.Wcdneslay, December 29, 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i VICTORIA CORNERS IfOU sure? Nothing gives so much for the little it costs as the telephone, and it keeps on giving all the time. It keeps you in touch with markets and buyers; it ends isolation; it is an" ever-present sentinel in times of illness or danger. Many a valuable animal has been saved by a timely call to the vet. Many a pleasant social evening is arranged the same way. The value of telephone service grows as you continually find new uses for it. Nothing yields so much For what it costs as the TELEPH ONE CENTRELINE We wish one and all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Kev. S. Elliott gave a splendid Christmas message a week ago and this Sunday a New Year message. Next Sunday his text will be "Who Did Hinder You?" The sei-vice at Mount Zion will commence at 1.30 o'clock p.m. Commencmg at the New Year each appointment on the Maxwell circuit will miss one service every four weeks, allowing our minister to preach three times on Sunday instead of four during the winter months. It is very difficult to drive so far in fuclvi^hort time. The Mount Zion service^tell not be held January 9th. Victor OBJbwcne has returned homo from Mr. WesW||j Plantt's, near Rock Mills, where he has spent the past six months. Mr. Edwin Little visited recently with friends at Clarksburg. We are glad to know that Mr. Neil Mclntyrc, who returned home from Owen Sound hospital recently, is re- covering nicely at the home of his niece, Mrs. Harry Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little and family spent Christmas at the home of Mr. Walter Croft, near Dundalk, Mrs. Lyons, Garfield and Jean, were at the home of Mr. Garnet Magee for Christmas. Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Badgerow and Inez, also Mr. Mac Cudmore, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne and family. The Mount Zion Woman's Assoc- iation held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Taylor on Doc. i4th. The same officers were re- turned, viz: Pres., Mrs. Florence Lyond; Vice Pres., Mrs. R. J. Fisher; Sec, Mrs. Robt. Osborne; Treas., Mrs. ' C. D. Meldrum; Pai-sonage com., Mrs. W. 0. Jamieson and Mrs. C. D. Mel- drum; Sewing Com., Mrs. W. H. Little, Mrs. Giibeit LittU;, Mrs. Fred Plantt and Mrs. F. Lyons; Visiting com., Centre Line, Mrs. Gilbert Little and Mrs. Roht. Osborne; Third Line, Mrs. Roy Lyons and Miss Mary Sheardown; Fourth Line, Mrs. Harry Fisher and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. The next meeting will bo held at the home of Mrs. C. D. Meldrum on Tuesday, Jan. nth, when the devotional roll will be answered by repeating your customary "Grace." The funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Bannon was held on Wednesday af- ternoon, December 23rd, 1937, at two o'clock at her late residence. The service was conducted by Rev. G. R. Sei-vice of Flcsherton, his text being "Where your treasure is, there aUso will your heart be." Mr. Service drew lessons from the hfe of Mrs. Bannon, exemplifying this text. Her troa.surcs had been her home and family, and the beautiful and spirit- ual things of life. Interment was made in the family plot in Flesherton Cemetery, the pall-bearers being Wes. Dover, George Ludlow, Chas. Moore, Earnest Stinson, James and Ward Harrison. The flowerbearers were grandsons: Jack, Frcil, George and Delbert Bannon. Floral tributes included: Pillow, the Bannon family; wreath from neighbors; wreath from the Brooks family, Toronto; sprays from Mrs. W. A, Ai-mstrong, Flesherton; Mr. and Mra. Wes. Armstrong, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. Highland; Mr. Al- fred, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harrison and Mr. Jas. Harrison, the Dover Bros, and Mrs. Wes. Dover. The pupils of S. S. No. 4 gav^ an interesting Christmas concert Mdnday evening, including an amusing and well-rendered play by the young peo- ple, entitled "Kidnapping Betty." At this concert George Duncan auctioned the beautiful autograph quilt, the property of the committee looking after Tnistiogo Cemetery. Mrs. Louie Bannon and family of Dundalk arc visiting at Milton Ban- non's as is also Mr. John Robinson of Hamilton. Mr. Wm. Acheson held an auction sale on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ache- son, we understand, intend to move to Ventry to live with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walton. The neighbors and partic- ularly the members of Inistioge Church are very sorry to see the Achosons move away. Commencing next week Flesherton stores will close each Wednesday night during the winter months. KIMBERLEY Card of Thanks TO THE ELECTORS OF OSPREY I desire to heartily thank the electors of Osprey for giving me an acclamation at the nominatiop meet- ing, and wish you all a More Pros- perous and Happy New Year than any that have passed before. Yours to serve, MORT. SAYRES. Patronize your local merchants in 1938. You will save money. Card of Thanks We wish the Editor and staif a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Many happy families were united and spent a Merry Christmas to- jitther. Among them were: Mr. ana Mrs. Harold Hutton, Mrs. J. M. Faw- cett and Miss Myrtle with Mr. and Mrs. Andy. Fawcett; Mr. and Mrs. A. Wardman of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Belts and Janet, Miss Evelyn Montgomery, Miss Ruby Weller and Misa Jean Carruthers with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber and family; Mrs. G. Proctor and Miss Marjorie with .Mr. and Mrs. PTtnie Proctor at Eu- genia; Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Haines and Leverne of Bala with Mr. and Mrs. J. Press; Miss Annie Haynes of Flesherton H. "Sf and Mr. Russel Ellis of Meaford H. S. at their homes here; Miss Bessie Stafford with Mr. R. Stafford's; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompson of Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson of Vande- leur, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham and family and Mrs. S. S. Burritt with Mr. and Mrsf Norman Burritt. The concert pot' on by the teach- ers and pupils of the Public and Sunday Schools was a splendid suc- cess. Many :Kood and comic num- bers were given; also the singing and drills. The community appreciates the efforts of all who so willingly helped. We-rggret to say Mr. John Webei is r\JP. so Well as usual, suffering from a cold. Many in our community have been laid up with bad colds. Also quite b few with mumps. They do not seem to be a very severe type but slow in disappearing. The Annual School Meeting passed off quietly. The place of the retiring trustee, Mr. Geo. McConnell, was taken by Mr. Ralph Staflord. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dillon expect to leave for Crystle Falls about Jan. 3. Little Keith Carruthers, who has been in Markdale Ho.spital for the last two weeks, is home following an operation for appendicib Mr. Norman Bumtt '._ â€" ">-â- new mail box added to R. R. 4, Flesh- erton Mr. Billy .flavin is holidaying, with the Chard boys. -w BUCKINGHAM With the greatest appreciation and thankfulness to our many friends and neighbours for willing hands, kindness and flowers sent at the death of our mother. The Bannon Family. Two motorists convicted at Hamil- ton of reckless driving go to jail for 30 days and their driving permits have been suspended. The niithori- tjos should sec to it that the second part of this sentence is effective for some time, THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. Hill & Co., Limited CHAIN STORES •' MARKDALE, Ont. OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY -.â- # -; ^;â- .^i«>T.'^;.v'JM^^;..,• J« . ''â- M y the coming of he New Year bring to you and > ours prosperity and contentment is our most sincere wish â- â€"'*;<â- f,:, F. T. HILL 8L CO. LTD. MARKDALE, ONTARIO. Best wishes to the Editor and staff for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mr. aiid Mrs. Neil McDermid ot Rob Roy spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cox. Mr. and Mrs, Erie Hutchison and family of Ravenna spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. .MitcheH. Mr. Crawford McNevin of Toi'onto is spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mullin and family. Ml'. Bob Long of Toronto and sis- tor, Berniece. of Barrio motored up on Friday to spent Christmas at their homo here. Mr. Wivr. .Armstrong of Barrio camo up to spend the Christmas holiday at Mr. .1. T. Davidson's, where Mrs. Armstrong and daughter, Sheila, have been visiting the past two weeks. Mr. Kd, Shaw and daughters, I.so- bel, Ruby and Viola, of Batteau spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Ilawton and family. Around thirty-tive enjoyed skating and a game of hockey on the open air rink at .-Xlex. Mullin's on Christ- inas afternoon. The ice has been good the past couple of weeks and judging by the brand of hockey wo witnessed the other afternoon wo lather think there may be several Conachers in the lino-up. Misses Veriiii and Bernicc Hudson of Toronto are spending Ihe Christ- mas holidays with their parents, Mi', and Mrs. John Hudson. Mr. Ross Robinson of Banks spent the week-end at Mr. Alfred Haw- Ion's. Mr. and Mrs. Mei'vin Mullin and Mr. Crawford McNovin spent Christ- mas day with Mrs. Mullin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hutchinson. St. John's United Church '"Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Uolinese" FLESHERTON 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.â€" Public Worship. 12 noon â€" Sunday School CEYLON 1.30 p.m. â€" Sunday School. 2.30 p.m.â€" Public Worship Wednesday â€" * p.m.. Choir Practice. BAPTIST CHURCH UeT. Fred Ashton, Minister SERVICES NEXT SUNDAYâ€" 10 a.m.â€" Bible School. 11 a.m.â€" Divine Worship. 7 p.m. â€" Gospel Service. ROCK MILLSâ€" 2 p.m.â€" -Bible Schoo'i. 3 p.m. â€" Divine Worihip. •'O Come; Lot us Worship the Lord in HiS Sanctuary." Local and Personal Keep in mind St. John's United Church annual New Year's concert and supper on Monday, JanuarySrd. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Heard spent Christmas in Orangeville. Miss V. Nicholson spent Christmas mih relatives in Toronto. Mr Bert Broderick spent the week end at his home at Bradford. Mr. and Mrs Bob Carrothers holi- dayed at, their parental homes at London. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and family of Dundalk had Christmas in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston spent a few days the past week with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Phillips of Toronto was a Christmas visitor with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Trempe. Mrs. R. Bentham spent Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Len Hill, and family in Toronto. Misses Hattie and Ella McRae and Audrey McCracken of Toronto were home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best and little daughter of Toronto spent Christmas with Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Miss Eva Lawrence of Toronto was the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Henderson. Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Stanley (May Reid) of Toronto were Christmas vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. C Akins. Mr. Alex. Hopkins is this week at- tending the Boys' Parliament at Ham- ilton as delegate from Flesherton. Mrs. H. Down is spending the hol- idays with her nephew, Mrs. Herb. Fawcett, and family in Collingwood. Mr. Bruce Ashton of Brantford and Miss Elsie Ashton of St. Marys will be New Year's visitors at the Baptist parsonage. Mrs. Ed. Ball and two children of Redvers, Sask., are spending the win- ter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thistlethwaite and son, Bernard, of Toronto were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Park and other relativfe. Miss Marie McEachnie was brought ..ome from a Toronto hospital Satur- da to recuperate after her recent crit- ical operation. Mr. George Armstrong and Miss Alice Armstrong spent Christmas with their parents. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. .Armstrong, at Meaford. Mr. S. Sutton has been engaged on D. L. Weber's snow plow by the prov- ince for the winter months and is stationo<l at Chatsworth at present. Misses Myrtle and Retad Kennedy of Toronto and Thedford respectively, \ spent Christmas with their mother, I Mrs. Alex. Kennedy, and brother, Jack. 1 The Women's Institute will meet at the homo of Mrs. Boyd on Wednes- day. Jan. 6th, 1938. at 3 p.m. Roll call: samples of homemade candy. Visitors welcome. "^ ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton, Misses i Kathleen, Irene, Georgina and Betty .McDonald and Mr. Douglas Mc.Arthur of Toi'onto spent the Christmas week end with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald and family. The following were visitors at the United Church parsonage for the Christmas holiday: Mr. Les Callan, Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Cobb of Toronto and Mrs. K. .1. Service of Thornbury. Mr. Fred Gorrell spent Sunday with his parents at Barrie. Owing to illness on the staff. The .Advance is a couple of days late this week. In this connection wo wish to heat-tily thank our ftrother publish- ers, Messrs. A. E. and J. Colgan, o» The Markdale Standard for complet- ing what the staff left unfinished when illness compellaithem, in print- ers' parlance, to drop their "sticks'" on an incomplete job. Little Jackie Milne got a baptism one day last week which he did not enjoy very much. While sleigh rid- ing dowii the hitToack of his home his sleigh dumjjed him into the stream coming from the planing mill. (Fortunately it \v«8 not deep enough to drown him but his clothing was thoroughly soaked. A gentleman saw the mishap, picked him out of the water and carried him home. Hot water bottles and blankets soon put him in shape for another tu: 1j with the handsleigh. Flesherton senior hockey team will swing into action for the first tin-o when they play in Shelburne this Wednesday eveninfr, in the first game of the Centre Grey* League schedule l^st year's championship team will be almost intact, the only absen- tee being Bill Patton. Flesherton's second game will he played on Tues- day evening of next week when Mark- dale will play in local arena for the opening game here. For some un- known reason Flesherton has the most of their games in the early part of the schedule. Maybe there was de- sign in that action, as it is known that Flesherton does not start the season at a fast rate, but do finish well. Let's all be on hand Tuesday evening next to give the champions a big hand and encourage them to bring another championship to Flo.«;herton. Small Ads. SKATES FOR SALEâ€" Good pair of ladies' skates. Apply at this office. FOR SALE â€" Five pigs 7 weeks old; 17.00 a pair for quick sale. â€" Stan- ley Campbell, Eugenia. FOR SALE _ Nine pigs, chunks. Apply to James Irving, East Back Line. WANTED â€" Good prices paid for horses or cows, suitable for mink feed. â€" Jas. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE _ Toronto windmill in good condition. â€" Apply to George Boyd, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Aladdin hanging lamp, in first class condition, aLso a wood buiming heater. â€" Wm. Gibson, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Pennsylvania anthra- cite coal, furnace or nut sizes. $13.50 per ton. Free delivery within three miles. Terms:- Cash. â€" Phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. RADIOS FOR SALEâ€" Good used console models priced from $15 to $25. Can be seen and heard at George Johnson's, Rock Mills. Phone 75 r 4, Flesherton. FOR SALE or RENT â€" 6-room solid brick house, furnace, bathroom, el- ectric pump in basement, hard and soft water, hardwood floors through, out; on the lot is good stable. â€" Mrs. C. Wilcock, phone 44 r 13. FOR SALE â€" 1936 electric radio, cost $144.00, aviation, amateur, po- lice, short, and long wave, in per- fect condition jan be seen and heard anytime. You can save $50 on this set. Apply at the Advance Office. WANTED â€" Any amount of cattl* or horses for fox meat. My r»- frigeration system enables me to keep any amount. Good price* paid delivered. â€" H. E. Karstedt, Price ville. HOUSE TO RENfT â€" 7 room brick residence in Flesherton, newly dec- orated â€" Apply to Leslie Chard, phone -12 r 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" A pile of wood in the pole, suitable for furnace or large stove ;also Hardwood tops, mostly maple, to be sold by the cord; A number of pigs five weeks old. Apply to Th<w. L. Hughes, Markdale R. R. 1. Phone 132r4 Markdale. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Hog for ser- vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186251. sire and dam qualified in advanced registry â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Sta- tion. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire O. A. C. Conqueror 316â€"167820, will be kept for service. Terms $1.00. â€" Wea. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within fotir months â€" Laurie Pedlar^ Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St Office Hours â€" .'Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.M Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No: 333, A.?. & A.F.. meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in each month. W. M., Dr. J. E. Milne; 'ecretary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. D. MacINTYRE. Agent FLESHERTON Out. ROY LANGFOFto District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANy^DA ACCIDENT & •sickness'* FIRB AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Gnarantee Bondn Any Insurance Problem Telephone. MARKDALE, Ont. DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services reasonaM*. ^Phone, Dundalk 2. DR. G. A. LEDGERWOOD, V. 8. Night and Day Call Professional Service Feversham, Phone 4 r 6, at reaideno* oi Ed. Nixon, Maxwell. WANTED Alfalfa Hay Any Quantify' Paying Top H. R. M Phone *47 .vkdale â- '\ t â- < »â- i * » h ft i^ li i' I J I