« N ews in BrieF » Japan Ignores Protests TOKIC).â€" Tliii Japamau (iovonimont Ihia wooki'iid pondrrod coinnumlca- tloiig from six Ripal W.-slerii poworg ohjcciliig to the lioniliaidmi'nt of Chin- ese cilii's by Jnimn'K nir forces. Toklo iiflUlals Kavu no Indication of how ihi'sc rppicsoiilations would be ans\v(>ied. but in Shan^:lial a spokos- mau for ttip Japnn'-s(> Navy said the bnnibinKH would conliiiuo. Oioat Hrit- ain. I'rance. th"' Unifnl Statow. Italy. Ofimaiiy and Sovint Uussla were tht- olbiT powcia. Wants Italy's Pledge I,(1.\1K)N Ilawn:; rid ivcd formal assiniiuccs that Itnly will !<oiid no m'-.i' 'vohuUfers" to Spain, I'.ip Brit- ish a-.d I'icnch ForoiKn OlliccB tin nod their aUcnllon this weekend to ob- tainir : .-. similar pledpe from Italy re- Kardins witlidiawal of F.isciHt tioop.s now lictnii:E for llu- Spaninh insurn- eni;*. TIa.K «a.s inili rsuiii! i.i bi- tin- main topic of a conversation betwci'u For- eii'.ii .^-crotary Kdeii and Frcncli Am- ba.""- 'I'rir ("nrbin at the Fonicii Ofliie. Duce Visits Hitler lioMl-:.â€" Willi.' Pn mil r Miis«t)lini's hp; vily Eii.irilcd sp.-i inl irain rolled not tin i!(l towaid C' rnmny ibis weck- eiiii. iir imalion-i i iiriilalfd In the cf- fi-, • I' :•! l'!s !•>•.â- - !l, r..li!rr| visit lo (•••- â- < li r Hii! •• nii-bl L.-lMcr tli<< c: I'f K'li'pi .i!i •• -MCf. I : lM;.-.:!tii- rill !. -•. I'js! Ilv'.'! V. illl 1;. I !M- r. -I 1) • ; n-rib:!i'y tir.' Iiis in:' ..WIS \v;:!i liii'.'r i; 'uhi I 'is. n i: t â- â- ;-'"f il r.-',<'n:i R-tiian Flyers Aid Cmpcsc < ' ' \'i'().\', i'!:ili:l. I'c.i.-ii llji'rs, p' ':.•,. 'Illy r nlj M.-(| ;i,: :!.!-. iHi'r.-.- \<' (' ' !â- a. i:'.i(>; ~. :':i' r..;!i!i!a' willi (â- ':.:. • ilr f.i:-i-. -â- ;i:.ii:i-t III.' laiils nf .1.! â- 1- â- . â- l.i.iii! . : •; 111 ;lii< :i.. :i '! '' • Kiis.Ai:'.]..'. V. lio ri'c''iiily iip-ni'd an ..:. rui.li- li'rn Moscrnv to Nan- k;i . «.•:. lifhl.n;; uiili ;!•(• f'liini'So, 11(1 '.;;!;•â- In i.'.",'l- fni:n \:irii)lls p." i if rliii..!. A 1)11111' i AliIi'V ri' ;ii'. 1 III. Ill Tcikio Slid ilii> Sovii'l flov- •ri':i..'iil pluiiiii-d In s'lipiilv I'lilna willi !â- •' . :m-p!:i;:"». Food For The West OTTAWAâ€" All appi'al l.i \o'n;ilary af;i Mii'H Id roliliiuie tlicir v.nr!; of Kali'iii.K and .«liipi)iiiK fr; ii'^ .-..il vi-:;- •â- I.';' Ii's to dron>;lil lava".'! :i-:-: in \V"K' rti ('.niada w,.>- â€" : ' i' ^s \v k- I'lul I'V Alm IciiUni ,â- .Miii.ViiT (!a: 'i.ir/. in , :.:ii . '• , .., nt ;i f,.w rl â- -' :::-n thai ill' 1) .million fjovcrniiii'iit will Inu . !i a s.liin- lo buy ami sliiii friii'x. vi'fc'alilc'S and otlur rominod- U'u ^ I.) n ;,'ir)ns of Rrrat hi f-ulf "I'inK bad iiiisfd iloiiMs on llii' I'.iil of vol- mil- 'I :;n In wliiilK'r ilicy slmiil'l lon- Illl!.' Ilni:- unik. Ilio Mlni-nr vialMl. tuall to II enil !iri' . .\i Wri' hill: the : chj-'i boil.' Japs In Heart of China 1 \.\i â- 1 r.-\l.-- .1,11 an c'irrli (I li"i vii- ;â- mil .'11 il Illl ^Tial w.-iifai'i' in- â- .!â- \ -rv ln'nit lit China llii.s uirk- ::i.'l b. ..â- '.o:] jli,. stral'Sic Wuhan of till' Mi.Mli. Yaii}.'lsi' Valli'y. 1 . -lii'i.-i il 111.; dilin-si' (â- iviliaii.s kil' I ;.' Ii;i';Ii,\v ail. I S"M'ral h • I w :i' ii'ji': :. (Mliers ilii-il in i'','ari III (Uii ;i.r Flani.'r'liinv. .Vail- .' ami iilliir liii":' also were I.' li .'i-i part of l!ii' :'iiii' iipi'i'ai ion. .Sir Hubert Ret:trnj Tir;' i.\'To. -.\rii'i riiiiiii'.sy •.\ '.-ks i\»-' -. . I )iiii); .Xniic w:i: (. s for a pall' â- , ini.-isiaK Ui.ssian ai.ii:. ii. Ilio itbur . .^ i" rr...i..: jilane pjlii. d by llii- berl I |nl!l.': is'-nvon scltliil ilnv.n iii- !o II; -vky blackni-» of*..n 'i:!-. fall nixii' â- " M'lk" .1 pcr.'et Li'iilnt' lm To- rout. I ''.ly, on route to \iw V. i k for pIiIii r a' more sullable plane fiT win- \<-r V n k i.r to end fbo simi-''Ii for Ilio mlsjuiu" l:a:'.3|)olar flli'i'H. Sir Hiilxlt WH':-.; .•• .s hi rhai'.'i' nl Ihi' IliL'bl. Tv/o Women Gassed TiSi'i.N'To. •- Cms Iri.'iila !i..ili'r iniifli"! 'Il ' lives of two wiiiiii'ii Friday afli'ir.Miii in a coU.ir l.aiiiiooin at T,'^0 Joni' 1 .Avi'iiiie. Th" doad nio Mrs. .M;iiy CaiiioKlo, 28. In whoso, home the double trnii- I'dy o.C'iiirod, and Mrs. Miirparet Ixiuf.heed. 2(1, *2S Coady .\veniie, n (;ne.si with her hiiBband and infant child. . ^ Iiiew Rules For Wipt OTTAWA. â€" A pi o( laiiialioii wag publlstii'd this week-end In Ihe Can- nda (;azo|io makliiK eff.rlivi' roKUla- lions uml' r which liui MInlMler of KlnaiK" nay enter Into an aKicoinent lo mal ..^ oil", r.t the rioyal Caiiailian Mint fill any other Hiilisli Ihiiniiiinn, or col' ; y. or for a forelKii Blalo. "Devil's Island" Convicts Strike AI.CATUA/, ISt,.ANI). Cal. - One convict brutally heal Wiirdon Janio.s' n. Ji. ill!. Ion and lo.) otlier hardincd criinlna's wont on a ' .sit-ilown" Hlrlka tt the Federal fiovernment's pi'iilten- llury bore. The Warden was loniovod lo a Ims pitnl where he aHcrlbed the outbreak to an attempt of the convicts In win B relaxation of reRulatlons which make Ihe "nnvll'H Island" prison tlio natloii'.s most foared. Japanese Royalties at Quebec CiUWIlKC. -- Tlioir Imperial IIlRb- dOKHes I'rinco and PrlncoBH Chlchlhu Dt .lapaii niliik'lod 'aIIIi (iuebickeis Câ€" N this week-end UurluK a brief shoppluK excursion in an uptown commercial Bectlon of the French-Canadian Capi- tal and saw the Hights hero Just like ordinary tourlHta. Plotted Against Govemment MAimil).â€" The Spanish (invoriinient has disclosed the arrest of more than 200 persons accused of direct iuf; a "Kreal plot" desipned to overthrow the Govornnient. A coiiiin\ini(|iio said the idol centred at Madrid. Olllcials said about 5.000 nioii plan- ned to allack tJovi'rnini'tlt ford's from the rear In a coiiibiiiod civilian and niililary uprising. Another 2,500 per- sons. I hoy stated, were to seize public! I)iiililiii!;s In Madrid. Steamer Sinks, Five Drown .NiniKI.N. Sta,i;i,'i'r('d by a soii.'s of moiiiitailinus waves, the Kloamor N'eob- iiiK, loaded with Kravol, this wook-enil ilisappcaioil into Ilio waler.s of the strait Joinin;; NiplKon liay with L:ike Siiixrior, carrying the captain and four of llie crew to their dealli. By ciilliiiR away a tow bar(;o, nine of 111" crew ."avcd thomsolves. and ilra^'Keil a liady injiirod shiimiato, kiiockoil iiiicoiiscioiis just before the .N'f'oliiii" s.iiik. to Iboir rofir.'.i'. Ger;i:an3 Want First C'aiice I. OS CATtJ.'-'. Calif. • T;. • Ci'iiiaii CiAoriimin' lia!i rl"iirivi'.I V.'luuli .Moniiliiii ijf Ilio :i::lil to pl:iy ilnbort Si lltlin.Miii'.s Inst \i.'l!'i onin III) lor lb.' lit.' liiii ' ill pulilic. Till' (1 :.'eaiis wan! It pj.iy. d In C •!â- - many lir I. I'libli.-liiii'.? li-Iils arr < i>;i- Irolliil ill C-rmaiiv und >'. imliiii li!i ! Ill luiinii'.'^co. Ill' wi'.^ L'liovod -.iiid lUilr.i.!'.' I. Tlio Iiiiu;-rii: million oiirn'orln li:is illi.lilid bilii ami ho Ivd liniiod In i-'l\i' il its worl'l I :â- i::i(ii' in Si. l-.'i- .iii .N'ov. 11'. It is 111 1 o p- rfi.. .... i :.; : . , 1 I 'i Nov. i:;. C'op's Abundance Echiciz Stullr. Mo.-'niW. i;.)' iiiii'i.il cioi's in the Siiviol iiiii.m Ibis so:i.-'oii baw sir. iii-'iii- "nod Ilio I'l'iiimo of .In-, pli Slallii and roniovi (1 Ilio il'nrr'r nf f;iinin.'. oli •• rv- ei.s say. The fino wlnal liaiv.st wms said 111 li.'ivo inmplotoil the work of tbo Roorot police, endin;,- Ihe last hi P" of an already dofoatod nppnsiljon llial it m.ii'tif prollt from fumiii" conii'lioalod ! V .-'i I'-.i'" i: di'-lri:il orl' i :. Institucions Benefit ToI'O.VTO.â€" I'liivor.'-'ity of Torimlo and Wo.-ton and (liavonhursl Saiia- toiiiinis will share In a lioiiiirst of ;ip- Iirnxlii.aloly $,",n.liOn, v.bioli has b.-oii mai!o tiy Ilio will of Miss .I:iii"l Cnl- illlhiiUli. slslor nf Ilio jalo Or. A. II. IF. Ci>l(|iil "Illl. P'-Hiily .Mi'.i I' 1- of I'Mn- I!'I|0I1. Stocks Lowest In Two Years lliiny HvivoH nf sollini; atain bit vvoilil slock niarko's Ibis wook-ond. Ill Now York, loadiii.i,' issue...' toppled from $1 In <l or ninro a share, many louchiwK new low (.â- round for nearly two years. Some laiyinp snppoil ilo voliipod on the rocossi ns. I.arire blocks ('ham,'"d hands on llio way (li)Wii, and the ticker lap. fro (liioiilly was behind Support biiyiiiK was siai'cc, but oxlroiiio d'ocliiios were rodit'i'il In many oas'S near thi? final hour. Transfers wiio nt Ihe r.it" of aboni 2.."iftn.nfifi si'aro'. Sfi.-k Needle In Child', Brain .VKV. IM.ASCOW. \.S, I'nlici' liilil Cioldi.' May .S'ii'|i!iard. I'.'i-year-old ni"j;r..;-s mi a wariaiil chaii.iii? nas;i:ill occasioniiip; bodily liann tn her 20- monlli;- old baby. M'ii'i;!ii .'l . \.hn lias had a I lireoiiicb rioodlo p|oi'(!lnK her brain fur sovoral iiinnths. The iliilil. oporali'd nil, has a 'fair" i liaiioo I'nr loiDvny, doctors :.:iy. Senator Logan Arrested OTTAWA.-- Soiiainr Ilance .1. I.o- nan. of rarrsbom, X.S., wr.s arnslod on a falsn preti-ncos charK" arlsliiK out of the now famniis (lypsiini Queen case. Taken Into cusimly at a small. local hotel,' the senalor was> fornially ar- raltjned boforo M'i!<lslrati" fllon Strike and llberaled on l.'i.iuio ball. Senator .lames Miudook. Ollawa. slnod ns bondsman. Long IVlan Hunt Ends ED.MONTON. - A prololi'Aod man hunt IhrniiKli tbo wIM lilnterland <f northeastern lliilish (^olnmbla. In which aoroplaiii "1. v.iTi' used by police poBsos to corner tlio riiKltlves ended with the surrender of two trappers, charged wllh rompllcily In Ihe $,14,000 fur robbery at Iho Hudson's Hay Co., Fort .N'l'laoii poHl. I wo years iiKo. Paralysis Case at University I.OXDO.V, Out. Willi Ihe cnllcKe opened only throe days, Infanlile par- alysis striuk its fl^'st vicllm from Ihe ranks of sludeiilw at the Unlvorsily of Weslerii Oiilario. Alteiiilaiit taut week-end at a camp oonvenlioii at Lake CoiichlchlnK, Frank I'alleison. third year student, has boon stricken. The patient, who-^o ca«e WHS described at a compiiiallvely IIkIiI nitnck, was removed to Victoria hospitiil. Ne^ro Sentenced to Hang KINGSTON. -- Chester Croaley, a thin, nervoui nud sullon 36-yeur-uld Ontario's Accident Toll Boosted to Year's High Fiftv-One Are Injured In Highway and Street Mishaps Over the Week-end â€" Six Meet Violent Death â€" Thirty Crashes In Toronto Inside Four Hours Saturday Night. ncBro convict, will walk to the gal- lows Dec. 6. Jo pay with his life for the murder of Ouard .lohn McCormIck last July 11. Sentence was passed on him after a verdict of Kullty was returned by the jury. Mines To Get Every Help WINNII'KCâ€" Ilovelopiuent of Can- ada's mining (lolds and natural re- sources has phiyod a greater part than is conimoiily realized in offsottlUK the aflerni.-illi of doprossioii. Hon. T. A. Crerar, Federal Minister of Mines and Resources, said in an interview hero. Hi- is en route to Ottawa after a 3.000. mile alrlilaiio survey nf northern and norlbvvoslorn niiiiiii.i; areas. ~ THE MARKETS HAY AND STRAW .\'n. -J tiro.'.iihy, n'll ?10 to ^11; new, ?0 to ?10 per ton; .No. .'J timothy, .'S to ?!'; o:!t^! anil whei'.t straw, §,").. 'jll to .â- JIL-'iO. .-Mi'ive prices f.o.b. Toronto. GRAIN QUOTATIONS Full.o.'.iii;^ are closiiij,' liUnlalion.-' this v,-ee'.;-en:l on Toronto (,'rain traiisacti'.iis for car lol,-;. prices on basis c.i.r. hay ports â€" Maniuiba '>vhe:-.t~Nn. 1 .N'orthern, i?!.10',; .\n. 2 .N'.iilhc'.n, i?!.;'.!;^ ; .\o. ,'! .\'or;li'ni, M.'K' ,; .N'n. â- ! .\or- lh"iii. *I.J."" .. WosUrn oal .N'n. - C'.W., CV-'r^c; Xi). :5 C.W., .'lii-^o; extra No. 1 f^'od on::'. 'â- 'â- â- \c; .\'n. 1 I'eoil, ."s"kc. .Maiii;...l)a bar'ey- No. â- '• liT'.io; '.<"â- •') t'.W.. ''..''"ic; No. soiccniii'-'.-. •'?-" I'or ton. .^loilli Af.'-ifan cnni, .'^."o.', Montreal. Ontario or;iin, approximate prices track .-liipj'iiitr pniiU - wiieat, SI. OK to $1.10; oats, :>c tn lOc; barley, Mc to r.lo; eorn. 9>c to IMc; rye, 80c to .s.'ic; hiiolcwheat. .'> !c t;i a'ic; mallinir barioy, ."o^o to t'lOc; niillin'j- oats, .'!!ic In lie. POULTRY AND EGGS Buying prices: Toronto il;'.".'ici.^ this v, . i:-end wee (iuutin«' pr,i>.Kii ; for u". ra'icd c^ti'', (lolivi'ieil, cr.ses ri'turnoil: Eggs â€" C.W., 1 food track, <iiailo (Iraile I'ullol Grade Grade Tcewees I>ric A h'ire .. .•\ 1110 limn 1! ••il 2 1 21 17 1.". 00 00 00 00 00 oil POULTRY lid In country shippers: Dressed. Sol. A Sol. 1! ,SprinK CliicUenii to -J. lbs ir, 11 to 3 lbs 17 Ifi to -l lbs I'.i 17 lbs. and over liO \S lbs. and over 21 111 DAIRY PRODUCE Butterâ€" (Juolations In wholo.ialo niniiln this week-end. Milk Fed A. I,S 20 21 trade at T ( ' i amery snlids, No. 1 27 to 00 do :iH sore 20 to 00 do .37 score 2.'') to 00 dn :;r, -core 21 to 00 Chceso .Vow lai'KC (parairiiiodl I I'i to 11';: dn f>^ina . . 1 I'i to M'"'. do 'ipk'ts II-''. to I.''. f,\\-oraeo price paid to sliippci:!, I'.o.h. I'oiinlry point's. ) New hiri.o ('parallincd) 13% to 00 do* triplets MV» to 00 sd Instantly on a '..et pavement, Six persons met violent death, in. cludinp a youth fatally shot in a hunting accident, and fifty-one were injured in highway and street mis- haps over the week-end, the heaviest toll in Ontario for a similar period of the past year. Most nf the motor crashes were the result of poor driving conditions due to heavy rains in various part of the Province. Seventeen persons were injured inside four hours in Toronto during a downpour of rain. Shot Accidentally When two of his playmates were altemptinn to loosen a jammed ham- mer of a small.calibre rille, with which they had been shooting spar- rows, John liissett, 1-1, v\as almost instantly killed at Hariov\-, twenty- four ii!i!es south of Windsor, wlien the gun accidentally discharged. The bullet passed through liis neck. I!;isil Cnc. 22, of Windsor, died in ho.spital four hours after he lost cnntrol of his truck and it plunp:e<l into a fiell. He was tossed from the cab as a front tire blew out. His pelvis, several ribs and a leg were fractured. ICilli Wliilc diivii; (T.ising his auto to skid into a ditch, lliree miles east of Cayuga, U. '/.. .â- 'hiyl.'i'-' v.-as instantly l;i!Ied Satur. day. His wife and father, .James, ,S."i, were >eri()U.!!y injured and later ;n'.:- eii tn .S'.i'.roe hospital. .\ v.oiiiaii ijodeslrian, Mrs. Mabel T.eaciH'k. .'-1, of Tecumseh, died in l!nspilal arior being knocked down by an auto near her home. The driver, ,'\ir.os !.; -piiance, Windst.r, said the v.-omaii stepped into the oath of his oar. He v.as not arrested . The wo- man's liody v.-as hurled sixty feet and .â- ^!truck three •. nving neo.. one <if v.'hoin •,'.as kmii'i.i'd dnv. n. Little Girl Die^ At Olta-,va, .Mario Albert, 21, of that city, died in hnijpital frni.i a fracturo.l skuH- received v.'hen stnick down by a hit-and-run driver. Fouitei'Tvyear-oId liuth Ciillen. T,C, Gilgoim Itoad, Toronto, v.as fat'illy injured at I'glinton and Latimer .â- \veniics as she Irie.l to cross the street-- Sb.e was ..^triick by a c:-." drivcn by \'adli C. Palto' .n. 22. of Clcngowan '!oad, and thro-.vn into tl;o air, l:iiii:ing on the iioo.l nf ti'o vehicle. Three of the seventeen injured arc b-iiig in hospitals in a critical con- r;ion. 'ilio four n-en ;irrested are ( '.Kii-jcil Willi leckle.-s driving. This also sots a jiov.- high mark for week, end offencos. None of the nfTendcis v.-a.-= involved in colli-iins whii-li caused serinus injury. Collision at Port Hope .Si.x persons were tiiki'ii to ho.spital after a heal-on automobile lolli- sinn seven miles east of Port Hope. .•\n I'ii.ubound car, driven liy Geo. norland, Wellington, v.-as in collision with a v.i'sthouiul 0:11- driven by Fnd Hurley. NewtonviHe. Hurley suffered e>;ti'iisivc faco cuts and bruises. His brother. Geo . suffered a di.slocaled hip and lacerr- lions while a second passenger in tl'e Hurley car. Charles IJoss, Xewton- ville, siilTored a cut lip anil lost scv- era.) teeth. Dorb.nd suiTercd a fra-t'ircd knee cap. Mrs. H. Doiland. Wellington, sulfereil a fractured left leg and scalp lacerations and Mrs. C. Craig of Picloii received a lacerated scalp and a side injury. They were Dor- land's passengers. RiTSsian Emigres Kidnapped PARIS. -- Nationwide InveslUalinti into Iho niysioriniis disappoar.iiico of two proniinont Czarisl Itusslan emi- gres from Paris indicated, police said, that (iiie of them may have been kid- napped iiiul taken to llio Soviet lliiioii. -iâ€" THE- NEWS INTERPRETED A Commentary On the More Important Events of the Week. By ELIZABETM EEDY Poland Strikes at Jews The world was startled not long ago to learn that a letter written by the great Polish pianist and patriot, I, J. raderewskl, to his people, had been suppressed. The message ho wished to convey was that Poland should not give way to civil strife and lose all that the country has gained of democ- racy in the years since the war. The Nazi hold on Poland seems to be in- creasing and the freedom of its pri- vate clIlEcns In jeopardy. A cam- paign of discrimination against Jews is In progress and scenes of violence are hourly occurrences in the streets of Polish towns. Caneda May Balance Budget Coming from cnexpoclodly increased revenues a balance may bo achieved next year of the Canadian budget. For the first five months of the current fis- cal year, every kind of revenue has shown an expansion with the income tax and the sales tax bein.g the lead- ers. Cuitom.s and excise duties, post ofllee rei-eipts follow close behind. To nullify some of the prospective in- creases uill be a considerable! rise in expenditiHos before the end of 1937. chiefly lu(ai;so of rolief works and tlio compbtioii of the National De- foniie prcTram. but this Is not ercpect- fd to hold back to any great extent our irtoady iiro.'.'vess towards a bal- anc'il biit'.cri t. Savs B'itish Aim Is Peace F.ii-.'i:;:! i-'oi;retnry Anthony Fden tills week advised the world that Groat Hrilain ;.< cenimiltcj Irrevocably to a prlicy of rearmnmeiu unless other natinrs c :;;• • ( or.:::o;;i>r: for suprem- acy at .". i-ms. t'li-^aking Lcfore a liu.il-.od Lea.:;up of .\':;!ions :ij 'U'.bly. Mr. Kden struck a note of ni;a:;led hope aiul pessimism. Dosiiiio the dark picture he painted and his liu[iliod rebukes of Germany and It.ily, be emphasized Kritain's de- lorniinatioii still to strive for peace. •Ouo pl( dge I can give unequivo- cally lo this assembly," he said, ''is that the Government I represent will spare no endeavor to prevent war from engulfing Furope." His iiledgo of Uritain's peaceful pur- posi s v.'as c.!i!plej with his statement of willingness to agree to reduction and ii!iii;allon of arn^aments. Drought Farmers Move Out Into a small Ontario town last weel poured three truck-loads of famlliei from the drought areas of Saskatche wan who had come cast, financed bj their government, to found nefl homes. The Provincial Government ol Saskatchewan allotted to each fam lly two freight cars for transpor tation to Ontario of their livestock, Implements and household goods; and into the bargain has agreed to pay an entire year's rent wherever they misW happen to locate. Censorship In Japan .Although we are three or four thousand miles from the scene of tha Sino-Jap conflict, we hear of its pro gr( s.s every hour of the day, over the air. In the newspapers. Hut the peo- ple of Japan are not so fcrtiinate. They see their sons, brothers, lovers go ofl towards China, into the unknown. News of the war percolalos back to Japan throu.;;h very uncertain chatt nels, as the government Is a rigid cen- sor. We hear one story of a lady mis- rior.ary to Clr' a who stopped off in t!io Land of the Rising Sun on her v.::y linme lo Canada. The war began • v.'.iilfl she was there. TItc ouly way , <:|'.o could find out what wa.s going on ill (.'liina v.as to get in toucli v.lth her p.!' plo I'.'ro and ask them to send ' i: -..s of Ihe war back over tii" Pacific. . VVor.:en Voters In Qvcbec Quebec women have tl.o ri'^ht to vote In Dominion, but not in Provin- cial elections. The Trad' s and Labor* Contress of Canada mrctiii'^ last weelC' 1',;;:':-! ;l a ro.olntion askir.g that the (!;;-;'jc cxcc..tlve demand from th6' I.-o.vincial ,i;ov?riiinent the ri.ght for wi^n; 'n to exercise the frnncliiso iiT prcvincial campaigns us v.-ell. • Drama For Rural Ontario Steps are being taken in response In di-mands from rural amateur actors In ostabli.'^h a series of drama insti- tutes this fall and winter in rural Ofy tario. Arts and crafts of the theatre will be studied at the instiiutes which will be held for five-day periods a1 n'.:i!iy centre?. The work will bo done^ miller Ihe auspices of the Community,, Wolfai-c Council of Ontario. Paralysis Pe.tients' Me'^t'^.Mty Improves D ,'. D. E. Robertson Never Feels Anxiety About Mental Outlook In "Polio" Caco:; After Care Most Importcknt. 'I novor fool any aiixi'ty about the mental outlook of a 'polln' ease; they ari' far more likely to make a success in life iban most other people," said Dr. 1>. K. Roborlsoii. surconnin-chief at the Hospltal.for Sick Children, To- ronto, discussing the fcture of victims of the ourreiit infanlile p;iralysis epi- demic. â- 'No exiierieiieo cannot bo written on till- tisset side of life," he con- tinued "Even iinfortnnato experience is better than none, and it stands to reason that inf.uitile paralysis vic- tims, forced lo aliandon the physical competition of lf*i', turn lo the mental side. It Is not hard to imagine a boy with lillle ambition being guided to some very useful walk ef life by just such an intorvontinn as polio". Abcoliits Quiet Needed ".\fli r-caro is terribly Important.'' Pr. Robertson added, ".\fter 'polio' children must be kept absolutely quiet for a minimi:m of sl.\ months. They dn not need any Interference; they must be allowed to rest, and serious ( asr.s may run into IS months, before it is safe to allow thein up." , I'ro.-iitlent Roosevelt wr.s an infan- tile p.-iralysis case In his late thirties. Ho still wears braces on his logs. BeD- iiard l.elbel. of the Ranting Intituto. inventor of the "Leibel lung." although Olio of the worst infaiitilo paralysis' eases on record, i.i perfectly healthy« today, and en.gaged in imroitant re- s. :>reh work, at the age of '^2. Czechoslovakian Infantrymen Manoeuvre Too Contir^.ues O.'^.'mng Exransion In Produpfive Opera-'' lions, and Risincr Con^-modity* Prices Regarded as Brighf £pols; C:-op Faili-rer. In Sec-< tJons of Wert Off;ct by GaiiM' Ehewhere. • The Dominion bureau of slatistlci r nrorts that practically all busincssi; factors showed increases during the, so\on months ending July "1 over the s;ime period of 1931). ' i'riiu'ipal element in the continued' betterment of economic conditions, was the expansion maintained in pro- di!clive operations coupled with ad- vances in comnuHlity prices. Crop • failures in so -lions cf the prairie prov- ince.i wore more than offset by good * crops and expanding trade in othei. areas. The IndoN of the physical volume* of business in the seven months, on the base 102(! equals 100. averaged 121.3 per cent, compared with 107. S in the same period the previous year. Mineral Production Up VoUuiio of mineral production WUB 1 ;oro than !.'â- per cent, greater than the first seven months of 10:10. Nickel exports were up 27 per cent;, coppjrr o:crort3 7.5 per cent., and zinc 5.1 per cent. Odicial index for manutacturing ofc- rations. based on ?,n factors, was 12W'"i i!i the seven months period against IOC. 4 the year before. o her noi,:;bbouri<, fz: cli ..|-ivaMi I 1:.''! of a v,-o!l:-i,.d!.iiod iiu.i, rn am;;.. Some of her InCantryiuen, ai.i ply supplied with machine Euns, arc aho'.vn during recent oxteuslvo inaueuvera. Says Japanese • Dcn'tWantWqrl lleiou Keller, rostinR in DalfesJ Texas, at her brother's home, aflSerl a journey to Japan, is troubled ab(^t| Japanese children. ".^t every station stop children | met my train waving lla}T«." she ^jil. 'The spirit of war was cverywn«-e apparent. 1 hale to think of th'^e . children bcioniing gun fodder." Miss Keller, victor over the hnhdU I cap of l>lind, deaf and dumb, said ^ "the Jap.-.nesc people I'.on't want I v.ar. It is the militarists v.ho dom- ' inatc who are pushing it." '