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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1937, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 14, 1937 CEYLON PROTON STATION V . â- â- ^-, Congratulations to MUa Maclnms ^nd her successful entrance pupils, Doris Duckett and Earl Plester pass- ed with honours on their year's work while Marjory Stewart received hon- ors on her written exams, and Verna Kennedy also received her pass. Misses Marion Muir, Ora Station, Margaret Sinclair, Magnetawan, Dora Stewart, Swamp College, and Mable •Parslow, Toronto, are holidaying at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenister and family, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McLeod last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ruthven, Carlyle, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Fever- { sham, were Sunday visitors with Mr. ! and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. | Misses Allie and Edith Grant, To-! ronto, are visiting their sister, Mrs. A. S. Muir. A number from here attended the celebration in Markdale on Monday. Mrs. Archie Sinclair visited in To- ronto last week. Mr. Donald McLeod, Mrs. Snowden McLeod and son, Donald, are holiday- ing at Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and family, Holland Centre, visited on Sunday at Mr. Fred Marshall's. Miss Laura Stewart, Bolton, is also visiting her grandparents. Miss Evelyn Eekerdt, Topcliff*. spent last week at Mrs. Randall's. Congratulations to Miss Susie Mc- Kinnon, who has been successful in obtaining her interim First Class Certificate at the Toronto Normal School. Miss Ellen Parker, Miss Emma Oliver and Mr. Jackson Stewart are attending summer school at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marshman and Master Billy Tracey, Toronto, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gib- con. Miss Alice Muir is visiting in Osh- awa. Miss Ruth Coombs, Magnettawan, is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair. Mrs. Anna McMillan has returned from a holiday at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar Oliver spent the first of the week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Oliver were in Toronto last week owing to the very serious illness of the latter's sister, Mrs. MallyoH. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ewing, Wiar- ton were callers on Sunday at Mr. P D. Cairn's. Mr. and Mrs. Bumitt and son, and Mrs. Jack Patton. Calgary, Alta., were visiters among old friends in the com- munity last week. Mr. Ed. S«rgeant. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sargeant and son. Bert. Shel- bume. were 9i»iday callers in t*ie community. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Neil McFayden, New Liskeard, is Tisiting with her brothors, Messrs. Alan and John MtsFayden. Miss Edith Frewing, who has be«« holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. George Udell, returned to Torento on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan White and Ed»a aw? visit^ii with Mrs. Wm. Whita and j Laura. Mr. Alan McLeod. accompanied by I Mr. Moor* ef Stratford, visite«l re- 1 c«ntjy with th« former's aunt, Mrs. | Roy Pfper. j Misses Margaret and Jean CellhMo* •rent last week at St. Catherines. Wr», G. H. Holmes, Ow«n So«nd, ! Tisited over the week end with hw 8i«t«r, Ifrs. Anma MacMillan. Misi MiMred Sharpe,, Toronto, and i (Intended for Last We«k) Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McPberson and little daughter of Pekin, 111., visited last week with Mrs. McPherson's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCannell. Miss Mabel Irish of Toronto is vis- iting her parents here. Marjorie Bates and Clarence White, pupils of Mr. Croldwyn Littlejohns were awarded their entrance examin- ations by Inspector Pentland on their year's standing. Three others of the lass wrote their exams. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacLean of To- ronto spent the week end with friends nere. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkwood and little daughter of Toronto were at Mr, C, Lyons' over the week end. Miss Lillian Hemphill of Toronto, who has been visiting at her uncle's, Mr. James Hemphill, returned to her home in Toronto, Miss Mildred Sharpe, Toronto, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Wes. Dever. Mr. Clem Clarke of Toronto visited at Mr. Alex. Hergott's. Mr. Art W'atson of Toronto visited at his brother, Mr. Densmore Wat- son's here. Mr. Percy Sims was in Owen Sound Hospital for a while last week having a tonsil and adenoid operation. Percy is home again and able to be about the village. Mrs. Risey of Hamilton is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Sherson. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Park and daugh- ter, Margaret and Miss Ruth Sher- son spent the week end with friends in Hamilton. The special meetings in the Bible School conducted by Rev. Mr. Grassey of Ottawa are continuing this week. Mr. Garfield Bates of Windermere, Manitoulin Island was visiting last week at the home of Mr. Robt. Bates, Proton Station. Last Wednesday he received a message that his wife was ill. Mr. and Mrs. Bates, with Mar- jorie, Kenneth and Harvey Archibald, motored their friend to Tobermory to hasten his journey home, but when he arrived there his wife had passed away. A wadding of interets to Proton Station and vicinity took place in To- ronto on June 36th in Annette St. United Church, when Mr. Clarke Wal- lace Wyville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wyville was unitefl in Marriage to Miss Marguerite McMullen, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMullen of Ceylon, Ont. FEVERSHAM Mr. William Osborne, from here, and son Emerson of Hamilton, visited with the former's brother and sister near Duntroon last week. Mrs. Harry Horton of Long Branch visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette, here last week. Miss Nellie Short and Miss Edith Heitman are away to summer school, the former to London and the latter to Toronto. Our soldier boys were away at camp at Niagara-on-the-Lake. They left here on Sunday evening, July the fourth, returning Saturday night. Mrs. Florence Williams is on the sick list just now. Dr. Lindsay is attending her. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson and son, Mr. Gordon Hudson, also their grandson, were callers on friends here on Friday last. Mr. Hudson is now residing near Stayner, but is an old Feversham boy, born and I'aised here, grew to manhod and taught school in this village for some years. His many friends were pleased to see him again. The extreme heat of the past few days has been a record for this part On Friday last the mercui-j' went up to 94 degrees at one time of the day i and the river is alive with people and truck loads going to Brewster's Lake in the evenings to get cooled off. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette, Bet- ty and Allan of Owen Sound spent the week end here. Will is having his holidays now. PRICEVILLE ♦ ♦♦ ^ •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ l » >t 'l I n »>*» (IntendAd for I^at WMk) Miss Marjorie Meuser, Owen Sound, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Archie MacCuaig. Mr. and Mrs. Alt'. Hobson and fam- ily, and Mrs. Mepham of Hamilton, spent the week end at McMeekin's. .Mrs. .Alex. Carson retumed home on Saturday after spending a week at Swinton Park. Mrs. Robei't Beyers and son, Bobby, Detroit, are holidaying with her par- , ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tucker. i TW Holdfast U. F. W. 0. Club \ picnic will be held on Wednesday, July 14th at the home of Mr. Edgar ; Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean, To- |)'-rioi meii DANCING iCLENELG CENTRE I EVERY FRIDAY EVENING to the music of :; FLORENCE SAUER AND HER ORCHESTRA Admission: â€" Couples 50c -:- Extra Lady 25c Lunch served free during the month of July »â-  I â- â-  ^ â- , ^ iâ-  ^ lâ-  I â- â-  ^ .. I .. l . ^ â- â-  ^ â-  ^ .. ^ l. ^ l^.â- ^â- â-  ^ l, ^ ,, I â- â-  ^ â- , ^ ,. I â- . ^ .. ^ .. ^ .â-  ^ â- . ^ ,. ^ .. ^ â- â-  ^ i. ^ .. ^ .. ^ â- â-  ^ â- â-  ^ â- . ^ â- . ^ lâ-  ^ â- , ^ â- â-  ^ â- , l ,â-  ^ l, ^ lâ-  ^ .â-  ^ â- â-  ^ iâ-  ^ lâ-  ^ â-  ^ ,â-  ^ â- ^i»' All hope for her •onto, spent the week end here and i â- â- ^l>L'--dy recovery. attended anniversary services. They left on Sunday to attend summer school at Hamilton. Miss Anna McEachern left for Lon- don where she will take a summer course. Miss Eleanor Mather, who taught for two years at Priceville has re- signed. -- HA\ E HER Orr OF WAY The Watson family and all their -Miss Bell, from near Toronto, has ueen engaged us the new leacner in the public school here and Miss Elea- 1 nor Mather has been engaged at Top Cliff school. ! Mrs. Coiin McLean, with her daugh- ter and husband, Mr. and .Mrs. J. Mc- j Farlane, arrived home un Sunday where the lattor will remain for a â-  time with her parents, John return-' .'d to Toronto on Sunday evening. ! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, It is suggested that Miss Agnes Macphail, .VI. P., be given a seat in ihe Senate in consideration of her l((ng service as member. No doubt many of the old parties would like to see her out of the way. Mrs. Bob Best visited with Mrs. Geo. Udell recently. Mr. Walter Muir, daughter and son of Dundalk, Mrs. Burnett and Ethel of Fleshertan visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McFi%rden. Mrs. Percy Hunt and son, Melvi11«, ai-e camping with Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery, Toronto, at Dorsett. Mr. Maclnnas, Mr. and Mrs. Bhultz and daughter visited with Mr. and Mrs. George -^rrowsmith last week. Miss Flor«Boe Maclnni* accompanied them to her homa nsar S»ult Ste. Marie. Mr. George Hazzard, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Albert M«WhinHey and l»ur children, Windsor, are visiting re- latives on Stone's Line. Mi«s Mary Mather, and Mr. Stewart Muir were among <he Priceville young people who «njoy«d a trip to Niagara last week end. Miss A. C. MacphaH gpeiTt T»e»diiy ir Owen Souwd. « The W. I. meets at the home of Mrs. John Kennedy on Thsrtday, July 15. (Intended for Last Week) The Short family re-union assembl- ed in Guelph City Park on Wednesday of last week, there was a large gath- ering of the clan, they numbered a- bout fifty. Our neighbor villager, Mr. George Short being one of the family's sons. There were seven sons and one daughter in his father's family there, he has about ten or eleven sons and daughters in his own. It is a nice way to get together and keep in touch with a person's rela- tives. Ttiey had a fine time and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter- ian church here, held a garden party on June 30th. which was a fine suc- cess. The ball game between Honey- wood and Maxwell was hotly contest- ed and resulted in a draw, nine all, but it became too dark to continue. Mrs. A. J. Conron received ttie sad news last week that her twin sister, Mrs. Nathan Miller of Collingwood had passed away. Mrs. Conron at- tended the funeral in Collingwood on •Saturdiiy. July ^rd. -A. lar«:e number of pupils wrote their entrance exams, here. The principal «f the Continuation School here was the presiding officer. -Mrs. Archie Campbell of the fourth line is eonvelesaing at home aften having an operation, and is getting along fine. .Mrs. Wm. Bewell is spending a hol- iday with the Kennedys at Wasaga Beach. Her daughter. Miss Beatrice Bewell it with them also. Miss Pansy Thomson has gone to the G. & M. Hospital at Collingwood to train for a nurse. Our schools are closed and th« teachers have gone t« their homes for the holiday*. Mr. Morden, a former miller here, has gon« to Glen Huron to do some millwright work in that village. Mr. Framcis, manager of the Bank of Toronto here, is away on hi» holi- days and Mr. C«e«ar ♦f Collingwood is I'elieving hers. Mr. and Mrs. E>n. Hawton and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright, their daugh- ter of Maxwell, spent th« week end numerous connections, g a t h ered | ,j,^ck Carson, on the arrival of a baby .it Port Huron on the latter (j^,,, part of June. Owing to other press- ju^ge^ g Mather and Roberta Har- ing business or official position, the ,.j^on jgft to spend a couple of weeks attendance was not up to former j m Owen Sound. times, as it was, though, some hund- , Friends were sorry to hear Mr. Dan red gathered to celebrate together the ' j McArthur had the misfortune to name of this well known family. The lose his fine barn on Sunday when it , genealogical tree of many pages, was struck by lightning and a quan- 1 showing every member, their descend- \ tity of hay, grain and a wagon were ] unts, their year of birtli, all leading j consumed. Mr. McArthur lost his back to the first Wm. Watson of this barn by fire two or three years ago. READ THE "SMALL ADVTS" Auction Sale Hou.-ehold Furniluru and Effects town. Our own W. G. here, was president of the clan two years ago, and changed every year. The meet lasts for 2 days at the least. .A. regular cloud burst showered down yesterday right after church, the water running in a continuous sheet over the garden, neighboring dwellings dimly visible through the sheet. Not that we were unaware of the fact, but we were often informed of it being very hot. There was noth- ing done about it however! The garden party of the Presbyter- ians' passed off very successfully, the -Male Excelsior Quartette of Palm- erston acquited themselves well in obth grave and gay numbers. The Mr. Hector McDonald and sister, Edge Hill, and Mr. D. Hincks visited on Sunday at Mr. Wm. McLeod's. Mrs. Wm. McLeod went to Owen Sound on Monday to have an opera- tion on her eye. Mrs. Sutherland and Miss Monica Lambert and Priscilla are spending a few days in Toronto and will attend the wedding of Mrs. Sutherland's uncle. Mr. Fry. Mr. and Mrs. .\lex. Knox and babe of Toronto are holidaying with friends here and at Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. John McLean and son. Mrs. D. G. McLean, Mrs. Ray McLean and Mrs. H. B. McLean left on Mon- day for a few days at Ottawa. i Master Glen McLean is holidaj'ing ; pianist, and the tap dancer were both '" Shelburne. worthy of the praise they got. The I One of the best garden partys held single numbers by the quartette were ''â- 'â- ' ^t. Andrew's church was that on all equally good. , Monday night when the weather was Mr. John .McLean. Warden nf the l*''^''"'- -^ ^^^^"^ "°'^'^ *«" present a Penitentiary in tlw> W'est, with his ! ='"*' " bountiful supper was served wife and little bov. his mother. Mrs. I ''>' ^^^ '"'^''^ ""'^ " ^^"i" "^ footkaB D. G. and sisters-in-law Mr^. H. B.t^^"''""'^ Swintow Park and the home an,i Mrs. Rav McLean, left for Ottawa I ^''"'" 'â- ^'^"''^ed in .3-1 seore in favor of this .Monday morning, taking in King- ston Penitentiary on the return. TWINE Irish Blue Bell I I The W.M.S. and Willing Helpurs' nieeti»g will be held on Tuesday, July liOth, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Brown. Topic. Mrs. .Archie .MacCuaig; lu«eh providid by the hostess. Everybody welcome. The ^nday School picnie of .St. An- drew's Church wiB be held mi July I'l'txi at the home ot .And«ew Wncks, when everybody i« cordially invited. Mv. David Hincks arrived home on Wiidnesday after visiting friends in Liberty and Penzance, Sask., Inver- may, Sask., Carman. Man., and with hi.-! son. Clifford, at Hudson, Ont. Master Jackie Richardson of Swi«- â- tlu' home team, A splendid concert was put on by the Palmertson Quar- tette proved u universally pronoanced suc8i><s by all. T\e hl»norous selec- tions vocally and instrumentals were all wol! portrayed n>e>riting many en- cores. Over $9*» was made at the ♦rates and a srosd figure in the booth. Mrs. BH! Hill. Ferirus. is holitlaying at her old home, at Mr. H. Lean'?. R. Mc- BO R N ! BUSC«LEN â€" .At Mrs. Nuhn's t private hospital. Flet>herton, friday. ': .ruly 9. 19,S7. to Mr. and Mm. C. B«9ch- I len, a toa. SEMPLBâ€" In .A.rt«nieeia on Tliurs- ton Park is holidaving with hk gran* | ''">'• •^^''' ^^^- ^^^'^- ^° ^'- «"'' **''*' parent.. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carsan. j ^'•"'' ^«'""'*' " daughUr. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks attended ! RUSSEILL â€" At Mrs Nuhn's pri- the wedding of her sister. Miss Effia , ^"'''» hospital, F1esherto«, on Wedaes- Honest Twine, full yardage, ample :; strength. The Twine that gives you full value and then some : «00 ft. twin in 5s or 8s $9.25 cwt. â- ' :: 650 ft. twin in 58 or 8s $10.25 cwt. ;; :; WORN ROPES ARE DANGEROUS ! [ We have guaranteed Manila Rope, all standard sizes ; ; 1 1 and th« cost is not too gr^at. GIVE THE LIVE STOCK A CHANCE I Pearson's Fly Spray, one application repels insects for i • 12 to 24 hours. II Price $1.00 pet gallon. i I Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. : ; FLESHERTON with friends at Kitchener. Mr. a»d Mrs. Emerson Osboi>n« and daughtsr of Hamilton are holidaying with Emerson's father and fcrether hert. Mr. Billte Birrk of Thon»biB-y spent Sunday at his borne h«re. Miss LhIm Jellly of Owen S«ind, a former teacher ig visiting with frien* hate at pr««e»t. Mr. John Coutts of Peace River, who is visiting with friends at Maxwell, and Portlaw, was a caller here last week. Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owe* Sound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burk over the week end. SAUGEEN JUNCTION l^♦♦♦^ ^ ♦♦^ ^ â- ^^^ H ^^ H ^^'^'^^^«^♦^»^^^^^;^â-  H i^^i^i^^^ ^ «^»M^^-H^^^^^^ > ♦♦^^^ Mr. and Mrs. Elzer Park and fam- ily of Tsronto are visiting at Mr. Joe Parks'. Mr. Wm. Liefried and mother of Dromore visited recently at Mr. Joe Watson's. Mrs. Ila Cooper and children are holidaying at Owen Sound and Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blackburn and family attended the Blackburn re-un- ion at Eugenia on July 1st. Miss Mable Binnie of Toronto was a caller in this burg last week. Miss Mildred Sharp of Toronto vis- ited her sister, Mrs. Tom White, last Sunday. The fabled goose that laid the gold- en egg, got killed, but the stork continues to do business i^nmolestcd. MacCann<*l! on Wednesday. Mrs. T. Nichol has We«n vi»iti*f ,Sj-ieiui» in London. Miss -Anna McEachern has been en- gag«d to teach at Walters Falls for the coming termi. Mr. W. G. McBride, wife and fam- ily visited recently with feiends at Palgn-are. Mr. and Mrs. .AU". Hobson and fam- ily and Mrs. Mepham, Hhmilton, wer« recent visitor's at McMeekin's Mr. W. G. Wafcson returned home from Port Huron where h« attended the McArthur re-union. Mr. and Mrs. tJordon Kirkton left for Vancouver, where they will spend a month's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. .\llan Mclnnis of Palgrave visited with the former's parents here; Allan has accepted a position teaching mannual training in a Toronto school. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison and Beth. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tucker and family, celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary on June 28th, visiting friends at .\rthur. Miss Mar.iorie Meuser of Owen Sound spent last week with her sis- ter, Mrs. A. MacCuaig. Miss .Mmeda Hincks. R.N., who spent the past year attending univer- sity in Toronto, taking up public health, wa.s successful. Friends here were sorry to hear of the accident of six year old Dor- othy Ric^iardson. d.iughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Art Richardson of Swinton Park, met with while playing with her little w.T^ron. ran down the gang- way at the barn in among the feet of n bunch of horses and is in Or- nnsreville hospital in a serious con- dition Three operations have been day. July 14th, 1937, t« Mr. and Mr*. Fr«d Ruisefl, a son. MRS E. C. MURRAY FLESHERTON Will sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1937 The following articles, namely: Chesterfield, Settee, Occasional Chair, Walnut Windsor Chair, Walnut Fernery, Walnut Spinet Desk and Chair, Oak Library Table, Several Rocking Chairs, Tables, Jardiniere Stands, Oak Extension Table, 6 Oak Dining Chairs, Buffet, China Cabinet, Walnut Dinner Wagon, Brass Coal Box, Hand-wrought Iron Fender and Fireplace Acc«jssories, Floor, [Ilabia and Bed Lamps, Breakfast Room Table and Benches, Walnut Bedroom Furniture, Walnut Bedside Table, .Marshall Mattress and Springs, Dress- er, Extension Couch Bed, Bedsteads, .Vlattressess and Springs, Roll TVjp Desk, Painted Desk Chair and Book- case. Desk Chair, Bedroom Boxes, Sewing .Machme Motor for any Sew- ing Machine, Typewriter. Card Tables, Child's Tables and Chairs, Hotpoint Electric Refrigerator, Thor Electric Washinsr Machine. Thor Electric Iron- â- r. Tent. '2 Folding Cots Folding Camp Table. â- > Camp Stools, Coleman Fold- ing Camp .<tove. Set of -Aluminum Camping Dishes, Encyclopedia Brit- tanica. Books of all Kinds. Curling Rocks. Snowshoes, „iwr Hi>v;is Ten- nis Raciiuets. Skates, 2 Black Ash .SVidinjr Door and Track. 1 Black .\sh ') Panelled Door. Ruirs. Pictures, Dishes. lardiniere. Glass Sealers, Crocks. Electric Iron and Toaster, '1 IDIeetrie Headers. Cooking UteH»ilg of .\11 Kinds. 2 Tubs. 2 Boilers, Clothes Hamper. Ra<lio, Radio Equip- ment. Battery Charger. 2 .Steel Drums, Ste^i Ladder. Lawn Mower. Fi.«hinjf Eiiuipnient. Vacaette Carpet Sweeper, Extension Cords. Lawn Chairs, Gard- en Tools, Carpenter T«0i8 ot All Kinds, Many Onher .\rticles too Kum- frous to Mention. .\n Exceptionally Fine Lot of Goodg. Everything mast be sold as twiiar is leaving town. SaU do Commence at I o'clock p.m. TERM« C«sh up to $25.00: over that amotimi « months creilit will be given on all approved .ioiali noton bearijur •% •â- - terast. G. .A. McTarish. Clerk. Wai. KAITTIMG. Aactiaaaar ************* *** ** * ** > ♦ »< 1 1 1 i " »»n nni >>*«ii ni *> >♦ ♦ SUPERIOR STORES SPECIALS ARE CASH ONLY CLOXKR l.LvVF PINK SALMON. 2 for 25c JELLY lHn\'ni-:RS, KIvXL CU>>1> 6 for 25c EMFOl\)M.\'n)JLICi:.large tins 10c CERTO FOR rRi:Si:R\ INC, 27c SODA lUSCUITS. .mc \h. ba^s. 2 for 23c Sl'NXY SP.M N (M.INKS, 21 or. jar 25c GU.\R.\NTEKD C.XT'LLE Sl'R.W gallon tin .. $1.00 TWO IN OXK BUG KILLE-R 25 lb. bag for 75c .\LSO F.\RTS GREEN L\ 1 lb. and I2 lb. SIZE FOR THE PICNIC IWPER PL.\TES .VXD CUPS. ICE CRE.AM -\ND SOET DRIXKS. C. J. KENNEDY Phone 37 ******************** We Deliver ,â- ^â- ^,^â- ^â- ^â- ^i.^â- ^l ^ â- â- ^.^♦♦♦ » â- ^.^»â-  H i. ^ ^^â-  ^ â- ^â-  ^ ^â- . ^ » » ^Mâ- â™¦â™¦

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