Wednesday, March 11, 1936 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ; Superior Store :: «->< Better Quality at Better Prices Park iv Ik-aiis, Junilx) si/c 2 for 21c Chipso, large pkg 19c Matches, family size 3 pkgs. for 23c Rubin hood Kapid Oats pkg. for 21c Coffee, freshix ^Mouiul per lb 39c said 49c Fresh Celery, Lettuce, Apples, Bananas, New Cabbage, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, everything available. llaniberj^- Steak 2 lbs. for 25c i\oa>t Heel per lb 12c Buil Heel per lb 10c C. J. KENNEDY Phone ?>7 Flesherton We Deliver ;.<mX":~mkk~x~xk~>«x~:"X''X~x~w~:"X»':">-:~x~:»«x~x~:":":~x«<~! PRICEVILLE HOCKEY GAMES THE FLEi.^ERTON ADVANCE pubUbhed on Colbnirwood street, Pleaberton, Wednesday of e&cfl week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, <rben paid in adrance |1.50. In U. S. A. 12.50 per year, when paid in advance 12.00. W.- H. THURSTON, Editor. F. J. THURSTON, Associate Editor IN MEMORIAM ...^jtm llinSOX â€" In loving inemory of our dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Sarah E. Hudson, who died .Vlarch Uth, 1035. Her life was one long sacrifice. Her hi'art was true and tender, .'^he tailed so hard for those she loved, ; Then Ifft us to remember. I -Ever renuinbr'nKi by John and I Fanny Hudson and family. IN MEMORIAM CENTRE LINE (;E.\0E â€" In loving memory of iiur dear F'ather, Richard Genoe, who I>a.-s<il away, March the l-lth, 1931. > <>u are not fi>rg(itton, dear Father, .\(.r ever will you be. We hope to meet you in Heaven, March has brought us milder weather and also brought the crows back again. j f)n -March the first, Rev. Mr. Bush- ' ell delivered a fine sermon on the ' ^^''^t'"' '•'â- '^ ^ill always be free. joyfulness of Christ, and last Sunday ^â- '''''' rvrnfmlrnxnl by Son and he gave a splendid address on the """S-'hters. forgivii.ess of Christ. The attend- â€" â€" â€" â€" aiic e at Mount /Cion was much largjr on .Sunday. Mr. .•Vlbert Held is able to be out again, after his recent illness. Mr. -Mervyn Little spent a week end recently with (lilbert Little and family. The funeral of the late Mr. Alex. Fostei' took place at .Mount Zion on Thursday last. .Mr. Foster was a resident of the south Line for many years. About ten years ago, Mr. Fo.^ter and family moved to a fann near Feversham, where they have since resided. The sympathy of this community is extended to the family and friends at this time. \V. iirc sorry to report Mrs. Shear- <lown sick again. .Mrs. \Vm. Little has not been feel- ing very well for the pa.'t couple r)f weeks. Miss Hazel Osborne spent a couple of weeks with her sister, Mi'S. .lack Ladgerow. /• nuinber of young men r-ieut a p'lavant eveni";..r with F.iiuii Little Uh |)ast week. lie friends and neighbor of Mr. and .Mrs. .lohn Robinson, gathe-ei at the home of Mr. an I Mrs. Jack Thc-Tipson ipm Friday evening nnc gi^e the young couple a shower of UBtful ai^ticle-:. A Very pleas.nit evening was spent. Miss Ila;'.l McMillan spent tho w.cK end with ner friend. C. rt- ri.flt Little. Hiss Jean Lyon^ has returne.l h'niK! after spending n month witli her 8'. it, Mrs. G. Magee. Sorni' of the W. A. on th> C<-n!ie Line (luilted a butterfly quilt for tile association at the home if Mr".] W. H. Little's one day last wee<. I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McClennai' and Lloyd, spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Teeter near Fevershnm. Wareham W. A. are putting nn a play at their church on Friday even- ing. They are serving ice cream and cake. men S( IIOOL ULSl LTS K.MH.KSH GRAMMAR FUK.M 2 -- AU-\. Hopkins 8;j; Don .il<l .'Seoll HO; Bernice llarboltle 75; .Melville Hunt 73; Grant Muir 73; \'aleriii .SLafl'i>rd 71; Kol)in Golds- I'oi'ough 71; liladys I'atlersen '71; Kverette Parker ()7; Betty Stewart ''''â- : Douglas Clark Gtl; Ruby .Mon- ,i;4lian Otl; Wilson Clark GC"; Ruby S'au.^e l>2; Ella McRae 02; (leorge Loiicks .">.">; Tom Banks 48; Ben Lea- veil 1*5; Ted Moore 23. E.MH.ISII (;RAMMAR FOR.M 3 --- Wall(-r Russell 81; â- feaii Collinson 80; Jack Down 78; Audrey McCrackrm 75; Jean Marshall 7.''); Robin (ioldsborough (ill; Goldio Kennedy i'>H; Douglas Morgan ()5; Burton Bellamy M; Marion Miller 59; Jack .Monaghan 5'.'; Frances Reiley •")7; Aileen Karstedt 57; Mabel Adams •")<>; Kathleen Bannim 55; Ted Mc- Tavish 53; Ethe] Dargavel 52; John Ritchie 51; Melville Hunt 50; Roberta Leavell 43. LATIN FORM 3 - Jean ('ollinson 87; Aud- rey McCracken 85; Mabel .Adams 73; John Monaghan 73; Elsie Fisher 73; Frances Reiley 72; Jack Down 71; Cioldie Kennedy GO; Verdun McMas- ler Ii5; Douglas Morgan 01; Kathleen Bannon 57; Roberta Leavell 57; Wal- ter Russell 53; Ruth Wolstencroft 37 I-ATIN COMl'iiSlTlON FORM 4 â€" Marginet Collinson GO: I'^lorence Clark GG; Argyle Martin 65; Leslie Seejey 05; Macji Duncan 54; Douglas Scott 40. LATIN ( OMPOHITION FORM 5 â€" Susie MacKinnon 70; Frances Cidlinson GO; Hazel McKillop •10; John MacVicar 41; Delia Vause :!8; Evelyn Brown 30. In the estimates handed out at Ottawa is $5000 to complete Mea- ford's new postoffice. Canada's railways are to introduce air-conditioning in their trains this year. Clean and pure air in railway cars will be a novelty that .should help builil up the passenger revenue. 'S^**S*^**.********S^S*^**t**.**!*****************«**3**S**«**.'*.**.**.**«**.**«**!**t* ;...»'.*â- .#-. Tax Notice Village of Flesherton f I I ^ Ratepayers are reminded that the final instalment !|! i of Taxes for 19 35 is payable not later than March 31st ;!; * next to the Treasurer, F. H. W. Hickling. j; Amounts not so paid will be returned to the -t; County Treasurer to be registered against the proper- 4 ties assessed. . . , A^^.:..:..:..><..:..:..:'<«<':«<'>'>'>**:'<'<"X'<^<^*<><"><":'«*x««>«>'X~X''X«<'*:«'X«>C''X' Seeing and hearing of so many cases of loiyrevity in certain loc- alities, submit the following special e::;;e8 in and around Prieeville, not by vvay of competition but interesting. Mrs. Chas. McKinnon, whose 97th birthday occurres on the 10th of March, in possession of all her fac- ulties, and attended the old home week celebration in Durham last sum- mer. Her mother reached the age of 105 years, She lives with her daughter, Christena, (Mrs. Joseph McKee). Mr. McKee's mother, who is also there, is 82, Mr. D. McMillan 87 on the 29th of March. Miss Sarah McLean 88 on her last birthday, last fall. T. A. M. Ferguson 84. Isaac ["inkerlon 81 past. W. W. Ramage, going on to 83. There may be others. .John Brown who died lately, attained the age of 84 it is said. Longer life is promised (we hope) by taking part in Paddy's Irish Stew on the 17th of March, where after- wards we will be favoured with an address by Mr. W. G. McBride on Ireland and St. Patrick, begorra! Slides will also be given illustrative of scenes there, and described by Mrs. F. O. Kaistedt. who is admittedly pro- ficient ill this respect choruses will also be given by the choir of St. Columba. What, with refrigerators, butcher â- ^hips, fox ranches, etc.. a bountiful suiiply of splendid ice is being har- vested for the hot davs of summer, which are sure to come. The skating rink with its brilliant '••.-'tir.^ i.^ still the rendezvous of vouth and beauty of the villa"" A moccasin dance with splendid music loovided. furnished a pleasant night's fun. There is no attempt to dese- crate the Sabbath bv usins it. The Union prayer meeting this week will he held this Wednesday â- vrnitie at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ramage. A large turn out is Imped for and all will be made wel- come. .Mr. John Whyte. in the employe of Mr. H. R McLean and livin" in the iiriper pnrt of the manse, moves to-dav to Mr. .Mlie McLean's farm nn the S. Line, which he has rented. The nronrietor intends to visit in the west this summer, perhaps. The r. F. W. O. Holdfast Club nicoling will be lu Id Wednesday, i .March 11 at the heme of Mrs. Don- I aid Campbell. The W. M. S. and Willing Helper's will liave their monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 17th, at the home of .Miss Mary McEaihern, Roll Call to Ih' answered by the use of flour sacks. A debate will be giveti on the .subject. ' ii'solved that a tidy ciaiik wuuld be easier to live with than a good nat- uvfi] sloth. Affirmative. Margaret .MeArtliur and Mrs. Jack McMeekin Jr.; N'egative, Mrs. Wilfred Watson nid .Mrs Stuart Boyce; Lunch com. .M's. W. Watson and Mrs. S. Royee. Mrs, Thos. Nichol returned home after spending the past 5 weeks with lie?- daufliter. Mrs. f). L. Mc.Arthur. .Mr, and Mrs. Art Richardson and t'iiniily, Swinton Park, visited Thurs- day at .Mr. Alex. Carson's. An aeroplane pa.-^sed over here Thursday morning. On Tuesday night, a !)resentation was held at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. .'\llie .McLean, to spend a social time with tlii'm bel'nie leaving our nii<lst. The evening was spent in dancing and good nuisic was supplied by Colin and Innis McLean, and Archie MacCuaig. A very large crowd was present. .â- \t an ajipropriate time, Mr. an<l Mrs. McLean were ask- ed to come forward, when an address was read by Miss Annie Teeter, and the presentation of a purse of money was made by Miss Margaret Mc-iVr- thur. Mr. McLean in a few words. Well chosen, on behalf of his wife thanked all kindly for the gift. A delightful lunch was served at mid- night. On Wednesday night a meeting of the shed committee met at the hnnie of .Mr. Thos. Nichol. It was decided lo collect in order to raise funds to leplaco the glass thiit has been brok- en in the windows. Mr. John Woollard is engaged with Mr. .Archie McKechnie. Mr. Bill McKenzie of Drmnore vis- ited Wednesday at his parental home. On Tuesday night, Flesherton and Prieeville jr. boys played hockey here II nd the score was (i â€" 3 in favour of Prieeville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carson of Van- deleur spent a couple of days at his paiental home here. Miss Mary McKinnon visited with friends at Holstein , recently. Messrs Russel Nelson and Mel Long of Holstein, spent a couple of days visiting at the home of Mr. Ben McKenzie, Friends here were sorry to learn that Mrs, Alex. McLean, (nee Janet McDonald) of Flesherton hasn't been well and went to Toronto the first of the week to undergo an operation. Her many friends in Prieeville and vicinity *ish for her a speedy recov- ery. Mrs. Dan L. McArthiir and little daughter, Elinor of the Glen, spent the week end al Mrs. Thos. Niohol's, Mr. and IVfis. Elmer Harrison, Mrs. Jno. McMeekin and son Jackie, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rradey Trwin. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCnnneH, Proton Station, \nsited the first of the week at A. L. Hincks' Flesherton 6, Proton 2 Flesherton, apparently nettled at and S(iuelshed Proton by a 6 â€" 2 score, on th(< Monday night previous, made up for lost time on .Thursday night and siiuelshed Prton bv a 6 â€" 2 score leaving Proton in a not too healthy or satisfied mood. In the first period, Flesherton pil- ed up a score of three by Smith, while Proton was favoured with one by Acheson, leaving Flesherton with a lead of 3 â€" 1. The second period was a red hot series of scraps, slugging and scores, with Acheson and Lyons of Proton, both hot under the collar, and Hopkins of Flesherton, getting major penalties for mixing things up, but Acheson be- fore the bout, was able to place the puck in the Flesherton net, bringing the score to 3 â€" 2 for Flesherton, This score was immediately followed up with one by Piper and another by Dargavel, two of Flesherton's atarrine forwards. The period ended with a tally of .5 â€" 2 for Flesherton. The third period, calm to the second was still a considerably fast game , both teams riled by the sev- eral mix-ups, and Proton, more so bv the disappointment of the apparent defeat ahead of them, played with all the power and speed available. Flesh- 1 erton were able to raise their total I one more, when Dargavel. pla.yed a wonderful game throughout, laid up! one more coin in the box to end the .scoring game at Flesherton 6, Proton 2. Beckler of Dundalk, refereed the game. PROTO.Nâ€" (Joal. Blackburn; Def., Lyons and Hodgins; Forwardsi, R. Acheson, (L Acheson and H. Sims; Alt., White, McCannel, Lyons and Sims, FLESHERTONâ€" Goal, Ferris; Def., .Akitt and McKillop; Ftonvards, L. Piper and Smith; Alt.. M. Piper, Gibson and Hopkins. Z â€" 1 for Flesherton at the end of the second period. The third period made up for the dragging of the 1st and 2nd, with fast and clever hockey played by both teams. Flesherton was able to break away with one more goal before Dun- dalk counted the 2nd and last score by Livermore, then Dargravel tallied the 4th and last of the frame for Flesherton, ending the game with a 4 â€" 2 victory for Flesherton, Beckler of Dundalk refereed the game. DUNDALK â€" Goal, McCullough, Defence, Lyons and M. Thompson; Forwards, R. McGuyrk, Livermore and McGuyrk; Alternates, C. Thomp- son, Dunn, Ross and Acheson. FLESHERTONâ€" Goal. Ferris; De- fence, McCutcheon and Johnson; For- wards, Sled, Phillips and B. Patton; Alternates, Dargavel, Smith, Boyd, Piper and F. Patton. ewell. Albert 66. Jr. 2nd â€" HutchioBon. Winaloir 54; Douglas, Marsraret 44. Tapliiw. Hartley 36. Sr. lat â€" Cox, Jean 96; Short, Leona 80; Maxwell. Shirley 70; Me- Kenzie. lone 48; Wilson, Donald 40: Dobson. Robv 31 Jr. Pr. â€" Dobson, Eunice 96; Long. Kenneth 90; Davidson. Douglaa 70; 'if'JCo.izie. Beverley 26. â€" N. SHORT, Teacher U. S. S. NO. 15. PROTON D I E b PARKâ€" On March 4th, 1936, at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, William Barton, only son of Mr. Elzer and Mrs. Violet Burton Park, aged four years. Funeral service at the parent's residence, 18 Givens St„ Friday, March 6th, 2 p,m. Interment, Mount Pleasant Cemetery. School Reports S. S. NO. 4. ARTEMESIA Sr. 4th â€" Verna Baker*, Harold Sims. Joe Stainarby*, Hilda Sims, Ken Sims, Arelene Whyte, Mae Corbett. Ernie Barker, Kathleen Barker. Jr. 4th â€" Clarence White. Vem Corbett, Marjory Bates. Sr. 3rd â€" Jacqueline Sims, Laurie Sims. Jr. 3rd â€" Helen Pevey. Fred Bat- chelor, Zella Lyons, Irene White. Jack Barker. Jr. 2nd â€" Marvelle White, Ken- neth Bates. Jr. 1st â€" Margaret Mills, Hen- rietta Sims, Cecil Barker, Bert Bad- GTOrnw. V'ilmn Se'vpll Sr, Pr. â€" Marion Lyons, Marion Baker*. Everette Lockhart. Jr. Pr. â€" Ruth Lyons. ♦Denotes perfect attendence. â€" G. B. LITTLEJOHNS. Teacher S. S. NO. 17. ARTEMESIA Proton 2, Flesherton One of the largest crowds ever to watch a hockey game in the Flesher- ton aiena, saw Proton cut Flesherton down to the size of a 2â€" d defeat. The game was a hard fought affair, with tough ice, that just didn't let the lioys get at it. There was many a chance for both teams to raise the tally considerably had it not been for the wonderful work done by both I:!laekiiurii of Proton and Ferris of Flesherton. both playing a most remarkable game throughout, with Blarkhiirn getting the first shut out of the .'^emi-pro finals. With cheers and boos, the teams entered into the game with all their heait, but they were soon slowed down to a more or less uninteresting pace. The first period saw but one score, by .Acheson, Proton forward, this being the only score made by either side until the third period, when .Acheson again scored for Proton to end the game at 2â€"0 for Proton. The game was considered fairly clean throughout, with little slashing or si|ualililing of any account. Proton and Flesherton will meet again for the 4th game of the finals on Wed- nesday, March 11, if conditions per- mit. Beckler of Dundalk acteti as referee for the game. The line line up was the same as in the previous games. Jr. 4th â€" R. J. McNalty, Lucille Goeaz, Jack Bannon, Muriel Talbot. Jr. 3rd â€" Alma Atkinson, Eugene Goetz, Fred Bannon, Winnie Awde, Laurene Talbot. 2nd â€" Russell Lee. Sr. 1st â€" CJhristina Duncan. Jr. 1st â€" Helen Awde; Sr. Pr. â€" .Anne Stinson. â€" H. M. HENDERSON. Teachei S. S. NO. 6, OSPREY 4th â€" Tupling, Alan 96, Thomson, Lola 90, Maxwell, Mae 78, McKenzie. Neil 66 Long, Norma 50, Douglas, Mina 44, Douglas Bruce 36. Sr. 3rd â€" Maxwell. Norma 62; McKenzie, Eleanor 42. Jr. 3rd â€" Long. Blanche 76; Ott- Sr. 4th â€" Fred Betts. Jr. 4th â€" Hazel Wilkinson. Loreen English, Ted Croft, Laura Pedlar, (>rvnl Kiiaspll Sr, 3rd â€" Eleanor Russell. Harold Qark, -Arthur Betts, Bessie Rus- sell, Laura Porteous, Phyllis Part- ridgp Jr. .3rd â€" Mansell Atkinson. Hilda Betts, Edna Partridge. Chester Shier. Edna Croft. Sv 9nd Lillinn Fisher. Harry Fisher. .lean Phillips. .Amanda Fish- er, Helen Betts, Harold Betts, Jack Porteous, Vernon Atkinson. Jr. 2nd â€" Ecjna Shier, RusaelB shier. 1st â€" Marie Phillips. Edgar Betts. Bettv 'UTiite. Mabel Chard. Sr. Pr. â€" Billy Smith. Jr. Pr. â€" Billy Clark, Frank Eng- lish. Best in spelling. .Amanda Fisher. " ^ T''"'ITT=: Teacher ♦•X-C-X-X-M ••x~x~x~x>«* Small Advts. INSURANCE Life. .Automobile, Accident. â€" A. D. Maclntyre, Flesherton, Ontario. COLLIE PUP FOR SALE Collie Pup for sale. â€" N. Loucks, R. R. 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE An Alladin lamp will sell cheap. â€" Mrs. A. L. Hincks, Phone 22 r 12, Prieeville. FARM FOR SALE Good Buildings, 150 acres, three miles west of Ceylon. Easy terms. â€" J. J. Lyness, Ceylon, Ontario. In Zorra Township they are VilllnP rabbits with clubs. Tho saving of ammunition will be p1ea.<<ini; to the z^orra Scots. Flesherton 4, Dundalk 2 Flesherton seniors added another scalp to their belts, when they de- feated Dundalk 4â€"2 on Friday last in a siiectacular game. Both goalies fiirured greatly in the maintaining of the small score. Ferris of Flesher- ton has lost hut one game so far, playing goal for both the senior and the semi-pro clubs. This was due nartlv to a great shortage of men on the semi-pro finals with Proton, The first and second periods of the game were slow and draggy, neither team .being able to break from the tight checking of the othgr, but Bill Patton of Flesherton was able to count one in both the first and sec- ond iierlods and Lyons of Dundalk! ( ne in the second leaving a score of I PRICEVILLE IRISH SUPPER The Woman's Association of Priee- ville United Church will hold, on St. Patrick's night, March 17th, an Irish supper and pictures on Ireland and good entertainment. Come and enjoy !i good Tri«h evening. NOTICE TO CREDITORS of James I.. Sayers, late of the Vill- age of Feversham in the County of Grey, Stone Mason, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims or accounts against the above named ipceased are required to send full particulars thereof to the undersigned solicitor to the exwutor on or before the Twenty-fifth day of March lOSfi, ^'â- or which date the estate will be distributed amongst tho.'^e entitled 'â- 'ereto, having regard only to the ifaims notice shall at that time have V -...i..„,i r. c, Minm.EBRO' Citv Hall OWEN SOUND, Ont. Snlinit^v to th« Fv'"'ii*niv HORSES FOR SALE One horse 5 years old and a colt 2 years old. â€" R. W. Vause, Prieeville R. R. 3. POLES WANTED Green cedar poles, sound and straight, 30 feet and up, 7 inch tops.â€" Edward McCarthy, R .R. 1, Markdale, phone 74 r 33. COWS FOR SALE 4 young cows due in March and .April; also general purpose colt ris- ing 3 years old. â€" Harold Hutton, R. R. No. 2, Flesherton. LOST * black, white and tan fsmale hound, slit in the left ear, tag No. 100. - Tom. Bradey, Flesherton, or ohone 23J Flesherton. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will sacrifice for $250.00 cash.â€" Thomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE Lot 36, Con. 9, .Artemesia, consist- ing of 50 acres, and Lot 37, Con. 8, 100 acres; good bam with cement stabling, good house and well, good spring and well watered, about 20 acres swamp and hardwood. â€" Apply on premises to Thomas Fenwiek, Eugenia. FOR SALE OR RENT Good house and lot in Flesherton with good barn and about two acres of land for sale or rent; drilled well; will sell at low price for quick sale; also brooder house 12 xl4 feet and two electric incubators both 600 egrg capacity.â€" Apply to Earl or Roy Best, R. R, 3, Prieeville. HOG FOR SERVICE Reeistered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms fl.OO if paid within 2 months, over that time 12.00 -Laurie Pedlar. HOC FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire nog, n'-'rebred government inspected; terms: cash 75c.; charged. $1.00. --WES. SMITH, Rock MilU. BUSINESS CARDS DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 100 acres of land, clay loam, con- siderable plowing done; good barn and house; lot 16 and 17, near Flesherton Station.â€" Apply to Mrs. R. Stewart, Flesherton. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which is a largt barn svith cement stabling and garage. Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Prieeville. MAN WITH CAR Established nearby rural route open for reliable man, handling Watkina Famous Fly Spray, Stock and Poultry Tonics, Spices, Extracts, Medicines, -Soaps, etc. Earnings at start should a\'^»rage $2,"v00 to $35.00 a week. Credit furnished if necessary, â€" Apply The J. R. Watkins Company, Rural Sales Dept., 2177 Maaaon St., Mon- treal, Que, DR. E. C. MURRAY L.D.S. Honour graduate of Torono Uni- versity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office entrance r\t northwest sld* of residence, Toronto Street, FlMk- erton. Telephone, 20W, F. M. EAGLESON ONTARIO & DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR Registered, Profesaioaal Engineer, Surveys. Reports, Estimate*. Plans. Telephone, 81. ORANGEVILLE, Ont. WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. All sales conducted on Business principles all parties requiring work done on the above lines will do well to call at the Advance Office or write Wm. Kait- ting, Eugenia, Thone 48â€"11 Prinoe Arthur Lodge No. 88S, A.F. *A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday is each month. W,M., Alex. Cameron: Secretary, H, A. MeCauley. â- m A 'â- ' '^> 't»n»iMBM.Mytao.-w>am