Wednesday, May 25, 1938 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Live Stock Report Exchanged Pulpits Presented on Leaving (By Duui ft Levack. Torooto) Monday's cattle market held active and strong for practically all classes. Choice weighty steers sold at from 7.00 to 7.60; fair to good from 6.25 to 6..90. In the butcher section there was a strong demand for choice steers and heifers from 6.50 to 7.00; fair to good from 5.76 to 6.40; com- mon to medium 6.00 to 5.60. Choice baby beeves brought from 7.00 to 7.76. rhere was a good enquiry for stocker cattle for grazing purposes at from 4.75 to 6.26. The cow trade held strong, choice from 6.60 to 6.76; fair to good from 6.00 to 6.50; common to medium 3.60 to 4.26; canners and cutters 2.60 to 3.26. The bull trade held steady, choice butchers 5.00 to 6.60; choice heavies 4.60 to 4.75; bol- ognas 4.00 to 4.26. The lamb market was very slow, excepting for some choice spring lambs, which sold mostly at 13.50 per cwt. Calves held active and steady, choice from 8.50 to 9.00; fair to good from 7.00 to 8.25; common to medium 6.00 to 6.50. The hog market showed strength and most of the hogs sold on the basis of 10.50 for truck deliveries. The prospects for the week will de- depend entirely upon the activity of outside buyers, as local packers claim that the present high prices are out of line with the dressed meat market and satisfactory shipment overseas The Barrie Examiner had the fol- On Sunday last Rev. George U. Service of St. John's United Church \ . , » ,„ „„.„ <.:f),o.,. exchanged pulpite with Mr. Robert '«*"« references to our new citizens, Elliott, student in charge of the Pro- Mr- ""d Mrs. A. E. Goessel. who came ton Station circuit, administering the to town recently: Sacranunt at the three appointment*. About twenty neighbours and BOWLING OFFICERS The members of the Flesherton Bowling Club held their organization meeting on Monday evening when the following officers were elected: Pres. â€" J. O. Dargavel. Vice Pres.â€" W. Akitt. Sec.-Treas. â€" H. Milligan. Games & Grounds Comâ€" J. 0. Dar- gavel, W. Akitt, S. Cooks, G. A. Mc- Tavish, H. A. MeCauley, W. I. Henry and C. J. Bellamy. Mr. W. Henry was engaged as care- taker for the year. Fees were set at $4 for men and $2 for lady members. At St. John's there was a large at- tendance at the morning service, the iermon being preached by Mr. Elliott from the text "Can a maid forget her ornaments or a bride her attire, yet my people have forgotten me times without number. "-Jeremiah 2: 82. His theme was "forgetfulness," and Vas well handled. Dr. F. W. Murray fav- ored the congregation with two of his vocal numbers, old favorites of his many local friends. "It is well with my soul," and "In the Garden.'' Everyone present thoroughly apprec- iated his kindness in donating these beautiful and outstanding numbers in church music. Local and Personal Ceylon W. L Officers St. John's W.M.S. The W.M.S. met in St. John's Unit- ed church on Wednesday of last week, with Mrs. W. H. Thurston conducting the devotional period. The theme for the year and for the month of May was read. Mrs. J. J. Thompson read James 5: 13-18 and Mrs. Down and Mrs. Thurston lead in prayer. Mrs. W. Moore gave the devotional reading and Mrs. Jos. E. McKee gave extracts from the fourth chapter of the study book, which was on the medical work of our church. Mrs. Henry, first vice- president took the chair. It was de- cided to hold the auxiliary on the third Wednesday of each month dur- mg the half holiday season. Ar- rangements were made for Confer- ence Sunday on June 5 as the W.M.S. takes the morning service that day. Twenty members and several vis- itors were present. The members were pleased to have Mrs. E. Murray present again. The benediction clos- ed the meeting. friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. £. Goes- sel met at her home, 168 Bradford St., Barrie, on Monday, May 9th, and gave her a surpise party. She was presert^' with an address and a bridge: lamp. Mrs. Goessel is leav- ing shortly for Flesherton, Mr. Goes- sel having been transferred there by the British-American Oil Company. Alderman Goessel came to Barrie twelve years ago from Kmcardino, where he had been employed with the Swift-Canadian Co., Limited. In the menatime he had been active in the affairs of the Barrie Liberal Associa- tion, and has been a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. Dur- ing the years 936-37-38, Alderman Goessell, with Alderman Gill, had re- presented Ward Five in the Town Council. He is chairman of the Water, Fire and Light Committee this year. Send the Advance to a friend. y »4t » «»»^< MM * **** I »♦♦» ; PERMANENT 1 1 WAVING lii MONDAY, MAY 30 Miss M. McKinnon, perman- ent wave specialist, of Toronto, formerly of Priceville, will be at the HAHN HOUSE, DURHAM ; ; on above date. Permanent I ! finger waving or any style of | • * hairdressing. â- > Satisfaction guaranteed. K ', ', '• '< possible shampoo your own hair. 1 1 Make appointments at Hahn • . House for time desired. ♦♦♦♦I I **** 1 1 1 1 1 '* * * ' *** * * I Important Announcement t t t Mrs. A. Carter of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. W. Moore. Mr. and Mrs Harold Bent spent the week end in town Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton visited over the week end with their parentp here. Mr. and Mrs. John Latimer of To- ronto were week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mr. W. J. Jamieson and son, Donald, of Toronto were visitors in town on Wednesday. Misses Marie McKechnie and Kate Macmillan of Toronto spent the week end at their parental homes. The sacrament of the Lord'fc Supper will be observed in St. John's United Church next Sabbath morning. Mr. Chas. Hoy and son, Dick, of Toronto were week end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. i2vy. Mr. Thos. Gamey and daughter, Jacqueline, and Mr. Geo. Prillips of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. John Gould of To- ronto were the gruests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milligan the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Field and son, Bruce, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Field and other relatives over the week end. Dr. F. W. Murray and two sons, Jim and Bill, Mrs. R. H. Henderson and Mr. C. J. Sproule of Toronto holidayed in town over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKee and daughter, Ruth, spent the week end and the 24th with their parents on the 4th and 3rd lines. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Goldsborough, Robin and Harriett of St. Catherines spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Mr. "John Blakeley of Toronto spent a couple of days this week with his brother, Mr. Jos. Blakeley, and Mrs. Blakeley. Mr. T. B. Perigoe, Roy and Ken- neth, Miss Winnifred and Mrs. Al. Houden, all of Toronto, week ended with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart. branch director, Miis Mary Matiwr; district repreflentativea, Mesdames. Muir, MathewBon, CoUinson, Sioclair The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. J. R. Sinclair on Thurs- day evening of last week for their regular meeting and election of offi- cers for 1938-89. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Sinclair took the chair for the open- ing exercises. Reports showed a fav- cash balance to start another >ear and recorded a crate of eggs having been sent to the Victoria Home in Toronto, a cash donation to the Society for Crippled Children in To- ronto and a toilet being placed at the Ceylon Church. The Institute also appreciated a supply of perennial flower seeds for the members from Mr. T. S. Cooper. Mrs. F. T. Stafford, District Pres- ident, was present and gave some valuable instruction and also presided for the election of officers which re- sulted as follows: president, Mrs. C. Smellie; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Mathewson ; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. | and McWilliam; program committee^ jMesdamea Smellie, Mathewson and McWilliam; Sunshine committee* Mesdames Knox, Marshall, Muir and Piper; auditors, Mrs. J. R. Sinclair and Hiss Mary Mather. It was de> cided to change the date of the meet- ing to the second Thursday of the month at 8 p.m. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Stafford for her information and kindly interest after which a social hoar was enjo7- ed. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of' Toronto week ended in town. Mr. C. J. Crossley of Toronto vis- ited his mother on Sunday. Mrs. George Blair of Bellfountain spent a couple of days this week with' Mrs. McGeoch, an old friend. The W. I. will meet at the home of McWilliam; secretary,, Mrs. Collin- j Mrs. Boyd on Wed., June let at 8 p. son; treasurer, Mrs. Mathewson; dis-jm.. Roll call: exchange of shrubs and- trict director, Miss Dora Stewart; plants. Visitors welcome. *,, . 1 ii_ .. • 1. 4..o..k1aanm» tnn<> We havc V ^*"- ^"^ ^rs. H. Herbert of S Customers: We wish to announce that, owing *» *'°""«f°*"* **T ,Yi;„ *If ♦!*!Ste. Marie, Miss Louie Cargoe of had in getting delivery of dishes from England, we have dedided to add a f uU hne of f > . „± „ Small Ad. Column FOR SALE _ Or will exchange for LOST _ In Flesherton ring of keys.. cattle or pigs, good work horse. â€" F. Collinson, Ceylon 25pS FOR SALE â€" Guaranteed purebred German police pups $10 and |6 â€" Eldon Fisher, Flesherton. 25p2. FOR SALE â€" Seven Yorkshire pigs, seven weeks old; also 100 started Barred Rock chicks. â€" Luther Mills, Maxwell. 18c2 FOR SALE _ Oats, 50c per bushel; barley 70c per bushel; wheat and oats chop $1.50 per cwt. Terms cash. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon Phone 38r3. FOR "SALE â€" 2-h-p M. H. gasoline engine, Al condition, magneto equipment. â€" Jas. Harbottle, Lot 2, Con. 3, Euphrasia. Ilp2 Fmder please leave at The Advance- f ffice and receive reward. STRAYED _ Prom Lot 19, Con. 12,. Osprey, on or about May 9th, two- cattle (2 years old), red with white markings. â€" Ernest Hawton. phone Peversham 7rll. ISpS-^ NOTICE â€" Paper hanging and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estim- ates free. â€" Ross Mitchell, Dundalk. Phone 77. Sept.l4p lo our guaranteed flat ware, consisting of: ^^ » o«^rM.To DINNER FORKS TEA SPOONS DINNER KNIVES DESSERTSPOONS ^^sIrT KNIVES TABLE SPOONS BUTTER KNIVES . high quality line and every piece is guaranteed by the manufacturer ♦^ SUGAR SHELLS SOUP SPOONS SALAD FORKS FOR SALE _ New house in Ceylon, with one-half acre of land suitable and Mrs. H. Herbert of Sault for garden. Price $350.00 cash. .^ j ^.^. ..»arie, Miss Louie Cargoe of To- i phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon 9 Jj^ ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Will Herbert ^^ â- of Toronto spent the holiday with ^^R SALE â€" Shorthorn bull calf, ^ I Mrs. J. Cargoe. You will now have the choice of DinnerWare or Dishes }" *•» we hope to over ^ This is a very - „ . t CUSTOMERS WISHING TO CASH THEIR COUPONS % X come the delay in being able to get out premiums. ♦f* play June 1st, and we t ? T t This full line will be on dis- feel quite sure this change will help to please you. Ladies' Ready-to-wear Departmen Children's Dresses In organdies, petal crepes and celan esc. Selling at the low prices of 29c up *? styles and colors. Prices from Dry Goods Department Panties ment of colors 2 pairs for 25c *^ J These are extra quality garments and Ladies' Celanese Hose, in all the t «â-º 11- „. 4.1-, „„,i.w.^^i ,^.-;,-f.c r^muinij- newest shades, per pair 35c A^ New House Dresses 95c up This week we are shuwing a full line of *t* New House Dresses in all the newest Y styles and colors. Prices from .... 95c up t Ladies' Silk Panties These are extra quality garments and ? selling at greatln reduced prices, ranging 1 from, per pair 35c, 44c and 50o. ? t t T Special! Hemstitched Pillow Cases re- duced to, each • 19^ Mr. and Mrs. Jos. LeGard of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Le- Gard, daughter and son of Pickering were week end visitors with their father, Mr. H. LeGard. A bijjT amateur conto.-5t and dance will be held in Dundalk Arena on Thursday, June 2. Plnnty of seats. Willis Tippinp- and his Blue Dragoons for (lancing at 10.30. Let's go. Mi.s.s L. p. Hopkins, Mr. W. Hop- kins of Wuston and Jack of Durham visited with the former's brother, Mr. W. D. Hopkins, on Sunday. Mr. W. Hopkins remained over for the 24th. Mr. J. P. Arnott and Mrs. John Jones of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Wright of Owen Sound were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Inkster on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patton and son, Lindsay, and Mr. Ed. Patton of Oshawa and Mrs. LeRoy McDonald of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. J. 0. Patton. Mrs. P^tton's condition is not much improved. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilson and Mr. six months old, eligible for regis- tration, will trade for sow or pigs. â€"J. W. R. Lever, Flesherton R.R. 2. 18p3 FOR SALE - bowls (4). own green. Mclntyi'e, 11. â€" Set of wooden lawn May be tested on your A snap for cash, â€" F. Dundalk Herald phone 25p2 Table Linen Special y 72 inch Table Linen, regular $1.25 ^^ for f ''^ JLI^"'' ^•'^' Sidney Crowley and two /ii I. X \ ""•''' Kenneth and John, of Torontd Table Oil Cloth %i^ iricif<»i tk^ii. ^,-,nt m^.. im^n^^^u FOR SALE â€" Brick house and large lot opposite high school; 6 rooms, cellar, cistern, woodshed and electric lights; hen house all in good repair. John Parker, Proton R. R. No. 3, Phone Flesherton 32 r 2. 30 FOR SALE â€" Two 600-egg size in- cubators, one a Buckeye, the other a Simcoe; another Hamilton 120- egg size. â€" Mrs. W. H. Hall, R.R, 1 Singhampton. Phone Peversham lr82. Ilc2 FOR SALE â€" Rugs, stock of lato- importer, includes ';Wiltons, Broad- looms and Orientals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ship' mail orders promptly. Write for- price, list. Traders and Importers,. 54 Wellington St. W., Toronto.Myll FOR SALE _ Red clover, $16. per bushel; Mammoth, $18. per bushel^ Alsike, $19. per bushel; all govern- ment grade No. 1 Ontario gro'wn- seeds. Also alfalfa, white and yel- low blossom sweet clover, timothy and mixed seeds. Terms Cash. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" High grade Quebec cedar shingles, clears, $3.75 per sq. 2D clears, |8.80 per sq., seconds, $2.55 per sq. Orders for 10 square- or more delivered free. Terms cash; Phone S8r3. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" New Williams piano in excellent condition $35; lovely rust chesterfield suite, without a mark $40. Can be seen at Mrs. Moore's. See Harold Best or Geo. Johnston Flesherton. a5p2 CHIEF ALTON (27481) registered Clydesdale stallion will be for ser- vice at his own stable lot 14, con. 11, Osprey. Fee $8. Will meet patrons from a distance. â€" H. J. Courvoisier, phone Peversham 7 r 23. 2Bp2. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Hog for ser- vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186251, sire and dam qualified in advanced- registry Ross Stevens, Proton Stat- ion. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. C. Conqueror 316â€"167820, will be k«Pl for service. Terms fl.OCâ€" Was. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Bear for 8«v vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within foar months Laurie Pedlar, Fleshextoiv Ont., R. R. S. V/z yard width, per yard 45c y VA yard width, per yard 32c V Ladies' Fine Lisle Hose, regular 35c and 40c lines, per pair 25c Ladies' Cotton Hose in a large assort- Shoe Department ♦! White Shoes, Pumps, Straps Meln's Fine Shoes Gready Reduced ^ Ladies, see our window display of white Men's Fine Oxfords, prices from *< $3.95 to $6.00. Your choice $3.48 $2.19 shoes in pumps, straps, and ties, values up to $2.95. On Sale at $L49 „ . , Men's Gfmin Work Boots with Panco Soles. Special at, per pair Visit Our Hardware Department Paint Sale Continue* Our Paint Sale is still on. The cans are slightly soiled, but every can is guaranteed. Grocery Department 5 Bars Comfort Soap with dish doth, all Sweet Mixed Biscuits in fig bar, jam for 2Sc jams. On Sale 2 lbs. for 35c Sweet Mixed Pickles, large jar 2Sc Orange Pekoe Tea, per lb 49c Keep Out the Fliea Buy your Window Screens & Screen' Doors at Hill's and save. Our Lawn Mowers are selling below reg. prices. Bulk Mangel Seed, on sale, lb. 2 lbs. Shortening for ZSc Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 3 for 19c 29c F. T. HILL & CO., LTD., MARKDALE visited their aunt, Mrs. McGeoch, Master Kenneth recently won a gold medal and a money prize in a contest at Aurora. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. L Alexander were, Mr. and- Mrs. J. F. Reid and son Mr. and Mrs. R. Reid and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Colquette, Betty and Alan, Mr. and Mrs. Kramer and Miss Alma Wood- ford all of Owen Sound. Misses Jean Benson, Florence Mc- Crimmon and Nina Hammill and Messrs. Don Jamieson, Jack McClen- nan and Vem Pallister spent the week end and Victoria Day with the latter'a parents, Mr. and Mri. A. Pallister at Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warlinir and baby, David, and Mr. W. H. Broad- bent of Hamilton and Mrs. Gordon Warling of Bartonville motored up on Monday to see the latter'a mother, Mrs. Emily Croft, who has not been well the past winter. Mrs. Thos Waachope of Bad^roa, Mrs. Chas. PhillipB and son, Angus, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Phillips, Marj- orie and Bobby of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bellamy of Colltag- wood visited Mrs. E. Tremp and Mr. PLANTS FOR SALE â€" Flowering annuals, vegetables, ' perennials, rock plants; also a special sale of iris, â€" varieties regularly sold at 35c to $2.00 eachâ€" while they last 2 for 25câ€" 9 for $1.00. â€" Mrs. Earl McLeod, Ceylon. 18c3 FOR SALE â€" 100 sap buckets, honey extractor, dresser, wash stand, sofa, single bed, 2 trunks, iron cot, pick, hoe, rake, wash board, shovel, 2 tables, sewing machine, 3 rockinc; chairs, writing desk, food chopper, tub, 16 bee boxes. Apply to Stan- ley Campbell, Eugenia. lleS FOR REKT â€" Bungalow styls lix roomed house, 8 piece bath, eleei- rie pump, large elstem, fomaee, garage, beaatifally situated, hard- wood throughout, well shaded in BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.S0 to 4 Evenings 7 to &Je Sundays and Thursday aftemooaa by appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 338, AJ. & A.F., meets in the Fraternal RtB, Flesherton, the second Friday i» each month. W. M., Dr. J. E Milnot ''ecretary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low l ato t tr farai A. D. MacIWTTKB, TLESlmriON ROY LANGFORD DMriel Afonk far MITTUAL UFB OF CASJOiA sununer, wonderfully warm in wint- OCCIDENT A SICKNESS, FIBB AUTOMOBILE BUROLAKT <«nudpal LiaMlity cr. Apply to Miss E. Sandiland 247 Chisholm Ave., Toronto, lltf HOI Hb FOR SALE In Eugenia, 6 room' brick house with woodshed, good well. aUble also lots. Splendid site for fisherman's or tourist's home. Prleed right for quick sale to wind up an estate. Ap- ply to Mrs. W. T. Genoe, Ceylon; or and Mrs. Gordon Wauchope over the j Mr. Oliver Turner, Eugr«^, Ixoeu- week end. ' I*©" o' *he sstota. lie Any TslflphsBs^ MABXDALI^ DR. T. H. SPENCE TKTBRINART SUKCnOir Oradnats of Onlsrio Vsterlaaiy CM* lege, PrafMsioBri serrleos rm i MM i^ Pm«iJklL