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Flesherton Advance, 29 Dec 1937, p. 6

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>v â- A \. s ^â- \ k\ \ :â- â-  >»»:♦»». >:*:♦:♦:♦»:«»:♦:♦»:♦:♦:♦:♦:*:?>: : >:>>:<-:»»»»»x*>: iCiassified Adves'tisingl AGENTS WANTED In your iiiHtrKi Uir file cf v:anAdu't< iw,t' t Chick llittclirno Ai>ply Ux lu, H..i:e t2i, 73 A.ifi 111.- Will T fnl'i ARTICLES FOR SAlC Kiiit AtTi.:..!i)j.i.'. i:N';:m;.s for land unp II W <-r . tiy. ii IMjilc St.. Hami:i4'n. OntJirl') AVIATION couRsi':^ IN Ki.ii;nr ins. ul.tion. na- vlgall'm. uer i>^.::)v «ntl c; i;i;ie nn-t'hAiilcj'. Ucena^vl insliurt- ra. lA^H^eiin Untthrrtt' Air 8er\lc(n. l.;rnlu<l. Harkcr Al:p i'.. Ti ronlo. BARN ROOFING â€" rCNCE POSTS OUK DlKKl'T KAC'IOU^ I'Kti l..-, SAVI-; YOU> oti j^ 4;;i;\:'iiu»i) ro'tiau fiuperl'ir 8iefl tVrirr i»..«t!i anil i-tPel i:r:in- ary lining S .jit-rl' t l'r<Klueta LmiHrtl. Snr- Ola. Unl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WUMt.N SlAKl A DKtSS AND LIN- gerU buflinfa:! '.r yiur .-wn. A -h-.i). or fn»m your owp (i<tme I :xt«-;.t'nl (ir"Iu. InrrtaaliiK bujlnuk*. rrlL-pA i't liiect cim^L-tllion, anj gamionts «'Jp»rl.>r in miallly. Small Invest- ment starts you .,it t.'ara.len Dn-js Coln;rTiy. 7A (_;r:i.U-n S-'-tcl. T. ri>ni'». CATTLE to iwcUe in.mUia. Twi-ivc tf» IwUttct-n out of firteen nearest dun;:^ in their pedigrees nveraKf •â- vcr eleven th. Uoiiiid p^-unds milk per Pncts $5.'*. 00 to Jijj.oO. FVtleruiy Accre<Ili I P-riysldP Kami. Owen Soi]n<I, FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DKVKI.Oi'ED. I'KJN'iia), I FitF-K enlarrtm'-i i zr^c Kc-pruits U) f"r 2.V: i'li. i- ifi. .1 IS 11^ Kin^ SI K-. Tonmt'j, ZKKii !'Kii;f.s K\in:in work, roll witji irti- i'ni.irK"':;e:ii '2'tc IrcHnna Slurt- i'-5. wu ::i.iK;ir.. -S'.reci 8t Ca'Iiaiines. Ont, FUKK'- TWO HKAL'TiKLL KNLAKilKMENTS (one ct.ii.rcl » wltli r-ll 'level- iped. elK^it Cl'^s^y. (ade-pr • if iirini^, 'iHc. hlRbect qiMl- !t> M ur hrny hiiiiih VVinniiicj; FiLMS l>KVKLOHi:U WlTii HiXTKElN tlLO.^- By prluts (two 'if each) 2.'>c. Fre« enlar*;e- ment Kl^ht Ph-.t-Kraphlc (i reeling CariJs, 26<-- S( ct-' ly, siit»:la«tl ,n Kuaruntcetl. Su- p»-rn.r Hvr: i< e, hriiy. Winnipeg. PORTRAIT l.\ FCJl.DLRâ€" FRlIi£ WITH KVKhV ROLL I'KUFK.i'TI.Y IlirVKL- opecl ar.d prinle-l '-.'»• (f-'lnj. Star Snaj»- »!-â-  t Sfr%.^». l.,.i Ku;,; .S; West. Dt:.t. Y. T. r .ntn. ':;lo.hing for sale ciooi) i's;-:ii ri.oTii:;;':. Lfiv.'i;si' ri:ii'K.s Wnle It . -liil k'.i'- V' kku E r . I n /..'ilui: KxcharKC. '>*'2 \''m;f Street. T-T'Tit >. FOR SALE rOR HALt-iJO. KRNOKS l-Oli AITOMO- bllff eriKtnes tor laiul use. 11. W. Crristiy, 25 Ciyfe St . Ilarolltr.n. Ont. rOK BALEâ€" LAVANDULA VKP.A â€" TRUE KnKlIsh laven'Ier fl'iwera. I'T ttarbols. One V 'n- -1 p'lui. I. 'leiivere<l Caiiadiaa Pacl'lc Bulh (;ar''en?. Oun.-an. V'ancou-.rr Islan-l. FURNITURE FREE! 2,000 Pieces Furniture FREE! IN LVONK- liOH <:aTAI,001;F, OF NEW ANH Re-condltl'iieii KuniUiirf. Write now fur thin free. Illustrated cutali>f;ue t" Klve >"U nn Idea of Lyoiia* r(niar!:uMe furniture valuer. LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. NKW .\M) I'.K ONDITIO.NKIJ BAKQAINS • •'•»'" | walnut DnLsh. Dresser, Chlf- f'lnKT. lull cl7i- l>ancl hrd. sagle-c .-iprlnK antl bran-I fuw all It'll triHl'reas. C'mipletily re- lli i:n..' ^QT c*£\ R ricce «i Iltl oalt Dinlni; U(»oru ^C.O.O\J Kuiie l.arKe bufftl, pxtenslr.n ta- ble in. I t> leather upholstered <:!ialr5; like new ^On (\C\ IJeiiitirtil :i.[ilrre v'heflterlietil Suite. ^^J.yjU |.-„,| „|j.p chi-Ktertleid and 2 r<".my ctriiiM 1" rrialrji. ui)ti')l«tere'l l-i a g'ttnl quiillty Ftern h I iC'Mnrd wlUi reversible Marshall aprin;; r-iKiU'.iijt. Th'-r'. uglily cleaned and re-* cui'dltlfined. rf>o*J Afl l*Jlri;v :; .Irawer dres.icr wrh n:lr- â-¼^♦'•"" r'.r. In walnut nnl.h. i/,ccl be I In w.iinut Mnifili. aaKlexs spr'.n^' and brand n*w t II i-'l/e fell ln;iUrc«a. C nijiletely le- flt,l.-h.- 1 #t e f\(\ K»x [ileco Knamel Bi>'iKfu.'<l Suite. ^lO.KJKJ iiiitlet. c'n>p-lcar laUle an 1 four Wr:! t , , ,11;, I'crf.'.t ronclltlun. *| 1 Cf) ohu Kiiclun Cabinet. Tup n.ia ^Il.fJU ,i|,|,n,. ,|.,,r fri.nt with fl..ur and suKnr i:"t:lalner!<. large cuplmard space In bar<e with hrvi.i[ if"\ iii'.'i three drawers In fine c<>n- dllluM. • /? 'Jgf :; M'irner Has Stove with oven. â€" â-¼"•'" iluaraiilied. ^UIQ no '*'*'*"'' "*^^ :!-nlei-e rtiraterdelcl ^HO.UU i,„i)fi upholi'i'M«l 111 line tiuallty repp ( â- . â- - ruiL Kha<le, M:irsiinll reversible â- prln^' «-ii-ililf»nji; full w«-l>l» cm-ttnirtlon. • CO nrj ''-ra"'! new Clii- trrlnlil Hid Suite. ^07.UVI Chcilerlleld bed has larce ivard- rob(. 2 blR chairs to mntrti. f -ve red In hard wearliiK rein, material tni.^:t stride). A real bar(?atii Dreifiers In all tlnl^hes with $4 $6 $10 en ,,_ Dreiiie OtI up lurge mirrors n .u 3 drawers. crf\ (.'hlffoiiiers In oak and walnut .0\J up iinlshei. C(\ liruphead Singer Bewliig Machines. "" 'limrsnteed R-iod cnndlllon. *<> QC Brand new all-felt Mattresses with ^O.jriJ heavy rcll edge, well tutted â€" In cretonne civf-ri All sizes. $2.50 up $14. Metal Beds All ol/es. QC Brand io-» i.'Mlfinler In selected five hirch Willi walnut llnlsh drawâ€"; - f'olonlal deslifn. »A QC Odd (•lieaiernoM Chairs with Mar- â-¼ ••»'•' ihnll reversible fushl-ns $67. e/| Beautiful fl [>lece walnut Bedpinm *^^ Knite. Laii;e drcji.'ier er. vanity, chif- fonier, full 5lze (ed. safTle'n wprlnK and brand •tw all felt mattress. ''"mploiely re-cmdl- tl.ined. f.llie new. d>en nn Nine-piece w.ii-oii nnlsh Dlnlnit , â-¼i»*'»v»VI n,.„,n Hiilte. Uuffei. china cab- inet, looi-ire entenFl.^n tntde ar.d fl leattier up- bolsiere.1 chalr.i, <* ,i>ipl« tdv reflnl.shed. Bl;0(iK8T10NS FOIt 1-IIUIRT.SIAR GIFTS We ha- c a larire ae^oriinent -.f ch-ilrs. cof- fM tablefl, end tallies, tanip.i. aewInK cahln- «ti, cwjar chests. radl.#s. ruu'. l)edro<nn and dlolnit-ro.>m fiirnrnre. ttr , »t tlie nt'ist rea- •ooahla prices In Tonint.. All our furnltura ll Uloroughlv cir ..c.l and recundltloncd In tnr 'wn fnctiiij aol carefully packed f'lr Itn* toaoiate stilpmi'it ..n receipt nf money order. Our big new \')W llhi-irnte," cataloRue t« now r«ftdy. Be sure f<> write for one. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers OI'KN i:\H.\I.V(iS 478 Yonje St.. Toronto " HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ANDRFlVa- Ar.-ADK.VV or IIAIJlDR'-SSiNO, Oovenimenl Ihensed. W» train you for Board nxammall-jn en» proipectui. Ml Bioor Wejt, Turnt.iu. Madame iit'imoN Hrnor^i., fuip-DnEas- .s| and Hciiuty trulture. Vvnts for pamph- l«t 7117 YonKO .Street, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS Cut Your Own Hair UTTLK OIANT POrKKT BAItHKK, till »U- tnmatio halr-uitter men and boys, really doe*, cut and tnm Uie lialr, end do** It well. •end for circular. B. J. JacKson, Canadian DMrtbutor. LBARN HHORTHANiT ACCOUNTANCY, Tjrpewrt'lnK ttj/ mall. RatliTfled students tliroUKh' ut Cnnaila. Write for free prospec lua. Dept. C, Canada Bualneaa Colleiis, UanilltoD, Ont. PATENT ATTORNEY K.NOX. K.,'. STKKF.D ATTOHNKi â-  : 11 regariittig Invention Patent- „a, Kegislrati.:ns, Sales. 14 Metcalfe PATENTS A.N l,l.l:i( TO KVKHV l.NVKNTOK. LlKi "1 itue-iiions and full information eent free Vie K.iiTisay Conipanji. Registered Pateiii All r'.\s •â- â- ' ,1 Hank St.. Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL KKK VOlJ RfUlKKIi' I'.KI.IKP', (;OMFOln. positive suppnt v.iih our advanced method. No elastic or undei.itrupa or steel Write, Smith .Munufaeturing Co., Dept. 21U. I*ies- t n. Ont. POPCORN I'OPi i,KNâ€" Hum QUALITY (iUAKANTKKt) <):.- Hundred Pounds, Six Dollar.! â€" cash wii 1 ..rder. John <!. Coleridge. Box. 479, Kliii-sville. Ontario POULTRY ISmi T'.V1--DDLE ai'EClAL MATlNfl CHICK;! Free. Write fi r lull Infr.rir. illon about Twe.ldlc"H Annual Chick t.'..iit.'st. Tweddle Chick Hatchei), Limited, Feri,.is. On arlo. OUR 'lllCKS CROW FASTKU, BICCER. make tietler pullets, layers. Healthy, hardy. bliMxltested. l-'ree chick feeders with early onlers. 1938 prices now ready. Cornwall Chirk Hatcherx, Cornwar. Ont. TOBACCO LEAh BUf'.LKV, FOUR POUNDS »l.(Kl, f..urleeri p.ainds S;i.(10. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco 12.00. p.inlpald with ria\..rlng. Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Lea- mlnj-'on. Ontario. Freak Fox Skins At Alberta Farm Golden-Silver Pelts to be Sent to Paris For Exhibition I'arlsiiiii wijiiitii will (Itrido whether tlio ••Bolil(,'ti-8llK'r" polls of two 'fiuak' foxe.s hictl III All,erta ni(> worlliy nr adoption HK a iirw style for Itie smart- ly ilrcs.scti \^(iiiiiiii. The pelts wire shown (o uuiiibcrs of tho Alberta Silver Fo.\ nroedeis' AsHorlatloii al tin Ir annual meeting hero. Culled golrji ii silvers by Home experls, tha pells were e.xlilbitod by William Cliirki! Hlaekfiildp, Alta., on whoBo farni.s tliey were raised. Tho golden silvers wore a iny.itery oven to thp owner who ronld not ex- plain how tim peculiar strain develop- ed. Tho pelts will lit; sent to Paris for exhibition. Three Ask Freedom From Same Wife Three men asked legal freedom at Long Hriich, (^al., week â€" from the same wife. In a divorce compl.iiiit, Richard Sorcnson alleged I'atricia L. Soren- son inarriril him, Sam Paul Gaffney and Karl Vernon llolloway within 11 months. Gaffney'g annulment action said he was not of iiRe when he went through a ceremony with I'atrii'ia. Ilolloway'.s anniiliiienl, suit said the defenilaiit was not divoried when she b<cam« hit bride. mmm^.-m^^^m^^.imidtMiitKtltUt^ Francis Drake Biggest Pirate Interpretation of C'ilebrated iiCB- man Slightly Different From Cut-and-Dried History. Sir Francis Drake's disregard for the Kallantry of Spain wa.s lauded by (lordon L. Fraser, K.C. when he spoke to members of the Windsor Optimist ('ln!i last week, says th" Windsor Star. "I never thouRht much of it," re- marked Mt. Fraser after teliioK how tho .'amous Fnj^ seaman had crumpled the gallantry of the Span- iards. "They are murderinpf each other now in Spain and maybe they should let thcni finish it," he added After referring to the recent pir- acy in the Mediterranean, ho told of the one he considered to have been the greatest pirate in hi-^tory, Sir Francis Drake. ICndorsed Him I'rivately Mr. Fraser's interpretation of the c.-<rcer of Drake was far from the cut and dried school-history version. His clever and humorous tonpuo painted a word picture of the Klizabcthan favorite to match his contention that Drake was one of the most colorful figures in the history of the world. The speaker recalled in detail the series of expeditions conducted by Drake and his men, featuring the one that ti.ok thcni around the world. ObscrvinK that while Queen i;iiza- beth told tho world she did not en- dorse the actions of tho British pirates a;::iinst the Spaniards, she praised them privately, Mi Fia.scr said, imd even had ah investment in the Drake main expedition which gave her a profit of moie than a mil- lion dollars. Loyalty of Men Mr. Fraser emphasized the loyiilty of Drake's men by maintaining that they woulil have even gone to hell •vith him for they knew if he took them there he c..uld bring th'>m back. In closing, Mr. Fraser nm<le brief mention of some other well-known buccaneers. He suggested that be- of wireless and 40-knot boats, piracy today likely would not prove as prosperous a profession as it did in the ICith century. B • i\n n u vV W nana NEW FOKD V-8 (AKS FOK 1938 "â- -aavr- «â- - "-^1" ^-gn. >j. THE D E LUXE ^.,...^.-.--j'<""-J'W7.hWj«0.X-.»^V., THE STANDARD nwuw w>i ifl» »q L ii JO ^.^ FoRii offers two new care for 1938 â€" the Standard Ford V-8 and the De Luxe Ford V-8. They are different in appear- ance â€" l)iil built to tho same standard of nipchaiiical excclleace â€" on the same 112- jncli whi clLase. because people liked nur 1937 car so veil, they Lou^^dil more than of any other iiiuke. Tlicy liked its looks, its sniootli {)erforiiiancc, and the way it liandK'd. Wo in\i' improved on that car in ihc newly Bt>I(;d Standard Ford V- 3. Put soint; folks wauled btill more si/t; and styh', with tiie same fiindumeiital Ford advanluKes. For ihem, we have designed a new De Lu.xe line. Tlie Do Luxe Ford V- 8 Sedans are longer with more room, larj^er luggage space, and finer appoinlmenis. De Luxe cars are equipped with tlie 85-horscpowor Ford V-8 engine. They provide more motoring sati-sfaclinn at low Ford prices. The Standard is even lower priced than the De Luxe. It is a brilliant, modern car. It has graceful new lines and well-tailored interiors. It gives you the same basic ad- vantages of the oo-horsepowcr Ford V-8 engine. Before Ford made V-type 8-cylinder en- gines available (o every one, they were used only in exj ensive cars. Since then, four million Ford owners have learned the genuine enjoyment of driving an 8-i'yliii- dcr car with all-rcund economy. The low jirices of the De Luxe and Standard cars make it easy {"X you to step into iho V-8 class. FIT YOUR C-iR TO YOUR NEED? With two distinct designs, two body sizes and two price ranges, you'll find a 1938 Ftird car to fit your jicrsonal needs exactly. Whatever one you choose, you get timi> proved Ford V-8 performance. WTialever price you pay, you get a car built soundly to serve you well. . . . That's the Ford way. FOR LOW DELIVERED PRICES SEE YOUK LOCAL FORD DEALER Do l.uxc Ford V-8 models arc Coape, Tudor Sedan, Fordor Sedan, Convertible Coupe, Cluii Conpe, Convertible Club Coupe, l'h.aoton and Cnnvertiblo Sedan. St andard Ford V-8 is available in three mod- «T<1 Coupe, Tudor Scd.ui and Fordor Sedan. Ford sells n fiJIy eijuipped at the lowc : pos-ible' price. The pricos on De Luxe modc^. intludc twin tail light.", two windshield wipei' two fim visors, twin cK-ilrio horns, ci?. .â-  lighter, dc luxe eteering wheel, glove cnmpar- iiu lit clock and lock, chrome win-el bunds, ii; addiliuii to front and rear buiitpers and guards, fpare wheel and tire and tube, tire lock, and kea)ili:.;ht beam indicator. friics on Statid.ird ntoilels include front and rear bumpers anil guards, spare wheel and lire and lube, tiro lock, one tail light, one wind- shield wiper, one sun visrr, cigar lighter, headlight beam indicator, and two burns. AS 1937 CLOSES LETS TAKE IN- VENTORY. Cheek carefully your real iimsoIm In life, If you lune a ill ar cons; icnco iiiul Kooil he.illli. If yon have halt' a dozen Rood friends and u happy home. If your heart has kept Us youth niid your soul Us honesty - Then yon iiic one of life's inillionain s. The yiiiiiiK nian hiid poni! to the bii zaar, tint was detormined not to spoiiil anything. MAKE YOUR LIVER Produce its bile Y<.ur liver has n big Job to do. Mai. It do what It Is I 1 posed to. Us Job Is t.) pro- dlico IB to ,^fl HUM ounces nf bllo i .-v day and send It through Ihc system. 11 i* falls down on Its J ir you suffer. AIJD HOW! Tlie most effectUo stlmul'<at for tie liver known to medlcfil science Is rtloin"!, which In small doses Is one of the hlgtimt use In congestive conditions, especially those due to over-eating, over Indulgence In alcohol, lack of exercise, etc. T.inol Tablotf t 'ntalii a cer- tain pniporUoit of oalomel, bU-vled with oaa- cara and other medlolnee. They are mlM and liarmteei. Hut your Uver understand! and takee the hint. IV>r Ml* kl all dm .iliti, »0«. (B) Issue No. 1â€" '38 Aâ€" O Pretty Seller â€" "What about thij cigarctto case?" Young Man â€" "I don't smoke." Pretty Seller â€" "This pen wiper." Voiiag Man â€" ''I never have any n;o for them hocauso I never write." Pretty Seller â€" "This package of candy?" Young Man â€" "I never eat candy?" Pretty Seller â€" "Then what nbotit this cake of soap?" The young man bought It. This Is the end of 1937: Don't bo fooled by tho calendar. There are only as many days In the year ns you mako use of. One man may get only a monlh'^; val- ue out of an entire year. While another will get a full year's value out of a inontli. It's tho uso you make of your time '.hat ctiuit,i. Uoss -- 'III, there, yoti; didn't you tell mo you never got tired." Ntt;r() â€" "Dnt's rlsht, boss, ah al- ius .-itops an' rests bofo' ah gets tired. Read it or not: Frost <1()08 not cnuso the le. ves of trees to turn yellow and red in the autumn. Percy â€" Mr. Pennlnstou, your dau- ghter has promb od to marry me." i.Ir. i'onnlngtcn -- ''She said she would get even with you for iiot giv- ing her an English bull pup for Christ- mi: .i." Play fair even with tho Devil. Don't yell ''get behind me Satan," and then- continue to hang onto htm with lK>th hands. Hired Hand â€" "Well, now, what time do 1 have to get to work morn- IngB?" Farmer â€" "Any time yon like. Jest bo's It ain't later than half-past four." THE JOY OF WORK Don't pity tho man who huiitlos nil tho whole day throupb â€" But pity tho other fellow who hasn't a thing to do. Condole with tho chap who's Idle, who has no "row to hoe,' With no one dependini? on him, and nothing to mako him grow, lie misses tho host of living, the joy of work well done, Tho thrill of binh achievement and victories nobly won. And tho man who " In" daily, and whoso bread and butter depends On bis doing his vi>ry utmost, and who earns all be spends â€" Is tho one who finds completeness in every well-spent day â€" Whose life is filled with sweetness in work as well ns play. His joy Is In providing â€" through his I 'vn brawn and brain For those whos • lovo iiispiios hitn to hustle with might and main. That man will kenp on climbing, niul nothin.i; can mako h!:n stop: For with such power behind him lu 's sure to reach the top. So envy the man who hustles, and needs to hustle too: And from your heart be thankful if that man should be â€" YOU! Farmer Brown - - What did your son learn at vuUe college?" Far:::.- Hicka â€" "Well he hadn't been homo three days before he show- ed me how to open a bottle 'with a half-dollar." Don't get the Idea that everybody is working against you; many of them don't even know that you are around. "The time has come when even the stron^st democracies in the world must be prepared to resist inroads upon their liberties by totalitarian states."- â€" Harold U Ickes. '* » * 1 â- Â» y < * Meets Death In Search of Sleep Twciity-three-year-old Mary Nains. by, of Clarence street, Seaton Sluice^ Knpland, met her death while trying to cure herself of insomnia. ' This was revealed at an inquest on. Miss Xainby, whoso body vas found, jammed nniong the sharp rocks ati, the foot of the 40-foot cliffs at Col-' lywell Bay. Part of the medical trcatn:ent to-' wards her cure, it was stated, was a' walk each evcaing before retiring. . Her usual practice was to walk*' around the crag t'.t the top of the cliffs, where tho footpiUh is only three ^f inches from the e.Ige. It was slightly foggy at the time ^ of her fall. Mt'iiica! evidence was thi'.t the girl had a fractured skull and broken 1. vk. WEAR SMART STYLES AT 45 Ketain \t\ .\itractive Figure Disfiguring extra pounds that mako it diflicult to drej» ai you wi»h are c'len dua to tluge'ulines* of tout iirci'. Vi\\ n thia greil cleanser of blood and distributor of energy is inec'ive or orerworked, sugars and rarbi'iiydittea wl.ich should b« stored in the liver develop into fatty tissue. Middl* aged and older women with tttrictiv* figures invariably possess hetllhy livera. Fruil-a-tives fruit liver laUcts put your liver io good condition, and keep it healtiiy. You feci better, skin dearer, eyes briglilw, â- re more likely le retain your fncafal Bgureâ€" wear smart young styles. Thou- sandliof women. us« Fiuit-a-thes for llili reasan. Try them, ZSc., SOc., all druggisli. * * 1 FRUIT A-TIVES.t£g. /'

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