THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 26, 1938 1 PROTON STATION The Janrary thaw did not fail to come and the water, which poured into the dry or nearly dry cisterns, . would be welcome. The soft water aupply now will last until the spring rains. Mrs. H. B. Jackson returned home early last week from Markdale hos- pital and is now making satisfactory progress toward recovery. Her daugh- ter. Miss Leila Jackson, who is nurs- ing in Markdale hospital, is nursing her. Miss Gertrude Irish visited friends in Toronto last week. Miss Irene Mathewson of Ceylon was a guest of her friend, Mrs. Clark Wvville. A play was given in the hall last Friday night, under the auspices of L.O.L. 244, by the young people of S. S. No. 2, and the teacher, Mr. Beard. The play was entitled "Clover Time," and was well given and well rectJved. Oh yes! The Proton Bears are again on the war path. We were afraid they were going to hibernate, this winter, but it took the Semi-Pro. Hockey League to bring them into action. They played their first game against Dundalk last Friday night. While they were defeated 8-3, it was actually the first hockey game for some of them and for many of them the first hockey game played on a rink. Proton Station hockey team has al. most a new line-up this year. One or two of the old team remain to give the others inspiration and encourage- ment, so when the boys get exper- ience and practice they will likely hold their own with the other teams in the League. The morning after the game we asked one of the boys how he got along at the game, and he said "Just fine as long as our wind lasted, which was just until the end of the first period. They know their limita- tions and will likely improve. Suc- cess, koy«. CEYLON FEVERSHAM Rev. F. Dean and Mra. Dean spent an afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Short and family recently. Mrs. E. Hewgill and son of Clarks- burg visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Short, here one day last week. Mr. Howard Short of Nottawa was a visitor here over the week end. Mr. Em. Brownridge spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. S. Ottewell, and family at Lady Bank. Mrs. Springgay, Shirley and Doris spent Sunday with Mrs. E. Hawton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sled spent Sun- day with relatives at Flesherton. Mr. John Poole spent Sunday with his »on, Wilbert, Collingrwood gravel. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexander spent the week end with their son, Ivan, and wife at Flesherton. Miss Nellie Short of Nottawa was a week end visitor at her home here. « With the return of better times some of the "isms" may become "asms". COUGHS, DISTEMPER, BROKEN WIND hav« met their master ia ZEV â€" niade by the mak- tn of Bucklej'i Miiture. Stockmen, poultry breed* er». etc.. who have used ZEV say it 1> positively "ture fire" ralief for all respiratory dheasca In horses, cattla. sheep, piga, poultry and dogs. It ia amazing how quIcUy i« gets results in the most stul>- bom casea. In fact, we guarantee ZEV to do in a day or (wo what it took old- fashioned ratrtedias a month to do. Pat iln S0#. Stock siis 11.00. Qet EEV tt C. N. RICHARDSON Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson spent Sunday with friends at Rock Mills. Miss Dorothy Snell was home from Owen Sound for the week end. Mr. Harvey Archibald was in Pro- ton the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. McCormack of Swinton Park visited a day last week with Mrs. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns enter tained the members of St. John's choir of Flesherton and their friends Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. Jas. Sinclair and children spent Saturday at Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Hostrawser of Chatsworth visited Sunday at the former's parental home here. Miss Betty Stewart took the solo in the anthem at the afternoon church service on Sunday and is to be con- gratulated on possessing such a sweet and clear soprano voice. Mrs. A. C. Muir entertained a num- ber of friends at "monopoly" Satur- day evening. The hall committee is holding a dance next Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Mathewson are visiting at Vandeleur. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Fred Marshall Thurs- day evening with a good attendance. The president presided for the open- ing exercises and Miss Doris Mar- shall took the Scripture reading, while Miss Mclnnis gave a i-eading "The Christening," and Mrs. Muir read an article on the preparations in progress for the opening at Ottawa. It was decided to try "patching a shirt" as a novelty means of raising funds. Mrs. Kennedy extended an in- vitation to her home for the February meeting. Messrs. J. D. Campbell and R. Purdy entertained their Stone's Line friends at a euchre party at the for- mer's home Thursday evening. Mrs. Norman Hostrawser visited Orangeville and Shelbume friends last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Will Meads spent Sunday at Swinton Park where the tatter's father is ill with pneumonia. MAXWELL The resrular meeting of the Wom- en's Ir.i=titute was held at the home of Mrs. J. Morrison on January 13th with a good attendance. Mrs. Ed. Seeley, the program convener, had arranged a good programme for the new yea(r. The February meeting win be at the home of Mrs J. Kem- ahan on Thursday, February 10th in the evening to which the ladies are asked to bring their husbands or friends for a social time. Mrs.\is Morrison is visiting in Toronto. Miss Whewell of Toronto visited her sister Mrs. Geo. Morrison this past week. â- , Miss Isobel Pallister is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Mabel Ross is visiting in Toronto and Collingwood. Mrs. Roy Penwick is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Moffat who are not) very well at present. William Kerton and Gar- field McLeod visited friends in To- ronto last week. The Y. P. U. will hold a social ev- ening on Friday. January 28th with Mr. Stanley Barclay as social con- venor. It's a strictly fashionable party if nobody goes until everybody has got there. EUGENIA Rev. Mr. Elliott is holding special revival meetings each evening this week except Saturday. No service will be held next Sunday morning in the church here, but at 7.30 p.m. the Young People's Union will conduct a service. Mrs. Chas. Martin presided over th6 regular meeting of the Y. P. U. on Wednesday evening, January 19th. Scripture passages were read by Misses Edna Partridge and Louise Falconer, and brief stories were read from the Mission Study Book by Mrs. Martin, Miss Evelyn Campbell and Miss H. Turner. Silent prayer foll- owed and a missionary hymn and a short prayer was given which was followed by the Mizpah Benediction which brought the meeting to a close. Mr. R. McMillan left for the north Where he has accepted a position near Cochrane with the H. E. P. C. Mrs. Bates Fawcett leaves this week for Markham to visit her sister and will later join her husband at Peterborough where he has secured a position with the Electrical Manufac- turing Company. We are sorry to report Mrs. Rich- ard Park quite ill but is improving at time of writing. Nurse Milne of Flesherton spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .A.dam Smith. We are glad to hear that Mr. Smith is recovering from his illness. Mr. J. Boddy spent the week end in Owen Sound. Miss Edna Partridge, Mr. Fred Partridge and cousin Mr. Edwin Le- gard spent the week end at the form- er's parental home at Rock Mills. Mr. Thos. Tudor has returned to Toronto after a rouple of weeks' visit it with his brother and family. Mr. Freddie Brown of Orange Vail, ey visited in Eugenia one day recent- ly- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and Marge visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Croift near Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fans who hare been living in this village since September are moving to Barrie where Mr. Faris has received a pro- motion with his work with the H. E. P. C. W^e wish them every success in their new abode. The Woman's Association met on Thursday afternoon of last week, with the president, Mrs. Francis Genoe, occupying the chair. It was decided to have a social evening with a "pot luck" supper on the evening of March Ist, when a program will be given by a committee consisting of the five convenors of the Y.P.U. and the president of the W.A. There will be a table of surprise packages from 6 to 26 cents. The members discussed quilts and quilting and decided to quilt at from |1 to $3, according to the amoutn of quilting in each. Any- one wishing one quilted just give the president or secretary a ring and they will give you information. Other basinese matters were Ulked over and the meeting was brought to a close by the Mizpah Benediction. PRICEVILLE The W.M. S. and W. H. societies met at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Watson with Mrs. J. McMeekin pre- siding. Roll call was answered by the membership fee and then the creed was repeated. It was decided to have a crokinole party on Febru- ary 14th and the meeting closed by repeating the Lord's prayer. Mrs. T. XichoU presided over the W. M. S. meeting which was opened by singing a hymn and then the Lord's prayer. Mrs. NichoU gave a splendid paper on missions and the meeting was brought to a close by the Mizpah Benediction. Refresh- ments were served by the hostess. The Februar>- meeting will be held at the home of Miss Nellie McLean. Mr. Donald Black received word that his brother, Mr- Jos. Black of Niagara Falls, had passed away on Tuesday night. His sister, Mrs. A. McLachlan returned home on Satur- day after spending the past week with him. On Wednesday afternoon the ann- ual cemetery meeting was held in St. .Andrew's Church. Mr. Colin McLean succeeded Rev. Mr. Sutherland as sec- retary and Mr. Archie Mc Arthur »was appointed caretaker. Mr. Smith from New Zealand occu- pied the pulpit Sunday and delivered a fine sermon. David, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hincks fell and sprained his arm last week. An x- ray was taken which showed no bones were broken but it will be necessary to keep it in a plaster cast for a few days. Mrs. T. N'ichoU is spending a few days with her daughfer Mrs. Dan Mc- Arthur. Misses Margaret NichoU. K. Burn- ett, and Mary Mather who are taking a course in Owen Sound spent the week end at their homes here. A number from here are confined to their beds with colds. We hope that all will be better soon. Mr. and Mrs. .\lli« McLean and son visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mclnnis. Mr. Stuart Carson returned home after visiting friends at Dundalk and Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eckhardt of Glenelg spent a few days visiting at Mr. Edgar Patterson's and Mr. Wm. Beaton's. EAST MOUNTAIN A much needed January thaw has come at last as the water supply is low in some places. Kenneth Teed of Eg>-pt spent a couple of days with his cousin Laurie Thompson. Mr. A. B. Idle spent a day recently with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Idle at Clarksburg. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. McMullen. Mrs. Morris Welsh is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. John Welsh at Duncan. .\ number from this line attended the dance at Kimberley on Friday night and report a good time. Miss Lottie Richardson of Fever- sham is assisting at the home of M. Welsh at present. Misses Mabel and Ursula Thomp- son were recent visitors with the Smith family at Duncan. Miss Lottie Wickena spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens at Kimberley. Mr. Ernie Harvey spent the week end at his home near Markdale. (Intended for L«st Week) Mr. Thompson Allen was a recent visitor with his daughter Mrs. Mc- Cullough at Union. Masters Allan and Teddy who have been visitin|f their grandfather returned home. Miss Mabel Thompson of Clark»> burg is spending a few days at her home here. Miessrsv Ernie Harvey and Exra Fawcett spent the week end in Kim> berley. Wo are glad to report Mrs. Sam Smart to be much improved in health and able to bei up again. A number from this line spent ft very enjoyable time at the home at Mr. and Mrs. Clark Teed at Egypt om Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur Idle and bab* were recent visitors with Mr. an4 Mrs. John Wickens at Kimberley. >|r. and Mrs. Gordon McMuII^ and Mrs. .Arthur Idle attended th« funerals of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson at Flesherton. Much sympathy goes to their only son Har- old in the great loss he has sustained. Miss Irene Fawcett of Kimberley spent a few days at the home of her uncle Mr. Gordon McMullen. Canada's navy has gone south for the winter. Being a sailor is not such a bad job after all. ♦♦♦ MASTER FEEDS SOL-MIN ♦!♦ ♦♦♦ f(M- Cattle, ITo£r.< and Mineral for all Live ♦> ♦♦♦ Poult rv Stock ♦!♦ Y ♦? ♦♦♦ SHUR-GAIN FEEDS ♦♦♦ t Big 50 for Poultry and Sh"r.Gain Hog Concentrate t f V *t* COOPERS DRI-KILL â€" Kills Lice on Poultr> % ^^ and Live Stock J^ ♦!♦ HELLIBORE, SULPHUR. SALTS ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ A FEW SPECIALS ♦ >♦ Ivory Soap, reg. 20c 2 Cakes for lie ^ ^ O.K. Soap 10 Bar* for 29c ^ ^ Red Rose Tea lb. S5c V V Butter Color 29c ^ Pitted Dates ^... 2 lbs. for 19c Pride of the Valley Peas 10c ^^^ » Choice Tapioca 3 lbs. for 23c A ^ Picnic Herring in Tqmato Sauce 10c ♦^ X TERMS: Cash or Trade Y % X I Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. \ ROCK MILLS Rock Mills Ladies' Aid held their first meeting of the new year at the home of Mrs. Ned Croft on Wednes- day, January 19th. The meeting op- ened by singing "We're marching to Zion" followed by reading the scrip- ture and the Lord's prayer. The sec- retary's; report was read and the roll call taken. It was decided to have a St. Patrick's social when a play will be given by the ladies. .-Vfter the business was completed the collection, was taken which amountcii to |4.95. Lunch Committee is: Mrs. .-Vrt. Poi- toou.< for cake and Mrs. Ernie Russ- ell for sandwiches. The next moot- will be at the home of Mrs. Dick Clark on Wednesday. Februai-j- Itith. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Betts of Proton spent the week end with his brothers, .Messrs. Laurie and Cecil Betts. Miss Sadie Foster went to Toronto where she will remain for a time. Miss Lulu Russell visited recently in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Campbell of Eugenia. The regular monthly meeting of the Baptist Ladies' Aid wa.s held at the home of Mrs. Net! Croft on Wed- nesday afternoon, Jan. 19th. Miss Bessie Russell has been con- fined to her bed this past week. We trust she will soon be restored to her usual good health. Mrs. Sam Fisher went to Toronto last week, where she intends to have an operation for goitre soon. Mr. Ned Croft, Glen aid Bob, made a business trip to Mt. Forest and Elora on Saturday. Priceville and Springhill clashed for the first time here on Saturday tiig|h<i in ^mi-pro hockey match. The ice was very soft with the result that the game was not very exciting. Priceville, being used to soft ice out- ecored the Springhill aggregation by 4-0 and have thus two gamee to their credit and stand a good chance of making the play-offs. Priceville girls defeated Durham girls by a score of 7-0 on Saturday. St. Columba W. M. S. held their first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. H. B. McLean on January 19. Mrs. Ritchie presided and led in the study. Mrs. J. C. Harrison led in prayer and Miss Sadie Oliver read the Scripture lesson. Miss L. Mather gave a talk on the life of John WTiitt- ier and a duet was sung by Mrs. W. Mather and Miss B. Weir. Election of officers for the Woman's -Associa- tion resulted as follows; Pres. Miss Sadie Oliver. Vice-Pres. Mrs. Garfield Whyte. Recording Seoretan,- Miss L. Mather. Corr. Secretary Mrs. H. B. McLean. Treasurer Mrs. E. Ritchie. Lunch was ser\-ed by the hostess and the next meeting will be at the home .'f Miss L. Mather on Febr\iary liJth. The difference that skiing; has made I i.s shown by the fact that many On- tario towns are glad nowadays to an- , nounce the fact in the newspapers | that they have plenty of snow. , Special Bargain i EXCURSIONS lO .Vl.l. ST.VTIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates DAILY FEB. litth TO MARCH 5th Return Limit: 45 days. TICKKTS GOOD TO TR.VVEL IN CO.UHES "That's not asking them â€" that's teling them,'' said President Roosevelt the other day. after m.nking threaten- ing gestures toward the capitalists of ihe rountry. So be it. In a few more years these gentlemen he refers to may be tilling him. They will have an opportunity to do so. at any rate. Excursion tickets in Tourist, I'arlor and Standard sleeping cars, also avail- able on payment of slightly higher passage fares, plus price of parlor or sleeping car accommodation. ROUTES _ Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Annstrong. Ont., Chicago, 111., or Sault Ste. Marie., re- turning via same route and line only. Generous optional routings. STOPOVERSâ€" withia limit of ticket, both going and returning â€" at Port .Arthur, Ont., Armstrong. Ont. , asd west: also at Chicago, III.. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and west, in accortlance with tariffs of United States lines. Full particulars from any acront. Canadian Pacific Winter doesn't count when vou have aTELEPHONE What if a big blizzard do*s rags for da\-s and the roads arc blocked and you're snowed in.' You ^jc never alone â€" if you have i tele^ phooe. All winjer â€" and all year â€" long, i^ $er>« you. You can chat with fn?Q ds. call mto t gwru and enjoy any nimicrofother pleasant conuccj with dh« »"9rl4 about vou. i^fl^ IS ?nie'geiicy. youT telephone's a sentinel, ever readv to call the doctor, the vet, or other needed ai<J. You and our family tued the telephone. â- ^â€" *5'5|^^^ NEW LOW RATES for farm telephone service are now in effect* â- fer. .«â- ~ i-^- KEEP YOUR ANIMALS IN TIP TOP CONDITION ^ % in sh the I- poult are p - V.> Spooil. their s All . retned; RSONS emedies â- u when your horses are not >'n the ho^s are not shi)win(i ocd.' . . v»heii aiiimaU and ermin.' Ihese dead losses "earsiiii's Kanious British hat it is p<issible to keep :idition. ics are scientifically correct •I ailiTients. ;j: British Specifics OITION POWDER -rj S HOG TONIC Pi..-»Ki.O.N S STOCK TONIC PEARSON'S POULTRY SPECIFIC PEARSON'S LOUSE KILLER '''"^N 600D FOR IS DAYS ONLY aft*r the appMranc* of this advertiseniMit Thto coupon entitle* you to 29% reduction on the regular price of any of these line*: ( ) PCARSOm STOCK TOMK ( ) PCAMCtrS CONDITtON POWOn ( ) PCARSON'S HOC TONIC ( i KAKSOirS POULTItV SKCIFW ( ) KARSON'S LIMMENT ( 1 KAIISON>S LOUU KILLEU rilimUu fuMtitt ami mm r«re*aMd in olxm brackMt Daakr't Naan . GET THE.M FROM YOUR NEAREST DE.\I.ER K>l