V V V 1^: Classfified Advertising AGENTS WANTED c eAU.eitAN wanteu bv "the old rb- jltaile Puniblll Nurseries" (Estalilliihed lUO y.T; -s). S«ii(l f'lr ceiUetinlal Culaldgue an<l 8:>«clal Llaes Start imw. exclusive lerrl- ^ "^lury in tuwn oi cxuiitry^ liberal lerma; tree iitllt. Stone and WcMinKtiin, Torcinto 2. I'^^IIHSENTATIVE WANTED FOli H08- iftry manufacturer for tiiis fiistrlct. Only eruTijetic man cnnsiderefi. Write full par- tuniliirs til Mr Eillntt. 72 «Licen West, To- nrnt... Al-.KNTS TO SELL MEN'S NECKTIES FOH , i.'hrlatmas. Oxid pmrits. Write for samples atid iirioe list. Muri;atr<>]d A;;cncles. ?onge St, Arcade. T'»r(into. SELL GLYCO HANDCLEANER A<iKNT3 WANTKD IN ALL COMMUNITIES to dem(inar.rate and sell. Glyco. the perfect ^ haml cleaner Glyco overcomes competlUnn, sure repeat sales ttummer and winter. Ex- - elusive territory (jJyon Company of Canada, St. Ntcholaa ButldlnR, Montreal. CASH. WATCHES. BLANKETS. SETS OF ailverware, Tulletware and many uther use- ful articles given to our agents. Send for *' fviic cataloRUi;. Royal Mail Order Co., 88 Sherbuuroe Street. Toronto. »-. ... -â- â- ,â- â- â€" - „- â€" ^â- ^ AOICNTS WANTED TO SELL BABY CHICKS * in your district for one of Canada's largest ("hurlt Hatc:herips. Apply Box 10, Suite 421, ~:i Adr'l.'iide West. Toronto. â- ^-i» .â- â€" â- â- .. â€" â- â- »â- . .11... â- â- ..â- â- â- , I ..I .1 â€" - ARTICLES FOR SALE Christmas Furniture Bargains «(* I O C(\ Vyeii genuine Singer drnphead ^ii^%Jm%i\J sewing ninchinea, golden oak cab- lnct.s. head folds down to make table when T\M 1,1 use. long shutt'.e. I'omplete with fit- ti-:!?. .'ixtv day guarantee. *&fi Off IJijed cabinet rnnsole phonographs, Hf^*'^*^ mahoRany or onk cabinets, all stan- dard mnkes, heavy duty motor, large record compartment, oompiettf with one liundrefl re- V ^r^ EQlcrtlons. $i ^ Q^ Used genuine Victor Ortlir- phonics, -O.JiJ ill goiid walnut cablneta. two .-^^- M ,) ., j.^ ^<r^ front, orthophonlc type repro- ilu • â- , 'V 1 hundred record selections. $•^0 rf\ Better grade upright pianos, small o ^'•1>V -jpa^rtment size, modem plain cose, Bt '11 ni'liogany, all standard makf.H, Heintz- Ijnnn. Mc^nn and Rlsch, Stanlnv. Bell, etc., a c ^'pto ::raiid scale, full metal frame, pollah- P'l MU? new and crated for safe shipment. â- fi'^.n'K FOR CATALOGUE . ALL MERCH- rindl.'ie .'-â- i.ipped money-buck guarantee. FUR- "'NITLRE WAREHOUSE EXCHANGE. 86 â- 'MKaTNUT STRP^ET. Toronto. Ontario. "^ BARN ROOFINGâ€"FENCE POSTS OrR rMIlECT FACTORY I'RICES SAVE YOU monev on Supcrtlte galvanized rooflng. Eiiperliir Steel rVnre Hosts and steel gran- nry lining Sut)pr)>ii pr.durts Limited. Sar- ni-i. Ont BOOKS AND MAGAZINES I'SED .MAGAZINES -DETECTIVE. ADVEN- lure. Western, Sport, Love. 30 for SI. 00. c ilect Hart>nrd Stamp Store, Toronto 4. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOMEN - START A DRESS AND LIN- * gerle business of your own. A shop, or from yur own home. Excellent profit, increasing bUHine.ss. Prices to meet competition, and * F:irnienl.>» superior in quality. Small Invest- ment starts you off. Write Camden Dresa < '' 'nij'nny. 7A Camden Street. Toronto. - CATTLE DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN BULLS. ONE < to twelve months. Twelve to fouFtern out of fifteen nearest dams in their pedigrees * average over eleven thousand ptumda milk , ppT year. Prices SDn.OO to $80.00. Fcderaly Areredited. Bay aide Tarni, Owen Sound. "I DOGS FOR SALE i'JHtlSTMAS GII'TS! CHAMPION BRED I'upa. Adults. Setters. Spaniels, Daltnations, ^ KfT'tilpfi. Bostons, Pekes, Toys, etc. $2.00 up to .*>!:), 00. Stamp Reply Kennels, St. Jean, â- ^ ELECTRIC WELDER » THE TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDERâ€" WON- dprful new (nventl'in. Operates from 6-volt h.-itlory. Weldsâ€" Soldersâ€" Brazes. $3.9.') de- .^ li\erctl. (I. H. Antierson. Lindsay, Ont. " FURNITURE 21)00 i;iKT3 TO l''URNITURE BUYERS -in Lyons' 1938 Catalt KUe of new and recon- ditioned furniture. Write nuw for free cata- 4oKue i>r sec Lyons' remarkable furniture val- ues when in Toronto. LYONS' TRADE-IN OEPT. *NKW .\ND RECONDITIONED UARGA1N8 ^^^AA Cfl J>-l*lece Bedroom Suilo In two- V • '•OU tone walnut Unish. Dresser, Chif- fonier, full size panel bed, sagless spring and brnnii new all- felt mattress. Completely re- . flni^licii. d^Q*} Cfl 8-Plece solid oak Dining Room ^^O.OU Suite. Large buffet, extension ta- ._ ble and 6 leather upholstered chairs; like new. . d>OQ nn Beautiful 3-picce Chcstoraeid Suite. . V^-^'WU Pull „|„ chesterfleld and i roomy chairs to match, upholstered In a good quality French Jhcquard with reversible Maraball * iprlnK cushions. Thoroughly cleaned and re- conditioned. â- 4kl^Q nn ^^'''â- o'y sample brand new Bed- V'^^'VU room Suite: Vanity, ohitfoniar and full size panel bed. Beautiful two-tone walnut finish. A ^nap. #1 e nn Six-piece Enamel Breakfast Suite. t^x^.UV Buffet, drop-leaf table and four Windsor chain. Perfect oondltloo. 4(1 1 Cn Oak Kitchen Cabinet. Top hx V I i.«JU aUding door front with flour and sugar contalnua, large cupboard spact In ba*a '•rltli brMd box and three drawers In flns son- 41tlon. */; 7e 3-Bunier Oas Stove with oven, â€" â-¼"• ' *» Ouaranteed. ^AQ f\(\ a-P)ace Chesterfleld Suite (r«- â-¼ '*'•"" built), brand new oovertng ta tspp.' nut shade; with MarshaU reversible •uahloos. AJl webb oonitructloD. JkfiQ ftt\ Brand new Chesterfleld Bed Suite. ^V9.w chert««old bed has lane ward- robe, 2 big ebalrs to matob. Covered In bard wearlnR repp material (nut shade), k real bargain. *4 Cfl „_ Dressers In all flnlshas with »p-«.«JW up la,^, mlrrom and t drawers. §Ji Cn ,,_ Chiffoniers In oak and walnut Al n lUl '^'oP-t>ead Singer Sewing Maohlnes. tpavf.uv ouaranleed good eondltlon, #^ Oe Braad new all-felt Mattresses with heary roll edge well tufted â€" In eretonne oovers. All iIim $2.50 up ^''"" °' • ^" "•" ftl4 *)*» Bâ„¢""! "««â- C.lffonlcr In selected «pa-«,i7U birch with walnut finish â€" five drawers â€" Colonial design. «4 qe Odd Chesterfleld Chairs with Mar- â-¼'••'*' shall reversible cushions. VA7 K(\ Beautiful 6-pleoa walnut Bedroom 'rv-^nt Suite. Large dresser, vanity, chif- fonier, full size bed, sagless spring and brand bow all-felt .mattress. Complotelv rc-condl- tloned. Like new. $59 on NIne-ploce walnut flnlsh Dining yfy,/,\JV RcKim Suite. Buffet, china cab- met, square extension table and n leather up- holstered chairs. Completely reflnlshed. BUOOBSTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS OIFTS ^ve have a large assortment of chairs, cnf- «•• tables, end tables, lamps, sewing cabln- JJs, cedar oheats, radios, rugs, bedroom and ainlng-room fumUure, etc., at the most rea- •onnble prices In Toronto. All our furniture â- thoroughly eleaned and re-condilloned In ottr own factory and carefully packed for Im- Jjedlate shipment on receipt of money order. Onr big new 1938 illustrated catalogue Is now •'•â- '•*• Be sure to write for one. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturer* 478 Yonge St., Toronto iMue No. 51â€" '37 Aâ€" 1 FkLMS AND PRINTS ROLLS OKVELOPED, PRINTED, I FREE enlargement 25c Re- prints 111 for SSc. Hhoto-Craft, 183H Kinq St. E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL Willi free eniarBonienI 'JRc. Trevanna Stud- ios, U3 Niagara Street. St. Catharines, Ont. KREE! â€" TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENTS (one colored) with roll developed, eight glossy, fade-ijroof prints, 28c; highest qual- ity. Machray Films. Winnipeg. FILMS DEVELOPED WITH SIXTEEN GLOS- sy prints (two of each) 25e. Free enlarge- ment. Eight Photographic Greeting Cards, 25c. Speedy, sati.sfactlon guaranteed. Su- perior Service, Mucliray, Winnipeg. CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR PAVOUR- Ite negatives. 3 for 2,'ic; 75c a dozen; com- plete with envelopes. Enlargements 5x7 In easle frame. .lOc; 2 fur 75c. Roll aims developed and printed, 25c: reprints 3c each. Free eniarKement with every 2.5c order. Brightling. 29 Richmond St. E.. Torimto. ROLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT PRINTS with free enlargement. 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Sei-vtce, Dept. B.. Outremont, Que. SPECIAL OFFER! THREE, 5x7 GLOSSY enlargements. 2.10. Send your best negatives. Everett Weep. Ronit' ;t. ^rnlH FOR SALE SPECTACLE FRAMES, $1.50. PRESCRIP- lions filled. Special tow prices. By mail. .Schaefer Optical, ISK Yonge, Toronto. FOR SALEâ€" GOVERNORS FOR AUTOMO- bile engines for land use. H. W. Crosby, 23 Clyde St.. H.-imllton, Ont. FOR SALEâ€" LAVErWJIILA VERA â€" TRUE English lavender flowers, for sachets. One Dollar :i pound, delivered. C'lnadian Pacific Bulb Gardens. Puncnn. Vancouver Island. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ANDREWS' ACADE.MY OF HAIRDRESSING, Government licensed. We train you for Board Examination. Free pro.«pectus, 961 Bloor West, Toronto. MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL. HAIRDRESS- Ing and Beauty Culture. Write for pamph- let 707 Yonge Street. Toronto. HAIR GOODS •JVIGS. TOUPEES. TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids. Curls, and alf types of finest qual- ity Hair (.Ujuds. Write for illustrated cata- logue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., T,2H Bathurst Street. Toronto. MEDICAL ARE YOU SICK? NATURE HAS A REMEDY FOR ALL COM- moB ailments. No drugs, pills, capsules, or llquldsâ€"ONLY NATURAL REMEDYâ€" Free Booklet. "Nature's Way to Health"â€" No obligation. Indian Herbal Remedy Com- pany, 2090W Dundaa St. West, Toronto. WHY SUFFER.' WHEN YOU CAN GET IMMEDIATE RELIEF from Head Colds. Catarrh and Deafness, by using "NA.MELESS" Cold Remedy. Trial will convince. By mall 50c. A product of The Purity Chemical Co., Exeter, Ontario. GARLIC PE.ARLES SOLUBLE CAPSULES PURE ESSENTIAL OIL uf fresh garlic. No disagreeable odor nor after-taste. For arthritis, prostate gland, ca- tarrh and other obstinate dlsortlers. They are an Internal disinfectant regulating the entire digestive system and are an excellent safeguard against common colds. $3 per 100 (enough for five weeks). R. Adam, P.O. Box 374. V.ancuver. B.C. DR. LEFEVRE'S GENUINE DEHYDRATED Garlic and Spinach Powder In • apsules. Na- ture's germ killer and antiseptic, odorless, tasteless, blood builder, .strengthener: antl- catarrhal: for men. women and ehlldren. 50c and $2. Prepaid. Address Frisco Importing Co., Ltd., -MI Seymour St., Vancouver. MISCELLANEOUS Cut your Own Hair LITTLE GIANT POCKET BARBER, the au- tomatic hair-cutter for men and boys, really does cut and trim the hair, and does it well. Senil f»»r <:ircular. S. .1. laeksoii. Canadian Distributor. 20 YARDS! "QUILT REMNANTS" â€" $1.00. Washfast. Cottons! Prints! Broadcloths! Silks! Free! "70 Quilt Patterns." "Collect." Refund guarantee. Maritime Textiles, 8049 Degaspe. Department Wils. Montreal, PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L, KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY, Information rcirardlng Invention Patents; Drawings; Regi.slrjii|,ina; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of Inventions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St.. Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RBXIEF, COMPORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept 219, Pres- ton, Ont. PERSONALITY CHART SENT FREE RATMAR. CANADA'S FOREMOST ADVIS- er on human problems, will send a Character and Personality Chart free to anyone who writes htm. This amazing free offer Is made merely to advertise Mason's 49 Cold Remedy and la available (or a limited time only. Write today enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope and your birth-dale. Ad- dress â€" Raymar, care of Mason Remedies, Limited, 14 McCaul Street, Toronto, Ca- nada. POULTRY 1800 TWrcODLB SPECIAL MATING CHICKS Free. Write for full Information about Tweddle's Annual Chick Conl«8t. Tweddle Ohlck Hatchery, Limited, Fergus, Ontario, QUILTING PATTERNS FREE! â€" 70 QUILTING PATTERNS! GIANT washfast remnants! "Makes five quills" Cottons! Prlntsl Silks! Eiderdowns! -â- $1.00 "Collect." Sample bundle â€" 2.5c. Refund Guarantee! Mnrlilme Textiles. 8IM9 De- gaspe, Montreal. RADIOS 19:i8 CUSTOM-QUALITY RADIOS SENSATIONAL NEW l«38 MERCURY CUS- tom-Quallty Phonola Radios, delivered dir- ect fn;m our laboratories. Eighteen models, automatic tuning. Battery and Vibrator. New low prices. Senil for free catalogue. Mercury Radio Company, 970C College St., Toronto. SONGS SENSATIONAL SONG BARGAINâ€" 70 POPU- lar Radio Cowboy Songs, pictures of Lone- some Southerner, Roundup scenes, only 2,5c. Order quick. Empire Novelties, Dept. W., Peterboro, Ontario. TANNING FOX PELTS TANNED AND MADE INTO •oarves or capes. Reds, $6.50, Silvers $8.50. Bear and wolf skins made Into rugs. Moder- ate prices. Unexcelle<l workmanship. Satls- fscllon giinranteed or money refunded. 'mos. Dmaok, irurrler and TaicldemUst, 1868 M., a., Tsfoato. Mother of Five Who Was Always Tired Now Awake* as Fresh as a Daisy A mother of five has a lot Lo do. Especially a country mother. And this one was "always tired." But Kruschen ended all that â€" now she gets up, feeling fresh, at five o'clock in the morning! She writes: "I find Kruschen Salts the best thing money can buy for my health. 1 am the mother of five children, and before taking Kruschen, I was always feeling tired and run down. Now, i am gfad to say that I get up feeling fresh â€" and I get up at five o'clocli in the movning. I do my housework, look after my children, and leave the house at ():30 to start my daily work." â€" (Mrs.) B. Ti'redness and that run-down feel- ing can be traced to one root cause. That cause is internal slnggishness; failure to keep the inside free from poisonous, waste matter. Kruschen Salts is an e.xcellent recipe for maintaining a condition of internal cleanlfness. The numer- ous salts in Kruschen stimulate your internal organs to smooth, regular action. Your inside is thus kept clear of those impurities which, when al- 1 . 'Jed to accumulate, lower the whole tone of the system. Physician Gave Himself Cancer Hopes to Prove Theory That Can- cer May Be Transmitted by Direct Inoculation A little, grey-liaired Cuban physician sat in his study at Havana tlio other night, occasionally rubbing several lit- tle hard spots on his left arm which may eventually cause his dcalli from cancer. But to Dr. Mulias Du(|iie, Cuba's first Secretary of I'ublic Hcaltli, these little risings under his skin meant something mor« important than the life of one human betng. He hopes they will prove jjis theory that cancer may be transmitted from one person to another by direct in- oculation anil tlius provide a specific clue for the tlevdopment of a cure for the disease that takes hundicdis of lives annually. Voluntary "Guinea Pig" Last October the TO-yearoIil doc- tor became a voluntary "human Kiiinea pig" for cancer experiment. Ho had himself inoculated four times with "filtrates of cancerous elements." taken from a cnncerous tumor re- moved from a woman patient. Small subcutaneous hardnesses are now appearing whore he was inoculat- ed. They have been developing slowly for nearly a month. Dr. Duque says ho cannot yet class- ify the little clots, but believes ihey may be the beginning of a cancerous growth. The doctor gave up regiihir prac- tice years ago to devote the rest of his life to cancer research, after two members of his family died from the disease. Boars Win From Bears In Battle A fight to the death between wild boars and bears recently occurred in Yugoslavia. The boars won. The battle followed a huge drive by peasants against the animals which had been doing tremendous damage to crops in the district. This hunt led to several families of bears and a pack of bo^rs being corner- ed in a forest glade. Then the fun started. The animals forgot the hunters and started a free fight. Boars and bears fought desperate- ly for an hour and then the bears fled, leaving a number of dead be- hind them . TAXIDERMY ARTIFICIAL EYES AND SKTJl£s â€" TAXl- dermlst and furriers supplies (as used In our own workshops). Send for free cata- logue. Oliver Spanner and Co., Ltd., 28 Elm Street, Toronto. TANNING FOX PELTS TANNED AND MADE INTO Scarfs. Animal skins tanned and made into floor rugs. Deer and Moose Heads moimtod. By expert Furriers and Taxidermists. Satis- faction guaranteed, prices reasonable. Oliver Spanner Co., Ltd., 28 Elm St., Toronto. TOBACCO LEAF BURLEY, FOUR POUNDS SI. 00, fourteen pounds 53.00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobnecn $2 00. Postpaid with flavoring. Natural Leaf Tobacco C-., Len- mlnglon, Ontario. RHEUMATIC PAINS Attack Uric Acid \v'.':l\ FYNNCN SALT Back to Nature! If only wc could all do that, there would be no more Hlieumiilic i>ainii to drive ilicir agoni/iiiR rupii-r into the tortured joints ot Blrickcn humanity. Uut Rheumatic imins do exist, as thousands of auffcrcis !;no\v only too «cU. Nature's tob is to drive them oul and keep the syslcni free from uiic ndd th.''t causes so much unnecessary sufferinR. ihere la a remedy for Rheumatic palus tliut comprised a couibination of natural Sali^ ot the Earth â€" Fynnon 1»U. ConiainiuK Smliuui, Potassium, Lithium, and other inKredleius with liigh remedial potency, Kynntm ivilt jiuts up an irresistible attack on uric acid (the cause of RheumaLism, Sciatica, Lumbago, etc). U dissolves ihe acid crystals and waslic<> thcni away. Gel rid of the iicid and the cryflt;i!s can- not form Absence of crystals means t>le!ised freedom from the knWc stabs thai tonur<:^ the very soul of the Rheumatic bufferer. If you are a Rheumatic sufferer try Fynnon Suit. Take it every day. Even one larRe 75c i»iu kn â- ; will convince you that in this famous Briiit.i remedy you have found the relief you have lonR been lookini; for. Gel !•"' nnon tjolt from your druggist today. If ynu ha\ c .in\' diI)icuUy get- ting supplies, write l^urentiAii Agenda-. SU Gabriel Street, Montreal. .s Tolerance, Faith Needed To Solve Our Problems Declared Hon. Newton Rowell at Opening Session at Winnipeg of the Royal Commission On Dominion-Provincinl' Relations. The same spirit of tolerance, cour- age and faith which enabled the Fathers of Confederation to achieve Canadian unity 70 years ago, will en- able the Canadian penpla to solve all their present problems. Hon. .Xowtou Rowell declared at Winnipeg bufore the initial session of the Royal I'om- niission on Dominion-Provincial llchi- tions. Commission's Task He declared the commissions latlc was: 1. To reexamine the economit; iiiid flnundal basis ot Confederation and the distribution of legislative i>oweis in the Itght of economic and social developments "f the last .seventy years. 2. To investip;ile the character and amount of taxes collected from the people of Canada and to tlfit(irmine whether taxation as at present allocat- ed and imposetl in as eciuitable and as efficient as can lie ilevised. 3. To examine public expenditures and public debts in general in order to determine the ability of the Domin- ic 'â- and Provincial governments to discharge their constitutional rcHpnn- sibilities within the frame worlt of the present allocation of powers or on Ihe basis of some form of realloiatlon thereof. Seek Balance of Relationship 4. To invcstigalo the whole (|iies- tion of Dominion subsidies and grants to provincial governments. This nec- essarily involves the question "f whether a system of subsidies iiud giants to provincial governmeiils Is the best method of enabling provinciitl governments to dischaige their re- sponsibilities or whetlier there are more effective alternatives. 5. Following these inquiries the commission Is instructed "to (^insider and report upon the tacts disclosed by their investigations and to express what. In their opinion, subject to Ihe retention of the distribution ot legis- lative powers eBsentlal to a proper carrying out of the federal system in harmony with national needs and the promotion of national unity, will best effect a balance of relationsliip be- tween the linaiulal powers and the ob- ligations and functions of each gov- erning body and <ondiico to a more efficient, .iidepeuilent and economical discharge of governmental respousi- bililies in Canada." CHRISTMAS TIMES Oh, what joy there is in living on Christmas; What a charm there is in living on Christmas. What a pleasure 'tis to see children dancing MeiTily 'round the decorated tree on Christmas. Is your heart becoming a little more soft?. . . That's the spirit of Santa Claus, .oming only once a year, but splendid even lor so short a while. Visitor â€" Do you think it is proper to use profanity to a mule? Farmer â€" So far as my own feel- ings are concerned it Is highly im- proper. But when you are trying to get along with as sensitive and ex- acting an aninial as a mule,^ you've simply got to humor him. "Of all the things you wear, your expression is the mot.t important." She â€" Funny no one semed to real- ize what a had e.^,"? he was while he was rich. He â€" My dear, a bad egg is only known when it's broke. . Tlic English laugh at a joke three times â€" First â€" When they hear it. Second â€" When they tell it. 'I'hird â€" V.'lien they understand it. .Ml tlie world loves a fat man, if he answers to the nai'ie of Claus. Student â€" (looking up from his book) â€" More than five thousand elephants a yeiiv go to make our piano keys. Landlady â€" Really? It's remaik- al>lc what these beastr, can be train- ed to (Id. Poor- Were you presented at iDuit wlien you were in England? Hich â€" Ye.s, and I had to pay five pounds' fine. Hill ^Chntâ- .s tlat noise over there? Ted -^ Oh, Hiiitling Bloke, the tighter, is having a tooth pulled. One of the big secrets of happi- ness is to tackle our work joyously. To attack it witli gusto and a smile. To wade into it with the spirit of a contiuerin.'; chief. When one works joyously at the wood pile, the ledger, or the typewriter, the hours flash by, the .sunshine enters our heart and the world seems a good place in whicli to live. To come to our work with a grouch, a frown, and inward reluct- ance, is to <'ramn our creative en- ergies and stifle our power to think. The Joyous spirit is the spark that gets things done! It releases a (low of ideas. It makes the chips fly. Joyousness attracts the best. Tourer â€" So your daughter is go- ing around the world during the Chvistmas holiJay.s. fs she prepared for the journey? De Tourerâ€" Well, she can say "NO" in 12 lantrunoreK. "Of all sad words of tongue, or pen, the saddest are these: â€" "Don't open till Cliristmas" Traveler â€" Can 1 get anything lo eat in this dump? Nc,'t:o Waiter â€" Yes. sah, yo' sho' kin.. Traveie;- â€" Such as what? .Negro Waiter â€" Such as it is, sah. The train roared past the station. Above the noise the station agent heard a yell. Rushing out to the platform, he saw a man sprawled out alongside the tracks. A little girl was standing: -•^gent â€" Dili lie try to catch the train? Little Girlâ€" He <tid catch it, but it got away from liim. We give up luxuries for war. Do we give up luxuiics for peace? Hare Cycles Said Ten Years Apart Northern Snowshoe Rabbits Are Found to "Die Off" Every Decade The popular b^lii f ihat the snow- shoe labblts ot Canada's north woods die off every seven years is challenged In a report on a four-year study of hare periodlcitj', just published. The cycles are nearer 10 years in length on the average, it is st.i(ed. The study was made by Dr. D. A. MacLiillch under the joint auspices of the deiiartnient of biology. University of Toronto, and the Royal Ontario Museum of Zoology. Vary In Different Areas It concerned only the varying hare, LepuB AnierfcanuB, which also Is called the snowshoe rabbit. This is MARKS THE SPOT You'll magnify Christmas Cheer for the man who "Rolls His Own" â€" with a gift of Ogden's Fine CofI colouifuli/ v/iapped for Chiiitmas giving. OGDEN'S FINE CUT ilic c.;iiiiiiiiM li:ii-'' of tJiiUiiio from Mtu> kolia luutbwaid and of Ihe north woods of Canada generally. It tumf wliite in winter. The reiKiit of Dr. MacLulicIi found that hares do not reach their peak of abundance or begin to liie off in tlie same year in all parts of Ontario. Hare nopulations were found to vary from about one to a square mile In times of extreme scarcity to more thai} l.ouO in the same area tn times of abundance. Highest number on- countered was in the north part of Fionteuiic County in July, 1932, when ihere were 3.400 lo the square mile. Thief Sells Goods In Owner's Absence A furniture dealer was recently asked to call at a house and valus some goods. When he arrived he was met by a woman in a dr< ssing-gowa who showed him round and offered him some real bargains. The dealer jumped at the offers, loaded the bap gains on his van, paid cash and drove away . Two days later he discovered that he had not removed all the goods h« had bought. He went liack to th« house hut could get no I'epl.v. Then out came a ncighliour who informed him that the tenants were on holi- day. The police are still searching for the woman in tlie dressing-gown, w^ho was really a burglar. She wal selling the furniture of the owner! while the house was unoccupied. Chance For life Given Ontario's Children By Hospital For Siek Children Paralysis Epidemic Re- minds Province of Type of Service Given Every Day For 62 Years Like a spectre out of the dark ages, Infantife Paralysis (Poliomyelitis) appeared In Ontario homes late last July. Rich and pooi-, old and younj; city dweller and farmer â€" all were hit. Appearing without warning, striking wherf least expected, the horror spread. By late August an epidemic of major proportions was with us. School opening was !-â- stponed over a great portion of Ontario. Children died before they could be rushed to hospitals. Nearly every parent in the Pro- vince was concerned and took what prec.mtions .seemed best to have children avoid contacts which might bring the Rhastly plague to them. But my.stery .still snrouds the way In which tliis dread disease Is spread. Then, the Iron Lung became front- page news. In all Ontario there were only three Iron Lungs .^vall- able. Telephone enquiries to Boston and Monfifal inanufncturers pro- duced the indefinite nromise that MAYBE in ten day.s^ or two weeks ONE could be .shipped. T!ut children v-orc in dauijcr, lives wero at strl:e. IHON LUNGS were needed at once. S;i the offii-ials and .staff of The Ilnspitnl for Sick Chil- dren decided to build IRON LUN'GS themselves. In less than eight hours, a crude but workable wooden lunii was finishedâ€" less tli.Tii 30 minutes i>efore the doctor had â- ^aid a little patient would die unless a respirator could be provided. Four more Iron Lungs (wonders in design and opeiation) were rushed to completion in as many days. En- thused workmen gave up Saturday. Sunday and the Labor Day holiday to fabricate the steel shapes and parts under ;he direction of Hospital officials. These machines went into in.stant service. The Provincird Department of Health then asked that twenty-three more IRON LUNGS be built with all possible speed, so that children from every part of the Province might be provided the only possible chance for life during the later stages o. the disease. Thus was the emergencv met ". y The Hospital for Sick Chiltlien when many lives were at stake. There was no thought of expense or human limitations. "The job had to be done, and was done despite the fact that it meant night and day service for many, many weeks. But this is just tvpical of the ser- vice The Hospital i> r Sick Children has rendered for over CO years. Every hour of every day and night some emergency must be met. Tha life of a child, precious to some family. Is at stake. It is only when dozens of similar cases occur at the same time that the work becomes "news." and can be called to the attention of the public by the press in a spectacular manner. Neverthe- less, the work goes on hour after hour until the days and months and years total deci:drs of service to the needy children of the Province. Every emergency situation creates costs which moutit up far beyond the normal provisions of government and municipal grants. But, unlike most other hospitals. The Hospital for Sick Children has no large qroup of Private V.'aid beds from which fo draw extra ri"'vriu!o which can be apolied to Public Ward service. Over 400 of the 420 hcC? are in Public Wards. No help is received from the fund collected by the Toronto Federation for Commtinitv Service, as patients are t,>ken from nil over the Province. Sirk and ciinnlcd children must be siveti nieriiral attention and hos- oital care no mottrr what their cir- cumstance. No (,r.j would deny tiiem this right. This worthy institution has just started its annual Christmas appeal for funds to enabfe its work to be continued in just as effective a man- ner as in the past. Those who have investigated all agree that The Hospital for Sick Children makes most careful use of charitable donations and bequests-- a world-wide recognition for effi- fiency and economical opeiation has l>een earned. Your gift .should bo mailed to the Aopeal Secretory. The Hospiftl for Sick Children, 67 College street. To- ronto. A chance for health and hapoiness i is the greatest possible Christmas i iUi to childhood.