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Flesherton Advance, 22 Jun 1938, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, June 22, 1938. i n ii m i m i m i»»«»»»« M *» M »»« M *# M »** f tt««i m ' I Bleached and Unbleached i SHEETINGS There have just come to hand a few pieces of sheet- ing's in 84 and 94 in. widths. You will find our prices much more reasonable than those in larger centres. Pillow Cases PILLOW CASES â€" 42 inch â€" in colored borders beautiful quality, at, per pair 95c Unbleadied Cotton in ends â€" 1 yard to 10 yards. At special prices. FLOUR SPECIALS PURITY FLOUR, 98 lbs $3.75 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR, 98 lbs $3.75 BUY-A-SAC FLOUR, 98 lbs $3.30 FINE SALE, 300 pound lots $1.50 F. G. KARSTEDT, Pricevaie ' l> f l>II H I Hi >illi tl tt»l l l»»*' MHH I * » * *****«**« i ' CEYLON Mrs. Gordon Micks and son. Jack, of Toronto are holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall. Mr. George Patterson of Toronto returned on Thvirsday, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Snow- .4)en McLeod. Mr. Frank Cairns, Weston, visited in the community last week. Mrs. Harry Piper returned Friday after an extended visit at Oshawa. Mrs. W. McKay, Meaford, Mr. and JMrs. and Miss Anetta Tomlins and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tomlins of To- ronto visited with Mrs. Robert Camp- l)ell the last of the week. Mrs. John Kennedy spent Monday in Owen Sound. Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., was a visitor at her home the latter part of the week. Mrs. Thos. Gilchrist left for Mus- koka last week, where she has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMuUen are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMullen and Mrs. Clarke jWyville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sinclair and fam- ily spent Sunday at Shelburne. Mrs. E. C. Murray of Toronto, Miss Betty Murray and frienl, Miss Sulli- van of St. Thomas, were callers on Mrs. John Stewart last week. Miss Mildred Risk was in Markdale on Sunday for the decoration services. MAXWELL PRICEVILLE oummer Time Table EFFECTIVE Saturday, June, 25th Leave FLESHERTON To Toronto c 11.50 a.m. b 7.2S p.m. To Owen Sound c 5.50 p.m. d 7.46 P-m. b â€" Sun. and Hoi.; c â€" Sat. only; d â€" Fri. only. Tickets and information at Gray Coach Lines The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sled met lit the Orange Hall on Tuesday, June 14th, when they presented the young couple with a shower of cream and red gn^anite ware and other beautiful gifts. >,Mias Flora Morrison read the ad- dress and Mr. Keith Robertson made the presentation to which Mr. 'and Mrs. Sled replied in a few weU chos- en words. All enjoyed the dance and lunch which followed. Mr. George Long of Lundy's Lane spent the week end at his home hero. Mr. Moulton of the Federation of Temperanc gave a fine address in the United Church on Sunday evening. A change of school teachers is taking place this year. Mr. Miltou Shouldice is leaving to attend collegb and Miss Kathleen Morrison of Max- well has been engaged to teach for the coming year. VANDELEUR The pastor. Rev. H. S. Warren, preached his farewell sermon in the church here on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Warren has been pastor for the past eight years and is well liked in the community. Hi« many friends are sorry that ii» i» leaving. Misses 'Wilma and Btta Cargoe of IToronto wfere recent visitors with their parents, Mr. aRd Mrs. James Cargoe. Mr. HartUy Blackburn of Port Credit and Mr. G««. Blackburn and daughters of Flesherton were recent visitors wiht Mr. and Mrs. C. Boland. Arrangements hava been completed for the Ladies' Aid strawberry festi- val in the church on Friday evening of this week, June 24tto. PRICEVILLE GA1H>EN PARTY Big garden party and concert of St. Andrewj's Presbyterian Church, Price- ville, on Monday, July 4tJi. Supper served from 6.30 to 8 p.m. on school grounds. The Excelsior Male Quar- tette of Palmerston will provide first class entertainment in the hall. Bag- pipe music and sports. Admission: Adults 35c., Children 20c. New Zealand is the place to go if one is aick. Free medical service and hospitals for all is provided. For The Young Shavers | A SAFETY RAZOR and 10 Genuine Steel Blades All for 19c For The Kitchen A fuU display of KITCHEN TOOLS, any article 15c ; For Poultry and Live Stock MASTER FEEDS SOL-MIN BONE MEAL SALT CROLIN CHICK TABLETS and COOPER SHEEP DIP Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. I FLESHERTON, Ont. ii m i mmm i i m i i m i n i i n m i The bee held in connection with St. Andrew's Church on Monday made a wonderful improvement on the ap- pearance of the grounds. The de- bris of old buildings and mounds of earth were disposed of. Recognizing the fact that "nature abhors a vac- uum" better sow some grass seed before blue grass, burdocks and this- tles take possesion. Mr. John McVicar arrived home on Saturday from Toronto for a few days. His mother, Mrs. A. McVicar, is under the doctor's care and con- fined to bed. Mrs. Joseph McKee met with an accident Monday when her horse be- came frightened by a passing truck •and upset the buggy in the ditch. Fortunately Mrs. McKee jumped ^ear and received only a strained leg. Mr. Robt. Parslow has improved his property's appearance by erecting four fancy gate posts and a comer post also by trimming trees. Mr. lArchie McArthur of the town line was the artist. Services in St. Columba church on Sunday were largely attended, the occasion being the last offering of Rev. ',Wright here before leaving for his new charge at Brucefield. He advised strongly co-operation, stead- fast and immovable always abound- ing in the work of the Lord and ex- pressed his appreciation of the sup- port given by all branches of the church. We were pleased to meet with old camp comrades on Saturday evening in the persons of Joe and Burton Field who were working patriotically for the big veteran rally on August 1st. They were securing all the names of former comrades and those of later years. Rev. W. McClean representing the Toronto Bible So^ety will conduct a service in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday, July 10th, at 7.30 p.m. He will also show slides of war-torn China. The anniversary services will be conducted by Rev. S. W. Hirtle of Durham in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday, July 3rd. Services will be held at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.mR Mr. Hirtle is a noted preacher so come out and hear him. Rev. and Mrs. Taylor of Markdale were callers at the homes on the North Line. Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane were visitors here. Mr. Innis McLean ac- companied them home. Mrs. Alex Carson is visiting her daughter at Swinkin Park. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferris of Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and family and Mr. Thos Tucker of En>©n- ezer and Mr. and Mrs. R. Lawrence, Dorothy and Mary of Durham visited Sunday a^ Mr. Henry Tucker's. Mr. and Mrs. William Hay and daughter, Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCannell of Swinton Park, Messrs. George and Jack M»rell of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. Art Bell, Sheila, Marie and Isobel Weir of town were visitors the end of the week with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Deepest sympathy is extended to Dr. and Mrs. Milne of Flesherton in the death of Mrs. Milne's mother whose funeral took place on Satur- day. Miss Ehnma Oliver spent the week end with Mrs. Dan Campbell. Mr. Hector McLean spent Monday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chambers and family of Toronto are visitors at Mr. Allan McLean's. Miss Jean Hincks is visiting her friend, Miss Merle Buckingham. Miss Beth Hincks has been engaged as teacher at Atwood. Mr. Murray McMillan of Toronto spent the week end at his home. CENTRE LINE We had a splendid rain here last Thursday and the weather has been warm and damp since. Everything is looking fine now. ,'Wareham young people held their annual picnic to Harrison's Park, Owen ^ound on Saturday. Although it rained here most of the afternoon, they report fine weather in Owen Sound and a real good time. About 40 of the young people were present. Mr. Sam Osborne of Markdale and helpers, Messrs. Lloyd and Robert Osborne, have completed the cellar wall of Mr. Harry Fisher's new residence. Mrs. Florence Lyons, Mrs. Gilbert Little, Mrs. Robt. Fisher and Mrs. Robt. Osborne attended the Sunday School convention in Flesherton on Monday of last week. We are glad to report that Mrs. Jas. Hopps is recovering from her recent illness. Mr. Hoggard of Heathcote and Mr. Edwin Little made a business trip to Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hockley of Markdale spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. Little. Mr. Joseph Little of Ravenna visit- ed with the home folk recently. Misses Edith and Mable Fawcett of Duncan vi^ted recently with their grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Little. -'We are glad to know that Mr. El- more Fisher has secured a position [n Toronto. A presentation was held for Mrs. John Lane (nee Margaret Armour) at the home of her parents here Friday evening. An electric floor lamp was presented to the bride by her friends of Wareham and community. The W. A. of Mt. Zion journeyed to Saugeen Jet. on Tuesday last and held their meeting at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell ;White. There were 13 members and 10 visit- ors present. The roll call was answer- ed by giving the name of your favor- ite flower and why. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. G. Jamieson one week later, owing to July 12th being the regular day, and the roll call will be answered by a summer thought. Mr. Victor Osborne wheeled to Owen Sound on Friday and attended the young people's picnic at Harri- /ion's Park on Saturday, and also visited with his cousins there, re- turning home on Sunday. Come to Mt. Zion ice cream social on Friday,' June 24th, and hear the Shiels family of Chesley. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Badgerow and Inez visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osborne on Sunday. PROTON STATION The Pilgrim Holliness camp meet- ing is in progresaj at the present time under the dii-ection of the pas- tor. Rev. H. Shaw. The guest speaker is Rev. D. A. Eary of Oshawa. Rev. Allan McGuire is song leader. The meetings are held in a tent on the chapel grounds, every day and night this week. Some of those who are guests in the pastor's home and else where, who were students there when the building was known as the Pil- grim Holiness Bible School, are: Mr. and Mrs. Shortt, Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on, Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. McVuire and Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre. These young married folk contribute effectively in the service of song. Mr. and Mrs. Shortt and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon combine well in quar- tette selections. Early Sunday afternoon Proton Station folk were surprised to see an airplane swooping gracefully down as though it were landing close to Mr. I. B. White's house. No! It was not lost. At least one of the occupants knew quite well where he was. Stanley Carson, formerly of Proton, dropped a letter to the onlookers and the 'plane rose and continued on its flight. .We wonder how long it will be before this will be a common occurrence. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Nichols of St. Thomas were recent visitors with friends here. Mr. Geo. Hutchinson anl son, Mr. Milton Hutchinson, of Kimberley vis- ited friends in this locality over the week end. Miss Ina Acheson and her friend. Miss Olive Lawson, of Toronto are guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Gordon Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. |*W. G. Acheson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Acheson and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson visited with friends at Cheltenham and also saw the beautiful Belfountain summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Mack. Miss Maude Acheson, who has taught for five years at Melancthon Station, has been engaged to teach at Primrose. Mr. Goldwyn Littlejohns who has taught for five years in the Proton Station school, is leaving at the end oithe term and will teach next year in the Orange Valley achooL Mr. Harvey Priddle of Dundalk, who has been teaching at Rock Mills, will be his successor. Rev. A. J. MeKaye of Toronto, s former minister here, was a caller in this village on Monday of this week. DUPLICATION IS RIFE (Alliston Herald) A stranger stopped at Hunter's garage one evening last week to get a little chore done on his car and. while waiting asked if Carleton's bak- ery was located in Alliston. On being told that it was, the stranger fcold of seeing a car come out of â-  farm premises some distance ahead of him and on passing it saw that it was delivering bread for the AUia- ton bakery. Coming to the gate !from which the Alliston car had emerged, was another baker's deliv- ei-y truck going in. This time it waa a Barrie bakery and when about a mile past the place a third truck waa met. The stranger observed that it is all the delivery trucks running round the country duplicating the routes that keeps the price of bread up. Many Allistonians will recall •that during the election campaign of 'i935 when Dr. W. D. Smith was a candidate for the legislature one of his topics when on the platform waa the duplication of cream routes in the country. Whether the doctor ev- er took the matter up in caucus waa never made public, but it is the du- plication of a lot of things that is Responsible for the high prices of numerous commodities. Eugenia Social and Play An ice cream social and play wilt be held in the Eugenia United church On Monday evening, June 27th. Ball game between Eugenia and 8th line at 6.30 p.m., followed by play by the Feversham Dramatic Club. Admis- sion: Alults 25c, Children 15c. So great an authority as Voltaire once wrote: "Common sense is not so common." Rock Mills Garden Party The Rock Mills garden party will be held on Tuesday, July 5th. A two hour program will be given by the Shiels family of Chesley. Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. Admission: 35c and 15c. Mt. Zion Ice Cream Social Mount Zion W.A. will hold an ice cream social at the church on Fri- day, June 24th. The Shiels family of Chesley will provide an interesting program. Softball game Proton Sta- tion vs Mount Zion at 6.45 p.m. Ad- mission adults, 26c, children 15c. MaxweU Strawberry Festival ARRESTED AS A SWINDLER A man about forty-six years of age giving the name of Joshua Cop- persmith has been arrested in New York for attempting to extort funds from ignorant and superstitious peo- ple by exhibiting a device which he says will convey the human voice any distance over metallic wires so that it will be heard by the listener at the other end. He calls the instrument a "telephone,'' which is obviously in- ^nded to imitate the word "tele- )?rraph" and win the confidence of those who know the success of the latter instrument without under- standing the principles on which it is htigd. Well-informed ~ people know that it is impossible to trans- mit the human voice over wires as 4nay be done with dots and dashes and signals of the Morse Code, and ^hat, were it poasible to do so, the thing would be of no practical value. The authorities who apprehended this criminal are to be congratulated, and it is hoped that his punishment will be prompt and fitting, so that it may serve as an example to other ronscienceless schemers who enrich *fhernsielves at the expense of their fellow-men. â€" Reprinted from a Bos- ton newspaper of 6t years ago. Come to Maxwell strawberry fest- ival on Wednesday, June 29. Sup- per served from 6 to 8 p.m. Beth- el Young People will present their play ''Wild Ginger." Music by Ped- lar orchestra. Ball game between Mclntyre and Maxwell. Adults 35c, children 20c. SUMMER SUPPLIES :: SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS SCREEN WIRE CLOTH DOOR SPRINGS, CATCHES and PULLS RAKES HOES FORKS SHOVELS SPADES SCYTHES and SNATHS ELECTRIC WASHERS HOT PLATES TOASTERS IRONS Lawn Mowers Lawn Hose Flower Pots Hanging Baskets CEMENT LIWE PLASTER LOCKS HINGES TOOLS ; MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEWENTS - REPAIRS ; Frank W. Duncan ; HARDWARE FLESHERTON, Ont. H >' H »>«»ltt> t» »»****»*»»« m il H II MHt '> * 'I IM II »tH **»*******< " t«*»<« ffH II H »< SUMMER SPECIALTIES VELVASUEDE LINGERIE CREPE GOWNS PYJAMAS SMART WASH GOODS PRETTY NEW VOILES SWING COATS DRESSES KNITTED PULLOVEiRS MEN'S. BOYS' SCAMPERS LASTEX TOP ANKLETS COUNTRY CLUB SHIRTS SUMMER NECKWEAR SHIRTS SHORTS KNEE HIGH HOSIERY WASH TROUSERS SPORT TROUSERS BILTMORE HATS SWIM SUITS TENNIS SHOES WHITE SHOES MESH GLOVES WHITE BELTS SPORT SHIRTS SUSPENDERS SUMMER CAPS SUMMER SOCKS BELTS WHITE SHOES SPORT BLOUSES ORDERED CLOTHING For BETTER STYLE BETTER FIT BETTER TAILORING BETTER VALUE HAVE VOUR SUIT TAILORED BY "CLOTHES OF QUALITY New Samples kere. Suits to measure from - ^*3B.Ww ; F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. Ont J

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