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Flesherton Advance, 3 Nov 1937, p. 6

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M it l« Anctker Official Removed THOSCOW. â€" A. Chornoff was re- tnovcid as Corumlasar of ARrlculture of the Soviet Union this woi'kpiid by the Central Kxecutlvo foniiiiKtee. H. L Eikhn was named his .succi-ssor. No reason was given for Iho dls- BiIiRnl of (;hernoff, but .-illeKed autl- fioviet wrecking of agriculture has brotiglil a wave of trials and execu- tions of lociil ofllclala throughout the provinces within the past two months. Terroritm Continue* JERISAL.EM.â€" Riiiowed Aral) op- KBltiun to the proiiosod division uf lestiiic Into Arab and Jewish states was pxpressed here following the Are Which destroyed BO.OOn of the 2,500.- 000 trec.H of the Balfour foroBt, owned by the Jewish N'atloniil Fund. Terrorists wcro believed to have Btarted the fire, which was extin- guished oTily after a long light In irhlrh pollre were aided by Jewish COloiiht:i. Gerraany Decline* fiEllMN. â€" (Jermany declined the Invit.ilion of Belgium to take part In the conference of signatories of the nine-5)()wer treaty scheduled to Ol>en iit BruBselB Nov. 3. A note to the Brussels fiovernment •xplaliied that Germany, not being a â- lgn:itory nor a later adherent to the treaty, "sens ilself unable to partici- pate In d' liberations over application Ot til" nKreement." 100 Killed In Flood DAMa.SCUS. Syria.â€" .More than 100 j»ersons were lielievod killed when a flood ciigulfed the village of Dmelr. norili.ast of here. Twelve bodies have been m- ivered. The water attained a level < r nearly 10 feet and several hlgli'.v.iy coiiuiiunicKtion.s between Daniiisi Us and I'.aphdad. Th' i;rfat floid rushed down from the bill.s and swept throiieh the town, Va:'!:!!!? .â- â-  way a!mo.'<t all llie houses. Stem Insi-rpient Advance HK.VD.'v YK.--.\ Rpaiii-li (loveiniiiont Coniiir iiinu" annount" ri tMs week-end that :u\ i!iaiir;'ont puiprise attack on the r;inc!-ilaj;i::i front northeast of Maihid hii'i bf-en beaten HK'] the insur- jenl.s s'lffered he-ivy lo.«se». (â- eaer:^l Fr-iiico'-' iii^uruent troops â- were driven h.irk into their own trenelies, llio (ommuninue said, leav- ing a f;i-o-if number of ''end jind wouml'-il. Ev.-ton To Try A^ain B()N-.N'I-:V1I,I.': ;: \I.T KI.ATS. Cfuh. â€" (';ipl. Cm' nii'.n \'. T. IJyston, who sp'>d 809. r, m.i-.h. over llie h:i1I de^'ert Ihi.s â- Week e nil. will make nnollier atl'-mi)! Very r'loi'ly !" Iiettri- speed record.^. Three Crifishers Killed SHANCilAI. -Tlin(! i!„yai I'i.sler rlfl":!i' ti svon> 1 llled and several wouiiiled during .lapiim -^e shellinpr of Huilfjao. HUblU-l) tri I'le wnst of the Int" •ii-illon:il Si-iM'PKnl and homo of many forciepeis. Ih-iilsti u'llilary head- quarti va iinnoi lu-cd. ArliMiTv HlielltiiB and aerial attack In l!!e CbineseJapanesi' war spread damn;"' anioni; mlHsion and oilier for- eign pri I •â- rty. a»d tbi« week end Hrlt- Ish defi-nco lines along tt' • Si-tllenient fretiuenily had been under fire. Hranded as Frsud LON'DO.N' I'l ;i lighlhiK speech, Dav'd r,to;d (' -wkp. wartime Prime Mini iter of Cieat R Italn, to" the '" ^ SPORT TODAY By KEN EDWARDS \v.-;i. â- werln.i; ill-ill), KUfiKl ^- liack again from (ho old lishlne ^roundH, and how I hey t;ike those little niinnow.s. There aio plenty of wliitelish In Lake Simcoe now. .. , >'Mi iiy It sometime'.' <Kd you get around to an- last week's (lueslion'? What Wrestler has had his nuso broken 23 times? The nn.swer Is Little Heaver, tho 2 (year-old Cherokee Indian iron plan. • • • • "War Admiral" la following In the (oot-slepa of p^ippy "Man n' War." It |icein:i in; had a iioof injury last sea- Iion but new In liis tint few races ho 8 walking away well in tho lead. « • • • At the time when the big Owluhoma ipll Wells v.-ero di'X'overcd on tho In- dian reserve.",, oil was I heir gold, hence one olil Indian chief apjiro- griately nann'l hl.s raco boiae ' Ulac k old." • • • • Max HchmellMf^, the German, will light Marry Tbomns. of Chinagn, In Dt'r(niber. in New York. Last year Harry won l,! flchts out of ir>. with 8 k::- -liouts. • • • • Vi'r.: '- f.'.mois bicycle rider allowed hlii I' !hcr lo cliop off half of his Indf" r.Mfjer because of snake blto? • • • • go lo:;r;â€" Ken. House of Commons that non-interven- tion in Spain wua ' a boasted fulluro" and the "greatest, basest fraud aiul deception ever perpetrated by great nations on a weak people." Japan's Northern Drivo rEUMNO â€" Jai)an'r drive from the north and south on Taiyuan-Ku. capi- tal of Sttansi province, pushed on this week-end while agents of Licut.-Gon. Count Jnichi Terauchl. supreme Jap- anese Commander In North China, tightened their control over more than 50,000.000 Chinese residents of con- quered areas. Renew Suffrage Denand Lll.LH, France.- French women re- newed their demands for the right to vote at a mass meoting hern this week- end, v.hlle tho radical-socialist party confrreKs was in session in another part of the city. Government Leaders Confer LONDON.â€" Primo-Mlnlator Neville Chamberlain consulted with (;abinet Ministers from a sick-bed on the necessity of despatching troop rein- forcements to the Shanghai war zone as result of tho wiping out of n Brit- ish outpost by Japanese artillery. Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden conferred lengthily by telephone with Mr. Chamberlain, who Is confined with f;out at his country home, and was be- lieved to have proposed an imniodlnte protest to the Tokio Government. Government leaders conferred on the n'^eil of additional troops to pro- tect Uritish lives and property in Shanghai's International Settlement. Won't Let Him Resign BEHLIN.â€" Efforts of Dr. H]almar Sehacht to create an accomplished fa'!t by announcing ho had ceased to be Germany's Economics Minister were disclosed this weekend lo have failed. Chancellor Hitler, it wa.s baru'd, has deelined for the present to give Dr. Kctiacht his discharge. "S-jicide" Men Hold Out SIIANGilAIâ€" A huge blue flag of the ('hi:iese Uipublie waved mocking- ly over an army of 40.000 Japanese in s'lf^ll-wncked Chapel Ibis weekend as a "d'ionied battalion" of less than two hn!Mlr"d nxn held out ngahiKt every effort lo drivo tbem out. Tl"> .siand of tho Chineso "suicide Kolillcrs." who have vowed to die rith' I- than retreat. nR.sumed inter- nal ioii;it proportions wiien tlio .I;")-ri. Tie iiiv.ided territory to iitt â- Mip' a rear attack. New $100,000,000 Loan t)TT\\VA.â€" To refund the last of llii' |:|-- "veo Ixiiids Issued di.'iiiig the Kuv I'"iii'iiiee Minister Charles llini- nlinr bis announced snbseripllens will he opened this week on a new SlDO.ooonno lean. The nialiirity of $lL'L',7!if)..Sno, r,'^ per cent. Victory t)on(ls is redeemable Dec. I. and llie balanei. nf over $22,000,000 will l- HI"! fi-nm revenue. Forms Belgian Cabinet llI'.rSSKLS.â€" Henri do Man, /elir- ing Klu.'inee Minister aci'iplecl ni\ ns- [Igiinienl from King Leopold to form a new Cabinet. He Man is vice-presiileni of the Hi'l- giaii Socialist party. If he succeeds in conslilullng n Governnient. it will sneered that of Paul van '/eelaiid, who reslj^ned, belter to comliat the 'ollens campaign of lies" waged agjinsi hini. Q'jint Conference TOItONTO- Dr. Allan Roy nafoe. physician to tho Dioiuie (jiiiiit iipli-ts. w;is merely a spectator at this wi'ik- eml's seienlilie conference on tii.'i c|iiiiils. belli In the Boyal York lintel. Kdi callonai scientists from varioi!s |)aits of tlie United Stati';i iiiid Can- ada .-it tended. Russia Brings On De'.dlcclt LON'DON. â€" Soviet Ull.s.''i;i .;lr) id alone tills weekend in llrm refusal to approve belllgeri-iicy recoeiillion for the Spaiiisli cnnibatanis prior to fi II repatriation of foreign volanleers from the forces of ho!h parllfs in tl (> civil war. A nonlnlerven'ion subconunittc,-' session which adjourned unlll Tues- day suceei'dod only in aec'>ntuallng the deadloi k between the Kussinn and Itiilo-Gei nrin vlewiioinls. .Sovi"! Am hasKador .Moisky refrained from vot- ing on the belllijcrency qiiesMen. which, he said, bis (loveninieiit vm- aldered oiilside the lion inlerventloi! re.-;lni. (Jorman Ambassador von Ilihli'iil'Do arciised Flns.'-in (,f Ir ii •; lo s.'he.'iire non-intervention. Held An V/i;â€" s HAIJLT .STK. MAll'" <)'<â-  V '>n Spencer, ID-yeir-old VV;':toii. "I'ch.. sportsman, was he'd In custody here by Coroner Dr. J. IV KelMi .-is n ma- teri;il v.ltn's.M In tie dn-lh of H. I n Grier, Battle CrecU, Mich., foul d shot Ihroii'h the head I'l an Iso'at.-d ],('.n'. La!c •, Ont . colt '?;>, O "f'ore«!t ly Morocc.'> (•ASAr.i,A::c\. Vv.-m-u .mo.t.-co.-- DetachnKiits of Pr.ilicn's famed Trro- Igtl L"";lon ndvaneel (his we'-l:end (h on-^h t'le rni-rov; rtreri.i ef I<V;-, Holy City ef \V;'Rlern .Arab?!, to cm- circle Karouyino University, where cientisis <m Days s(>vural hundred Moslem NationuliBts were reported lo have barricaded llu)ni«olvc8. Enelrolomont of the university, in the old native qunrter of Krench Mor- occo's largest city, followed a fresh outbreak of rioting attributed to an in- surre lion plot of the Moroccan Na- tional Party. Chinese Won't Accept PARIS.â€" A high Chinese authority said this week that acceptance of peace terms outlined by a Japanese spokesman would "bo a betrayal of the Chinese people and the beginning of complete dismembermont ot China." The Chinese spokesman said boUi major proposals â€" temporary occupa- tion of China's five northern Provinces by Japan and creation of an Interna- tional zone about Shanghai â€" were out of tlio question from the Chlueso lK)int of view. Alberta Hearing OTTAWA.â€" Early in the now year appears tho most likely time for the hearing by the Supremo Court of Can- ada of argument on the right of the Dominion Government to disallow Provincial legislation. Breaks Seaplane Record PEUNAMBUCO, Brazil. -- Franco';! giant flying boat Lieutenant do Vais- seau Paris broke the world's record for straight-line distance by a sea- plnne when it landed at Macolo on il'.e Hrazll coast, 300 miles north of li.itiri. this week. Tlie great ship took off from Port liyaiitey, Morocco, and flew a dis- tance of .'),7R0 kilometres (.3,591.5 mile.O in slightly over 31 hours, at an average speed of 103 miles an tionr. International Zore Threatened SIIA.N'GIIAI. â€" Every man abl.- to Ij' arms in the International Settle- i:i<'iit was placed on einer.'ency call i!)i.-, week-end as Shanghai's bloody war. raging up to the banks of Soo- ' I'ow Creek, tlnealeiied lo spill over Inio the foreign zone. Eive thou.'atid British troops and Anierlcan marines manned barricades strcKhing the |en:;th of the creek, which forms the noilhwept boundary of llic foreign zojk!. They were under or.iers to resist to the limit any nt- t.ickin;; force. Throat to the Si.'lllement. where th<re are tlioiisands of Uritl.-di, Amor- i-ans and other foreigners. despit(> the mass evacuations early in the war. was the most seiious sincf! host Hit ios broke out here on Aug. 11. Thousands of Chinese soldiers, with escape nearly cut off liy advancing Japanese lines In ('hapei. across the crei'k from the foreign /.one. were b^v ing luesKivl back against the Ameri- can d'-f(;niie sector. British riflemen, using gun bullK. smashed lanes Ilii'oiiKh fiuntie Cliinesi! who clustered at th(' SeltlenuMil border, and permit- ted a thin line of wounded civilians to liiekie over tlie border. Japan Won't Attend 'i'()l-;iO. â€" .lapau formally rejected an liivllation to attend the Brussels Ninel'ower Conference, declaring the meeting was Inspired by the League of .N':il!ons and would ''put serious obstacles in the path of a just and prop.-r solution" ot the Ear Eastern sitiiatloi'. 10,000 Killed In Pass PEII'IN'G. Japanese Army .siiokes- nii'n in North China asserted that at ic'irt 10,1)00 Chineso were killed In llghling which eiilmlnatod this week- eiifl in penetration of historic Niang- t;'.i kwaii Pars and the capture of Ping tang. Dr. Dafoe Announces to Confer- ence of Specialisti That Qi'irjtj Will Socn Be Living With Fnr- ent3 â€" Many Observaticna On Trip to Callander. The Dionne (|uintuplets may soon be jivinjf under the same roof as their parents and attending school and otherwise mi.xing with other chil- dren, Dr. A. U. Dafoc, informed more than 200 scientists and their friends in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Saturday night. His prediction of the complete change in early store for the world- famous 'ciuints", was made at a ban- quet at which he '.vas the gue^-.t of honor. A few hours previously. Dr. Dafoe had reported at a conference of the scientists that the five little Dionne girls under his care had over- come the handicap of premature birth and were nofmal children. Any Time Now Just when their removal from their present "fi;las.sed-in" life is to take place, the doctor would not say, but th'. 'jitimation was there that the new plans v/cro being studied care- fully and might be put into effect at any time. Science's two-day meeting to study the quintuplets moved into Callander on Sunday for a visit v,-ith the famous babies. Study at First Hand They went to Callander in a spec- ial train, spending ten and one-half hours travelling, to Iiave two hours at the Dafoe Nursery. They left To- ronto early Sunday mornin;. Saturday's day-long conference on the quintuplets was the first to bo held since the birth of the famous babies. Eight scientists of the Uni- versity of Toronto, to v.hom haJ been trusted tho long .study of tho cliild- ren, reported on their development in respect to routine Irai.nit^g. early so- cial development, mental growth, lan- guapfe <levelopment, self-discipline, liiolo?;ioal development, and phy.iical welfare. Suggestions were made at the han- (piet hy both Dr. Dafoe and Dr. Dun- can Mc.Arthur. Dejiuty Jlinister of Kducation, that mode! .schools miirlit follow the trainin'JT that had been giv- en llie (|ui;ituplets. Dr. Dafoe said that ho Iioped shortly to lie able to let the children mix with other chil Iron and that perhajis they might be able to attend a scliool near Cal!r.nJcr v.itli other chiliiren. "Like the Royal Family" 'M think it is fir better to tiain the children nimo.-it li!;e the Koyal family," said Dr. Dafoe. "N'o m:'.t- ter v.hat those childien do from now until the day they die, they will al- ways be the focus of attention, and they niiKht as well get accustomed to it." They would, however, be giv- en normal trainincf, in school and in other res|)ccts. To the afternoon conference. Dr. Dafoe and his brother. Dr. William A. Dafoe, reported: "The quints have at last overcome the handicap of pre- mature birth and are physically nor- mal. Their average weight is slight- ly above the avera^':e weight for chil- dren of their age. Their height is still a little under normal. Their chest rnea.surements < above nor- mal." Yvonne I* Brighleit Regarding mental growth, Drs. W. E. Blatz and D. A. Millichamp report- ed: "The Cesell, Kuhlman and Merrill- Palmer tests were applied to the (luintuplels. Yvonne ranks highest in achievement, Marie lowest; Cecilo rm! Annette alternate for second and Ki. ilie switches from last to fourth. 'i'ests will continue. The ne.\t two -P â€" THE- NEWS INTERPRETED A Commentary On the More Important Evenb of the Week. Gy ELIZABETH EEDY --^ i Finance Wis-id Kc.:Ign« Although Nazi officials dendicd that any decision regarding Dr. Iljalmar Horace Greeley Echucht, German Minister of Economics, had been reached, Dr. Schaclit considers him- r.elt discharged from ofii-e. The Min- ister, whose astounding feats of fin- ancial juggling the past few years have kept (iermany's economic affairs on a workable basts, has long been at variance with certain of the Nazi leaders. Trouble first came to a head with the institution of the four-year plan sponsorel by General Goering, the No. 2 Nazi. Asked about the Government's denial that he was leaving office. Dr. Sehacht said: "The official announcement of my resigna- tion will be made yesterday, today or tomorrow." The Minister desires al- so to withdraw from the presidency of the Rcichsbank, the Government agency for the control of German banking. What will Germany do without him? Ontario Trains Tcurist Caterers One of the newer vocations open- ing up for the young people of On- tario, especially now that tho tourist trade is becoming a major industry, is the tourist-catering profession. Starting later this month or early in December, a couise in wayside booth selling, advertising proper cabin ac- commodation and the care of over- night tourists will be made available to all young people intt^-ested, by tho Women's In.stitutcs Department of Ontario in connection with the National Employment Commission. Such a training will be of special lo young people in districts v.ell trav- elled by tourists which are yet poor farming country. "By All Honorable Means" Again the voice from the south heard above tho din of European s(|uabhling and preparing for war: "Wc. as a nation, ;;;e at pciie with all the world a:id for thr.t v. e are or three years v.ill be most .significant in vie-.v of the < uc-Uoiis which are r.nansv.crcd by T"i;e (!at:i collected lo date." Louse Inhabits Mouldy Voliimss Likss Dan.p Tomes in Sharp Con- trast to the book Worm The book huise, a tiny, almost trans- paronl Insect, has won a place on the list ot things city apartment dwellers worry about. Tho little fellow â€" no relation ot the book worm â€" already has rated an investigation of the U.S. Depart- m- ut of Agrlcultlro and seems about to become the object of a drivo by the nation's organized pest fighters. Reaches Nuisance Status Or. K, A. Back, of the biueaii of En- tomology said tlie louse has reached full-fledged nuisance status and cited reports of apartment house occupants breaking leases to get away from tho pests. The pest generally is seen on or In books which have become damp or mouldy. Technically, the insect Is a psocid and no louse at all. "They don't bite, they don't carry disease," ho declared. It Is now a traffic menace In Istan- bul to stop a person in tho street and as!; for a match. What Do :he "Doodle Boats" Do? thankful- We have no plans for conquest. To keep the peace is a fundamental policy of the United States. War will be avoided by all honorable means." Also in his Navy Day Letter, President Roosevelt warned that the United States wiM maintain a sea strength sufficient to â- 'ensure a righteous peace." Relief List Reduced Latest figures issued by Ottawa show that unemployment and relief have decreased during the past year in the Dominion of Canada. In SefA tember, 1937, there were 73,479 fe«*- er people on relief than in Septem- ber, 1936. Responsible for the drop are better times, provincial and mu- nicipal work projects, activities of the National Employment Commission, the land settlement plan under which unemployed are assisted in becomiiig established on farms. Belgian Cabinet Crisis • Premier Paul Van Zeeland resigned last week from the leadership of the Belgian Government in order to fig>}t the charges of Re.xist (Fascist) oppo- nents that he was mixed up in -a "national bank scandal." His cabinet resigned with him as a confidenrtj gesture. The resulting crisis in B^ gium forced the postponement of the nine-power conference which was fo have met in Brussels Saturday to fip/1 an "amicable" solution to the Sino- Jap embroglio. New Irrigation Projects At a cost of more than $100,00(T, two new projects for irrigating areas in the Canadian west have been an- nounced to be carried out under tlKS Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act. The Work will be done in the Brooks, .â- al- berta, irrigation district; and in thp Cypress Hills area of Southern Sas- katchewan. The Government schem'fe involves taking over the land at about SIO an acre and reselling it at thfe same figure. Land will be used fo/ placing farmers from poor lands. their • ..v.. I' el I, in... i;.i....i .- r..:o.'j i liai'glit foiv.aid ill the cuiioas iiuiiie gi.vM tlieso .,â- .....• .)o;;ts d'>.sl,:n;.'.l lor !:oi-,i;e :l, tr.-a l)a ts oi' Imperial Airwaya. They are call -d •'i;::odle ' and they will be v.r.ed to i;o:ico oircr.-.'t alighting areas and also to tow llying-boats to and from moormgs. They arc shown dating a ic-.-ent tcsl run on Southampton Wale* THE DAIRY PRODUCE Butter â€" 4 Quotations to wholesale trade *t Toronto this week-end. Creamery solids, No. 7 29 Vi to 29 ^s do 38 score 28 U to 2S% do 37 score 27M to 27Vj do 3fi score 26V* to 2f>^4 Cheese ^ New large (paraffined) 1 4 to 14 ',i do twins 14Vi to 14Vj do triplets 14V2 to 1454 (Average price paid to shippers, f.o.b. country ' points.) New large (paraffined) 13 Va to 00 . do triplets 13»i to 00 POULTRY AND EGGS Buying prices: Toronto dealers this w.^tk-end wcw quoting prj luctrs for un,..radcd eg'4S, delivered, cases returned: * Eggs â€" Grade .-V large 38 to 00 Grade .-V medium 34 to 00" Pullets 27 to 00, Grade B 22 to 23 , Grade C 18 to 00 ' Dealers were quoted on graded eggs cases free: Grade .\ large 40 to OC Grade A medium 3(5 to ST Pullets . 30 to 0(1 t.iafle U 2t^ to OO Grade C 22 to 23 POULTRY Prices paid to eounlry shippers: Dressed. Milk Sel. A Sel. B. Fed A. Spring Chickens 1 to 2 lbs 20 18 22 2 to 3 lbs lf> 14 00 3 to 4 lbs 18 lo 00 4 to 5 lbs 19 17 21 5 lbs. and over. .20 18 22 Fatted Hens â€" Drcsse.l. Sel. A. Se!. B. Over 5 lbs 16 14 4 to 5 lbs 15 13 c^'.a to 4 lbs M 11 3 to 3V4 lbs 12 10 Old Roosters â€" Over 5 Ib.s 12 10 (Red and black feath- ered birds 2c per lb. less than above prices.) Other Fowl â€" Guinea fowl, per pair 75 00 Note: C grade poultry 3c below P grade. Turheys â€" A grade. 10 lbs. and over, drc3.-id.... 20 to 00 Geese â€" A grade, drcs.scd 14 to 00 LIVE POULTiXY PniCES (Supplied by Canada »-'ackcr».) Chickens over .5 lbs 17 Chickens 4 to 5 lbs 15 Fowl ever 5 His 15 I''owl â-  to 5 lbs 14

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