THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, June IS, 1938. mm I >•»•»>» »#<ti»>i nMf <>»»* M i> mnnn t>«*ti I Bleached and Unbleached | SHEETINGS ", [ There have just come to hand a few pieces of sheet- ", \ ingrs in 84 and 94 in. widths. You will find our prices 4 much more reasonable than those in larger centres. illow Cases : ; PILLOW CASES â€" 42 inch â€" in colored borders 4 beautiful quality, at, per pair , 95c Unbleached Cotton in ends â€" 1 yiard to 10 yards. At special prices. FLOUR SPECIALS PURITY FLOUR, 98 lbs $3.75 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR, 98 lbs $3.75 BUY-A-SAC FLOUR, 98 lbs $3.30 FINE SALE, 300 pound lots $1.59 F.G. KARSTEDT, Priceville i i M »i mmmtnMi iiiii m> »ii»»*>* * ** M i nm > > » KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. T. AbereromWe of X^iedarville spent a day with Mrs. S. S. Bxirritt and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. -Graham. Mr and Mrs Jack Taylor of Oshawa visited Mrs. Jas. Lawrence over the •week end. The Ladies' Aid met at the home <jf Mrs. Frank |Weber. A ten cent tea was held and it was decided to do quiltins this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson have ..noved to the home recently purchased from Mr. Graham. The W.I. are to be congratulated «n the very successful day they held June 9th. The day was ideal. The sports, supper, concert and dance were all that could be desired. The W.L feel grateful to all who helped to make the day a success. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Poster of Walk- erton were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.- G. Hutchinson, over the week end. Mrs. D. A. Neff of Singhampton is •spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham. We are sorry to report the passing on Thursday evening of Mrs. J. M. Fawcett. While her health has not been good all spring her passing was a great shock to everyone. Unable to be present at the funeral were Mrs. Jasper Gilbert, Sadie, Pearl and David of British Columbia. Mrs. Hutchinson, (Ethel), Mrs. H. Hutton, (Viola), of Kimbei-ley, Leonard of B.C. and Andrew and Myrtle of Kim- berley were present. Mrs. Fawcett lived all her married life in this dis- trict and she will be greatly missed as she was so unselfish and kind. "We cannot think of her as lead. Who walks with us no more Alor^j the path of life we tread. She has but gone before." VICTORIA CORNERS FARM DEMONSTRATION A demonstration of tractor plowing and one-way-disca will be held at the farm of Percy Magee, 8th line, Arte- mesia, all day on Thursday of this T»eek, June 16th. Everybody invited. The Y. P. S. reorganized last Mon- day evening. Mr. Elliott, our stud- ent minister, is giving a talk each week on the old testament in order to encourage the young people to study it better. Following are the officers : President â€" Miss Maud Acheson. Secretary â€" Mr. Ted Moore. Treasurer â€" Mr. J. Gallagher. • Assis.-Treas. â€" Mr. L. Batchelor. Missions â€" Miss Beth Stinson. Culture â€" Miss V. Richardson. Citizenship â€" Mr. Geo. Moote. Recreation â€" Mr. R. Acheson. Organist â€" Miss P. Batchelor. Assis.-Organist â€" Miss Stinson. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stinson were Mrs. Bolan Sr., her brother, Mr. Alfred Ferrier, Miss Delia Bolan and Mr. Alex Bolan of Corbetton and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rebum of Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oldfield and son of Corbetton visited •with Mr. and Mrs. El^wyn Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor, Billy and Florence visited at Hillsburg. Mrs. McGeoch of Flesherton visit- ed •with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon, Mr. 'William Ludlow of Woodstock >risited his sister, Mrs. Albert Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowering, Mr. Jas. Dever and Winnifred and Miss Ruth Richardson of Toronto visited with Mr. John Henry Richardson. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Walter Acheson on Thursday when plans were made for the garden party to be held late in June. Mrs. Wm. Ludlow and her brother, Mr. Thos. Ludlow, of Dundalk each received a large bouquet of flowers from their sister, Mary, of Port Co- quitolum, B.C. The roses, orchids and pinks were in excellent condition despite the fact it took six days for them to arrive. Messrs. Kingsley Gallagher and Jack Amott and the latter's grand- mother, Mrs. Barnes, took a trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Aichie Stewart and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thompson of Toronto visited at Mr. Sam Stewart's. PRICEVILLE CEYLON On Sunday next, June 19th, Rev. H. E. Wright will deliver his parting ' Mrs. Harvey Griffin and Miss Mable sermon before leaving for his new ' Parslow of Toronto were visitors last appointment at Brucefieiu. He is Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. George leaving with the best wishes of me Cainu and Mrs. Wm. Wilcock. Iiongregation for health, happiness and success. On Sunday, June 26th, Rev. New- man of Blmwood and Crawford will occupy the pulpit and on the follow- ing Sunday the new minister. Rev. Ross Muir will make his entry into the hearts of his people. Mr. and Mrs. F. Shackleton and two children of Mount Forest visitea the Misses Bertha and Edith James on Saturday evening, June 4th. Rev. Johnstone of (Goodwood was a visitor here one day last week. His new appointment is Barry Island. We extend congratulations on the arrival of a little boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Shantz Toron- to. Congratulations and best wishes are still coming our way. Two mod- els of caligraphy and erudition from HopeviUe and far away Islay, Alta., were received last week from two former members of the Ebenezer choir. Thanks very much, ladies. Many were the goodbyes and best wishes bestowed on Mrs. D. G. Mc- Lean who left on a visit to her son, John, who is warden of Fort Sask- atchewan some twenty miles north of Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard- son of Toronto came up after her. She leaves Toronto on Thursday and arrives in Edmonton after two days and three nights on the train. Our best wishes go with her for a safe and pleasant journey. ♦♦•»»»i>*»»»» » »*» nnmm<mn »»>e»e<t n ii n >eaee "The fact that many a girl s hair looks like a mop doesn't worry her," suggests the office cut up. "The modem girl does not know what a mop looks nke." Girls of sixteen need parent's pro- tection, a news story says. The dif- ffculty of course is making girls of sixteen see that. 1 * For The Young Shavers 1 1 A SAFETY RAZOR and 19 Genuine Steel Blades All for 19c For The Kitchen \ A full display of KITCHEN TOOLS, any article 15c For Poultry and Live Stock MASTER FEEDS SOL-MIN BONE MEAL SALT CROLIN CHICK TABLETS and COOPER SHEEP DIP i Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. i FLESHERTON, Ont. III 11 H I M 1 1 mil in ii m i nmm A bee is being held today to clean up around St. Andrew's Church. Mr. Dick Carson spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. Gilvray McLean and friend of Kitchener spent the week end at his home. Sorry to report Mr. Neil Cameron not very well and is bedfast. His many friends wish him a speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Black, Leonard and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc- Cannell, Miss Mary McDonald, Mr. John Haw and Mr. Jack McCannell visited the first of the week at the home of A. L. Hincks. Mrs. D. G McLean called on friends on the north line on Friday before leaving for the West to visit her son. Mrs. F. McKinnon is visiting her daughter at Aurora. Mrs. McMeekin is visiting friends in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and fam- ily visited Sunday at Mr. W. Brown's, Bunessan. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod and Keith and Mrs. Ferguson of Swinton Park visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sturrock. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harri- son, Priceville, a son. The little in- fant passed away the same day. Mr. Neil McLeod visited friends in Holstein last week. At the morning service Sunday Mr. Taylor gave an inspiring address. Mr. Innis McLean with his â- violin ac- companied by Miss Monica Lambert at the piano gave a lovely selection. The June meeting of Priceville branch of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. Oliver •with twenty-one members and visi- tors present. Miss L. Mather gave a paper on "Our privileges and re- sponsibilities as Canadian women." A paper on cheese making was given by Mrs. ,W. Meads. Miss Ada Whyte favored with a piano solo. A picnic is being planned for July 7th to which all are invited. The W.M.S. and Willing Helper's Societies of the Presbyterian church will meet on Tuesday, June 21st, at the home of Mrs. D. L. McArthur. Topic by Mrs. Wm. Bi'own. Lunch '•ommittee, Mi's. Stonehouse Sr., Mrs. Dan Camnbell. Mrs. Wm. Brown and Mrs. Wilfre] Watson. Miss Mildred Risk was a week end visitor at her home in Kimberley. Mr. "Will Stewart, Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stew- art, on the holiday. Mr. Jas. Pattison, Toronto, spent the week end with Mrs. Pattison. Mrs. T. A. Gilchrist has returned from Weston. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Muir and Ken- neth, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Smellie and Margaret, Mrs. John Kennedy Miss Mary Mather and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sinclair took in the Cole Bros, circus in Owen Sound last week. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wylie and children and Mr. Obemess of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Graham and Messrs. Ben and Albert Pearsall of Oro Station. Mr. George Patterson, Toronto, is spending a few days at the home of his uncle, Mr. Snowden McLeod. Mrs. Wilson McMuUen, who has spent the winter in Toronto, returned Sunday and will spend the summer with her son, Mr. J. W. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall and Eleanor accompanied her home. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair of Dundalk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sinclair and family. Mr. John McWilliam is busy pre- paring a foundation and intends mov- ing his house to the east side of its present location. Filling in the lot with the surplus earth has already made quite a change in the appear- ance of the place. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart visited Feversham friends last week. The community extends its sym- pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar Oliver in the death of the latter's mother, the late Mrs. A. W. Crutchley of Durham. Mr. Alex. McKinnon of Toronto was a week end visitor at the home of Mrs. W. White. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. J. F. Collinson on Wed- nesday, June 29th, at 2 p.m., when Mrs. "W. Beaton will be the guest speaker, her subject being "Modern Advances in Surgery and Medicine." An invitation is extended to all in the community to attend. Lunch com- mitee, cake, Mrs. McWilliam and Mrs. Pattison, sand^wiches, Mrs. White and Mrs. Knox. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. J. P. Collinson Thurs- day evening •with a good attendance of members and visitors. Mrs. Smellie, the new president, opened the meeting with the Ode. Mrs. John McWilliam conducted a contest which was won by Mrs. McWilliam and Miss I Mary Mather. Written suggestions j for the year's program were handed to the program committee. A social hour followed at the close of the meeting. SUMMER SUPPLIES SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS SCREEN WIRE CLOTH DOOR SPRINGS, CATCHES and PULLS RAKES HOES FORKS SHOVELS SPADES SCYTHES and SNATHS ELECTRIC WASHERS HOT PLATES TOASTERS IRONS Lawn Mowers Lawn Hose Flower PoU Hanging Baakcits CEMENT UWE HINGES PL-\STER TOOLS LOCKS ; MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEWENTS - REPAIRS Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON, Ont j^^ ^Kk. ^m^ jM^ ^K^ j^fc ^K^ j^^ jftfc..aWfc..<^>.^^>..j^>.jftfc.^^fc. j^^ j^fc. .a^fc. j^fc. j ^^ j^^ jjfck. .^ftfc. .^^ .^fcfc. j^ fc. ^i^tim-ai^ t T t T t t I WARDENS DANCE -Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. McCauley request the pleasure of your company at the Warden's Dsunce at the Tennis Courts or Fraternal Hall, Flesherton on Tuesday, June the twenty-first nineiteen hundred and thirty-eight at 9.30 o'clock p.m. RURAL HYDRO I at any rate) of a foreman, a lineman and an office worker. Ottawa has passed a bill that makes railroads liable for damage done by their snow fences. But what if the railway failed to erect them and kept trains late whOe the road- way was being ploughed through. A new rural Hydro district is being formed, to be kno'wn as the Shel- bume district to include Hydro lines of the rural system from Flesherton to Caledon and from Rosemount to Arthur. Shelbume will be the head- quarters, and an office will be opened there in the near future. The staff, we understand, will consist (at first, The reason some people don't be- lieve everything they hear is because they credit other people with being a wee bit like themselves. Ottawa we are told is worrying about the situation in Europe. On the other hand there is no reason to believe Europe is worrying about the situation in Otta^wa. ♦ ♦ ♦i ii ii f »> m <i»«#it»<««»«#«»«»»»^*» f i»»' m «< f tt' M » < < mn i inM i m ti m »»»» VANDELEUR The sincere sympathy of the com- iiiunity is with Mrs. W. J. Hutchin- son in the loss of her mother. Mrs. Fawcett of Kimberley, who passed away on Thursday. June 9th, after a lengthy illness. Mrs. J. R. Stewart and Misses Hel- en, Susie and Sylvia of Shrigley and Rita Stewart R.N. of New York Citv visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Graham. The fc.A. are holding a strawberrv festival in the church basement on Thursday, June 24. at 8 p.m. The idea that the pen is mightier than the sword seems not to prevail in France, where a couple of drama- tists cannot satisfy themselves by in- sulting each other and have to re- sort to a duel. It is said there is an understand- ing between the C.C.F. and Consen.'- atives in Saskatchewan, showing the lion and the lamb can sometimes lie down together. But afterwards it is the lion that gets up. SUMMER SPECIALTIES VELVASUEDE LINGERIE CREPE GOWNS PYJAMAS SMART WASH GOODS PRETTY NEW VOILES SWING COATS DRESSES KNITTED PULLOVEiRS MEN'S, BOYS' SCAMPERS LASTEX TOP ANKLETS COUNTRY CLUB SHIRTS SUMMER NECKWEAR SHIRTS SHORTS KNEE HIGH HOSIERY WASH TROUSEiRS SPORT TROUSERS BILTMORE HATS SWIM SUITS TENNIS SHOES WHITE SHOES MESH GLOVES WHITE BELTS SPORT SHIRTS SUSPENDERS SUMMER CAPS SUMMER SOCKS BELTS WHITE SHOES SPORT BLOUSES ORDERED CLOTHING For BETTER STYLE BETTER FIT BETTER TAILORING BETTER VALUE \T.TTY ^22.00 TI.WK ^^OUR SUIT TAILORED BY 'CLOTHES OF QU New Samples here. Suits to measure from DISPLAY AND SALE Summer Dresses, Suits, Coats and Hats Wednesday, June 22 Final offering of Spiring Suits and Coats at Reduced Prices. Display and Sale by Wray's Ladies' Weur. Owen Sound. F.H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, Ont. 'ii ii niitnitrtiT *>>>>.>>*.. â- â- â- â- !â- >>â- ••i>> > i >*••***•*>>>•*