1» I « « « « « » rr» < ^ Sunday School Lesson J â- â- »»l«t»»»c ><•••â- •â- •»<•>•••>â- Ȥ>â- LESSON VII CONSERVING THE SABBATH FOR MAN Mark 2 : 23â€"3 : 6. .. Godlen Text X'' And he said unto them. The Sabbath was made for man. Mark 2: 27. The Lesson In Its Setting Time.â€" Flarly summer, A.D. 28. Place.â€" The Incident of the pluck- ing tt the corn took place near Cap- ernanm; the healing of the man with the withered hand oc( â- i red in Galilee, In wtiich province Capernaum wag lo- cated. 23. ".A.nd it ca..ie to pass, that he." Waa going on the Sabbath through the gratnUelds." Mark graphically shows Us Jesus walking through the wide stretches of waving corn which coy- ered the plain of Genne.saret and neigliboring valleys. The roads were only narrow foot-paths, and travel- lers had all the appearance of wading through the grain. The word "corn" In (Mr Rible is a general term for cer- eal grains, and those cultivated In Bible lands were wheat, barley, vetch, millet, beans, lentils, and pulse. Here the grain is probably wheat and not barle'-. for barley cannot be treated by rubbing in the hands as wheat can. The Sabbath was. of course, our Sat- urday, and not our Sunday. It was the «evcnlli day of the week, a day which God set apart far back at the crea- tion to bo a holy day. free from un- necessary labor, the most sanctified of all the days of tlie week. After the close of the OIil Tostament the scribes and Pharisees multiplied with vast and complinUed details laws pertain- ing to the observance of the Sabbath day. osoeciivlly in regard to avoidance of Ifbor. If a person wore in one plarr^, and his hand filled with fruit stretch-ed into another, and the Sab- bath overtook him in this attitude. Sic v;cald have to drop the fruit, since If he withdrew his full hand from one locality to another, he woild be car- i^ing a burden on the Sabbath. It a hen laid on a Sabbath day. the egg â- yvas forbidden. Hunger on the Sabbath ''And his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears." The dis- ciples were hungry and had been long fasting; and, as they went, they plucked and ate those ears of corn â- which grew on the old pathway. This was allowed by custom and by the law (Dcut. 23: 25). but by rabbinical tradition to pluck ears was to reap, an act forbidden on the Sabbath (Exod. 34: 21), and to rub ears in the hand was to thresh, and these actions were therefore forbidden on the Sab- bath. A cry for food is holy, it is sac- rod! Were it not so, in the economy of God he would provide that men never become hungry on the Sabbath day. 24. ''And the Phariseca said unto him, why do they on the sabbath day that which Is not lawful?" The Phar- isees were always the enemies of JerAis. It was their deliberate pur- pose, by the questions which they continually asked him. to weaken his great influenoo among the Jewish people of that day. and to And ulti- mately suflicieut cause whereby they could ccjidemn him as a breaker of the law. 2.5. 'And be said unto thi;i!!. Dii. ye never read what David did. when he had need, and was hungry, he, and they that were with him?" 2G. "How he entered into the house of God when Ablathar was hi^h priest, and ate the showbreud, which it is not lawful to tat save for the priests, and gave also to thorn that were with him" The incident to which our Lord hero refers in the life of Diivid is found recorded in I Sam. 21: 1-G. The point the Pharisees were making was that plucking ears on the Sabbath day was inlawful. Jesus comes back at them by reminding them, for their own sacred records, that David had done something which was normally unlawful (Lev. 24. 5-9). but to which exceptions could be m.ade when the exigency of circumstances demanded, as. e.g., great hunger on the part of one not a priest. Ily all of this the Lord means that circunjstancos can sometimes arise in which minute de- tail.s of a law are to be l^jnorcd. Sabbath Made For Man 27. "And he said unto them. The Sa'.balh was made for man, and not man for the sabbath." The Sabbath, the day of rest; was made, was brought into exisleiicc, was created: tor, bocaus.^ of. o'l account of. for the Bake of. man. mankind, not for the Jcw.'i. but for the rnce. Man is t!i,> rud, and the Sabbath lt;(> mcnns, not man the mean;f and the S::b')ath the end. Men arc I'.ot brou"ht into existence becaise of Institutions, but iniWitu- tions because of men. Wlint matters first is man; but that does not mean that the Sabbath does not matter at all. What our Lord says lends no â- anction to either Pharisaic Sabba- tarianism or Parisian latltudlnarlan- Isra. If man would be sound, physi- cally, mentally, and spiritually, he must have periodical rest, and for thLs purpose the Sabbath has been given. "So that the Son of man is lord even ot the Sabbath." The Sabbath, being made tor man's benefit, Is subject to Aâ€" C the control of the ideal and represen- tative man to whom it belongs. The scribes maintained that the rogu'.a- tious about the Sabbath were the most important part of the whole law. and that their observance formed the essential contents of rclit;ion. Thus Jesus sets himself al)ovo Mos- alsm. and announces his right lo in- terpret, to fulfill, to set aside. A Time For Doing Good 1. ''And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there who had his hand withered." His disease, which probably extended through the arm, had its origin in a deficient absorption of nutriment by the limb; was a partial atrophy, show- ing itself in a gradual wasting of the size of the limb, with a loss of its powers of motion. Many people who go to church have a withered hand. i.e., they do only half the work they should; they work with one hand only, they are working on only half their possible power. Tt Is that sort of thing which accounts largely for the church's ineffoctiveners. Only fiiUness of life in sacrificial service will con- vince a critical world. 2. ''And they watched him. whether he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they migh.t accuse him." According to the rabbinical rule, re- lief might be given to a sufferer on the Sabbath day only when life was in danger. 3. "And he saith unto the man that had his hand withered. Stand forth." The word rendered "hand" is compre- hensive and includes the entire arm. God makes no unjust exaction. He ever gives power with the effort to obey him. Let us say that God could delivpr us withoi't any effort of our own. Ho does not deliver us in that way. No trut'.i of Scripture Is clearer than that ho has aHi:vC(i the condition of pr^rsoual faith to the gift of eternal life. We must stretch forth our hand to accept the gift, else we shall not receive it. 4. "And he saith unto then;. Is it lawful on the sabbath day to do good. or to do harm? to save a life, or to kill? But they held their peace." Thi.s is not a question of doing or not doing, hut ot wliat one does; and l! is made plain that all negatives are posi- tives; that not to do good when one can, is to do evil; that not lo save life wlien one can, is to kill. Anger of Love 5. ''And when he had looked round about on them with anger." Because Jesus so yearned over them and so longed for the victory of Iruili and sincerity in their souls, therefore as he gazed upon them in their suicidal obduracy, his eyes flashed with the Instinctive wrath ot lovo. He was an- gry as one might be angry at a sick man who, in sheer perversity, refuses the remedy in which Ilea his only hope. "Being grieved at the hardening of their heart." The anger was tem- pered by grief. The word hero used implies sorrow arising from sympathy with another's unconscious plight. The word hero translated "hardening" means to grow callous. ''He saith un- to the man. Stretch forth thy hand. And he stretched it forth; and his hand was restored." Jesus never be- gan anything that ho could not ac- complish. He knew when he told this man to stretch forth his hand that he would be able to heal it and did heal it. 6. 'And the Pharisees went out, and straightway with the Herodiaua took counsel against him, how they might destroy him." The Herodiaus appear again In the same company (12: 13), and some understandiuy; be- tween the two parties Is Implied also In Mark 8: 15. The kingdom of lies is no longer a kingdom divided tigaiust itself when the kin,gdom ot the truth is to be opposed. Herod and Pilate can be friends together. It It be tor the destroying of the Christ (Luke 23: 12). Here's A Thrill For Skating Fans Wood Is Importaint As Canadian .Fuel Canada's forests continuo to b«; an ipipoi tiiut source nt fuel, sni>i;lying :r:iO'.it l.'i to 20 \)cy c^nt ot tlie ilouies- tic ro(|Uircments ef the country. Dur- ing liie flve-7ear pe:iod l!)31"r, the avera.ie annial tat of fuel wood in Canada was npi ro.ximntely it.uOO.OOO cords valued at about $33,000,000. WooJ as a fuel has a very definite fielrl. It is the mai)istay of our rural regions and is much used for heating pur};os<!s in villages and towns in those parts of Canada where l.scl; ot local (R'posits prevents the population from securing cheap coal for domes- tic lis?. It methods of selling, lu'iis- urin.^ and bui'ning firewood were; Ini- pi<'ved the value ot this fuel nudoubt- od!y would be more appreciated. To this end thu Korestn Pioduct i Labor- atories and the Testing and llexearch Laboratories ot the Depart inont ot the Department ot Miiie:i and lle- soinces, In co-operation with other or- ganir.atlons, r -o investigf.ting way.i and means of extending the us- of wood for fuel. It has been founl that as a rule the fuel value of seasoned woo:l de- pends generally on the weight per cubic toot, tho heaviest wocls u an- ally giving the most heat. Maxi Heriie â- .. â- ; : iiKt Uaier, German i.t;--'; ...i.i:;; campions, thrill the crowds at St. iloritz, Skitzerland, with their exhibitions. Cold Wave Turns Fountain Into Monument The col.l spoil ha:i iuinod this Uetroif, ^lich.. tounlain into a verita'nie statue of ice, towering over the man at right. This New Engine Uses Acetylene Gas Two Italian engineers have finally perfected this autonio'iile en.uine. which runs on acetylene gas. Arrow indicates the fuel intake, which feed." the gaa to a special cai'buretor, from a tank in the rear. 'Ilio gauge is so located that gas ppc.«.suio can be easily verified. Refuelling Device Controlled From Cabin W "V" >â- â- â- â- , , .â- >•;â- y^l A round * The Dial Ediiio Uuchiu'a music is honid locally on the program "Styled Mu- sic." at 5:15, Sundays, over CKl.'L. Tho program Is woU planned, and it any of our readers would like this famous bund to play request number- . just drop a note or a card to 'Styleii Music." caro of CKCL, Toronto. The program also features a guest star, and it ;-ou have any favourite oroheH- Ira, anymio from Benny Goodman to the Philharmonic Symphony â€" just mention that in your letter, and the boys will do their best to make you happy. • * • Disappointment The Caiiatiiaa amateur show, heard Sunday noons, ran their final contest recently. We weren't particularly sur- prised at the iiualily of tim program. As a mutter of fact, we i;.in't >.see how- some ot the talent go.t as fur as the finals. One thing euriain. in our opin- ion. Is that Ilie kiddies should have been eliminated altogether. Even where the cliildien are concerned. w(! have heard much superior talent on past pro.uranut than were presented on this final pi(>;j;r;im. Perhaps it's not entirely thu iuult of the producer, as these people wore selected by vole.f received. However, wo do think that some arrangement conld havo been j made whereby judges, who have some | Idea of what radio talent should bo like, should have a say in the matter, • « • T 10 Chasersâ€" a novelty program featuring Bert Pearl. Bob Farnon. Itai Purdy. is heard over CFIIB Sundays, at 6:15 p.m. Tho idea of the program is Itiat listeners submit tho tith: oi' a tune, and if Bert Pearl and Bob Karnou can't- play it or sing it by the time Ral counts seven, the two Tune Chasers are given the bird, and the submitter of that title receives « case of OKeefe;; Ginger Ale. and Ral gives a coniiiiorciul announcement. If you think you have a lillu which womd stop the boys, just send it in to Tune Chasers, caro of CFRB, and who knows, the drinks might be on the sponsors. • • • Pick the "Boners" "Boners," heard Sundays, 7:4a tj S p.m., over CBL, is another new :^ir feature. Music i.i supplied by W:iily Armour at tho piano, the iinuilet, ceu- sisliiig ot Wishart Campbell. Je.c-!: Ueid, .lack Dale, and Kalherinc Y'luii!.-, RADIO HEADLINERS OF -^HE WEEK By FRANK DENNIS and Albert Pratz on his violin. Her- ;,l3 May is Master of Caremonies. Th» jshli.:;ht of the program is Professor Boner's speech, said speech being a| 'lundred per ce.nt. nonsense. The pro- fessor is In tho habit of making counts !ess boners duriiii; his speech, and It'* up to the listeners to write these bon- irs down as tho professor makes I him. and send tho list to "Bonap ivrains". in care of CBL. Toronto. Wo understand there is a handsome gift liat goes to the top scores. • * * If you think that i-:ound men. those who rattle chains, smash glass, creak (ioors, create wind storms, etc.. have no mu.-iical talent, just listen to this. The nvmbers of Columbia's sound ef- fci-t deiit. are trying to organize an orchestra. Ordln:irily. you would have an impression of slass liottles, tin cans, horns and gongs, hut actually. It is planned to have Walter Plerson. the division head, play tho bass viol he used as a member ot an Ohio Sym- phony Orchestra. Cello, violin, and piano are assl^cned to Jimmy Rogan, who incidentally, is composer of such hits as "Star Dust On tho M-jon" and "Wln^i a Gypsy Mal:es His Violin Cry. ' Jerry Sullivan, formerly of the n. A. Rolfe and Paul Whiteman or- chestras, will handle drums and xylo- phone. Sax and clarinet will be play- ed by Ray Krammer. while Max riilig will sing and play the banjo. Who says sound effect men have no talent? • • * "The Shadow" In :iu interesting article. The New Yorker revealed that Oi-.^'on Welles, tlie young actor whose Julius Caesar in mod'i n dress is a currc-nt sensation on Broadway, also plays the part ot "The Shadow" in the 'blue coal' radio serial thriller. That Mr. Welles and his a.sseciates do a good <ol) on "The :-hadow" series is attested by the fact that tills program reeeiuly received TTie Annual Pilot Radio Award for outslaiuliiig luei-ilâ€" ;;n hor.or which, in pah-t y ars, went to such features ;is .lack Benny, the New York Phil- harmonic and other star air attrac- tions, ilead over Station CFRB overy Wednesilriy evening at '•• and .spon- soieil b;- tho producers of 'blue coal', â- 'The Shadow" has a huge and en- .iinsi;istic multitude of Ontario listen- ers. Western Ontario Deer Increasi!n.g .. -J altaili tlu; i;(...j.s!, rel'ueiliag ue\ ice lo a feeJcr plane at C '..don .)dron-:c. Invented by Sir Alam Cobhain, the device consists of a long .... ! o:i a ..:':ol bcateJ under the fuselage, and controlled from tlie cp.biii of Ihc pl.-.nc. Fox, Skunks and Ra'-bit Thrive Ako Kttorls of the Ontario Goverunieni'.s di'parliiient of fish and game api>-ir to have had worth while results in Stratfonl district as tar as deer are concerneil. Natunilista could not estimate tiio number of deer now roaming tlie North liaslhope game preserve, hut aro satisfied there has been a suhstiin- tlal ilKi ease. In Groups of Six The deer are treiiueii'iiy observed In groups ot si.x or seven and while the same sronps may be observc^d over :i.ei over ai;ain. it is believeil there is -1 Koo 1 population in that are:i. The preserve has also (â- ;uit;ed all increase in till' number ot fo.\es and siainks in lliat district. Quite a uiunber of itixes liave lieen sei :i and skunks last year anil untid to a nilisanee. The hare and cottontail aro he urn- in;; (laite scare in that district, how- ever, and pheasants do not appear to be thriving. The supply of partridge iia.i not reached very sati.staclory pro- poi lions. :K<>>l<>l<<K<*l<*lK<K<<<'^y--*^'^<'^^^ V V V "V V s Ths Stars And You "V V By A. i:. \VF.?R WHAT THE STARS FORETELL FOr! THOSE CORN OT) FEBRUARY II, 12, 13, 1'». 15, 16 and 17 V V V V V V $ :5 V V V V * V V V V V V V V * V "J V V 4 V V * V" V All tho above dates come iiii:ii r I hi; siyii A(|uariUB. A(|Uai-iaiis often have inventive genius and are p.ii lieuhuly interested in iiiveiiiions of all kinds. Aquarians do well win le i iiic iiualion and application are necessary and make excellent nuisitiaus, secretaries, artists. Any kind ot literary work usually lipjieals to those born under this ;<igii. YOCa OWN niKTHDA'ii:: KKHRUARY ri-Somo chaii.ge ma.\- have a big influence over your life this year. You will be well aovis<'(i lo lake slock of your assets :ind your [â- apabilities and to put forth ev -y i .;(m-1 lo iorge aheud. You sliouid ,^et mora fresh air. FI'JBRUAKY li;â€" A very busy lime i.; ahead tor you which will result in fiiiaiui;il progress it your ultoua are imi dissipated. Some new work inav aiise and social affairs will bring you pleasure. Do nut be deceptive or moodyâ€" these are traits sonu A(iuari<nm have to combat. Flii.KUARY 13â€" You may receive a coiisideralile sum of money by loan or legacy this year. A long journey is iiulu-ateu whicii may have bene- ficial results. Be caretnl when dciling witli strangers and elderly people. Yo.i are a clear rcisoner, iiuuili.e and sonuwhat clairvoyain. l-'KUliUARY IIâ€" Some di.spute may arise over a loan or lU'.i and there mav ije a inisuiidoistaudiug with your business associalus. \our problem iii io understand the other person's -, iewpointâ€" you yourself aro clear- siglited and dependable. You have a briliiaiu year ahead for social af- fairs and much happiness is indicated. FlOiiKl'.VHY' 15â€" You are approaciiing a prosperous and sm-eessful per- iod. Uoiiiij.stic matters, eoiial aiYairs and relations with relaliv s are all f.ivourahly defined. Your health also should be good and you are advis- i!d to take advantage ot this bright period in your life and to enjoy it to the full. FEBRUARY 16â€" Correspondence and documents figure in tho working out of your destiny this your and tiieir sane handling Is necessary It you are to avoid pitfalls. A removal of residence Is Indlcnted. You are faith- ful ami loyal to tho opposite sex. KIOHRUARY 17 -You are very easy to get along with, have high ideals and make it a rule to practice what you preach. You have a philosophi- cal outlook on life which helps you to overcome dtftieiiliies when they do arise. An obstacle Is indicated in business but all is bright for social affairs and love. If you birth dale is not listed above and you would like a horoscope for any birth date in the year, or if you would like a complete personal horoscope for any date lisied above, send 10c to A. R. Weir, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Plenso print your name, address and birth date plainly. >li â-ºJ V * S 3 V' V â-º5 V a. V V V "t" V V â-ºII ,r"'' ^<