\T)I,. 56: XO. 40 \vEr>XF.<r) \.v. MARCH in, iq;^; W K. THURSTON & SON. Proprietors Complete Efforts For Mrs. C.McKinnon Dies Thos. Fii,her Died r^ Grey Restricted Area The Restricted Area work is now completed in so far as securing the petitions, etc. are concerned. The following are the percentage results: URBAN MUNICIPALITIES Owen Sound 75. Durham 100. J â- Hanover 88.8 Meaford 90. - Thombury 97.3 Chatsworth 100. Dundalk ...- 80. Flesherton 06.43 - -^. ilarkdale 100. - ' Nieustadt 100. Shallow Lake 100. RURAL MUNICIPAUTIES Artemesia 64.67 Bentinck ., 84.2 CoUingwood 84.21 Derby 95.4 Egremont 63.4 Euphrasia 89.5 Glenelg 71.3 Holland 95.2 Keppel 61.29 Normanby 76.86 Osprey 70.5 Proton 49.4 Sarawak 95.5 St. Vincent 86.7 Sullivan 95.25 Sydenham 94.9 It will be seen that there is a large majority in favour of the project. The percentages are: Urban 93.41 Rural 79.88 One of Grey County's oldest J"esi- lients, Mrs. Cnarles MeKinnon, died at her home, South Line, .-Vrtemesia ! lownship, Priceville. on Sunday after' a very brief illness. She wa.^ in her ySth year and would have attained chat age had she lived until Wednes day. Born in Harris, Higlilands, Scotland, Suddenly Sunday United Church Notes Make Survey of ^ biey and Bruce The •"Crusade for Christian Living' ^ot off to a good start last Sunday ; Death came suddenly on Sunday i *'^'^" ^''^- ^''- ^'^'''''' preached to Waiie Old Cnt^io continue, to sup- moming to Mr. Thomas Gibson i '*'»'^ congregations both morn- ^i^. beadi.ues wi:h iloo,! conditions Fisher, aged 74, at his borne in Flesh- i '"? ^""^ "'^^'- 1" '^'^ °' '''^ ^^°^=^ ^^"^ '*=*-«'â- i'^^''^^^- and hears irom erton. He had been around on Sat- ' °'«^^ ^^'^ "'^'^ ^•'""'" atiracnons authoritative sources dire predic- urday and retired that night enjoy- ' '""« ^^ * splendid congregation on t.ons of du^t storms and lack or pro- ing his usual health. Early Sunday i >J°°<^>' ^'^^^ ^° ^^^' ^""^ 'l^"'' 'l«'--"°" «/^ '^"'« ^J""^ y^^' "^ I morning he took a weak spell and.''-"'" '^^ ^'"'^ =»f*^/.! ""L"^;^- '=°'^°"''^ "^ ,^'^^' '''"•'^ ^"^^ '^^ ^f^ on March lOth, 1839. she was a daugh- i ^.^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ [ Marriage and Parenthood. -"--^- - - - -â€" â- - • '^--- -*- I rrail Rangers' | Corner t Rev. U. K- Service, B, Four steps Up and on .A.lung the Trail Every day. A- Scrib« ? That is the Motto which every Trail Tuesday feeling fairly secure from these de- Raiiger must keep before him e»e«y ter of the late Murdock and Christena i ^ei^ng" attributed to lieart trouble ' '^^^^ ^^ subject was, •'.A. sick world predations. day. Four steps: one mencaily, oott McQueen. When only eight years of ' .^.j^^ ^^^^ y^^ p^j^^^ ^.^^ ^^ ^^ ! and how to core it." : xh-s>: count:es. cradled rorth a.nd physically, one socially and one spirit- age she came with them to Canada. | pj^sherton and was a son of the â- ^'e are especially anxioug that all I wes: of the Blue Mountains to the ^^y- -^ 'O^u" il'^^^ '^e is their the family coming across the Atlantic ! ^^^ jj^. ^^^ .^^ J^^^^ Fisher, and i the men of our town and commanity -;a.st a;d the Dundalk plateau in the objective, and chat is no easy task, in a sailing vessel whose voyage cov- | ^^^ united in marriage 49 years ago i should attend the supper meeting or. south, stili have fourteen per cent. But ered eight weeks. They landed and ^^ jjj^g jj^j^ English of Rock Mills, i Wednesday night at 6.30. Th-ls is of for-rst land :n comparison to the it ;s a real challenging task, and akes real backbone to accompbsa settled at Waterdown, Ont.. where , r^^ resided at R>x-k Mills until they ' an evening given over to men and old- average three or four per cent, of the Mr. McQueen was employed for a' " ' " ' ...... .„ , . .^ •_ Later they moved it moved to Flesherton two years ago. er boys only. 16 years and over. this will be illustrated with sl'-des. time as a weaver. Later mey moveu ; ^^ .^ ,arvived bv one brother. Robert to Fergus, home of many Scotch im- 1 ^^ piesherton. and three ohiWren. migrants and built a home, but after , ^^^^^, ^^. ^^^^ ^jjy^ ^^^^ ^^ gert <ome yeare there they moved to the g^^^ ^j Tupper Creek. B. C and Del- i Silver collection. Qucen-s Bush, near Priceville. While . j^ y^s. Rav Woods of Qakville. De- ' Thursday afternoon at 3.00 o'clock at Fergus the late Mrs. MeKinnon ^^'^^^ ^^^ .^j^j^j^. respected and his ' all the women are invited to attend was marrred to her f.rst husband ^^ j^ regretted bv a host of a big mass meeting. Henry Scott of Flora and they resided | j^^^^jg : Thursday night at 8 o'clock (open there for seven years. Following Mr. , ^^ pallbearers were nephews: i to all) the su'oject will be "'A ChrUt I Messrs. Robt. Fisher Jr.. Wallace Like God." Friday night the ad- ! Fisher, T. J. Fisher. George Fisher. 'â- dress will be on ".\ Drink or a Well a Harn,- Fisher and Ed. Fisher. j WTiich will you have.'" The crusade |j^ I Thp funeral took place on Tuesday \ comes to a close on Sunday ne-xt. Tht unfortunate flood areas to the south. ^'e have been sPeaking the last tw» address will follow the supper, the Along with the plans t'^ raise this dis- weeks about the first and second de- subject being '•-â- V White Life for Two'' trict to 30 per cent, reforestation gr«<s in the Trail Ranger programme, will co.me correction of the present each one of course is more diffienit dangerously low water Scott's death she came north to Price- ville with her two children and, on March 15. 1876, she was married to the late Charles MeKinnon and resid- ied on his farm there until her death, a period of over 60 years. The funeral was held on Tues- day, March 9. at 2 p.m.. from St. Col- umba Church, Priceville. to Pioneer ' Cemetery. Rev. H. .E- Wright had charge of the services. Mrs. Herman i McLean rendered a beautiful solo "Our â- Mother's Way." than the one before. The "Patli- finder" is the first and can 'oe attain- ed in four weeks. The "Pioneer" is ll»« second and takes at least two months. Before a bcy can take the next de- irvee mto be'ig a "Four Square Trail Ranger" he must be a m.ember of a afternoon with service beins held ir Flesherton Baptist Church where his minister. Rev. J. R. Wolstencroft preached a comforting sermon. In- terment was made in the chapel at Flesherton Cemetery. Jury Disagreed We do trust that as many as pos- sible will avail themselves of these special services. .\fter twelve hours of deliberation, an assize court jury wearily paradetl week and announced to Mr. Justice C. The pallbearers were Thos. Aldcorn, ' Charles .\ldcorn. Donald Aldcorn, Neil resulting in an average over the en- 1 ^^^^^0 and Walter Aldcorn. grand- tire county of 85.4. 1 ^„„^ „f ^^e deceased and Mr. Watson i " ^. _, , ,.^., o„„„h The petitions have now been sent I ^f London ' '"*" ^^^ ''â- ''"" "'"'" *^ ^"^ " , to the Ministers of Agriculture at j The casket was covered with beau- I J"** »>«'<'" ^'''"'^^^ ^""'^*/ ''^ '^1^ Toronto and Ottawa. .A.s soon as ^^f^, ^j^^, g^biems of love and de- ! they are accepted. Grey County will 1 ^^^j^n ' be gazetted as a Restricted Free Area. | .pj,^;^^ ^^.^^ ^ distance who attended At time of writing nO information \ the funeral were Donald .\ldcom and can be given as to the date testing ^j^j Stanley Maltby of Toronto. Mr. , will be started. This work is done ^nd Mrs. Chas. Watson of London. by the Health of .\nimal Dominion Department of Agriculture, j ^n,,. .\lta.. besides a large number of Durham and Flesherton friends Robert Walltr Dies Aged 85 Ytars low water table and gradually, as our neighbors' supply wanes, this district will stand out as an oasis of production in several ways. Important in these angles is tour- ist environment and fishing, the streams and lakes of Old Ontario are fast becoming unsuitable for Trail Ranger Group for at least one ami; V'h o: any k^cd. We alone in ' year. .A.ny one can be « starter, but thl* dist-!f t 'r.ave reasonable hopes [ it takes "real stuff' to be a sticker. of improvement. Our district bids it takes courage; it takes resolute- fair now to stand out in Ontario, even; ness; it takes strength of will, all of including the northern areas, as out- which is necessary for a successful standing in comparison for tourist life. ttractions. Requirements for the "Four Square" To meet 'hese needs we must have degree is as follows: a scientific biological study made ^^f I. Serve faithfully one year as » our water areas and game "nabitat. member of a Trail Ranger group. .Application has 'oeen made to the 2. Produce a signed Health Carti Biological EHepartment of tho Uiiv^r- from one of tlie parents, indicating- (Sity of Toronto for such a survey, conscientious observance of heahik Mr. Robt. Waller, one of Flesher-| •; ; the a ivanta.jcs f"' rani:>- of study habits, ton's best-known and most highly es- ;ave beep pointed out. The ?cores 3. Bring a signed sWiement from teemed residents, passed away at his 1 of lakes and thousands of miles of teacher and parents indicating con- home here early Friday morning in j stream in Grey and Bruce pr^esent al- scientious effort at school for the his 86th year. Deceased, w'no was a j niost C')antless varying .orditions term. P. McTague that they could not agree ^y^ ^f the late Robert and Jane Wall- ! not available elsewhere, a-id all easy 4. Rgad four books as suggested in in the case of McCor.nell versus Care- ^^ .^^.J^^ jj^^ j^ Quebec. When he jf access and close to the Toronto the Trail Ranger Manuel and tell what foot, a civil action that had dragged ^.^^ jtiU quite young the family mov- : neadquarters. it was in each book that was found through three days of litigation in the ^^ jo Mono Township, where he re- 1 This survey will bring to our dis- most interesting. 5. Indicate a sincere desire to cult- ivate the devotional life. 6. Qualify for the home helpers NEWS If anyone has â€" Died, Eloped, Married, Left town. Embezzled, Had a fire, Had a baby, Sold a farm. Come to town, Been arrested. Broken a limb, Bought a home. Committed murder. Fallen from an aeroplane. That's news â€" telephone 18w. Grey assizes. sided until his marriage in 187S. to 1 trict many scientific men and place Branch « j xr ri,.- vf.,v-;„«or, .^f R»-<= ' ^' *** ^^^ °^ '^^ ^'^^ Occurrences Sarah Jane Osborne otf Artemesia it* oossibUities to the best oossible i>iAxi\.ii, \|j. onQ >ii^ L nas. >icMnnon 01 r>a>»- . - . ,..*-.,. .... ...«« . . ' ^ . . of an assize court. It is not uncom- Township. He then moved to .Axt- advantage. This study, m conjunction mon for the jury in a criminal case to ^m^sia, farming on the W'est Back with that of the Department of Lands badge. 1 . .. , u . f}, daughters t^^^agree. but there is always the ele- Line, three miles from Flesherton. and Forests in connection with our I .he IS survived by "* J .' ment of surprise when a civil action yj,t;i retiring and moving to this vUl- watersheds, and that of the dominion Mrs. Joseph McKee. «'ho I'ved ^J^" ; jury cannot agree on the questions .^^ ;„ ^,15 government relating to the *ater her at the time of her deat. y^- y^ asked by the presiding judge. In jjrs. Waller predeceased 'ner hus- table of the land, will educate us in Aldcorn. Pricevi.le: . r>. .iar> ^^^^- this particular case. Herman and Lena band in 1923- Sui-viving to mourn the necessities for peak production " McConnell of Euphrasia township, his passing are two daughters. Mrs. in the agricultural and all* other ef- seeking damages from Dr. R. L. Care- foot of Markdale for injuries in a motor-car accident near Clarksburg, the issue was defined by Judge Mc- Ta.gue with three questions. He asked them to decide w^hether the de- Radium is now being produced in ! fendant was solely to blame: whether Canada on a regular pr^.>ductioH I the plaintiff was solely to blame; or schedule. -After vears of research and whether there was common neglig- other sister. Mrs. John Jackson IN MEMORIAM ham. Priceville; three sons Jim. and Ben in the W'est. and two step- ; sons. Lachlan and Charlie MeKinnon. Radium Discovery V WONDERFUL HORSE Lizzie McFadden. who made her home fortj in this district with her father, and .Annie, ( Mrs. Thomas Sled) of Flesherton. and one son. George, residing on the old home- stead in -Artemesia. A sister. Mrs. Lizzie Kendrew of Kingsley, Sask.. ; and a brother. John of Everett, in ' Mulmer Township, also survive. .An- of HUDSON â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, passing, March 14, 1935. Her loving hands are folded now. And peace is in her bri-ast. WV miss her presence, oh. so much. But she is with the blest. Sadly missed by daughter Elizabeth. •hemical piwessing the Eldorado Re- ence. in other words, whether each Milton, predeceased him 20 jears ago. finery at Port Hope. Ont.. have so ^ party was partially negligent and how ; The late Mr. Waller 'nad been a perfected their extraction metl.otfc I much. great worker in church circles and that they are able to refine monthly ; Twice the jury returned to the ^j the time oi his death was an hon- .m infinitisimal quantity. The story } courtroom, announcing they could not ^rary elder of Canada's great contribution to the agree, only to receive further in- Church here, world is told by J. -A. Cowan, writ- , struction from Judge .McTague and be ing in the February issue of The C-I-'««"t back to the jury room to continue L Oval. Pitchblende radium bearing ! Jtliberations. ore. mined on the fringe of the -Arctic; •â- ^* « '"*"*"'t of the jury's disagree- Circle at Eldorado Gold Mines on the ; '"'"'t- the case will be set over until sitting of the countv of One of the world's oldest horses was a ce:iter of interest in the inau- kiuial parade at Washington. Jan- uary 20. "Queen." aged 41. wus six years old when s'ne pranced up Pennsylvan- nia .Avenue at President McKinley's second inauguration in li*Ol. with Ed- win .M. Jett. a mounted policeman, 'n Last Friday night 14 'ooys were oa hand for the weekly meeting. Ben Bellamy was the first to qualify for the "Pathfinder" badge. Several others ';iave aijnost compleOed th«> requirements. It is a real sight to see the boys around the work table now that they are getting to handle their fret-saws with ability. Some ver>- fine tooth brush holders are now finished. So we continue t^ora week to week, and to one and all we say Good climix. ing along life's traiL Card of Th2uiks of St. John's Uniteii her back. Handsome and proudly stepping, she was been in failing health for eves. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Freilerick John Spofford, who passed away March 10th, li)36. Gone, but not forgotten. â€" ^adly missed by wife, son and daughter. ENGAGEMENT A man may be dvwn but he isnt licked until he decides that a bath is too nuich trouble. holes of Great Bear Lake, is shipped ^J"^ "'^^* in special bass 3000 miles to the ; *-â- *'*>â- • lefinery where six tons of chemicals ' ure required to refine one ton of ore, . .lom which is extracted but a few j milligrams of radium salts. Prev- ^j^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ious to the discover>- of radium m^ham announce the engagement of Canada's great northwest the price , their daughter, Marv to Mr. Thomas of radium was $70.WO per gram, r,^.^, ^. McRoberts -Ave.. Toronto Canadian enterprise has now reduced the marriage to take place the middl . this to around $30,000. ! of March. Fresh radium salts are sealed in a small glass tube no thicker than a match and are kept in holes drilled in- DIED to a safe made from solid lead. The 1 lays from radium continue for nearly! MeKINNON â€" In Toronto on Tues day. BARGAIN FARES MARCH 20 to Buffalo $3.90 Hamilton $2.50 London $4.00 Oshawa $2.45 Peterboro $3.25 Toronto $1.70 Similar low fares to Belleville. Chat- ham. CobourK, Ounnville. Gait. Shar- bot Lake. Smith's FalK Smithville, Tweed. Welland and Woodstock. Final rotuni limit March 22 Con.«ult Agent.-*â€" Ask for Handbill Canadian Pacific I. TOO years and its most humanitarian use is in the treatment and cure of cancer. 50 Years Married Maivh 9th. 1937. Elizabeth Brown, widow of N'eil MeKinnon. formerly of Priceville, Service to be held in St. Columba United Church, Priceville, on Thursday. March llth. at •> p.m.; interment to take place in Priceville Cemetery. Mrs. Thomas Nichol and family w^ish to e.\press their greatest thanks the cvnosure of a!' ""^ appreciation to their neighbors He had been in failing health for eyes. " ' '^"'^ friends for sympathy and kiad- a number of years, but was about the ' Jt occurred to some ot the present •^'^** shown duri:ig their recent sad house the day before he passed away horse fanciers m Washington that it bereavement. suddenly, early Friday morning. would be interesting to bring Queen t â€" ' Friends and relatives from a dis- and Mr. Jett, now retired, together Card of Thanks â- taiice who attended the funeral were: again for another historic ride. j .Mr. John W'aller. Mis. J. J. Ga!!a>-hei- Que«n was located on the farm The family of the late Robert Wali- I end Mr. Victor Gallagher of Everett. whc>e she was bom and raised at er wish to thank their friends and Ontario: Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Waller Four Corners. Maryland. Mr. Jett. nei^h'oors for their many acts of of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Heber aged 68, in good health and spry, lives ' kindness during his illness and for Waller of Glen Cross; Mr. and Mrs. at ) (sj W. Street. S- E. ; their many expressions of sympathy Marry Giffin of Minesing. Mr and The age<l "corse was in her stable *'"<^e his death, and also for floral Mrs. Jos..Kedrew and daughter. Reta when Mr. Jett, seeing her after a long tributes. iii-d Mr. Geo. McFadden of Orange- lapse of years, called softly throui-h vi|!e; .Mr. a".d Mis. Edward Kendrew the door: 'Queen: Oh. srirl! Remember', Card of Thanks . '^ .Shelbuvne: Mr. snd Mrs, Frank me?" Queen remen>bered. She neigh- • "a'bert of Sht-lbu ne: Mr. and Mrs. ed at the top oi her voice. We desire to e.xpress our sincerest j T :slie Smith of Singhampton. i So again they rode under Washing, thanks for the kind expressions of ! The ral'bt arers were Messrs. Geo. ; ton's dripping skies and Queen's sympathy in our recent and very sud- Cairns. John Stewart, John Parker, fame will go down as the on'y hoi-so den bereavement, and for the thought- Gto. McTavish. W.-A. Hawken, T. J. that ever took an active part in the fulness of friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Binningtoni ....pp.. of Ma.\well celebrated the 50th anni- versary of their wedding on Monday, although they were married on March 7th, 1S87. We will have a picture of this estimable couple in next week's issue, together with a write-up. Best wishes for many m<nv years together is extendetl to Mr. and Mrs. Binning- ton. Shoes are going up, it is said, so the shoe repair man may be able to figure on more business in future. .At his home on the Old Durham Road. .Artemesia. on Mon- day, March Sth. 1937. John lluddy. â- «on of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huddy. agetl 23 years. The t"uneral is being held this Wednesday afternoon with Fisher, all members of the session •'f St. John's United Church. .Among a number of beautiful flo'-- al tributes were expivssions of syr>- nathv from th.» neighbors and Sesssio-' of St. John's United Chun-h. Bomb Idea Exploded inauguration of two Presidents. â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McKee The first thing H. S. McGrath. of New York thought when he received a mail package in which there was a ticking sound, was that it was a service at the house eondm-ted by | bomb. He placed it out in the back Rev. H. E. Wright and interment j y^rd away from buildings it might taking place in McNeill cemetery.. ] aaniage and waited for it to explode Besides his parents he leaves one | ^^thing happened. Several davs lal- brother, Ambrose, and one sister, i^ (he tii-king stopped. .MK.-Grath '^'*'^'"' 'then called jiolice and asked what tc "^ ; do with the thing. Before eonsentin.e ! Modern ytjuth according to a Brit- I '<> "Peti the package they put it into The patcht-s you notice on (he north ! ish peer, is spoiled, overfed and a pail of water for an hour to make side of the farmers' trousers these ' pampertxi. It would b*> interesting j sure that any explosives inside it (lays are not ^•om lolling around in to learn of a generation of which the would be soaketi. When they oper>ert chairs but from standing with his ?ame sad report was not made by the the package they found a watch in- back to the wall of adversity. , >arlier generation. , 8>Je that had run down. THE rV!«R.U. dLlPKL. A disiun^ IMrU 0( «atf5 Sc iflabbochs «unal Co. POBMSRLT BATW Fred .Maddocks 0N» BLOCK sotrni or BVKL\L CO. Richard .Maddocksi. .Mjcr. »l« AVB.\t-« RO\i> D.W».SP<^RX ROAD