.Wednesday, April 20, 1938 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE «l»#»l>l*»»»ll i l M» >»»»»t t l f »MM I««>»»t*»*> H II H i»»» l) CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP MAKE YOUR WALLS AND CEILINGS COLORFUL AND BEAUTIFUL Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes are long- tested for inside or outside use. RICHMOND PAINT and Enamel â€" A popular line at ; ; a low price, none better at this price quart 75c ; SUNSET ENAMEL â€" In a good choice of colors, for ; ; Floors, Woodwork, Walls, Furniture, Etc. PRO'lliCT YOUR FLOORvS, INSIDE OR OUT, - WITH OUR PORCH & FLOOR FLNISHES ADDITIONAL LOCALS Brushes for Tinting, Var- nishing, Painting, etc. A good brush makes a much better job. Come, in and we will try ; ; and help you in selection ; ; of the many house clean- ; ing aids. Brooms, Floor Mops, Aluminum and Gold Paint, Steel ; ; Wool, Muresco, Crack Filler, Sand Paper, Floor Wax, ; ; Polishes, Paint and Paper Cleaner, Oil, Turpentine Royal Purple GARDEN SEEDS 10c pkg. for 5c '• \ Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON, Ont. i \ > < r Mr. Al«x. McLean of Toronto Kavc The Advance a pleasant call on Mon- day. He and his wife were Easter jfiu'sts at their parental homes in Priccville and Proton Station. Mrs. McLean was formerly Roberta Ache- .son. Alex, has been in manual training work in Rawlinson school, York County, for the past seven years and last September was appointed piincipal of the York County handi- craft school with four full time teach- ers and about 100 students. He is also • "rvisor of manual training in Y<i; k Township schools. Ali'x. is a graduate of Flosherton high school mill is doinpT excellent work in his clri-cn profession. JOt STAND BY THE OPEN Competitive Market WHERE YOUR INTERESTS ARE FULLY PROTECTED SHIP YOUR LIVESTOCK TO DUNN & LEVACK Ltd. Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Union Stock Yards, Toronto Established 1893 JUST ARRIVED t t t ♦|* A shipment of Ladies' New Spring Goa s in all the |* X newest shades and smart new styles. These coats )♦ ♦ft are selling at extremely low prices, iiaasifc ♦♦♦ I Ladies! Look your best in a new Sprinji^ Suit. These Suits have just arrived, in all the best quality cloths and up-to-the-minute styles. Selling at prices that will surprise you. BLOUSE SPECIAL Larpfe assortment of Ladies' Blouses in the latest Spring styles. Selling at 95c PRINTED SHEER DRESSES All sizes. Special at $5.95 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We have a new collection, featuring dozens of becoming styles for young matrons and older women, at prices jnuch below the reg^ular. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Men ! Dress up in one of our New Spring Top Coats, in brown and grey tweed effects. Selling at the low price pi $9.75 Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, in all the new patterns. Selling at $14.95 College Suits for Young Men sizes 34-38. Selling at $14.95 These suits are in brown and grey and excellent quality cloth. W^ill give refal wear. GENTS' FURNISHINGS SPECl/VL Men's Fine Pants in fine worsted quality, a good assortment from which to choose. Regular $3.95 to 4.50. On Sale at $3.39 Boys' Cotton Tweed Pants, sizes 28 to 32. Special $l.is Men's Cotton Tweed Pants, all sizes. On Sale at $1.44 Boys' Polo Shirts, assortment of col- ors. Selling at 69c WORK SHIRT SPECIALS We have a full line of Work Shirts for men and boys. Selling at prices that excel all others. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Special Display of Curtain Materials in Nets, Scrims and Marquisettes. Sell- ing' at extremely low prices. You can't afford to miss the wonderful bargains. Frilled Curtains â€" Extra value 45c Hosd Special â€" Super silk Crepe Hose in all the new shades. Seling at .. $1.00 Frilled Curtains â€" Of the better quality. Selling at 75c to 98c Supersilk Chiffon Hose in the latest shades, per pair 79c Cotton Broadcloth Slips on sale 22c Angel Skin Slips. Special at 59c New Seer Sucker in pink and white, colors suitable for all kinds of summer wear. Reduced to, per yard 21c TABLE LINEN SPECIAL This Hnen is 72 inches wide of real good quality. Clearing at, yard ....79c Towelling â€" Terry Towelling reduc- ed to, per yard 9c Linen Hand Towelling, extm (|ual- ity, per yard 25c Towelling â€" Tea Towelling in plain and check patterns. On Sale at .... 19c Celanese Gowns â€" Special at .... $1.56 BOOT & SHOE DEPARTMENT Our stock is complete in every line of Siloes. Come in and he convinced that we can save you from 10 to 20' '/r off in every shoe you buy. Boys and Girls. Spring is here and our stock of Scampers, Compacs and Running Shoes are all on sale at the lowest po.ssible prices. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Our Paint Sale .ill continues â€" Gallon tins $1.95; Quart tins 55c and Pint tins 30c. , Wallpaper â€" Visit our Wallpaper Department and see the beautiful new ])atterns from which to choose. GROCERY SPECIALS Ocaned Dates 4 lbs. for 25c Black Te-a Special 49c lb. Supreme Shortening 2 lbs. for 25c Prunes 3 lbs. for 25c Snap Powder 2 tins for 2ic 5 Cakes Pearl White, 1 ot cleaner .. 25c Babo or Classic Cleanser 5c tin Matches 3 for 23c C. & B. Orange Marmalade jar 2Sc 3 Cans Tomatoes 25c Del Maiz Corn tin 10c Oranjyes doz. 15c, 20c, 25c Dutch Sets 3 lbs. for 25c Multipliers lb. 5c Fancy Mixed Biscuits .... 2 tbs. for 35c All kinds of garden seeds on hand. I T T t t t ? T ? T t t t ? ? ? T ? T T t t t t t ? T T t t T T T T t T T Local and Personal F. T. HILL & CO., LTD. "tff::.>*S»f»«5(W!|«5'>'!.'W:-^ <^^>^<^^X^^^i^<^<^<^^^^>^>^>^ ^ ^^^'^^<^^^^ f Miss Helen Heard of Varney is hol- idaying at her home here. Ml'. Bert Broderick spent th • week end at his parental home n' Hra'Cord. Mr. T. C. Blakely of Huri ;ston was a caller in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Heard spent th Ei'ster week end at OranKeville. Mr. and Mrs. John McDermid mov- ed last week to Owen Sound. Mrs. E. Morgan and Douglas are spendinjr the week with Rev. and Mrs. Scott at Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton, Toronto, visited over the week end at their parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beat spent the week end with the letter's mother, Mi's. E. Fisher. Messrs. Maurice and Hartley Arm- strong of Meaford are visiting at the Hickling home. Miss Edna McCallum of Toronto is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Bert Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. L?n. Hill and Marvin of Toronto were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham. Mr. Fred McTavish left on Friday for his home at Regina, after attend- ing the funeral of his mother. Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Ferris of To- ronto holidayed in Flesherton and Eu- genia. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chard and two daughters of Toronto spent Easter with friends here. Misses Evelyn Brown, Hattie Mc- Rae and Marie McEachnie spent Easter at their parental homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carrothers spent the week end at their parental homes in London, Miss Laura Boyd of Toronto vis- ited over the week end at her home here. Miss Jeanette Cargoe, Grand Val- ley, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Cargoe. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Comfieid vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McTav- ish over the week end. Mr. Geo. White has returned to his home at Aylmer after spending the past few weeks with his sister, Mrs. Prank Thurston. Mr. W. E. A. Stewart of Toronto and Mr. Dick Stewart of Cornwall spent Easter week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Clipperton and two children and Miss Aleda Mitchell of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Misses Reta Kennedy of Thedford {and Myrtle Kennedy of Toronto are visiting their mother, Mrs. Alex. Ken- nedy. Mrs. W. G. Trelford, and son, Bud, who is attending college at Albion, Michigan, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs; Laurie Smith and two children of Toronto were Easter visit- ors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mrs. H. Down has returned to her home after spending the past four months with her nephew, Mr. Herb. Fawcett, at Collingwood. Miss Nellie Thistlethwaite and Mr. Bruce McDonald of Toronto spent the week end with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thistlethwaite. Mrs. J. Reynolds and daughters, Misses Gladys, Lois and Ruth, all of Toronto were visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Service at the United church parsonage for Easter. Mr. George Paul of Consecon, Ont., attended the funeral of his father, the late Elijah Paul, on Saturday, and spent the week end with his sis- ter, Mrs. R. Bentham. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Durrant and Helen of Mitchell spent Thursday with Mrs. Durrant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston, who returned with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Richards visited on Sunday at the former's parental I home at Lueknow. His sister, Mrs. M. McDougall, returned with them for a visit. The following teachers are .spend- Eastor week at their homes, Misses Laura Pallett and Betty Mclean at Dixie and Lynden and Messrs. How- ard Eubank and Ernie Hutton at Cay- uga and Caledonia. "Lena Rivers" will be presented by the Flesherton Y.P.U. in the Agricult- ural Hall, Priceville, on Friday, April 2nth, to commence promptly at 8.15 p.m. A dance will be held following the play. Admission 25c and IBs, A fine concert will be griven by the Shiela family of Chesley in the Ag- ricultural Park, Priceville on Friday, \pril 22, at 8.16 p.m. This is a brand new up-to-date program so be sure to see it. Admission 25c and 16c. Principal H. L. Eubank ot Flesher- ton High School informs us that only reports for Form 1 were mailed to the parents before Easter holidays. The remainder of the reports will be sent to tho parents immediately after the holidays. Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr I J. Brown were, Mr. and Mrs. H. . iviont and Doreen and Mr. and Mr.' Unrnld Munro, all of Toron- to; Mr-^ Mtiiy Brown. Stayncr; Mr. and M-«. Clayton Cardwell, Donald and Cameron of Harriston; and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson. CATTLE CALVES HOGS SHEEP Toronto has one of the best live stock markets in Can«da, excell- ent accummudation, free running water every day in the year. Market scales which are tested every market morning and inspected once each month. Consign your stock to us and have it sold on the Open Market, where buyers assemble from outside cities, towns and villages, wholesale butchers and buyers from the numerous packinsr plants in this city, also buyers for the U-S.A. and Great Britain. Market Prices Have Advanced Export Trade Increases For many years we have been doing the largest live stock com- mission business in Canada and have a staff of experienced salesmen for any and all classes of stock you may have to offer. Our cheques payable at par in any chartered bank in Ontario. For further particulars write, wire or phone Lyndhurst 1143-1144 The United Farmers Co-Operative Co., Limited LIVE STOCK COMMISSION DEFT. Union Stock Yards West Toronto Toronto man claims his stove has been stolen, fire and all. The police. no doubt, are hot on the trail by this time. !C Small Ad. Column ^ FOR SALE â€" Wheat and oats chop, $1.50 cwt., oats, 55c bushel, flax. Sic pound. Also seed oats and barley. Terms cash. Phone 38r3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Quantity of good seed barley.â€" Russel White, R.R. 3 Pro- ton Station. FOR SALE â€" Gravity washer and wringer and set cold handle irons. â€" Mrs. Alex. Cameron, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Seed oats and no-barb barley; also heavy wagon in good repair. â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Station. FOR SALE â€" White blossom sweet clover $4.50 per bushel. Sample at Advance office. â€" John O'Neil, Priceville R.R. 2 20e2 WANTED â€" Brooder stove. Buckeye preferred with small lid on top. Wilfred McNally, R.R. 3 Flesher- ton. Bred-to-lay Barred Rocks from good layers : May 9 cents, June 8 cts. A limited number not on order; pleas* order at once. â€"MRS. EDGAR PATTERSON, R. R. 2, Priceville, phone 22 r 41. FOR SALE â€" Good heavy horse, also some small pigs. â€" Jas. Hopps, R.R. 3 Flesherton. FOR SALE _ Extra early variety seed potatoes. â€" Frank Collinson, Ceylon. LOST _ On or about March 23, yel- low collie pup named "Laddie'', with white markings. â€" Geoi'ge Fisher, Ceylon. 6c3 FOR SALE â€" Inboard motorboat, flat bottom, 14 feet long, in good running condition. â€" Everett Parker, phone 32r2, Flesherton. FOn SALE â€" New house in Ceylon, with one-half aare of land suitable for garden. Price $350.00 cash, phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon 9 FOR SALE â€" Brick house and large lot opposite high school; 6 rooms, cellar, cistern, woodshed and electric lights; hen house all in good repair. John Parker, Proton R. R. No. 3, Phone Flesherton 32 r 2. 30 FOR SALE _ Clydesdale mare 7 yrs. old, about 1,450 lbs.; would take good sizeid driver part pay. â€" Sam Grummett, R. R. 1, Flesherton. 13-2 FOR SALE _ Young Yorkshire pigs, also young Jersey cow to freshen in May. â€" Jas. Harrison, R.R. 3 Pro- ton Station 20p2 FOR SALE _ Red clover, $16. per bushel; Mammoth, |18. per bushel; Alsike, $19. ptr bushel; all govern- ment grade No. l Ontario grown seeds. Also alfalfa, white and yel» low blossom sweet clover, timothy and mixed seeds. Terms Cash. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" High grade Quebeo cedar shingles, clears, $3.75 per sq. 2D clears, $3.30 per sq., seconds, $2.56 per sq. Orders for 10 square or more delivered free. Terms cash Phone 38r3. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE _ 50 Barred Rock baby chicks from hens that have been banded and bloodtested by inspect- ors for the O.A.C, Guelph.â€" Mi-s. J. F. Collinson, Ceylon. Phone 21- r3, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Bred-to-lay Barred Rock chicks from good layers. May Oc, June 8c. A limited number not on order. Please order at once. â€" Mrs. Edgar Patterson, R.R. 2 Price- ville. Phone 22r41. 13c3 PASTURE â€" Cattle wanted for pas- ture c;i lots 171-171, 2 S.W., Art- emeaia, well watered. All cattle must remain four months and set- tled for before taken away; 50c per head for yearlings, 75c for 2- year-olds. â€" Wm. Hales, Proton Station. 27p4 PASTURE _ Pasture for cattle on lots 171-72, No. 10, Highway, never- failing water supply; 50 cents per month for yearling, 76 cts. for two- year-olds, all cattle must remain for 4 months. Comfortable house on th" same lot for rent, good garden and small fruit.â€" W. J. Caswell, Flesh- erton. Jn.l If you are ambitious this is for YOUl No risk selling line of 200 popular products in exclusive terri- tory! Join our sales force for prof- itable wages! 760 men ayerage in- come of $35.00 weekly! For free particulars without any obligation write TODAY: FAMILEX CO., 670 St. Clement, Montreal. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Hog for ser- vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186251, sire and dam qualified in advanced registry â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Sta- tion. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 176771 Sire O. A. C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, will be kept for service. Terms $1.00. â€" We^ Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for sei^ vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within foiif months Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont.. R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Dnrham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons i.SO to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.M Sundays and Thursday aftemoone by appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 338, A.T. & A.F., meets in the Fraternal H«H, Flesherton, the second Friday in each month. W. M., Dr. J. E. Milne; â- "ecretary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special lew rate fbr farraen A. D. MacIMTTRE, Accnt FLESttKRTON HOUSE FOR SALE In Eugenia, 6 room brick hoQ9« with woodshed, good well, stable also lot^ Splendid site for fisherman's or tourist's home. Priced right for onirk 9«le to wind np an estate. Ap- ply to Mrs. W. T. Genoe, Ceylon; or Mr. Oliver Tamer, Eugenia, Execu- tors of the estate. ISc ROY LANGFORD DMrtet Ag«Bt for MU TUAL Uni OF CANADA AOCTPBW T ft SICKNESa WRi AUTOMOnLB BUROI^ARY MmMpal Liability Gwmntep BoMk Any Insarance Problem Tslephene. MARKDALE, OnL DR. T . H. SPENCE IBTSRINART SITROTEON Graduate of Ontario VeterhMiry Ooi- lege. ProfaeaioBal serricea reaseaabte. â€" FImmm, Dnadalk t. "'*!lllr**» '