WcHlncsday, April 15. 1936 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Publishi'd oil Collingwood Street, FIcsherton, Wednesday 0/ each week. Circulation ovi-r 1000, Price in Canada |2.00 per year, when paid in advance ll.gO; in U. S. A, %2. per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON, Editor. F. J. .THURSTON, Associate Editor FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Francis and little daug'hter, Ruth spent the Easter holidayii with friends in Cannington. Mr.. Springgay, .Miss U. Spring- gay and little .Mi.<s Doris Springgay and Mr. Russel Hawtun visited with friends in Hamilton and St. Cather- ines over the week end. Helen stay- ed for a longer visit. Miss QueeuHe [KaiOting of Owen >>ouiid spent the holidays with het sister, Mrs. George Burke here. The schools are closed for the Eas- ter holidays and the teachers arc gone to their homes. Jlrs. Colquette is getlint: better after having a very bad spell of high blood pressure for nearly two months Dr. Lindsay attendini; her now as the roads have got into a condition that be can get here twice a week as usual The Anglican Guild will meet at Mrs. Springgay's on Thursday, 16th Mr. and Mrs. VV. R. Colquette, Allan and Betty Colquette and Mr. Ivan Alexander of Owen .Sound spent the week end at the Colquette and Alex- ander homes here. Miss Dorothy Robinson of Toronto bolidayed at her home here over the week end. Miss Edith Heitman wa.s at her bome here for the Easter holidays. Messrs. W. Burk and Murray Haw- ton of Dundalk high school were home for the holidays. .The Ladies' Aid will meet at Mrs. K. Tyler's on Wednesday the 15th. Another old resident passed away on Sunday last, Mrs. Joseph McGrade. (nee Margaret Madden). Mrs. Mc- Grade had been in poor health for some time. KOCK MILLS I School closed on Thur.sday last for the Easter vacation. The teacher, Mr. Ritchie ia spending the holidays It his home at Durham, and will also spend a couple of days this week in .Toronto. The saw mill Ktarted working here on Wednesday, with all the old em- ployeeji back on the job. The Com- pany has a large stock of logs this year which will mean several months sawing. Master George Osborne of Fever- sham is spending the holidays with bis cousin Glen and Ted Croft. Mrs. M. Badgerow is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Laurie Belts. Mr. and Mrs. B. Field visited re- cently with Maxwell friends. The County road maintainer has been working on the road here this week and will imi<rovo Lino l<()ads grreatly as they have been very rough this spring. Mr. Leo Paton and Misses Win- ona and Nathalies Paton of London have been visiting with their father Mr. Harry Paton. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Aldcorn and babe of Toronto were visitors over Easter at the Foster home. Mrs. J. A. Foster remains much the same, not much change in her condition. Nurse Milne is still in attendance. Mrs. Ned. Croft spent a day the past week with her sister, Mrs. H. Osborne of Fevcrsham. The Baptist La<lies Aid meet this Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sam Fisher. 8. S. NO. 17 ARTEMESIA Sr. 4th â€" Fred Bette 57. Jr. 4th â€" Hazel Wilkinson 75, Or- val Russell 61, Laura Pedlar 56, .Ted Croft 5.3, Loreen English 44. Sr. 3rd â€" Laura Porteoua 6©, Elea- nor Russell 64, Harold Clark, 68, Ar- thur Belts 50, Phyllis Partridge 46. Bessie Russell 44. Jr. 3rd â€" Hilda Belts 46, Chestei Shier 44, Edna Partridge 30, Edna Croft*, Maimell Atkinson*. Sr. 2nd â€" Helen Retts 76, Jean Phillips 73, Lillian Fisher 69, Am- anda Fisher 67. Harold Belts 62, Jack Porteous 51, Harry Fisher 36, Vernon Atkinson*. Jr. 2nd â€" Edna Shier 43, Russell Shier 34. First â€" Marie Phillips 79, Mabel Chard 68, Edgar Belts 00. Sr. Pr. -- Billy Smith. Jr. Pr. - Billy Olark, Frank Eng- lish. • absent for examinations. Best in spelling far March, Helen Betts. » â€"DANIEL E. RITCHIE, Teacher 8PRINGIIILL SCHOOL REPORT 6th â€" Winnifred Pattison. Sr. 4lh â€" Roy Be^it 72, K«4th Parker 71, Lloyd Allen 65, Loreno Johnson 55, Eileen Pattison (absent.) 8r. 8rd â€" Bruce Beard 67. Jr. 8rd â€" Ruth Blackburn 63, Oraee Parker M, Edna Doupe 55, Ii«onfl Johnson RA. 2nd â€" Eunice .\llen 7B, Bernice Johnson 67, Elgin Waller 60, Shirley Eindle and Allister Pattison absent Ist â€" Shirley Marriott, Gordon Waller. Pr. â€" Eva Doupe, Ruth Marriott Bhner Best, Jean Hindle absent. â€"INEZ BROWN, Teacher l»RICEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL 5th â€" Jamie Sutherland 84, Tom Aldcorn 71, Evelyn McDermid 70, Marie McLauchlan 54, Archie Stur- ' ick ol, J.^ck Mc-Vrthur 60. Sr. 4 â€" La^.-'e Sutherland 81, .Tom Mather 71, Bili McBride 71, Emerson Watson 69, Gwynneth McLean 66, Winnifred McConkey 00, Donald Nich- ol 59, Garfield .Teeter 59. Jr. 4 â€" Bobbie O'Dell 69, Dorothy Watson 69, Ros.s McConkey 66, Ken- neth Nichol 60, Douglas Weir 66, Ber- nice Carson 51, Doreen Teeter 46. â€" E. B. FROOK, Teacher. Sr. 8 â€" Walter McBride, Bobbie Sutherland, Eleanor Johnston, Julia .Scheruerman, Stan Sheuerman, Elmer TurnbuU, Lome McArthur. Jr. 3 â€" Isabel Karstedt, J. Mather, Jack McConkey, John McDermid, Bea- trice McDermid, Thomas McKeown, Betty Watson, Hector McLean, Angus Mc Vicar. Sr. 2 â€" Virginia McDermid, Marg- aret Johnston, Donald McMillan, Clar- ence McArthur, Mabel Scheuerman. Jr. 2 â€" Jane Karstedt, Isabelle Weir, Mack Watson, Lawrence Mc- Arthur, Sarah McMillan. Ist â€" Laurie McKechnie, Vern Sheuerman. Pr Sadie McKeown, Sheila Weir, Marie Weir, Jim McArthur. â€" E. L. MATHER, Teacher. S. S. NO. 4. ARTEMESIA Jr. 4th â€" R. J. MlcNalty 83, Muriel Talbot 72, Jack Bannon 67. Jr. 3rd â€" Alma Atkinson 81, Fred Bannon 76, Winnie Awde 70, Lauirene Talbot 64. Sr. 2nd â€" Russell Lee 69. Sr. Ist â€" Jr. 2nd â€" Christina Dun- can 91. Jr. 1stâ€" Sr. Ist â€" Helen Awde 64. Sr. Pr. â€" Jr. 1st â€" Anne Stinson 87. â€" H. M. HENDERSON, Teacher IN MBMORIAM UTTPLE â€" In cherished and ever- lasting memory of our dearly beloved sister, Eliza, who passed away sud- denly, April 12th, 1936. â€" Sisters and Brothers GEO. DUNCAN'S BALE REGISTER An auction sale mil be held on Thursday, April 16, at Lot 11 Con 4, Artemesia, the estate of Harold Knight. Estate of Harold Knight, Lot 11, Con. 14, Artemesia on .Thursday, April 17th. Fred Hodgins in Proton Station, Friday, April 17th, Chas Watson, Lot 13, Con. 22 Egremont, .Thursday, April 23rd. Noble L. Wilson, Lot 26, Con 20, Egremont, Friday, April 24th. H. Stanborough, Lot 27, C^n. 14, Bentinck, Monday, April 27tb. Harry .Thombury, farm stock and implements, on lot 27, Con. 7, Osp- rey, April 28. Geo. Duncan, Auctioneer PORTLAW Syrup making is in full swing. While buszaing wood at Elwood Stephens, Percy Mc Mullen cut bia hand on the saw. It required fiT« jtitchea to close the wound. Percy was lucky it was no worse. Mir. James Hopps spent a few dayi at Berkeley. Miss Nora Mcintosh of Grand Valley is visiting at Wm. Nichol's. Miss Ella Wilson of Shelbume spetit the week end with her cousin, Mrs. Fred Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Ltjt^her Love and children, Mr. and Mrs. George ''^Ik- mson spent Friday at Berkeley. Mr. Wm. McNally has started to remodel his bam this week. -f^ -» â- :;»- ONTARIO INCOME TAX RETURNS are DUE APRIL 30th If you are subject to the Dominion Income Tax, you are also subject to the Ontario Income Tax. You are required to fill out ONE FORM ONLY- T 1-1935. This form combines both your Ontario and Dominion Income Tax Returns. USE THIS FORM: FiritP«y«*"** T 1 - 1935 tPO«i.-««*^- LC \ IT Vontario Income NO. of Depended. • K t^ farmers and ranchers. Yon shonld obtain three copies of this foim from one of the following sonrces: 1. Any office of "The Irwpector of Dort\inion Income Tax". These offices are located at Ottawa, Belleville, Kingston, Toronto, IT inxilton, London and Fort William. 2. Any Post Office. 3. Any Province of Ontario Savings Office. On or before April 30th, you must file two copies of this form Tl-1935, (or form TIA-1935, if you are a farmer or rancher) at the nearest office of "The Inspector of Dominion Income Taix". The third copy should be retained for your own reference. In making this combined return of Ontfurio and Dominion Income Taxes, attach a certified cheque or money order, payable to the Receiver General of Canada, for at least one quarter of the total tax payable. IMPORTANT. Because the Ontario and Dominion Income Taxes are combined, there is only one form â€" only one cheque or money order required . This arrangement greatly simplifies your returns and your payments. EXEMPTIONS AND DEDUCTIONS Form Tl-1935 is self-explanatory. The exemptions and deductions are the same for the Ontario Income Tax as for the Dominion Incorr\e Tax. Your taxable income is also the same, with two exceptions: (l)[you deduct the amount o£ your Dominion Income Tax. (2) You add all income received from Dominion of Canada Bonds. PURPOSE OF ONTARIO INCOME TAX The main purpose of the Ontario Income Tax is to enable your Government to adopt a "Pay-as-you-go" policy. By helping the Province, you help yourself. SUPPORT ONTARIO'S NEW POLICY OF /'PAY AS YOU 00" THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO