wy* ® J)je /lie0l)^rljini %hii^mu. \0L. 57; K, 29 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 193/ VV. H THURSTON &. SON. Proprietor Presented With Gifts Over one hunJitJ friends and neighbors met ai tile Oranfee Hall, Eugenia, on Saturday evening, Dec. 4th, to spend a few plasant hours with Dr. Leslie and Mrs. Ferri.s, who were recently married, and presented them with an electric floor lamp, and with the best wishes for a long ami happy wedded life. Miss Irene Dinsmore read the following: To Dr. and Mrs. Ferris: We, your friends, have gathered here To wish you joy and the best of cheer, And to you both, we truly say That we are glad you passed this way. In a village in .\rtemesia . Lived a maiden, Donalda Patricia, _UTio was jolly, kind and gay. Winning friends in her own way. ' In Eugenia school she taught 1 And we her in.spiration sought As we learned our A-B-C's Or tried our best this Miss to please. With the choir, by her own choice She did willingly blend her voice, Or at the organ did her best To lead us all with vim and zest. When our social times came 'round Donalda would always there be found. Where she could she lent a hand And the results were simply grand. But, alas, there came a day When a doctor passed this way, Who it was we needn't guess, It was none other than Doctor Les. He met and loved Donalda Sloan And hoped to claim her as his own; She tried to cure his big heart-ache By feeding him on chocolate cake. And so these two, Donalda and Les, Having given the final "Yes,"' Into the car so stealthily got And went to Flesherton to tie the knot. Now their married life has begun With never a trouble and lots of fun. But oh! they decided, what a pity. To leave us all and live in the city. Now. dear friends, we wish .vou well With joy, so jBuch we cannot tell; Do plea.«e accept this little token Of our best wishes and love unspoken. May God above be your only guide, To safely lead whate'er betide In joy or sorrow, as He sees best, 'Ntaih His protecting wings to rest. â€" Signed by Wm. E. Walker and -N'orman Williams. Jobn Fawcetl Passes Word was received last week by Mrs. Down of the death of her brother John Fawcett which occurred on Dec. :Jrd at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cairns of Winnipeg. Deceased had been at Kenno Hill, Yukon Territoi-y, for a number of years and was interes- ted in mining. In September of this vear he came home to visit his daugh- ters but the long journey seemed to weaken his constitution although his mind was clear and alert until the end. Low blood pressure and heart compli- cations hastened his death. He was bedfast just four days when he passed peacefully away, a beloved husband, father, and brother at the age of 82 years. Hi.«( remains were taken to Brandon to rest beside his wife who nredeceased him several years ago. He leaves to moum his loss three daughters, Jenny and Vera of Edmon- ••on.and Olive. Mrs. Cairns, of Winni- peg, also one brother Edward of .\llis- ton and two sisters, Mrs. Rowe, Barr- ie. and Mrs. Down, Flesherton. Mr. Fawcett was a son of the late Robert â- ind Elizabeth Fawcett. pioneers of Funhrasia Township, and former res- idents of Flesherton. y Card of Thanks W.> dpsire to sincerely thanlf the nnblie for the kind sympathy and as- sistance extended us in the terriblv •snHden nassfne of our husband and f-ither. the late Edward Fisher. â€" Mrs. Fisher and family. Card of Thank» To my Many Friends: Please accept my sincere thanks for treats and kindne.ss shown me during my recent illness. â€"Geo. E. Banks. An Appeal to Our Subscribers On January 1st the price of newsprint will increase by $10 to $12 i per ton, so we are advised by the paper mills. This means an in- j crease of nearly 20 per cent in the price of paper alone, while ink, ! type metal, rollers and other materials used in the publishing busi- j ness have also arvanced. The Dun.lalk Herald, and many other week- | ly papers have announced a raise to $2.00 per year and every daily j newspaper in Ontario has now increased its subscription by one ! dollar. I Despite these facts, the proprietors of The Advance are going to ? try to keep the subscription rate the same as at present, $1.50 per [ year in Canada, and $2.00 per year in the U. S. A. and the British | Isles. However, in order to do this we must have the co-operation of i all our subscribers â€" that is, please pay your subscription in advance. | Please do not get careless and get in arrears. Take a look right I now at the label on this paper, ami if you are in arrears, please remit | at once. We want you to have The Advance at the lowest possible cost, but we cannot continue at present rates unless you pay in ad- vance. The Advance would be a fine Christmas gift, one that will bring joy and interest throughout the coming year. Why not send it to that friend or relative. High School Notes Inspector Visited School ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦â- â-ºâ- I"I -' I"t"l"i - * - i"I' - l"t"I"l"I"hI"> - t"l ''<''i' * - t"l"»"t ' » ' l '' l"l"l '*' H"l" l "t '* **l ' t Funeral Chapei DIGNIFIED and SYMPATHETIC PERSONAL SERVICE Whethei YOL PAY LESS THAN $100.00 For Complete Funeral or More ♦♦ NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR CHAPEL BATES & MADDOCKS 12 4 Avenue Road, TORONTO Night or I1:iy Phone; Klng-Jdale 4344-3456 There are a lot of long faces seen .nd complaints being heard around the school these days, as our pet aversion is !3aying us its regular visit. All forms are actively engaged in writing examinations and, as is usually the case, there will likely be not a few sighs and laments a.s the results are posted. Examinations may be all right, but it is the results which we do not like. Unspector R. H. Wallace paid us a visit on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. .A.t the conclusion of his inspection he expressed his sympathy for us because we have started under such a handicap, but he seemed quite satisfied with our interest, scholarship ind behaviour. Now that the ice in the rink is ready, a hockey team will be formed, though not until after the Christmas holidays. We have an excellent in- structor in the person of Mr. Hutton, himself a hockey player of no mean repute. So, if the boys co-operate with Mr. Hutton, we should have a strong team. Have vou seen that amusing play called ''Station YYY?" Our bet is that .vou haven't. Well, if you'll come out next Tuesday, you'll see George Loucks as the mischievious boy who gets his own way by playing tricks on his father. You should see John Mon- aghan as the great radio fan, and Bill lamieson as the junior partner of a 'aw firm, looking for a wife, in the nerson of Kay Bannon. Marjoric •Stewart, the fiery young sister, and Retty Stewart, the friendlv wife, all help the plot admirably. Having ask- d yourselves that question it would Se to your advantage to read our ad. vortisenient elsewhere in this issue â- ind then come and hear this excellent nrograin. Other items of entertain- iient will make the evening enjoyable Mr. R. H. Wallace, high school in- .spector, made his olTicial visit to Flesherton high school on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Inspector Wallace was a former student of Meaford high school and was also principal of Meaford Public School for some time. He spoke very highly of the -^'ork of Principal Eubank and statf and that the pupils were well along in their studies, despite the month lost in September when the paralysis epidemic was at its height. Inspector Wallace was consulted by members of the High School Boa- ' the requirements of accommodation for the teaching of manual training and household science, which are on the new curriculum, but which are n being taught in the Flesherton schoo' this year. Hydro lo New Area Expected ihis Week History is being made this week in the Maxwell and Feversham districts when it is expected that Hydro power will be turned on and lights become available for tho.se communities. The new line was tied-in to the line at the Eugenia corner on Sunday afternoon. Power is now available for a short distance east, but it is expected that the whole line will be connected this week and turned over to Mr. Jos. Corkill, who is in charge of this rural power area. There are at present (it! users signed to contracts and more are expected to sign when the line and other works are completed. The line commences at the junction of the Collingwood Gravel and the Eugenia road, through Rock Mills one and a quarter miles east, where a branch line continues to Maxwell, and thence along Cameron's suieroad to the 8th line, where it turns east and tinally ends at Feversham. One branch sToes west along the 8th line as far as the Hydro lake. The final opening of this section of the Rural Hydro System of Ontario is bringing to a climax efforts made for -ome years to bring Hydro power to the residents in the district covered by "he lines erected this fall. Plenty of oower can now be secured from the Hydro Electric Commission and with ^he lower rates now in operation ha? become available for the average far- mer. Mav the power lines he confin- uallv extended until every concessior <n Ontario is covered an'! *h.> fariv Homes have the m<xiern i-onvenience-- that take awav the drudn-"!-'- f'-nm rH.. housewife's labors. United Church Notes .\ splendid congregation joined witli the Sundiiy School last Sunday morn .ng in the White Gift Service. IThe White Gift Pageant "The Heart of Christmas" was very well presentea, by Evelyn Brown, Ethel lrw:n, Rober- ta Leavell, Bill Cairns, and Douglas Morgan representing a Young Peoples' Class e.\ecutive;Ted McTavush and Iva Brown as Joseph and Mary; Tom Banks as the Inn Keeper;Ben Leavell, Delniar .McLean, and Mack Duncan as shepherds; .A.lex Hopkins, Bill Henry, and Burton Bellamy as Wi.se Men; Evelyn Leavell with Gloria Ball, Mar- ion Stauifer, and Clifton Marriott as a group of needy folk; and a chorus of twelve girls as '"Spirits of Christmas". There were over 170 gifts placed in the manger. On Monday the gifts were packed, each family's presents being wrapped .separately and then packe<i in bales and shipped on the af- ternoon train. Next Sunday will be Christmas Sun- day when the choir will render special Christmas music and the sermon will he in keeping with the day. Let us make this Christmas Sunday "Family" Sunday at church. !N MEMORIAM SMITH â€" In loving memorj' of our dear husband and father. William Smith, who passed awav on Dec. 13th. lf)33. Four years have passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away; <" vi took him home, it was his \vill. Within our hearts he liveth still. Ever remembered bv â€" W-fe an.i Fa:iii!v. -McINNlS â€" WHITE ♦♦ nil I*** I t U I 1 M â- l»! 4.»4:4. <H-H .ili t u I H . | .. H .. H . I n m »» STUDS^"°LUOS KEEP WHEELS MOVING THROUGH SNOW AND MUD 9 Where the going is hardest â€" or» back roads â€" in the worst weather these tires will pull you through, keep going where other tires would slip, clog and bog down. The Studded Tire is dexigned for the cars or light trucks, of farmers, doctors, mail carriers â€" anyone whose duty takes them into the mud and clay of unimproved roads. D McTAVISH & SON. FLESHERTON, The Lug Tire is designed for trucks and buses, tractors, graders, etc. It gives maximum traction forward and backward in deep mud or snow. Rides smoothly, quietly on improved roads. Come in and let us show you the remarkable Goodyear Lug and Studded Tires, get ready for the "bad road" season now! ONT. Funeral of E. Fisher The funeral of the late Edward Fisher, who passed away on Tuesday of last week, was held on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 9th. Service was held in St. John's United Church with the pastor. Rev. G. R. Service, preaching •in impressiv:> and comforting sermon Interment was made in the mortuary chapt'l in Flesherton Cemetery. The ')urial service of the Masonic fratern- ity was read at the oometorv. Those from a distance who attended the funei;'l were brothers .\lex. and Herb. Ciuu'les and .Mrs. Fisher all ot Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Walker, Mr. md .Mrs. J. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Oliailes llowaid. Miss Pearl Radley all of Toronto. Mr. Harold Fisher of Xew Liskoard, Mrs. Brooks of Picker- iig, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best of Toronto. .Among the many beautiful floral tributes were flowers from- Prince .Arthur Lodire. Flesherton, K. Charlesworth of the B. .A.. Oil Co. Offi- ers and Managers of the B. .A. Oil Co. '^. .A. Oil Co. Plant Club. Flesherton 'ligb School. Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. Mc- 'veohnie. Brothers and Sisters. The Family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown and ''Vtniilv. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston Mrs. J. Menzie and Family. V quiet wedding took place on Sat- urday afternoon, Dec. 4th,* when .Ag- nes Bernice White, daughter of Mrs. White, and the late Mr. Geo. White, if Dunboyne, formerly of Flesherton was united in marriage to .Mr. .Angus .Mclnnis. son of -Mr. Peter Mclnnis and the late .Mrs. Mclnnis, of Owen Sound. The ceremgny was performed by Rev, K. G. Quiggin of First Baptist Church. The bride, who was unattended, was becomingly gowned in Wally blue par- lous crepe with navy accessories. Mr. and .Mrs. Mclnnis will take up residence immediately at 570 Fourth .Ave. East. Owen Sound. Ont. i " I :: c FLESKf ^ITON HIGH SCHOOL 82nd Birthday Our congratulations are extended to our fellow-townsman, Mr. Joseph Blakely. who celebrated his S2nd t)irthday on Sunday, Dec. 12th. .Mr. Blakely is hale and hearty, and al- though he is a sufferer from rheuma- -ism he is otherwise in perfect health md is able to follow the events of the lay with enjoyment. -Mr. Blakely sub.scribed for The .Ad- i-ance over ofi years ago and has been a constant reader since that time. It s very pleasant for The .Arvance to have friends of such long standing The editors of this paper wish Mr. •ilakely many more years of comfort and enjoyment. ommencement w.ii lie hci.l in the School Aiulit-M-ium on Tuesday, December 21 ti> cumniencc at S. 15 p.m. : I PROGRAM â€" .^nee. •! Speaker. Mr. C. C. Mi.Mleh t oi (h\en ScHuul: Chu n.seM I)ance>: Presentation oi '.', Diplomas: Tunihiinir a:..l Prxaniid I'.uildinij X'alevjici ir-. Xddre^.s. Fine Royalty Play ' " ATICN YYY" Admission: Tjc and 15c I FleshertM-i !!-\^': Soh. .] St':.!e;r> I-"rce ♦♦» ♦ M l I f n I n 1 1 1 > > > 1 1 ^ ,â- ^ â- ^ â- ^ . ^ â- MH;.^.â- ^.â- ^ â- ^ , ^ 1 1 n n i u n n i »» ; ' ^vo Struck Deer on Road (By Feversham Correspondent) Mr. W. C. Kerton, who runs a truck- ng business, met with a peculiar ac- •ident one day last week while driving along the road to Kitchener. .A large leer jumped onto the road ahead of 'he trtick and committed suicide when hey both crashed. The front of the ruck was nlso considerably damaged 'V-> urderstnTid tha*^ when Bill <rave •'" the en'vn!!« of the d"er h<^ oMnnired i<5 to >vbo w99 »*psnorisiblo fov the dHmapp to his trueV snd he w-3<! nnlite. ly told that it was his hard luck. Member for South Grey .\t the Dec. :!rd meeting of the Voting Men's Club -Alex. Hopkins wa.-' .•lected to repress'nt South Grey at the Ontario Older Boys. Parliament to be 'leld in Hamilton this year from Dec. -7 to 'M. This parliament is curried n under the same basis as the provin- cial TToMse; a premier, his cabinet. Mid nlso an opoosition leader are chos- ••n. The narliame>it is interested in â- ^t-vi' work especially and its main ob- liiration is promo^inir TtiX's and Trail Ranger groups throughout Ontario. REDUCEp FARES BETWKEN .VLL POINTS IN CVN.\..A Christmas and New Year's FARE AND .V QL ARTER FOR THE ROIND TRIP CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY: Good going December 23 up to 2.0O P M Uecember 2o. Keturii limit to leave destination not later than nmU night Monday, December 27, l!)37. Hm!..X^;^^if "t)LIDAY: Good going December .â- JO up to 2.00 p.m M";!i;;y ^anual^'l'l^k^^ ''''" J-^'"«^-" -ot later than mi.lnight FARE AND A THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going Tuesday. Dec. 21, to Sunday, .Ian. 2, inclusive: good to return leaving destination not later than midnight Friday, Jan. 7, U':i8 PREPAY A RAILWAY TICKET \n I nusual Christmas or New Year's Gift MINIMI M SPECIAL FARE: 25c Tickets and complete information from any agent. I CANADIAN PACIFIC "I shall have to give un sniokin"." 'tniounced the young husband. '-The doctor says one lung is nearly gone." "Oh. Robert."' exclaimed his wife, "conMn't von hold out n b>t'e lontrer â- i"t!i ",. jrpt enouarh coimons for a new rue?" CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY WEEK END TRA N SERVICE To enable patrons tinjoy the entire Christmas week-end with their friends and be home at a convenient hour Sun- day night, the Canadian Pacific has arranged the following Special Train. SINDAY. DECEMBER 26 Owen Sound FLESHERTON Toronto Leave Owen Sound H..'?0 p.m.; Leave Flesherton 7.32 p.m.; arrive Toronto _ Union 1 1 p.m., making all stops. Con.sult .Agents or current time table-- for detailed schedule. .Ask about Special Holiday Fares. Canadian Pacific Cre?m W For the convenie- • â- of Cream Patrons in the vic- ;; inity of Fleshev m v ^^ave arran-ed w-th Mr. .Miller :; niana-erof the O. .^^ A. Co-operative ^uue. that cream :; may be delivere;' --t the store. Our truck will pick it up :; 'daily and delivered prices will be paid fur it. Returns :; will be made promptly. Season's Greetings .\t this i^lad Christmas Season the manas-ement of '.'• the Markdale Creamery & Produce Companv extends ll : ; to all its patrons best wisJies for a haj)py Christmas and ' - :: a Prosperous, yt;ar in 1938. ,.,-».- j«-*V«J»»-t«i Markdale Creamery & Produce Co. MARKDALE, Ont. 4"^^M"^♦^^♦♦â- ^^^^ ^ ♦â- ^.^.l.^â- »â- » .»» ^ â- t»^ ,^♦ » »♦♦♦^H^^.^.^M|.. ^ .^,»,^.^^,^,^.4,,,,,^^ •