrist 51 (rec), Nina Teeter 50 (rec.), To (Jiiide 3 â€" Dorothy Brown 74, Ivan Kussell 63. To Grade 2 â€" Melville Irving, Marguerite Stafford, Philip Irving, Maurice Russell, Doreen Teeter, Har- old Cilchrist, Nelson Stephenson, Em- erson Brown. To Grade 1 â€" Ruth Smith. Senior Primer â€" Gordon Brown. Figures denote percentage. Honors 75; Pass 55. A. IRENE MARTIN, Teacher. Local and Personal If the plants have to be treated shortly before being marketed, fresh pyrethrum powder should be used, one part to three parts hydrated lime or flour. Pyrethrum powder is non- poisonous to human beings and can be secured at local seed houses, drug stores or wholesale di-ug companies. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil HcTavish spent Sunday in Oshawa. Mrs. Prank Duncan and Je:'n spent the past week in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Jamieson of Timmins spent the week end with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCauley vis- ited at Lucknow on Sunday. Mrs. John Nuhn is visiting with relatives at Stouffville and Toronto. Mr. John McDoanld wo., on a bus- iness trip to Weston on Monday. The Advance cook book is available free of charge to all new subscribers. Mr. Royal Moulton was the speaker nt Rock Mills Baptist Church last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. M. Wilson and Mr. Fred Mc- Clocklin of Toronto motored to South River, Ont., to visit their brother, Mr. Ja.s. McClocklin. Do your feet carry you without a j jlain? If they don't Softball: Flesherton vs Markdale at the local fair grounds on Friday evening, July 15. Miss Roberta Leavell of Toronto spent the week end at her parental 1 home. KIMBERLEY We are gl»i to report that MIm Irene Wickens had her tonsils â- oe- cessfuUly removed at Owen Sound hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ashmore of Sudbury were the guests of the Staf- ford families over the week end. Mrs. Ashmore is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Stafford of Sault Stm. "*! ;rie. The young couple were on their honeymoon trip and on their return they will reside at Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. Royden MacDonald of Rat Rapids are the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carruthers spent the week end on a trip north, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dilloy, seeing the quints and other interesting points. Misses Winnis Graham, Thelma El- lis and Lois Weber spent the past week at Wasaga Beach as the guests of Mrs. Belfry. Misses Murelda Taylor and Clare Dillon also spent the week end at the Beach. At a meeting of the Trail Rangers Monday night it was decided to paint the windows and doors of the church. SOME HAT "Where did you get that ffood- looking hat?" "It's not new, I bought it ten yaaxa ago. Seven yeart ago I had it !•• blocked, tiiree years ago I had it dyed and year before last I bought a new band for it â€" and last week I exchang- ed it in restaurant." Chancellor Hitler will pnAably b* of the opinion that Joe Louis used some kind of bomb on Schmeling re- cently. onlv to the claims of which she shall Fortunately the remedies recom- then have notice and she will not be liable in respect of any claims not received by her at the time of such distribution. Dated at Meafoid July 8th, 1938. â€" ALBERY & BENNETT, Solicitors for the Executrix. mended for cabbage worms control other destructive cabbage and cauli- flower insects as the cabbage looper and diamond back moth. It is much easier to be critical than to be correct. Mr. and Mrs. John Latimer of To- _,,,£, . ironto spent the week end with Mr. Footpax Wonder bupports ^^^ j^^,^ ^ j^ Richardson. will help, so they will : „ . c i.r- • (no metals) < Mrs. Geo. Cainis of Winnipeg is Can be worn at work, wajking or athletics in pain ion.^ and other foot ailments are re^ lieved quickly. Get a pair- today at RICHARDSON'S DRUG STORE 1 BIG absolute security from | Mr. Jas. White of Heathcote was Weak arches, callouses, bun- 1 j^ caller at The Advance office on Monday. Mrs. F. Dafoe and son of Indian- apolis, Ind., visited recently with her brother, F. G. Karstedt, \-ir^ Mrs. Ed. Fisher has purchased the residence in to\vn owned by Mrs. Wm. Parker and will shortly move thereto. The reason for the popularity of t^e motor car trailer is that it is a summer cottage that can always keep two jumps ahead of week end visi- tors. Six Hawaiian women were disap- pointed because they found no ic« or snow in Canada. They have been here last January. should A colored woman went into a store to buy a collar for her husband. "What size " asked the clerk. <'I done forget the size," replied the woman, "but I can just manage to reach round his throat wif ma both hands.'' '^Vho was the smallest man in historj'?" "I'm ignorant, sir, who?" "The Roman soldier who went to sleep on his watch." Farm For Sale by Tender Tenders will be received by the undersigned for purchase of Lot No. 11, Con. 3 S.D.R., 80 acres two acred woodland in the Township of Arte- mesia up to twelve o'clock noon of July 15, 1938. Terms: 10 per cent on day of ac- ceptance of tender and the balance in 60 days thereafter. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Sarah Mill, R.R. 2 CoUingwood- W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. T T t t t t t t T T t t t t t t T T T T T T t t T T JULY CLEARING SALE OF Ladies' And Children's Dresses DISPLAY ON MAIN FLOOR Ladies' Crepe Drewes, regular $2.50 to $2.95 lines. On sale at ?1.4S. Chadren's Pantie Dresses, 1 to 3 25c 25c Ladies' Mesh Dresses reduced to 89c Ladies' Pique Dresses out at 98c Linene 2-piece Dresses, going at 98c Ladies' Chiffon Dresses ^reatly^re^- shades. While they 89c duced SPECIAL Flannel Coats, clearing at Ladies' Suntan Dresses, 59c 95c piildren's Suntan Dresses, 10 to^U years on sale at years special special Ladies' Wash Skirts in cream, white, blue and pink last Ladies' and Misses' Slacks, selling at very low prices. Our Ladies' Wear Department Is featuring a special showing of Ladies Fine Quality Dresses. Prices ranging from $1.00 to $2.95 MEN'S WEAR DEPARTMENT Buy your Flannel and Sport Pants at Hill's and save. Men's and Boys' Grev flannel Pants Boys' $1.25, Mens $1.89 to SPECIAL Men's Silk Combinations, reduced 75c and 95c Boys' Dress Pants in fine quality clolh extra value per pair $2.95 Men's and Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers each 49c SPECIAL Boys' Balbriggan Combinations 49c MEN! Buy your Work Shirts at Hill's and save. Men's Balbriggan Combinations 69c SHOE DEPARTMENT See our window display of Men's Oxfords, values tn $4.50, your choice .. $2.88 Men's Running Shoes, selling at the Men's and Boys' Campac. in all the , t 95c low price oi Children's Running Shoes, I strap, reduced to *'° OUR JULY GROCERY SPECIALS paicon PEAS 2 forl9c Clark's TOMATO JUICE Clark's PORK and BEANS ..2 for 19c ORA^^GE JUICE SYRUP Can PUMPKIN 2 for 19c Libby's PORK and BEANS .. 2 for 19c Colleen CORN 2 for 19c TOMATOES 2 for 19c Clark's SPAGHETTI 2 for 19c styles selling at very low prices. LADIES' SPORT SHOES bkie and white linen $1.25 pr. hluc ^lnd white poplin $1.65 pr. blue and white buck $1.95 pr. 2 forl9c 1 j?al. 50c PEANUT BUTTER 4 tb. pail 50c LOBSTERS 6-oz. tin 30c Choice CREEN TEA per lb. 49c 4 tb. package SHORTENING 49c Fancy BISCUITS mixed .... 2 lbs. 29c I t t t t T ? T t I I I t t T T T t T t ? T T T t t r T T T T T t T T T T ? T i F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. Mrs. T. A. Hutchinson and son, Jack, of Stiongfield were recent vis- itors with the former's sister, Mrs. W. A. Hawken. Mr. and Mrs. Graham of Eureka, California, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt last week. Miss Laura Pallett of the local high school staff underwent an operation for appendicitis in St. Michael's hos- pital last week. Mr. Bruce Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark and two children of Cainsville were visitors at the Baptist parsonage on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. MacDonald and Miss Ulva of Crawford were welcome callers at the Baptist parsonage on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Dolan have tak- en up residence in Mrs. G. Johnson's house in town. Mr. Dolan is employ- ed in the Co-operative store. Mr. and Mrs. Royden MacDonald of Rat Rapids, Ontario, are spending a eouple of weeks visiting relatives and friends in this district. Mrs. Mark Fawcett and two child- ren of Collingwood vi.sited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferris, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crossley and daughter of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley, Janet and John of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. W. P. Crossley. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart are ill at their home in town, the former with a threatened attack of pneu- monia. Nurse Wyville of Markdale i.s in charge. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hawken of Vancouver, B.C., were visitors last week with the former's cousin, Mr. W. A. Hawken. They are on an ex- tended tour of Eastern Canada, Bos. ton, Mass, and will also visit New- foundland. Orange Valley Public School picnic was held in Flesherton recently ana the teacher. Miss Irene Martin, was presented with three love)y presents from the pupils and parents in the (section. Miss Martin has spent the past five years at Orange Valley and has accepted a school near ToroHto, where the best wishes of many friends will accompany her. Congratulations are due Misses Evelyn McTavish and Isobel Kar- stedt who were successful in passing the Toronto Conservatory Piano ex- uniinations held in Owen Sound June 27. Evelyn McTavish took honors in Grade 1 piano and Isobel Karstedt took first class honors in Grade 6 piano and also passed in Grade 2 theory. The abeve are pupils of Mrs, F. G. Karstedt L.T.C.M. We were more than pleased to re- ceive a call On Monday from Mr. Ir- win Sprott of San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. Syril Woodward (Sadie Sprott) of St. Catherines, Mr. Edgar Sprott of Port Arthur and Mr. Morrison Sprott of Pentland, Oregon. It wan a pleasure to have them cnll and re- new old acquaintances, a."* three of them were graduates of Flesherton High School. They are on a visit to their parental home near Badgeros. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE â€" One set of plough har- ness and two horse collars. â€" J. K. McLeod, Ceylon phone 40r4. HAY FOR SALE â€" Alfalfa and tim- othy hay by the acre on farm near Saugeen Junction.^â€" R. J. Vause, Dundalk. FOR SALE â€" Open and bred York- shire sows, some eligible for reg- istration. â€" Ross Stevens, Proton. 3 jFOR SALE â€" Two water storage tanks 4x6 feet, two-inch B.C. fir, well hooped, in Al condition; also rcwboat with oars, in good shape â€" S. W. Sloan, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Asphalt shingles $3.95 per sq., roll roofing, $1.40 per roll. Sheathing paper, 45c per roll, wheat and oats chop $28.00 per ton, sacks free, Oats 50c bushel. Terms cash. Phone 38r3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR RENT â€" 6-ronm nonse, hard and soft water, electric lights, gar- age and two lots. Opposite park. â€"Geo. Johnson R.R. 1 Flesherton, phone 75r4. FOR SALE â€" Rugs, stock of late importer, includes 'Wiltons, Broad- looms and Orientals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ship mail orders promptly. Write for price list. Traders and Importers, 54 Wellington St. W., Toronto.Myll FOR SALE â€" The complete house- WANTED â€" Horses or cows suit- able for mink feed.â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon phone 40i-2. FOR SALE â€" Cherreis ready to pick the beginning of next week. â€" Ed. Graham, Kimberley. NOTICE â€" Paper hanging snd paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estim- ates free.â€" Ross Mitchell, Dundalk. Phone 77. Sept.l4p FOR SALE _ Car load choice qual- ity Quebec cedar shingles at fol- lowing special prices off car: Ex- tras, $3.75 per sq.. Clears, $3.45 per sq.„ 2D clears, $3.15 per sq.. Seconds $2.25 sq. Ten square or more delivered free. Terms cash. Phone 38r3, A. C. Muir. Ceylon. BOAR FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 176771 Sire OjV. C. Conqueror 315â€" -167820, will be kept for service. Terms $1.00.â€" Wea. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yornshire Hog for ser- vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186251, sire and dam qualified in advanced registry.â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Sta- tion. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for sep* vicej terms: $1.00 if paid within four hold furniture of the Thos. Clayton ,„onths.-Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton. home: 3 bedroom suites, 2 chests Qnt. RR s of drawers, 3 oak tables, sideboard, • dining chairs and table, kitchen range, chairs, leather couch, 3 rock- ing chairs, la\Tn mower, garden tools and Taylor safe. â€" Wm. Clay- ton, Flesherton 22pl FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to July 2nd at 10.00 a.m., for the U.F.O. weigh scales at Proton, Wilvson make, 2000 pounds capacity. Tenders to include purchase of build- ing housing scales. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. H. Little, Proton Station, R.R. 2. BUSINESS CARDS MEN Here is a practical plan that will enable you to build an independent business of your own with the distri- bution of over 200 guaranteed pro- ducts in select district. Every day is pay day! Repeat orders on all goods. Position '49 permanent, not one-time sale affair I OfTcr open to honest, ambitious alert men only. If interested write to FAMILEX CO., 670 St. Clement St.. Montreal. FARM FOR SALE DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham St. Office, Hours _ Afternoons, 1.30 to 4. Evenings, 7 to 8.30. Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment onlv. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.P. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Friday in each month. W.M., W. G. McBride; Sec- retary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. D. MacINTTRE, Agent FLESHERTON, Ont. The undersigned offers for sale the farm and premises being Lot 163 in the 2nd concession, north-east of To- ronto and Sydenham Road in the Township of Artemcsia, containing forty-five acres â€" ^Vnown as Thomas ITcr.ry eetatr. Frame dwelling and bam On th^ property, running water, 2) miles from Flesherton. Terms cash. Apply to Mrs. A. E. Hopkins, Executrix, Meaford. Jy 6 ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT and SldCNBSS, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bvnd* Any Insurance Problem Telephone, MARKDALE, Ont. DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professionial services rcasonabl«. â€"Phone, Dundalk t.