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Flesherton Advance, 28 Oct 1936, p. 6

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»: . *,v;.x<«:»:<<<»x<»>>i<<<<<*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>i«>>>>>:«>:»>>>>>:« DEATHON THE ^ lAMOND BY CORTLAND FlTZSlMMON5\ V !^>^;<;•:c<<f^♦:•>:<•A;:♦:o>>>>:*;^:♦z<♦>I<♦:o:o>IO>I<<oI♦I♦>zoIO>x<♦l♦I♦iâ- | SYNOPSIS Since Pop Clark disbanded his famous Blue Kire-eaters ten years ago he has been vainly trying to win the United League peni.ant with his Royal Blues. Sport wri- ters give them little chance. "Ami Rot an iiico little scoop for your troul;k' . Well, you've had enough for one day; you'd bettor Krrain. "K'lly's mouth flnltoncd out into a straipht iinc and his eyes lost all s(mb!an<«' of mildnesi!. "Hut pco! Inspector!" T o r r y st.artt'd. "Yeah! I know. Voii guys arc np»- cr satisfiod, are you?" ''But it's prtat nows and iialurally I'd like to lie on the inside if I could." ' Cll.M'TKK VII Kolly .started to speii then slopped. Terry watehed his hupeful- ly. "You were in the pre.'s \w\ all through the paim?" Kellv asked. "Yl!i." I Indi'^jiually Â¥wr<if>ped â- |GHT 4 ROYAL YEAST CAKES keep FULL STRENGTH Make these delicious breads with Royal Yeast Cakes and Royal Sponge Recipes . . . Royal Ireast CakeH are tl:e only dry yt' fully proteeled hy individual, air-tight wrappers. This iLs.suri-s abso- lute fri-shni'sa and iwrfect leavening rvery time you ii.s<' them. The stand- ard lor more than 60 yearsâ€" ia it any wonder 7 out vt S Canadian housc- â- wivi-s who use dry yeast demand Royal? Ke<i) u i)aikage handy. SftuI for FREE BOOKLET! "The Koyul Yeast Hake Bonk" ftUtii I e a t V tl K o y a I Spiiii^e Kt'clpea for f li v h r c a tl • shown ul>«tv(< anti fiui 11 y others. FHKK! Tfte i,,u- pon (rxtay! HIY MAIU- ?\ (ANAIJA <i<>0U5 ROYAL YEAST CAKES ST.\M)\ai> Il'MVnS IIMITF.II l..«rA.i.»nJl.llM!fl,s..,<).,l. HI».»f irnd niu the l,n Ko).l Ym.i U^kjc Uuok. N«inc Strrrf To«*n â- â€¢Have you sent your Kliiff In to the paper?" "I called them up and k'a^c them the scoop." "No, I mean the play by play ac- count of the came.'' "All but the la;:t part, and 1 have that here in my pocket.' Terry pul- Itil out .some sheets of paper. "Well. I fiueiiK I'll kt you stick around. I 1 may need you to check with me as I fo alonp." "Thanks, Inspector.'' "Where do you pet that Inspcilor Ktuir? I'm just Bill Kelly of the Homicide S(|uad. You stay here, see, but don't give anything to your paper without my okay.'' Kelly turned tu the do.tur. "You .say he's been sliolV "Yes, throuirh the heart." "Now. who (iid It and how?'' Kelly mused aloud. "The Doe tiiiiik.s it was done with a rifle," Terry ofl'ercd. "Why?" Kelly .'^wuii!,' toward the doctor. "As 1 explained to this young man, this was an accurate shot and you couldnt trust a revolver .'^o great a iii:'tancc." "Where do you fcel tlii.s dislanee slulf?" Kelly demanded. "V\ell," the doctor bewail, "it is po:.sible, but not likely, that a man on the field fired the shot. If the shot was not tired from the field then it came from the stands or out- side somewheii'. .See what I mean? '^'ou can't coiMiiKind accuracy at too great a di-staiue with sx revolver." "That's u good point," Kelly said, "only I don't like it. If that bozo was shot with a rifle, it cuuUl have biM.ii done from most anywhere, up on the hlulfs, from some liouselup, from the top of the stands." "Or even from the eUiated sta- tion," Terry suggested. Two policemen hurried in. 'Hello, Kelly, what arc you doing here?" Just wandered over to see what the excitement was all about,' Kelly answered. ".-Xiid when I saw it was hot stuff, 1 called centre street to see if I could have tho case. I'm on." "What's up?'' the second policeman uskcd. "Looks like minder," Pop (lark and Walsh, the rhila<iel- pli.a manager, came in just as Kelly siiid "murder '' "It cant be muider," I'op said. "U is just the same,' Kelly re- plied, "unless the Doi- here is off his base." "Of eouiae, some one wo'il 1 have to iiiiirder my hcl player just when I was winning a canu!" Walsh was as mad as a wet lun. "It's impo::i,ibkl" I'oj) muttered, tryinj; to grasp the implications of both Kelly and Walsh. "I lost the game, didii't 1?" Walsh .snapped. "L(Jst it wluri 1 had it in the bag, too. lloraii touched out a di'ail man and the verdict will have to stand. How could my ni .i play ball after what happened?" "Then the It'ues won?" Terry asked. "Oon't lie funtsv, yoiiiiu' fi How? Why wouldn't they win?" The tramp of fei t and tho noise of men bustling about thi; locker- room could be heard p'ainly in the silence whieli followed Walsh's l/l- ter speech. Kelly turned In Pop (.'larl:. '1 want you to hold all the nun, both teams, until I can have a chance fo talk to them. You hoys see» to that, will you?' he instructed the policemen, "and," he added as »n afterthought, " all of them, both teams."' The men gone, ho continued: "I'll get the medic;il examiner up here to vciify the e.xamination on this doc- tor, h there some place we can go away from this''" he ;iski d Pop. "My room.s," Pop MiKge:,tiil. They walked the hall and when they were seated. Kelly sau! to Terry, "take notes for me. will yo',1, They may come >i l- nvly." Home Hints By LAURA KNIGHT Ask for To End a Meal Happily Never mind how uninteresting the first course of dinner has been, there arc always days when the housewife has to use up left-over."!, but if y.ou serve a Coconut Crested Angel Food Cake for dessert, the first course will be forgoten aii<l forgiven and dinner pronounced a success ! This toolhsonie-looking cake Is popular with everyone and seived with coffee, is perfect. The brown- ed premium shred coconut just gives tho right pi(|uancy to the Angel Cake and is very decorative. Coconut Crested Ange* Food Cake 1 cup sifted cake flour. , 1 cup cgge whites. V; teas|)ooii s;;lt. 1 teaspoon ereani of tartar. I'i cups sifted granulated sugar. "i teaspoon vanilla. Vi teaspoon almond extract. '/â- â€¢ cup coconut, premium shred. Sift flour once, measure, and sift four nioro times. Beat egg whites and salt with flat w-Ire whisk. When foamy, add cream of tartar, and continue beating until eggs are stiff enough to hold up in peaks, but not dry. Fold in sugi'.r carefully, two tablespoons at a time, until all 1."? used. Fold in flavoring. Then silt small amount of flour over mixture and fold in carefully; continue un- til all is used. Pour batter into un- grease<l angel food pan. Sprinkle with coconut. Hake in slow oven at least one hour. Ilegin at llTu degrees F.. and after .'SO minutes in- crease heat slightly {'.12!') D.), and bake .'iO minutes. Invert pan one hour. This Week's Winner While Cake With Date Fillinc: â€" ] cup white sURar. '^ tablespoons butter. J egg. 'â- 1 cups flour, .'ifted .') times witli 2 teaspoons l)aking powder I .Magic Po-.vder preffernl). 1 cup sv,-eet milk. iMix egg, su>;ar, softened butter Then h. tuiniil to Walsh: "Wlial do ou know about Whitner?" ''.\'ot a great di.-il. Y'ou piolmbly know more ahoul him than 1 do if you are a fan. He's been with us for three ycar.s now and was our best man. We got him in a trade from the Detroit Hears." "Is he married'"' "Not that I know of." "Then that eliu'.inatrs a jea'ous wife from tlie picltlie . . . Was lu' well liked en the team?" wa ; the IK'Xl (lUistiill. "No. He was {.â- â- <() arrogant miist of the t'nu'. I dou't think any of the boys actually dslike<| him but they left him pretly much to himself. He didn't pal with any one in particu- lar." "What did he do with his t'me?" "He wn.s great on the social stuff. He had good connections and knew people in most of the cities. Ho was quite a hand with the ladies " "That opens up (piite a line for invesllnallon. Did he ever have any trouble over women?" "None that I know about except â€" "Walsh stopped and glanced at Pop. "Kxcepl what?" Kelly demanded. "He means my daughter," Pop said. (To be Continued.) Buckinqham fINE CUT Issue No. 44 â€" '36 C-2 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin* to Go The liver should ponr out two pounds of liquid liile into your Iwwels daily. If thin bile ittnol flowinir freely, your fotid doean't digeflt. 11 juit diicava in tho Imwelfl. Cai* bloatu up youraloinftch. Youitet (-onstipHtml. Harmful poisonH Ko into tho botly. and yuu feeJ Bour, gunk and tho world looks punk. A mere bowel movement doosn'ttlwsyii (tet St the cause. Yon need something that workn on tile liver aa wrll. It takes Ihoae Rood, old Carter's l.itile l.iver I'llls to kcI those two liound:^ of hlle llnwiiiK freely and make yoii feel "up and up". Harmless and ffenUa, tney make the Into flitw fn-cly. 'I'lu-y do the work of ralontcl hut have no calomel or roercary in them. Ask fur Carter's Little Liver Pills by uomel titubtwroly refuse MUrthing else. 2&c. Salada Brown Label "SALADA TEA Tweedsmuir Tells Of Exam Failures thoroughly, then add milk and flour alternately and beat. Hake in mod- erate oven in 2 well-greased layer cake tins. Date Filling:â€" 1 cup chopped dates. 1 cup white sugar. Water to moisten; cook to a thick | paste and spread between layers. Icing: â€" Heat one banana to a putp; add 1 cup icing sugar and good-sized piece of butter or a little cream, and ice top and sides of cake.â€" Mrs. L. M. .^llen, Jarvis, Ont. TORONTO â€" Lord Tweedsmuir disclaimed any academic qualifica- tion for the honorary degree of doc- tor of divinity, when it was confer- red upon him at Victoria University's centennial convocation. In fact, he admitted that he had had something less than average success with the one examination in divinity which he had to write while at Oxford. At that time, an elementary exam- ination was obligatory on all under- graduates. "I regret to say that on three separate occasions I failed," he confessed. "I didn't believe any pre- paration was necessary and that the son of a Scotch manse could answer any question an English don could ask." Attention! Scud in your favorite rci-Ipe for pie, cake, main-course dish, or preserves. We are offering $1.00 for each recipe printed. Licenses were needed by Russians who wished to wear beards in the reign of Peter the Great, who put a heavy tax on the "face fungus". His aim was to make his people shave in Kuropcan style. A Wrap Around Slip For Extra Lone Wear HOW TO ENTER CONTEST Plainly write or print out the in- gredients and method .ind send it together with name and .-\ddrcss to: Household Science. 73 West Ade- laide Sf:-cet, Toronto, Ont. Trade In Far East Held Important Sir Herbert Marler Says Jap- anese Business is Vital MONTRKAL â€" Canadians should bo giving greater consitleration to their trade interests in the Far Fast â€" and it would be to their own benefit. Sir Herbert Harler. former C;inadian .Minister to Japan and newly-apiiointed Minister to Wash- believes. Japan's enormous industrial ex- pansion had particular meaning to Canada which has a large export trade to the Far Fast, Sir Hcrhert .said, pointing out ("aiiadian raw materials and senii-linished goods supplied base for tinishcd Japanese products. Sir Herbert staleil ("anailian tiade with Japan hail been b;ully balanc- ed in l!t2!», but "now we have far more diversified and larger exports to that country than ever." The idea that Japan was so far east it couhl have only little affect on ('an.:dian busine.-s conditions was eiioneous, the minister said. He explained: ''Japanese buy asbes- tos aiul aluminum from Quebec; nickel from Ontario; wheat from the Prairies, and lumlier from Uritish Colunihia. 'We are even alfected by a famine in China or a great depreci- ation of currency there. For then the Japimeso cannot sell the manu- factured goods in China and can- not buy from us," he concluded. Let Me Have Men About Me That Are Fat~!n Japan TOKIO.-TIie majority of pupils nt a "school for brides' 'declared fhem- .selves In favor of alout men as hus- bands. And only a Biinority were in favot of love matches, most of them declar- ing that they preferred to have the marrlaf-'o arranged throuKh a broker, ant! did not earo to associate with their husbands before they were mar- ried to them. Most of tho girls would prefer to make their home with the husband's I)ar(Mits and to live In town instead of (he country. All of them wanted their husbandB (o tako them to tho cinema (or con- eerls or playslâ€" 70 per cent, saying, Ihey must Ko at least three times n month and the rest wanted to go four times or more. Halt of the Kirls said they would ' like three <hlldren, the rest wanted anythinp; from four to 13! Only one girl, however, wanted 13. Forty per cent, of the girls stipi'- lated a minimum Income of 100 yen (|25) a mor»fh â€" tho others were pre pared to get along with leas bo Ion- as the Income carried a husband wl:'. It. 1946B .No sales talk or an;ilysis is no- . essary to convince you that this slip i.s action built, shadow proof, and slyleil for extra liuig wear. Notice how the skirt double in hack is left open at llie sides from the waist That nie;tns less wear and tear and you won't sit the back or split seams. The low tut hack and narrow straps inake it ideal for your si. eel tioek and evening Rown. A cooler, easier to don, wrap-around just doesn't oxisti What's more, it is so easy to make, retiulring a minimum of tiitliiiK anil stllchiUK. Ytni can't have too many of these slips. Just send for Har- bara Hell Pattern -No. I!t4(;-B. It is available for sizes 14. Iti. IS, L'O; 40, 42 and 44. Correspondint; bust measurements '.]2, ',',{, ;!(!. US, 40, 42 and 44. Size Hi i?A) requires 2 3-4 yards of .'!!l-ineli niateilal. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address, and number of pattern wanted. En- close 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred); wrap it carefully and address your order to Barbara Bell, Room 421, 73 Adelaide W.. Toron- to. Use of "Stop" Signs Writes the Toronto Telesram. â€" Ontario motorists a.-e wdl served by tho system of road signs indicating tho approach to curves, intersections and through thoroughfares. These signs are simple, distinct and gener- ally of good viBlbi''ty. Considerable success has also attended the efforts of the Highway Department to subor-^ dinate merely advertising si.gns bo that they do not interfere with the direction sifins. ",\o theory can pass all tests with flying colors." â€" Julif.n S. Huxley. // cl QkilxL ASK YOUR DOCTOR THIS Ask Him Before Giving Your Child an Unknown Remedy Practically :uiy doctor you ask will warn: "Don't <iwe your child nnknown rewcilics without askittij your doctor first." When it comes lo the widely used children's remedy â€" "milk of niajj- lu-sia."' the standard of the world is established. For over half a century iiKiny doctors have said •'PHILLIPS' Milk of .Magnesia." Safe for cliildren. No other is "ciuite like il." Keep tills in mind, and sav "PHIL- LIPS' MILK OF NL\G"NFSIA" when you buy. Now also in l:ib!clfomi. Cicl the ferm you prefer. But see that â- what you i;ct is lalicled "Genuine Phillips' .Milk of Magnesia." Also IN TABLET FORM: Knih tiny tablet is tl-.o o«juiv nil-nt «>f :i l''li>'p(M)nfut i' Ki'nuino l'hilli;w' Ma^ucsiu. MAD£ IN CANADA Phillips' magnesia Have YOU An Aim In Life ? The rare n^.-iy m-t he t-) the .-wif;. nor the tialtle to the Htrung â€" but. the prizea In lire DO Kj to the mentally alert and et- lii-Unl. You ean brini; <;!fcrti m t.» benr on your life aud learn .'-ell-mai^tery. Mental K(U- c.eney is a matter u( training. r.-nff for jiai tlculars cf cur cour:ies. The I.-istitute of Practical and Applied Psychology y;o ro:>;KKL)Er;.\TioN blik;. Montreal, P.Q. THE GREAT ENERGY FOOD with the delicious Flavor GDIVARDSBIJRG CORN SYRUP A Product of The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited Listen to • -Syrui-y .Vyrnp/ionfy'^mryMomtoy^nf^J^r^n S to^S.S O E.SJ\ - * ,-l'>aiiiL1^L'^ :li:u.,^J^^^^S^K â- 

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