sas r Serial Story A Page of Interest to Wom'tti . ♦^^i^.^^^^ The Michigan Kid by Rex Beach â-ºâ- »»#»»»•♦â- ♦•»• » ♦ ^ »•'•••• • IIIAI'TKK VII Hiram Morris waB too sick to be moved. Tlif doctor pronounced it to be pnouinontii and for Rose and Jim there commenced a period of sleepless anv- lety. He moved her luto his cabin and tried to force her to take some rest, but 08 for him ho did not remove his clothes and Hcarcely closed his eyes lor nearly a week. Then Mr. Morris died. He had mut- tered almost constantly; the last word they heard him whisper were those of his favorite prophecy, "Some day I'll land in the pay." z z z z z There followed the customary mel- ancholy preparation and formalities. There were still a few women left on the creeks near by and these did what they could for Rose. It was Rose who selected a burial place, upon the north "rim" of the creek â€" a hiKh bench that paralleled the bottom and that looked out across the tundra towards the open gea. It was a spot that In winter was shelter- ed from the icy blasts; in summer it wa.s brilliant witli wildriowers, lush •with lender grasse.s, iuul fragrant with blooms â€" a pleasant aid peaceful place for a spnlie, broken old man to Bleep. Other hands were ready to (11k the Krave. hut thi.s was a labor that Jim Rowan rcicrvod for his own. In due time ho began it. Kortunately the rim was well drained and, once ho had picked through the thin crust of autumn frost, the gravel was dry and he made Rood progress. He had finish- ed his mtlaucholy task and was about to climb out of the pit, when he notic- ed a peculiar reddish tinge to the gra- vel beneath his feet. Be took a heap- ing shovelful of it and, descending to the creek, he stamped a hole through the ice and idly ''panned" It on the Shovel blade. To Start Something fie was cngaBed thus when young Hayv.-ard and two of his men np- proad -d. Jim rose and leaned upon hi.s shovel handle. He supposed these vere the ffrst two arrivals for the fun- eral, but Hayward explained: ''I came up early to have a word with you. Rowan." ''I thought you said about every- thing the other night," Jim told him. "I'm not in any humor to â€" " "Oh, I was dninU! I made a fool of myself. Now that I know who you arc, I've come prepared." Jim jitauert incredulously al the fpeaker; harshly ho inqulrpd: "You don't mean to say you intend to start sometliing today";" "Certainly not. I came up to serve notice on you. I've learned how you met Mr. Morris and came out her, and 1 understand why you came. But Rose doesn't understand. She doesn't know you're Ihe Michigan Kid; she Ihiuks you'i'e jUBt an old friend of the fam- ily, her little playmate from the home town. She doesn't know It was you who offered forty tliousaiid dollars for this claim.'" "Right. She doesn't know any of those tilings. I suppose you intend to tell her." "I do. Unless you have enough de- cency to behave like a man." "How do you figure a man would behave?" Jim asked. "Of course it's all hearsay with you, but I'm curious to know." LEABNtoTYFEatHOHEl Haywiird fl'.::;!:'--d. "Nev. r i.ifnd that line of talk. 1 came to give you a very (juiet word of warning, but If you do want to get nasty, why, just write out your own ticket. I'm ready to take you on now, or later." "1 see. That's why you brought help." The speaker's color deepened. "Lis- t.n, Rowan. I know what happened to that Enslishman, Thompson. He did not have any friends with him; the witnesses were all your friends. I've heard about a lot of your other fights, too â€" if you can call 'em that â€" and I've had a dozen warnings to lay off of you, BO I provided my own witnes- ses. Now here's what I've got to say- after the ceremony, you duck!" "And what will happen to Rose?" "Ill attend to that. She has friends enough to see her through." "If I don't duck, I suppose you'll tell her I'm a gambler and that I offer- ed to buy her father's claim for ten times what it's worth. That'll certain- ly shock her." "Oh, you had a reason tor that of- fer â€" more of j^ur ' "Michigan's" luck,' probably! I understand you did most of the panning. Funny about that luck of yours, isn't it? Funny how ev- erybody loses when they play you. You were crooked in Dawson and you couldn't even play straigbt witli and her father. It's perfectly obvious why you camo out hero in the first place. IIoU! Men lilce you ought to bo shot for looking at a girl like her!" ''Well, Hayward, I'm not going until I get ready." A Brave Figure It was a dismal travesty of a fun- eral that occurred late that aftei> noon. A clergyman and a halt doieii of Mr. Jlorris' acQuaintance.s had dri- ven out from town, but even including them, there were not twenty people who followed the pine box as It was carried across the thin autumn nsow and tip to Its losflug plac.o. Rose was a brave but a pitifi 1 fig- ure. Dui 'ng the final depressing rites Jim RoWHu's heart bled for her. He it was who let fall the first shovel- ful of earth. When the grave had been filled in he saw that Hayward and the clergyman had taken her back down to the cabin. Jim had secured a team with which to drive the ,Tirl in to town, and while the visitors were bidding her good- by ho went to his own shack and be- gan putting his few bolongings togeth- er. He was niystiticd wlicn he could not lay his hand upon the little leather ease v.i'.!: the old i;ev,Bpapcr portrait of Rose, for that was al)out all that ho really cared to take with him. He look- ed everywhere for it before he finally gave up the search. Rowan had refused Hayward b ^vafn- ing to leave, not l)ecau8e he expected Rose to reconcile herself to his past, not because he now retained the faint- est hope of ever realizing his dream, but becatiso theie was something yet to be done, and, moreover, because it was not his nature to come or to go at any man's bidding. (Concluded next week) II Weekly Buys a CORONA Typliig i!< n valuable nspct. Only }1 weekly buys a n*w Corona, world's moMt popu- lar portable typewriter, 1n- cludinK Carrylni: Case and Touch Typing Jn«tructor. wrue for full d«tults to Hurry E. Slllcn. M»t)iiglnif-I>lr*r-|i)r L C Smith d Corona Typewriters Ltd., 35-37 Front St. E., Toronto DEAFNESS NO LONGER A HANDICAP The new ACOUSTICON Is small- er â€" lighter â€" has greater distance reception than ever before. Let ACOUSTICON lead you on "The Royal Road to Joyous Hearing." ( ] Please send Booklet. [J riease send Representative for Home Demonstration. .Name Address City ACOUSTICON 330 Bay St., Toronto, Ont Launching Of A Debutante Is A Costly Proposition -s Doctor Explodes Homespun Beliefs Health Official Refutes "Apple A Day" Theory Dr. F. R. Dew, Oberlln, Ohio, health official, puts to rout some homespun beliefs and methods of curing or pre- venting illness. He says an apple a day will not keep the doctor away any more than a bag of asatoetida draped about the neck, although, he adds, the latter may make his visit a bit reluctant. He says whiskey will not drown out a cold and prevent pneumonia. He de- clares thut lemon Juice will not cure freckles and even a clean tooth may decay. Dr. Dew discounts the belief that oysters eaten in the flMmmer will cause gastric pains. Properly refrig- erated oysters will not, according to Dr. Dew. The jaw will not be locked though the skin be punctured by a dusty nail, and a receding chin does not necessar- ily denote weak character, the doctor says. He declares there is no evidence to support the following beliefs: That scarlet fever, germs lurk in clothes, furniture ami wallpaper for years. That "feed a cold, starve a fever" is good advice. Imuc No. 16â€" '38 Spring Shower When spring has touched the tops of the alder thicket With laciness, and velvet softly cloaks Each pussy-willow bud, the sun pro- vokes The clouds to nl)dk'ale; a yawning wicket Releases captive rain. Foretold by the cricket Heraldnig, a slant of sliver soaks Forgotten mould beneath the leafless oaks; Till valiant lily-fronds push up to prick It Through and through with stars of fragile bluom. The liquid benediction of the shower Distlll.s to Umpkl nectar in each flow er; And safely In a petal-prisoned room Each cliallce keeps ii liosta.?o drop of ruin in hondage â€" lill the showers come Hgain. An -American oil company seeks to make a contract with the Philip- pine (iovernmcnt for exploration and drilling in 13 provinces. ""SOUHD SLEEP STREMGTHEN NERVES PHOPTERIN'E qiilrVly htlpi Untlinf, "lotP- robbing nerve* g«in new vilility. Then you ikep eounilly, awl to through Ihe day with new enerjy. Take jiwt • few eronomioal drope dtily. Get PIIO.sFKHINE from your drutiul gOc, tl.OO and 11.50. •» PHOSFERINEJil^^ilftlc Chinaman Can't Whisper Passing secrets around in company is difHcult for a Cliinaman, since it is almost impossible for the Chinese language to be whispered. It is a tone language and the inflections are almost as important as the syllables. The same thing is true of other tone iHiiguagc.s, such as Japanese and Burmese. One Pattern Makes This Gay Pair! Detailed Inve:t:gction Revea!s How Much Is Necessary To Put Over a "Combg Out" Pro- A Montreal newspaper has made some detailed lii\u.->lit4ulIoii an lo the careers of those young ladies who, in the larger cities, are introduced to society by an elaborate "coming out" program, characterized by many teas, parties and dances. It interviewed girls who had been in the debutante classes of the last three years. Less than ten per cent, of the debs of 1935, '36 and '37 were married, al- though it was reported that another six per cent, were looking forward to marriage during the coming sum- mer. Twenty per cent, reported their present career as "just fooling around." Fifteen per cent, named their chief activities as participation in athletics of various kinds, tennis, riding, skiing, ' skating. Eleven per cent, were attending university. Sev- en per cent, had taken up art, three per cent, domestic science courses. Seven of those interviewed had taken office jobs, eleven were acting as models at part-time employment, five were salesladies in exclusive shops. One had taken up nursing. Handsome Outlay Here The process of introducing a daughter into society in Montreal or Toronto varies at'conliiig to the fin- ancial standing of the parents. As the candidates come from varyinf>' grades of financial background, there is proportionate difference in the outlay. Generally .'-peaking, the fam- ilies that to sponsor debu- tantes are expected to have an an- nual income of $10,000 a year, but many have much less than that. The outlay for the year i-uns anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000. The latter figure would apply to families of gi-eat wealth. There are not many such in Canada. It might be said that $5,000 would be regarded as a hand.some outlay. $100,000 To Launch Her In New York it is said that about the lowest outlay to launch a young- er girl into iioeiety is $10,000 and $100,000 is spent by the ultrarich. There has developed some aspects of a racket in the debutante formal- ity. Certain bu.siness concerns try to urge as many debs as possible to get into the running. It is a splen- did circulator of money. As the ma- jority of those aspiring to thus break into society, can afford the outlay, why not? The tragedy is associated with those who cannot afford it, who spend their money in a doubtful project, in order to keep up with the Joneses. TATTEKN' 4568 By Anne Adams Checking uj) on your apron supply'? .Vniie .Adams luis designed these two delightfully crisp, prnctiral "cover- alls" which may bo made quickly and en.sily from Pattern â- I5fi«. Choose unbltjaclu'd muslin or a sturdy ging- ham for tailored-type "II,". and trim its bodice and .slioulder-liands with blight ricrac. There never was a nioie practical model for kitchen duty! You're r.ure to love the saucy frills and bay buttons that accent style "A", a model th.-it is dainty as can be! Both these apron.s can be stitched up in a jilly so be sure to have several on hand. Pattern -I.^GS is available in sizes .small, medium and large. Small size, view H fakes ]% yards .16 inch fabric and 2"« yards ric-rac. Illus- trated step-by-step sewing instruc- tions included. Send Twenty Cenls (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this .\nne .\dams pattern. Write plainly Size, N'ame, .\Hdress and Style Num- ber. Send your o .er to Anne Adams, Room 426, 73 Vvest Adelaide St., To- ronto. Diet Important For Happiness Bernard Shaw Agrees That Dis- crimination In Chooiing Suit- able Food Is Important George Dernard Shaw has seconded Gladys Swarthout's recent claim that Ave years of married happiness could be credited to the fact she and her husband avoided Irritating foods. "The lady's ideas should be taken seriously," Shaw said. "They are per- fectly sound. I should think the diet of most people who can afford all the food that they need is enough to drive them crazy. Tastes Are Different "My wife and I have been married 40 years. Our life has hardly been Btoriny. Wo eat entirely different meals. As you may know, I'm a veg- etarian and also a teetotaler but my wife Is not a vegetarian and is not a teetotaler. "I wish this were more widely known because when she is invited to dinner some people lma.a;lne her tastes must be exactly the same as mino and a vegetarian diet Is prepared for her. It makes things worse when some peoplu force themselves to cat vcgctariuu food as well because they think we both prefer it. "We have our different diets which suit our tastes and 1 don't think our lives have been particularly irritable. MUSSON'S IMPROVED Ready Reckoner FORM AND LOG BOOK I{,^\isc(l :iik( piiIiirK;o(l l>y U. lluito 'rn.vliir, i'.A. ('iMililillH Tiibles of Viil- oo.«, Ilate-i of Wajj'^R, Itoard. Inter- ost. rerc-ent.TKe Tables. Poatal (Jut(i(>. Iioi; anil Lumber Tables, itourd and I'lank Measuic. Timbor (ir SrantliiiK .MeuMUre, I'oiitenlJi of I>»(;.<i in Hoard Vei.X, Cost of i.'attlp, lloff!". Sheep and Plour, Tnhlra of Weights and .Mca.iurps, I^Kal Welsh'* "f I'l'oduce in Canada, etc., cti-. .MONK Y-n.\l?K <U!.\UANTKK. Send fifty i-rnls to The Mufi«on BooI< (^(tiTipunv I.lniito>l, 480-T t-'niverslty .Wo.. Toronto. RITZ liir Chrigtie'g "Ritz"... those toasied and tasty, nutty flavored, Elightly salted little wafers . . . hit the mai'k every time. ! Chrisllie's Biscuits "^"â€"re's a Christie Biscuit for every tastm' II Easter Holiday Meals // There have been more curious cus- toms conijected with Easter in the past, than with any other religious festival. Some of these we still ob- serve though we have long since lost track of the original significance. The naiTie Easter is believed to have originated from the Saxon word Os- ier, which meant rising. N'o doubt some of the customs observed in the past were hang-overs from pagan rites and in the change from pagan- ism to Christianity, the original meaning was lost but the form of these often strange practices was continued. In one section of England it used to be the rule for men to "lift" the women on Easter Monday and the women to do the same to the men on Easter Tuesday. This was done by two people making a chair of their crossed hands and so "lifting" the third person. Another weird custom was that of playing ball in churches for a prize of tansy cakes or tansy puddings. Though ball playing has been discontinued inside churches, lansy cakes and puddings are still favourite dishes in many parts of F ngland. Here in Canada we still present children with colored eggs, toy rab- bits and fluffy baby chicks. Easter is a happy season of the year and aside from the deep religious signi- ficance there are many other reasons for rejoicing. The long week-end holiday provides a grand chance for family reunions, which of course means extra nice dinners. Here is a fish dinner which will help to solve the problem of "what to serve." Black Bean Soup Broiled Whitefish Maitre d'Hotel Butter Parsley Potatoes Emergency Biscuits Sea Dream Salad Apple Pie Coffee Black Bean Soup 2 cups black beans 1 small onion, sliced 3 tablespoons butter 2 quarts cold water 2 stalks celery, diced IVi tablespoons flour % teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper 'A teaspoon mustard Dash of Cayenne 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 hard-cooked eggs, finely diced 1 lemon, thinly sliced Wash beans and soak overnight. Saute onion ii. 1 'i tablespoons but- ter 5 minutes. Drain beans. Add cold water, onion, and celery. Sim- mer 3 to 4 hours, or until beans are tender, adding water as needed. Re- move from fire and force through fine sieve. Melt remaining \\k ta- blespoons butter, add flour, and stir until smooth. Add a small amount of soup mixture, stirring well. Com- bine with remaining soup mi.xture. Reheat to boiling, stirring frequent- ly, and add seasonings. Add lemon juice to eggs and let stand a few minutes to season. Serve roup, gar- nishins" each portion with a small WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW! 'IIO.SE who sutler from nervousness, sidc- aclic, backache and pains due to functional disturb- ances, need a ton- ic like Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Also the prospective mother will fijttl it very beneficial. It stinui- lates Ihe apnetite and that in turn increaies the nualce m food, thas strenKtheniiiK the hmly. This is what Mrs. (ienrge Richardson, 26 Berkshire St., Toronto, said ; "Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription helpe<t to strenRthen T' amount of egg and a slice of lemon. Serves 8. Maitre D'Hotel Butter 4 tablespoons butter '/fe teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper % tablespoon parsley, finely chop- ped I'.i tablesoons lemon juice Cream butter thoroughly, add salt and pepper, then parsley. Add lemon juice, a small amount at a time, creaming thoroughly after each ad- dition. Makes 1/3 cup butter. Sea Dream Salad 1 package lime flavoured Jelly pow der 1 cup warm water 1 cup grated cucumber 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon scraped onion Dash of Cayenne Vs teaspoon salt Dissolve jelly powder in â- warm wa- ter. Add remaining ingredients. Fo'-ce through sieve. Turn into mold. Chill un'.ji firm. Cut in squares and serve on crisp lettuce. Garnish with mayonnaise. Serves 6. Emergency Biscuits 2 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder \-i teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter or other shortening ?4 cup milk Sift flour once, measure, add bak- ing powder and salt, and sift again. Cut in shortening'. Add milk gradu- ally. Drop from teaspoon on greased pan. Bake in hot oven (450 deg. F.) 12 to 15 minutes. Makes 15 bis- cuits. \ : Sales of postal orders in England last year totalled 344,000,000, repre- senting $445,000,000 in cash. Dentists recommend Wriglty's Gum as an aid to strong, healthy , teeth, cleanses them of food par- ticles, massages the gums. Aldsdi- gestion.relievesstuffy feeling after * meals. Helps keep you healthy! Take some home for the children too â€" they will love It! cs-i! * iimxwvai me aist wonderfully both before and alter childbirth. I ielt .so different after usini; Ihe Prescription" as a tonic. My strength returned so quickly, and slept well at nialit." Bttjr it of jroar druggisu UquiU or tablets. /Step . into th» G B AT , BOCKS plane â€" halt an hour over myriad Ukes . and virgin lor- s estâ€" then Cold Lake.Command- • snt or '.a Carpe â€" andTBOUT, basa, tool gray! • and northern pike. GiftvBocks-owned campsâ€" eacellent equipment â€" good guidea. Write for folder, F. H. WHEELER, tsR Ma. Dii. ««' i;HHVKlli:k!ilf^N £> t w/ 1 H.'