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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1938, p. 7

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COUQ- iian" nera- new J felt last • fac- jwth, jplor* reign our- er to bord- i "Ca hope may f the 3r by that parts run an. il i » ♦ r #--?â- ' ^. - - - . . Classified Advertisms i&itXiiy>i<yj(Xi^>yx!^>i*^^^ AGENTS WANTED RKLIABLE WOUEN TU.BIXL A CANADIAN Coam«tle product of On* qvAllty. Facial «x- partcQC* prefciMlc, but not ca««Dt»l. Ub- «ral commlaalon and pRmlumj. £vclyn Davie* Perfumer, 47 Triller, Toronto. ARTICLES FOR SALE CUT YOUR OWN HAIR UTTLE GIANT POCKET BARBER. THE automatic baJr-cuttcr, for men and boys. Really doea cut anil trim tlie b&Ir, and dues It well. Serd for circular. S. J. Jacluon. 8B7 Blocir West, Toronto, Canadian dis- tributor. TRICKS. JOKES, PUZZLES AND MAOIC Novelties. Send 20 cents fur catSLlu^ue, de- ducted from first order of ?1 or more, tl, 13, $5 assortments. Crown Supply Company, 12A Queei^ East, Toronto. t : AVIATION COURSES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, NA- vlgatlon, aeroplan* and engine meobanlcs, licensed Instructor*. Leavens Brothers' Air Services, Limited, Barker Airport, Toronto. CLO.HINQ FOR SALE OOOIl USED CLOTHlNCr, LOWEST PRICKS Writ* for catalogue. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 502 Tongs Street, Toronto. DOGiS lOR SALEâ€" AMERICAN "PIT" BULL TER- rler male pups, ten dollars, registered. Clar- ence Fleming, Sprlngford. Ont. FEATHERS WANTED rXATHERS BOUGHT, OCOSE AND DUCK. Highest prices paid. The Canadian Feather and Mattress Co., Lt*, 41 Spruce St., Tor- onto. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement 28c. Re-prlnts 10 for 2Sc. Phntri-Craft. t83H King 8L E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES. EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 26c. Trevanns Stud- ios. »3 Niagara Street. 8t. Catharines, Ont. rREE!â€" TWO BEAUTIFUL ENL.\RGEMENT8 (one colored) with roll developed, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest qtial- Ity. Machray Films. Winnipeg. riLMS DEVELOPED WITH SIXTEEN GLOS- sy prints (two of each) 23c. Free enlarge- ment. Eight Photographic Greeting Cards, 3Cc. Speedy, satisfaction guaranteed. Su- perior Service. Machray, Winnipeg. FRINT TOtJR OWN NEGATIVES AT HOME on any surface, cloth or paper, without sldll or darkroom. Less than cent each I Miracle Foto Kit complete with Instructions for 160 prints, «1. 3. C. Williams, S Richmond East Toronto. FOR SALE rOR SALE â€" LAVENDULA VERA â€" TRUE Bngllsh lavender flowers, for sachets. One Dollar a pound, delivered. Canadian Paciflc Bult> Gardens. Duncan. Vancouver Island. FUR FARMING MINK RAISINGâ€" SAltPU: COPT MAGAZINE 10c, book eataloa tree. Wr-TnA* Journal, Box 3t, Toronto, Ontario. FURNITURE FREEI 2,0eo Pieces Furniture FREEI IN LYOKS- 11»3S CATALOGUE OF NEW AND Rs-coodltloned FUmlture. Write now for this free, illustrated catalogue to give you an Idea oX Lynns' remarkable furniture values. LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. NEW A.Nk) KE-CONUITIONED BARGAINS 9^AA Crt 5-Plece Bedroom Suits In two- ^'I'l.SU tune walnut Ilnlsh. Dresser, Chlf- fuiucr. full size panel bed, sagless spring and brand new all-felt mattress. Completely re- flnislieu. $23 Cf\ 8-t'iece oulid oak Dining Room Suite. Large buffet, extension ta- ble and 6 leather upbolstered chairs: like Dew f\f\ Ueauurul ;i-ptcce CheslerUeld Suite. '-'" t'ull size Cheslertleld and 2 roomy cht!r:s to match, upholstered In a B',x>d quality Trench ;ac'i<-ird with reversible Marshall Bprln.i; cushions Thoroughly cleaned and re- cv'ndUl<.'ned $29 $23 f\f\ I'arse ;j-drawer dresser with mir- ror. Id walnut tinlsh, steel bed In w:iinut tinish, sa^Ie:»f spring and brand new r Wl edse felt mattress. Completely re- ^1 C r\r\ Six-piece bTnamel Bre.iKfast Suite. 4>iO.UU Buffet, drop-leaf table and four Wi:iu3 T c-nairs. Perfect condition. $1 1 Cr\ Oak Kitchen Cabinet. Top has sliding d<*<<r fnmt with flour and BUK^r c iitamers. turtle cupboard spate In base with bread b"x and three drawers In tine coa- dttl^n 3 Burner das St"ve with oven. â€" $6.75 (luaranteed. tf^vfQ /\r| Brand new 3-plece chesterfletd ^'fly.UU june upholstered In line quality repp 0' ver, rust shade, Marshall reversible sprit'.'.; cushluns; lull webt> construction. 0/;q f\f\ Brand new Chesterfield Bed SuKe. ^D^/.UU Chesterfield bed has large ward- robe. 2 Dig chairs to match. Covered In hyrd wcarir]^ repp material ( ruat shade). A real barg.iln ^4 er| _ Dresaers in all finishes with r*"*'" up iar^e mirrors and 3 drawers. ^C. Kf\ ..» Chift'onter* In oaK and walnut ^.5U up ttolshe. $10 $3 I f^(\ l^'^'P-'iMd Singer Sewing Machines. luaranteett good condftton. QC Brand new all-felt Mattresses with »'♦' heavy roll edge, well lufted â€" In eretrpne covers. All sUes. $2.50 up *•"" ^"^ *" •'"â-  $14 QC Brand new Chiffonier In selected $67.50 $59. hirch with walnut flnlsh â€" Ave dr«wpr.i â€" Colonial design. mtA oe Uclfl Chesterfield Chairs with Uar- ^^•*'»' shall reversible cushions. Beautiful 9-plece walnut Bedroom Suite. Lan^e dresser, vanity, ehlf- (onlrr. fulf else bed, s««less spring and brand Bsw all-felt mattress. Completely rs-condl- tfoned. I, Ike new, f\f\ Ntse-plece walnut flnimb Dining '-'V Koom Suite. Buffet, china cab- inet, f^uare extension table and 6 leather up- bol8tere<V chairs. Completely reflnlshed. SUGOK8T10N8 FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTB We have a large assortment of chairs, cof- fss tables, end tables, lamps, sewing cabin- •tt, cedar chests, radios, rugs, bedroom and dining- room furniture, etc., at the most rea- rable prices In Toronto. All our furniture thoroughly cleaned and re-condltloned In «Ur own factory and carefully packed for Im- Mdlats shipment on receipt of money order. Onr big new 1B38 Illustrated catalogue Is now f8*dy. Be sure to write for one. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers OPEN EVENINGS 478 Yonge St., Toronto ^Swiw â€" >»silft pfobiimt. vlt w«4 « Cll«.*(t«t «ii4 r>tio««l<rf CKo'l ^W !• Mf««« *k9 vtrti k.m Tk<t«moi< kee tttm 4 m«S« HMftty t« a^trn* UAtoirt 4t (Ola MMDy • iSri • •.«*ttit« (<M • %ma*i ttMff onU w, Mm, vkImms • yM^44twu4. (tomp , <si«b*t mi fox kiiik^Sua «iMrt» Raym*p, Maion RiMtoiis Limited HMiCtlKn. tgawTo CANADA HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPEES, TRANSI'tSKMATlONB. Braids, Curis, and all types uf finest qua: Ity UalE C><Mjds. Write fur Illustrated' cata- logue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 622 Bathurst St.. Torinto. HAIRORESSING SCHOOLS A.NDREWS- ACADEMY OF UAIRDRESSING, Govemment licensed. We train yuu lur Board E^xamlnatlon, ^ee prospectus, 941 Bloor West. Toronto. ilADAME HL'DSO.N SCHOOL, HA1RDRE88- Ing and Beauiy Culture. Write for pamph- let "U7 Vonge Street, Toroolu. MEDICAL ,)> < WITH THE i.SOY SCOUTS t- ^fe^ .tOOO EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY FOR iR. and ». ) Powder, heroal remedy â€" rheu- matism, arthritis, neuritis, stimiacb troubles, etc. Two weeks. JI.SO; one month, $3; two months, ii. Druggists, or J. C. Mclntyre, Edmonton. Alberta. MISCELLANEOUS LKARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typewriting by mall. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospec- tus. Dept. C, danada Buslneaa College, Hamilton. Ont. NOVELTIES NOVELTIESâ€" 12 ASSORTED SAMPLES â€" Only 10c. Novelties, 8. Puzsum, B.C. PORTRAIT IN FOLDERâ€" FREE IVITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- opcd and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snap- shot Service, 106 King St. West, DepL T., Toronto. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings: Registrations: Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of Inventions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Company. Registered Patent Atto rneys. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., DepL 219, Pres- ton. Ont. POPCORN POPCORNâ€" HIGH QUALITY GUARANTEED One Hundred Pounds, Six Dollars â€" cash with order. John G. Coleridge, Box. 479, KIngsvllle. Ontario. POULTRY OUR CHICKS GROW FASTER, BIOGKR, make bettei pullets, layers. Healthy, hardy, bloodtasted*. Free chick feeders with sarly orders. 1938 prices now ready. Cornwall Chick Hatclien-, Cornwall, Ont. WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR 193S CHICX8 Free? Enter the Twaddle Chick. Oonteat. l.SbO free chlcts, prizes to avtryone, S«nd for contest form. Tweddle Chick Hatchery Limited. Fergus. Ontario. QUILT REMNANTS ' FIVE POUNDS râ€" QUILT REMNANTS â€" Jl.OO Free!â€" 110 Patterns. Designs. Washfast Cottons* Prints, Broadcloths, Silks. Collect Samples â€" 26c. Refbnd CJuarantse! Mari- time Textiles. Department WIL8. 8049 Degaspe, Montreal. STAMPS AND COINS WE BUY AND SELL. OLD STAMPS. TORON- to Stamp Company. 56 King Street West, Toronto. The Shaded Areas Shaded aieaa in the latest war map show the Japanese army is now boss of all Japan and half ot China. IMEW YORK n*Ke^extStop? If New York is your next stop, you'll want to know oboul Th« Shslton Holsl. Th* Shslton providn ilji gueilt with "added altroctfons", at no oddad coti, omong Ihsm ore ths famous Shslton iwimming pool, gymna4iuin, Itbrory and lolorium, f urlhsrmoro, Th* Sholton It In th* Grand Csalrol lont, considsnd th* b«tl location In N*M York. TIRED or NERVOUS? Is bile doing its work? Your liver is laty. that's why you feel so rvttsn halt the time. Your system Is not getting enough bile. Your head aches, your back aches. Your food doesn't digest prop- erly. It stagnates and decays for lack of bile. Btl* Is a digestant and an antiseptic. Your liver should produce IS to 36 fluid ounces of bile eveiy 34 hours. Tanol Tablets will make your llvsr do Its work. Based upon a small proportion ot Cal- omel blended with certain other useful medi- cinal Ingredients, Tanol Tablets act promptly and directly upon the liver, stimulating the flow o( bile. They ar« easy to lake ana pro- vide a safe, easy way of using calomel, prob- ably the most etfeotive llvei stimulant known. They SIC not harsh. But thty ar* eftlolaot. Your druKgist has them. 50c. ia> Iu«ie No. aâ€" '3« .A.â€" c If Santa Claus of 1937 missed any of the hard hit families of the dried out areas of Saslsatchewan, or r.eedy homes in rural sections of the other p!-ovinces, it wa.s not the" fault of the Roy Scouts and Girl Guides. As the r 14th annual national Christmas Grod Turn, a coast-to-coast chain of Scout- Guide Toy shops once again provided Old Santa with approximately 100,- 000 toys, dolls and story books, re- conditioned and practically as good as new, and many thousands of new wooden toys and soft dolls prouuced in Scout toy plants and Guide studii-a. In many centres the Scouts and Guides had the co-operat'on of mov- ing picture theatre managers, who gave Saturday momingr Toy " Shop Matmees, at an admission price of one toy. Local distribution of gifts was made m association with service clubs, tfie Salvation Army and other welfare organizations. The special Scout-Guide effort this season was the bulk shipment from toy shops in the other provinces to Saskatchewan, to assist the Saskat- chewan Scouts in '[f-ing their part toward providing gifts for the ap- proximate 50,000 children of "Santa Claus" age who otherw se would have been missed. For this work the Scout Association divided Saskatche- wan tntc eight toy distributior areas, and the toy shipments were allotted these areas as called for. The shipments were provided by the toy shops at Sherbrooke, Mont- real, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Winnipeg and Calgary. The Scouts of Medicine Hat, in the dry area of southeastern Alberta, were helped in meeting their demands by the Scouts of Calgary, Cardston and Kimberley and Powell River, B.C. Details of the heroic first aid and other relief work done by Chinese Boy Scouts at Shanghai and other Chinese cities bombed by the Japan- ese have been hinted at in press de- spatches and news reels. The Inter- nation.'l Scout Bureau in London re- ports more fully as follows: Despite the grave danger of con- tinued bombing in and around Shang- hai, Chinese Boy Scouts carried out their Scout obligation to "help other people at all times." Their services in the hospitals and other places can be looked upon as nothing less than hero c, and under the inevitable dan- ger they stiir persist ir carrying on. Immediately after high explosives had been dropped on Shanghai, young Scouts began searching for the dead, dressing the slightly injured with bandages improvised from blood-spat- tered piles of material, and actng as stretcher bearers. One of these young boys performed a task from which many a grown man would have shrunk. A lift in a buildfrg had been hr>lted between the ground and first floors as the ex- plosion cut off power. Blood stream- ed from the cage, the door of v.-bich had boon pavtiall.v opened by some injured person before death had in- tervened. A ladder was run up to the ca'.;e, but the opening wa."! too small for an adult. .-V Scout went up, hesitated before what he saw. then threw down a pith helmet filled with blood, and performed the gruesome task of removing the dead. An early »iorn ng benbing raid, raining deaah on Per-hsin-ching vil- lage for twenty minutes was another scene described in which Boy Scouts, police and other workers rushed to rescue the wounded. The destruction covered a wide area, and up to a late hour scores of volunteers â- were still busily engaged in extricating bod es pis'.ned beneath the debris. Simultaneously, bombing was going on in Chowkachiao in the Jessfield district, and many civilians were killed. Shortly after the raid every available fireman, policeman and Boy The Age of Talk U. is one of the tragedies of the postwar era that we have had much talk and little action. Conferences which should have been the prelude to more decisive policies hare euded in the futility of many words. We have discussed economic difflcultles. the problems of war and peace and the menace of rearmament. Our fears have uow become facts; economic sel- fishness has run riot and the threat ot" war is upon us. The conference meth- od ot luternatlonal diplomacy has failed because nations lacked the will to turn their words Into actions. APPETITEganc? BUILO UP YOUII NERVES It's nervmâ€" «tHrT«<}, w««keued, uptet aervM ihftt luuftUjr aro tb« C4iu«* ot fallinc App«tlt». Build up your n«irv«« w*kii the |r««ft nerve tooitfâ€" PHOSFERINEâ€" and •« how quickly your appetito improm, mnd flt>«nfth retume.' Al dntnisto, fiOc. 91.00 %ad ll.W. 71 PH0SF£RINEJ^«t1SI& Scoot, together with those who had received c vie training, were sum- moned to the scene of terror to res- cue the wounded. Roy Scouts, together with Gfa-l Guides, also are helping in refugee camps, and atending the wounded soldiers in emergtiicy hospitals. Officials of ths French Concession Service Sanitaire found Scouts a-:- tremely usefnJ, while st'll other Scouts were called upon to help look after the criw;!a of frightened re- fugee children. When a group of iournalists were being, shown through tho hospitals in the Chinese territory, and were taken to the Vienna Garden, a dancing_hall turned into an emergency hospital, they discovered more Boy Scouts at- tending the wounded. Indian Rights Being Defended If those who write hunting laws made new year's resolution, Philip H. Godsell. Fellow of the Royal Geo- graphic Society and author, hopes they remembered the forgotten red man whose hunting grounds are slow- ly being robbed by the white brother with his Ingenious ways of earning a dollar. The tall, broad-shouldered wanderer of Canada's frozen frontier who came to the Dominion from England thirty- years ago because he wanted a war bonnet and peace-pipe, today scanned records ot northern experience and found one Jarring note in songs he could sing of those who live in Cab land of the snows. .A.nd. the white- man's airplane hummed the most dis- turbing tune. Qodsell said faith has not been kept by those who signed the treat.# with the Indian and swore hunting and fishing would be tor aa long "as the water* ran and the sun shone." Through numerous hunting licenses given to white trappers the Indian is steadily being pushed Into low mor- ale, poor health and impoverishment. Godsell. who has trekked from Labra- dor to Alaska and' learned to speak six native dialects, declared. Now Destitute "I know of Indian families thirlj- years ago who took pride iu their ability to derive a living ft-om forests and the stream and be as they thought independent of white men," Godsell said. "Today, I've seen those same families brought to utter destitution by Inroads of white trappers and de- pletion of areas In which they hunt- ed." Godsell explained the 50,000 Indian men, women and children up north had 15,000 bread-winners whoae prim- itive mode of hunting could not match the white man's mechanical bird nor his other tricks ot obtaining a living from animals of northern woods and the B^-lined streams. One of theso "diabolical" tricks in trade was ui^e of poison. "Hunting and trapping privileges ^Scratching ' KELIEVE ITCHING In A Minut* Even tie most lUibtjorn Itchim of eciema. blolebm, ptapies, .tiiittes foot. .-mIim >od oticr tkju rnip! ttona, .TU^c^y viel.ij to Dr. Dronis' oooiinj. .ntuep. tie. hquid 0.6. D. PRESCRIPTION. Its ',,„,;, cS wotbe the lrril.te.ikhi. C!«u-, jrtwelna and ,uua. â- t"Uy. .* 33o tl.1 bottle. .1 driu, .lorw. prove, It-I or money l»cjt. Aik (or D. D. K PftESCRI PTION, .f 10c a day buys a new (uaranteed REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER with aK eaaential featurea FREE- CARRYING CASE TOUCH TYPING INSTRUCTOR WHIoâ€" Remington Rand Limited Toronto COULD HARDLY CLOSE HANDS Had Rheumatism and Neuritis "1 tulfered tcTcnl; from Rheunutism and Neurlba," write* M; . W. J. Tricjr of Tortm . "I could hardly waj;,; up*tairt or cloae my hands. KHtt taking FruitatiTes four daji tfaa iwolHr'' left my hanJt and kneca, I Muld cfimi) stain and ladder. I advise any perwm sutferinf t« I did to take Fniit-a- tire*. They gira quick leliaf." Try this real fruit juice, htrh and tonic preacriptioa of a famous Canadian doctor. K you s«ifier, they might clear ap your case loo. 2S«. and 50c. Na sobslitato. Al Auggiat*. FRUIT ATI YES xiSS. ^Qu. should be tesirlcied in all northern Canada to the Indian and Eskimo population. The white trapper must b« eliminated it justice ia to be done the northern Indians and unless they are to become entirely dependent on the taxpayer." The former Hudson's Bay r,irr.pauy fur-trader sketches a picture ot "In- dians and their families iajscta^ broken-down, spiritless specimeo* 4t depravity, totally at a loss to knov huw to meet economic disaster iNIk which they are faced.' A new plant is Lozovae, Di will produce 110,000 tons of num annuallv. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA General Statevient, SOthJ^ovemher. 1037 LIABlLITICa Capital stock paid up " â- Â»â‚¬ fund Rcsert Balani Lca of profits carried foi^ard as per Profit mnti Lose Account , Pivitienda unciaitned iMrldend No. 201 lac S% December, 1937 per annum', payable lat $ 10,000. 900. 00 1,32J,176.M f- 11,325,176.14 IS.378.87 roo.aoo.oo * 15,000,000.00 Oepodts by and balancca due to Dominioo CoTcm- ment^ â-  ^ â-  ;.â-  • t.b37.»46.M Deponta by and balancca dua to Provincial Corem- mcnts 10.191.871.80 Deposits by the public not baarin* interest 3Qi,179,751..97 Deposits by the r<ublic bearing interest, inckxilna interest accrued CO data of statement 'R0,402,6I5.S1 Deposits by and balancaa dua to other chartered banks m Canada .. . I,08Z,82S.U Deposits by and balanoce due to bunks- and banjttec correspondents in the United Kiis«dom ana foreign countries „ „w^«.. 12,595,085.73 Notes of the bank in ciroulaciao «»...., , BlUs payable ^ Acceptances and letters of credit outstanding Llabilltiea to the public ttoc included under the fora- (oing heads _ 23,040,355.U » 58,0«0,565.0l 4l4.70«.n» 26,055.3<i9.li7 292.963.48 $869. ASSETS Cold held in Canada „.. $ &jbsiJiiiry ^oin held in Canada ..'....«,..,.. Gold held elsewhere ^,, Subetidiary ccjn held efscwhsre _.., Notes of Ban., jf Canada . ».... Deposits with Bank of Canada ^ . Notes of other chartered banks Govemment and bank notes other than Canadian.. . , Chc<iuca on other banka Deposits witli and balancoo due by other citarterad banke in Canada ., EXie by banks and I'^ankins correspondcnte elsewhere than in Canada Dominion and Provincial Gcrremment direct and guaranteed securities maturing within two years, not exceeding market value Other DoiTiinion aiid Provincial Coverruncnt direct and guaranteed securities, not exceeding mtirket value Canadian municipal securities, nos exceeding maiket value Public sectiritics other Chan Canadian, not eicecding market value Other bonds, dcbenturca and stocks, not exceeding market value ... Call and short inut exceeding 30 daye) loans In Canada on bonds, debentures, stocks arJ otlier securities of a suJTicienC morkctuble value to cover Call and short (not exceeding 30 days) loans else- where thun in Canada on l.^^nj?«. debentures, stocks and other ^ccuritie^ of a suthcient market- able value to col cr n,5«0 6S 1,280.131 09 323.I8H.46 I,277.70»-.<>S 10,528, 282.75 »8,$«^3J.J6 l.«7,S89.3<> 19,032. »2.58 r».97b.674.:2 t 93,410,196.93 2.*69.35 47,149.387.68 Current loans ond discounta in Canada, not other- wise included, estimated loss provided for $1S5,406,Q.S.^.62 â-  " 4,590,0^7.99 75,228.731.25 95,745.198.13 149.861.176.76 9,127.673.57 IS.927,4»:.06 3S,907,3S».75 19.392.906.77 10,070.S.<3.S9 »514,(>71, 335.81 Loans to Pro\ inciul Oovcmments, Loans to cicics, to\\'na. municipalitiea and school districts Current loans and discounts eUewhcre than in Canada, not otherv^'iae included, eNttmated loea provided for - ... Non-Currenc loans, estimated loss provided for 10,566.673,62 101.147,198.10 1,9^,428.63 Bank premise»,_ at not more than cost, Icaa amounta written olT Real estate other than bank preniises Mortgagee on rcat est ate aokJ by the Bank LiabiUtiea of customera under accepcancca and latter* of credit ae per contra Shares of and loans to conCrolfed comnanioa Deposit with the Minister of Finance for the aecuricy ai taatm circul*- tiofi •.... Other asaets not included under the foregoing heado, ••••••^mm.. .. 304,697,353.96 14,995,187.31 1,581.015.64 788.S»i,l«' 26.05S.369J9' 3,805.4112.30 1.550,( Wl, NOTE: â€" The Royal Bask of Canada (France) hae been InooriKirmted aoder the tana o[ Frai. -e t^' cooduct the business ui the Fan k Id Par' i, and theasssta rind '.iabnitieaof Ti^e R va* l-ank of Canada tPrani-v' are indudsd la tha above General SCatemaat ^t W. Wl..iUN, S. G. DOBSON, President and N4un .ii.'.ng Director. General ' AUDITORS' RJEPORT To THJt SHAKBHOLnraS Tim ROYAI. BANK OF CANADA: We have esainitjcd theaboi 4 Staurai'n t of Ljabilttlsa and AaHti asat SOth KoeembsrJMT. «IU| the books &nd accuunta oI-Ttie lioyal Baiik. of Canada at Head OlBoe and with the -itHen returns, from the bianrhea. We ha\e checked the eaab and the seeuritles isiiisisulliii tk* • Bank's investments held,at the Head OlSee at tfaa dose of the flecal year, and at variousoataa during the year have also checked the caah and InTestnient aecurltiea at asnraral of the txa» portant branches. We have obtainml all the Information s* d explariationa ihat wo ht^ve required, and In 9B opinion the tran^neuiMis uf the Bank, whirit ' Ave come under our Duti,-e, have been within th6 powers of the I^unk. The above statement Ih in our opinion, prooarlv drawn up so as to disdoga the true coodltion of f^e Daok aa at 'â- iOlh Novumber, 19^7, ana It la aa shown by tAa bookaaf the Bank. W. GARTH THOMSOM. C.V. > of Peat, Mnrwirk, UiteliuU A Company L ...Ji. M. OGDEN llASKtlTJ,.C.A. > Audltora. of HaikeU.Elderkm « Company J Ifontreal. Canaia, L^ecembor 'i2, 1937. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Balai^ce of Prol'it and Loee Account, 30ili No\oinb!r, rij6 Prolits for the year ended 30th November, 19J7, after providing for Dominion and Provincial Gavern- nient amounting to $947,839 26 and after malting appropiiatlons to Contingency Reserves, out of which Reserves provision for all' bed and di.>ubtf ul debts has been made , APPROPRL^TUn AS FOl.l OA'Si Dividend Nk>. 148 et »% per ann^in . . Dividend No. 199 at S'l â-  $ 1,9; ;„'96.49 3,711,379.65 5,625,176.1 Ulviclena .'NO. i>iM at S'j, per annum. . . Dividend No. 201) at 8% per annum . . . Dividend No. 201 at 8' « per annum . , . Contribution to the Penaion Fund Society. . Appropriation for Bank Premises Balanoe or PraAt and Loea carried forward. U. W.WILSON, Prealdeat and Managing Director. Montreal, OaeasBber 11, 1«17. S. G. DOBSON, Cesiarall

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