Wednesday, July 7, 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE her friend, Misg Kathleen Morrison last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Priestly and Jewel enjoyed a week end trip to UuntBvillc and Midland. Miss Shirley Buckingham and Miss Kathleen Morrison are attending summer school in Toronto. ,Mr. and Mrs. John Stephen and sons visited friends on the Bruce Penin- sula last week. MAXWELL The strawberry festival of the Un- ile<i church on June 28th was a very Bucces-sful affair, with a good attend- ance. The play, "Mcddelsome Maid,'' by the Lavender young people was well put on and enjoyed by all. Rev. M. S. Eliott's induction into the Maxwell circuit took place on Fri- day evening, July 2nd. Rev. White of lleathcote and Rev. Roach of Ra- venna, officiate<l at the very impree- pive ceremony. The Woman's Association of the Unit«(l Church met at the home of Mr.s. E. Buckingham on Friday, July 2nd. with a good attendance, the president, Mrs. E. Buckingham in the chair. After the business session a an Auction Sale of short program was presented by the Stork, Household Furniture, Etc- following liiilics: a duet by Mrs. C. will he held at Eugenia, Ont. on Brodie ami Mildred McPherson and , Saturday, July lOth 1937 at 1 p.m. readings by Mrs. J. L. Morrison and i the property of the late Mrs. Solomon Mcrli,. Buckingham; after the meeting Turner. See bills for list. Jihe closed the hostess served a dainty i property will be offered subject to lunch and a social time was spent. i reserved bid. Wm. Kaitting, Auc- Miss Watts of Berkeley visited with tioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Ro.vden McDonald of Rat Rapids, Northern Ontario, are visiting their parents and many fi lends in this district. AUCTION SALE I have em Grab this extra saving in genuine GOODYEAR Speedway tireii at money-«av- ing prices. SupertwiMl body-long- wearing tread Size 4.50-21 Other sizes ctiually low-pricea. Guaranteed in writing. Corrte in today. D. McTAVISH & SON, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson arc visiting with relatives at Shelb'urne and Alliston. Mrs. 11. Hyland of Toronto spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. W. A. Armstrong, In town. Mr. Charley Hoy and son of To- ronto sjient last week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy. Miss .Annie Howard of Toronto paid a flying visit to her cottage north of tlie Boyne one day last week. .VIr. and Mrs. Harold Best and babe of Toronto spent the latter part of last week with their parents here. Mr. Bert Brodcrick of the local Bank of Commerce, spent the week end at his home at Bradford. Dr. Leslie Ferris of Toronto spent the week end x^jth h)3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fen-is. Miss Isobel Rowe of Lome Park spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. .Mcx. MeKechnie. .Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Smith and two children of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. .Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crossley with Janet and John spent the week end with their parents in town. .Miss Shirley Murray spent the week end with her mother and sister, Mrs. E. C. Murray and Betty. Mrs. Bob. Phillips and son Albert of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoy. Miss Elsie Ashton of St. Marys is spending her vacation with her par- ents, the Rev. and Mrs. Fred Ashton. Mrs. Gordon Clark of Cainsville was a welcome visitor at the Baptist Par- sonage, i-ecently. Miss Aledu Mitchell of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (i. Mitchell. Mrs Goldsborough and children «peMt the past ten days at Sunnyside Beach, Meaford, returning on Monday. Ml-. (;, J. Goldsborough of Niagara Falls, spent the week end with his family here. Miss Audrey Brown left last week for Negwassan Lodge, Muskoka, to spend the next couple of months. Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill and little son Marvin, spent n few days of the past week with Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham. i wiih"^ I F- T. Hill & Co., Limited ♦!♦ SERVICE I ^"'^'^ STORES v,iMi.4^4^.i.4.^^4.^^.4^4.^^.i.4^ MARKDALE, Ont. ? â€" ^ Ol R in YING POWER SAVES YOr A LOT or MONEY t T I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? X ? T t t y ? Y T ? ? ? ? ? T ? t ? ? ? Opportunity Week AT HILLS ON SALEâ€" High Quality Merchandise at Prices You Like to Pay Ladies' fine Quality Suedine Slips I, ace trimiiK-(l, (-ulurs, |)ink, ami W'liitc. .Acljti.stahli- Strai)s. Extra Special 48c ea. Ladies' Fine Quality Near-silk Slips L;A-i: and I'aj^ut tiiimiiod, adiii^lablc Stfap.i, Siiiiimrr Sliadfs and Colms in lot. Extra Special 59c ea. High Class Slip in pure Silk Crepe and Satins. Priced at $1.19 and $1.39 ea. ^'|)ll |)a\- in the ri-j^idar way, nnicli more for this line. Ladies' Fine Quality Satin Slips, l*'aj?()t ancl I, ace trimmed. All Sum- mer Shades. Extra Special 79c ea. Ladies' Fine Quality Satin Slips i.aee and InM-ilinii aJNo; .Medallion trim. All Colors inehidinji pale hhie, a vvomlerfid slip for the money. Adjust- able Straps. At 89c ea. LADIES' VERY HiCiH CLASS PANTIES rrnited ."^uedine and Kavon ."^ilk, l'"ancv trimmed. Opportunity Week .... 44c ea. LADIES' FANCY PANTIES Travellers samples and other lines w hich sell at nnieh lii^her prices. Opportunity Week 39c ea. Half Price Sale of Ladies' Lace Dress Material .Ml the leadinj^- shades, such as Pink, Rose, (M-een, White M^ht liliie. Navy and r>lack. 54 inches wide. a 2V4 yard length 49c A â- t T T ? T t T y y y y y ? ? t y y y y t y y y t 2V2 yard length 55c A Wonderfid Ihiv ♦2» Ladies' and Children's Rayon Panties and y ? i y Bloomers Extra Special 19c ea. All sizes, some lace trimnu-d. LADIES' CELASUEDE PANTIES Tailored style. Ilip^h Class make. As.sorted trim. Exra Special .... 39c ea. FARMERS, BUY YOUR BINDER TWINE NOW AND SAVE For the ne.Nt two wt-eks yim can Iniv ICn^^lish, Irish or I'lelKinni Hinder Twine. The same kind as we sold last stTison, uliich ,ua\c such e.\cellent satisfaction. Irish â€" 550 ft. at 8%c lb. 600 ft. at 9V4C lb. ♦!♦ 650 ft. at 10V:,8lb. <♦ Englishâ€" 550 ft. at SV^o lb ? ? r y ? ? ? y 600 ft. at 9^4c lb. 650 ft. at... lO'^^clb. NOTE â€" These prices for tlie next two weeks onlv as the wh(desale price for this season is much hi.ijher. y T t r y ^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>*;*<»<^<»<^><^>^<K*<*<*<^^ Mr. Robt. Scrutton and Miss Gladys Jones of Toronto spent the latter part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. •Mr. .Austin Shackleford's brick res- idence, which was put up at auction sale the other day, did not reach the price set and was withdrawn. Mr. Jackson Stewart and Miss Irene Martin left on Monday for Guelph where they are taking a summer course. Messrs. Eric Henderson and Jim .Murray of Toronto spent the week L-nd with Mrs. E. C. Murray and laughter Betty. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Stewart and three children of Toronto are holiday- ing with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. Jack Cairns of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowler and Charlie and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bowler of Detroit spent a while at Mrs. W. P. Crossley's. Miss Marie McKochnie and Mr. G. C. Thompson of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MeKechnie of town. Miss Mabel Binnie of Toronto and Mrs. Smith and little son of Cooks- v'ille spent the end of the week with their sister, Mrs. W. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson, ac- companied by Miss Holmes, enjoyed a trip to Bracebridge, Bala and Port Carting on July 1st. Flesherton Tennis Club will hold a tournament on Thursday afternoon (half holiday) on the courts here. Bring lunch and come everybody. Miss Georgena McDonald and Mr. Doug. McArthur visited at the form- er's home here on Friday night en- route to the banquet held at Mr. .\ngus Mc.Arthur's, Priceville. Master Jackie MacDonald accomp- anied his sister, Mrs. Wm. G. Hay, to Miniico on Sunday, where he will spend a few weeks with his sisters in Toronto and Mimico. Mr. Stewart McTavish of Oshawa spent the latter part of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc- Tavish. Mrs. D. McTavish returned with him. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hodgson and Barbara, who has completed her sec- ond year at Victoria College, visited recently witii Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mrs. William Hill, Markdale, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. John Parker and Grace of the West Back Line, spent the past week with friends in Sarnia, Detroit and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. H- Capstick and little (laughter and Mrs. Wcs White of To- ronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan White, West Backlino, Art- emesia. Mrs. Ben White returned with thorn after visiting in Toronto. Mr. C. R. Chappel atid family have irone to Kingston where the former is taking a summer course. They were accompanied by Miss .Alice Arm- strong, who will also take a six- weeks' course at Kingston university. Week end visitors at Mr. John Mc- 1 Donald's were, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. I Hay, Misses Norma and Carole and | .Master Donald Hay, Mr. Ray John- j ston and .Mr. Dimnin, alt of Mimico; '' .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton and Miss Betty McDonald of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Davies of Win- nipeg spent a couple days the past week with relatives in town and with th,. lattei's father, Mr. J. A. Williams, at Eugenia. Mr. Davies was in an :uitomobiIe accident in May and is 1 nly now able to be around. Miss Doroth.v Davies is returning to Win- nipeg with them this week. Mr. Robert Clark of town is ro- eoveiing nicely from the shaking up, und cut o„ the head, which he under- went in a motor upset one evening last week. Mr. Leavell, I. Smith and 1{. Fisher, also of town have recov- ered from their bruises. fffi,. ac- cident was caused by loosf gravel on the road. Mr. Casper Sproule of Toronto re- turned to the city on Saturday after spending a happy fortnight here. Mr. Sproulo has a camera with an espec- ially good tens and succeeded in pro- curing a lovely photo gallery of scenes in and around his natal town, which he allowed us to examine with much appreciation. Mr .and Mrs. Jim Smith and two children and Mrs. Rowe of Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams and three children of Toronto were vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams. Eiui and Frances Adams re- turned with Mr. and Mrs. Smith for a holiday, while Mr. and Mrs. Jim .Adams' children remained at the fanw for a holiday. Mrs. J. Campbell was bi-ought from the Owen Soiftul hospital to the home of her daughter. Mrs. (Dr.) J. K. Milne, on Saturday afternoon. She sulTere<l severe injuries when she fell down the stairs in the honie a couple of weeks ago and had both her arms and shoulder bone broken. Sh<^ is in)|)roving as nicely a.s could be expected. Rev. Thos. Laidlaw of Tofonto ac- cupied the pulpit of St. John's Un- ited church on Sunday morning and evening. He was accompanied by H ll>»» Quality HardM^are ! Lawn and Garden Tools, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Grass Shears, La'wn Mowers, Sprayers, Hose, Paris Green. Now is a o-Qod time to do that outside painting. We have a full line of Paint, Varnishes, Enamels, Etc. HOT WEATHER ELECTRIC TIME SAVERS, WASHERS, HOT PLATES, IRONS, TOASTERS. Snips, Pliers, Bits & Braces, Rules, Tapes, Etc. Building and Remodelling Hardware, Nails, Roofing, Shingles, Sidings, Cement. Lime and Plaster, Glass and other materials. WIRE FENCING, ROPE, SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOW SCREENS. Frank W, Duncan Phone 54 t- â- â- - -•- -*. -•- -», â- «- ->- â- - •- -•- -•- -»- -• FLESHERTON two friends, Dr. Weaver and Mr. W'iTl- iams, also of Toronto. Dr. Weaver favoured the audience with solos. Mr. Laidlaw will occupy the pulpit until the end of July, when the pastor. Rev. Mr. Service, will return to his own pulpit. Mr. E. John Mepham, Radio License Supervisor, Grey-Bruce, Hanover, would like to thank the press and all radio owners who through their kind co-operation and patronage helped to make my canvas in this district un- der my supervision a success. My aim is fair play and a friendly spirit throughout this riding E. J. Mep- ham. TENT FOR SALE â€" 7x7% ft, white duck. Used three months. Cheap for quick sale. â€" Geo. Johnson, Rock Mills. Small Ads. GIRL WA.VTED â€" Light House- keeper. â€" Apply to F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton WANTED â€" Cattle for pasture on lots 171 and 172, water and good pasture also good fences. C«ttle only â€" W. J. Caswell, FleshJerton. FOR S.ALE â€" 29 Chevrolet sedan, good condition, small mileage, $250. â€" Mrs. Archie Mclnnes, Phone Fev- crsham, 1 r 14. FOR SALE â€" Quantity spruce and balsam lumber, tamarac plank, first class shingles; Grain chopper 1.3 inch plate.â€" Mrs. G. C. Gra- ham. Eugenia. W.AMM-^D â€" Choice dry wood, any- thing up to 10 cords Agnes A. Macphail. Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" High grade cedar shingles. â€" Clears, $3.^5 per sq., 2D. Clears, $3.60 per sq., Seconds S2.70 per sq.. Ten square or more delivered at above price. Terras: Cash. â€" A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog. Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. „.. „. . ^ ,. I C. Conqueror 315â€" 167820. will be kept Potatoes 80c bag- Oats I » . „ . uc ^ i-i, - - ..*'_• ;for service. Terms $1.00.â€" Wes. FOR SALE t>5c bu â€" Phone 38 r 3. A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. WANTED â€" Groundhogs, absolutely fresh. Large lOc, small 5c.â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. r service. Terms Smith, Rock Mills. FOR SALE â€" A few good used De Laval Cream Separators. Priced reasonably â€" W. A. Hawken, Flesh- erton. Phone 17. BOAR FOR SERVICE j Purebred Yorkshire Boar for seiv [vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four I months â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, I Ont., R. R. 3. TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE â€" 4 good young cows, all fresh, and one to freshen soon ; I '^'"'â- '^ for basement of school S Tenders will be received up to and including Monday, July 5, 1937, for digging of about 40 cubic yards of S. also 2 well bred Jersey heifers, 2 months old â€" Gordon Stuart, Cey- loii, phone 38 r 4. FOR SALE â€" Bran $1.70 cwt. Flax HVac lb., Corn $l.<)0 cwt.. Ont. Wheat SI. 35 bu., Fi-esh limg 35c per 70 lb. bag. Also western oats and barley â€" Phone 38 r 3, A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. No. 5, Osprey. For further partio ulars apply to Frank Shortt, Eugen- ia, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE â€" Good frame 7-ro«ni residence, two lots, hard water large sun room; aleo frame resi- <leiu-e on Sydenham St., 5 rooms and sun room, soft water. â€" Jos. Field, Flesherton FOR SALE â€" Arrow Lock asphalt shingles, $3.05 per square; Roll roofing, $1.40 per rool of 108 sq. feet. Sheathing paper, 55c per rool of 400 sq. feet. Terms: Cash. â€" A. C. MUIR. Ceylon. DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.30 Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICE â€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. n. MacINTYRE, Agent FLESHERTON Ont. ♦♦♦♦ ♦ • â-º ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT & SICKNESS FIRB AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bonds Any Insurance Problem Telephone 61 FLESHERTON. Ont Take No Chances in the sate of your Livestock Ship to the Open Market an.l consign your shipments to the " OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF ilDunn&LevackUd. LIMITED Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen ; ; Union Stock Yardsâ€" TORONTO ;; It Always Pavrt ,0 SWp To Ua < â- ************ * * * * Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333. A.P. '.', & A.F.. meets in the Fraternal Hall, ; ; I FleshertxMi, the second Tuesday in each nion*h. W.M., Alfred D«wn; Seoi-etary, C. J. Bellamy. i DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Gi-aduate of Ontario Veterinary C!ol- Icge, Professional services reasonaWe. â€"Phone, Dundalk 2. V. S. DR. G. A. LEDGER WOOD. Night and Day Call Professional Service Foversham. Phone 4 r 5. at residence of Ed. Nixon, Maxwell. t ^ *.rf