^'edncsday, Au},nist, 19, 1936 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE mShERTON AOifANCE Published on Collin^wood Street, Fleshcrton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 cer year, when paid in advance ll-ifO; in U. S. A. $2. per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON, Editor. F. J. THiiKSTON, Associate Editor EDITORIAL NOTES In the report of pii.sons and reform- atories for Ontario for 1U34 â€" 1935 some- intere.stinK fiuures are found. For instance, the comniitals to tht Ontario Reformatory at Guclph clasei- fied accordini; to churrli affiKationa were as follows: AnKlicans 91, Bap- tist 10, Hebrews 12, Roman Catholic 161, Presbycrtian 51, United Church 90, others 14. KUCiv MILLS Among those from here who attend- ed Derry Day celebration at St. Cath- erines we.e; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rus- sell, Mrs. Chas. Newell. Mrs. Alex. English a.;il Jack, Mrs. .Sam Fi.sher and Roy, Mi. and Mrs. Cecil Mona- ghan, Mrs. N'ormaii MaeHlmuriay and Lois, Mi.-s Ruby Robertson, Messrs. Lome Atkinson, Goori;e Johnson and Jas. Newell. The party also went to Niagara Falls and saw the illumina- tion of the falls at iiit:ht which is a very pretty sight. Prayer meeting will be held this Friday niglit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Atkinson, conducted by Rev. Mr. Dean of Feversham. Every- body welcome. Mrs. Jos. Croft visited the first of the week with her son, Mr. Merron Croft and family at Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent the week end with relatives in Dur- ham. Mr. D. E. Ritchie has secured a school in Proton township, duties to commence in September. Mrs. Jas. Park of Owen .Sound spent a week with her dauR-hter, .Mrs. Dick Clark and also called on other friends bere. Mise Julia Crof* spent a week at the home of her cousin, Mr. Ned Croft. Mr. W. Driffill, Mr. and Mrs. El- wood Partridge and son Fred, visited recently at the former's home at Hep- worth. Mrs. D. D. Brown returned to her home in Winnipeg after spending a few weeks with Mr. J. A. F'oster and family. Mr. Ned Croft commenced the fall wheat threshing la.st week. BORN â€" On Tue.sday, Au(,'ust 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkinson, the gift of a daughter. .Mr. Norval Betts, 8th line, Osprey, spent the first of the week with h\<t grandparent", Mr. and Mrs. Thoi. Betts. LI(;HTNINr.\S PECl'LIAR FREAK Osprey Council On Saturday, July 25th, the Osprey Munk-ipal Government met for its deliberations of business (routine or otherwise) which might be brought to its attention. The members were all on hand in good time and upon bi'ing called to order by Reeve Lock- hart any matters pertaining to the welfare of the Municipality were tak- en up. Upon the production of the mail bag it was found to contain only a letter from A. E. Wilson & Co. in legard to Public Liability Insurance and Workmen's Compensation Insur- ance and one from the Relief Officer of the Town of Collingwood for a re- lief account. A delegation of officials of the General and Marine Hospital awaited on the council to have some accounts adjusted. Acting under instructions of a mo- tion of the last meeting the Clerk presented the report of his finding on the 'Coutts' drain, this caused eon- -iderable discussion and was laid over until the ne.xl meeting when advice will lie sought on some of the cojn- iilaints. .A motion was introduced aijd pass- ed to apply to the county to allow this niuniiipality to collect its own arroais of taxes. This should prove a di.stinct advantage, as under the present system it is cumbersome and of no advantage to any one. By-law .N'o. 13 (vhc) authorizing the borrowing of $5000.00 was passed. General accounts ordered paid were as follows: H. E. Ilammil, relief ac- count to Adairs $M.0O; R. Priestly, relief account to Adairs, $9.00; A. Adair, wood to Adair $2.00; E. Sul- livan, sheep claim, $7.00; G. Camp- bell, sheep claim, $14.00; J. T. David- son, sheep claim $10.00; L. Cox, val- uer $1.00; Treas. of town of Colling- wood, relief account to S. Blackburn $26.81; R. I.ondry, balance of salary U)34. $2.=).00. General road accounts ordered paid were: Thos. Stinson, pav sheet $16.00 F. W. Wetherall $77.80i T. H. Weth- erall $127.80; Jno. Broderick $116.80; K. Wright $1.36.00; P. Somers $35.40; F. Short $72.00; A. Short $43.00; F. S. Winters $149.00; S. McMuUen ?.l 34.40; M. Mcl^ean $36.40; R. Spears $82.40; V. Wright $167.00; Wm. See- ley $120.00; Cy. Short $75.00; A. C. Brownridge $28.00; A. Buie $17.80; G. Campbell $112.80; 0. Ross $76.00; Jos. Wright, wire fence bonus $6.88; D. Mclntyre $-3.28; Metallic Roofing Co., culvert $19.95; D. W. Briggs, timber $21.25; M. Dobson, trucking $14.00; C. Lockhart, trucking $7a5.0O; Knterprise-Bulletin, printing $3.20; (travel accounts were: H. Grummett $8.80, W. Jamieson $20.30, T. H. Wetherall $16.60; Ella Neil $3.00, F. Seeley $15.50, Jno. Hargrave $19.20, A. HoUingshead $22.80, M. Wright $6.20, A. HoUingshead $19.20, A. Mullin $5.10, L. Tuplin $3.60, W. J. Mullin $8.30, A. Mullin $4.20, A. Hoi- lingshead $46..50, C. W. Long $20.90, S. Sanderson $6.60, D. Ring $14.60, P. I^iiigheed $5..'>fl, D. Gililes $4.40, G. CamT>bell $6.00, J. Grummett $0.40, L. Hill, timber, $1.00; Ja.s. McKen- zie. salary, $48.00. Council adjourned to meet at Max- well on Saturday, August 22, at 2 o'clock p.m. â€" C. N. LONG. Clerk. CENTRELINE Middle School Resalts Durirvg an electric storm on Satur- day afternoon last lightning struck the line fence between the properties of David Cooi and Rofcert Nixon, Collingwood and .St. Vincent townlin«, setting fire to the rail fence «nd gxasg and completely burning up 10 rods of -wire (two itrands) along the top of â- ame. Not a bit of the wire could be found. The ferme was about 10 to 15 rods away from the Nixon house and â- the fire was put out as .'!oon as no- â- ticed. Neiglibors. Earl and Corle Londry, assisted in stamping out th« fire ntenacc- Moaford R-xpress. One of the worrien our ancestors tlidn't hav» was how to pronounce -quintuplets. Scales that always differ are the scales we use to weigh ourselves and those with which we weigh others. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<â- < â- ♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» Shingles ;; Clears, per sq $3.44 ;; ! ; 2nd. Clears per sq. .. $2.95 1 ', Seconds per sq $2.25 ;; â- Will deliver 15 square or more 1 1 more at al)ove pri«et. - A. C. MUIR â€" Ceylon. '•'• This is a Good Time to fix up Your Fences WOVEN WIRE FENCING, STAPLES, BRACE WIRE GATES. Massey Harris Implements. CEMENT. PLASTRR and LIME. Coleman and Aladdin Lamps, Generators and Mantles PAINT VARNISH, ENAMEL, OIL, TERPENTINE AND BRUSHES. FRArK W. DUNCAN Phone 54 Flesherton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor of West Toronto spent the holiday at W. Tay- lor's. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gallagher's little daughter Evelyn is very ill at time of writing. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Nelson Osborne, Jean and Dor- is have returned home after a week's visit with friends here. .Mis« Lillian Buchanan and friend of Toronto motored up on .Sunday to visit the former's friend. Miss Audrey McBioom. Mis.s Buchanan is stay- ing for a week's holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell, Lulu and Bessie of Rock Mills, visited at Mr. Gilb«n-t Little's. Mrs. Morrow of Dundalk, Mrs. J. L. Woods and Mrs. Westlake of Mimico visited at the home of Mr. W. Taylor. Mrs. Robt. Osborne, Mrs. Nelson Osborne and two children visited a day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Badger- ow, also a day with .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell, last week. .Mrs. Wm. Little is feeling better and is able to be up again. The farmers in this vicinity are just starting to cut their grain now. It still keeps very dry, some times hot and then suddenly changes to be very cool. FLESHERTON SCHOOL Last week's Items) We are sorry to report Mr.s. Wm. Little under the doctor's care at pres- ent. We hope she will soon be able to be up again. .Mr. and Mrs. Barkley, Mr. and Mrs. George Haney and Mervin and Albert Haney of Mimcoe visited at Wm. Tay- lor's on Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. J. T. Erwin and Dor- othy of Toronto visited with Mrs Margaret Little on Sunday, Mrs. Erwin and Dorothy remained for a holiday. Visitors at Mr. Gilbert Little's were: Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Croft, and Miss Hazel Brown of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. .Wex. Buch- anan and little son; Mr. and Mrs. .Vle.x. Rennie and daughter and Thos. Brown of Grand Valley and Mr. Fred Linton. Mr. Carman Osland of Dundalk spent a few days with hia friend, Mr. Stanley Little. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Erwin and Dor- othy of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Margaret Little. Mrs. Robert Little of Orangevillo spent Sunday with friends .m this line. Mr. and Mrs. Sam O.sborne, Irene and Bert of Markdale, and Mrs. Os- borne, Jean and Dean, of Owen Sound were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Osborne, Mrs. Nelson Osborne and two daughters remained for a week's visit. Miss Mable Little and friend, ot Orangeville, snent Sunday with Mrs. Margaret Little. Miss Minerva Little, who has been visiting here, returned with them to her home in Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haney and two sons of Toronto visited with th«t Haney and Taylor families over the week end. SWINTON PARK h almost r.iined in the Park on Sun- day moi-ning, but again the sky clear- ed aad now th.: air is comfortably cool. Crops are being oat, and cleared away, a much lighter job than last year. There were many risitors in the Park over bl»» week «nd â€" at Hugh Mc- Millan'.s from Toronto were: daugh'j ters, Jeasie and Kathleen, Mrs. Cfeai* and husband, nino son John and wife; at fi'ossidder's were: Mr. and Mri. Edmonds and son. Bob, also Mr. Gal- lagher from Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs, Palmer Phillips, daughter and soa, are on a two weeks' holiday and will view, we hope, maay of the beauty spots in Grey County, and enjoy th«ir holiday. Margaret and Jack Kennedy of Shelhurne ar« spending this week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Aldcorn. Delbert Haw was surprised to have a number of his nai^bors drop in to spend last Thursday evening with him, it being his birthday. Tlie W. M. S. will meet on Wednes- day, August 19th at the home of Mrs. Delbert Haw. Wilfred Black is, we understand, adding a promenade \\&\\ to his danc ing pavillion, this v/oiik. John Haw and Dick Hardy are the builders. Sandy McCanaell's new house, now has the roof on and work can proceed rain or shine. James Hardy i» ad- ding a new verandah to his home. Schedule â€" 75 to 100 â€" I; 66 to 74 â€" II; 60 to 65 â€" III; 50 to 59 â€" C. Allen, Merle â€" Chem. C. Archibald, Harvey â€" Anc. Hist. II; Geom. C; Chem. C; Lat. Auth. II: Fr. Auth. I; Fr. Comp. I. Bannon, Kathleen â€" Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. I; Anc. Hist. II: Geom. L Bellamy, Burton â€" Eng. Comp. II; Anc. Hi»t. C. Bellamy, Robt. â€" Sp. Auth. I; Sp. Comp. I. Boyd, George â€" Fr. Comp. III. Chard, Marie â€" Anc. Hist. C; Geom. C; Phy.s. II: Fr. Comp. II Clark, Florence â€" Lat. Comp. I; Fr. Auth, C; Fr. Comp, C. Collinson, Frances â€" Phys. I. Collinson, Jean â€" Eng. Comp. I; Eng. Lit. I; Anc. Hist. I; Geom. I: Phys. II; Lat. Comp. I. Collinson, Margaret â€" Anc. Hist. II; Phy^. C; Lat. Comp. II: Fr. Auth. Ill; Fr. Comp. 11. Dargavel, Ethel â€" Eng. Comp. C. Dixon, Edward â€" Chem. HI. Down, John â€" Eng. Comp. II; Eng. Lit. I; Anc. Hist II: Lat. Comp. C. Duncan, Mackenzie â€" Anc. Hist. II; Geom. Ill; Chem. C: Lat. Auth. II; Lat. Comp. II; Fr. Auth. II; Fr. Comp. 111. Fisher, Elsie â€" Eng. Lit. II; Anc. Hist. II; Lat. Comp. C. Goldsborough, Robin â€" Eng. Comp. U. Jamieson, Wesley â€" Geom. C. Kennedy, Goldie â€" Eng. Comp. I; Eng. Lit. C; Anc. Hist C: Phys. C. MucVicar, John â€" Alg. 0. -McCracken, Audrey â€" Eng. Comp, II; Eng. Lit. I; Anc. Hist. II: Geom. Ill; Phys. C: Lat. Comp. C. Marshall, Jean â€" Eng. Comp. 11; Ene. Lit. IL Martin, Argyle â€" Lat. Auth. C; Latin Comp. 11; Fr. Auth. I; Pr. Comp. H. TALKING PICTURES TOWN H.\IJ, FLESHERTON Thur., Aug. 20 Advance Film Service Presents RED HAIRED ALIBI" l"\'atiirinj:^ an all Star Cast, Nsith SHIRLEY TEMPLE Addfd .\ltractions Maple Leaf Hockey Broadcast Comedies, Cartoons, Musical Shorts, etc. ."^afclN- ImIihs - - Clear Soiiml \.\ EVKNINC, OF EX- CT.rsrVK ENTER- T.ATNMENT. Adults, 25c C.oy't tax 2c. Children, 15c Tax Free. Show .'Starts at 8.4.'; p.m. Monaghan, John â€" Eng. Comp, C; Eng. Lit. II; Anc. Hist, II; Geom. II: Phys. C; Lat. Comp. C. Morgan, Douglas â€" Eng. Comp. II; Eng. Lit. 11. Ostrander, Martha â€" Anc. Hist. II ; Alg. C. Piper, Sherman â€" Anc. Hist. I; Geom. I; Chem. I: Lat. Auth. I; Fr. Auth. 1: Fr. Comp. 1- Reiley, Frances â€" Eng. Comp. C; Lat. Comp. III. Ritchie, John â€" Eng. Comp. C. Russell, Walter â€" Eng. Comp. Il; Eng. Lit. C; Anc. Hist. II: Geom. C; Phys. 111. Sc'ott, Douglas â€" Anc. Hist. H; Geom. II; Chem. II; Lat. Comp. C: Fr. Auth. C. Seeley, Leslie â€" Lat. Auth. II ; Lat. Comp. U. Smith, Delbert â€" Eng. Lit. C; Anc. Hist. II; Geom. II, Phys. H, Fr. Comp. C. Stewart, Catherine â€" Phys. I, Chem. II. Xhistlethwaite, Beatrice â€" Span. .Auth. 1; Span. Comp. I. Turney, Angus â€" Chem. H; Span. Auth. II; Span. Comp. C. Vause, Delia â€" Alg. C. **** * I â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦'I' 1 1 » ♦* ♦ ♦»*♦♦♦♦♦â- â- FEVERSHAM SCHOOL Following is the Middle School re- port of the Feversham Continuation School for the past year. Grades for each subject are 1â€"75 to 100; 2â€"66 to 74; ,3â€"60 to 65; C. 50 to 59. An asterisk after a Middle School subject indicates that the pupil did not try the departmental examination in this subject, but was successful in passing from Form W to Form IV. Clifton, Lloyd â€" Ancient History 1; Geometry 2, Chemistry 1, Latin Auth- ors C; Latin Comp. 3; French Authors 2; French Comp. C. Conron, Burton â€" Algebra 2, Geom- etry C. Fenwick, Ethel â€" Canadian History 2; Ancient History C; Geometry 2, Chemistry 3, Latin* 1, French* 1, English Comp.* C; English Lit.* C. Hale, Evelyn â€" English Lit. C; Eng. Comp.* C; Latin* 2, French* 3. Hopper, Oscar â€" English Comp. C; English Lit. C; Ancient History C; Geometry 2, Physics 1, Latin* 2 French* 2. Ma.xwell, Beatrice â€" English Comp. 2; Algebra 1, Chemistry 3, Latin Authors 1; French Authors 1: French Comp. 1. Neil, Bernice â€" Canadian History 1; Algebra 2, Geometry 3, Physics 2, Chemistry 3, Latin Authors C; French Authors 3; French Comp. 2. Phillips, Lawrence â€" Canadian History C; English Comp.* C; Eng. lish Lit.* C; Latin* 3, French* 3. Poole, Bernice â€" English Lit. C; Ancient History 2; Chemistry C, Latin* 1, French* 2. Poole, Guy â€" English Literature C; Canadian History C; Physics C, Eng- lish Comp,* C. Sayers, Hubert â€" Physics C, Eng- lish Comp.* C; English Lit.* C; Latin* C, French* C. Somers, Mervin â€" French Comp. 3. '{', Conservative Rally ;; :: Basket Picnic j; at '.', Harrison Park, Owen Sound, Ont â- « Thursday, Aug. 27 j j Adresses by HON. EARL ROWE : \ COL. GEORGE DREW Monster parade, 1.15 p.m Generous prizes for liest Decorated Cars, Largest l-'amily, and Oldest Per- son attendinof. ;; 21 Sporting events. Come, and welcome our Xew Tvcader. ^. ^ • n .^ ** * **** * * **** ** * **** ^ V V.- BOWLING NEWS " The first of the Annual Singles Tournament will be held on the local greens on Thursday night, Aug. 20th. Both ladiesi and gentlemen titles will be played for on the same night. Four bowls each will be used and each member for him or herself; an elim- ination system will be played by which each one is a.ssured of three games. The winners of each rink will meet winners andjosers meet losers in each subsequent game. Three losses puts the player out. Entrance fee 35c each. Local Jitnay will be played on Fri- day night at 7.30 p.m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The chap who never laughs at him- self is altogether too self-sacrificing. Why let other people have all the fun?. The chap who strongly objects to paying should figure it out how well he would like it if everyone acted the same way towards him. TAKE NOTICE that the Adminis- trator of the Estate of Samuel Ot- tewell. late of the Township of Os- prey, in the County of Grey, Farmer deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of July, 1936, will distribute the assets of the said Estate after the 29th day of August, 1936, having re- gard only to the claims of creditors filed on or before that date with George Edward Matthews, Fever- .shara. DATED at Thombury, 4th of Au- gust, 1936. ELMORE C. CARR. , Solicitor for the Administrator. nj .^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ .|i.ti i .»»4i. H ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ii No Credit ;; In future we will sell II for cash only. ; ; .\11 notes and accounts ; I not paid before Sept. 1st. II vill be placed in other 1 1 hands for collection. i I A. C. MUIR â€" Ceylon. ^*** * ******** **** ******** The Northern Business College j Owen Sound has just issued a new Hi- 1 ustrated Booklet entitled "Planning i Vour Future." TTiis is of speeial interest tp young people who are look- ing forward to a lifetime of succea*, It will be s«nt free to persons who desire to make their future plans eome true. Post Card or Phone will bring it. College opens for the Pall Term on .September Ist. C. A. Flem- ing. Principal. Midsummer Merchandise BATHING SUITS SWIMMING TRUNKS - FLANNEL TROUSERS SPORT HOSIERY : SWEATSHIRTS ' CLIPPER SHIRTS LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR SHORTS PULLOVER JERSEYS NECKWEAR BELTS COATLESS SUSPENDERS FOR MEN VELVASUEDE LINGERIE ANKLETS ; KNEE HIGH HOSIERY PORCH FROCKS HOUSE DRESSES SUMMER UNDERWEAR CORSETS AND GIRDLES WHITE SHOES TENNIS SHOES MESH GLOVES SUMMER DRESS GOODS NEW SPRING PULLOVERS FOR LADIES F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. Ont.