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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1936, p. 1

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;^' \'0L. 56; iNO. 7. WEDNESDAY, JULY 15. 1936 W. H. THURSTON & SON, Proprietor! United Church News Rev. R. G. Service. B.A., was in his j own pulpit on Sunday last, morning and evening. The morning service i was attended by an unusually large ! congregation, *rhich was remarked j npon by the pastor as being most in- | spiring. The sermon was first of a | series of three on the topic, "Re-dis- I covering our religious impulse," with j the text, "As the heart panteth after ! the waterbrooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." Other themes to ; follow the next two Sundays are "Rightly directing our religious im- ; pulse," and "Christianising our re- j iigious impulse." Mr. Service handles j Ws subjects in a most instructive and ' inspiring manner and should be heard ' by all in the coming two discourses. The pastor also took the Bible class ' at Sunday school which was attended by' eighteen people. He will continue ♦4l.he*d the class for the balance of July. 1^ • . Mrs. Mitchell's group of the W. M. S. will take the service in the "church at 3 p.m. on Wednesday of this week. The Sunday school and church .membership will hold a garden party' . and picnic in Memorial Park. Flesh- ' erton. on Thursday afternoon of next week. See bills and advertisement ! in this issue for full particulars. i Now Head Linesman Mr. Robt. Down of Tara, has re- 'ceived the appointment of foreman of the line on the Eugenia Hydro Sys- tem, succeeding Mr. Jos. Corkill who has taken complete charge of the rur- al section of the system. For the past several years. Mr. Down has been located at Tara and was in charge of the Hydro line in that dis- trict. He will now be located at Markdale and intends to move to his location the first of August. Con. gratulations are extended to Bob on his appointment to his more respon- sible duties. Liquor In Pictures The Windsor Star, commenting on the finding of the Federal Council of Churches in the United States to the effect that drinking scenes in the mov« ies are overdone, states that "in the last few years there has been a tend- ency to use the pictures as a medium to increase sales of liquor. It is subtle propaganda. ".\fter all, it should not be neces- sary to have a couple of cocktails be- fore sitting down, after sittinp down, before rising, after rising, before going out, after soinsr out, and. in fact, before and after doing anythine. "In some of thr •Pictures nowadays they could eliminat lalf or more of the drinking scenes ^nd still show plenty of liquor being consumed." This propaganda is aimed at the most susceptible people in their most susceptible age: and its presence is] due no doubt to the influence of the' big money of the lir,uor trade which' misses no opportunity to create public' opinion favorable to its progress. ATKINSONâ€" EDWARDS A pretty wedding, and one that was i of much interest to a large circle of ! friends of the bnde took place at the ' home of Mr. anu ."f'-s. Robert T. Ed- wards, Glenelg, Wednesday afternoon ' of last week, when their only daugh- i ter, Mina Maude, was united in mar- ! riage to Mr. Carl Eugene Atkinson, i son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas [ Atkinson of Rock Mills. The cere- ; mony was performed by the bride's pastor. Rev. R. G. Halbert of Durham, and took place on the verandah of the home before an Invited company of some 50 relatives and close friends. Miss Jessie Shaw of Hamilton, cousin of the bride played the wedding march. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, looked lovely in a graceful gown of white triple sheer crepe, with bridal veil of real silk, i held in place by a wreath of orange blo&soms. She carried a bouquet of lil- ies and Ophelia rosee. The bride was attended by Miss Clara Belle Nel- son, Gait, wearing a gown of maize chiffon and carrying a bouquet of i sweetheart roses and baby's breath. Mr. W. H. Edwards of Toronto, broth- er of the bride, was best man. Dur- j ing the signing of the register, Mrs. | R. G. Halbert sang "0 perfect Love." The flower girls were little Misses Muriel Atkinson and Betty Edwards, who dressed in pale pink crepe de 'â-  chine, ca^ied baskets of flowers, i -â- ^fter the ceremony the company' sat down to a delicious wedding din- ; ner, faultlessly prepared and served by friends ol the bride in the vicinity. • The dinner over, a short time was de- ! voted to short, congrratnlatory addres- ses by Rev. Mr. Halbert, who was toastmaster. and Messrs. R. T. Ed- wards, father of the bride, W. H. Ed- wards, a brother, and Frank Irwin. The groom responded for himself and bride, thanking the company for their kind wishes for their future happiness and prosperity. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. .\tkinson left on a motor trip for their honej-moon. and on their return will reside on the groom's farm at Victoria Corners. With their many friends. The .\dvance joins in wish'ng Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson much happiness. Fine Program For August 3rd Picnic Hottest Weather ! Yet Experienced PATON â€" BEER Bethany United Church was the scene of a summer wedding. Wed, July 3. when Edna Isobei, daughter A program of entertainment for the Cool winds blew from the north on '^^ ^^'^- ^^'^ ^^*- Ernest Beer, of Man- big picnic and sports day at Flesher- Tuesday to break one of the hottest ""^r* Township, Durham, became the ton on August 3rd is" gradually being weeks in the history of Ontario, when '"â- "^« «' ^«^- ^- ''^ â-  P»"° °^ Syden. MrsJ. A. Foster Died On Monday Mrs. J. Foster of Rock Mills vistui whipped into shape and promises to ^ hundreds of people died from the ef- be one of the best yet held, something ; fects of the ejttreme heat, and pros- for everybody to see and enjoy when trations were numerous, they come "home" for Civic Holiday" Temperatures for the past week week end. were as follows: Wednesday lOi, Sunday will be a day of meditation , Thursday 103, Friday 102, Saturday "^- H. Ferguson with service as usual in the morning i l^^l- Sunday 100, Monday 100. Tues- at the various churches. A special day 81. The readings were maJ8 outdoor service will be held in Mem- from a thermometer in the shade at orial Park in the afternoon, at which ^iii* office at 3 p.m. each day. tiie resident ministers will attend •'^ a result of the heat, pastures with a special preacher from outside. : ^^e been burned to a crisp, garden Special music will be provided. Thisj produce is drying up and untold dam- open air service is alwajrs appre- 1 age is geLng done to growing crops enham. oiated. ' ^'i^n no rain in sight Tuesday after- Monday will be the big event in the I "<'<'"• One farmer informed us tha. p i ji lljl*. T\* sports line, with events beir^ held at '"-^ ^owed 90 acres of crop this year KODl. i . fVulte UieS the pond in the morning, a feature and if the drought continued it would that makes fun for all. The agri- "<": be fit to cut. New grass seeding, cultural Park will be the scene of the ^"^ *aid was destroyed. The present afternoon sports with a softball game; baseball is expected to attract the Oshawa juniors, runners-up in the junior section of the O. B. A. A., last year; and anot'ner good item. Sev- eral bicycle races will be held and also a slow horse race to promote extra amusement. Prior to the picnic in the Park in the evening, races will be held for the kiddies for which suitable prizes will be given. Bring your own basket for the picnic. Following the picnic a wrestling ex. hibition will be given by Johnny Mur- ray, the Fiery Scotchman, a former champion of Toronto, and Jimmy -Allan, twice Canadian champion, andj(yj.g.j dried only nosed out by one point from tak- 1 Western ing the Olympic trip to Germany this summer. This will provide some! j,. reported that wheat is looking well! Mount Zion Cemetery away on Monday of this week aft«* an extended illness, at the early ag« James Sempk. pastor of I ^^ jjj y^^^.^ ^^ pg^t^ ,^ !„„ in Mono township, her parents beias James and Sarah Stewart. She married to Mr. J. -A. Foster in 18 ap.d was the mother of five chiidr«lt Jean t Mrs. Thomas .Aldcom. Toronto) best man. Mr. C- Hardwick, of Bol- , j^^^^. ^f Toronto. Dorothy at hom% ton. acted as pianist during the wed- ^ g^die: and Stewart, also at home. She .iing. Rev. Fred Riciing assisted ; ^^ ^^j^^.^ ^^^^ sisters. Ethel t Ifn. during the marriage ceremony. : p g Brown) Winnipeg. Horteaa% Following the wedding, the couple! , jf r, James Waughi of Vancouver), left on a trip to the Gaspe Peninsula.; ^nd Rubv (Mrs. G. W. McDowell). To- ham. Rev. Bridge Street Church, Belleville, of- ficiated, t .\ sister of the bride. Miss Wilma : Beer, acted as bridesmaid, and Re». of Northoort, was j On their ret dm they will live in Syd- ; ronto. ' Tht family moved to RoA Mills from Corbetton nearly serea years ago. where Mr. Foster has beeB mar.ager for the Durham Fumitai% Company in their sawm:!! there. Sc was a mem'oer of the Presbyteriaa Church, and was h:giily esteeme-i bjT a large circle of friends, who join wift the sorrowing family in mourning ImK Robt. T. W'hite. â- sKil known resident dry spell has been' with us for three "^ P^'^^'^^- Station, passed away at his weeks with only one light shower to ^"^^"^ '^° Monday, following an i!I- departure, lay the dust in that t-'me To date "'^-* '''" ^ number of months' dura- there has not been a water shortage. """â-  '^'^ ^*'^ ^"^^ '^'^'^''' ^''"' '^ but will be needed at once to '^- ^^'^ '"''^ ^^^- *'*-' * °*"'''* °^ off_..-t any fui-ther damage from the I '^'^ Proton Station district, but re- hot sun and winds. Pavio2 Commenced Current Crop Report sided for a number of vears at Port- law. He returned to Proton Station! "^^ ^-^S Paving Co. comnieB- to reside a number of years ago. '•"'^ this Wednesday morning to lay Besides his sorrowing wife he' <--«n«rete on the east side of the high- leaves to mourn his passing one son.' «^»y '"'^i Gott's Comer to a niil» Roy. of Portlaw. and two daughters. classy wrestling that will be worth seeing. .An amateur hour and mov outh of Flesherton. thereby making Lack of rain and extre.T.ely warm'Mis.s Gladys White of Proton Station.^'** pavement t'ae full twenty foot weather during early July had a det- , and Miss Florence Wnite. whose horat w'dth. Two years ago the ten foot rimenrtal effect on the growth of j -s at Proton Station, but who is at *-'â- â- !' '^^ •*^'^- °"^ ^'^^ ^^^^ 'i"-^**- crops Strawberries proved an e^ present preaching on the Bmce Pen- isfactory for the heavy trafric. Pr^ ceptionally s^ort crop and raspberries' insula. paratory work has been in progrea* have been simUarly affected. Pas- 1 The funeral will be held on Wed- during the past couple of weeks and up throughout South- nesday. with a service at Pilgrim <^^'*''Tt^'"? '* ^°^ ready for a busy Ontario where the heat â-  Holiness Church at Proton Station at s'-i^nier. Besides the ten foot strip reached record heights. However it 2 p.m. Interment wil! ije made in ^^i^h of town the contract also iiv eludes fu'! width paving from Mark. with heads well filled and pltmip. ' Haying has been practically com- 1 in most sections and a lot ing pictures will follow. .Any person' pitted with any class of entertainment will ^^ ^^^^ ^^. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ .^^^ communicate with Dr. C. E. Murray so" ^^^ ^^^^ p^.^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ that they may be included on the pro, ^„^^^,, ,.^,^ ..„„n^n^ f«.^f,-,r;,.< busv reports the canning factories with peas, which are about a 50 per ESTABLISHED A RECORD -After teaching in Port Hope Pub- lic School for 54 years. Miss M dale to Berkeley, a distance of six Tiiles. This year the eight-hoar day wil! be observed and the workers will be from the relief ranks. gram. The more numbers the merrier ! IMC T- --"â€"»-"! -i^-â€" -u J..r L =n _ .11 ^^^''-''''and has resigned. Some 240''' Church Garden Parly Hon. Ihmcan Marshall says the next provincial election will be fought on, the record of the government, which rather suggests that in that case the wish is father to the thought. GEORGIAN BAY CRUISE TO FLOWER P^yr ISLAND .A special all-day cruise of the West Shore of the Georgian Bay to Flowet Pot Island. Canada's new National Park, on the C. P. R. steamship •"Ktvwatin", has been arranged by the Owen Sound Daily Sun-Times. This cruise of '200 miles will take place. Tuesday, July 21st. It is the first cruise to the famous "Flower Pots" on one of the largest passenger ships on the lakes. The Kcewatin leaves Owen Sound at S. a. m.. arriving back at 8. 30 p.m. -A low round trip fare of S2.00 for adults and $1.00 for child- ren. The number of tickets is limited and should be securer! early from The Sun-Times. Owen Sound. Keep in mind the combined St. was absent a single dav. a record that ^^""^ '-"'" Thursday. July ^Srd. the lat- will take some beating. the entertainment. The concert wil). "â- "" ''" ^" ".''"'"V7"'.'~.' ^' pupils have passed through her hands .... ,â-  '. cent. croD. due to lack of ram. The , , , ^ , be followed by dancing to two first. ... -, " . , »v j- and she says she never strapped a ' , , . milk flow there as in manv other dis-' . , , â-  . , .-, .. class orchestras on the paved tennis ^ . ^ . , *#.•.!. t ^f""' and very tew boys. Once the»o f tncts dropped off d-oided!y. In _ , . â-  I •in.-. * i- / John"* I n'ted Chuf-ch Su^Jav School courts, specially prepared to makel w. ^ j j„ »i. - >,. V ^"^^"^^ ^^'^ ^^ V»y ^â- '^ tor relief "'^"^ » «. n.teu ^-na....^. .n..aa> .^n^oi , . ., ; general the continued drv weather had ,. , , . , nioni* and s^rden txartv -p Memor'sl dancing easy and enjoyable. '; ,.__^ t . r nl „^.,^t. ...j teaching and on another occasion she P"-^* a^io^ ^aroen t>arry ^n ,,. t ,- .u ,. ..u- â-  1 _â- â- . the effect of retarding the growt*- -"-" " • ~ ..„.,,. We believe that this is a splendid! , , , r , ., . J „„ I „ I development of spring grams program for the day and we know that you will agree with us when you take part. We want all the old res- idents back for that day and those living in Toronto without any way of transportation are urged to get in touch with Burton E. Field, the To-, tit i.i,.v.„.;ii.. ^^â- ^' j v v i v ' . i. , â- ., , v , -,, , and Mrs. Jack Essex, Hopeville. were agenient and the hne up-keep a change program. .A band will also be pre*- r(.>nto secretary, and a way will be „ , ^ , « i? n r>.:^. â-  v •. j • v â-  > i w . > . , , . -„, .^, I callers last week on Mrs. v. l'- '.aims, has been made in the local telephone ei't to supplv a musical treat to thosa found for you to come. Ihose with; ^ . ' ... ^ ^. » , , ^ xr i> . l . t^ .. â-  i 7^ Mrs. .A. S. Muir and <on Grant, re- otfice. starting July 1st. Mr. K. .A. who attend. Don t these event* Monday after snending the , B. Ritchie, who 'nas been t'ne e'*^icient of the garden party season. I ter sponsored by the Official Board i of the church. Sports for the chil<J- ^~~~"~~~^^~~~~~ • ren will comm.ence at 2 followed TELEPHONE OFFICE CH.ANGE , by the garden ptrty for which tickets I will be supplied the ^-hildren. Efforts In keeping with the Bell Telephone^ ai-e being made to have a well known Dr. .A. J. Sharpe. Red Creek. N. Y. | (-^^nipany's new system of office man-, family of entertainers provide th» CEYLON cars who are coming and have extra space are also urged to notify Mr. | turned Field of the number they can ac commodate. We would regret any' person having to remain away ' vis-ting week end in Durham. j ti^'a' representative and plant man-' _ Little Buddv Pattison. Toronto, isi^^^r, will now be on straight plant his grandmother. Mrs. M. ^'"ti^'*- More lines are being added • i_ ... . ^ ••€... r Qtii.rt' i to the Dundalk territory, as a result through not having any means of Pattison. and aunt, Mi>. G. Muart. „,,;„♦„„,„„.. „„„ ,» v„n,i., BFS^T â€" Mrs A Sinclair Mrs J. R. Sin- 1 >^f the maintenance man at Markdale ^f.. i ' 1 'â-  1 Donald M--s<- Marga'-et ^""^ ^'*''*^'^'"'^"' ^'*'="^*'h*'^ *'-^' "â- ''^h'^' ^"^^'a^^ien: Sinclafr " Ruth Coomb^'s and" Donelda t^"^-^«->- i''' «^5*»i'^<'" l"^'"? P"« "«<^« "^^"^:':*^.- *'•' ^^' «."1 ^^^ ^«'' "' ^^ Sloan. Fu«.4a. motoi^d to Ovv^n ' ^'r. Ritchie's supervision, arul Sound last Thursday and took in the """' ^^-'l «" ^^ t'*'^*" "P "-'''^ ''"« ^^"'- moonliarht excursion on the Bay. travelling. Speed In "Feet Per Second" BORN !:• Burnside ObstetrictI 0! the General Hospital NEW SHOP opened! .V new office for Watch, Clock and Jewellery repairing has bee opened in the North Corner of the Munshaw House. Vou are invited to bring your repairing to us and we will gla;'' give you a free estimate and explain to vou just what vou are pavini; for. Our guarantee to you Is that you MUST have satisfaction from our repairing. A •'Vsk for the loan of a time piece while yours is being repaired: don't ^ be without timci. * WANTED |.l We want a number of second hand watches and we are prepared to make you a very attractive allowance on your old watch (regardless S of it's condition) should yoo wish to torn it In on a new Bulovs \ or Lorie Watch. PRESENTA'nON AND GRADUATION GIFTS ...AVe arc in a position to offer you real savings on the following: i Silver Tea Service*. Knife and Fork Sets, Genuine Leather Hand S Bags and Brief Cases. Roudior Sets. Bulova, Lorie; Wattliam and ? Elgin Watches, and many other items. r..sar«3i« g: â€" - - «â- - -â€" "«ET OCR DIAMOND PRICF-S" Ask to see our Blue Bird Diamond Certificate of Guarantee. The fastest repairing you ever had: and you are the Judge. * "Fluff" Welton, Prop. I Miss "Mac." Mclnni», X Wntch, Clock ami Jowollorv Repairer. Speed, in relation to time and dis- tance, makes an interesting study and some startling facts are revealed that few who drive motor cars, i-eali-se. Possibly, if a few of these facts were printed and placed in plain view of all diivers when they are operating theii care, it might result iu reviueing ac- cidents. Fifty miles per hour is at the rate of 73 4"eet per second. It is easy to understand why many motorists can- not conceive of a car covering 202 feet within four seconds the time it takes a driver to turn and speak to a rear seat passen.ger. .At the his on Wednesday, hi'.y >th. a son â€" stfl Mr. Bert Chapman. Tonmto, is hoi idaving at Mr. Peter Muir'r Mils. Jas. L. MeMullen work. Miss Elsie Copeman. who has been a competent operator at the local "central" for the past ten years, wit! received "''^^' ''^ Kval representative and in M A K R I F n word' Thursday of last week of the ^'^L^rge of the management of the death of her brother-in-law. Mr. ] David Henry, of Moorefield. j Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin. Tor- onto are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Spicer and fam- officeâ€" Dxiridalk Herald CELEBRATED .VT Dl NDALK VICHOLP â€" ACB ESON â€" At PtO- tor; Station on TueC'iay, July 14tlL li'!'!. Emily Elizabeth, "tj.iaughter «C M--. and Mrs. R. G. Aches*- ;. to Mr, Lome E. Nichols of St. Thomte, «4fl of *he late M. C. and Mi-*. Nichols o4 East Grey Loval C.>bourg. Ont. The County of ily of Hamilton sjvnt the first of the Orange Lodge held their annual walk. week with Mr. Thos. Spicor. They j,^ Dundalk. Monday afternoon, when M.>iny youths in Sing Sing pris<^ .were ai-companied home by Mrs. , ,,^^1,4 •_>,; Lodges and several ladies" i a speaker told a Kiwanis convention which IS about 5^;^^^. g^ ^y^^ ^.p^^^j t^^g p^i^t two i,o<{srvs took part in the parade, with had fathers who were "too busv tt village to the stirring music from the fife and drum band. weeks visiting relatives there. , „ fj„e crowd present for the occasion. Mrs. Archie Siiwlair left Tuesday : jvior to leaving for Dundalk Flesher- same si>eed, how many realize! ^o swnd a few days iu Toronto. i ton L.O.L. 3855 paraded around the when they pass the familiar sign,, p,. g^d Mrs. B'-yce and Bobby, "railroad cn.>ssing 200 feet ahead," | „{â-  Zurich and Mr. ar>d Mrs. W. Miller, they will reach the track in less than' pies]^,.t(,n_ ^ere callers on Mrs. Wil- three seconds, i-ock the first of the week. One way to drive home this lesson' -Miss Muriel Spicer and Mr. James and place before the driver hazai-ds Ellison, Toronto, are holidaying at that are being taken, is to reface the the former's home. sv>eeilometer to translate miles per, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shiers took In hoar into feet per second. One mile | the celebration at Dundalk, Monday, an hour is at the rate of 1 1-2 feet j also Messrs Henry Carvell, George per second, or to be accurate it is 1,47. Jaynes and Ernie Mathewson get acquainted with their sonfc* Fathers who are too much preocupWf for that are losing much in life. Oa( of the fine thingrs of this world is l| see a father and a sdn who are pallb It is simple to estimate your feet speed per second by multiplying your speed per hour by ' 1-2. GREY REGIMENT TO CAMP The •.J2nd Infantry Brigade will en. ter its annual camp at Penetang for a ten day period. .August 5th to I4th. The four battalion.-; comprising the Brigade are the Grey's. Simcoe For- esters. Northern Pioneers and .Algon- quins. The quota of "D" Company, from this district, is not yet full and any young man wishing to go to camp can communicate with Capt. W. Turiiey or Lieut. F, J, .I'husBton. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright and babe of Feversham visited last week with Mr. S. Hemphill and Miss Maud. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tracy and Billy: Mr. .and Mrs. G. Marshman and Mr, .Albert Phillips. Toronto, were visitors the first of the week with Mr, and Mrs. W. Gibson. Miss Bernice Wright. Feversham, is visiting her sister. Mrs. Purcell Hemphill. The Ceylon Women's Institute Is nutting on the programme for the Barhead Institute at tho home of Mrs. Allan White. Thursday evening. It is hoped tho members and their friends are planning to attsnd. Kl THK riNBR.*t CH.*PEl \ dlgnifted. penonul (un« srrvUc .IvalUialc In all parts •( ^ T"r«mj and suburbs \t uru-ift to suit thf? income ot tr^ry funlly. ^atti Se jilabtiorks l^urlal Co. FOKMEfay B.\TKS BlTtl-XL CO. Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks. Mgr. ONE BLCNTK SOUTO OF DAVSNFVRT MOAO

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