JSfi, THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 26, 1937 ,.:)•-< 4- \ \ r, V * • ,,, â- - â- -. â- -» f^'- . ^ . â- ' â- A%:- ..""^ V' â- - ^^ ", ''"',â- \^ â- â- â-º ' . '-. iitr <•â- -'^- "i^Vv- ,, .â- ' â- â- :)-'-i} FORWARD CONTROL CHEVROLET TRUCKS.^ 4 BIGADVANIAGES ^tHC Chevrolet offers Forward Control models to fill out the widest range of trucks in the low-price field. For helpful infom\ation, specifications and prices, see your local Chevrolet dealer. His training, plus his accessibility to the vast General Motors research facilities qualify him as a competent advisor in the purchose of your new truck. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Howard Short, Jean and Stanley of Nottawa were recent visitors with friends here. Commandant James Poole of Toron- to S. A. was a visitor with his broth- er, John Poole, on the 10th line and to see Mrs. John Poole, who is very ill ac present. Miss Edith Heitman and Miss Nell- ie Short, teacher in Nottawa village and school section No. 4, in the town- ship were at their homes here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fadden of Toronto were with Mrs. Fadden's fath. er, Mr. Eli Robinson over the week end and holiday. iMrs. Springgay spent Saturday in Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown visited with Mrs. Brown's mother at Mark- dale on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colquette and Mrs. Colquette's sister and husband of Toronto occupied their cottage at Glen Colhn or Heron's Hollow, on the property of Mr. George Ross, who was the builder of the cottage. The party enjoyed their week end as they are enthusiastic followers of Isaac Walton and the cottage is on the bank of the Beaver river. Mr. and Mrs. McLennan of Toron- to were week end visitors with Mrs. McLennan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davidson and family. Miss Mae Whiteoak of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with her sisters, Mesdames Davidson here. Master Jim Whiteoak of Toronto vva.< a \nsitor at Mrs. R. J". White- oak's over the holiday. Miss Verna Hudson of Toronto was at her home here for the week end and holida.v. , 1 The Anglican Guild of the Ma.xwell | church held their monthly meeting at i the home of Mrs. Samue] Hawkins on the eighth line last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perigo and j son, Ross Perigo and wife and Miss Perigo of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ' Alexander of Owen Sound and Mr. I -Albert Stewart of Flesherton were i visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry ' -â- Alexander over the week end. 1 The field day for the continuation | school was a fine success with fine | weather and a nice crowd. The prize I winners were: for the girls. Miss | Jean Bushel!; for the boys. Buster ! Springgay. Mac Stephens and .A.nan i Springgay. A nice social evening was spent in the school room by the j pupils and their parents, they had a tine time. MAXWELL O BIGGER PAYLOADS axe pro- vided for by simply changing v/eight distribution to the extent that the front axle is assigned a bigger portion of the payload. O SHORTER LENGTH and greater compactness are achieved by reducing the distance between the back of the cab and the front bumper. From the payload standpoint, space taken up by cab and power plant is dead space. Therefore, any reduction in this dimen- sion becomes profitable load space. Compactness, incidentally, is important where restricted vehicle length is a legal factor. O EASE OF HANDLING results from the fact that this type of construc- tion permits the use of shorter wheelbases per foot of body length. The "turning circle" is smaller . . . manoeuverability easier. O NOVEL APPEARANCE a product of the latest transportation design . . . attracts attention and serves as a travelling advertisement for vour business. The Amateur Concert held under the auspices of the Public Library Board was a decided success. The hall was filled to capacity. The con- •ert was first class. Contestants aking part were there from Colling- wood. Dundalk, Melancthon, Badjer- )s and Eugenia. Mr. C. Brodie was nanager and Mr. M. Shouldice took 'he part of Major Bowes to the sat- sfaction of everyone. The proceeds imounted to seventy dollars. Miss Merlie Buckingham of Toron- o L"'niversity is home for the holiday. Miss Shirley Buckingham spent the •loliday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bushel! and babe and Mr. and Mrs. Wilgus and babe ^f Toronto visited over the week end with Rev. A. Bushel! and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Binnington and .Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and family spent Sunday with friends in Shel- burne. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pallister of To- ronto visited the former's parents over -he week end. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colquette of Toronto have moved into their sum- ?ner cottage at Heron's Hollow. Fred Ross and Garfield McLeod vis- â- ted in Cheltenham and Toronto last .veek. rORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peacock and 30% Stewart, of Toronto were visitors at Fred Brown's. Mr. Wm. Abercrombie of Barrie is visiting his niece, Mrs. R. Richardson. Mr. Wilfred Lever, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brackenbury were holiday visitors with friends nesr Brantford. Miss Macil Snell is assisting tfn. J. A. Lever with her household duties at present. .\l!rs. Gordon Long took her little daughter, Bemice, to Toronto last week for treatment. Mr. ad Mrs. W. Wilson of Barr- head visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Richardson recently. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill was home over the week end. Mr. Robt. Rutledge of Holland Cen- tre was a caller in our burg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Mathewson and family of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathewson. Tfce only two who can live as cheaply as one are a flea and a dog. READ THE "SM.ALL ADVTS". "Withhold all eulogies when I am dead, .\11 noisy sorrow; j Give me the tender word today I instead I Of tears tomorrow." ♦« *** ** ** * 1 1 1' ** t' > H ' I > H"H - * t * t t â- i ., » , i i ii| |i >» 1 1 n i '»' i"m I n i l >*» Fresh ence. paint makes such a differ- Chief Alton Chief Alton. Registered Clvdesdale Stallion, No. 27481 will be for service at his own stable, Lot 14. Con. 10. Osprey for season of 1937. Fee $8.00. Phone Feversham 7 r 23.â€" H. J. Courvoisier. A Real Buy Cream of the West flour Pure Gold flour $3.75 $3.75 A FEW SPECIALS Many Flowers Soap, 6 cakes for 25c â- â-º Picnic Herrings in Tomato Sauce 10c ea. Beats all â€" Javelle Water 5c ea. • ' Heinz Kidnev Beans I5c ea. < • ^9c 'â- • 25c " Prepared Mustard, large jar :; Big Chief Toilet Paper. 8 rolls for I ! Osprey & Arlemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. : FLESHERTON * ♦ I i i ii iii ni ii Miii i iiMiii iiiiii>> * T EMS2Mi OLET TRirCK HmER CEYLON Mrs. Wilson l^^;Mullen has arrived from Toronto to spend the summer with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. McMu!k?n, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall were in loronto for the holiday. Mrs. Peter Muir ie home from an extended visit in Oshawa. Miss May Roterteon, iMiss Marg- aret Flyan and Mr. Eddie and Mr. John Flynn, Toronto, w>ere callers at A. S. Muir's. IVIi-s. A. E. Sindatr was in To«"o«to last week. Mr. F. D. Cairin, llr. J. F. Collin- son and Marion, spent the week end in Toronto. Miss D. Mclnnis was in Orangevill« for the week end and holiday. Misst>6 Fi-ances Collinson and Susie McKinnon were home from Toronto Normal school for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Puree!! H<«nphil! and babe wei-e in Toronto for the week end. Week end visitors in the community were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernie McMullen and Mr. and Mrs. Austin McMullen, Toronto at Jas. L. McMullen's; Mi-. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall and Eleanor and Mr. Goldwin McMullen, Toronto, at Mr. Jas. W. McMullen's; Miss Bes- sie Cairns, Toronto, at Mr. G. Cairns; MV. and Mrs. Mervin Baxter and daughter, Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Baxter and son, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hany Huston and family. Oahawa. at Mr, Peter Muir's; Miss Mary Tiluir, Mr. Pennell, Misses Allie and "Edith Grant, "Toronto at Mr. A. 8. (Muir's: Mr. Martin McLeod, Till- btiry at Mr. Neil Cameron's; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and Edna, Toron- to, at Mrs. W. White's; Dr. R- Tucker arid family. Paisley; Mr. and Mrs. Smythe and son, Billie, Mrs. Arden Whittaker and babe, Toronto, Mrs. M. Reams and Mr. Lloyd Kearns and friend Miss Myers, Durham, at iMrs. Anna McMillan's; Mr, Harold Spof- ford Uxbridge, at Mrs. D. Macphail's; Mr. Stanley Hunt, Mr. Alfred Smith, Mr. Thos. Smith and niece, Hamilton, at Mr, G. .Arrowsmith's; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Frewing and friends, Toronto, at Mr. G. Udell's; Miss Agnes Mac- phail M.P., was a speaker on Sunday afternoon at Niagara Falls, Ont., when 120 years of peace between Can- ada and the United States was cele- brated in Victoria Park, Niagara Falls, Out. The celebration took place on both sides of the border with a dinner in Buffalo on Saturday p.m. and the outdoor meeting on the Canadian side, a Canadian maple was'plantetl in memory of the late Jane Adams, who was an outstanding American woman of the day. The Misses Harrow of Owen Sound spent the holioiay with their sister, Mrs. Wm. Beaton. The Women's Institute met on Thursday evening of last week at the home of M»s. Knox for their regular meeting and election of officers. The president. Miss Dora Stewart pres- { ide<l. The Treasurer's report showud ' a very creditable balance on hand. The sec. rei<orted a first aid kit hav- ing been placed in both Ceylon and Stone's Line School, donation sent to society for crippled children, expen- ses paid for delegate to Spring Pro- .iect at Markdale Some of the junior members were present and showed what had been accomplished under Mrs. Hunt's leadership. The elec- tion of officers for the year follows: Pi-es. â€" iMrs. A. E. Sinclair. 1st Vice-Pres. â€" Mrs. Marshal! 2nd Vice-Pi'es. â€" Mrs. A. C. Muir Sec. â€" Mrs. J. F. Collinson Ti-oas. â€" Mrs. Geo. Mathewson. Prog. Com. â€" Mrs. Udell, Mrs HiKit and Mrs. Muir, Visiting Com. â€" Mrs. Knox, iMrs. Marshall, Mrs. Muir. .\uditors â€" Mrs. G- Stuart, Mrs. A. E. Sinclair. ROCK MILLS t ♦ t t t t T T t Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warling and Mr. Broadbent of Hamilton motored up Saturday and spent the week end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Newel! and three children of Durham spent the holiday with Mr. and Mk-s. Chas. N'ewell. Inspector Pentland made a call at the school one fcy last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fi-fil Graham and two daughters of Walkerton were recent visitors wiith Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts. , Rev. Mr. Ashton called at several j ♦<)â-ºâ™¦ honiC5 here and also paid a visit to the school. Mrs. Bob Sharpe and daughter of Oshawa visited over the week end aHd holiday with her mother, Mrs. S. McMullen. Miss Hilda Betts spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Newell. .\ number from here attended the â- •Grandmother's'' meeting of the W- .\. of Eugenia on Thursday afternoon of last week and enjoyed the program put on by the grandmothers. Mrs. M. Badgerow has returned home after spending a few weeks as- sisting at the home of 'Mrs. J. Par- son. May Merchandise Correctly Styled Reasonably Priced Dependable Qualities t ? t t t t t Fin« Shirts $1.00 to $1.95 Spring Neckwear ^.. 25c to $1.00 Felt Hats $1.95 to $2.95 Fancy Hosiery 25c, 50c 75c New Belts SOc 75c $1.00 Summer Suspenders SOc, 75e, $1.00 Sport Trousers $1.95 to $3.95 Wool Pullovers $1.95 to $3.95 Sweat Shirts 79c to $1.50 New Work Shirts 75c to $1.25 Heavy Full Size Overalls $1.50 to $1.95 Card of Thanks SAUGEEN JUNCTION Mr. and Mrs, Fred Sinclair and Misg Vida and Nelson Clayton of Diindas, Mir, and Mrs. Tom Redman of Wind- sor, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sharp and darughter Betty of Oshawa, Miss Mild- red Sharp of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sharp and babe of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Dever, Com and Jack of P^ton Station spent Sun. day with Mr. and Mrs. Tom White and family. Mrs. John W. Gibson and family wish to eJtpress their appreciation for the many acts of kindness and sym- pathy extended to them in their re- cent bereavement. A CELEBRATION Did anyone ever find any meat on "the bone of contention?" At breakfast a Scot suddenly ex- claimed in horror: "Jean. Jean. Can I believe my own eyes. Sich extrava- gance I never saw in a' my lif«!'' "Hoota' Jock, what's the matter?" asked Jean. "Ttwo pinches o' salt on wee Jam- ie's porridge!" "Well, never mind. Hae ye for- gotten it's his birthday?" t Curtain Nets 15c to 59c Lace Curtains 75c to $2.25 Frilled Curtains SOc to $1.75 New Table Oilcloths 40c, 50c Rayon Bed Spreads $2.50, $2.95 New Striped Piques 35c, 39c Dress, Rayons, Spiecial 49c Fast Color Prints ........ 15c, 19c, 25c Yard Wide Broadcloths 19c, 25c, 37c Factory Cotton 40" wide 13c to 15c Flannelette Blankets $2.19, $2.39 House Frocks 98c, $1.19, $1.49 Silk & Crepe Blouses .... Special $1.95 Velvasuede Lingerie 59c, 69c 79c Rayon Lingerie 39«i 49c Holeproof Silk Hosiery .... 49c to $1.00 Rayon Hosiery ., 25c to 39c Fancy Puilovers 89c to $1.95 Knitted Wop l Suits .... $4.95c to $9.95 New Sumffir Belts 15c to 50c Lace & Organdy Neckwear . 49c to 98c Summer Gloves 496 to $1.00 Crash Towellings 13c to 29c 4 yd. Wide Linoleums $3.50 3 yd. Wide Congoleum $1.95 Rexoleum Mats 19c to 65c Congoleum Rugs Linoleum Rugs Feltol Rugs Curtain Rods Window Shades Sunworthy Wall Papers Paints, Varnishes, Enamels I SPECIAL DISPLAY AND SALE FRIDAY, MAY 28th t t T T t T t V t t X ? ? t t t t t t A new Georgian ed in England. period has open- t Summer Dress«« Summer Hats Smart Suits Display and Sale by Wray's Ladies' Wear, Owen Sound R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. Ont ^♦♦♦<h»J^*<^*<l^***5M$^***jM5^^^