â- â- f;--: - ; '^i-;' â- ^"^> U [ ^ \. «• V J *,; â-º-4 • *. !; r V ; ( r « <>• » . 1l f^ - •â- - «,. *â- 1 »> â- *' i .'â- «* r. H. " > *M *< 1 ri . "."^ V »> V V -*i> HC 1. It 4 I u ^J)je fkQ\}ttim %ht^mu. VOL. 56; NO. 30 \vedn'b:sday, December 30, 1936 \V. H. THURSTON & SON, Proprietorg Election For Reeve and Councillors In Osprey i». H .. H ., | .. H ii I iti | i H ii t ii l ..|.. H .. H. 4.i H .. | .. H i. H .. H .i t i. HMi"r - H"lMl ' l " l H ' I " H '*' I"I"H '* FOR REEVE ♦JOmN" LOCKHARTâ€" Proposed by Wm. Thomson and Donald Gillies. LEWIS 0. MOORE â€" By Elmer Priddle and Wm. Hannon. WM. HEITMAN â€" By C. W. Lonf? and John J. Haley. Geo. D. Short (withdrew) â€" By A. McLean and Jas. Hudson. Wm. L. Taylor (withdrew) â€" By J. D. McDonald and Archie Buie. FOR DEPUTY-REEVE *ARNOLD HUTCHINSONâ€" (Ac- clamation) â€" By Wm. Davidson and G. D. Short. FOR COUNCILLORS *GEO. McDonaldâ€" By Arch. Mc- Intyre and John McKinnon. 'MORTON SAYERSâ€" By J. Black and Jas. Long. *JAS. FAWCETT- By John Elliott and Wm. Thomson. JOS. McCUTCHEON ~ By Leon- ard Seeley and Herb Grunimett. WALTER POOLE â€" By Jas. Otte- well and Peter Somers. JAS. MONAGHAN â€" By Angus Morrison and R. J. Priestly. Archie Buie (withdrew) â€" By W'. L. Taylor and .Jas. McDonald. John Stinson (withdrew) â€" By W'. Neff and W. Muirhead. Fred Hale and Harvey Pediar were nominated a.s school trustees for S. S. No. 7 (Feversham). Those with the asterisk before the name were mem'bers of the 19.36 Council. the county, showing that some $l,CO0 less taxes were being paid to the county treasurer this year that befre He also stated that Osprey township will collect its own ta.xea, making it more handy than previously, wiieii an interested party had to travel to Owcii Sound. Since a vote had nev^r been taken on the statute labor question he thought that the people should be given the chance to say whether or not the present system should be con- tinued or revert to the old system of statute labor. He denied rumori that were prevalent that he had se- cured the contract for his son to haul gravel for the township roads, but that his was the lowest tender, and also that he was not asked to drop his price to seven cents. There were three tenders, one for 15 cents, one for 10 cent? and Clarence Lockhart's for 7 cents. He defended the audit made of the books this summer, as it cleaned up a regrettable occurrence in the township atfairs. due to loose system of doing business. At present the township has one of the best sys- tems of book-keeping that could be secured. .Mr. Lockhart pledged him- self that if he goes back he can re- duce the township assessment by two mills. ^ Mr. Arnold Hutchihson, Deputy- Reeve by acclamaton, thanked the ratepayers for their faith in him. He thought the money for the audit was well spent. He also showed that in his division 656 yards of gravel wer^ spread by teams at a cost of $574, while 342 yards were spread by the , Miss Ruby Akitt, who has been at- t rucks at a cost of $58. He also tending Owen Sound business college. tatute labor 's spending the vacation at her home. The Advance â- > ;! wishes its readers health and happiness during 1937 I An Unusual Oflence Alex. Findlay Died -At Owen ibound 4»»»»f»»<i»». H i >» i | i | i | I H »<|i| |it>' H"t ♦ ♦♦' ! â- * ' » '> * ' >* ♦'> < I I IH ii U ' t 't A convi(;tion was obtained recently for an offence against the Special War Revenue Act of an unusual na- ture. The proprietor of a large com- mercial concern in an Ontario city was reported to have been removing, during the past few years, cancelled Excise stamps from cheques, and af- ter erasing cancellation marks to have been re-using the stamps on new cheques, thereby evading payment ol the stamp tax. X search of the premises revealed a number of cancelli d cheques with the Excise stamps removed, a quan- tity of Excise stamps of different de- nominations which apparently had been taken from used cheques and treated so as to remove cancellation marks, a book of blank che<iues with Excise stamps attached, all of which ctamps bore evidence of cancellation, and a largi- quantity of used cheques whose Excise stamps bore unmistak- able sigiis of having been cancelled twice and also having been reglued. The penalty impose<i was a heavy Tine, or three months imprisonment. Mr. Stewart McTavish and son Dan of Oshawa were visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park Chi-istmas day in Toronto. spent j Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Down and fam- ^ ily spent Christmas day with Mr. and ' Mrs. Alf Down and Mrs. H. Down. From the above who were nomin- ated at the annual meeting of th«, ratepayers at Maxwell on Monday I ...tated that a retum to afternoon it will be .seen that the elec- | would be a mistake, tors of Osprey township will have a| Lewis O. .Moore and Wm. Heitman large selection from which Co choose j gave splendid addresses and asked the a council for 1937. Arnold Hutchin- 1 ratepayers for their support at the son. Deputy-Reeve for the past two election t„ be held on Mondav next weeks, received a„ acclamation, as we each feeling that he had special qual- predicted in last week's issne AH ifications that would entitle them to the other members of the 1930 council the office of Reeve. All the other will have to fight to retain their seat.s. councillors also gave a summary of The Orange hall .it MaxweH was their work for the past year and crowded to capacity for the roinina. stated they would h tion meeting and the ratepa.,'ers were quiet and orderly throughout the pro- ceedings and very few quesci ins w«^re aske'd the 1936 council members. Previous to the speaking by those nominated Mr. C. N. Long. Clerk- Ti-easurer. reviewed the financial statement and Mr. Jas. McTvciixie. Road Superintendent, gave an account of the money spent on roads during the year, showing that it cost only 28 cents per yard to place gravel on ihe road by trucks and 68 cents per yard by teams. Reeve John Lockhart gave a.i ac- count of the equalized assessment for field all for e in the election to the 1937 Council. Messrs. Geo. I). .Short and W. L. Ta.vloi', former Reeves, gave short addresses, the latter being in a vei^ iovial mood and delighted the gather. ing with some excellent stories. Of the new nominees for the posi- tion of councillor Jos. McCutcheon. Walter Poole and Jas. Monaghan stated they were in the field, while .Archie Buie and Joh,, Stinson did noi choose to run at this time. We would have been pleased to give n more detailed account of the nom- ination meeting, but space does not permit. .Mrs. .A.Iex. Kennedy and J. C. Ken- nedy spent Christmas day with .Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy at Dundalk. Miss .\nnie Ellison returned last week after spending a week at her parental home at .\lliatori. -Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Chappie an<: .Wun have spent the Christmas holi- I days at Meaford. j Miss Nellie Thistlethwaite of To- ; ronto is visiting her parents, -Mr. and ! Mrs. John Thistlethwaite. Mr. und Mrs. Chris. Thomson are spending a week in Toronto. Miss Isobel Rowe spent Christmas wet'k end at her home at Lome Park. Mr. Geo. Goldsborough of ThoroU; spent the week end with his family. Mr. Tbos. Brady of Blind River spent Christmas day with his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Marriott and family were at Holland Centre for their Christmas dinner. Mr. Robt. Carrothers spent the Christmas week end at his home in London. .Messrs. Earl Ottewell and Mervyn ; Johnson of Pickering are spending ' this week at iheir parental homes. j Mr. Jos.. Oswald of the Bank of! Commerce staiT, spent Christmas day j ai his home at Cheslev. Mr their ville. .Mi.- Miss and Mrs. R. B. Heard enjoyed Christmas dinner at Oraiige- s Shirley Murray of Toronto and Betty .MMrrav of St. Thomas Heavy Rains WHO OWNS THE CARS? Ill all Canada, averages show that iu.st a little over ten per cent of the I motor ve- how pro- Rain during the past week cleared all the snow from the landscape and People own the autos an the hills are almost as bare as in the summer. Rain commenced to fall on Christmas morning, continued all day and on Saturday and Sunday. Mon- day was a delightful day and Tues- day evening rain again started to fall, continuing this Wednesday morning. The^ rivers are all swollen and the swa'mps are fast filling up with water. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb of Toronto are visiting their daughtei-. .Mrs. G. R. Service at the parsonage. .Mr. and Mrs. Kennetn McKe.' and i -tbi- »penc -he w . â- . end with Mr. and -Mrs. John Mjf-e. Miss Aleda Mitchell who has been in Toronto for several weeks is spending a week at her home in town. â- Mrs. J. Blackburn is making her annual visit in the city with l^'- R. H. and Mrs. Henderson. .MIessrs. Dan. and George McTavish were in Toronto and Oshawa i)n Tues- da.v and Wednesday. A FINE BOX OF APPLES A box of fine Delicious apple^ was received by Bob Phillips of town sent to him by Mr. Robt. Swanton of Donald, Wash. The editor sampled one of them and it was delicious by nature also. Mr. Ed. Patton of Oshawa. Miss hides. .Ml parts continue to showlAit'ies Iiwin ami Misses Ilattie and higher registration, but some pro- ! t^o'is .McRae of Toronto spent Christ- vinces register a big lead over oth- 1 '"as ai their homes here, ers. Ontario is first with 15.7 per ' 100 population; British Columbia fol- lows with 13.4 per cent, then spent Christinas at their home here. .Mr, and .Mrs. C. White of Waubau- sheiie spent Christmas with Miss Tena Henderson and Mr. and Mi"s. George Blackburn. Miss Lucy .McDonald, who is at- tending Toronto Normal School, is spending a week with her sister. Mrs. Frank Taylor. Miss Marie .McKecknie and .Mr. G. C. Thomp.soii of Toronto spent Christ- mas with the former's jjarents. Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. McKecknie. CLOSE WEDNESD.VY NIGHTS Conimoming the first Wednesday in Tanuary the merchants of Fle.«hert<in will ,iOt open their stores Weilnesdny evening.s duriiii; the winter months. This arrangement was used last winter and was a success. Wednes- day, .lanuary 6th will be the first date at which the stores w'U clo-:e at •> o'clock p.m. Old Paper Money .A geiitiemaii who visited The .Ad- vance office one <iay recently showed uj a number of old bank bills, relics of past years. .Among them were: International Bank, one dollar of 1859: Colonial Bank, one $2.00 bill and two S;J.ilil bills, in almost perfect con- dition; Bank of Brantford, one $2.00 bill; Dominion of Canada $2.00. "pay- abl,. at Toronto". 1859; Ontario Bank one $4.00 bill l!*TO; Ontario Bank S4.- 0(1 .Alexaibder Findlay, proprietor of the Queen's Hotel, Owen Sound, died at his home there on Saturday night. December 26th, after a brief illness. He was in his 68th year. While Mr. Findlay had not been i« good health for some time, he was able to be up and around until recent- ly. His death will come as a shock to his family and a wide circle of friends. During his 12 years as pro- prietor of the hotel. Mr. Findlay had made a host of friends with the trav- elling public, tourists and citizens in general a. id there will be keen regret at his passing. He wa.« a native of Dundee. Scot- land, but migrated to Canada as a buy of four with big parents and lived the greater part of his life on a farm on the 6th Concession of Os- prey township. Twelve years ago he went to Owen Sound and took over the Queen's Hotel which he turned into one of the most hospitable hos- teleries in the city. He was married to Miss Ellen Mor- rison of Osprey township, who sur- vives with a family of four daughters, ami one son, Sophie and Mamie at- hoMie. \Aa in Toronto. Ifcy. Mrs, Gavari of New York City, and Will- iam at home. There are also three brothers. Jamcj of Toronto. Charles of Listowel. William of Osprey, and two sisters. Mrs. Mcliines of Badjeros, and Mrs. .\lex. Mc.Arthur of .Maxwell. Mr. Findlay was a Presbyterian, st member of .St. .Andrew's Church. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, the service from the hotel residence at 2 p.m. and burial was made in Greenwood Cemetery. New Year's Concert The Fleshertoii United Church Sunday School is holding their an- nual .Anniversary .Supper and Con- cert in the Church basement on New Vears .Night. .>Jupper for the schol- ars commences at 5 o'clock and fol- 1872. and -Montreal Bank S2.00 of ; lowing the supijer a concert in the 1859. issued from Stratford. .Amoiiy- ehurch. .As \>an of the programme, the above bills the first three bill^ the Ceylon Young People are pi-es- were worthless from a money point of eiiting their play, "The Empty Room."' view, also the Dominion of Canada Members and friends of the church and Molson's bill valuable iU* relics, but prized by the owner as The rest are only j are a.ske<i to bring the usual basket to all ale highly j help out with the supper. Sunday curiosities : school scholars free, all others 'ioc. FOl RTH LINE SI NDAY SCHOOL | The 4th friends met .Mrs. .lohii evening, the line Sunday School and at the home of .Mr. and Stephen on Wednesda.v 23rd. .\ good program The average man feels hes just a WW bit above the average man. .Mhs. K. MacMaster. went a rather serious .Markdale hospital has her home in town. who under- operation in returned to Alberta with 12. Manitoba. Saskatchewan and P.E.I, have a little more than 9 va Scotia has 8.3, New Brunswick 7.3 va Scitia has 8.3. New Brunswick 7.3 and Quebec 5.3. I'. E. I. shows thi largest increase, 14,2 per cent. NEIL BROWN DIES Mr. Leo Patton of London and Misses Winnonu and .Nathalie Patton. Toronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Patton. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell Jr., also Mr. and Mrs. 0. Clipperton with Rillie and Mary ate their Christma.- dinner at tii^, parental home. Misses Marguerite and Myrtle Ken- nedy of Thedford and Toronto respect- ively are holidaying with their mother. Mrs. .Alex. Kennedy. including solos, leadings, an ama | ^ teur program and a playette wa.s ' J much enjoyed. It is surprising how ' ♦ well the liMUg jjeiieration can hold | X down the platform. The Pedlar or- I J chesira pert'ormed in cellent stvle. â- I" * + + t .Vnd \\e Never Wish their usual eX- I A Word For The Witness Mr. and Mrs. John Dow of Toronto! Mr. and Mrs. Glen McDonald and and Mr. Peter Dow of Strafl'ordville j son of Chatsworth were Christina." spent Christmas with Mrs. D. Dow, in town. their mother. The "'I'y place where you get dis- charged for doing well is a hospital. Neil Brown, former i-esident of this part, died recently at his home at Port Chester, N.Y, Mr. Brown had been a reader of The Advance for many years and we are very soiTy to learn of his passing. Mr. Robt. Fisher is improving nicely following his operation in the Owen Sound hospital last week and expects to conie honie in a week. Mis.-jes Jeaiiette Cargoe, Kate Mc- .Millan. I«>uia Boyd and Del! Thurs- ton, teachers, are holidaying at their homes hei-e. visitors with her mother. Morgan. Mrs. W. E. $ t**< H ''^.ttt.t,i.if.i,,i„jf.tf]f ^* *-i " ^*'h- : %4i. | .»i|i* GREETINGS XA'e wish u> take this opportunity to ui.sh all our friends and customers the best of everything during the New Year. H. A. MILLIGAN : BARBER FLESHERTON ! ''' i **************** * ****** * ** I > > >» *♦♦ * > ************** * * Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crossley of Wes- ton and Mr. and Mrs. F'lank Thibau- deau of Markdale sjjent Christmas i c„n,e with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ferris. .Mss Roberta Leavell of Toronto is pending the holiding week with her â- arents; i.ll enjoyed a drive out! !;i the farm of Mr. Dick Clarke, where! they a'e their Christmas gno.sc aim other good things. The Women's Institute will meet at ;he home "f M's. Wm. Turney on Wednesday, January 6. 19;!6. at ^ call to be answered by ft ( Walkerton Herald-Times i Recently a Judj^re severely reprim- anded a witness because the witness handed back to an examining lawyer On the cas.'. an Insinuating statement; the judge leinarking: "I am not goiiiir if to have voiinsel insulted,'' But who ; J .â- ver heard of a Jud^e remarking, "I i J am not going to have witness insult-,? ed?' If it is contempt of court to i J have counsel insulted, is it any less i > contempt to have witness insulted? jj Ye! how freijUeiitly does the latter "C- ,;. cur. and the Jud.ge lets it pass with-l5| out comment. In a Court of Justice 1 1? is not a witness as much entitled to | i protection as an examining lawyer Oldâ€" But Ever New. More Sincerely Do You a H.VI'I'V NEW YEAR Kxtendin« lo Our Many Cus- tomers and Friends, our ap- preciiii-ioii of their shipments. ami hope lor their continued â- leultb and prosperity, as also for a continuance of both friendly and business relations ihrougboiit the coming year. If > ou .Are Not .Vlread.\ Niinihereij among our customers. We sincerely trust you will give lis a trial consignment the next t:me you ship. Make 19:17 the Best Year Yet By Sending Your Shipments To Dunn&Levack Ltd. Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Established 1803 I'nion Stock Yards â€" Toronto ri.ni. New Roll Year's resolution. Visitor, wel- Mr. and Mrs. .A."jr:r.y I':!-,stcr and Mrs. J. Jones "f Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Inkster of Wareham were vistors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Inkster, Mr. R. G. Holland is feeling much improved in heafth and is now able to receive a limited number of visitors each day. His many fi'iends are more than pleased to learn this. Visitor, with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henderson over the holiday were Mr. and Mrs, L«awrence and Miss Eva Lawrence of Toronto, Mrs. Law- reUt-e will remain for a couple of weeks. Christma..; and week end visitors at | M'.-. John .McDonald's were: 'Mh-. and Mrs. .Mbort Horn'blow of Mimico; , Misses Ponelda, Georgina and Betty { McDonald of Toronto; Miss Kathleen | McDonald of Hamilton and Mr. L. Thauburn. Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. G. Engles and babe spent the holiday at Mrs. Engle,<»' parental home at Kingston. They are moving this week to Brampton. Mr. G, Reid of Drayton is taking over Mr, Engles' work here. TRl CKING SERVICE F, Curran Tiansport Service, Flesh- erton. TUB rVNKRAL CHAPBL. « A di«iiiricd. pMMoiU funan] Mnk*, Availnblc la ui , Toronto and inhnrbt at prtcct tn nH tha Income of tytty P»xU of f.-imU;, i^ateiBi Sc iDabbocks i^urial Co. BI rORMBILT Fred Maddooks 4344-34Jt ONI BLOCK SOtm BATES BDBIAI. CO. Richard Maddocks. M^r. 124 AVENll ROAJ> OF DAVBNPORT ROAD