Wednesda}', Februar)' 9, 1938 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Centre Grey Semi-Final HOCKEY Flesherton Arena Monday, Feb. 14th ii Sheiburn vs Flesherton li Game called at 8.15 p.m. -=- Si>-v COME AND ASSIST THE BOYS BRING THE CHAMPIONSHIP TO FLESHERTON ADMISSION: - - - Adults 25c; ChUdren 15c l! Springhill 4 Ceylon 3 On Thursday night Springhill de- feated Ceylon 4-3 in a fast, clean Semi-Pro hockey game. Ceylon was off to a good start when Archibald and Marshall clicked. Clark gave Springhill their first goal midway in the second period but immediately Teeter put Ceylon two up again when he g:rabbcd a loose puck at the de- fence. In the third period Garnet Teeter scored for Springhill and near the end of the game Russell tied it up. Just as the overtime got under way Teeter scored again to put Springhill in the lead for the first time. Ceylon disputed this goal as they claimed it hit the goal post, but referee E. Johnson allowed the count- er to Springhill which gave them their first win this season. Ceylon entered a protest and the game was played over again on Tuesday night. Ceylon: Goal, Stuart; defence, E. Plester and R. Plester; centre, Archi- bald; wings, Marshall and Teeter; al- ternates, Muir, Cairns, Mathewson. Springhill: Goal, Partridge; de- fence, W. Best and Garnet Teeter; centre, Phillips; wings, Russell and Linton; alternates, R. Best, B. Clark nd L. Seeley. Semi-Pro. Team Won Flesherton Semi-Pro team won their last schedule game on Friday night against the Proton Station team 4-1, and although the game did not mean a thing to the locals a splen- did exhibition was given .Proton had won from Dundalk on Wednesday and qualified to meet Dundalk in t'..s group play-off. McKillop and Piper counted in the first period for Flesherton. While there was no score in the second, Flesherton added two more in the last period by Morgan and Graham and Hugh Sims counted for Proton. Flesherton â€" Goal, Leavell; de- fence. Best and McKillop; eentre. Piper; wings, Morgan and Graham; alternates, McJTavish, Thurston, A. Hopkins, Banks and D. Hopkins. Proton â€" Goal, Blackburn; de- fence. White and Hodgins; centre P. Sims; wings. Earl Blackburn and H. Sims; alternates, McCannell, Stainsby and Wauchope. Springhill 5, Ceylon 1 Springhill lost the protest put in by Ceylon on their lasta game, but won che replayed game last night 5-1 and lualified for the group finals, which A'ill be played between Ceylon and .Springhill with Priceville having a byi'. Garent Teeter scored two goals for Springhill, Laurie Russell snared one goal and an assist and Roy Best one and """• ^^''*'^ Leslie Sceley nett- ing the odd one in a scramble. Har- vey Archibald scored the lone Ceylon counter on a pass from Bill Cairns. FINAL STANDING CENTRE GREY LEAGUE W L Markdale 6 Shelburne 4 Dundalk 3 Flesherton 3 Chatsworth 1 Pts. 13 10 8 7 2 FINAL STANDING SEMI-PRO. LEAGUE Once upon a time there was a man whose enemies thought kindly of him â€" after he was dead. But, truth to tell, he is a pretty lucky man who can even be reasonably sure when he is plive that his friends think kindly of him more than part of the time. GROUP A W L Dundalk 3 Proton Station 2 Flesherton 1 GROUP B Priceville 4 Ceylon 1 Springhill 1 Pts. 6 4 2 An Irishman had been thrown over the fence by an enraged bull. He had just recoveed when he noticed tho bull pawing the ground and furiously tossing his head. "If it wasn't for your bowing and scraping," said Mike," I'd think you threw me over on purpose." TENDERS WANTED The undersigned will receive tend- ers up to Febraury 18 inst. for 20 cords maple an^] beech wood, 16 inch- es long, to be delivered at the High School by not later than March 15, next. Must be all good sound wood and at least 75 per cent, maple. W. J. Bellamy, Secretary. NOTICE Mervyn Wright of Maxwell has pur- chased Wm. Kerton's truck, and all shipments of stock will be taken care of carefully. Patronage solicited. Phone Feversham 23r4. Flesherton Won From Owen Sound 12-11 A real fast game of hockey, with plenty of goals, was played in Flesh- erton Monday evening when the Toms Garage team of the Owen Sound Mercantile League, were the goests of tho local seniors. Flesher- ton were winners 12-11 in one of the cleanest games played on the local rink when not a penalty was given. Boyd scored three goals and had two assists, Gorrcl, McCutcheon and Pat- ton had two goals and two assists, Dargavel and Smith one goal each, with the latter having three assists. Both net min^Jers had plenty of work Although there was not a large to do and played remarkably well, crowd present those who were there saw a pleasing game, with the Flesh- e r t o n passing attacks working smoothly and with precision, the number of assists testifying to this. Owen Sound -^ Goal, Myles; de- fence. Speed, W. Henderson; wings. Hardy, C. Henderson; alter., Beatty, Winch, Hawke, Rowe and Amott. Flesherton â€" Goal, Ferris; defence Phillips and Johnson; centre, Boyd; wings, Patton and McCutcheon; alter.. Smith, Dargavel, Gorrell and Akitt; Referee â€" S. Piper. PLANT-FOOD CONTENTS IN FERTILIZERS Small Ads. Mr. Delbert Smith spent a few days ill Toronto last week. Mr.s. N. H. Durrant of Mitchell is visiting this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Mrs. G. E. Henry is spending a couple of days this week at her par- ental home at Granton. • J \". ,' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chappie of Meaford spent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Bibby. , -* Mrs. Walter Honer of South Porcu- pine spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. M. Jamieson. ti.«: ":«â- «;. Mrs. M. Thistlethvvaite and Miss Beatrice are spending the remainder of the winter in Toronto. Mrs. Claude Marriott is spending d couple of weeks with relatives at Holland Centre. ;,(.(! Ice harvesting commenced last week with the supply being taken from the Munshaw lake. The ice is about 16 inches thick and of good quality. Warden H. A. McCauley and Mr. W. Turney are attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Municipal El- ectrical Association at Toronto. Mr. Bill Jamieson returned to South Porcupine on Monday, after spending the past few months with his grand- The Fertilizers Act requires definite mother in town guarantees by vendors of the plant food content of their fertilizers, that is, nitrogen, phosphoric acid and pot- ash. In addition, these plant food substances must be in an available form for plant use. There are many kinds of fertilizei-s on the market to- day, all of which are dependable if used according to kind and plant food content on the one hand, and soil and crop requirements on the other. Every buyer of fertilizers should study these facts carefully because the proper application of them means so much in obtaining best results. The recommendations of the Pro- vincial Fertilizers Councils are a sale guide in this respect and may be ob- tained from the Department of Agri- culture for the provinces. SKATING EXHIBITION 5! THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. Hill & Co.. Limited ii CHAIN STORES MARKDALE, Ont. OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY t 5! Food Values Go Further Here CORN SYRUP Bee Hive or Edwardsburc 5 lb. tin 38c 101b. tin 73c Kellogg's CORN FLAKES glass bowls free 3 for 25c Choice ORANGES 20c and 29c loz. TOMATO JUICE 5 tins for 25c SOAP CHIPS 3 lbs. for 23c Real Good Sockeye SALMON 1 lb. tin 30c RINSO, 1 large package and 1 Cake of Lifebuoy Soap for 26c Fresh DATES 4 lbs. for 25c Toddy CHOCOLATE DRINK tin 23c APPLE BUTTER 4 lb. tin 44c 40 oz. Jar ORANGE MARMALADE 24c 5 Cakes TOILET SOAP 10c Key Note FLOUR per bag $3.59 JELLY POWDERS 6 for 25c THE STORE FOR BETTER VALUES T X t t t ? t t ? T ? T T T Misses D. Keith and M. McRuer of the Toronto Skating Club will give an exhibition of fancy skating in the Flesherton arena on Wednesday night of next week, Feb. 16th, that will be well worth seeing. See advt. in this issue. Rev. Mr. Service and Mrs. E. J. Service attended the funeral of Mr. T. F. Andrew at Thombui-y on Mon- day of this week. Mrs. Andrew is a sister of Mr. Service. A number from here attended the Boston-Maple Leaf game in Toronto on Saturday evening and saw the Leafs defeat the Bruins 3-1, the first win in five games played this year. A fine movie show was given in the town hall last week under the duspices of the Trail Rangers when splendid pictures were shown. The one showing the Dionee quintuplets was especially interesting. Rain has fallen almost every day since Friday last, although Monday was cold. A coupje of rinks were in Owen, Sound on Tuesday for the an- nual bonspiel and after one game the event was postponed until Thursday. When a Canadian hockey team can not do better than defeat a Czecho- slovakain outfit by a score of 1-0 the atfair should be a matter for parlia- mentary investigation. Hon. Earl Rowe has been given a seat in the opposition front row at Ottawa and that is a better break than ho got in Ontario last October when he wa.i unable to get a seat for himself at all. Three things that cause young men to marry: Spring, moonlight and living in a boarding house. â€" Robert Quillen. Yes; but don't forget the fourth, that is greater than these â€" the girl, adds the Shelburne Econo- mist. Hon. P. M. Dewan suggests that an academic as well as a practical knowledge of agriculture will be nec- essary in the future for success on the farm. That is precisely what a lot of farm boys have been trying to toll their dads all along. FOR S.\LE â€" Farm, for sale or rent, 120 acres, 30 acres plowed, near Priceville. â€" Jas. Hopps, R. R. No. 3, Priceville. 9c2 FOR SALE â€" 2 grood cutter robes, set single harness, buggy nearly new. â€" Apply to Mrs. J. Heard, Flesherton. 9p2 Mortgage Sale Under and by virtues of the Powers of Sale contiiined in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by George E. Duncan, Auctioneer, at PUBLIC AUCTION on Friday, the eleventh day of Febru- ary at the hour of one-thirty o'clock ill the afternoon at the farm of Hugh Thomas Wright, R. R. 1, Eugenia, Ontario, the following property, nanu'ly, ALL AND SINGULAR those cer- tain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Osprey, in the Coun- ty of Grey, being composed of Lot Nine, in the 11th Concession, of the said Township, 100 acres, and part of Lot Nine, in the 10th Concession of the said Township, 99 acres, describ- ed in mortgage number 10832 to the Agiljcultural Development Board. On the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. Lands will be sold subject to a reserved bid. TERMS OF SALE: Twenty-five percent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, the balance to be secured by a mortgage with interest at four per cent per an- •num. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to W. ERIC STEWART, K. C. East Block, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontario. Solicitor to the Mortgagee. D.\TED at Toronto this Eighth day of January, 1938. F. T. HILL 81 CO. LTD. ?: t t T T t T T T T T T t ? i ♦ f »* 1 1 » t»»*»»»»»»»»»»»«»»»»»»*4't«*» * < 1 1 1 1 1 f ♦* « l»4#* i Skating Party Sponsored by the Y.PU. and Official Board of St. John's United Church will be held in the Flesherton Arena on I WED., FEBRUARY 16j to commence at 8 p.m. Special Fancy Skating : Misses D. Keith and M. McRuer ;: of Toronto will! ^ive an exhibition. geni-:r.\l skating to music PRIZE â€" For Larp^est Family Refreshment l^ootli. .\dmission: 25c and 15c ; Ke WANTED â€" Good prices paid for horses or cows, suitable for mink feed. â€" Jas. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE _ Heifer calf, part Here- ford and Jersey, over 6 mos. old â€" Walter Russell, Rock Mills. 9ci FOR SALE _ Young Durham bull;: also well broken, will exchange for cows. â€" Harry Paton, Flesherton 9pl. FOR SALE OR RE^fT â€" 6 room house, three lots, small stable and garage. Opposite high school. â€" Mrs. Geo. Johnson, Flesherton. 2c3 FOR SALE â€" Good cutter, one-horse sleigh, single harness, buggy, and garden cultivator. â€" W. S. Inkster, Flesherton. 2c2 FOR SALE â€" Bran $1.50 cwt., corn oats chop $1.50 cwt., sacks includ- ed; also whole com, oats, wheat and mixed grain. â€" Phone 38r3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. 26e FOR SALE _ Quiet, well-broken hor- ses, four years old and up; lot 139- 40, S. W. T. and S. R., one and one quarter miles north west of Ceylon, phone 44rll. â€" Jos. E. McKee, Cey- lon. WANTED â€" Dealer for prominent implement company to handle full- line machines and repairs on com- well districts. Must have suitable mission basis in Feversham - Max premises, be aggressive and possess- sufficient capital to finance deals. â€" Write Box No. 14, The Advance. Flesherton. 2p2- FARM FOR SALE â€" 58 acres, more or less, on Highway No. 4, between Flesherton and Ceylon; about 8 acres hardwood bush; spring creek. Price $1,000.00 cash. Will also sell house and bam in Ceylon. â€" Phone 38r3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon 26c LOST â€" Engagement ring, wide gold band, set with turquoise and pearl stones. Lost somewhere be- tween home and Flesherton via Rock Mills on January 19th. Re- ward. Leave at Advance office or with Mrs. Wesley Plantt, Flesher- ton. 2p2^ CALLING ALL SALESMEN AGENTS! Would you consider a hange that would really make money? New sales plan. Sales of 200 guaranteed food, medicinal, toilet preparation. Lower prices. Liberal commission. Extra cash bonus. Free gifts. If you have a car and a little cash an^j want to sell something that repeats the year round in exclusive district, write to: FAMILEX Co., 570 St. Clement, St., Montreal. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Hog for ser- vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186261, sire and dam qualified in advanced registry Ross Stevens, Proton Sta- tion. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, will be kept for service. Terms $1.00. â€" We*. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months. â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham 8t Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.S* Sundays and Thursday afternoons hj appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. & A.F., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday la each month. W. M., Dr. J. E. Milne; Vretary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. D. MacINTYRE, Agent 'FLESHERTON Oat ROY LANGFORD District Agfent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDE^IT & SICKNESS FIRB AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Boadi Any Insurance Problem Telephone, MARKDALE, Ont. iiiii iiiiiiii » mt n T â- «â- "***â- «â- â- «â- *** ** *****i»**** * * * *** DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Gradiiftte of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services reasonabl*. . â€"Phone, Dundalk 2. ^ K. V