THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 19, 1937 '«. ^fMt IN ECONOMY AND DEPENDABILITY PRICEVILLE The Women'3 Institute held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Watson on Thursday, May 6. A HToo'i progiani was providud by com- munity singing and other numbers; Mi"s. Sutherland gave a splendid paper "Home Life, an English Tiadition up- held by our Gracious Sovereigns.'' Miss Belle Weir read a i)oem, "My Mother's Day," Mrs. Jack Whyte gave a paper on "Sawdust used as fuel in B. C.." The Treasurer's report was read and showed a substantial balance on hand. The Institute has recently installed stone water coolers in the school at considerable cost. The election of officers resulted as follows: Pres. â€" Mrs. W. Moody Vice Pres. â€" Mrs. Wilf. Watson Sec. Treas. â€" Mrs. A. Bell. Directors â€" Mrs. G. Whyte and Mrs. J. iMbMillan. A vote of thanks was tendered the retiring officers and a dainty pot- luck lunch was served. A FEW CHEVROLET TRUCK FLEET OWNERS ALUMINUM CO. OF CANADA LTD. flItrnSH « AMERICAN OIL CO. LTa CANADA PACKERS LTD. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRKCa CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO. LTD. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES LTD. CANADIAN PACIFIC EXPRESS CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO. LTD. CARNATION COMPANY COCA<OLA CO. OF CANADA LTD COLGATE-PALMOLIVE-PECT CO. LTD. DOMINION RUBBER CO. L1TX DOMINION STORES LTD. FRIGIDAIRE CORPORATION LTD. GENERAL STEEL WARES LTD. THE GOODYEAR TIRE • RUBBER CO, THE H. J. HEINZ CO. IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO. Of CANADA IMPERIAL OIL LTD. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY LTK McCOLL FRONTENAC OIL CO. NORTHERN ELEaRIC CO. LTD. PROCTOR « GAMBLE COMPANY OF CANADA SALADA TEA CO. OF CANADA, LTD. STANDARD BRANDS LTD. SUPERTEST PETROLEUM CORP. LTD, SWIFT CANADIAN COMPANY LTD. WM. WRIGLEY JR. CO. LTD. . . . say the operating cost records of the big fleet owners! # Figiues don't lie . . . and in the carefully kept cost records oi tlie great fleet owners you will find the facts about Chevrolet truck economy and dependability ... a success story without equal in Canada's commercial transportation history! If you have a hauling job ... no matter how small or large ... we have a Chevrolet truck to do it ... a strapping unit that will serve you day in and day out! Consider, too, how Chevrolet's all-round economy adds to your profits by slashing your overhead. Low first cost to mini- mize your original outlay . . . big gas and oil mileage to shear nmning expenses . . . large capacities for larger payloads . . . safety construction for cargo and driver insurance ... a proved engine that laughs at layoffs and repair bills . . . and bridge-like strength for long life! Why not call on your Chevrolet dealer today? His experience will help you in the selection of your new truck He will explain the convenient financing arrangements of the General Motors Instalment Plan. Messrs. Jack Ross, Orville Darrock, and Misses Helen Richardson and Gladys Greenwood, all of Harriston, visited their friends here over the week end at the home of Principal Bell of the school, and his wife, and took in the services at St. Columba on Sunday. Ruv. H, E. Wright con- ducted. A fine duet by Mrs. H. R. McLean and Belle Weir, the ten- or and bass joining in the refrain. Mr. Allan Mclnnis, principal of Pal- grave -scliool was also present and vis. ited hi.s parents. The descriptive lecture on Monday L'vening, May lOth by Rev. Wm. Allen of radio fame, was but poorly attend- ed, a clear case of the failure of the use of printers ink and not even no- tices in the stores. He was moved to righteous indignation at the lack of preparation made. The lantern had to be borrowed from the United church at the last moment and the same church's organist was sent for, just on the point of retiring, finally it got started near nine o'clock, half the pro- gram only, was given. A total of $11.00 was realized on a 50 â€" 50 basis. The Coronation services came in re- markably clear and highly enjoyable here, a wonderful tribute to science. '.Long live the King,'' and his Scotch Lassie! Mrs. Roy Carter, a fine looking, buxsome lady of Detroit, visited her cousins here last week. They were the Aldcorns, McKees and Mrs. Buck- ham. Her father was a younger brother of i.Mts. McKinnon. who died last winter at the age of 98 vears. their home. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. J. R. Sinclair was hostess to the U. F. W. 0. Club meeting with twenty six pres- ent. Mrs. J. A. Nichol presided; con- siderable business was transacted, Mi-s. Edgar Patterson gave a splendid reading on Coronation; Miss Betty Tucker gave a recitation on "bridge building"; Miss Agnes Macphail. M.P., was present and gave an interesting talk on Coronation which was much enjoyed. Mi's. Sinclair conducted a contest and the prize was won by Mrs. Allie Muir and Mrs. D. Camiybell, after which a bountiful limch was served. Mr. David Hincks and daughter, Beth, and Mrs. Andrew Hincks, spent the week end with friends at Elora, Guelph and Arthur. Rev. Wm. Macintosh of Dundalk oc- cupied the puliiit on Sunday at St. -Andrew'.s church. Sacrament of the Lord's Cupper was fittingly observed. Next Sabbath we will have t*^"- min- ister who has been appointed »- for the Summer months to stay here in Priceville and a good turn out is expected, to welcome him. Miss Annie McKinnon undei-went ail operation in Toronto last week. Congratulations to Mr. Clifford Hai'rison and Miss ''-itit- McKinnon. wlu) were married on Satn- ' Toronto. Those In Arrears It is now a month since we made our first appeal for sub- scribers in arrears to send in the whole or part of their arrear- ages, to enable us to meet our obligations. A few obliged us in our appeal, but there are many more in arrears from whom we would like to hear. If you are one of these kindly send in your renewal at once. It is impossible to publish a paper without cash and sub- scriptions are one of our main items of revenue. Let us hear from you now. FARM AND HOME WEEK The usual Farm and Home Week at the Ontario Agricultural College will be held June 21 to June 25 in- clusive. On account of the numerous high-class animals which have been added to the college herds and flocks in recent months, a record attendance is expected this year. 'Very special effort.<5 will be made to have better special exhibits and to have all ar- rangements and facilities as complete as possible. [HEVRDLETM CT-47B INQUIRE FROM YOUR NEAREST CHEVROLET TRUCK DEALER Keep . mind the play "Mary Gold" to be presented by the Holstein people here in the Agricultsral Hall on Fri- day. May 21st. i.Mlr. and Mrs. Hector McLean vis- ited recentlv with Mr. and Mrs. Colin McMillan. HoLstein. Mi's. Colin McLean and son Innis of Toronto, spent the week end at X % A Real Buy :; Cream of the West flour $3.75 :; Pure Gold flour $3.75 A FEW SPECIALS â- • 11 Many Flowers v^oap. 6 cakes for 25c • > < • \\ Picnic Herringfs in Tomato Sauce lOc ea. ; ; Beats all â€" Tavelle Water Sc ea. • > • I Heinz Kidnev Beans 15c ea. '> '! Prepared Mustard, large jar 19c ;l < > Biff Chief Toilet Paper. 8 rolls for 25c ; ; :; Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. : FLESHERTON ♦♦*♦»»'> ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ â- H"> ' l" >»4i- » ' t i * ' M"I">>**** *'>**' > ' l '» *» *t****t ♦^♦♦^♦♦^^^^.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦J^^ SAUGEEN JUNCTION KIMBERLEY Mr». Charles Doupe and children were week end visitors at Mr. Cephus Hindle's. Ml-, and Mrs. Joe Sewell of Flesh- erton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown and son of Priceville, Miss Ellen and George Pattison of Springhill, and Mr. and Mrs. iMclvin Wilson of Mark- dale were recent vi.'«itors at Mr. Bert Badgerows. Mrs. Ila Cooper and children visited a few days last week with her brother Ed. at Proton Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey White and Mr. and Mrs. Everett White and son of Toionto, visited last week end at Mr. Robt. White's. VICTORIA CORNF.RS Mr. and Mrs. Ever^tte Awde and family moved from our neighborhood to Bethel on the Lloyd Acheson farm. Mr. Jno. Henry Richardson has been under the doctor's care, caused by a kick from a horse. Mrs. Harold Cook, Barrow Bay, vis- ited her sister, Mrs. Russel Linton. I.MisR Winnifred Talbot has taken a position in Toronto. trhe. ladies of the W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Acheson on Thurs- day instead of Wednesday, on account of Coronation Day. The copper con- test which has been in progress as a start to raising funds for a new organ for Inistioge was closed. Two Bides were chosen, one getting little coppers, one big coppers, the losing eide was fined five cents for each con- testant. The ladies of the W. M. S. quilted a quflt for their bale, on Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Robt. Lee. Rev. Mr. Service of Flesherton con- ducted the sacrament at Inistioge on Sunday. With a grinding of brakes the of- ficer pulle<l Up his motor car and shouted to a little boy playing in a field: "I say, sonny, have you seen an aeroplane come down anywhere near here?" "No, sir!'' replied the boy. trying to hide his sling-shot. "I've only been shooting at a botHe." Many of our citizens were most in- terested in the Coronation, some vis- ited, others went elsewhere to sports and etc. The public school teachers and pupils planted over 40 Scotch pines and wliite cedars, also two a- corns. The acorns were the gift of Inspector Morrison. Several me«n- ber.s of the W. I. met at the hall grounds and planted nine Scotch pines and si.x white cedars; several rose and lilac bushes and other shrubs and flowers were planted also. Mrs. S. S. Burritt planted an acorn. The pinos ."nd cedars were secured by D. .A Graham frotn Midhurst. .Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burritt planted two acorns given them by Misses Edna and .Vnnie Burritt of Toronto. Several members of the W. I. ac- cepted the kind invitation of the Flesherton W. I. and attended the meeting in the afternoon on Friday, und enjoyed very much the talk given on health by Mrs. Moony. The mus- ical numbers and generous lunch were appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Wardman, Miss Mar- garet Bidley and Mr. Jack Pattison of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts and Janet spent Coronation day with Mr. and iMrs. D. L. Weber. Miss Arlie Kirkpatrick visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick for a few days. Mr. .W. H. Abercrombie of Barrie spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burritt and Mrs. W. Burnett of Markdale visited Kini- berley friends on Friday afternoon. Coronation service and Mother's Day service were made special by Rev, McAuslan, by sermon and special music, also the S- S. combined their program with the church. Many mothers sent their flowers which ad- ded greatly to the occasion. The parsonage board have decided to seH the parsonage furniture soon. We congratulate Mr. Geo. Hutchin- son on reaching his 80th birthday on March 11. Mrs. Bruce Carruthers and Keith are visiting with Mrs. Parker at Gor- ing. The teachers of Flesherton High School spent a pleasant evening as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cai'ruth- ers. ;EN I RE LINE Quite a immber listened in to parts of the coronation on Wednesday and -onie went to their neighbors to hear tlie king speak. Mount Zion Sunday school started I on Sunday with a very good attend- ance. Sunday school will start at a ([uarter to one this summer and church at a quarter to two. I Mrs. Wallace Fisher, Delbert and I Evelyn and Mr. J. J. Little visited I with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Linton re- ; cently, Mf. Luther Love lost a good young horse recently. Mr. John McNevin's oldest daugh- I ter. Mi-s. Fred Lutley of Regina is \ visiting with her father and brother here. i.Vliss Lillian Morton R. N. of To- ronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morton. The Mt. Zion W. A. held their re- tcular meeting at the home of Mr. Lewis Sheardown on Tuesday last, with sixteen members and two vis- itors present. The W. A. decided to hold an ice cream social on the even- ing of June 25. The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. HaiTy Fisher. The word for Devotional Roll Call "Peace". It is very wet this Monday, after a steady rain all night and still rain- ing. 'The farmers round here were just getting started on the land as it has been too wet to work. It will be some time now before it will be fit to do any seeding. : T T t t t t ? ♦♦♦ t T T ? V ? ? r t t ? ? T ? May Merchandise Correctly Styled Reasonably Priced Dependable Qualities Fine Shirts $1.00 to $1.95 Spring Neckwear 25c to $1.00 Felt Hats $1.95 to $2.95 Fancy Hosiery 25c, 50c 75c New Belts 50c 75c $1.00 Summer Suspenders 50c, 75c, $1.00 Sport Trousers $1.95 to $3.95 Wool Pullovers $1.95 to $3.95 Sweat Shirts 79c to $1.50 New Work Shirts 75c to $1.25 Heavy Full Size Overalls $1.50 to $1.95 When relief workers begin going on strike they shouldn't bo surprised if the infection spreads and the long- suffering tax-payer decides that lie too will stage a walk-out so far as providing money for relief purposes is concerned. "Why has your husband been sum- moned?" "I'm not quite sure, but I think a policeman helil up his hand and Jack 'l)ui his foot On the exasperator." Curtain Nets 15c to 59c Lace Curtains 75c to $2.25 Frilled Curtains 50c to $1.75 New Table Oilcloths 40c, 50c A Rayon Bed Spreads $2.50, $2.95 ♦♦♦ New Striped Piques 35c, 39c ♦•♦ Dress, Rayons, Special 49c ♦♦♦ Fast Color Prints ........ 15c, 19c, 25c Yard Wide Broadcloths 19c, 25c, 37c Factory Cotton 40" wide 13c to 15c Flannelette Blankets $2.19, $2.39 House Frocks 98c, $4.19, $1.49 Silk & Crepe Blouses .... Special $1.95 Velvasuede Lingerie 59c, 69c 79c Rayon Lingerie 39c, 49c Holeproof Silk Hosiery .... 49c to $1.00 Rayon Hosiery 25c to 39c Fancy Pullovers 89c to $1.95 Knittec Wool Suits .... $4.95c to $9.95 New Summer Belts 15c to 50c Lace & Organdy Neckwear .. 49c to 98c Summer Gloves 49c to $1.00 Crash Towellings 13c to 29c 4 yd. Wide Linoleums $3.50 3 yd. Wide Congoleum $1.95 Rexoleum Mats 19c to 65c Congoleum Rugs Linoleum Rugs Feltol Rugs Curtain Rods Window Shades Sunworthy Wall Papers Paints, Varnibhes, Enamels T I Footwear For All Occasions T J^^ Men's Work Boots and Fine Boots and Oxfords. A Boy's School Boots, Fine Boots and Oxfords. ♦!♦ Women's and Children's Pumps, Oxfords, Ties and Sandals. V Canvas Shoes and Campers. Y White Shoes for Men, Women and Children. ^^ Our Values are based on last year's leather, prices and are exceptionally good. ^ W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, Ont. t % F. H t t ? t t t X f ? ? T t t T T t t t t t t ? ? t t t t T t t t <-"^J**Jh.****<m»Jm.******J^^^