â- •*,. Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1937 ^^- :Â¥^ THE Fl.ESHERTON ADVANCE w. M. s. 7 The W. M. S. met in St. John's United church on Vfediiesday of hist wefk with Miss Miivmillan in the chair, who used thf "Theme, The Un- chatiK'iiiK Christ," in the opening ex- ercises. Ife'- Joseph Dlnkeley veuil the dovotioniil leaflet and hymn, Jesus, thou fount of lovinjf hearts," was .sungr, Mr.s. W. Thur-sloii lend in jirayer. With i ihniikofferintf meetine; on Thursday â- I October 2Ist, the Santie Committee to milimmmtmmmmm,^mmm^^mmmmmmmmmmm^m^lm\ look lifter the lunch that Was appoint- ed at the last iiieetinK, namely. Mr.s. O. Phillips, Mr.s. Dunt-an and Mrs. ^V. I, Henry. A speaker will be ar- ranRed for. heans bowed all sang, "Je.sus calls us o'er l|^ tumult." The following hcr- al<i3 reported for their different sta- tions, Mrs, F. W. Dunean, Mrs. W. Moore, Mrs. T. Sled, and Mrs. Mc- Fadden. Mrs. Carjtoe then took the chair anil tailed for the minutes which were ri-ad by the secretary, Mrs. C. Chap- pie. It was decided to hold the BARGAIN FARES to BrFF.VLo • $;j.90 CII.VTH.VM $3.30 H.VMILTON $2..'>0 SI DIU KY $6.85 T<)I{()N'IX> $1.70 ....Similar low faros to lielleville, Co- hourK. Dunnville, Fori William. fJalt, London. Oshawa, I'arr.v Sound. I'cler- boro. Sharbot Lake, Smiths Falls, Smilhvillc. Tweed, Welland. Wood- Btook. FINAL REirURN LIMIT â€" OCT, 4 Con-sull .\Kents â€" .\sk for Handbill Ask for particular,"! of (Camilla's Maple Leaf Contest. Seven cash prizes â€" you may win $ino.On. Canadian Pacific Card of Thanks 1 wish to express my appreciation Un- llie many e.xpressionsof kiiidness- e.s K'ven in various ways duriuK niy illness while in the hospital in To- ronto- and at my home. â€"ED. FISHER Card of Thanks .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Field desii'e to express their (jratitude to the fiiends who assisted with sympathy, flowers and in other \vo.yn in the pass- ing and interment of our brother, the late Mr. .Malcolm Leitch. I >♦♦ !♦♦♦♦♦<' < I H i m . t .. n .4i».i.»4.. | .. n .4 \ Fall Days Arc i| Here Again . . AND YOU WILL NEED- STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, DAMPERS, STOVE BOARDS, RANGES and HEATERS HUNTING NEEDS v'^in^rlo and DMuhlc P.ariTl Sinn C,m\^, Wiiicheter, v^av- a^c and Kcmin},^^!! 22 calibre Rifles: also Browning- slide -action 22 Rifles. Shot Ciiin Shells and . ^ 22 Anitmniilion ; Roof Coating, Roofing, Building Paper, Cement, Axes, ; Saws, Hammers, Auger Bits, Flashlights & Batteries Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON : : Mr. and Mrs. John Latimer of To- lonto were in town on Tuesday. Mr. Geo. ArnistronK and brother, .lack of MeafonI, are visiting friends at Kapuskasinir. Mr. and Mrs. (j'e«. Hoyil of North Kalllefoi-d, Sask., vi.sited last week in town. Mis. Kate .Tnmieson of Toronto was the nuest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harrison, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, A. Horniblnw, Mimico, spent the week end at the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hemphill and family of Toronto visited with Misses Kaimy and Kditli Hemphill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher and son Kmery spent a few days at Smith Falls.' Mrs. E. .1. McFndden of town left on Monday to spend six weeks with her son, lim, and daughter, Florence, at Oxdrift. Mr. R. B. Neilson, Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur PortPr of Owen Sound spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I .John McDonald. Mr. Hfnry Carvell returned last week from a trip to Eniriand where be found that his mother had passed away a year ago. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. .lames Dariravel on Wdlnosday, October 6, at .S p.m. Roll Call to be answered by remedies for colds and burns. Visitors welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herbert of To- lonto spent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs. ,T. Carpoe, on the return from their honeymoon trip to Quebec. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M;irk Wilson were: Miss May Mc- C1 High School Notes of art. Art appreciatioQ (picture study). English â€" Greater emphasis on the study, writing, spe&king, reading of our own language and the appreciation of good literature. A study of liter- ature, reading, spelling and composi- tion. Health Education â€" Engaging in healthful physical exercise, to build strong healthy bodies, the study of the (By Principal II. L. Eubank) 1. The principals of the various high .schools deem it inadvisable to hold a district tract meet this fall. ListB of subjects, text books ana note books reejuired anif suggestions for home study have been sent to ah pupils who were in attendance last j year and who are oxpecte.l to return.!^"'"*" ^"'^^ ""'^ ^^^ ^tudy of proper (All tho.se who did not attend la.sv r'""''^ '^",'*''^- .year at,d who intend to enroll this' ^T. a -subsequent issue of your paper, I shall deal with each of the courses year in II III, IV' or V forms should get in touch with the principal as soon as po.ssible by telephone or letter, stating (1) what courses they havt Mlready completed, (2) what studies thc.v hope to pursue this year.) iJ. New Pui)i!.s will get their time tables and lists of books on opening day. 1. P^veryone will be expected to lome prepared to remain at school a whole day on opening day. It has been my intention to devote some sP'iL'c in these columns to a dis- cussion of the various subjects of the tnst year course. I will restate that the courses of instruction to be given thi.s year will be Mathematics, Busl- nes.s Practice, Writing, Agriculture, Social Studies, French, Music and Krt, F^n^lish, Health Education. In this article I will merely define each and at a subseciuent time I will outline th« content and aims of the courses. I might draw your attention to the fact that the courses in 1st year of type.s of secondary schools henceforth will be the same regardless of the fact that the secondary school is a fifth class, cont. school, high school, collegiate or vocational school. Next year the new course will be extended into second form. (A new course for second fomi is being drafted.) Each yeai- the cour.se will be extended into one more form until eventually the whole curriculum will be alteixjd. First year students will not be in- troduced to tho study of Latin this .separately. , ... . , „ , „ -i.^'^fi'' but will .study It next year, km and Mis.s Ada Marshal ofi., ., „*,,, , »• 111,.,.. . , ,, „ .,, . Henceforth Latin will be introduced Toronto, Dr. Robt. and Mrs. Smith of Her 88th_Birtb(lay A pleasing event took place recently when Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown of Toronto presented the latter's mother, j Mrs. John Radley, with a t)irthday party at the home of Mrs. Alf. Part- ridge at Rock Mills, the event being the celebration of her 88th birthday. All the family were present for the event with the exception of Mrs. Brooks of Pickering and Fred Radley of New Liskeard. Five generations of the family were present for the happy event. Among the numerous birthday gifts were two large birthday cakes. Her two brothers, Joe and Ed. Phillips of Tbronto, the only re- maining members of a family of elev- en children, were present, also Mrs. .Toe Phillips. Mrs. Radley i.s extend- ed the wish of a host of friends for many more happy return.<! of the day. Yoang People's Work Ministers cf the United Church and their wives from Mclntyre, Dundalk, Priceville, Maxwell, Markdale and Kimberley, met at the parsonage here on Monday for a friendly get together to discus.s the fall and winter pro- gram for this section of Grey Pres- bytery. Mr. Service gave a report and discussion followed on the new church program for young married couples. It was decided to make these gatherings a monthly affair, the next 10 be held in Markdale, Nov. 1st. These gatherings are expected to be very ikelpful in church work. DIED PARSLOW _ On Friday, Septem- ber 2-1, in Toronto General Hospital, George W. Parslow of Swinton Park, aged 69 years. The remains were interred at Salem Cemetery near ."Swinton Park. Cl.velnnd. Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. .Tad. N'oniuay of Conniston and Mr. .1. Rombough of Niapara Falls N.Y. Uev. H. K, Wright, pastor of Price- ville United church, occupied the pul- pit of St. .lohn's church on Sunday a. m. Mr. Wright was one of our Flesh- crton boys during the years 1914 and 1.5, his father being organist in the Methodist church and his mother was the soloist. He was listened to with close attention and was greeted ty some of his old friends at the close of the service. Auction Sale FARM STO( K, IMPLEMENTS, Etc- The to .second yi'ar students. It is deemed advisable to give the students a gen- eral course in the first year and then they would hv. a ' little more mature to begin work in Latin in the second year, or they would be in a better position to know whether they would reiiuire the subject for the work they choose to engage in after graduating from high school. Further, since Latin and French are foreign Langua- ges, the Department deem it advisable to introduce them one at a time so i HORSES AND C.VITLE â€" Horse that teachers may see what aptitude i C years old; Mare, 10 years old; Here the student has for languages aiin j lord Cow, 6 years old, due in Febru- I'state of the Late Mrs. A. Thompson Will sell by public auction on Lot 71, Con. 3. ARTE.MESIA (Quarter of a mile east of Portlaw) on Saturday, Oct. 2nd the fololwing property, namely: Small Ads. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Jersey BuR Calf.-â€" Wm. Turney. Flesherton. FARM â€" 12» acre farm for sale or rent, or work on shares. â€" Jas. Hopps, Priceville. FOR SALE _ Quantity of balsam wood, also cedar â€" Herb Betts, R. R. No. 3, Flesherton. Y THE STORE | p J |4;|| J^^ f ^ J J^J^^^ | 01 U BUYING T T Y T T t WITH I '< SERVICE w'l'h W w 'I' 'r W It r F. T. Hill & Co., Limited CHAIN STORES MARKDALE, Ont. POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY j they may be better able to plan an interesting and useful course for '.'lie *♦**♦*! student. Since French is a present ♦> day language and such a large nuin- ♦> ber of our Canadian iH'ople are of ^^ 1 French extraction and speak the X i tongue, this course was thought to be i lu more interosting and valuable »MMM^^^â- M^â- ^^^ ^ ^^i^^^^l "> ^ ^ ^^ ^ â- â- ^ '^^*♦ •ourse to the new student. This, you X New Fall Coats I Dresses - Millinery *^ SPECIAL SHOWING OF NEW FALL COATS, DRESSES AND MILLINERY. X X VISIT OUR READY TO WEAR D.EPARTMENT FOR THE BEST VALUES 1 ^ AND MOST UP-TO DATE SELECTiON POSSIBLE TO SHOW. sei_, would strengthen the bonds be- ♦j5» ! iween the nei»rhboriiig provinces ol fy iQueluc ;in(l Oiilariii by a better under- ^t I tiuidinn of the peoiile, their language, X eusfiims and Lttriiture and it would t [ ilso facilitate trade between the jirov- ♦ i inces. •*• Now at the end of the first year I expect the student will be given the ♦*♦ ', dioice of entering a General Course, T T ? ? T J T NEW FALL COATS A ]:\.y'^:;v range Iroiii wliich t(t cIkmisc and l>riti,\s to suit t-vcrv ptyse. Krt»ni plain iai!()rc<l ti> fine I'tir collars. Prices range from $10.95 to $27.50 Tlic.-c values aii- niili(.:atal)lc. I SPECIAL SALE OF FLANNELETTE f AND WOOL BLANKETS V IJ Hy 4 llx'.x M-innckltc Blankets, best A (jtialilx |)i-uciii-al»lt'. extra lar^i' si/.c. X Special $2.39 pair ♦^^ at A DituhlU I)«.'il si/f 111 same $2.19 pair quiility LADIES' DRESSES IN A VARIETY OF CLOTHS AND STYLES Imhc si1l< dresses priced frdin $2.95 to $8.95. Ladies' Jcr.sey and Camel 1 laij" Dresses. Prices from .....,^ $2.45 to $4.95 These are extfa values. . . . r T T ? T Y Extra value at ^... 9Sc to $3.95 J t t WOOL BLANKETS AT MONEY SAVING PRICES t r I MILLINERY .3 '^> A real selection o£ New I'^all Hats from which to choose. â- ».â- •. MEN'S DEPARTMENT .V hn^v range Iroin which to choose. T'rices range accordiu}:; to weight. 6 lb. Fawn Pure Wool $7.95 X 7 lb. Red Pure Wool $8.95 ^ , Fancy Checks Pure Wool $9.10 X '%J';.' Fancy Reversible Blankets $7.95 -Jliln.iWic - ->. GROCfeRV SPECIALS i:i([» T Toumtoe Juice, Libby'slar^e tin 10c 'f 2 for 19c ;♦ 25c >i"* Un Industrial Course, a Household Arts e'ourse or a Commercial Course. Of course all these choices will de- pend on the accommodation and equip- ment thill the school affords and the size of the school and the number of teachers, but in a school of the type which serves this community the first named will likely be the only course available as the others are adapted to schools with .special aecommodn- tioiis, (M^uipinent and with larger staffs. I want to add here thsit the 1st year ourse is not intended to fit a boy or ary; Aged Cow, Milking; Red (^ow, 7 years old due October 27; Red Cow, 6 years old, due in December; Red C'ow, 1 years old, calf at foot; Grey Heifer, Calf at foot; Grey Cow, 5 years old, calf at foot; 4 fat cattle, if not sold previous to sale. ^ IMI'LEMKNTS. Ktc. â€" Set of Sleighs; Democrat; Massey-Harris -Mower; Cultivator; Sulky Rake; Bind- er; Fleury plow; Gang Plow; 2 Bug- gies; Set Iron Harrows; Car; Seed Drill; Cutter; Fanning Mill; Robe; Wa^on and Rack; Crosiscut Saw; 2 SutTMr Kettles; Set Single Harne.S8; Set Heavy Harness, nearly new; 20 Gallon Drum. FURXirrURE â€" Singer Sewing Machine, nearly new; 2 Sideboards; Parlor Suite; "Vega" Separator; Heat- fr; Cook Stove; Table; 6 Kitchen Chairs; Sap Buckets; "Raymond" SewiuK Machine, nearly now; Side- iioard; Clock; Cupboard; :! Bedsteads; •! Small Tables; Dresser; .'i Wicker Chairs and Roeker; 2 Washstands; Pots, Pans, Dishes; .N'uinerous other .Articles. TKRMS OF SAI.R:_ CASH Mrs. II. Fisher. Administratrix. GEO. DUNCAN. Auctioneer. FOR S.ALE â€" General purpose horse, o years old, also y pigs 6 weeks old. Archie McKechnie, Priceville. W.ANTED _ Good prices paid for horses or cows, suitable for mink feed. â€" Jas. Sinclair, Ceylon. .MAX WANTEDâ€" Man, willing to work, wanted on farm for two or three months.. â€" Claude Akins, Flesherton. SEEDS WAN-fSD â€" We are buying: alfalfa, alsike, red clover and sweet clover seeds Phone 38 r 3. A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. WANTED â€" Any amount of cattle or horses for fox meat. My re- frigeration system enables me to keep any amount. Good prices paid delivered. â€" H. E. Karstedt, Priceville. MEN WAN*rED _ Good nearby Rawleigh Route now open. If will- ing to conduct Home Sei-\-ice busi- ness while earning $30 and up week- ly, write immediately. Rawleigh's, Dept. No. ML-205-45-1, Montreal, Que. Tenders Wanted or .... Macaroni 5 lbs. for V. â- ^"".•«V'<* Men'.s Fall and Winter Underwear from : 95c to $2.95 Mc-ns Wool Sweaters fr«nn $1.25 to 4.95 ♦♦♦ .Men's Winter Hose from 18c, 25c, 3^c ♦!♦ indSOc. X ^ • .'â- - •; ; /»!♦ Also, a large range of Men's Su>t«, ♦f» Overcoats and Windbreakers at the low- Canned Corn 2 tins for .. Jcllv Powders, OK 6 for .... Soap Chip.s 3 lbs. for Wheat Flukes package Laore .Tar v^wct-t i'icklcs for 4 lbs, of ;::ood Rice for Tenders wfll be received by the un- dersigned Solicitor to the Executor up to and including the Thirtieth day of gill for a vocation but to give him n | September for the purchase of Lot it tie of n variety of courses so that Twenty-si.x, Concession Seven, Town- ship of Osprey, the property of the Estate of the late James Sullivan. Tbis farm is said to eontiiii one hundred acres, consistinu: of about eighteen acres hardwood bush, eighty acres, more or less, of workat)!t> laiuL There is erected upon it a brick Vv^n- eer house, with a kitchen. There is nlso a frame barn on a stone founda- tion. 'There are two wells on the property. The lowest or any tender not nec- e.ssarily accepted. â€" C. C. MIDDLEBRO", , „ City Hall _ \/ . Owen Sound. I,ar>fe tin Pork dt Beans. I.ibby's or V Clarke's 2 for 19c ♦> IVarl Soap 5 for 19c ♦ ♦i* est prices in some time. he may better know his own tastes before entering hia second year. .'\n explanation of the first year courses follows; Mathematics â€" Will consist of some Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic and rapid calculntion. Business Practice â€" A course to leach the students the simple business transactions which every citizi'n ought to know. iting â€" A cnntiinintion of the school writing course. The need for such instruction is obvious. Agriculture â€" A course conBisting of experiments to determine the laws of nature and to find explanations for natural phenomena and the npiilicntion of these laws and explanations to life on the farm mid in the oomniiinitv. Social Studies â€"A study of British History, Geoernphy, Economics and rivios to form a basis for the stndv of onlitlfiil devolrtpmcnt and' world trade and pcnnomio relations. onch and the tiire to foste rtn thn nrtH of the cfndent n heUer nnd"vitnndinf of tVo F'-enrh i>noile â- "Tnqlp .,_ The rlon^ppts of slnirlni* Trd rr>n''lnc mns'p hv slrht. nnrt sinsr- rity o"d nnnroelotinn of wi^fslf. A rt â€" rractlre in orontlon of pleo«»s 19c > 25c t* 25c. •> 25c ^ 23c .♦> i French â€" SiinVon T^i- 25c' Y '•f^*>'""f f*" Fi-'^TK'h lltorni r O NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of AUSTIN SHACK- LKFORD, late of Flesherton, Gentle- man, deceased. AM. PERSONS having ol!um.s or â- u'counts against the above nasied dc- w^asod are recjuired to s«nd full par- ticulars thereof to the undevsipned executor on or before th Ninth day of October, l!)37, after which date the I'slate will 1m> <listributed amongst tliose entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which npticB shall at that time have been received. â€" C. C. MIDDl.KBRO' City Hall Owen Sound. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6N â€" 175771 Sire 0. A. C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, will be kept for service. Terms $1.00. â€" Wes. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred York.shire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months. â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. *• BUSINESS CARDS . â€" ^ â€" _ DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office HoHrn â€" - Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.80 Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. "T'rince Arthur Loilge No. 333, A.F. & A.V., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in each month. W.M., Alfred Down; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. I N S U RANCE AUT0MI>B1LE Special low rate for farmers A. n. MacINTYRE. Agent FLESHERTON Ont ROY LANGFORD IMstrict Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ^ ACCIDENT & SICKNESS FIRBJ AUTOMOBILE BURGIJ^RY Municipal Liability (Guarantee Bonds Any Insurance Problem Telephone, MARKDALE, Ont. OR, T. H SPENCE VETERINARY SUROFON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services rensonaUe. •â€"Phone, Dundalk 2. DR. (;. A. LEDGERWOOD, V. S. Nii{hi aii4 Day Call Profo-vslonal Service Feversham, Phone 4 r 5, at reaidenc* of Ed. Nixon, Maxwell. ♦', « :,> \ i itiSSKtei