/ l^unbap Retool Xesson â€" ' «" - T »4, V LESSON XII. « The Birth of Jesus.â€" Luke 2:1-20 Printed Text Luke 2:8-20. Golden Text. â€" There is born to 'you tha day in the city of David a Saviour, wl:o is Christ the Lord. â€" 'Luke 2:11. • THE LESSON l.\ ITS SETTIXG Time.â€" B.C. 5. Place. â€" .Vazareth in Galilee, the • home of Mary and Jo?eih. and Beth- lehem in .Judaea, where Jesus was ' borr:. While, on the one hand, the story of our Lord's birth is recognized aa 'the .T.ost beautiful and exquisite •story of all literature, rrarked by great simplicity and holiness, and, we 'might .'•ay, heavenlineia, yet the first two verses of this s^iry in Luke's 'account only record l/are historical •data. The Roman census was taken *it this time every fouitoen yea"^, ?nd this fact also fits in perf-jctly â- with the historical facts which are in 'ouj- posiesjicn. The World's True Bread , Now Joseph, the husband of Mary, "was of the house an 1 family of , David," Israel's great king, and Da- vid's original residence was in Beth- 'lehem, and it vras necessary for him to go down to this lovely city from 'Nazareth v. here he v>as rciding, to -be rnroiied in such a census as was ^ nov/ beins taken. Joseph took Mary, 'soon to l-ecotne a mother, with him, . not leaving hor in the care of others. The v.ord "nethlehoii;" nieans "house • of tread," becaiise near by were . large v'rain riel.is. Here was to be born the truo Broad of i.he world. We must not int. ;-pret the word "be- . trotheU" as identical wi:h cur word '•engnsod." "Getrothal was virtual- • ly inanii!?e, lackins: only that the bridcsrooiii take his bride to his • horue. Ilo-.v aimos; pa:hetioaliy b t'.e birth of tiie Son of God recorded by the thysician Li:ko! There is no- thing liiiracuIoLis in the description of the birth iisi.li, though the details reveal a loneliness, if not a poverty at;d :-n isnorance on the part of the world ro:.nd about, of what was hap- penin? th;>.t can be taken as indica- tive of alUthe future experience ci" ' the One here born. "No Room at the laa" '"There was no room in the inn" "for the. holy family, it is not to be . understood "to mean niorely that there was mi room for the Cliild; ' but that tht> inn in which they could have found lodging lacked a suitable â- room for the birin. as wvll as a suit- able bod for the babe, so that they had to leav.. the inn and find refuire in a crib in the stable. In the East today the dv.t-lii.ig plaoe of man and beast is often i ' one and the same room. Hut this is not how the Evan- gelist conceived it to have been; he imagines that the manger was outside the inn in some particular stable, such as are used today for camels sometimes, but more rarely, for sheep. He takes it for granted that the stable was empty as would be natural during the time when sheep spent the night in the open. Testimoay ef Heaven And there wero shepherds in the s .me country abiding in the field, and keeping watch by night over their flock. In Palestine flock.=? are allow- ed to grraze the land only while the fields are still unplowed. The shep- herds sleep in their clothes in the midst of their flocks when they are out all of the night. .\nd an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. These shepherds were simple, unsophisticated pastoral men. They were engaged in their common occupation when they receiv- ed the wonderful revelation from heaven. It is not when speculating about abstract doctrines or dreaming about heavenly vision that heaven draws near to us and reveals itself to us. It Ls when engaged in daily duty, doing the work of the appoi.nted hour that is laid to our hand. ".\nd the angel said unto them Be not afraid." That was heaven's first word to earth after the birth of Jesus. It was the voice of an un- fallen spirit sounding anew the key- note of the music of hope among sinning men. "For behold" â€" it is natural for men to be afraid in the presence of God, in the manifesta- tion of that which is supernatural. "I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people." The word here translated "good tid- ings," means, literally, "good news" and is, in the Greek, the word from which comes our English word evan- gelist. It was an angel who an- nounced the evangel. 'For there is bom to you." â€" Jesus was born for all men. It was because he loved men that he came into the world. In saying he is born for us, we mean that he was born for our good, for oar enrichment, and, for our salvation. 'This day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Chris: the Lord."â€" In the Old Testament, God is often referred to as the Saviour ( 2 Sam. 22: 0; Isa. 43: 3, 11; 45: 15. '21; Hjsea 10: I, etc.). .\ Saviour is on,' who saves. Jesus ca::;e to deliver us from every evil power, and to bestov.- upon us an eternal life. The word Christ means anointed by the Holy Spirit for his great work of redemption. It should never be forgotten and cannot be over-emphasized tha: it is a voice from heaven which lieclares these wonderful things about the babe born in Bethlehc!'.i. These titles were not given to Jesus by his fol- lowers, or by himself, or by later writers, but by the angel of the Lord, sent of God. ".â- \nd this is the sign unto you; did not reason or debate with them- selves who should keep the wolf from the sheep in the meantime, but did as they were conmianded, and com- mitted their sheep to him whose pleasure they obeyed. ".And they came with haste, and found both Mary and Joseph, ani the babe lying in the manger." ".And when they saw it, they made known concerning the saying which was spoken to them about this child. -And all that h< .ird it wondered at the things which were spoken unto them by the shepherds." â€" The shep- herds not only m.ade known what they had heard concerning Jesus to Mary and Joseph, but un.'.oubtedly they proclaimed their message to all the inhabitants of Bethlehem. ".And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they hitd heard and seen, even as it was spoken unto them," â€" To glorify God is to ack- nowledge, to extol, and to worship him for what he is. Ye shall find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, a!- i lying in a manger. .And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God. and say- ing." â€" Thousands of angels appear- ed filling tha expanse of sky. Luke does not actually say that the angels Ready For Rose Bowl Joe Kilgrow will head the attack of tha Cvimson Tide when .Ala- bama meets California in the Rose Bowl on New "i'ears Day. -At the t.iiic .. ..- i^'c Ai-.tjig this column James Shields is in town, bolt jig up ottl fnends and acquain- "aooea. and he'll be back on h^ way to New York as this goes to press. Jjsmy, as you may recall, is being i-JLtred on the new Lucky Strike net- work program- -limmy is another oroof that Canada has big time tal- ent. . • . « « * Finally, the day has been set for the gigantic Star Santa Cla-Jj Fund broadcast, which generally lasts about three hocrs- Just spoke to J:rr..Ty Annan who is handling the show, and hi informs us that Geoff Wadd ngton and a thirty piece or- chestra, the Campbell s'sters, Ethtl. yivzl ani Jean, Jean Haig- .AJolph Wint^oI^ Har.-ey Doney ani.i e.t:ti: Louise King have aircaiy c.:rLjs;nte: to a:>ota;'. John Slurgl- will make an effort to come from Buffalo for the show. Rumours also have it that Maude Wavrwortli Cra â- -. symphonic harpist and Dr. Fncker •^ill be pre- sent. .A stunt is beina piaan'-'d sim- ilar to o.-.e used last y.>ar. nameiy. a tr ? to some house typical cf those Risks Life 1 o Sava Cat \ i â- i2S % -^-â- 3r>--i^" For two days a cat lay on a, fifty feat high ledge on tee tuiiatn,., of Gatti's Restaurant near the Strand in London, England. .A small boy noticed the animal and told the ..mekeeper. Twenty-thic.-year-oii Harry Bone, restaurant storekeeper, volunteered to rescue the cat. He climbed to the roof of the building where his worxmaces tied a rope round his waist and lowered him aowu to the enda:ij:ered feline. Crowds in the street oelow \v:i:ched while Karry grasped the cat and was hauled back to the roof where the uniiral escaped and ran away. Harry has a widowed mother to support, but he had t.> risk his life saving that cat. You see, he is a cat lover He has three of his o.vn. Pictured is Harry Bone being hauled to the roof with t*ie nscued cat in his arms whiie crowds in the street watch breathlessly. sang, but the angels' words ai'e in poetical form. Peace and Good-Will "Glory to God in the highest. .And on earth peac^> nmong men in whom he i« weil pleased." â€" This is the raeanipc 'â- 'f the coming of this child, the meaning of the Saviour, Christ, Lord. Men everywhere are talking about peace, and they are trying to produce peaie. There is no peace for the earth except among men ia V^ l^ r FlttE QUALITY- FULL PACKAGE -POPULAR PRICE PACKAGES 10* â€" TINS 25* whom God is well pleased. â- '.And it came to pass, when the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said on« to another. Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing that is come to pass, which the Lord hath known unto us." â€" Often we miss such ttreat blessing in life by not immediately acting upon som.e divinely sent urge within our hearts to do this or that. The shepherds ap(>ears no mor« in the Gospel stovy. We see them re- turning to their task 'glorifying and praising Cod for ail the things that they had heard and seen,' and then the mantle of a deep silence fails upon them. Mary's Meditation "But Mury kept all those sayings, pondering them in hor heart." â€" The action of Mary is here contrasted with that of the shepherds. In their surprise aiul astonisiiiitent. they im- tuediately published what they had heard and saw. .Mary was not astonished because she knew the significance of the babe to which she was to give birth from previous an- nunciations to her adA to Joseph by th« angel. The word "pondered" means "to bring to;rether in one's mind," "to consider." The roll of th« comit;g years would pass before th« mind of Mary as she looked into the face of her own "little Lord Jesus." .And Mary had "all these sayings" to help her see God in the Babe of Bethlehem. Around The Dial RAD[0 HE.\DLLNER5 OF''ltf: WEEK By FRANK DENNIS for wiicm the program ;s 'w/nz '•on- dactcd. Greg Clark and Denton Ma.«- sey will be .Ma-'ters of Ceremonies, and commun.ty i.ngii\g will be held. The r'ace of crcadcas: this ; -ar is the E-"on .Auditorium on We<:nesday. Dect-r.iier 22nd. CRCY' will carry the comptete program trim â- * o â- -io-.-k until midnight. It is quit- ! keiy that CSCT will also carry th.' pro- gram. By the way. innumerable nov- elty and variety acts ^iU 'o>: present- ed., bit these will 'o<e kept secret, and we cannot get any infoniiac:"n on th-m- . â- Visits to Elxotic Countries -A new program is scheduled for CFUB in Sundays. W.^IO to 11, fn- titled Ports of Call. The program has provtfd e.xc.:;r.jr a.".i interesting, fcuf.'ring iiru:^a:i: v --.tj to f.>reign lands. Those v;s ^; are authentic acd educaticna" . The TUSiC on the pro- gram co'lRc:r>s Wit.1 Kh" visit- . • . J'lst s:eL-T)..i in'^j an audition t.>- day. and heard sotnetjing that is quite unusu-il. Twj y^ung lads play- ing guitar;, C rge O'Connor and Dave R;:ha.i- T'lv boys offer some- th.r..; very n..^".v m th3 way of guit;ir piaying. and wHl be heard in a very short while. Mjre information forth- C'jm..iig. . â- â- Whiteman Comes Back Sp^aiiin; of smart misic. Paul Whiteman. K.na c: Jaii:. wvll return t;:> the Columcia Network. Friday. December -Ust, ? 30 to 9- 11:e sDon- sors of this program are replacing the-r present series, featur'r.g Alice Faye and Hal Kemp. In the words of VvTiiteman : ' Thi seres will be popular rr.''i-ra:ns -ievotid to tur.e fa- vourite r. old and r.:-.v. but I hope to ;r:r>iuce the works of r.ew Amer'.:an o.T;r«;s ng tal.:'. " P-i-l D-o-;ias w.'l re tit-' ar-n.-'-nvrr. . â- :^ LimN . IM=£«Wl. TOBACCC'? Every F.tc'av Sirbt en a nsticna] zt to cca:i cetworli. Thirty Millions Going to School In Russia Today Great A<hance In P/J-'cation £«en Ucdir Red RegL-r.e Ru-tj'as educational, cultural and scuTtiiic progress from that of a backward t:at:on of illiterates to that of a country pioneering in flighca over the North Pole was emphasis- ixi on the Soviet Union s 20th birth- cay. Novemiaer 'â- celebrated in tha m'ist of the campaign for the gen- eral ek-tion December 12. Soviet leaders constantly remind the s-a-ses how much better off they are materially and mentally than un- de-r the czars. Foreign observers ainco that the material and mental I'-t of tine n.Tsses has risen from .v'-at. i;.t.^re the war- was almost zero. V-jitors who were in Russia sev- eral years ago re?<jrt that the Rus- sia-, while far frcm being well-dress- ed, r w .j better clothed. Food now an v.ars sufficient. not over-pien- L o.u":oia ir-Sc en !-as,-e. Fvery ; b'.'Jl. „n amati-.r o -.«.:". to ch.^ - ts ^nt-itc-r tci-t:.*. :tu.iay, from 6 to .Ki.cst taicS place. ;o."Jt;r< and glee ci-bs ot th;; l'r..:-'-.i S atts. co -iposeu of mtf'aers 'lo y.arj jr yjuncvr and 'navit:? forty m . rs or less 1 tie V •It co-'ipete tcr a c-ip awaraci -y CBS at:; a concc.â€" tour arranged by '.b.a Con.-ert Crvoration. It : :' li. It no 'onger is ration^iu. Thirty m-Uion chiliren are '.joing to school n Russia, where there were onlv 7 >00.000 'oefJre the revelation, liiitora..' hOj been redu .•â- â- d :'roi::i 67 ror ccr.-. tj 10 per cert. The young R-isars La-e 'J-.'.O"''' r';:i/-rrou.tds, T..i-r :-:y ha..: .-nly !-'• n-l-r t'^e da < . L:-- â- Soviet Riisiia'j -.r i^-ti.ng .1. i-- .al i-veiocmert cit 'hes up wi.i- ti", .• n;eds of the IT''' O'-'.VOOO in- !~riv.!_n;s. •,horv i< ur ii<e y to be any â- .iren-olvvm^'nt. New .<ir?is have oeen ?.'tt:ted ind are "ci-^: i.i?v.:icp 1. -ot- a?iv •'• zr:-at â- : n abov,- th; .Arc- t.c ci'.i A • , ? "^â- ; i' ie :; i:v-;op n^v • :â- :.ti i !â- .:â- - .n i • â- o.in:7'?r c r.; ns. Mjn.ii-.rs . :' :...â- ''.' r-f 4 . â- â- r 7-cruit-;'\i :i.niO"' c tbo v.'-n^ •;r V -s who '-.re <-:â- â- 'â- r .ui-i.ind- ^ .. : ro a .'itivv'n w . istcamg .A - ;.:''. tee irea : I'o. foronton an on lord Hour Sir Ernest M.icM lian. c;r.-iuc-..- of th.' Torvr.to Synivirony Or.-h.s:r-.i since I'^'il, will be guest co"ductor o; the Ford Sunday tl.ininc Hour s^/- ics over CBJ dioring th;' period irvn February "iT through March -JT. Sir Ernest's name completes the '. . â- '!• 193S roster of internailonaliy known orch<.struI directors for the T-ru Sar.iay Evening Hour wriich lists Jose Iturbi. Eugene Ormandy. Fritz Reiner ci."A John Barbiroil; of the New York Philharmonic • Synip'oouy Orch,s-ra The ci-st artists who will appear w'-iiie the Detioit Syna- phony Orchestra .s u.nier S r Er- nest's direction wdl include Kirsicn , ^0. ce wi- â- â- .> 'v-r tb^ io; -.-y .: th. So- v.ci -.itn. the ru •:â- a-rcrs to 1- . J .I-,.-:-,' â- â- .' .'--.nar.- Russian • ;-;^. ^x.- "t "i- -â- ; â- â- •- >-.-â- â- <â- 'ian- •;- js r.ssoniib "y. ^vce? hij "i.'Uth ? ". .: :i.:hter *o fa. as r -iif.'s s c;n- ^.^r-wi an 1 avc d C';-:.- â- ^^ t •"â- •"- • •m-rs- l.st he b,- '..Tpo-'tC'. . :' '. eat- ing w '" spies 1" r..il;t ot I''- lit lire â- â- i. uH.m i 11 :• thiols liavj sioito bic's- v.-arJ. tiio womii;''s movement has ^oue forward â- â€" ' • Cba?m-in Oatt. Fta^tad. the noted Wagnerian so- pr.'nck; Lily Pons, tie Mitropo .tan Oov-a ciiratura: Jose Iturbi- as V jno so.viit: ai-i Nmo Martini. rv>- n:?..nt.c tenor A » Is This Your Birtkda\ ? Cv .\ R V'; â- â- K What the Starj Foretell for Thcie Bora . -i December 10. U. l-". 13, 14. 15 and lt> â- ^â- Â¥-* IS, What the ST.ARJ forvteli for thoic boin ^n December 17. Zl. ZZ and 2i; if the date of ;,o'ai- birth 11 Ueccinbcr I", i>, U> or -C', Sa^iitanus is your Zouiac sign. This stives you a phi.osophic, rel;5.:oas nature and high ideals. It December -I. 2'Z or Jo is your birth aato Capricorn is your Zodiac period. This gives you a ouiet and detennined ciiaracter and great ambitio::. You achio-. c sv.cC'.ss by persistence and industry. YOl i: OWN BIKTHD-ATH 1 DKCFMyEK 17 â€" cjome veiy .lasant news from a long iaisf»nce n-ay necessitate a very long Joum... . There may be disputes c . . a loan or debt and wdth workmate* and serv,.;,ts. Ind.catioas are goovi social- ly and for business generally. Ycu a. e e.\tiemtiy restless .ii'-.i ha-e a tendency to overdo thuigs, rFCtl.MliEK !,< â€" While you would be Ul advised to lo'y on f. lends, reiati\es should benetit you as the year is good for social and domestic matters. Your lucky :;umber is 4 a:id your most beneticiai days the 4th, loth, 2^nd and lUst ot each month. DECEMBER 19 â€" You should gain by coircspondence and documents but ycu will be secretive about then'. .A few luonths hence a removal ot residence is indieated. You are liuick to adopt nsw ideas and new surroundings and will welcome this chaiig'. DECEMBER -0 â€" -Although you may have oiwtacles to overcoitte. nwiniy through property ani elderly pcopio. there is a sudden change for the better bringing more prosperity and ccn;eat..-.ent- You are sincere and will succeed in life because you are not afraid of hard work and know that prosperity must come through your own efforts. DECEMBER 21 â€" You prefer to Uve .juietly, rather shirking respon- sibilitie.<. .\ very important change is saowii in }"t)ur btisinos.; affairs and some woman nay attempt to binder you. DECEMBER £2 â€" An influential woman will help you and you will gain by an iiupoxtaut contract or agreement. Much "nappiuess is shown iu love. Yoa are keen to sa\e money, are economical and thnity. DECEMBER '23 â€" You shotild gain through elderly friends and ex- pemneo promotion in business. The con'ir.g twelve months si»uld be a picsperous period though txeiting and sometimes "iH^Kiidering. rhou.:h you are not very demonstrative in nature you are sincere and dijc'iitied m manner. IF VOIR BIKTH D.ATE IS NOT USTEP .ABOVE and you would like your personal Horoscope or if you wish a complete Horoscope for any date listed above, send 10c (coin preferred), to -A. R. Weir, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Ont. Please p-int your name, address and BlUTH P.\TE piMnly.