THE FLESHERTON ADVWiNCE Wednesday, September 16, 193d ,.< â- *, J^V- r -%i: â- i^'-:- LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS PRICEVILLE It was our good fortune to enpoy a trip through the fine scenery from here to Thombury and M€aford, last week, and in the congenial company of an M. D. It was no less a pleasure to meet in both places kind friendis of long ago, including the only remain- ing Col. of the six we kmew, Col. Hugh Cleland, still hale and hearty. Evwits and happenings of old times 'Were recalled pleasantly. Our mut- ual friend, Mr. S. Thurston was also met with, agreeably. Mr. J. C. Harrison with character- istic energy, is again putting up an impro7ed and larger building for the mill recently burned, the timber be- ing already on the grround, much help is, and will be offered in its erection. We were also a pleased listener to the Virginia Jubilee Sing:ers at Amos near Dromore, on Saturday, Sept- ember 5th and again on Sunday fol- lowing, with wonderful precision, har- mony and vim, They are expected here on Novem- ber 19th at St. Columba United church, when a good attendance is assured and hoped for. Miss Mary Tryon, M. D., Detroit, is at present holidaying at the old FEVERSHAM Mrs. John Smalley, Mrs. Charles Hornby and Misa Ann Eobinaon, all of CoUingwood were visitors here last week. Mr. John Robinson has treated him- self to a new Hudson Eight car. The harvesting is nearly finished and the threshing has begun. A number from here were in the city last week attending the exhibi- tion. A shower and dance was held in the agricultural hall here on Wednesday night for Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby who were recently married. Mr. and Mrs. James Long and Mrs. Long's mother, Mrs. John Paul, vis- ited with friends in Toronto and Dun- dalk, recently. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby presented them with a beautiful clock. There is lots of water now to run the mill here, the repairing of the floom and bulkhead did the trick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley of Not- tawa, called on old neighbors in the village on Wednesday evening last, their many friends were pleased to <iee them again. Mr. and Mrs. Frank . Whewell of I K1MB£RL£^ Holiday visitors were: Mr. Stuart Ellis of Toronto with his father, Mr. W. T. Ellis; Miss Geraldine Wrf)er and Mr. Art Wardman and Miss Ev- elyn Montgomery with the Weber families; Miss E. Burritt, Mrs. Har- old Proctor and Betty and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rodgers of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt; Miss Tena Hutchinson and Miss lola Gra- ham at their parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard, Miss D. Baker and Ruthie Chard spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis at Foss Mills, also slyent a day at the Ex- hibition. Mr. amd Mrs. Fred Ellis visited a few days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ellis. Mrs. Selena and Miss Joy Ellis returning with them after visiting there a week. Mr. Lloyd Cliff visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A.. E. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burritt, Mark- dale spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt. The Ladies' Aid met Tuesday after- noon at the home of Miss Mary Haines, seventeen members and vis. EUGENIA Mr. Reeve will preach his last ser- vice Sunday evening in the L. O.L. hall. He is returning to Toronto to resume his studies. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor and son Arthur spent a few days in Toronto and attended the exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee, their daughter, Miss Fer» and their son, GeKald, and their niece. Miss Irva Magee are spending a week visiting with friends in Parry Sound district. We are pleaged to report Misa An- nieta Turner almost well again after her recent illness with a sevece at- tack of tonsilitis. Miss Bernice Campbell has return- ed home from Fern Cottage near Or- Ulia. Mr. Arthur Lawlor spent a few days with his friend, Mr. B. Jewett of Sing- hampton. â- »»»»>»♦,»♦♦»♦» »»»»i> t » â-ºâ™¦â™¦ ♦^♦ ♦♦♦♦i> H 1 1 H ! ♦ H H * » >♦♦♦ â- » ilThe Newest Fall Millinery on display at I MRS. WM. MILLER'S Hats Moderately Priced Hl-H >♦♦♦ ♦ ♦< > hHH ♦♦♦»>>>♦» * ♦ * » >♦ ♦♦♦* >♦>» ROCK MILLS borne here, and were pleased to re new the acquaintances. Rev. and , ^'"eland, and son Norris and wife, Mrs. Howey (nee Margaret)and two I called on Mrs. Whewell's brother, Em - children of Thornbury, were also on a short visit at her former residence here. , The ceiling of the stable of Mr. H. B. McLean's, recently broken with the weight of hay above, has been jacked up, hay and all, and two stout beams put in. Mr. Hughie McLean, the efficinet mover was in charge of the work, a great accomplishment. Mrs. Watson, after a pleasant 3 •weeks visit with Mr. anr Mrs. Braw- ley, Beeton, returned to her home here Sunday. A number from here attended Dur. ham fair Friday. Mr. Jack McArthur returned home after visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Thelma and Alex. Dobson, To. ronto, are visiting at Mr. Archie Mc Arthur's, townline. Recent visitors with Andrew Hincks were: Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Milne and family, Flesherton, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hincks and Marilyn, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and family. Messrs. Dare Hincks, Robt. Steph. enson, Mrs. A. L. Hincks and Shirley spent the week end in Toronto and were accompanied home by Miss AI- meda Hincks who wUl spend two weeks holidays before taking a course in public health at university. Brownridge here on Sunday. They had attended the Morrison â€" Whewell wedding at Maxwell on Saturday last. y^r. and Mrs. femneth Wickens and _ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Porteoua and Mr. and Mrs. Sara Croft from near I family visited the first of the week Flesherton visited Sunday with Mr. with Dundalk friends, and Mrs. C. Martin. { Mr. A.\ex. La-i^hlin left Friday for Dr. and Mrs. K. E. Little of Flesh- i Toronto where he has secured work, erton were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. Messrs. Joe. Williams, Jr. and Ted Campbell spent a few days in To- ronto, returning home Sujiday ac- companied by the former's mother who has spent the past week with friends in the city. 1 Mrs. Calvin Boyce has discontinued â- her booth in the Park for this season I and has been very grateful to the PROTON STATION iters were present. ;, "",'" "," , "iS'" ,""." ". "* W J 'Vewell herp „ A A J *T * ^ t her booth in the Park for this season "- • J- -'^eweu, nere Mrs. A. Andrew of Toronto spent a j^ ^^^ ^ ^^ 0;,^ Oark is in Toronto again day with Mrs. Chas. Graham. \ ' » • j u for treatments ,. - . - , ... TT_-j i many customers who patronized her ^°^ treauueiiis. Mrs. Laurie Lawrence left Friday ^^ J^^^ y^.^^ ^^^^ Porteous spent Labor to join her husband who is working at; ^j^ ^^j ^^^ p^^^^ j^^^^^ ^„^ ^^^^J 1,3,. ^^h her cousin at Ravenna. sons, spent a couple of days in To- The School Fair at Flesherton in which the Proton Station School com- petes took place on Monday, Sept. 14, and oh! what weather. Tile children in their pretty uniforms cer- tainly did their parts under diffieult- ^ ^ , .,, , ties. Our school brought back their The sawing at the mill here was ^„. ^, . ,.__. , , ,. . , , Jr. J ,, ,. u I fair share of first and seconds, ea- fmished on Thursday, there has been' ^aliy in the musical and public a .ood summe-. work as there hasl^p^^^j^^ ^^^^.^^ Congratulations, been nearly five months sawing. | p^„^„ ^^^.^^ ^^^ ^^jj ^p.^^nted Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newell and Mr.Jat the Bethel anniversary services and Mrs. Louis Newell and three on Sunday last children of Durham, visited over Sun- jj^. ^„j jj^^' Qarence Brooks and day with their brothers, Chas. and family of Caledon East and Mr. Mar. tin Brooks called on Proton friends Larder Lake. Mrs. G. Proctor and Miss Marjorie one day week. Clarence spent most of his public school davs here. Mrs. Paul of Feversham, accompan- ied by friends, visited on Sunday at Harvey and Glen Croft visited inj'^he home of Mr. John Carson. .Mrs. Morrison is Mr. Whewell's neice. «pent the holiday week end with Mr Mr. and Mrs. Blake Vanblaricum of Toronto were visitors in this locality last week. Mrs. Vanhlaricum's mother, Mrs. A. Mullin, who had been visiting ronto and attended the exhibition. j Toronto and attended the exhibition, Mr. Clark Wyville, whose boat was I Miss Mamie Kerton of Toronto and , and are at present visiting relatives ir. Toronto harbor for the week end, I her cousin, Miss Marjorie Duekett of 'n Hamilton. came up and visited his parents here. „ „ I Ceylon visited a few days with their Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Field spent the berley,. New England and Epping ; ^^j^^jj^^ jj^.^ _^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ _ _^ __ friends for nearly a week. Mr. Veal i ,_,...„ jl '""'""'"''"''"""""'"" i PioiH at- i=i;T,<rt«ran^ m^T t;.1"ctoJ,Z I DIED » and Mrs Ernie Proctor at Eugenia. Rev. and Mrs. Veals visited Kim- with her brother, Mr. James Ottewell 1 gave us a rather unusual sermon, but and other friends for a month return. ' a very interesting and helpful one on Sunday evening. John 10 and 20. His text was fromi cousin, Mrs. Ernie Semple, and other week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred i friends. j Field at Islington and Mrs. Jim Henry Miss Viola Neeley of South River i in Toronto. . visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker. Mrs. Butler and son. Willie, and Monday buzzing wood for Mr. I Mrs. Fogg of Toronto visited over the Betts. .Miss Jean Carruthers, Miss Opal j ^^ek end with the latter's brother. Miss Leila Clark has returned Weber, Mr. Earl .\lexander and Mr. postmaster R. Park, wife and family. Toronto again. Ellis Weber visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Fogg remained for a visit with! A number from here attended the , Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.: Ross Ellis and went to see the I friends here Camp meetings at Clarksburg on Sun- J?**" ^'^ residence, 176 Brock Geo. Morrison who were married on "Quints". j Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park of Flesh- day. â- ^"^^'â- '"^"t '-' taking place at Flesher- Saturday. | A wedding took place in Toronto on ; erton were also Sunday visitors with ' Rally day will be observed in the ; August 22, that the Kimberley friends ] .^e former's parents here. \ United Church next Sunday evening, j are all interested in, when Ora Staf - 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walton of Sault Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Binnington visited ford, daughter of Mr. Rutledge Staf- | Ste. Marie. Ont., who are on their' ed home to the city with them. MAXWELL Mr. John Ottewell was engaged onL.Sf ^^^'^'^^^ "i'" September 13, r-_j„„ u.â€": J ^._ T,_ Levi Western Hospital. Toronto, I Susan Ottewell. beloved wife of the late Samuel Colquette, aged 75 years, j and mother of Bertha Colquette and Mrs. W. Marr. Funeral service at j ton on the arrival of I train this Wednesday. the morning DISTRICT FALL F.4IRS SAUGEEN JUNCTION Mrs. Joe Sewell visited friends in Durham on Sunday. Miss Mildred Sharp of Toronto vis. ited over the holiday with her sister, Mrs. Thos. White. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wttte ac- companied by Miss Alma, v.isited over the holiday at the pai<ental home. Miss Ahna remaining. A m«fci appearing in local magis- trate's court described himself as a Great Lakes sailor and anxieus to get out 0/ town just as soon as possible. H« lifted anchor, ran up his spin naker and was gone. the past Week in Toronto, Mr. .\llen Priestly left last week for the west. Mr. Chester Cameron, Owen Sound, had the misfortune on Sunday to fall and seriously injure his knee cap. Mrs. R. Priestly Jr. accompanied Mr. and Mrs Cameron to Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross and Miss .lean spent the past week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adam spent the week end with Durham friends. Mr. Levi Duekett is burning another kiln of lime this week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Parker of Durham visited friends hers on Sun- day. ford and the late Mrs. Stafford be- honeymoon, spent the week end with came the bride of Mr. Howard Mill- the former's aunt, Mrs. -A.. Carruthers ward. After the ceremony the happy Lnd husband and other relatives here, young couple spent a week in the DECISIONS BESfHCTING NEWSPAPERt -Any person who takes a paper re- gularly from the post office, whether addressed in his name or another's or whether he has subscribed or not» is responsible for payment. If a person orders his paper discontinu- North Country, joining Mr, Ralph Stafford who had accompanied Miss Bessie to her school, then returning, to their home here for a few days visit. They are now in Toronto, where they will make their home. .A. jolly company met at the com- munity hall, Tuesday night and pres- ented Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carruthers, recent bride end groom with a cream and brown breakfast suite. The re- mainder of the evening was spent in dancing and social chat. Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers are making their home in Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson and"! Milton, attsaded the annivesary »er- â-¼*ees held in Bethel Charch, Sunday last. SWINTON PARK Week End Specials Mount Forest Sept. 16-17 Arthur Sept. 17-18 Rocklyn Sept. 17-18 Fergus Sept. 18-19 Caledon Sept. 18-19 Hanover - Sept. 18-19 Easifirst ShorteniniT . Barrie Sept. 21-24, This Monday nwrning, a very thin 1 CU'"''*''"^? Sept. 22-23 P. & G. Soap 5 bars for east wind is blowing which penetrates Shelburne Sept. 22-23 the old clothes, also the old bones. Even in the house it seems cold this morning, as the wind kept the lady of the house awake much of the night, and you know how it is, on wash day, There still is harvesting to do, and' Pundalk Sept ISclb. 19c Priceville Sept. 24-25 F'i"^\^' Cakes per lb. 15c iZZ :::zz:::: Zl ^S ^'ark's soup 3 tins zsc Holstein Sept 24-25 Grand Valley Sept. 25-26 Free Coupons given until end 29-30 CASE PROVEN little of the fall wheat, has been sown; ^alters Falls Sept. 29-30 °^ September with groceries. on account of so much rain. How hard -^"rkdale Oct 1-2 i we are to satisfy: too dry or too wet '^'*'*" Sound q^^^ 5.7! K^ Q^ BETTS too hot or too cold, yet we seem to get "'^â- â- a Oct 7-8i pv,,-,,,p u^^ Plt.-l-i.:..-* ^», along, some how, aad are thankfull. j Feversham o^t -.g j ^'^^^"^ -^W' FIe>hertOn We have an empty house in the j P^'merston Oct. 7-8 ' J^JJ^JJ^^JJ^jJ^^^^^^^^Z Park this week, the Tressider home, . ' they have all gone to the city for this week as have also. Mrs. Dick Hardy and Shirley. j Miss Mary Wilson of Boothville left fhis morning to attend normal school Mrs. Scallop â€" It says here that i in Toronto. ♦•>****«>->«*«>^.>->.>«<-«->.:~>.X~X'«.>.>-MK«4~K~>->-><"X««-M~>>>«.><~>«^ ed he must pay all arrears, or the women have more cotrage than men.' A family gathering took place at the j publisher may continue to send it un- Mr. Scallop â€" Yes, I can't imagine home of Robt Knox on Labor Day. L ive and L earn til payment is made, and then collect! a man with only a quarter in his the whole amount whether the paper 1 pocket trying on five or six suits of is taken or not. clothes. f'.. Smart SKoes for Ladies' Fall Wear This season we have a most interesting- assortment of Ladies' Fine Shoes for your selection , . . . ., -. ; " The styles are all new and all lines motkrately priced. .\ full rano:e of sizes and widths ensure g-ettinjr a proper fitting. Kid, Calf, Patent and Suede Leathers in Black and Colors â€" Pumps, Ties, Oxford and Strap Styles. Priced !rom $1.98 to $4.95 I when the five daughters and families, hailing from Toronto, Owen Sound, Dromore, Old Durham Road and Con, 14 Proton, also sons, Walter and Fred, with wives and a few friends, enjoyed the afternoon at the M home. On Sundy in the absence of Rev. Mi-. McDonald, w^io was preaching at Feversham, we hpd vwith us Rev. James McElroy of Oraageville. ' Several families attunded anniver- .sary services at Bethel on Sunday. Next Sunday is aBHhrersary at SaJem church and on Moaday niffht fol- l»wing. the Drom«re Young People will give their play, at Salem. "Tke Girl from out Yonder." We tWnk a fowl .-supiiei- will soon be in order, VANDELEUR I n PAYS TO DELOUSE YOUR POULTRY WITH BLACK LEAF 40. See the new lap brush applicator which spreads Black Leaf -fO thin««r imd more evenly, ^ves better res«rtts jmd saves matteriai. We ar« stocking Creolin *he famous English disinfe«t- aat, suitable for disinfecting anywhere. SPECIALS ************************ Made to Measure Clothing The new Fall Samples are ready, and, of course, satisfaction in fit is guaranteed. Suits and Overcoats, tailored to your individual measure from .00 up <> â- > F. H, $21 W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. Ont. Rev. Banfield. a returned mission-' ary from Central Africa occupied the j palpit in the church on Sunday after- ; noon and gave an exceptionally in-! teiesting account of the life anid work { of the missionary in that dark corner! of the world. Next Sunday afternoon the annual ' Sunday School Rally service will be i held in the church, starting at 2.30 o'clock. The pastor. Rev. H. S. War- ( ren, will deliver an address and read- ings and other numbers will be by the pupils. Reports from various 1 Dept. will also be given and a ; number of certificates will be pres- ented. Everyone interested in Sun- '. day School work is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Heathers of Markdale were week end visitors with | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Summers. Mr. Geo. Shaw teok a truck load of people from this district to the Ex- •^H-jm hibition on Wednesday of last week. ' Men's Blue Striped Work Pants $1.49 Bq^'s Co.ttcMi Whipcord Breeches $1.49 Men's Hig:h Laced work boots $4.95 Fancy Biscuits 2 lbs. for 29c Rul^k Pea Nut Butter 2 lbs. for 25c Bulk Linseed Soap 2 lbs. for 25c P. & G. Soap 5 for 19c Oxydol. I large Packagfe and 3 of Calay Soapall for 28c ? O. -A.. C. Laying Mash, a real buy per cwt. $2.25 HrCHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS TERMS:â€" CASH I Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. I FLESHERTON .a*'