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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1937, p. 8

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Wednesday, June 16, 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Russia, executing another group of â- pies, seems determined to offset its recent birth rate increase. BUCKINGHAM CEYLON Some of this year's license plates •re beginning to fade Evidently the colors are not as fast as the majority of cars. ROOFiNGil BRANTFORD ! ASPHALT ROOFING \\ Sui>er-tite Roofing Arrow Look Shingles Metallic Steel Roofing Ccuiioil Stamlanl New Brunswick Shingles Miller's Red Cedar Lightning Rods Write for prices. fl I >J < ' Agent for Cockshutt Farni ^ • • Implements -ill < • ; John O'Neil & Son :! I'RICKVILI.E, Ont. ; R. R. 2 â€" I'hone Durham 607 r 4 â-  ♦»♦^»^ l ^♦ n ^^^♦*♦ ^ ^♦♦♦♦â-  ^ â-  ^ â-  ^ â-  ^ â-  n â- â™¦â™¦ Mrs. Wm. Kaitting of Eugenia spent a f«'W days the past week visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Conn and other friend.s here. The community club meeting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Davidson on June y wa.s well attended with eighteen members and visitors present. After devotional exercises led by the pres- ident, Mr.s. J. Davidson, a few items of business were disposed of and plans comploU-d for u picnic to Sunset Point (>n June 2G for the members and their families. Thi' remainder of the after- noon was spent at work on hand and I finiilly a social half hour to enjoy a dainty lunch served by the hostess. 'I'lu- next meetintr to be held at the honu' of Mrs. John Brown on June 30. Messi-s. J. T. and Hugh Davidson motored to Toronto on Tuesday of last week. Wo wish to convey sincere syrn- pathy to Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell an<) daughters of Duntroon in the loss of their son and brother. Will Camp- bell, whose very untimely death was due to a car accident on Wednesday I'vening last. Yes, it appears as if we're going to get some summer after all. Hon. Duncan Marshall says the farmer is the best buyer in the world. But did you ever try to sell him day- light saving or pasteurized milk? ^Mf^ tK -AND THEM Almost »ny tire will do "for now**. But for tirrs that m ill still be I'ifini; «rmre long «(tcr »o- cilled "h«rgaln*' liri'« have given up, get Gooilyear All-Weatlier Treads. Most people do. We have them in your «iic. D. McTAVISH & SON, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO lMi-8. W. White has returned from a visit in Toronto. Mrs. E. C. Murray very capably took the afternoon service here on Sunday in the ab.sence of Rev. Service, who was in Toronto attending Con- ference. Mr. Geo. Cairns was also a delegate to the Conference, return- ing home on Monday. Miss Edith Krewimg, Toronto, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. George Udell. Mis.s Mary Mather is spending a few days in Priceville. 'ITie â-  many friends of Mrs. F. D. Cairns will learn with regret that her condition is very serious, at the To- lonlo (Jeneral Hospital. Mr. Cairns and the Misses Jean and Sybil C^ollin- son Vancouver, B. C, are with her. Mrs. Montgomery and iMr. Stanley Hunt of Toi'onto were week end vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Arrowsmith. Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Udell. Mrs. Wm. McLeod, Portland, Or- egon, is visiting her brothers, Messrs-. John and Alex. McFayden. It is twenty two years since Mrs. McLeod visited here. Misses Susie i.McKinnon and Frances Collinson of Toronto Normal School accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Col- linson from Toronto on Monday. Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., went to Toronto on Saturday enroute to Ot- tawa to visdt her mother, who is a patient in the hospital there. Mrs. Macphairs many friend.s are pleased to hear of her progress. Mr. Goo. Arrowsmith has been busy ia.ving steel roofs on the barns of Messrs. A. S. Muir and John Stewart, as well as repairing others in the neighborhood. Ftecent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher were: Mr. and Mi-s. Clifford I.cGard and daughter, Sandra, Mrs. Harry Pedlar and two sons, Dick and Harvey, Mr. Stewart ''arson. Mr. and Mrs. James Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee and two (laughter.;. Maiy and Isobel. Mr. Mac Caitiiey and Mr. and Mr.i. Fred Lc- Card and son William, also Miss Irene Fisher, Toronto. Mrs. Richard Whittaker is visiting in Angus. Miss Annie Harrow, sister of Mrs. VV. Beaton, will spend the summer louring the Br. Isles and Europe. The Women*s Institute for this month is postponed. Mr. and Mrs. John Vausp and son, F. J., of Stayner visited with relatives on the South Line over the week cud. Local and Personal The W. M. S. of St. John's United chureh meets today at 3 p.m. instead of Thursday. Miss Donalds McDonald and Mr. Bill Patton of Toronto spent the week end at their homes in town. Mr. Bruce Ashton of Caledonia s|>ent the week end with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. F. Ashton, at the Bap- tist parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Barber and sons, Harold and Jack and iMiss Verna Gorrell of Owen Sound were guests of iVIrs. Mary Jamieson. In last week's issue we were ill advi-sed in using the letters, the word "Dr." and letters "V.S." concerning the name of Edward Nixon, as he has no legal right to this degree. The District Annual Meeting of Centre Grey Women*s Institute will be held in the Church, New England, on Tuesday, June 22nd. Sessions at 10.30 and 2 p.m. ROCK MILLS If you want to see n fine day to- morrow, predict rain. If you think the flies and mos- (luitoes don't love a shining mark, just ask a bald-headed man about it. He knows. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shaw and fam- ily of Clarksburg were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W'illiam Hawkins. Mrs. E. Russell is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. Wilk- inson of Duncan, who is very ill. Mr. John Shutz of Durham has set his crushing outfit in Mr. John Har- graves giiaveV p{t and commenced crushing last week. The farmers in this vicinity were busy last week doing their road work. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilargrave of Wareham were recent visitors with the former's brother, Mr. Jno. Har- K-rav,. and Fred. .Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visitetl recently with Maxwell friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkinson and fanv ily visited recently with the former's parents nt Duncan. Mr. J. O. Dargavel purchased a v'.ecc of .iwanip from Mr. Walter Akitt and has a number of nien em- ployed takijig out telephone poles, posts, etc. They commenced work last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Tucker of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John. Robertson. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Botts were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell ami family and Mr. Cecil Magee, Rugenia; Mr. and jMrs. J. Badgerow and daughter. 4th line; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and daughters of Walkerton. Mrs. M. Badgerow has gone to as- sist at the honu' of Mr. Donald Mc- Millan's at Priceville. ^<m5m>*<m>***5^»5»*J*4Jm>**»***J>****J»**<»*: THE STOKE WITH SERVICE F. T. Hill & Co., Limited CHAIN STORES MARKDALE, Ont. OCR m'YlN(; POWER SAVES YOli A LOT OF MONEY Hill's Big June Sale CONTINUES LADIES' EXTRA VALUE WHITE FELT HATS (iiiod X'arifty in Style and Si/rs. Extra Epecial $1.95 each A HILL SPECIAL IN COTTON VOILES \'crv fine cotton voiles, rej^ular .^711- c yd. Special 29c yd. ♦:♦ VARSITY STREAM LINE CAMERA An extra vahic ranura that takes a lln x l^s in. pictme. I'iiie enlai^eineiits to 5x7 in. size. The only camera that car- ries a s|)are film. Special, Camera .... 65c, Film .... 15c LADIES* SMART DRESS SPECIALS Printed Chiffon Dresses. l)Oys each T T t ? T t ? T ? ? T ? t MEN'S and BOYS' SPECIALS IN POLO SHIRTS t silk and eotton sport polo shirts. 95c ^ lioys' silk ail eotton sjiort polo shirts. J^^ each 65c and 75c X YOU SAVE ON YOUR GROCERIES )! AT HILLS' A 45c ♦ .4 lbs. for 25c V 1 lb. for 43c Y .2 lbs. for 25c *^ Special $4.95, Sunuiier Dresses, $5.05, $8.95 $2.45 and up .^ II). i)ail of elover hone Riee 1 Slack Tea Soda liisciiits Assorted Jams 1 bottle for 25c *t* Cocoa 2 Jbs. for 23c Y Can of peas, corn and tomatoes .... Y 1 of each for 29c Y 2 packap^cs of Kello^^j^'s Pep 25c Y (tumbler free) Y ' t ? ? MAXVVLi,L The VVoman'.s Institute met at the iionie of Mrs. J. Kernahan on Thurs- day, JuMf 10, with a good attendance, rile roll call was responded to by bints on gardening. I'iaiis were made lor 11 booth for the athletic field day. Till' program eonsisUit of a reading by Mrs. L. Adunis and Mrs. Clarence Winters, two contests, one « Seo- graphy match conducted by -Merlie lUickiitgham and won by LMrs. C. Long and a holiday contest conducted by loan Ross. Mrs. Wm. Seeley read an addns.s and Mrs. C. Long pros- i-nted Mrs. Bushell with a parting gift on behalf of the W. I. Mrs. lUishell will be missed as she has been a nnich valued member of the Women's Institute. The next meet- ing will be at the home of Mrs. Clar- ein-o Winters. The hostess served a dainty lunch assisted by the lunch committee. Mrs. Bushel] and Miss Jean visited I in Toronto this week. Mrs. J. C. Ferguson of Steven, Sask. (â- alli',1 on friends here last week. Miss Mabel Ross of (irinisby Beach spent the week end at her home here. Miss Merlie Buckingham was in Toronto attending the graduation ex- I'reises of her friend. Miss Hincks. Miss Shirley Buckingham and her friend Mrs. Drumm of Holstein spent -Sunday at her home here. LADY BANK FEED SPECIAL r.ARTJ'Y AND OAT Cllol' $1.75 cwt. V HARDWARE SPECIALS Kooiii lv)ts t»f \vall|)aper, $1.25 to $1.75 lot Odd doiihlc rolls of wallpaper 8c a roll HILLS' FLOUR SPECIAL ki;N'\()TI<: AND nUY-A-SAK FLOUK *f per cwt $3.29 Y 1. ♦> ^♦♦♦♦^♦^♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦<K'^K*<"^><*<'^»^^^ Beautilul June weather, with all truil trees blooming in abundance. Messrs. Geo. and Basil McConnell of Kimberley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Semplo here. Mr. Win. Duckett of Eugenia spent Sunday with Mr. Jop Cooper, Mr. Diickett walked all the way, about 12 wiles round trip. Wm. is a smart man for his years. Mr. Ernie Semple has ivturned to work in Toronto after spending the past week at his home here. Mrs. Geo. Dohson and little niece, l.oreen Rcid of the town line, CoUing- wood spent a day last week with Mrs. \Vni. .Semple and Mrs. Percy Semple. Quality Hard^^are 'i ', Lawn and Garden Tools, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Grass Shears, Lawn Mowers, Sprayers, Hose, Paris Green. Now is a jj(j()d time to do that outside painting. ; ; We have a full line of Paint, Varnishes, Enamels, Etc. :: HOT WEATHER ELECTRIC TLME S.WEKS, :; :: WASHERS, HOT PLATES, IRONS, TOASTERS. Snips, Pliers, Bits & Braces, Rliles, Tapes, Etc. Building*- and Remodelling- Hardware, Nails, Roofing-, Shinf»-les, Sidings, Cement, Lime and Plaster. Glass and other materials. ;: WIRE FENCING, ROPE, SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOW SCREENS. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON 1 : Small Ads. FOR S.\LE â€" Foung Yorkshire Sow with 10 pigs. â€" Fred Jamieson, Eu- genia, phone 5 r 24, Feversham. W .ANTED â€" Housekeeper, good cook, state wages. â€" H. Wilson, Flesher- ton. W .\NTED â€" Groundhogs, absolutely fresh. Large lOc, small 5c.â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. TENT FOR S.\LE â€" TxT'- ft., white duck. Usetl three months. Cheap for quick sale. â€" Geo. Johnson, Rock Mills. FOR SALE â€" 1 McCormick 6 foot Mower. 1 Wagon, 1 set of scales, all in good condition. â€" Apply to Thos. Henry, R. R. No. 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Roxborough Seed Potatoes; also purebreil sow. â€" Ross Stevens. R. K. No. 3, Proton Station. 1007c> Pure Pennsylvania OIL Acknowledged to be the world's finest oil. 1 Gal. Can, 90c per gal; B gaL Can 85c per Gal. Containers extra.^ S. L. STAUFFER. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Pasture lot for sale or rent, lot 134, 3 S. W. & S. R., Artemesia Apply to Jos. M(^ec. R. R. 3, Priceville. WANTED â€" Cattle for pasture on lots 171 and 172. water and good pasture also good fences. Cattle only â€" W. J. Caswell, FlesWerton. FOR SALE â€" A few good used De Laval Cream Separator,*. Priced reasonably W'. A, Hawken, Flesh- ' erton. Phone 17. FOR S.-VLE â€" 4 young cows, fresh, and to freshen soon; 2 young sows ! to farrow soon; 1 oolt 2 years old, I broken.-^ Richard .Allen, R. R. No. ;!. Flesherton. CA.TTE TO PASTURE â€" Year olds | 50c. two year olds 75c, plenty of |)asture and good feru'es. on No. 10 Highwuy. â€" Claude Akins, Flesh- erton. FOk sale â€" Charlotte Abdell, Dam of Charlotte Bouy. Dam of King Abdell. in foal to Chilcoot 2.04 '4.â€" -Apply to James Best on No. 10 Highway, Proton Station. FOR SALE â€" High grade cedar siiingles. â€" Clears. $3.95 per sq., 2D. Clears, $3.G0 per sq., Seconds S2.70 per sq.. Ten square or more delivered at abovp price. Terms: Cash. â€" A. C. .ML'IR, Ceylon. PERENNIALS FOR SALE â€" Peren- nials and Rock Plants suitable for Spring planting, also vegetables and aimuaj plants for borders and win- dow boxes. Orders taken for roses, shrubs and evergreens Mrs. Earl McLeod, Ceylon, Ont. IKW FOR SERVICE Pure bred Vork-shire Hog, Orchard , Valley Wonder. 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. I C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, will be kept ! for service. Terms $1.00.â€" Wes. Smith, Rock Mills. FOR SALE â€" Bran $1.70 cwt.. Flax ;5'2C lb.. Corn $1.>)0 cwt., Ont. Wheat $1.35 bu.. Fresh lime 35c per 70 lb. bag. Also western oats and barley â€" Phone 38 r 3, A. C. MlUR, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Good frame. 7-ronm I'osidence, fw-o lots, hard vvnt"' large sun room; also frame resi- dence on S.vdenhani St., 5 rooms and sun room, soft water. â€" Jos. Field, Flesherton FOR SALE â€" Arrow Lock asphalt shingles, $3.95 per square; Roll roofing. $1.40 per rool of 108 sq. feet. Sheathing paper, 55c \>cr rool of 400 sq. feet. Terms: Cash. â€" A. C. iMUIR, Ceylon. STR.A'i'ED â€" From tho premises of the undersigned. Lot 24, Con. 12, Artemesia, one red 2-year-ol(l steer, not dehorned. Finder kindly com- municate with Stanley Campbell. Eugenia. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, ! Ont., R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" .Afternoons i.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.30 Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICE â€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. l>. MacINTYRE. Agent FLESHERTON Ont One question you can be sure of trotting students to Rgree on, is that June is a very trying month. »♦^^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ » ^ ^ â-  ^ ^^♦♦♦♦♦♦^ ;: Take No Chances ;; ii\ the sale of your Livestock Ship to the Open Market and ' consign your shipments | | I to the ' ' ; OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF ; ; iiDunn&LevackLtd.i: LIMITED > '' < • Canada'p Leading Idvestock â-  « Salesmen 1 1 Union Stock Yardsâ€" TORONTO ; ; It Always Pavs to Ship To Us 1 ', » * » â-  â- â€¢-»-â- -»-.â- - rl I lllllll ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MITIAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT & SICKNESS FIRE AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bonds Any Insurance Problem Telephone 61 FLESHERTON, Ont Prince Arthur Lodge No. 833, A.P. & .A.F., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in each month. W.M., Alfred Down; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services reasonable. ~-Phone, Dundalk 2. DR. (;. A. I.EDGERWOOD. V. S. Night and Day Call Profes.sional Service Feversham. Phone 4 r 5, at residence of Ed. Nixon, Maxwell. * 1 " I â- I f i:

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